Peal Compositions of Cooktown Orchid Delight Major

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5,088 Cooktown Orchid Delight Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1744)
234567     B   M  H
547263    sF   -
372546   In,sT
425367    sF
23465      1
746253     F   -
635427   sT,sT    s
42356    sB,sT     
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 18 6578s off the front, and 8 7468s, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Byfield on 13 November 2018, conducted by Peter G C Ellis.

5,024 Cooktown Orchid Delight Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1745)
234567  W   B   M  H
35264       1
372645     sV   3
427365    sV,F
423567  3   In     -
62345   s       s
52364   s       s
43652      V,F
26354   -  V,F
273546     sV   3
265437    sV,B     -
357246      F
423657      In  s  3
52346   s       s
23456   s          2

Contains 88 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, all 24 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 18 7568s, Queens, back rounds, and tittums, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Kingsteignton on 7 August 2010, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,056 Cooktown Orchid Delight Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1746)
23456  W    B    M   H
64253  -   V,sF
32564      V,F       3
26345       1        ss
43526      V,sF  2
32546  2             3

Contains 128 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s, 65s and 46s, 23 8765s off the front including back rounds, and 22 8756s of the front.

Rung at Mavesyn Ridware on 23 June 2018, conducted by Matthew Lawrence.

5,088 Cooktown Orchid Delight Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4386)
234567  W   V   B   M   H
34256                   2
64253               s
247563          s   -
467523  s   -  sF       -
452367          In  -
42365           1   s   -
52364               s
26543           1
357246          F
234657          In  s   2
53462               s
374625  -       F   -   -
273645              2
536247         3In
32546           1
745362          F   s   -
574362      3           -
234567          F   s   -

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 22 8756s, queens, tittums, back rounds, all 7 near misses, and 230 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front, with no backstroke 87s.
True to all B.

5,184 Cooktown Orchid Delight Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8359)
234567  W    B    M   H
64352   -   V,F
26345   -         s
42365   -
45362   -  sV,F       -
65324   -    1    -
273546  -   sV
253467     sV,B   -
42356   -              
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 18 each 8765s and 5678s off the front, 6 each 8756s and 6578s off the front, 177 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (84) or at the front (93), tittums, and, in the last course, back rounds.
Also true to 90th Birthday Delight, Earnley Castle Delight, Granny Smith Delight, St George's Delight, St George's Day Delight and Stanmore Delight.

See also:
5,088 Vladivostok Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Honey Delight Major by Donald F Morrison