104 (2,024) Spliced Bob Doubles (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison234 H 423 - AAAA. 342 - PPPP. 234 - PPPP.
Contains 80 Plain Bob and 24 Ashford Little Bob and all the work of both methods for every bell.
For 2,024 Doubles ring sixteen extents (or equivalent) of doubles methods to taste, and one 104.
104 (2,024) Spliced Bob Doubles (3 methods)
Donald F Morrison2345 Bistow Little Bob - 4235 St Simon's Bob - 5342 Plain Bob - 5324 St Simon's Bob 2543 Plain Bob - 2534 St Simon's Bob - 4325 Plain Bob - 4352 St Simon's Bob 5423 Plain Bob - 5432 St Simon's Bob - 2354 Plain Bob - 2345
Contains 50 each Plain Bob and St Simon's Bob and 4 Bistow Little Bob, with 10 changes of method.
For 2,024 Doubles ring sixteen extents (or equivalent) of doubles methods to taste, and one 104.
612 (584, 2,024) Plain Bob Minor
Donald F Morrison2345 F I H 2435 s 4532 1 3425 ss s Repeat twice.
No backstroke 65s.
For 584 replace the first three leads by one lead of Little Bob.
For 2,024 minor call two extents (or one 1,440) of minor methods to taste and one 584.
2,016 (2,024) Plain Bob Triples
Donald F Morrison23456 W H 52436 - 3 34256 s s Repeat five times, call bob for single half-way and end.
For 2,024 call any four leads Mirror Bob Major instead of Plain Bob Triples, with calls in Mirror Bob as in Plain Bob Triples: - = 1478 and s = 123478.
2,072 (2,024) Plain Bob Triples
Donald F Morrison23456 W F M H 26354 2* s 43526 s 2 4 52436 - - 34256 s s 32456 s ╮ 24536 s 5 │A 53246 - - │ 42356 s s ╯ 23456 A 2* = - s; 4 = - - s -; 5 = s - - s -.
For 2,024 replace the first four leads by one lead of Baldrick Little Bob.
2,048 (2,024) Cambridge Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison23456 B M W H 65432 - - - 56324 - s 23465 - - 3 Repeat.
For 2,024 call any twelve leads as Semiquincentenary Alliance instead of Cambridge.
2,048 (2,024) Yorkshire Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison23456 B M H 42356 - 63254 - - 63542 - - 32546 - 2 Repeat.
For 2,024 call any twelve leads as Yorkshire Alliance instead of Yorkshire Surprise.
2,080 (2,024) Little Bob Major
Donald F Morrison23456 W M B H 42356 - (25643) s - 53642 s 4 56342 ss s Repeat four times. 4 = - s - -.
For 2,024 omit ss from any one part.
2,208 (2,024) Plain Bob Major
Donald F Morrison23456 B M H 43652 - 42365 2 s ss Repeat five times.
Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and back rounds.
Reduce to 5,024 by replacing the first five leads of one part by one lead of Little Bob, and omitting ssH from any one part.
2,208 (2,024) Plain Bob Major
Donald F Morrison234567 W V B M H 46352 - s 473526 s ss 254637 s 4 s - 42356 - - ss Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and back rounds.
Reduce to 5,024 by replacing the first five leads of one part by one lead of Little Bob, and omitting one ss from any one part.
2,024 New Year's Eve Little Alliance Major
Donald F Morrison23456 M B W H 42356 - - - - 65324 - - - 64523 - - - 63425 - - - 24365 2 2 Repeat.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, with no 82s.
Also true to Bradman Alliance.
2,024 New Year's Eve Little Alliance Major
Donald F Morrison234567 M B W H 42356 - - - - 35264 sT,sV - 274635 - sV 425637 ss sB,F,B 24365 - - 2 Repeat.
Contain all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 16 each 8765s and 8756s.
2,024 Spliced Major (5 methods)
Donald F Morrison23456 B M W H 43526 2 - RN.XY.R. 32465 - YN.CY 42563 - R.NR ╮ 42635 - - NY.CC. │A 42356 - [-] YN.CY. ╯ 24365 A* 34256 A 43265 A* 23456 A A* = A, omitting [-].
Contains 576 Yorkshire Surprise, 544 Lincolnshire Surprise (N), 512 Cambridge Surprise, 384 Rutland Surprise and 8 Little Bob (X),with 58 changes of method, 15 each 56s and 65s, and 9 5678s off the front.
2,112 (2,024) Spliced Major (4–7 methods)
Donald F Morrison23456 B M W H 6 methods 24365 2 - - [-] E(WWC).BS.BCY.C.E. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 576 Cambridge Surprise, 384 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W) and Lessness Surprise (E) and 192 each Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise,with 54 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front.
For five methods ring Cambridge instead of Superlative, or instead of Yorkshire.
For four methods ring Cambridge instead both Superlative and Yorkshire.
Any of these three arrangements may be reduced to 2,024 by, in one part only, replacing the parenthesized leads by one lead of Little Bob.
2,024 Spliced Major (9 methods)
Donald F Morrison2345678 Superlative Surprise 5738264 Double Norwich Court Bob s 2435678 Cornwall Surprise s 3624857 Yorkshire Surprise - 6457382 Wellington Little Bob s 8723456 London Surprise 2847635 (hunt) 8274365 Lessness Surprise - 3782546 Bristol Surprise - 8372546 Cambridge Surprise - 3246857 Repeat seven times, calling single for bob half-way and end. (hunt) = one change with place notation 18.
Note that half the time the ringing is on the “wrong” stroke.
Contains 256 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 128 Double Norwich Court Bob and 96 Wellington Little Bob, with 71 changes of method, 12 each 56s and 8765s, 4 each 65s, 8756s, 7568s, 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, 70 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (53) or at the front (17), kings and Whittingtons.
2,024 Spliced Major (9 methods)
Donald F Morrison12345678 Cambridge Surprise 15738264 Double Norwich Court Bob 14263857 London Surprise 16482735 (link) 61428375 Wellington Little Bob - 68753421 Yorkshire Surprise 63271845 Lessness Surprise - 68732514 Superlative Surprise - 67214853 Cornwall Surprise - 68172345 Bristol Surprise - 67812345 Repeat seven times. The (link) is one change with place notation 38.
Note that half the time the ringing is on the “wrong” stroke.
Contains 256 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 128 Double Norwich Court Bob and 96 Wellington Little Bob, with 71 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell (including the treble), and 90 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (65) or at the front (25).
Alternative arrangement:
Replace Bristol Surprise by Dewsbury Alliance,
Cambridge Surprise by Cambridge Treble Place,
Cornwall Surprise by Cornwall Alliance,
Yorkshire Surprise by Yorkshire Alliance,
Lessness Surprise by the as yet unnamed Lessness-like alliance method x3x4x56x6x2x5x5x4.5,2 [f],
and Superlative Surprise by the as yet unnamed Superlative-like alliance method x36x4x5x36x45x36x56x7,2 [b].
Contains 320 Dewsbury Alliance, 272 Unnamed Lessness-like Alliance, 256 each Cambridge Treble Place, London Surprise and Unnamed Superlative-like Alliance, 240 Yorkshire Alliance, 192 Cornwall Alliance, 128 Double Norwich Court Bob and 96 Wellington Little Bob, with 71 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell (including the treble) and each lead different (including the hunt works).
2,024 Londinium Alliance Royal
Donald F Morrison23456 M I W H 34562 a - - 24365 b - 43652 a - - 42356 b - - 34256 - b - - 23456 - b - - a = s6ths,sT,sV,s7ths; b = In, V.
Contains 19 56s and 7 65s.
Also true to Allemthorne Alliance, Houndsditch Alliance, Knottingley Alliance, London No. 3 Alliance, London No. 34 Alliance and Trinity Alliance.
2,024 Plain Bob Cinques
Donald F Morrison23456 W B M H 42635 - - 64523 - - 35426 2x 23456 - 6 2x = x x; 6 = s - - s - -. x = 18E.
2,024 Plain Bob Cinques
Donald F Morrison23456 W B I H 45632 2x x 43256 s x 2x 3 Repeat. 2x = x x; x = 18E.
2,112 (2,024) Little Bob Maximus
Donald F Morrison23456 W M H 64352 [ss] - - 34265 s - ss Repeat five times.
For 2,024 omit [ss] from any one part.
Either length contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.