Quarter Peal Compositions of 2019s

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2,019 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
 32546   M  B  W  H
 32465      -     1
 26354      -
 26543   2     2  1
 43265      -  2
 65432      -  2
 53624      -
(42536)  2     3*  
Start at backstroke with a 1678 single.
Round at the backstroke snap two blows
after the final single Wrong.
3* = - - s.

Contains 13 56s, 12 each 65s and 8765s, 11 5678s off the front, 9 8765s off the front, 6 8756s off the front, and 103 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (53) or at the front (50).

2,019 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
32546   B  M  W  H
43265   -        2
32564      s     2
32645   -        -
24356   -
65342      -  -  -
43256      -  -
34562   -        s
43625   -        s
32456   -         
Start at backstroke with a 1678 single.
Round at the backstroke snap six leads
after the final bob Before.

Contains 14 each 56s and 65s and 8 5678s off the front.

2,019 Cornwall Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
32546   O  H  I  V
34256   2     -
32654   -        2
43526   -  2
43652   -  -
24536   -  2
24653   -  -
24365   -  -
23465   s         
Start at backstroke with a single.
Round at the backstroke snap five
leads after the final single Out.
Sixth place calls.

Contains 17 each 56s and 65s, and 16 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front.
Also true to Kenninghall Surprise, Xavier Surprise, Dashwood Delight and Swinton Delight.

2,019 Cornwall Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
2,019 Cornwall Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison

2,019 Yorkshire Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
 32546   B   M   W   H
 23465   -           s
 36254   -
 24653       -   ss  s
 24536   -           -
 24365   -           -
 34652       s   2   -
 34526   -           -
 43265   -           s
 62534       -   -
(32456)      -   s    
Start at backstroke with a 1678 single.
Round at the backstroke snap two blows
after the final single Wrong.
2,019 Cornwall Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
2,019 Cornwall Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison

2,019 Plain Bob Major

Donald F Morrison
(3125476)  W  V  M  H
 1325746            t
  653247      -     2
  32465    2     -  3
  52436   [s]    s    ╮
  32456    s        3 ╯A
  23465       A*
  23456       A      
Start at backstroke with rounds the 14th
row of a lead and the 3 the hunt bell,
with the t at Home occurring three blows
later, putting the treble into the hunt.
t = 56.
A* = A, calling - for [s].

The start:
  12345678  (handstroke)
  13254768  (backstroke)
t 31527486  (handstroke)
  13257468  (backstroke)
  31524786  (handstroke)

Contains all 24 56s, 23 8765s off the front, and 22 each 65s and 8756s off the front, with no 82s or 83s.