Peal Compositions of Belfast Surprise Major

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5,184 Belfast Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
23456    M  I/V W  H
64352    1   2x
52436    1   2x 1
24536        x
23645    2      1  1
3 part.

72 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Belfast Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
23456    M  I/V  W
36452    1   x
56423    1   x   1
26435    1   x   1
36245        x   1
23645        2x   
3 part.

72 cru's. 10 8765.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Belfast Surprise Major

David W Beard
23456    M  B  W  H
42356             1
25346          2
63542    2  -  1  1
52634       s  2
42365    1     2  1
36425          1  1
36452       s     1
34265    2  s  2
32546    2  s  2   
2 part. s=1456.

126 cru's. 24 56's 65's 15 8765 Tittums.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Peter Border
 23456    I    V    H
 65324    -    -
 42563    -    -
 36245    -    -
 65243    -    -    -
(43526)           a
 62345    -    -
(65432)   -       a
 23564    -    -     
 a = s6ths, s4ths.
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Daniel Brady
23456   M  I  V  W
54632   1        1
36245   1        1
65243   1  -  1
53246   1  -  1
32546      -  1
42356      -  1  1
3 part.

Contains 60 Combination rollups, 18 56s, 6 8765s, 4 2468s at the back, and 3 56s, 3 8765s at the front, with Tittums.

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M F/I B I/V W  H
56234   2           1
42635   1              1
43526         -     2  1
26354   2     -        2
65432   2     -
53246   2     -
32546            x
62534      x        1  1
36524               1
65324            x
25463   2        x  1
42356      x
25346   1     -
54326   1     -
24536            x  1
64352   2     -        1
23456   1              1

Contains 79 combination rollups.

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   M  F  B  V  W  H
274365            -
64235       -  -        -
36245                -
52643    -              -
45236          -        2
34256                -   
3 part.

Contains 68 combination rollups.

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M F/I B I/V W
23645      x        2
24365   2 3x        1
64523   2        x  1
25346   2     -     2
3 part.

Contains 83 combination rollups.

5,056 Belfast Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  I  B  V  W  H
34625         4     1
42356         -
26354   1  -     1
56423   2  -     1  1
26435   1  -     1  1
25634         -     1  1
63254               1  1
54326         2
24536      -     1  1
34256      -     1  1
35426   2     2     1
52364         -
62534      -     1  1
23456   2     -         

Contains 81 Combination rollups, 21 56s, 8 65s, 13 8765s, 4 2468s at the back, and 3 56s, 2 65s, 5 8765s at the front.

5,112 Belfast Little Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  B  W  H
56342   1     2  2
64523   2     2
26435   2     2  2
24365   1  -  2  2
42563   2        2
23564   2  -  1  2
3 part.

Contains 144 combination rollups, 15 8765s.

5,160 Belfast Little Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  B  W  H
45236   1  -  2  1
32546   1  -     2
46325      -  2
35264   2  -  2  2
5 part.
Contains 119 combination rollups, 24 56s, 22 65s, 15 8765s at the back, and 30 little bell at the front, with Tittums.

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

BYROC (gen)
23456   M  I/V  W  H
53624   2   x   1
26354       2   1
35426       a      2
42356       x   2   
Repeat twice.
a = F,I,F,I.

Contains 64 combination rollups including all 24 56s, and 15 each 8765s and 8765s off the front.

Rung at Bushey on 6 March 2004, conducted by Roger Baldwin.

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Steven D Chandler
23456    M           W
36452    1  I/V
54632    2  I/B/V/V
26435       I/B/V/V  2
36245       I/V      1
23645    2  I/B/V/V  2
3 part.

108 cru's. 15 8765.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Christopher Forster
23456    B     H
35264    -
52364    I/V
64235    I/B/V/V
64352    -     1
23564    3      
3 part.

57 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,856 (5,152) Belfast Surprise Major

Roderick R Horton
 23456   M  V/F  B  W  H
 64352   1             1
(45362)  1      [-
(34256)      x   -]
 64235       x   -  1  1
 23564       x         2
3 part. For 5152 omit bracketed calls in 2 parts.

57 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Belfast Surprise Major

Simon Humphrey
23456   M           W  H
35426               2
36452   2  F/I
25634   1  I/B/V/V  1
25463      F/I      2
23564   2              1
3 part.

93 cru's. 10 8765.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Belfast Surprise Major

Graham A C John
23456    I/V  B  H
35264         -
23564    2x
62345         -  2
5 part.

57 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Belfast Surprise Major

Graham A C John
23456   M  I/V  B  W  H
35264           -
46253   1          1  1
53624           2
36524       x
62345           -
23645       x          
3 part.

72 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Belfast Surprise Major

Graham A C John
23456   M  I  B  V  W  H
65432   1           1  1
32546      I/B/V/V
46253      I/B/V/V
62453      I/V
25346      I/B/V/V     1
42356               1   
3 part.

64 cru's. 15 8765.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Graham A C John
23456  M  I/V  W
34256      x
35642  2   x   2
26435  2   a   2
23564  2   x   2
Repeat twice.
a = I,F,B,F,B,F,B,V.

Contains 108 combination rollups.
Similar musical properties to Chandler's, but the little bells get stuck on the front less.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).
Rung at Cheriton on 8 February 1997, conducted by Paul N Mounsey.

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Graham A C John
23456  I/V  B
35264       -
23564   2
36245       -
23645   2
34256       -
Repeat twice.

Contains 62 combination rollups, and only 33 calls.
True to all BEcdf.

Rung on handbells at Calcot on 25 January 1995, conducted by Bernard F L Groves.

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 257)
234567    B    W  H
432765  I,V,V  1
364527  B,V,V
64352    I,V
52643     -    2
45236     -       2
34256          1   
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 56s, 15 each 5678s off the front and 8765s, and 9 each 6578s off the front and 7568s.

Rung at Wandsworth (Holy Trinity) on 13 September 2009, conducted by Philip A B Saddleton.

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 258)
234567  M   B   W
572364      I   2
345762      I   2
325467      V
46253    I,B,V,V
65432       -
34256   2   -   2
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 8765s, 15 5678s off the front, 9 each 6578s off the front and 2468s, including Queens, and tittums.

Rung at Warwick (St Nicholas) on 18 January 2003, conducted by John R Fisher.

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 511)
234567  M  I  B  W  H
45236            -  -
537462     s
675423  -  -  s  2* -
245367     -  -  s
46253   a        s  2
42356         s  2  s
Repeat twice. s = 1456. 2* = s -; a = M,sV.

Contains all 24 56s, 18 5678s off the front, 15 each 8765s, 7568s and 6578s off the front, and 9 65s.

5,184 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 604)
23456  B  W  H
36452  a     2*
42365  s  2   
Repeat five times.
a = sI,sF,B,F,sB,sF,sB; 2* = - s.
- = 14, s = 1456.

Contains 88 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 15 each 8765s and 8756s.

5,024 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 605)
23456   M   B   W  H
35264       -
25634   1   -      1
53624           2
54326       -   1  1
45623       -   1  2
36524   2   -   1  1
62534   1   -
34256       2
23564   1  V,F  1
62453       3   1  1
54263           2  2
46253   1   -
43652   2          1
23456       -   1   

5,024 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 606)
234567  M  B  W  H
52436         1
34625   1     1
234756     In    2
642357     V     2
36245         1
45362   2     1
372546  1  V
236457  2  F
46325   2  2
23564   1     1
46532   1     1  1
25634      2  2
24536   2        1
35642   1     1
23456   2     1  2
Rung at York (Huntington) on 30 March 2003, conducted by Robert W Lee.

5,040 Belfast Little Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2902)
23456  M  B  W  H
64352  1        1
45623  2     2
45236  2     2  1
25346        2  1
32546  2  2  2
23645     -  1  2
Repeat twice.

Contains all 144 combination rollups, 15 each 8765s and 8756s, and all 7 near misses.
Also true to Aeons Little Surprise.

Rung at Keele (Woodlands) on 16 April 2014, conducted by Michael Wilshaw.

5,040 Belfast Little Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2903)
234567  M    B    W  H
43526             2  1
63254     I,B,V,V    2
56234       I,V   2  2
36452   1    a    1  2
746352  2  F,B,F
362457  1   B,V   2  2
34562   2   I,V   2
32465   2   I,V      2
Repeat. a = F,In,F,In,F,In.

Contains all 144 combination rollups, 18 each 8765s and 8756s, and all 7 near misses.
Also true to Aeons Little Surprise.

5,184 Belfast Little Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2904)
234567  M   B   W  H
42635      F,I
32465      I,V  1
25463   1          2
46253           1  1
725364    I,F,F
452367  1  B,V     2
34256   1   -   2   
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s, 15 8756s, and all 7 near misses.
Also true to Aeons Little Surprise.

Rung, rearranged, to Nihonium Little Surprise Major at Barrow Gurney on 16 September 2016, conducted by Anthony J Cox.

5,056 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6390)
23456  M   B   W   H
56342      a
64352  1   -
45236  2   -
43526  2   a   1
35426    In,V
26543      a
63542      a   2   1
32546  2   -   1   2
a = In,B,V,V.

Contains all 24 56s, 15 8765s, 11 5678s off the front, and 6 6578s off the front.
Also true to Armagh Surprise, Delgovicia Surprise, Gubernaculis Surprise, Jumbles Surprise, Methoda Surprise, Olicaria Surprise, Regenens Surprise, Sorviodunum Surprise, Tripontium Surprise, Vriconium Surprise and Wodnes Surprise.

5,056 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6391)
23456  M     W  H
32654     a  1
26354     b
53624  2  c
32546  1  c     1
45623  1     1
56423     b
34625     c  2
24365     b  1   
a = In,F,B,V;
b = In,V;
c = In,B,V,V.

Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, 15 each 8765s and 8756s, 4 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, tittums and back rounds, with no 82s.
Also true to Armagh Surprise, Bahamas Surprise, Bannaventa Surprise, Condate Surprise, Delgovicia Surprise, Gubernaculis Surprise, Jumbles Surprise, Matos Surprise, Methoda Surprise, Moneague Surprise, Olicaria Surprise, Regenens Surprise, Sorviodunum Surprise, Stella Maris Surprise, Tortola Surprise, Tovius Surprise, Tripontium Surprise, Virosidum Surprise, Vriconium Surprise, Wodnes Surprise and 3-1-3 Surprise.

5,056 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6392)
234567  M          W  H
56342         a
63542   2     a    2  1
42356         a
52643   1     a    1  2
275634     In,V,V
253467     F,In,V  1
32546   2     a    2   
a = In,B,V,V.

Contains all 24 56s, 15 8765s, 13 5678s off the front, and 11 6578s off the front.
Also true to Armagh Surprise, Bahamas Surprise, Bannaventa Surprise, Condate Surprise, Delgovicia Surprise, Gubernaculis Surprise, Matos Surprise, Methoda Surprise, Moneague Surprise, Olicaria Surprise, Regenens Surprise, Sorviodunum Surprise, Stella Maris Surprise, Tortola Surprise, Tripontium Surprise, Virosidum Surprise, Vriconium Surprise, Wodnes Surprise and 3-1-3 Surprise.

5,184 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6393)
234567  M     B     W   H
32654     In,F,B,V  1
26354       In,V
46532   2     -         1
673254  1  In,B,V   1   1
746352     In,V,V
426357  2   In,B    2   1
34625   1     -     2
24365       In,V    1    

Contains all 24 each 8765s and 8756s, 18 each 56s and 65s, 10 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 8 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and back rounds.
Also true to Armagh Surprise, Condate Surprise, Methoda Surprise, Olicaria Surprise, Regenens Surprise, Sorviodunum Surprise, Tripontium Surprise and Wodnes Surprise.

5,120 Belfast Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6394)
234567  M     B    W   H
527463  1     a    1   1
452367  2  In,B,V
65432         -    1
24536         b    2
36452         b
642735  2   B,V,V
243657      F,B,V       
a = In,F,In,F,In,F,B,V;
b = In,B,V,V.

Contains 21 each 8765s and 8756s, 18 each 56s and 65s, 16 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 8 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and back rounds.
Also true to Armagh Surprise, Bahamas Surprise, Bannaventa Surprise, Condate Surprise, Delgovicia Surprise, Gubernaculis Surprise, Matos Surprise, Methoda Surprise, Moneague Surprise, Olicaria Surprise, Regenens Surprise, Sorviodunum Surprise, Stella Maris Surprise, Tortola Surprise, Tripontium Surprise, Virosidum Surprise, Vriconium Surprise, Wodnes Surprise and 3-1-3 Surprise.

5,184 Belfast Surprise Major

William T Perrins
234567  I  B  V  W  H
325746     -  1  1  2
53624         1     1
56234            1  2
35264            1
52364   -     1
23564   -     1      
Repeat twice.

Contains 69 combination rollups.

Published in The Ringing World (2000, page 1086).

5,088 Belfast Surprise Major

Richard B Pullin
 23456   M  F  I  B  V  W  H
 63542   2        -        1
 32546   1     -     1
 46253         -  -  2
 56423         -     1  1
(34562)  1  -  -
 34256      -  -        2   
3 part.

Contains 52 combination rollups, 24 56s, 15 8765s, 31 four bell runs at the back, and 29 combination rollups, 15 56s, 9 65s at the front.

5,280 (5,024) Belfast Surprise Major

Emma J Southerington
 23456   M  F  I  W  H
(42635)     -  -
 64523      -  -
 46325   2           2
 62345            2   
5 part.

For 5024, replace 2H by IV in one part.

5,376 (5,024) Belfast Surprise Major

Richard J W Tibbetts
23456    M  I/V  W  H 
34256               2
54326        x   1
63425    1  [x      2
23645        x]  1
62345        2x
25346    1   x        
3 part.

71 cru's. For 5024 omit bracketed calls in one part.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,024 Belfast Surprise Major

Andrew N Tyler
23456    M          W  H
42356                  1
62534      I/B/V/V     2
32654      I/V      1
32546    1 I/B/V/V     2
43526               1
36524    1 I/V
26354      I/V      1
65324    2 I/B/V/V     1
273564   1 I        2
352764     I/V      2
523764   2 I/B/V/V  2  1
54326    1 B/V/V    2
42635    1          2
342756     I           2
24536      F/B/V
23456      I/V      1  1

60 cru's. 24 each 5678 8765, 13 2468, 11 7468. Queens. Whittingtons. Tittums.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Belfast Surprise Major

John S Warboys
23456   M  I/V  B  W  H
35426              2
25634   2   x      1
36452   2       -  2
25463   1   x      2
23564   2   x         2
3 part.

102 cru's. 10 8765.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).