Quarter Peal Compositions of 2015s

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2,015 Grandsire Triples

Joseph J Parker (arr)
   752634  1
   237546  3
s* 562437  1
   375246  2
   753246  4
   627453  1
   276453  4
   762453  4
   537246  2
s  265437  1*
   742365  1*
   537642  1*
s  625437  1*
   376542  2
   423657  2*
5 part, calling:
bob for s* in part 1
s for 2* in parts 2 and 4
One bob lead for 4 leads marked 1* in parts 4 and 5
and call bob for s* and plain for 2* in part 5.

From Parker's 12-part.

2,015 Grandsire Triples

Richard B Pullin
s  572634  1
   345267  2
s  653472  3 ╮
   726345  2 │
   457632  2 │
s  564273  5 │
s  745632  3 │A
   267345  1 │
s  352467  1 │
   743652  1 │
s  257364  2 ╯
   432657  1
s  674532  1   ╮
   256374  1   │B
p  235467  1   │
   457263    A ╯
   324657  1
   357462    B
s  423657  1
   457362    B
   234657  1
   257463    B
   342657  1
   357264    B
p (325476) 1

queens; Whittingtons; back rounds; 7 56s; 17 65s; 18 756; 8 746; 18 765; 2 2345; 4 5432; 3 6543.

2,015 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(2315476) M  B  W  H
 143265            3*
 135264   1        2
 132654         1  2
 153246      -     2
 162345   2  -  1  1
 145623   2     1
 123456   2     1   
Start with rounds as the 2nd change of the lead. x=78. 3*=xbb.

Contains 76 combination rollups, 4 56s, 19 65s at the back, and 9 combination rollups, 3 65s at the front.

2,015 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567     M   W   H
 42356              -
 34256      3       -
 53462      2   2   2
(325476)    s       x
x=3478 as the 30th change of the last lead.

2,017 (2,015) Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
32546  M  W  H
25346        2
24653  2  -  -
62453     3  -
23456  -     2
Start at backstroke with a 1678 single.

Reduce to 2,015 by replacing any one lead by a lead of Semiquincentenary Alliance.
Also true to Yorkshire Surprise, which may be reduced to 2,015 by replacing any one lead by a lead of Yorkshire Alliance.

2,015 Yorkshire Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567     M   W   H
 42356              -
 34256      ss      -
 53246          -   3
 23465      s   2   -
(325476)            x
x=3478 as the 30th change of the last lead.

Contains 53 combination rollups.

2,017 (2,015) Yorkshire Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
32546  M  W  H
43526     -
23465  2  s  3
63452  s  s
23456  s     3
Start at backstroke with a 1678 single.

Reduce to 2,015 by replacing any one lead by a lead of Yorkshire Alliance.

See also:

2,015 Plain Bob Major

Julian O Howes
(243657)  W  B  M  H
 35426    s     3* -
 62435       3     s
 352476      3+
 543726      -
 753426   -
 372546   -     -  6*
 245376   2     s  -
(325476)  -     ss  
3*=bsb, 3+=bbs, 6*=bbsbbs
Start with 3,4,5 and 6 lying still.

2,033 (2,015) Plain Bob Major

Donald F Morrison
32546  W  B  M  H
23546           4
34265     1     6
52436  s     -  -
24356  2        s
23456  2        6
Start at backstroke with a 1678 single.
4 = - s - -;
6 = s - - s - -.

Reduce to 2,015 by replacing the first two leads by one lead of Aileen's Little Bob.

2,015 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)

Robert D S Brown
 234567   M  B  W  H  Methods   
 43652    -           L.NNNN
 26354    -        -  R.PL.
 36452    -           R.SYYS
 25463    -     -  -  L.P.YPP.
 25634       -     -  SS.CC.
 62534    3        -  R.B.B.NL.
 56234    3        -  L.B.B.NR.
 32564          -  s  SPNS.PCC.
 56423    s     -  -  PSY.S.CSC.
 32465    -     -  -  R.Y.NCC.
 32654       -     -  YY.PS.
 32546       -     -  NN.CC.
(325476)     s        PY.Y(Y)   

Contains 320 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Superlative, 319 Yorkshire, 288 Pudsey, 160 London, Rutland, 128 Bristol, with 45 changes of method.

2,015 Grandsire Caters

Donald F Morrison
 23456789  1  2  3  4  5 
 42356978  -        -
 32654                 -
 43256     -  -  s
 43652     -  -  s  -
 24356     -  -  s
 32456     -  -  -
 42653                 -
 34256     -  -  s
 23456     -  -  -
 63452                 s
 23465     s        s
 42365     -  -  -
 34265     -  -  -
 43265879  -     -  -
 24365     -  -  -
 32465     -  -  -
 43265978  -     -  s
 24365     -  -  -
 32465     -  -  -
 23465879  -     -  -
 42365     -  -  -
(34265)    -  -  -       

2,015 Erin Caters

John Hyden
231456789  5  6  7
154362978     a   
324165        -  - ╮
352461     s     - │
412365        -  - │
451263     s     - │A
231465        -  - │
253164     s     - │
143265        -  - ╯
453261879     b
432165        A   
352164978     b
321465        A   
251463879     b
214365        A   
a = s1. (29)
b = 2.5.6.s11.14.16 (18)
Start from rounds as the second row of a slow six

Contains all 56789s; 3 65789s; 3 2345; 15 4 bell runs; 54 68s; 4 near misses;

2,015 Bristol Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison
23456  M  B  W  H
36452  -        2
65324     x
23456  -     -  s
- = 14;
x = 18;
s = 34567890ET instead of x as the treble
    comes to lead immediately before the
    lead end, and brings up rounds at

2,015 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison
23456   B  H
53642  2x  s
42653  3x  -
42536   x  -
23456   x  z
- = 14;
s = 1234;
x = 18;
z = 347890ET instead of x as the treble
    comes to lead immediately before the
    lead end, and brings up rounds at
2x = x x;
3x = x x x.

Also true to Yorkshire Surprise.

2,015 Cambridge Surprise Maximus by Donald F Morrison