Peal Compositions of Cambridge Surprise Major (Core 7)

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5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Richard I Allton
 23456    B     M  W  H 
 35264    -           3
(23456)   F/I
 35426    F/I   2  -
 64523          -     -
 64235    -           -
 64352    -           -
 56342             -  3
 23645          -     -
(42635)            -
 54326    F/I   -
 42563    -
 56423             -  -
 25463             -
 56234    -
 42635          -     -
 23456    -           3 

54 cru's. Tittums.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

David W Beard
 23456  B  M  W F/I H
 23564  -           -
 23645  -           -
 34265  -           s
 56243     -  -     -
(42356) s     -  x
(34625)          x
 56423     -        -
 42356  s  -  -     s 
Repeat twice. s = 1256.

Contains 56 combination rollups including 18 56's, 24 65's and 18 7568's and 12 5678's off the front. Start with the third course for 24 46's and Queens. Start with the fourth course for 24 56's and 18 65's.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 29).

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

David W Beard
 234567   V  B  M  W  F  I  H
 32564       -              s
 64523          s  -
 23546          -  -        s
 64532          -  -        -
 43625       -
 65324          -           s
(352764)        -  -     -
 352764            3
 562347   2           -     -
 42356    -           -
 54326             -
 54263       -              -
 62345          -  -
 26453       -              s
 45263             -        -
 427365         s     -
(234567)           3     -
 52436             -
 64352    -           -
 56342             -
 23456    -           -      

Contains 41 combination rollups including 17 56s, 18 7568s, and 16 2468s including queens.

Rung at Gresford on 6 September 2003.

5,152 Cambridge Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw
23456 2-1/2 M  W 4-1/2 H
52436          -
42635       -
62534   3   -
64523   -          3
23645   2   -  2   -   3
52364              -   -
56342   2          3
23564   -              2
23456              -   3

Contains 9 full combination courses with tenors together throughout, 66 combination rollups (with 24 off the front) and Tittums.

Published in The Ringing World (2000, page 1086).

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw
(324567)  1½ B  M  F  In
 647352            -
(436257)              -
 63524          -
 326457   3  -
 32465       s
 26354       -
 24356                sT
Repeat twice.
Half-lead bob = 58; s = 1256.
Start and finish at the treble's backstroke snap.

Contains 21 each 56s and 65s, 6 2468s, 15 courses of (5678) coursing with 228 combinations of 5678 in 5678, and queens.

Published in The Ringing World (1992, page 367).

5,248 (5,118) Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(32456) B  M  W  H
 43256           -
 34562  -        s
 54623     s  2  -╮
 25436     2  s  s╯A
 32564  -        2
 26345  -
 53264       x   -
 35642  -        s
 26534       A
 36452  2        s
 24635       A
 24356  -        -
 32645       x
 32456  -        -
Snap start and finish. x = F,I.

Contains Queens, Tittums and 9 combination courses.
For 5,118 call single for final bob.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 518).

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
54632         -  -
32654   -           -  -
53624            -
43652   s           -  s
43526      -           -
65342   s           -
65423      -           -
65234      -           -
23654            -     -
23546      -           -
42536            -
23465      -           3
2 part.

Contains 72 combination rollups, 19 56s, 19 65s at the back, and 40 combination rollups, 10 56s, 10 65s, 6 8765s at the front.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  M  W  F  H
54632      -  -
24653   s        -  s
64352      -
23465   -        s
54623   -        -
23645      s  -     3
3 part.

Contains 69 combination rollups, 18 56s, 31 little bell at the back, with Tittums.

5,280 (5,150) Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   B  I  M  W  F  H
34256                   2
45362    -              3
237465               -
563427      -  2  -
56423    -              -
56234          2  2     -
35264             -
45623          -  2     -
62534          s  s     -
23645          2  2     3
23456          2  2     -

Contains 61 combination rollups, 18 56s, 6 7568s, 44 little bell at the back, and 30 combination rollups at the front. For 5150, start from treble backstroke snap, and call s for last home.

5,184 (5,054) Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   B  I  M  W  F  H
34256                   2
45362    -              3
237465               -
627354      -        -
563427      -  -        -
56423    -              -
56234          2  2     -
35264             -
45623          -  2     -
24653             -
45236    -
62534          -        -
23645          2  2     3
23456    -              -

Contains 60 combination rollups, 18 56s, 6 7568s, 36 little bell at the back, and 30 combination rollups at the front. For 5054, start from treble backstroke snap, and call single for last bob.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
52436            -
26453   -           s  -
63425   s           -  -
54362   s           -
23465         s        s
32654      -           s
56234            s     s
32564            -     s
23645      -           s
3 part.

Contains 72 combination rollups, 12 56s, 12 65s at the back, and 60 combination rollups, 10 56s, 10 65s at the front.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
46352         -        s
23546   -           -
65423   -           -  3
56234      -           s
63542      -
23564   -           s  s
46532         -  -     -
32564         -  -     s
23645      -           s
65432         -  -     2
2 part.

Contains 62 combination rollups, 19 56s, 16 65s, 30 little bell at the back, and 32 combination rollups at the front.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
23564      -           -
23645      -           -
34256      -
56234   -           -  -
63425      2           -
36254      -           s
56423      2           s
23465         -  -     s
23654      -           -
32546      -           s
64532   -           -  s
65432      5           s
2 part.

Contains 64 combination rollups, 10 56s, 14 65s at the back, and 52 combination rollups at the front.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
56432         -  -     s
65324      -           s
32654            -     -
56324            -     s
65243      -           s
23546         -        s
23465      -           -
23654      -           -
34625   -           s  -
56423         -        -
42563            -     -
32546   s           -  s
56243         -        s
65432      -           s
2 part.

Contains 72 combination rollups, 12 56s, 14 65s at the back, and 52 combination rollups, 12 56s at the front.

5,090 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567   V  B  I  M  W  F  H
 34256                      2
 45362             2  2     3
 56423             2  2     3
 62534             2  2     3
 23645       -              3
 63542             -
 34625       -
 756324                  -  -
(324567)  -  -  -     s      

Contains 55 combination rollups, 15 56s, 44 little bell.

Rung at Lowestoft on 23 February 2013, conducted by David G Salter.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(324567)  B  M  W  F  I  H
 24356                   2
 36452       -           s
 42653       -           s
 53624       -  -        s
 26345       s  2        2
 36542       -
 64325    -
 537246         -  -
(325647)              -
 65423       -  -        3
 637254      -  -  -
(326457)              -
 45326       2  -
 26534       -  s        s
 32564          -        3
 32645    -              -
 32456    -              -
Start and finish at treble backstroke snap.

Contains 66 combination rollups, 19 56s, 7 2468s at the back, and 34 combination rollups at the front, with Queens, Tittums.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567   V  B  M  F  T  I  H
 32564       -              s
 32645       -              -
(46235)   -     s     s  -
 745236         -  -        -
 423657      -           -  -
6 part.

Contains 62 Combination rollups, 21 56s, 21 65s, 3 2468s at the back, and 40 Combination rollups, 12 56s, 12 65s, 12 8765s at the front.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567   V  B  M  F  I  T  H
 34256                      2
 24653          -
 274365   -  -              -
 726435   -     -  s        -
 326745   -        s        s
(457326)     -           s
 453627               -     -
 23564          -           -
3 part.

Contains 63 Combination rollups, 18 56s, 3 65s, 2 7568s, 2 8765s, 2 2468s at the back, and 4 56s, 5 65s, 2 8765s at the front, with Queens, Tittums.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   1½ B  2½ M  W  4½ 5½ H
45236               -        -
56324         s  -  s        s
46253               s  s  s  -
32654         s  -  -     s  -
54362            s  -  -
23465         s  -  -     s  -
32456   s     -     -        s
23564      -        s         
3 part.

Contains 93 combination rollups at the back, and 48 combination rollups at the front.

5,600 (5,152) Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown (arr)
23456   V  B  I  M  W  F  H
34256                     2
26453            -       [s
62453   -  -  -  -  -  -  s]
45623               -     -
5 part.

Contains 56 combination rollups, 18 56s, 39 little bell at the back, and 36 combination rollups, 12 56s at the front. For 5152, call bob Home for [bracketed] calls in 2 parts.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   O  I  H
35462      -  s
42563   s     3
5 part. b=16, s=1256.

Contains 58 combination rollups, 13 65s, 44 little bell at the back, with Tittums

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
56234         2  -
43625         -  s     -
56342   s           -
56423      -           -
23645      2           3
3 part.

Contains 57 combination rollups, 16 56s, 41 little bell at the back, and 30 combination rollups at the front, with Tittums.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
56234         2  -
43625         -  s     -
56342   s           -
56423      -           -
23645      2           3
3 part.

Contains 57 combination rollups, 16 56s, 41 little bell at the back, and 30 combination rollups at the front, with Tittums.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   O  I  H
35462      -  s
42563   s     3
5 part. b=16, s=1256.

Contains 58 combination rollups, 13 65s, 44 little bell at the back, with Tittums

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   B  M  W  T  H
65432      -  -     -
46235            s  -
46352   -           -
54632   s        ss -
5 part. s=1256.

Contains 64 combination rollups, 20 56s.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
42635                  x
42563      x           x
43562   s        s  s  -
43625      -           -
34265   -     s     s  x
6 part. x=16.

Contains 68 combination rollups, 21 56s, 21 65s at the back, and 72 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 18 8765s at the front, with Backrounds.

5,000 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(4263517)  V  B  I  M  W  F  H
 125364                   z  3
 156243             2  2     3
 164532             2  2     3
 143625             2  2     3
 132456       -
(156324)            2  -
 1764532         -  -     s  -
 1234567   -  -  -  s        2*
Start with rounds as the 25th row of the lead.
z = 78.
2* = - s.

Contains 55 combination rollups, 14 56s, 30 little bell.

5,000 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(4263517)  B  I  M  W  F  H
 125364                z  3
 156243          2  2     3
 156432          2  2     -
 156324    -              -
 1437265            -  -
 1426537      -  -
 125436    -
 164532          -        -
 143625          2  2     3
 123456    -              3*
Start with rounds as the 25th row of the lead.
z = 78.
3* = - - s.

Contains 57 combination rollups, 16 56s, 6 7568s, 33 little bell at the back, and 30 combination rollups at the front.

5,000 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(4263517)  B  I  M  W  F  H
 125364                z  3
 135462          -
 156324    -
 1437265            -  -
 1642537      -  -        -
 156243             -     3
 156432          2  2     -
 163524    -
 125436          -  -
 164532          -        -
 143625          2  2     3
 123456    -              3*
Start with rounds as the 25th row of the lead.
z = 78.
3* = - - s.

Contains 57 combination rollups, 16 56s, 6 7568s, 31 little bell at the back, and 30 combination rollups at the front.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
42635                  x
42563      x           x
43562   s        s  s  -
43625      -           -
34265   -     s     s  x
6 part.
x = 16.

Contains 68 combination rollups, 21 56s, 21 65s, 42 little bell at the back, and 72 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 18 8765s, 55 little bell at the front, with back rounds.

Rung at Highweek on 31 January 2014, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,000 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(4263517)  B  I  M  W  F  H
 132564                z  -
 156324             -     -
 1437265            -  -
 1426537      -  -
 125364    2              -
 156243          2  2     3
 164532          2  2     3
 143625          2  2     3
 123456    -              3*
Start with rounds as the 25th row of the lead.
z = 78.
3* = - -s.

Contains 49 combination rollups, 16 56s, 6 7568s, 33 little bell at the back, and 30 combination rollups at the front.

5,025 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(1325476)  V  B  M  W  F  H
 1253467                  3*
 154263          2  2     3
 146532          2  2     3
 163425          2  2
 132654       -           3
 154326          2  -
 1756324         -     -  -
 1743265   s  -           -
 1754632   -  -           -
 1234567   -        -  s  -
Start with rounds as the 32nd change of the lead, with x called immediately. x=1678. 3*=xbb.

Contains 55 combination rollups, 13 65s, 33 four bell runs.

5,100 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(6254317)  V  B  M  W  F  T  H
 134256                z     2
 145362          2  2        3
 156423          2  2        3
 125463             -
 163452          -  -        s
 152436    -  s     s  -     s
 123645          -  2        3
 1473256         2        s
 1625347   s     -  2
(132456)         -  s         
Start with rounds as the 23rd change of the lead. z=78.

Contains 56 combination rollups, 11 56s, 39 four bell runs.

5,120 (5,024) Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   1½ B  2½ M  W  4½ H
35264      -
56342         s  s  s  s
34562   s     s           3
5 part.

Contains 62 combination rollups including 18 5678s. For 5024 call 2nd course as Before in one part.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
35642      2           -
53426      -           s
23645      2           s
45632         -  -     s
45326      -           -
54263      -           s
32654   -           -
32546      -           -
32465      -           -
23654      -           s
26354      5           s
54326   -           -  -
2 part.

Contains 64 combination rollups, 10 56s, 10 65s at the back, and 52 combination rollups, 12 56s at the front.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 23456   M  W  I  H
 35264   2  2     3
 56342   2  2
 36245   -        3
 64523   -  2     3
(42375)  2     -
(24765)     s  -
(42635)     s  -
 23456   2  2     3

Contains 65 combination rollups, 18 56s, 3 65s, 56 four bell runs at the back, and 25 combination rollups, 6 56s, 5 65s at the front, with Tittums.

5,027 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(132547)  B  M  W  I  H
 132456               2*
 125364      2  2     3
 156243      2  2
 126345      -        3
 164532      -  2     3
 143256   2           -
 154236         -
(143275)     -     -
(134765)        s  -
(143625)        s  -
(132456)     2  2      
Start with rounds as the 32nd change of the lead. x=125678. 2*=xb.

Contains 62 combination rollups, 14 56s, 4 65s at the back, and 25 combination rollups, 6 56s, 5 65s at the front.

5,066 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(4263517)  V  B  M  W  F  T  H
 125364                x     3
 156243          2  2        3
 164532          2  2        3
 164325          2  2        -
 142653       -
 1276354         -  -     s
 1365427   s     -  -
 143625       -              2
 132456       -              3
Start with rounds as the 25th change of the lead. x=78.

Contains 58 combination rollups, 17 56s, 4 65s at the back, and 31 combination rollups, 8 56s, 2 65s at the front.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   V  B  I  M  W  F  H
35264             2  2     3
56342             2  2
36245             -        3
64523             -  2     3
42635       -
42356             2  2     -
234756         -  s  -  -  s
372546      -
352764   -        s  -  -  s
234567   -                 -

Contains 64 combination rollups, 16 56s, 4 65s, 49 four bell runs at the back, and 26 combination rollups, 6 56s, 4 65s at the front, with Tittums.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   V  B  M  W  F  H
35264          2  2     3
56342          2  2
36245          -        3
64523          -  2     3
375246            -  -  s
724536      2           -
672345   -  -           s
625347         s  s  -
23456          -  2     3

Contains 65 combination rollups, 18 56s, 3 65s, 48 four bell runs at the back, and 22 combination rollups, 6 56s, 4 65s at the front, with Tittums.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567   V  B  M  W  I  H
 35264          2  2     3
 56342          2  2
 64523       -           3
 23645          2  -     3
 42635             -
(357264)  s  -        -
(527436)        -     -
(247653)        -     -
(426357)           s  -
 23456          2  2     3

Contains 65 combination rollups, 18 56s, 3 65s, 48 four bell runs at the back, and 26 combination rollups, 4 56s, 8 65s at the front, with Tittums.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(324567)  V  B  M  W  F  H
 32456                   3
 25364          2  2     3
 56243          2  2
 26345          -        3
 275463         -  -  -  s
 325467         s  s  -  -
 32465       -           -
 63425    -     s  s  -  -
 64532    -     s  s  s  3
 43625       -
(32456)         2  2      
Start from treble backstroke snap.

Contains 72 combination rollups, 19 56s, 6 65s at the back, and 30 combination rollups, 4 56s, 6 65s at the front.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 23456   B  M  W  F  I  H
 35264      2  2        3
 56342      2  2
 64523   -              3
 23645      2  -        3
 63542      -
(42375)  -           -
(24765)        s     -
(46732)     -        -
 42635      -  -  s
 23456      2  2        3

Contains 66 combination rollups, 18 56s, 4 65s, 46 four bell runs at the back, and 28 combination rollups, 4 56s, 5 65s at the front, with Tittums.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Frederick Dench
23456    B  I  M  W  F  H 
764253               -  -
62534    -  -           -
52436          -
23564    -
56234             -     - 
5 part.

52 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Noel J Diserens
23456    B  H 
53642    2  s
65342    5  -
23654    4  -
35462    2  -
24356    4  -
45632    2  -
53426    -    
2 part.

56 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Noel J Diserens
23456    V  B  M  W  F  H 
427365   -              -
45263    s        s  2  s
23564          -        s
45362          -        -
63254          -  -
54236          -  -     s
54362       -           -
63245          -  -
45236          -  -     s
32456             -     s
54326             -     s 
2 part.

66 cru's. Tittums.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

John H Fielden
234567   V  B  M  W  F  H
764253               -  -
546237            -  s
576234   s  s  s  -  s  s
423657   s  2           -
6 part.

Contains 52 Combination rollups, 21 56s, 21 65s, 3 8765s, 4 2468s. Call 2 leads of Primrose for the first lead of the last course in part 1.

Rung at Macclesfield (St Peter) on 9 December 1972.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

John H Fielden
234567   V  B  M  W  F  H
764253               -  -
546237            -  s
576234   s  s  s  -  s  s
423657   s  2           -
6 part.

Contains 52 Combination rollups, 21 56s, 21 65s, 3 8765s, 4 2468s. Call last course PPCCC in first part, where P=Primrose

Rung at Macclesfie;d (St Peter) on 9 December 1972.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

John H Fielden
234567   V  1½ B  F  H
764253            -  -
354726            -  -
342657   -  s  4     *
6 part, calling sV, sF for last 3 Befores in one part.

For 5054, start from backstroke snap, and call bob at * in parts 2 and 4, and single at * in part 6.

Rung at Sutterton on 31 July 1985.

5,090 Cambridge Surprise Major

John H Fielden (arr)
 234567   B  M  W  F  I  H
 34256                   2
 45362       2  2  3     3
 23564       -           -
 457632         -  -
 564237               -  3
 62534    -              3
 23645    -              3
 63542       -
 34625    -
 567243         -  -
(625347)              -
(32456)      -  s         

Contains 50 combination rollups, 15 56s, 3 65s, 6 7568s, 34 four bell runs at the back, and 24 combination rollups, 6 56s, 2 65s at the front.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Christopher Forster
 23456    V  B  M  W  I  H 
 34256                   2
 64523          a
 42635       -
(423756)           -  -
 532746         -        -
 56342    -  -           -
 23645          -        - 
3 part.

66 cru's. a= M s3rds s3rds In M.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Robert E Hardy
23456   B  M  W  T  H
23564   -           -
23645   -           -
42536      -  -  s    ╮
65423   s  -  -  s  - │A
65234   -           - │
65342   -           - ╯
32546        A
43625      -  -  s
56432   s  -  -  s  -
45263   s  -  -  s
32456   s  -  -  s  -
Repeat. s=1256.

Contains 88 combination rollups with 20 56s and 65s.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Stephen J Ivin
23456    B  I  M  W  F  H 
35264    -              3
56342    -
36245          -
64352    -                
237546            -  -     ╮
25463       -  -           │A
56234    -                42563          3A         
64523             -
42635    -              3
23456    -              3 

57 cru's. Tittums.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,152 Cambridge Surprise Major

Stanley Jenner
 23456   B  M  W  F/I  H
 35264   -             3
(42635)            2
 35426      2  -
 64523      -          -
 23645      2  -
 56342      -          -
 56423      2  2       -
 25463         -
 35642      -  2       -
 43652         -
 56234      -  -
 42635      -          -
 23456   -             3

Contains 18 56s, 8 5678s off the front, 70 little bell rollups and tittums.
True to all BDKacdefYZ.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Stanley Jenner and Donald F Morrison (arr)
 23456    B  M  W  F/I  H
 35264    -             3
(42635)             2
 35426       2  -
 64523       -          -
 23645       2  -
 56342       -          -
 56423    -             -
 42563          -       -
(56342)         -   x
 36245       -
 64352    -
 35642          -       -
 43652          -
 56234       -  -
 42635       -          -
 23456    -             3

Contains 18 56s, 8 5678s off the front, 74 little bell rollups and tittums.
True to all BDKacdefYZ.

Rung at Olveston on 3 November 2007, conducted by Alan G Reading.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Stanley Jenner and Donald F Morrison
 234567   B  M  W  F  I  H
 35264    -              3
 427365            -
(234567)              -
 357624            2     -
(563427)              -
 56423       2  2        -
 25463          -
 35642       -  2        -
 43652          -
 35426    -
 64523       -           -
 42635       2  2        3
 23456    -              3

Contains 18 56s, 8 5678s off the front, 74 little bell rollups and tittums.
True to all BDKacdfYZ.

Rung at Chalfont St Giles on 9 September 2005, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Stanley Jenner and Donald F Morrison
 234567   V  B  M  W  F  I  H
 35264       -              3
 427365               -
(234567)                 -
 56234          2  -
 56342       -              -
 357624   -                 -
(563427)                 -
 36245          -
 64352       -
 35642             -        -
 64523          s  s        -
 54326          -
 42563       -
 56423             -        -
 62534       -
 647253         -  2  -
 426357                  -  3
 23456       -              3

Contains 18 56s, 8 5678s off the front, 80 little bell rollups and tittums.

Rung at Bristol (St Stephen) on 3 December 2008, conducted by Alan G Reading.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Graham A C John
23456   V  B  I  M  W  F  H
32564      -              s
23564   -  -  -  -  -  -  s
42635   -  s     -  s  -  -
24536   s        -  s  -  -
42365      -              s
6 part.

44 cru's. 24 5678 6578 off the front.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Graham A C John
23456    V  B  M  W  F  H 
54632          -  -
26453    s           -
24653    s     s  s  -
42536       -           s
42365       -           - 
6 part.

50 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles H Kippin
23456    B  I  M  W  F  H
567432         2  2  2  -
237546               -  -
42563       -  -        -
357624            -  -
56342       -           3
64523    -              3
42635    -              3
42356          2  2     -
23456             3     2

38 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Paul M Mason (arr) (No 81)
234567   B  M  W  F  I  H
35264       2  2  3     3
42563       -           -   ╮
357624         -  -         │A
563427               -  3   │
64523    -              323456          A         

Contains 45 combination rollups, 18 56s, 2 65s, 6 7568s, 58 four bell runs at the back, and 27 combination rollups, 6 56s, 2 65s at the front, with Tittums.

5,024 (5,152) Cambridge Surprise Major

Paul M Mason (arr) (no. 32)
234567   V  B  M  W  F  I  H
34256                      2
45362       -              3
45623          2  2        -
64523    s  s  -  s  s     - *
56423    s  s  -  s  s     - *
56234          2  2        -
25634    s  s  -  s  s     - *
62534    s  s  -  s  s     - *
23645          2  2        3
56342          -           -
237465            -  -
234567                  -  -

Contains 59 combination rollups, 18 56s, 4 65s, 6 7568s, 34 four bell runs at the back, and 26 combination rollups, 8 56s at the front.
For 5152, the courses marked * may be called just Home. This is James Wilde's No. 6 composition reversed.

Rung at Haselbech on 28 February 2009.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton and Henry Johnson (arr)
23456    B  M  W  H 
34256             2
45362    -        3
56423       2  2  3
62534       2  2  3
23645       2  2  3
23456       2  2  - 

58 cru's. Also true to Aldenham, Dorchester, Evesham, Johannesburg, Lincoln, New Cambridge, Preston, Pudsey, Quedgeley, Superlative, Yorkshire and also gives a true 5120 to Ealing, Lessness, London, Rutland, Uxbridge, Wembley, Whalley.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,600 (5,056) Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton
23456    M  W  H
35264    2  2  3
5 part.

62 cru's. For 5056 call one part B 3H. Also true to Aldenham, Dorchester, Evesham, Johannesburg, Lincoln, New Cambridge, Preston, Pudsey, Quedgeley, Superlative, Yorkshire and also gives a true 5120 to Ealing, Lessness, London, Rutland, Uxbridge, Wembley, Whalley.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton and Anthony J Cox
 23456    V  B  M  W  F  I  H
 35264       -              3
 237546   -                 -
(35264)                  -
 56342          2  2        3
 64523          2  2        3
 42635          2  2        3
 56234          -           -
 427365            -  -
 23456                   -  3

60 cru's. Omit one block of 3. Tittums.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton and James W Washbrook (arr)
23456    B  M  W  H 
35264       2  2  3
35642       2  2  -
54326    -
23645       -  -
56342       -     -
64523       2  2  3
42635    -        3
23456       2  2  3 

61 cru's. Tittums.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton and Arthur P Heywood (arr)
23456    B  M  W  H 
42356             -
25463       2  2  3
56234    -        3
56342       2  2  -
45362          -
63254       -  -
63542    -        -
34625       2  2  3
23456       2  2  2 

55 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton and Donald F Morrison (arr)
23456  B  M  W  H
23564  -        -
35264       a   2
56342     2  2  3
64523     2  2  3
42635     2  2  3
23456     2  2  3
a = sV,sB,M,sW,sF.
Rung at Grundisburgh on 20 March 2007, conducted by Stepehn D Pettman.
Rung to Havant at Ashchurch on 26 June 2012, conducted by Andrew F Alldrick.

5,153 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton and Donald F Morrison (arr)
32546   M   W   H
53246           -
34562   2   2   3
46325   2   2   3
62453   2   2   3
25634   2   2   3
23456   2   -   -
Start at backstroke
with a 1678 single.

5,086 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton and Donald F Morrison (arr)
(32456)  V  B  M  W  F  H
 43256                  -
 43562      -           -
 42365   s  s  -  s  -  s
 35462   -  s  s     -  2
 56324         2  2     3
 62543         2  2     3
 24635         2  2     3
 23456         2  2     2*
2* = - s.
Start from the treble's backstroke snap.

Especially suitable for an 86th birthday or similar anniversary.

Rung at Meldreth on 25 August 2009, conducted by Derek E Sibson.

5,022 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton and Robert D S Brown (arr)
(324567)  B  M  W  F  I  H
 24356                   2
 45263    -              3
 56432       2  2        3
 63524       2  2        3
 32645       2  2        3
 56243       -           -
 327465         -  -
 234567               -  s
Start from treble backstroke snap.

Contains 56 combination rollups, 15 56s, 6 7568s at the back, with Tittums.

5,050 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton and Donald F Morrison (arr)
(314526)  M  W  H
 135264   y  -  3
  56342   2  2  3
  64523   2  2  3
  42635   2  2  3
  23456   2  2  3
Start from rounds the seventh row of a lead,
immediately ringing a call, y, that replaces the
seventh through fourteenth changes of the lead
(that is, the first eight changes actually rung)
by place notation x4x1x5x2, and calling the first
bob Wrong at the end of that partial lead.

That is, start:
21436587 ╮
24135678 │
42316587 │
43261857 │
34628175 ╯
43268715 ╮ initial call y
34627851 │
34268715 │
43627851 ╯
34268751 ╮
43627815 │
46372851 ╯
16532748 bob Wrong

Especially suitable for a fiftieth birthday or similar anniversary.

Rung at Huntsham on 22 October 2016, conducted by John R Martin.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles Middleton and Donald F Morrison (arr) (no. 8771)
 23456   B  M  W  H
 23564   -        -
 35264   a        2
 56342      2  2  3
 64523      2  2  3
 42635      2  2  3
 23456      2  2  3
a = xW,xV,xB,xIn,xF.
x = 18.

Tenors together throughout.
True to all BDKabcdefXYZ.

5,060 Cambridge Surprise Major

Charles H Middleton and Robert D S Brown (arr)
(431567)  V  B  M  W  F  T  H
 35264          x  2        3
 574263   s  s  s  s     s  s
 264735   -        -  -     -
 563427   -     -  2
 64523          2  2        3
 42635          2  2        3
 23456          2  2        3
Start with rounds as the 29th change of the lead. x=34.

Contains 55 Combination rollups, 16 56s, 3 65s, 1 7568s, 48 little bell at the back, and 8 56s, 2 65s at the front, with Tittums.

Rung at Huntsham on 31 May 2010, conducted by Paul J Pascoe.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 264)
 23456  V  B  M  W  H
 35264     -
 32546  -     s  sF
(43265)    -    In/V
 36452     -
 34625  s     s  F
 43256     -        s
 34562     -        s
 56432           s  -
 24635        s     s
 42356     -        s
Repeat twice.

Contains 18 each 56s and 8765s, and 12 each 65s and 5678s off the front.

Rung at Boston, Massachusetts (Advent) on 4 April 2002, conducted by Donald F Morrison.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 265)
 234567   B  M  W  I  H
 34256                2
 675342   -        sT
(347256)  -        -
(342657)        -  -
 56423       -  s     -
 23465    V     s  F  -
 567234   -        sT s
 236457      s  -  -  -
Repeat twice.

Contains 81 combination rollups.

Rung at Stamford (All Saints) on 10 December 2005, conducted by Christopher P Turner.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 266)
 234567   V  B  I  M  W  F  H
 764253                  -  -
 345267   -  -  -  -        s
 42365       -
 573462                  -  s
 574632      -              -
(237645)     -  -     s
 362547         -
 32564    -  s     s  s  s
 23645       -              s
 34256       -               
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 56s; 21 65s; and 18 5678s off the front.

Rung at Maidstone (St Michael and All Angels) on 23 December 2003, conducted by John B Keeler.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 267)
 234567   V  B  M  W  F  T  I  H
(352764)                    -
 436725         -  s  -        -
 342657   s  -           s  -
 374526   -  -                 -
 763452            -     s
 273654   -  s  s  -  s        -
(472653)  -                 -
 245637         -  s  s        -
 42356    s     -     -        -
Repeat twice.

Contains 18 each 56s and 65s; 12 each 7568s, 8765s, 5678s off the front, and 8765s off the front.

Rung at Birstall on 26 November 2005, conducted by Brian G Warwick.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 268)
234567  B  I  M  W  F  H
56432         -  -     s
23645         -  s     -
32456   -              s
32564   -              -
32645   -              -
65243         s        -
43256         -  -     s
56234         -  -     s
23564            -     -
56342         s  s     -
423756  2  -           -
274536  -
346257        3     -
357246        -  -  -
463257     -  -  -     -
32654         s  s     -
46253         -        -
65324   2              -
32546         s  s     -
54326            -     -
23456            s     s
Rung at Chittlehampton on 19 October 2002, conducted by Richard A Pearce.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 393)
234567  V  B  I  M  W  F  H
42356                     -
763452                 -  -
463275  s  s     -  -     s
746253  s  s     -  -  -  -
734562  -  -              -
472563  -  -  -     -  -  s
564372  s  -  -     -  sT -
236457     s     -  s     -
Repeat twice.

Contains 87 combination rollups.
Warning to those with allergies: 18 of the combination rollups come at handstroke, and contains 48 backstroke 87s.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 839)
23456  B  M  W  H
42356           -
24563  -        s
56243        -  -
42365     -  -
56324     -  -  -
23465     -  -
65432     -  -  s
65324  -        -
65243  -        -
56432  -        s
42635     -     s
65234     s     -
32564        s  s
23645  -        s
56342     s     s
65423  -        s
26453        -
23546  sV -  sF
46352  2
34526  sV 2  sF
56423     -     s
56234  -        -
65342  -        s
23456     s  -  2

Contains 20 56s, 18 65s, 14 8765s and 8 5678s off the front.

Rung at Amersham on 24 December 2002, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 910)
234567  V  B  M  W  F  H
23564      -           -
23645      -           -
32564   s     -     -  -
26345      -
23465   s  s  s     s
25463   s     s  s  s  s
347256  2           s
423567     s        In  
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 5678s off the front, 18 each 56s and 8765s, 12 8765s off the front including back rounds, and 9 each 65s and 7568s.

Rung at Oxford (St Thomas) on 14 February 2005, conducted by Richard A Pearce.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 948)
234567  B  M  W  F  H
53462      s  s
647523  sV    s     s
357624  s        s  s
476325  s        s
426357     s  s  s  s
Repeat four times.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 949)
234567  V  B  M  W  F  H
273456  s        s  sT s
567342  s     s  s  sT s
257346     s     s  s  s
437256  s           s  s
627453     s        s  s
674253  s  s  s     s
642357     s  s     s
34256         s  s      
Repeat twice.

Contains 15 each 56s and 7568s, 12 8765s, and 9 5678s off the front.

Rung at Conisbrough on 8 August 2014, conducted by Simon J Davies.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 950)
234567  V  B  I  M  W  F  H
26534   -  s     -  s  -  s
46532   -  -  -  -  -  s  -
64532   s  s     s  s  s  -
647352  -  -  -  s  s  -  -
563427  -  s     -  -  -  -
Repeat four times.

Contains a call every lead, with no backstroke 87s, and is all the work.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 951)
234567  V  B  I  M  W  F  H
327564  -  -  -  s  -  -  s
537264  -  s     s  s  s  -
752364  -  s     -  s  s  -
372564  s  -  -  -  -  -  s
635724  -  s     -  s  -  -
352467  s  -  a  -  s  -  -
32456   -  s     -  s  s  s
34256   s  s     -  s  s  s
Repeat twice.
a = sT,sT,In.

Contains a call every lead, 12 each 56s and 8765s, 15 7568s, and Whittingtons, with no backstroke 87s, and is all the work.

Rung at Wandsworth (All Saints) on 12 June 2003, conducted by Ian K Bushell.

5,058 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1013)
 23456   B  M  W  H
 42356            -
 25463   -
 52436   V  s  sF -
 23645      -  2  3
 34256   -
 45362      2  2  3
 56423      2  2  3
 62534      2  2  3
(32456)     -  s   
Rung at Boston, Massachusetts (Advent) on 23 March 2003, conducted by Donald F Morrison.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1366)
23456  1½ B  2½ M  W  4½ 5½ H
46352  s     s     -  s  s  s
32564           -  -     s  s
65234  s        -  s  s     s
32654              -        s
23546     -                 s
45326              s        s
56243  s     s  -  s        s
23645           -           s
Repeat twice.
Half-lead single = 5678.

Contains 90 combination rollups, and 8 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, with the tenors together throughout, and is all the work.

Rung at Orford on 6 February 2005, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1367)
23456  1½ B  2½ M  W  4½ 5½ H
23546           -  s  s  s  -
56432           -  -     s  s
23465        s  s
65432           -  -        s
23654  s        -  -        -
56234  s        -  -  s     s
65342     -                 s
42356           s  -         
Repeat twice.
Half-lead single = 5678.

Contains all 24 56s and 18 65s, with the tenors together throughout, and is all the work.

Rung at Grundisburgh on 2 April 2005, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.
Rung in hand at Little Dewchurch (Green Cottage) on 10 April 2012, conducted by John E Harrold.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1368)
234567  V  1½ B  2½ 4½ 5½ H
43562      s  -           -
36524      s  -
36245         -           -
42563      s     s  s  s
52634      s  -           -
472536        -  s    sT
265347  s     -           -
32645         -  s        s
26453      s  -           s
25346   -  s        s  F  s
34256      s     s         
Repeat twice.
Half-lead single = 5678.

Note that a single at 2½ following a Before is like a single at 5½ in a full seven lead course.
Contains 18 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 5678s off the front.

5,376 (5,120) Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1589)
2345678  V  M  W     H
245763      -  -  a  -  (10 leads)
3427586  -              (4 leads)
Repeat eleven times.
a = sT,sT,sT.

Reduce to 5,120 by replacing the first two parts by twenty leads called M,sW,H,B,H,B,sV,B, bringing up 14238765.
Neither length contains any backstroke 87s.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1943)
234567  V  B  M  W  F  H
476325  -     -
725643  -  2
675243           -
743562  -  2
632547           -  -
52436         -  -
34625         -  -
26543         -  -
45362         -  -
35264         -        3
56342      -           3
64523      -           3
42635      -           3
23456      -           3

Rung at Buckland, Oxfordshire on 9th August 2005, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1944)
 234567   I  M  W  F  H
 42356                -
 243756   -  s  -  -
 536742         -  -
(756342)        -
 543267   -  -  -  s
 23645       -  -
 56342       -        -
 35642                - ╮
 43652          -       │
 56234       -  -       │A
 42635       -        -23456        3A       
Rung at Stony Stratford on 3 August 2006, conducted by Peter C Randall.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1945)
23456  B  T  H
26453     s    ╮
42365  4       ╯A
45362     s    ╮
56234  2     - │B
42356  3       ╯
46352     s    ╮
65432  -     s │
65324  -     - │
65243  -     - │C
54623  -     s │
23465  2       ╯
34256     C
34265     B
23456     A   
s = 1256.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and all 7 near misses, and is tenors together throughout.

Rung in hand at Coventry (2 Santos Close) on 7 February 2007, conducted by John R Fisher.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1946)
234567  V   B   T   F   H
26453           s        ╮
42365       4            ╯A
34256          A
36254           s
754236  -   2       s   -
352746      2*          -
234657  -   4
23456         3A         
s = 1256.
2* = - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and all 7 near misses.

Rung at Grundisburgh on 15 October 2012, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1948)
234567  B  I  M  W  F  H
764253              -  -
652347     -  -  -  s
42536         s        s
42365   -              -
Repeat five times.

Contains 21 each 56s and 65s, and kings.

Rung at Ufford, Suffolk on 14 August 2005, conducted by Alan P Mayle.
Rung to Mortlake at Orford, Suffolk (St Bartholomew) on 15 September 2021, conducted by Brian E Whiting.

5,152 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1949)
2345678  V  B  I  M  W  F  H
726453            -     -  -
324567      -  -     -     s
62435    -              s  s
4567823  -        s         
Repeat six times.

Contains 12 each 5678s, 4567s, 3456s and 2345s, 7 each 8765s, 7654s, 6543s and 5432s, and queens.
Warning: several rollups come at handstroke, and contains 27 backstroke 87s.

Rung at Loughborough (Bell Foundry) on 31 January 2017, conducted by Christopher C P Woodcock.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2284)
23456  B  M  W  H
23564  -        -
36245  -
43526  a        -
65432  b
24365  3
65342  c        s
24356     -  -  -
24563  -        -
42635  -        s
42356  -        - ╮
53264     s  s  s │
46235     -  -  - │A
46352  -        - │
64523  -        s23456     3A     
a = sV,M,sF;
b = V,sW,sF;
c = V,sB,sW,F.

Contains 17 56s, 8 65s, 14 5678s off the front, and tittums.

Rung at Trumpington on 7 January 2006, conducted by David C Brown.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2386)
23456  B   M   W   T   H
32564  -               s
65234          s       s
34625  x   -       x   s
56324  xx  s       x   s
34526      -       x   s
34256  x           xx   
Repeat twice. x = 1256.

Contains 75 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, 12 5678s off the front and kings, and is strictly tenors together throughtout.

Rung at Eardisland on 19 March 2009, conducted by Andrew L Mainwaring.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2387)
23456  B  I  M  T  H
24653  x  x  -  s  s
56243  -  x     s
62543  x
34265  s     -  s  x
Repeat five times.
- = 14; x = 16; s = 1256.

Tenors together throughout.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3028)
 234567  B  M  W  H
 52436         -  a
 64235      -     -
 36245         -
 357246     -  F
 235647       In  2
 42635      2  -  2
 52364      -  2  -
 52643   -        -
 45623         -
 65324      -
 26543   -        2
 64352      -  2  3
 23456      -     -
a = F,sV,M,In,M,In,M,W,sF.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3029)
23456  B  M  W  H
64325     V,sF
46253  -        s
53264     -  -  s
46235     -  -  -
46352  -        -
64523  -        s
Repeat four times.

Contains 52 combination rollups including 14 56s and 8 65s, 10 5678s off the front, and 6 8765s.

Rung at Dordrecht on 29 September 2013, conducted by Simon A Rudd.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3141)
23456  B  M  W  H
35264  -
54236    V,sF   -
36245     s  -
64523     -  2  3
42356  2        -
Repeat twice.

Contains 12 5678s off the front and 9 8765s.

Rung at St Briavels on 8 August 2007, conducted by Ashley C Fortey.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3377)
23456  B  M  W  H
42356           -
25463  -
23645   V,M,F
65342     -     s
65423  -        -
56234  -        s
35264        -
42635    V,F
65234     -     s
56342  -        s
34562        -  -
34625  -        -
56423     -     -
24653        s  s
56243        -  s
65432  -        s
65324  -        -
34526     -     s
34265  -        -
43652  -        s
56432        -  s
42365     -  -  2
56324     -  -  -
65243  -        s
23456     -  -  2

Contains 19 56s and 20 65s.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3378)
23456  B  M  W  H
42356           -
24563  -        s
42635  -        s
56234     s     s
56342  -        -
65423  -        s
26453        -
34526   sV,sF
56423     -     s
65234  -        s
32564        s  s
65324        -  s
56243  -        s
23645     -     s
65342     s     -
46352        -
42536  sV,M,sF
34265  -        2
65243     -  -  s
56432  -        s
23465     -  -  -
65432     -  -  s
56324  -        s
34625     -     s
23456  -        2

Contains 18 56s, 21 65s and 10 5678s off the front.

Rung at Rainham on 28 December 2007, conducted by John B Keeler.

5,150 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3552)
(32456)  M  W     H
 43256            -
 35462   2  -  a  -
 56324   2  2     3
 62543   2  2     3
 24635   2  2     3
 23456   2  2     2*
2* = - s.
a = In,M,sF,H,sV,B,In.
Start at the treble's backstroke snap.

Contains queens and tittums.
Especially suitable for the celebration of a 150th anniversary.

Rung at Kingsteignton on 6 May 2008, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,060 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3891)
(2431567)  V  M  W  H
 1427536      t  -  F
( 657243)  s  -     In
( 562347)        s  In
  35264          -
  56342       2  2  3
  64523       2  2  3
  42635       2  2  3
  23456       2  2  3
t = 34.
Start with rounds the 29th row of a lead, and the
2 the hunt bell, calling the t at Middle at the
first lead end, putting the treble into the hunt.
The first few rows are
  12643857  lead head

Especially suitable for a 60th birthday or other anniversary.

Rung at Sefton on 25 March 2012, conducted by Colin Woods.

5,060 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3892)
(243156)  B   M   W   H
 145236       2*  -   -
  45362   -           -
  23564       -       -
  54362       s       -
  63245       -   -
  54236       -   -   -
  23546           -   -
  32465   -           s
  46325           -   -
  35624       s       -
  42653       -   -   -
  56423           -   s
  56234   -           -
  24635       s       -
  53642       -   -   -
  46352           s   s
  65423   -
  32546       -   s   -
  54263       s   s   -
  23465       -       s
  65432       s   -
  32456       -   -   s
  32564   -           -
  32645   -           -
  23456   -           s
2* = t -.
t = 34.
Start with rounds the 29th row of a lead, and the
2 the hunt bell, calling the t at Middle at the
first lead end, putting the treble into the hunt.
The first few rows are
  12643857  lead head

Especially suitable for a 60th birthday or other anniversary.

5,152 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4142)
234567   V  B  M  W  F  H
764253               -  -
627543      -
347256   -        -  s  -
345267         -  -  s  s
274536   s  a  s     s
753462      s  s    sT  -
547632      -
237465   -        -  s  -
236457         -  -  s  s
34256       -            
762354               -  - ╮
637524      -             │
427356   -        -  s  - │A
425367         -  -  s  s │
23465       -            23456          3A        
a = B,In.

Contains 20 56s, 15 each 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 10 7568s.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4185)
 23456   B  M  W  F/In  H
 23564   -              -
 36245   -
 42563      -  -
 26435   -
 34562      -  -
 34625   -              -
 56342      -      x    3
 64523   -              3
 35426      -           -
 35264   -              -
 25463      -
 56234   -
(42635)        -   2
 62534      -
 23645   -
 42635         -
 23456   -              3

Contains 18 each 56s, 3456s and 5432s, 12 5678s off the front, and tittums; and includes the entire plain course.

Rung at Hedon on 30 January 2010, conducted by Peter J Sanderson.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4186)
23456   B  M  W  H
34256            2
56243      -  -  s
42365      -  -
56324      -  -  -
65243   -        s
65432   -        -
24563   V       sF
42635   -        s
56234      -     -
56342   -        -
56423   -        -
23465      s  -
56432      -  -  -
34265      -  -
46352   -
23546  sV  3    sF
65342      -     -
34562         s  -
34625   -        -
65423      s     -
65234   -        -
23564         s  -
23645   -        -
23456   -        -

Contains 21 65s, 18 56s, 16 8765s and 12 5678s off the front.

Rung at Maidstone (St Michael and All Angels) on 17 May 2011, conducted by John B Keeler.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4187)
 23456   B  M  W  H
 56342      -  s  s
 56423   -        -
 23465      s  -
 56432      -  -  -
 34265      -  -
 46352   -
 23546       a
 65342      s     s
 34562         s  -
 34625   -        -
 65423      s     -
 26453         -
 34526     sV,sF
 42365   -
 65324      -  -  s
 34256      -  -  2
 65243      -  -  -
 65432   -        -
 24563      V,sF
 24635   -        -
(32456)  -  In,V
 32564   -        -
 23645   -        s
 23456   -        -
a = sV,M,B,W,sF.

Contains 20 56s, 19 65s, and 12 each 8765s and 5678s off the front.

Rung at Crick on 20 April 2013, conducted by Richard I Allton.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4217)
234567  V  B  I  M  W  F  H
23564      -              -
36245      -
357624           -  2  -
563427        -
64523      -
35426            -        -
35264      -              -
347265           -  3  -
472536  -  s     -  -
264357           2     -  s
34562            -  -
34625      -              -
42356      -
637452                 -
236457  -     -
34256      -
627354                 -
562347  -     -  -        -
427365              -  -
234567        -            

Contains 18 each 56s, 3456s and 5432s, 12 each 8765s and 2345s, 10 5678s off the front, 8 each 7568s and 6543s, tittums, 149 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back or at the front, and the whole plain course.

Rung at Bristol (All Saints) on 13 February 2010, conducted by Alan G Reading.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4273)
23456  V  B  M  W  F  H
34526  s  s        s
62534  -           -  s
24563  s           -  -
26354  -     -     -  s
25634  -  s  -     s
23465  -     -     -  s
42635  -  s  -  s  s  -
42563  s  s  -     -
42356  s     -     -  s
Repeat twice.

Contains 18 5678s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8765s off the front, kings and back rounds.
Note: not all the work.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4385)
23456    B  M  W  H
53642       -  s
64325   2a        -
25364    b        -
54326    a        -
56342    c        -
46325   2a
53246    b
65234    c        s
42563    a
34526    c        s
42365    -         
62534    2        s ╮
34256    2          ╯A
23456       4A     
a = V,sF;
b = sV,sF;
c = V,sW,sF.

Contains 14 56s, 11 65s, and 9 each 8765s and 8756s, and is all the work.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4505)
 234567   V  B  M  W  F  H
 56342          -  s     s
 463752   s  a  -     s  s
 264537   -  -
(654723)        -     In
 476523            -     -
 342567   s  b  -  -      
 56423          -  s     s  ╮
 327654   s  a  s  -  s  -  │
 375642         -  s  s  s  │A
 234657   s  b  -  -      23456          3A        
a = B,In;
b = B,sT,sT,In.

Contains 20 56s, 12 65s, and 15 468s including queens, kings and Whittingtons.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4562)
52463   ½.1.s1½.s2.s2½.3                                                                       (3 leads)
63425   ½.s1.1½.2.2½.3                                                                         (3)
473256  1.s1½.2.2½.3.3½.s4.5.5½.6.6½.s7.s7½.s8.9.9½.s10.10½.s11.11½.s12.s13.13½.s14.s14½.15   (15)
543276  ½.s1.s1½.s2.s2½.3                                                                      (3)
423657  ½.1.1½.2.3                                                                             (3)
Repeat five times.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and back rounds.
Also contains 60 backstroke 87s, and three quarters of the 56 and 65s rollups come at handstroke.
Has a call at all 162 lead ends, and at 132 half-leads.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4562a)
273465  1.1½.2.2½.3.s3½.s4.s5.5½.6.6½.s7.7½.s8.s9.9½.s10.10½.s11.11½.12.s13.s13½.s14.14½.15  (15 leads)
643275  ½.1.1½.s2.2½.3                                                                        (3)
463527  ½.1.s1½.2.3                                                                           (3)
54362   s½.1.s1½.s2.s2½.3                                                                     (3)
42365   ½.s1.1½.2.s2½.3                                                                       (3)
Repeat five times.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, queens, tittums and back rounds.
Also contains 60 backstroke 87s, and three quarters of the 56 and 65s rollups come at handstroke.
Has a call at all 162 lead ends, and at 132 half-leads.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4563)
654273  s2.s3.3½.4.4½.5.5½.s6.s6½.s7.8.s8½.s9½.10.s12.s12½.s13½.s14.14½.s17.18    (18 leads)
254367  ½.1.1½.2.s3                                                                (3)
36452   ½.1.1½.2.2½.s3                                                             (3)
34256   ½.1.s1½.s2.2½                                                              (3)
Repeat five times, adding s
half-way and end.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s, 12 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and back rounds.
Also contains 60 backstroke 87s, and half the 56 rollups come at handstroke.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4564)
375246  s1.s1½.2.2½.s3.s3½.4.s4½.5.s6½.7.s8.s8½.s9.9½.10.10½.11.11½.12½.13     (13 leads)
352674  ½.s1½.s2.2½                                                             (3)
462537  ½.1½.2.2½.s3                                                            (3)
42536   s½.s1.s1½.2.2½                                                          (3)
42356   ½.1½.s3                                                                 (5)
Repeat five times, adding
a single half-way and end.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s, 12 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, Whittingtons, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.
Also contains 60 backstroke 87s, and half the 56 and 65 rollups come at handstroke.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4568)
23456  B  M  W  H
64235    F,W,In
43652  -
56234     -  -
56342  -        -
Repeat four times.

True to all BDKaYZ.

Rung at Chalfont St Giles on 29 November 2013, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4569)
234567  V  B  M  W  H
647532           -  F
527634  s        s
642357  -  s  s  -  In
64352      -        -
64523      -        -
Repeat four times.

Contains 10 5678s off the front, queens and tittums.

Rung at Lundy Island on 16 June 2017, conducted by Paul F Curtis.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4611)
234567   V  M  W  F  H
547236   a     -  s  s
342657   b     -      
375264      -     -  s ╮
367524   s  -     -    │
672435   -  s  -     s │A
423567   s  -  -      23456        4A       
a = B,sT,sT,sT,sT,In;
b = sV,sB,sW,In,W,sT,sT,In.

Contains 20 56s, 21 65s, and queens.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4612)
234567    B    H
32564     -    s
32645     -    -
745236    a    -
423657   B,In  -
Repeat five times.
a = V,sM,sT,In,M,F.

Contains 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, kings and back rounds.

Rung at Burghill, conducted by Andrew L Mainwaring.
Rung at Burghill on 3 April 2015, conducted by Andrew L Mainwaring.

5,376 (5,056) Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4613)
- 2357486
s 7386245
s 5428673
s 8473562
s 3462857
s 7586234
- 5634728
Repeat eleven times.

Alternate block:
- 7864523
- 8423756
- 4356872
- 8543267
- 7248653
- 5364872
- 3472586

Reduce to 5,056 by replacing any two consecutive parts by once instance of the alternate block.
Health warning for those with allergies: contains backstroke 87s.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4722)
234567  B  M  H
53642   -  a  -
274536  -     sT
245637  s  s  sF
24635   -     -
42356   -     s
Repeat five times, calling bob for single Home
halfway and end.
a = sT,In,W,F.

Contains all 24 each 8765s and 5678s off the front, and 12 each 56s and 65s, and is all the work.

Rung at Oxford on 27 January 2018, conducted by Alan M Eyles.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4733)
234567  V  B  M  F  H
647253           -
427365        -  In
235647  -     s  a  -
43625   s  -  b  s  s
24563   -     -  -  -
42635      -        s
42356      -        -
Repeat twice.
a = W,In,sW; b = In,M,In,M,W.

Contains all 24 each 8765s and 5678s off the front, 18 56s, 12 each 7568s and 8765s off the front, 6 65s, and back rounds.

Rung at Bishopstoke on 10 September 2018, conducted by Edward P D Colliss.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4759)
374526   ½.1½.2.s2½.3                                        (3 leads)
436257   s2.2½.s3½.5.7                                       (7)
42356    1.3.5½.6.8.8½.9.11½.s12½.s13.s14.s14½.s15.16½      (17)
Repeat five times, adding a single at the
end of the third and sixth parts.

Contains all 24 each 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 each 56s and 6578s off the front, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4760)
23456  V  B  M  W  F  H
65432        -  -     -
24563  -           s
24635     -           -
25463  -     -     s
34562  s        s  -
42536  s           -  -
23654     2           -
34625  s           -  -
42356     -            
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 5678s off the front, 18 56s, 12 each 6578s off the front and 8765s off the front, 9 each 65s and 8756s, and back rounds.

Rung at Thorverton on 7 December 2013, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4761)
23456  V  B  M  W  F  H
42635                 x
23564  -  s        s  x
23465  x6ths       s
25346  -     -     s
23546  -  s  s     s
23654     x           x
32654     x           s
32645  x6ths    s  -
32564     x           x
25364     x
42356  x6ths       s  x
Repeat twice.
x = 16.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 65s and 8765s off the front, 9 8765s, and back rounds.

5,060 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6019)
(2431567)  B  M  W  F  H
 1357264      t    sT  -
  364725      -     -
  254763         -  -  s
  423567   V           -
  25463    -           3
  56234    -           3
  63542       2  2     3
  34625       2  2     3
  23456       2  2     2
Start from rounds the twenty-ninth row of
a lead, with the 2 the hunt bell, the initial
t at Middle taking effect four blows later,
putting the treble into the hunt.
t = 34.

Also true to Yorkshire Surprise, Gainsborough Surprise, Johannesburg Surprise, New Cambridge Surprise, Quedgeley Surprise and Wye Surprise.

Rung at Keele (Woodlands) on 23 May 2018, conducted by Timothy M Davis.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6058)
 23456   M  W  V  B  T  I  H
(34265)     -  z  z     z
(45236)  -  -  z  z     z
(42563)     s  z  z     z
(23546)  -  -  z  z     z
(45326)  s     z  z     z
(65342)  -  -  z  z     x
(53264)  -  -  z        z
(64352)  -  -  z  w  w  x
 23645   -                 x
Repeat twice.
x = 16;
z = 1678;
w = 1256.

Contains 108 combination rollups and kings, and is all the work and tenors together throughout.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6070)
 234567   V  B  I  M  W  F  H
 42356                      -
 65324             -  -     -
 65243       -              -
 65432       -              -
 24563    -              s
 42635       -             [s
 56234             -        -
 24635             -        s]
 354762      -  -
 325647   -  -              -
 34526    -           s  s  -
(756342)     3  -     -
 563247         2     -     -
 62543       -
 34562    -              -  s
 34625       -              -
(54623)            s
 752346         -  s  s     s
 372546               -
 753426      -
 473526               -
 652347   s  2              -*
 65342       -              -
 23456             s  -     2

If preferred the bracketed calls may be replaced by a bob Home, and -* replaced by sH,M,H,M,sH.
Either arrangement contains 20 56s, 12 5678s off the front, 10 6543s, 9 each 8765s and 2468s, 8 3456s off the front, 7 each 3456s and 5432s, 8 each 65s, 4567s and 7654s, 4 76543s, queens, kings, Whittingtons and back rounds.

Rung at Alburgh on 28 September 2013, conducted by Richard I Allton.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6071)
 23456    B  M  W  H
 56234       2  -
 56342    -        -
 64523    -        3
 35264    a        3
 35642       2  2  -
 42563    2
(56342)         -  b
 23645       -     -
 42635          -  3
 23456       2  2  3
a = sV,sF;
b = F,In.

Contains 18 56s, 8 5678s off the front, 59 little bell rollups at the back including 16 3456s, 12 6543s and 10 5432s, tittums and back rounds.
True to all Bacf.

Rung at Watton at Stone on 9 March 2013, conducted by Benjamin D Constant.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6173)
23456    B     H
23564    -     -
45623   V,F
23654  V,sW,F  -
23546    -     -
64523    3     s
Repeat four times.

Is all the work.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6477)
23456  V  B  M  F  H
42635              x
24653  s     s  -  -
24536     -        -
34652  s  s     s  x
34265     x        x
Repeat five times.
x = 16.

Contains all 24 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, kings and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Bakewell on 31 December 2014, conducted by Alan G Reading.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6478)
s 5378264
z 4628753
x 6845372
- 8572634
x 5283467
- 2367548
x 3724856
x 7435682
s 5482763
- 4263578
x 2347856
z 7352684
s 2384765
s 4365278
- 7826543
z 3456278
x 7862534
x 8273456
s 3256847
- 2647385
Repeat five times.
x = 16;
z = 123456.

Contains all 24 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 21 each 56s and 65s, 6 each 8765s, 8756s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, kings, queens and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6567)
234567      M  W  H
64352       -     -
35642          -  -
234756  In  s     s
426357   V        -
Repeat four times.

Contains 16 56s, 8 5678s off the front, and 63 little bell rollups at the back.
Also true to Southwell Surprise.
True to all BKacdfZ.

Rung at Shirley on 16 October 2013, conducted by Andrew L Mainwaring.
Rung to Southwell at Chalfont St Giles on 17 October 2013, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.
Rung to Geddington Surprise at East Ilsley on 14 December 2017, conducted by Timothy G Pett.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6601)
23456  V  M  F  H
26543  s  -  s  3
42356  s  -  s  -
56342  -     -  -
Repeat four times.

Contains 8 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, kings, tittums and back rounds.

Rung at Longcot on 23 July 2017, conducted by Alan M Eyles.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6602)
23456   B   M   W   H
32564   -           s
23645   -           s
24563  sV   -  sF   s
24635   -           -
35642       -   -   s
64523       s   s   -
Repeat four times.

Contains 16 each 56s and 5678s off the front, and tittums.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6616)
 23456   M  W      H
 65234   -  -  zT  -
 23645   s  -      x
(36524)  -  -   a
 42365   -  s      x
Repeat five times.
x = 16;
z = 1256.
a = sF,H,V,sB.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.
Tenors together throughout, albeit not always the right way around.
Goverment health warning to those with aural allergies: also contains 24 backstroke 87s.

5,058 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6629)
 23456   B  M  W  H
 64523   a        3
 42635   -        3
 42356   -        -
 54326         -
 23645      -  -
 56342      -     -
 42563      2  -
 35264      -     -
 35642      2  2  -
 43652         -
 23564      -  2  -
 62534         -
(32456)     -  s   
Round at the treble's backstroke
snap two blows after the s Wrong.
a = F,In,F,In.

5,058 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6630)
 23456   B  M  W  H
 42356            -
 42563      2  2  -
 64523         -
 25346      -  -
 63542      -     -
 34625   -        3
 34256   -        -
 53246         -
(56234)     -  2  a
 34562      2  -
 25463      -     -
 62534      2  2  2
(32456)     -  s   
Round at the treble's backstroke
snap two blows after the s Wrong.
a = F,In,F,In.
Rung at Highweek on 22 March 2017, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,026 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6631)
 23456   B  M  W  F/In  H
 34256                  2
 56342      2  -
 56423   -              -
 62534   -              3
 62345   -              -
 34562         -   x    3
 46325   -
 23564      -  -
 23645   -              -
 25346      2           -
 25463   -              -
 45623         2        -
 52436   -
(62534)     -  2   x
(32456)     -  s         
Round at the treble's backstroke
snap two blows after the s Wrong.

5,025 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6633)
(32546)  B  M  W  H
 53246            -
 45362   -        2
 25634   2        2
 25346   -        -
 42356         -
(46325)     -  2  a
 25463      2  -
 34562      -     -
 46325      2  2  3
 62453   -        3
 62534   -        -
 23456   2        -
Start at backstroke with a 1678 single.
a = F,In,F,In.
Rung at Keele (Woodlands) on 13 December 2017, conducted by Michael Wilshaw.

5,025 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6634)
(32546)  B  M  W  F/In  H
 45623      -  -
 52436   -
 62345      -  2        -
 34562         -   x    3
 62453   2              3
 62534      2  2        -
 36524         -
 56423      -
 25634   -              2
 25346   -              -
 25463   -              -
(46325)        -   x
 23564      -  -
 23645   -              -
 23456   -              -
Start at backstroke with a 1678 single.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6662)
23456   B  M  W  H
32564   -        s
23645   -        s
56342      s     s
65423   -        s
26453         -
34526   sV,sF
42365   -
56324   V,sW,F   s
65243   -        s
42356      -  -   
Repeat twice.

Contains 18 56s, and 12 each 65s, 8765s and 5678s off the front.

Rung at Elmley Lovett on 21 June 2014, conducted by Darran Ricks.

5,700 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6772)
(2431567)  V  B  M  W  F  H
(1635742)        t  -  In
  264735         -  -  -  -
  723654   -     -  -  -  -
  534762               -
  235647   -  -
  573624   -     -  -  In
  547236   -  -           -
  237546   -           -  -
  352647               In
  56342       -           3
  64523          2  2     3
  42635          2  2     3
  23456          2  2     3
t = 34.
Start with rounds the 29th row of a lead, with the 2 the
hunt bell, and call the t Middle four blows later, putting
the treble into the hunt.

5,100 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6782)
(625431)  B  M  W  H
 134256  tF        2
  53462      2  2  2
  52436   a     -
  23645      -  2  3
  45236      2  -
  45362   -        -
  56423      2  2  3
  62534      2  2
( 32456)     -  s   
t = 78.
a = F,V,W,In.
Start with rounds the 23rd row of a lead, the 6
the hunt bell, and call the t at Fourths at the
first lead end putting the treble into the hunt.
Round at the treble's backstroke snap two blows
after the single Wrong.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6788)
2537468  XXCC
3524687  CCCCXXC
4235678  CCCXCXX
Repeat twice.
C = an ordinary plain lead of Cambridge
X = a plain lead of Cambridge starting
and ending at the snap; that is a lead
of the method:
x4x25x36x4x5x6x7x6x5x4x36x25x4x3x2x3 (lead head 17528364)

Contains all 24 56s, and 12 each 65s, 8765s and 5678s off the front.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6798)
23456   B  M  W  H
65423   3        s
42653         -  -
42536   -        -
26354      -  s  2
43625      sV,F
65324      -     s
65243   -        -
23546      -     s
65342      s     s
32546      -     s
24365   -         

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6799)
23456   B  M  W  H
23564   -        -
65324         s  s
56243   -        s
56432   -        -
35462         -
56324   -
32564         -  -
32645   -        -
65243      -     s
45263         s
32546   V  3   sF
24365   -         

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6972)
234567  V  B  M  W  H
52436            -
36245         -  s  s
24635            s  -
473562     -  In -  -
326745  -     -
523467  -  -         
Repeat three times.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6973)
23456   B  M  W  H
54632      -  -
45623   3  a     -
23564   2
34526      b     s
Repeat three times.
a = In,M,In,M,F;
b = sV,sB,F.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7067)
 23456   B  W sF/sB
 35264   -
(63254)     -   5
 56234      -
 42356   3         
Repeat twice.

Tenors together throughout, albeit not always the right way around.
Goverment health warning to those with aural allergies: contains 60 backstroke 87s.

Rung at Stourbridge (St Thomas) on 25 February 2017, conducted by Graham R Hayward.

5,059 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7610)
(32546)  B  M  W  H
 53246            -
 53462   -        -
 36524      2  2  3
 62345      2  2  3
 62453   -        -
 25634   -
 34562      -  2  2
 24653   s    sT  2
 64352      -
 52436   2        3
(32456)        s   
Round at the treble's backstroke snap two
blows after the final single Wrong.
Start at backstroke with a 1678 single.
Subsequent singles are in 1234.

5,027 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7610a)
(32546)  B  M  W        H
 45623      -  -
 45236   -              -
 53462   -
 36524      2  2        3
 62345      2  2        3
 53246      -           -
 34562   -
 62453   s        sT    3
 25634   -
 52436      -  2  F,In  2
(32456)        s         
Round at the treble's backstroke snap two
blows after the final single Wrong.
Start at backstroke with a 1678 single.
Subsequent singles are in 1234.

5,152 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7612)
234567  V  B  M  W     H
23564      -           -
36245      -
42563         -  -
26435      -
34562         -  -
34625      -           -
56342         -     a  3
64523      -           3
35426         -        -
35264      -           -
735264        2  -  b
574362  -              -
562347  s     2        -
23456            -  a  3
a = F,In;
b = sT,In.

Contains 18 56s, 12 5678s off the front, 10 8765s, 6 7568s, 4 65s, 3 8756s, 58 little bell rollups at the back, 35 little bell rollups at the front, and tittums.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7612a)
234567  V  B  M  W     H
23564      -           -
36245      -
42563         -  -
26435      -
34562         -  -
34625      -           -
23645            -
56342         -        -
64523      -           3
35642               a  -
35426      -           -
35264      -           -
735264        2  -  b
574362  -              -
562347  s     2        -
23456            -  a  3
a = F,In;
b = sT,In.

Contains 18 56s, 12 5678s off the front, 10 8765s, 6 7568s, 5 65s, 4 8756s, 58 little bell rollups at the back, 32 little bell rollups at the front, and tittums.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7815)
 23456     B    H
 53642   sB,sT  s
(65234)    -    a
 65342     -    -
 56423     -    s
 56234     -    -
 56342     -    -
Repeat four times.
a = In,M,H,V.

Contains 12 5678s off the front, 10 each 56s and 65s, 45 little bell rollups at the back, 41 little bell rollups at the front, and tittums. Also contains 40 backstroke 87s.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7819)
23456   B  M  W  H
23564   -        - ╮  ╮
32645   -        s │  │
32456   -        - │A │
65423      -  -  - ╯  │B
56234   -        s    │
56342   -        -    ╯
42635       B
36542       A*
25634     sV,F
46325      V,F
45236    sV,M,sF
63245      V,F   s
35264     sV,F   -
23456      2B     
A* = A, omitting final bob Home.

Some bands may prefer this rotation:

23456   B  M  W  H
23564   -        - ╮
32645   -        s │
32456   -        - │A*
54623      -  -  * ╯
36452    sV,F
24536     V,F
26354   sV,M,sF
45326     V,F    s
56342    sV,F    -
24356       A      ╮
42563   -        s │B
42635   -        -23456      3B     
A = A*, adding a bob Home at *.

Contains 18 5678s off the front, 12 56s, 8 65s, 33 little bell rollups at the back, 30 little bell rollups at the front, and tittums.
The alternative rotation contains 16 5678s off the front, 12 56s, 8 65s, 6 each 8765s and 8756s, 30 little bell rollups at the back, 31 little bell rollups at the front, and tittums.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7819a)
23456  V  B  M  W  F  H
23564     -           - ╮
32645     -           s │
32456     -           - │
65423        -  -     - │A
56234     -           s │
56342     -           - ╯
24635        A*
43625  s  s        s  s
46253  s     s     s
32546  -           -
24365     -
23465  s     s  s  -
24563  -  s  s     -
42635     -           s
42356     -           -
35264        s  s     -
23456       2A         
A* = A, replacing the final bob Home by a single Home.

Contains 18 5678s off the front, 15 56s, 10 65s, 38 little bell rollups at the back, 31 little bell rollups at the front, and tittums.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7819b)
23456  V  B  M  W  F  H
23564     -           - ╮  ╮
32645     -           s │  │
32456     -           - │A │
65423        -  -     - ╯  │B
56234     -           s    │
56342     -           -    ╯
42635         B
36542         A*
34562  -  s  -  s  s
43256  -     -     s  -
46325  -     -     s
63245  s  s        s
35264  s           -  -
23456        2B        
A* = A omitting the final bob Home.

Contains 20 5678s off the front, 14 56s, 8 65s, 34 little bell rollups at the back, 30 little bell rollups at the front, and tittums.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7819c)
23456  V  B  M  W  F  H
23564     -           - ╮  ╮
32645     -           s │A │
32456     -           - ╯  │
65423        -  -     -    │B
56234     -           s    │
56342     -           -    ╯
42635         B
24635         A
43625  s  s        s  s
34652  s     s     -  -
34562  s  s  -     s
32546  -     -  s  s
46253     2
35264  -  s     s  -  -
23456        2B        

Contains 20 5678s off the front, 14 56s, 9 65s, 40 little bell rollups at the back, 28 little bell rollups at the front, and tittums.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7924)
 23456   B  M  W  F/I  H
 42356                 -
 56234   2             3
 23564         -       -
 36245   -
 42563      -  -
 26435   -
 34562      -  -
 34625   -             -
 56342      -      x   3
 42635   2
 63425         -       -
 63254   -             -
(25463)        -   x
 45362      -
 56423   -
 23456         -   x   2

Contains 18 56s and 12 5678s off the front.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7925)
 23456   B  M  W  F/I   H
 42356                  -
 56234   2              3
 56342      2  2        -
 56423   -              -
 23564      2  -
 36245   -
 63542      -  2   x    2
 63425   -              -
 63254   -              -
(25463)        -   x
 23456      3      x    2

Contains 18 56s, 12 5678s off the front, 48 little bell rollups at the back, and 29 little bell rollups at the front.

Rung at East Farleigh on 17 July 2018, conducted by Philip H Larter.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7926)
 23456   B  M  W  F/I  H
 42356                 -
(34625)            x
 64523      -
 42635   -
(63542)        -   x
 25346      -          -
 25463   -             -
 45362      -
 62534   2             3
(56423)            x
 42563         -       -
 26435   -
 34562      -  -
 46325   -
 23564      -  -
 23645   -             -
 63542      -          3
 23456   2             2

Contains 18 56s and 12 5678s off the front.

Rung at Wolborough, Devon (St Mary) on 9 October 2021, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7927)
 23456   B  M  W  F/I  H
 42356                 -
(34625)            x
(63542)        3   x
 25346      -          -
 25463   -             -
 62534   -             2
(56423)            x
 23564      2  -
 36245   -
 56423      -  2       -
 56234   -             -
 63542      2  2       3
 23456   2             2

Contains 18 56s and 12 5678s off the front.

Rung at Thorncombe on 27 September 2023, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7928)
 23456   B  M  W  F/I  H
 42356                 -
(63542)            2
 25346      -          -
 25463   -             -
 45362      -
 23645   3
 42635         -
(56423)     -      x
 23564      2  -
 36245   -
 42563      -  -
 26435   -
 56234      -  2   x
 63542   -             3
 23456   2             2

Contains 18 56s and 12 5678s off the front.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7929)
 23456   B  M  W  F/I  H
 42356                 -
(34625)            x
 64523      -
 42635   -
(63542)        -   x
 25346      -          -
 25463   -             -
 45362      -
 62534   2
(56423)            x
 42563         -       -
 26435   -
 34562      -  -
 46325   -
 23564      -  -
 23645   -             -
 56234      -      x
 63542   -             3
 23456   2             2

Contains 18 56s and 12 5678s off the front.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8186)
23456   B  M  W  H
65432      -  -  -
43562         s  -
43625   -        -
43256   -        -
56324      -  s  s
65243   -        s
34256      -  -  -
34562   -        -
46253   2        -
43526   a
26354   2
52436   a        -
23645   2        -
32456   -        s
32564   -        -
26453   2        -
23546   a
46352   2
42635   b
56234      s     s
35264         -
32645   c
65423      -  -  2
23456      -  -  s
a = sV,M,sF;
b = sV,M,F;
c = V,sM,F.

Contains 20 56s, 17 8765s, 16 5678s off the front, 12 65s, 30 little bell rollups at the back, and 37 little bell rollups at the front.

Rung at Fallowfield on 22 October 2022, conducted by James E Hibbert.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8186a)
23456   B  M  W  H
65432      -  -  -
43562         s  -
43625   -        -
43256   -        -
56324      -  s  s
65243   -        s
34256      -  -  -
34562   -        -
46253   2        -
42635   a
56234      s     s
35264         -
32645   b
65423      -  -  2
32456      -  -  -
32564   -        -
26453   2        -
23546   c
46352   2
43526   d
26354   2
52436   c        -
23645   2        -
23456   -        -
a = sV,sM,F;
b = V,sM,F;
c = sV,M,sF;
d = sV,sM,sF.

Contains 20 56s, 17 8765s, 16 5678s off the front, 12 65s, 30 little bell rollups at the back, and 37 little bell rollups at the front.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8628)
23456  B  M  W  H
52364     2  s  s
52643  -        -
36524  F,In     -
63245  -        s
34256     s  2   
Repeat twice.
Rung at Grayshott, Hampshire (St Luke) on 23 May 2023, conducted by Claire F Roulstone.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8652)
23456  B  M  W  H
56432     -  -  s
36245  2        s
23546     a     -
43652  2        s
43526  -        -
34562     b     -
32564     c     -
23645  -        s
34256  -         
Repeat twice.
a = sV,M,sW,sF;
b = V,sM,sF;
c = sV,sW,sF.

Contains 18 each 56s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 8765s off the front, 9 65s, 6 8765s off the front, kings and back rounds.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8653)
23456  B  H
32564  -  s
64253  2
64325  a  s
26354  b  -
62543  -  s
62435  -  -
35246  2   
Repeat three times.
a = V,M,sF;
b = V,sM,F.

Is all the work.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8654)
23456  B  H
23564  -  -
52634  a  -
53624  b  s
35246  - [s]
Repeat seven times, omitting
[s] half-way and end.
a = V,sB,M,sW,sF;
b = V,sM,sW,F.

Is all the work, and contains 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8655)
23456  B  W  H
54236     -  s
32456     s  s
32564  -     -
64532   V,F  -
43625  -
35642  sV,F  -
24635   V,F  s
Repeat three times.

Contains 10 56s, 8 5678s off the front, kings, tittums and back rounds.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8728)
23456   B  M  W  H
52364   -        2
65324         -
34256      -  -  2
52643      -  -
36245      -     -
42563      -  -
42635   -        -
56234      -     -
35264   a        -
45236   b     -  -
34562   -        2
46325   -
64523      2     2
23645   b  -     -
64235         -  -
64352   -        -
23456      -     -
a = V,sM,sW,F;
b = F,In.

Contains 18 each 56s and 5432s, 12 each 3456s and 5678s off the front, 118 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (69) or at the front (49), and tittums.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8728a)
23456   B  M  W  H
35264   -
45236   a     -  -
34562   -        2
46325   -
56234      -  2  -
52364   b
65324         -
34256      -  -  2
52643      -  -
36245      -     -
42563      -  -
42635   -        -
36524      -  -
64523      -     2
23645   a  -     -
64235         -  -
64352   -        -
23456      -     -
a = F,In;
b = V,sM,sW,F.

Contains 18 each 56s and 5432s, 12 each 3456s and 5678s off the front, 118 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (69) or at the front (49), and tittums.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8728b)
23456   B  M  W  H
23564   -        -
56234         -  -
35264   a        -
45236   b     -  -
34562   -        2
46325   -
52364      -  -  -
65324         -
34256      -  -  2
52643      -  -
36245      -     -
42563      -  -
42635   -        -
36524      -  -
64523      -     2
23645   b  -     -
64235         -  -
64352   -        -
23456      -     -
a = V,sM,sW,F;
b = F,In.

Contains 18 each 56s and 5432s, 12 each 3456s and 5678s off the front, 118 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (69) or at the front (49), and tittums.

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8729)
 23456  B  M  W  H
 35264  -        3
 64352  a  -     -
 56342        -  3
 64523  -        3
 54326     -
 42563  -
(56342)       -  a
 23645     -     -
 42635        -  3
 23456     2  2  3
a = F,In.

Contains 18 each 56s, 3456s and 5432s, 8 5678s off the front, 128 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (84) or at the front (44), and tittums.
True to all BDKacdefYZ.

Rung at Uffculme (Piglet Ring) on 17 July 2023, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,058 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8772)
 23456   B  M  W  H
 34256            2
 45362   -
 25463      2
 34625   V  3  F
 42635         2
 36524      -  -
 64523      -     2
 42563   a  2  -
 26435   -
 34562      -  -
 46325   -
 62534      -  2  3
(32456)     -  s   
Round at the treble's backstroke snap
two blows after the single Wrong.
a = F,In.

Contains 14 8765s and 12 each 5678s off the front, 3456s and 5432s, and 10 6543s.

5,070 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8850)
(85712634)  V  B  M  W  F  H
 14256378    u2nds   t
  726354    -     -    sT  -
  472563    -  -           s
  562734    -  s     -  -  s
  254637    -              -
  56234           2  2     3
  63542           2  2     3
  46532              -
  63425        -           3
  25346        2
  34256              -     -
  53246              -
  42635           -  -
  23456        -            
Start from rounds the nineteenth row of a
lead with the tenor the hunt bell, calling
u2nds at the first lead end, putting the
2 in the hunt, and then calling the t at
Wrong two leads later, putting the treble
into the hunt.
u = 56;
t = 34;

The start is
u 82735416

and the first six lead heads are
u  28375461
t  12647583

Especially suitable for a 70th birthday or similar anniversary.

5,070 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8854)
 23456   B  M  W  H
 54326   t        -
 63542      -  a  3
 34625   -        3
 42356      2  2
 25463      2  2  3
 25634   -        -
 53246   -
 42635      -  -
 56234      -     -
 63254   a  2  -
 23456      -      
a = F,In.

Start from rounds the nineteenth row of a lead
with the tenor the hunt bell, calling the t six
blows later, putting the treble into the hunt.
t = place notation 123458 instead pf 36. Note
that the first bob Home comes at the end of this
lead, too.

The start:
t 42318675
- 14536287

Especially suitable for a 70th birthday or similar anniversary.

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8868)
23456   B    6ths   V     H
42635                     x
42563   x                 x
43652   x     2*          s
43562   -                 z
65234   -     s     x     s
54632   x     s
42356   2+    s           s
Repeat twice.
2* = s -;
2+ = z s.
- = 14;
x = 16;
s = 1458;
z = 1456.

Contains all 24 each 65s and 5678s off the front, 18 56s, 12 6578s off the front, 118 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (56) or at the front (62), and kings, with no backstroke 87s. The tenors are strictly together the right way around throughout, and is all the work.

5,312 (5,300) Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8883)
 23456   B  M  W F/In H
 23564   -            -
 36245   -
 42563      -  -
 35264      -         -
 35642   -            -
 43652         -
 56234      -  -
 56342   -            -
 56423   -            -
 25463         -
(42635)     -  2  3
 35426      2  -
 64523      -         -
 42635      2  2      3
 23456   -            3

Reduce to 5,300 by ringing the second lead as Walsingham Alliance.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Joseph W Parker
23456    B   M  W  H
35426   F/I  2  -
52364    -
63425        -  -
32654    -
25463        -  2  3
56234    -
63254           2
35642    -         3
54326    -
64523        2
42635    -         3
23456    -         3

50 cru's. Tittums.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Joseph W Parker and Donald F Morrison (arr) (no. 6632a)
23456   B  M  W        H
34256                  2
45362   -
25463      2
56234   -              3
34562      2  -
46325   -
23564      -  -
36245   -
56342      -  2  F,In  3
64523   -              3
42635   -
23645         2
23456   -              -

Contains 14 56s, 12 5678s off the front, 6 each 65s and 8756s, 49 little bell rollups at the back, and 32 little bell rollups at the front.
Some bands may prefer to start with just one Home and end with two Homes; contains 14 56s, 12 5678s off the front, 6 each 65s and 8756s, 39 little bell rollups at the back, and 35 little bell rollups at the front.
True to all DadefYZ.

Rung at Teignmouth on 6 January 2020, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Thomas Perrins
23456   V  B  W  F  H
36425   s  s     -  s
65432   s  s     -  s
34562         s     s
34625      -        -
34256      -        -
6 part, calling single halfway and end.

Contains 12 56s, 12 65s, 12 8765s at the back, and 24 56s at the front

5,280 Cambridge Surprise Major

Thomas Perrins
23456   V  M  W  F  H
34256               2
35264   -  s     -  s
64253      -  -     s
56234   -  s     -  -
5 part.

Contains 14 56s, 43 little bell.

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Thomas Perrins
23456   V  B  F  H
36425   -     s  -
54236   -     -
45362      -     s
54623      -     s
45236      -     s
54362      -     s
45623      -     s
5 part.

Contains 14 56s at the front.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Albert J Pitman
23456    B  I  M  W  F  H 
427365   -           -
56234       -  2  -
63542    -
45236          -  -
53462    -
527346         -  2  -
23564       -
36245    -              3
64352    -
45362             2
56423    -              3
62534    -
42635          2
23456    -              3 

56 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Brian D Price
23456    B  M  W  H 
54326          s  s
54263       2  2  -
23546    4        s
23465    -        -
54362       s     s
63245       -  -
54236       -  -  -
45362    -        s
45623    -        -
45236    -        - 
2 part.

68 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,090 Cambridge Surprise Major

Brian D Price
 23456    B  M  W  H 
 42356             -
 25463       2  2  3
 34562       -     -
 63542          -  3
 34625    -        3
 34256       2  2  -
 53246          -
 42635       -  -
 56234       -     -
 26435       -
 63254    -
 62534          -  2
(32456)      -  s    

51 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Brian D Price
23456    B  H 
56423    3  -
65234    -  s
65342    -  -
45236    2  s
53624    2  -
35246    -  s 
4 part.

52 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Cambridge Surprise Major

Brian D Price
23456    B  M  W  H 
23564    -        -
45362       s     s
32564       s     - 
54263       -     s  ╮
63245       -  -  s  │
24635          -  -  │
65432       -     s  │A
32456       -  -  s  │
45326          -  -  │
32546          s  -  │
23465    -        s  │
45236    4        s 54362    -        s 
23456       A       

74 cru's. Tittums.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,000 Cambridge Surprise Major

Richard B Pullin (arr)
(43256)  B  M  W  H
 24356            -
 45263      2  2  3
 56432   -        3
 56324      2  2  -
 25364         -
 63452      -  -
 63524   -        -
 32645      2  2  3
 32456      2  2  - 
Start 6 changes before the middle with x12x38x12 i.e.:
and finish at snap four leads after last call.

Contains 57 combination rollups.

Rung at Llandaff on 13 September 2008, conducted by John A Vesey.

5,760 (5,184) Cambridge Surprise Major

Richard B Pullin
23456   V  B  M  W  F  H
24635   -     s  s  s
26435   s  s  s  s  s
32465   -  s  s  s  s  -*
23465   s  s  s  s  s  -
24536   -     s  s  s   
6 part, calling single Home halfway and end.

Contains 32 Combination rollups, 4 56s, 8 65s, 8 8765s at the back, and 60 Combination rollups, 12 56s, 8 65s, 12 8765s at the front. For 5184, call s for -* and omit following course in 3 parts.

5,760 (5,088) Cambridge Surprise Major

Richard B Pullin
2345678   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
6547238      -  -  -  - [s  -
5427638   -  -  -  -  -  s]
8457632   -  -     -  -  -  -
8543672      -  -     -  -  -
3264587   -  -               

For 5088, call a bob for bracketed calls in 3 parts.

5,376 Cambridge Surprise Major

Richard B Pullin (arr)
 234567   B  M  W  F  I  H
 23564    -              -   ╮
 62534          -            │A
 35426       -  -            │
 64523       -           -   ╯
 357624            -
(563427)              -
 237546            -
(352647)              -
 427365            -
(234567)              -
 647253            -
 642357               -  -
 36245          -
 42563       -  -
 35264       -           -
 23456          3A        

Contains 48 combination rollups, 12 56s, 6 7568s, 70 little bell at the back, and 30 combination rollups at the front, with Tittums.

5,600 Cambridge Surprise Major

William Shipway
23456    V  B  I  M  W  F
432765      -  -     -  -
625734               -  -
276354      -
645723   -        -
53246    -        -
34562       -            
5 part.

19 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Glenn A A Taylor
23456   X  V  B  W  T
364752    [s  s
26453   s        s] s
42365         4      
Repeat 5 times, omitting calls in [brackets] in alternate parts.
X = 6th's; s = 1256.

Contains 64 combination rollups, including 24 each 56's and 65's.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 518).

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

Glenn A A Taylor
23456     B  T
26453  a     s
42365     4   
Repeat five times, calling a in alternate parts only.
a = s5ths, s2nds, s6ths, sWrong.
s = 1256.

Contains 64 combination rollups, including 24 each 56s and 65s.

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

John S Warboys
23456    V  B  I  M  W  H 
34256                   2
45362       -
35264             -     3
237546   -              -
56342          -  2  2  3
64523             2  2  3
64235       -           -
43652       -
56234             -  -
42635             -     -
62534             -
23456       2           - 

53 cru's. Tittums.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 Cambridge Surprise Major

James W Washbrook
23456    V  B  I  M  W  F  H
432765      -  -     -  -
324765   -  -  -  -  -  -
243765   -  -  -  -  -  -
235764   -  -  -     -  -  -
542763   -  -  -     -  -
523764   -  -  -     -  -  -
534762   -  -  -     -  -  -
23564    -  -               
3 part.

27 cru's. Queens.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

James S Wilde
23456    B  I  M  W  F  H
35264    -              3
25463          -
427365   -        -  -
64352       -  -        -
56342             -
64523          2  2     3
42635          2  2     3
23456          2  2     3

60 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Thomas B Worsley
 23456    B  M  W  H
 64352       -     -
(35264)         -  a
 25463       -
 56234    -
 35264         -   3
 56342    -
 64523       2  2  3
 42635       2  2  3
 23456       2  2  3
a = F,In.

Some bands and conductors may prefer the following reversal:
 23456   B  M  W  H
 35264      2  2  3
 56342      2  2
 64523   -        3
 54326      -
 42563   -
(56342)        -  a
 23645      -     -
 42635         -  3
 23456      2  2  3
a = F,In.

60 cru's. Tittums.
True to all BDKacdefYZ.

The reversal above contains 18 56s; 65 little bell rollups, including 18 3456s, 12 each 6543s and 5432s, 10 2345s, and 6 7654s; 8 5678s off the front; 4 each 65s and 6578s off the front; and tittums.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,056 Cambridge Surprise Major

Thomas B Worsley
 23456    V  B  M  W  F  I  H
 23564       -              -
 62534             -
 35426          -  -
 35264       -              -
 237546   -                 -
(35264)                  -
 25463          -
 56234       -
(23456)            -  -  -
 357624               2     -
(56342)                  -
 64523          2  2        3
 42635          2  2        3
 23456       -              3

51 cru's. Tittums.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Thomas B Worsley
 23456    V  I  M  W  F  H
(54632)         -  -
 642735      -  -  -  -  -
 54326    -     -  2     3
 63425          -        - ╮A
 26435             -     3 ╯
 63254         3A
 23456          -         

49 cru's. Tittums.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Cambridge Surprise Major

Thomas B Worsley
23456    B  I  M  W  F  H
357624               2  -
427365               -  -
567432               -  -
237546               -  -
23564       -           -
62534             -
35426          -  -
64523          -        -
64235          2  2     -
36245             -
42563          -  -
35264          -        -
56342    -              3
56423    -              -
25463             -
56234    -
42635          -        -
23456    -              3

54 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,024 Cambridge Surprise Major

Thomas B Worsley and Donald F Morrison (arr)
234567  V  B  I  M  W  F  H
43652            -
456723     -  -  -  -  -  -
342756           -  -  -  -
643527  -  -
56342               -     3
23645            -        - ╮
42635               -     3 ╯A
23456           3A         
a = B,In,M.W,F,H,M,W,F,H,V,B.
See also:
5,024 Southwell Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,184 Southwell Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Southwell Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,184 Winchester Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,056 Treble Dodging Major by Donald F Morrison