Peal Compositions of Bristol Surprise Major (Core 7)

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5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard I Allton
23456    M  B  W  H
54326          2  2
42356    1  -
24365    1 F/I 2  2
25463    2        1
23564    2        1
3 part.

144 cru's. 12 8765. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard I Allton
 s 2435678
 - 3245678
 - 4325678
 s 4235678
 - 8634725
 - 3864725
 - 7638542
 - 5376284
 - 7536284
 s 2437856
 - 3247856
 - 4327856
 s 4237856
7 part.

Contains 432 4-bell runs, including 20 5678s and 8765s at the back, and similar for the other cyclic rotations.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave
234567   M  F  B  F/I  V  W  H
42356                        1
35426                     1  1
43652              x
275346   2     -       2* 2  2+
352647                 2     2
34625    2  s  s          2
56342    1         x
32465    1                1  2
46325    1     -          2  1
34562              x
46253    2     -
374526   2             s
325467   2  s             2
65432              2
23456    1                1  1
2*=sb, 2+=bs.

24 each 5678, 6578, 8765, 3456, 6543; 5432x12; Queens, Kings, Whittingtons Contains (81combination rollups & 6 near misses). 12 5678, 14 8765; 48lbru's off the front inc. 65432178.

Rung at Claybrooke on 10 December 2005.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave
234567   M  T  F F/I V  W  H
42356                      1
26354    1                 2
472536   2           s
43526    2     s        2
36524       s        s  2  1
34562    2        x
53462    2       3x     2
52436             x        2
36245    1              2  2
32465                   1  2
54326    1        x
35426    2       3x     2
64352             x        1
23456    1                 1

Contains 24 each 5678, 8765, 6857, 5768, 7586; 21 6578 (288 permutations of 5678 in 5678). 24 each 2345, 3456, 6543, 5432; 18 4321; 6 1234 at the back.
87cru's & all 7 near misses.
16 8765; 14 each 5678, 3456, 5432; 12 each 1234, 4321; 10 2345; 4 6543 off the front.
Also includes backrounds & 54321678.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave
234567   M  B  F  F/I  V  W  H
42356                        1 ╮
35426                     1  1 │
43652              x           │A
35264    2  -                  │
473625   2             s       │
42635    2     s          2    ╯
56342              2
24365    1                1  1
32546              A
53462              2      2
23456              a      1  1
a = sF, In, Out, sF, In.

Contains 24 each 5678, 6578, 8765, 8756, 3456, 6543, 2345; 12 5432; 10 each 1234, 4321 at the back. 12 each 5678, 6578; 14 each 8765, 8756, 2345; 16 each 3456, 1234, 4321 off the front. Also includes 65432178 and 54321678.

5,120 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave
 234567   M  B  F  F/I  V  W  H
 42356                        1
 35426    1  -             2  1
 43652              x
 35264    2  -
 473625   2             s
 42635    2     s          2
 56342              2
 24365    2  -             2  1
2 part.

Omit any MBW for 5056 (1st set in part 1 recommended). 24 each 5678, 6578, 8765, 8756, 3456, 6543; 12 5432 at the back. 12 each 5678, 6578; 10 each 8765 (14 by omitting MBW in part 1), 8756 off the front.

Rung at Earl Shilton on 9 April 2005.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave
234567   M  F  B  V  W  H
26354          -     1  1
273546            s
543267      s           1
46253    1     2     1  1
472536            s
432657      s  -        5
357246   2     -  s     5*
275346               5* s
536247            2  2  1
53246          -        1
36452    1     2     1  1
374526            s
524367      s           1
23456    1     -         

5=bsbbs, 5*=bbsbb. Contains 24 5678, 6578, 8765, 2468; 18 7468; 16 5432; 12 3468; Queens, Kings & Whittingtons. 24 5678, 8765 & 12 6578 off the front.
Also includes 54321678.

Rung at Claybrooke on 17 June 2006.

5,154 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave
 234567   M  T  B F/I V  W  H
 34256                      2
 56423       s        s      
 34562    1     x             ╮
 53462    2    3x        2    │A
 52436          x           2 ╯
 23645    1              2
 432756                     4
(245367)        -  sF
 32465          -           2
 36452             A        2
 532746   2           s  1  s
 273546                  s  1
(425367)           sF    3*  
4=bsbb, 3=bbs.

Contains 24 56s, 21 65s, 20 7568s, 16 8765, 15 7658s, with 118 little bell runs, Queens and Whittingtons.

Rung at Skipton on 24 February 2008.

5,058 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave
 234567   M  B F/I V  W  H
 34256                   2
 56423    2  -           2
 34562    1     x          ╮
 53462    2    3x    2     │A
 52436          x        2 ╯
 36245    1           2  2
 32465    1  -        2  2
 54326    1     x
 36452          A        2
 352746   2        s  1  1
 273546   1  -        2  1
(425367)        sF    3*  

Contains 24 56s, 21 65s, 16 8765s with 120 little bell runs, Kings, Queens and Whittingtons.

5,090 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave
 234567   M  B F/I V  W  H
 34256                   2
 56423    2  -           2
 34562    1     x
 53462    2    3x     2
 53246          x     2
 432756   1              4
(245367)     -  s
 32465       -        2* 3+
 54326    1     x
 35426         3x     2
 36452          x        2
 532746   2        s  1  s
 273546               s  1
(425367)        sF    3* 
4=bsbb, 2*=bs, 3+=bsb, 3*=bbs.

Contains 24 56s, 16 65s, 20 7568s, 16 8765s, with 120 little bell runs, Queens and Whittingtons.

Rung at Market Bosworth on 17 November 2007.

5,186 (5,122) Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave
 234567   M  T  B  F  I  V  W  H
 34256                         2
 56423       s           s
 34562    1        -  -
(32546)   2        -  -
(53624)            -  -
 53462             -  -     2
 32546             -  -     2  2
 24653       s           s     1
 56342    1                 1
 32465    2     -           s  3*
 54326    1        -  -
(56342)   2        -  -
(35264)            -  -
 35426             -  -     2
 36452             -  -        2
 352746   2              s [1  1
 273546   1     -           2  1]
(425367)           s        3+  
3*=bsb, 3+=bbs.

Contains 70 combination rollups, 24 56s, 16 65s, 16 8765s, 10 2468s, 100 little bell at the back, and 14 56s, 12 8765s, 56 little bell at the front, with Queens, Backrounds. For 5122, call WsH, sWH for bracketed calls.

Rung at Darley Dale on 6 December 2008.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave (No 361)
234567   M  F  I  B  T  V  W  H
35426                      2
43652       -  -
53624    1     -        1  1
36452       -  -           1
352746   2              s  1  1
273546   1        -        2  1
245367   2  s              2
24365    1           s  s     2
46325                      2
34562       -  -
64523    1     -        1  1
45362       -  -           1
274635   2              s
236457   2  s              2
23456    1           s  s     2

Contains 73 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 9 2468s, 68 little bell at the back, and 8 8765s, 44 little bell at the front, with Queens.

Rung at Belper on 1 March 2012, conducted by Graham R Hayward.

5,124 (5,060) Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave (No 346)
(2361547)  M  F  I  B  T  V  W  H
 1472536   x              s
(1243756)     s     2*
 1234657      -        s        s
(1534726)  s [s  -  -
 1452367      s  -]
 126354    1                 1  2
 1352746                  s  1  1
 1273546                     1  1
 1342657      s     -           s
 164523    s     -        1  1
(1645732)    [s  -  -
 1364527      s  -]          2  1
 1374526                  s
 1423657      s     -           s
(135426)   s  -  -
(1354762)    {s  -  -
 1546327      s  -]          1
 125346             -        2  2
 123456                      1  2
Start with rounds as the 28th change of the lead. x=34. 2*=sb.

Contains 81 combination rollups, 21 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 7 2468s, 104 little bell at the back, and 38 combination rollups, 24 56s, 14 8765s, 30 little bell at the front, with Queens, Backrounds. For 5060, call one set of bracketed calls as sF,I,sB.

Rung as 5060 at Eccleston on 25 April 2011.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave
 234567   M  F  I  B  T  V  W  H
 42356                         1
 35426          -        1  2
(354762)     s  -  -
 654327      s  -           1  1
(536742)           2*
 263547      -        s     2  2
 374526   1              s
 423657      s     -           s
 352746   2*       -     s  1  1
 273546                     1  1
 342657      s     -           s
 64235    s     -  -     s     s
 25346    2        -        2  2
 46253             -        2
 472536                  s
(243756)     s     2*
 234657      -        s        s
(534726)  s  s  -  -
 234567      s  -           1  1
Contains 99 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 7 2468s, 104 little bell at the back, and 35 combination rollups, 24 56s, 14 8765s, 34 little bell at the front, with Queens, Backrounds.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave (No 351)
 234567   M  F  B  T  V  W  H
 26354    2                 1
 273546               s
 543267      s              1
 46253    1     2        1  1
 472536               s
(243756)     s  2*
 234657      -     s        3*
 357246   s     -     s     3*
 275346                  3* s
 243756         -        s  4*
 532467   1     s     1     1
 34256    1     -
 36452    2                 1
 374526               s
 524367      s              1
 23456    1     -            
2*=sb, 3*=bsb, 4*=sbbs.

Contains 62 combination rollups, 24 56s, 16 65s, 20 7568s, 24 8765s, 16 2468s at the back, and 42 combination rollups, 24 56s, 22 8765s at the front, with Queens, Backrounds.

Rung at Wigston Magna on 29 August 2011.

5,184 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave (no. 2)
234567   M  F  I  B  V  W  H
32465    1  -  -        s  s
243756               1  1  s
462537            -  s
25346       s     s        2
42356    1        -     2   
3 part.

Contains 84 combination rollups, including 24 56s, 24 65s, 21 46s, 24 7568s, 12 8765s, with 24 5678s and 18 8765s off the front. For 5056 omit MBW in any 2 parts (1 and 2 recommended)

Rung at Keele (Woodlands) on 29 September 2007.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave (no. 3)
234567   M  B  F  V  W  H
372465      -  -     s  s
32465       s     2     s
532746      -     s [1  s
273546               s  1 ]
54326          s        1
42356    1  -            
3 part, calling bracketed calls in part one only.

Contains 21 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s. 24 5768s, 18 7658s, 15 8765s, with 24 5678s and 8765s off the front.

Rung at Monks Kirby on 10 November 2007.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave (no. 3)
234567   M  B  F  V  W  H
372465      -  -     s  s
324657      s     2     s
46253     [s3rds  s  1
273546   1]       s
543267         s        -
42356    -  -            
3 part, replacing bracketed calls by a Before in parts 2 and 3.

Contains 23 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s, 24 5768s, 21 8765s, 18 7658s, with 24 5678s and 8765s off the front.

5,184 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave (no. 4)
234567   M  F  B  V  W  H 
26354          -     1  1 ╮
273546            s       │A
543267      s           1 │
42356    1     -          ╯
46253          -     1  1
472536            S
234657      s  -        5
357246   s     -  s     5
275346               5  S
243756         -     s  4
532467   1     s  1     1
34256    1     -          
23456         A           
5=bbsbb, 4=sbbs.

Contains 24 each 5678, 6578, 8765, 2468; 20 each 7568, 7468; Queens, Kings, Whittingtons at the back; 24 each 5678, 8765 off the front.
Reduce to 5056 by calling two blocks of 5 as BSB.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave (5152 No 4)
 234567   M  F  I  B  V  W  H
(35264)            -
 237465      -           5*
 325467         -        1  2
 35426    1        -     2  2
(354762)     s  -  -
 364527      s  -           2
 532746   2           s  1  s
 273546                  s  1
 342657      s     -        s
 472536   2*       -  s
 234657      s     -        s
 374526   2*       -  s
 423657      s     -        s
 64523    s        -     2
(645732)     s  -  -
 356427      s  -           1
 23456             -     2  2
5*=sbbsb, 2*=sb.

Contains 67 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 6 2468s, 68 little bell at the back, and 40 combination rollups, 24 56s, 18 8765s, 42 little bell at the front, with Queens.

Rung at Claybrooke on 15 November 2008.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard J Angrave (5152 No 5)
 234567   M  T  F  I  B  V  W  H
 52436                      1
 574263                  1
(574362)        s  -  -
 364527         s  -     1     2
 273546   2              s
 342657         s     -        s
 472536   2*          -  s
 234657         s     -        s
 374526   2*          -  s
 423657         s     -        s
 357246   s              1     1
 275346                     s  s
 324756               -     s  5*
 253467   1           s  1  2  2
 63542    1        -     1     2
 23456       s           s     2
2*=sb, 5*=bsbbs.

Contains 74 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 8 2468s, 40 little bell at the back, and 30 combination rollups, 24 56s, 16 8765s, 36 little bell at the front, with Queens.

5,376 (5,120) Bristol Surprise Major

Oliver M Austin
234567   B  F  V  W  H
372645   -     s
642357      s        1
36452    -           2
374526         s
452367      s        2*
34256             1   
3 part.

Contains 76 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 9 65s, 24 8765s at the back, and 57 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 18 8765s at the front. For 5120, call IV for 2* in one part.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Oliver M Austin
234567   M  T  B  V  W  H
52436                1
23645       s     s     1
42635                1
372645      s
453627   2        s
26354    1           1  1
24365          4        2
2 part.

Contains 83 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s at the back, and 40 combination rollups, 14 56s, 14 65s, 16 8765s at the front, with Tittums, Backrounds.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Samuel M Austin
7823456   (a)
5678234   (b)
3456782   (a)
8234567   (a)
6782345   (a)
4567823   (a)
3572468   (c)
3 part, calling a for b in parts 2 and 3.
a = 1.2
b = 1.2.6s.13s
c =

Contains backstroke 87s.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Samuel M Austin
 234567   M  F  I  T  B  V  W  H
 35426                      2
 23564                -        2
 65432    1                 1   
 53624                -            ╮
 53246    2                 2  1   │
 473625   1        s               │A
 254637   2              s         │
 63254    2                 1      │
 24365       -  -           1  2   ╯
(463752)  1     -     s
 563427      s  -           1  1
 23456             A            

Contains 98 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 44 four bell runs at the back, and 37 combination rollups, 13 56s, 13 65s, 11 8765s, 40 four bell runs at the front. Also true to Ditchling Surprise Major.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
2436857  1,2,4,6,9
2348765  1,2,4,5,8,11,13,14
2438567  1,2,4,6
2345786  1,2,4,5,8,11,13,14
3 part.

85 cru's. All combinations of 5678 in 5678. Queens.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
23456   M  3/5  B  V/F  H
42635           -  ss
34256   1  ss
62345           -  ss   1
43265   2  ss
24536           -  ss
32465   1  ss            
2 part.

66 cru's. 21 5678 6578, 15 8765 at the back. 24 5678 6578, 21 8765 8756 off the front.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
234567  M     B     W  H
745263      sB,sF
362457  s  sT,F,I   2  2
36452   2           2  1
25346   2   sV,sF   2  2
25463   2           2  1
52364   2              2
24365   2     -     1  2
32654       sV,sF   2
735462  2   sB,sF
342567  s    sT        1
52436               2  2
23456               2   

Contains 120 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, and all 24 each 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front.

Rung at Bushey on 11 November 2002, conducted by Roger Baldwin.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
 425367   H   F   I   O   V   6ths  W
 34526            2   ss (ss)
 537264      (ss) 3*                1
(243657)                       -
 54362                ss  s
 327456               ss  s         1
(462537)                       -
 46352                    3+
 46253            ss  ss  3+
 32546    2
(42536)           s   ss             
Sixth place calls.
3* = s - -; 3+ = - - s.
a = W,6ths.
Omit one of the (ss).

Contains 24 each 56s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and 168 little bell rollups split equally back and front.
If the (ss) F is retained the resulting composition contains queens, while the (ss) V is the 64523 little bell course.
Note that this must be shortened by omiting one of the (ss). The unshortened 5,376 would be false.
Rung at Hendersonville on 31st October 2004, conducte4d by Roger Baldwin.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
23456   M    B    W  H
62534        -    2  2
62345        -       1
24365   1    -        
52643        -    2  2 ╮
43265        2         ╯A
32465        A
26354        -
53624   2  sT,sV
53246        -       1
34256   1    -
23456       2A        

Contains all 24 each 56s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 21 65s, and 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front.

Rung at Thatcham on 16 May 2006, conducted by William Butler.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
23456   M  B  W  H
62534      -  2  2 ╮
62345      -     1 │A
24365   1  -       ╯
52643      -  2  2 ╮
43265      2       ╯B
43652      -     1
54632         1
32465      2
34256      A
23456     2B      

Contains 21 each 56s and 65s, all 24 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front.


5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
 234567   M  T  B  F  I  V  W  H
 745263         s  s
 362457   s  s     -  -     2  2
 45362    2                 1
 35264       s           s  2  2
(42356)   1        -  -
 735462         s  s
 342567   s  s                 1
 25346                      1  1
 36452    1                 1  2
 26354    1     2           2  2
 273546                  s
 325467            s        2
 24365    1  s           s     1
 32465    2  s           s  2
 23456    2        -  -     1   

Contains 138 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 32 little bell at the back, and 38 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 3 65s, 24 8765s at the front.

Rung at Bushey on 27 March 2006.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
234567   M  T  B  F  V  W  H
42356                      1
26354    2     -        1  2
472536   2           s
325467            s
43265    1  s        s      
374526         -     s         ╮
245367            s            │A
32465    1  s        s         ╯
24365            A
43652       s        s  1  1
35264    2     -
23564    2  s        s  2   
36245          -               ╮B
23645    2  s        s  2   23456            B          

Contains 114 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s at the back, and 42 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 4 65s, 16 8765s at the front.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
234567   M  T  B  F  I  V  W  H
745263         s  s
362457   s  s     -  -     2  2
36452    2                 2  1
273546   2              s
253467            s        2  2
25463    2                 2  1
52364    2                    2
24365    1                    2
63425                      2  2
32654    2                 2
735462   2     s  s
342567   s  s                 1
52436                      2  2
23456                      2   

Contains 117 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s at the back, and 44 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 4 65s, 24 8765s, 30 little bell at the front.

Rung at Bristol (Cathedral) on 22 February 2002.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
(425367)  6ths  F  I  B  V  W  H
 537264            s        1
 327456    -          3     1
 325467    -             3     2
 24536             -     *
 43526          +  -            
2 part. Sixth place calls.
Start and end at the treble's backstroke snap.

Contains 72 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 8 7568s, 24 8765s, 6 2468s, 36 little bell at the back, and 32 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 8765s, 36 little bell at the front, with Queens. Call ss at * (for 64523 course) or + (for Queens) in part 2.

Rung at Totternoe on 21 September 2006.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
 234567   M  F  I  T  B  V  W  H
 42356                         1
 26354    1     -        1
 374526   1              s
 462537   1              s
(24365)      -  -
(32546)      -  -
 63254       -  -           2  1
 35264    1           -
 52364    2        s     s  2  1
 24365    1     -        1
 43265    2        s     s  2  1
 36245    1           -
 62345    2        s     s  2  1
 25346    1     -        1
(26354)   2  -  -
(32465)      -  -
 53246       -  -           2  1
 34256    1           -
 23456    2        s     s  2   
Contains 144 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 20 8765s, 12 1234s, 16 4321s, 40 little bell at the back, and 37 Combination rollups, 17 56s, 4 65s, 11 8765s, 14 1234s, 12 4321s at the front.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
 234567   M  F  I  T  B  V  W  H
 42356                         1
 26354    1     -        1
 374526   1              s
 462537   1              s
(24365)      -  -
(32546)      -  -
(53624)      -  -
 43652       -  -           1  1
 35264    2           -
 52364    2        s     s  2  1
 24365    1     -        1
 43265    2        s     s  2  1
 36245    1           -
 62345    2           2     2  1
 25346    1     -        1
 53246    2        s     s  2  1
 34256    1           -
 23456    2        s     s  2   

Contains 127 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 20 8765s, 6 1234s, 16 4321s, 56 little bell at the back, and 31 Combination rollups, 14 56s, 4 65s, 10 8765s, 14 1234s, 12 4321s at the front.

Rung at Oxford (St Thomas the Martyr) on 10 May 2010.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
 23456   M  F  I  T  B  V  W  H
 42356                        1
 26354   1     -        1
(24365)  2  -  -
(32546)     -  -
(53624)     -  -
 65432      -  -
 63254   2                 1  1
 35264   1           -
 52364   2        s     s  2  1
 24365   1     -        1
 43265   2        s     s  2  1
 36245   1           -
 62345   2           2     2  1
 25346   1     -        1
(26354)  2  -  -
(32465)     -  -
 53246      -  -           2  1
 34256   1           -
 23456   2        s     s  2   

Contains 141 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 12 8765s, 12 1234s, 12 4321s, 56 little bell at the back, and 7 56s, 4 65s, 9 8765s, 12 1234s, 12 4321s at the front.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
 23456   M  F  I  T  B  V  W  H
 42356                        1
 26354   1     -        1         ╮
(24365)  2  -  -                  │
(32546)     -  -                  │A
 63254      -  -           2  1   │
 35264   1           -         52364   2        s     s  2  1
 36245            A
 62345   2           2     2  1
 34256            A
 23456   2        s     s  2   

Contains 144 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 12 8765s, 12 1234s, 12 4321s, 44 little bell at the back, and 33 Combination rollups, 7 56s, 4 65s, 9 8765s, 12 1234s, 12 4321s at the front.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
234567   M  F  I  B  V  W  H
54326                   2  2 ╮
25346          -     1  2  2 │
52364    2  -  -        1    │A
26543             -          │
23645    2                 1 ╯
23564            A
53624                   2  1
26354                   2  2
472536   2           s
643527   2           s     2
23456    1                 1

Contains 139 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s at the back, and 13 56s, 13 8765s, 30 little bell, 28 1234/4321s at the front.

5,120 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
 23456   M  F  I  B  V  W  H
 43526                  2  1 ╮
 25346                  2  2 │A
 52364   2  -  -        1    │
 26543            -          ╯
 23645   2     -     1     2
 25463           A
 23564   2                 1
 65324                  2  2
 26354         -     1  2  2
(24365)  2  -  -
(32546)     -  -
(53624)     -  -
 64352      -  -        1  2
 23456   1                 1

Contains 143 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 12 8765s, 36 little bell, 18 1234/4321s at the back, and 15 8765s, 24 little bell, 24 1234/4321s at the front. For 5056, omit IVH in 5th course (139 combination rollups).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
234567   M  I  B  V  W  H
62534          -     2  2
43526    2     -     2  1
25346                2  2
26543    2              1
23645    2  -     1     2
63425                2  1
24365                2  2
25463    2              1
23564    2  -     1     2
53624                2  1
26354                2  2
273546            s
364527   1        s
24653    1              1
23456    2  -     1     2

Contains 144 combination rollups, 20 8765s, 20 little bell, 14 1234/4321s at the back, and 14 56s, 10 8765s, 26 little bell, 26 1234/4321s at the front.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
234567   M  F  I  B  V  W  H
43526                   2  1
25346                   2  2
52364    2  -  -        1
26543    2              2
23645    2     -     1     2
63425                   2  1
24365                   2  2
42356    2  -  -        1
25463             -
23564    2                 1
53624                   2  1
26354                   2  2
472536   2           s
643527   2           s     2
23456    1                 1

Contains 143 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s at the back, and 14 56s, 16 8765s, 28 1234/4321s at the front.

5,024 (5,088) Bristol Surprise Major

Roger Baldwin
 234567   M  F  I  B  V  W  H
 34256                      2
 53246                   1
 423756   1     -           3*
 463257               1
 34562       -  -
 32465    2        5        1
 26354             -
 43652    1                 1
 43526             -        1
 24536                   1
 43265             -
 45362    2                 1
 54326    2  -  -        1
(56342)   2  -  -
(35264)      -  -
 23456       -  -            

Contains 64 combination rollups, 24 56s, 15 65s, 16 7568s, 12 8765s, 64 four bell runs at the back, and 30 combination rollups, 12 56s, 4 65s, 24 8765s, 44 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds. For 5088, call 3* as BSBBS

5,280 Bristol Surprise Major

Edwin A Barnett
23456    M F/I W  H
34625    2  x  2  2
26435          2  2
32654    2     2  2
23645    1  x  2  2
3 part.

126 cru's. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Edwin A Barnett
23456    M  B F/I W  H
36245          x  2  2
35264    2     x
25346    2     x  1  1
36524    2     x  2  1
52364    1  -     2  1
32546    1     x  2   
2 part.

144 cru's. 12 8765. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

David W Beard
23456    M  B  W  H
42356             1
54326          1
42563       -
42635    2     2  1
36245          2  2
56423    2  -     1
35264       -  2  2
34562    2        1
32465    2        1
2 part.

144 cru's. Includes all three 56 and 65 courses in full. 12 8765. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

David W Beard
23456  M    B  V  W  H
36245       x     2  2
372645 2    x  s
352647 2 sF x     2  2
24536  2   [x     2  1
24365       -]       1
32465  2 sT    s  2   
Repeat. x = F, I.

Contains 144 combination rollups, 24 8765's and 8756's, 12 5678's and 6578's, and 18 8765's and 8756's off the front with no 82's or 83's.
For 5,024 replace the [bracketed] calls by 2H, M in one part.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 518).
Rung at Chisleburst (Annunciation) on 13 November 2001.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Stephen J Bedford
23456   M  B  F  I  W  H
26435         -  -     2
32465   1  -        2
25463   2  -        1  2
32654      -        2  2
42356      -        1   
3 part.

Contains 100 combination rollups, 12 56s, 24 65s at the back, and 17 combination rollups, 3 65s, 12 8765s, 48 little bell at the front.

Rung at Harborne on 24 February 2008.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Ernest Bennett
23456    M  B  W  H
42356             1
56234    1     2  2
32465    2  -  2
35264    2        1
36452    2     1  1
63254    2        2
54326    1     2  2
32546    1  -  2  1
2 part.

138 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Peter Border
23456    M    B    W  H 
45236    1    -    2  1
26354    2    -    2  2
247356   2    F    2
32465         In      2
42635              2  1
342756        In      2
32546       B,F,B  1  2 
2 part.

132 cru's. 22 7468 7568, 12 8765. Queens.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Peter Border
234567   M       W   H
34256                2
36245    2 a     2   2
275346   2 b     1   2
357246   2 c          
625347     In,d  2   2 ╮
253746   1 e     1   2 │ A
243657   2 f,a   2   2 ╯
25346    2 a     2   2
26354    2 a     2   2
247356   2 b     2
352647        A
23456    2 a     2    
a = Out, bob next half-lead, Out.
b = bob next half-lead after Middle.
c = In, Out, 2x5ths
d = bob next half-lead after Out.
e = Out, 5ths
f = bob next half-lead after 4ths.
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Peter Border
234567   M       W   H
34256                2
36245    2 a     2   2
357246   2 b     2
365247     In    1   1
63425      Out   1   2
253746   2 In        2
243657   2 c,a   2   2
32546    2 a     2    
a = Out, bob next half-lead, Out.
b = bob next half-lead after Middle.
c = bob next half-lead after 4ths.
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Peter Border
234567   M       W   H
34256                2
36245    2 a     2   2
573246   2 b     2   2
426357     d         2
253746   2 e     1   2
243657   2 c,a   2   2
32546    2 a     2    
a = Out, bob next half-lead, Out.
b = bob next half-lead after Middle.
c = bob next half-lead after 4ths.
d = 4ths, 4ths, In.
e = Out, 5ths.
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Peter Border
234567   M   B   W   H
34256                2
64523    2   -       1
36245        -   2   2
26435    1   -       1
24365    1   -   2   2
247356       a   2
423756       b   1   2
325467       c   2    
a = Out, 4ths
b = In, 5ths
c = In, 4ths, In, 5ths.
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Peter Border
234567   M   B   W   H
34256                2
64523    2   -       1
36245        -   2   2
32465            1   2
26435            2
342756        2x5ths 2
735246   2 a     2   1
325467   s   s   2    
a = s4ths, s2nds.
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw
234567  M   B   V   W   H
43526   1   -           1
53246               2   1
753264     In   2       2
352764              2   1
725364              2   2
735462          2
427365     In       3*
524367     In       1
36245   1           2   2
32465               1   2
26435               2
62534   1  sT   s   2   1
35264               2   2
36452   2           1   1
32654   2               1
23456       -       1   2
3* = s - s.

Contains 125 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, all 24 8765s, 21 each 2468s and 3468s including queens and Whittingtons, 16 7568s, 12 7658s and 6 7468s.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw
234567  M     B     W  H
52436   1     -     2
36245   1           2  2
45362   2           1
427365  2     F     2
572364     B,F,V,V     1
273564              2  1
537264              2  2
257364              1
263547     In,F,In  1  2
54263   2           1
32465   1   In,V       2
63425   1     -     2
25346   1           2  2
54326   1     -
23456   1     -        2

Contains 115 combination rollups including 24 each 56s and 65s, 24 8765s, 22 3468s, 21 2468s, 13 7568s, 9 7658s, queens, Whittingtons, and 400 combinations of 5678 in 5-6-7-8.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw
 234567   M  I  T  B  F  V  W  H
 34256                         2
 35264    2     s        2* 2  2
 264735   2           x  x
(45362)   2              2+
 746352   x        -     2
(537264)                 3*
 26354    3*    s        2* 2  2
 24536    2                    4
 324765      -                 2
 745263            x     1  5
 753264                  2  1  5+
 25346       x              6  2
 42635    2  x     x     x  2  1
 36245                      2  2
 23456    2     s        2* 2   
x=16. 2*=xs, 2+=xb, 3*=xbb, 4=xbbx, 5=bxbbx, 5+=bsbbs, 6=bbxxbb.

Contains 144 combination rollups, all 576 combinations of 5678 off the back, with 19 2468s (including Queens) and 12 3468s.

Rung at Belper on 20 May 2006.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw
234567   M  I  B  F  V  W  H
34256          s  s  2  3* 1  ╮A
35426    2     x     x  2     ╯
735246      -  s        2* 5
253467   s     s        2  2
46253    2              1     ╮B
32465    2  x  -        2  3+ ╯
26435            A
42635                      1
423756      -  x           5
362457         x        3@ 2
23456            B          
x=16. 2*=sb, 3*=xbx, 3+=bbx, 3@=xbb, 5=bsbbs.

Contains 144 combination rollups, with 24 each 8765s, 8756s, 7568s, 2468s, with Queens and Whittingtons.

Published in The Ringing World (2008, page 816).
Rung at London (St Lawrence, Jewry) on 8 November 2008.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw
23456   M  B  W  H
43526         2  1
25346         2  2
54326   1  -
25463   1  2
23564   2        1 
3 part.

Contains 141 combination rollups, with only 48 calls.

5,280 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw
 234567   M  I  T  B  F  V  W  H
 34256                         2
 35264    2     s        2* 2  2
 264735   2           x  x
(453627)  2              2+
(537264)  x        -     5*
 263547   3*    s        2* 2  2
 24536    2                    4*
 324765      -                 2
 745263            x     1  5+
 257364                  2     2
 753264      x     x           2
 253467      x              6* 2
 42635    2  x     x     x  2  1
 36245                      2  2
 23456    2     s        2* 2   
x=16. 2*=xs, 2+=xb, 5*=bbxbb, 3*=xbb, 4*=xbbx, 5+=bxbbx, 6*=bbxxbb. xM means make a 6ths place bob.

Contains 144 combination rollups, with all 576 combinations of 5678 in 5678, 144 combinations of 5678 in 1234, 24 3468s, with Queens, Kings and Whittingtons.

Rung at Chipping Barnet on 22 November 2008.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw (5024 No.1)
23456   M  I  B  V  W  H
45236               1  1
35264         2     1  2
26354               1  1
53624   2     2
23645   1  -     1  1
32546         -     1  2
54326               1  1
24365         2     1  2
36245               1  1
64235   2     2        1
35426         2
62453   1           1  1
23456   1              2
115 cru's.

Contains 115 combination rollups, in 18 courses with 43 calls, with 184 runs of 4 or more bells off the front and the back.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw (5056 No.2)
23456   M  B  W  H
45236         1  1
35264      2  1  2
26354         1  1
53624   2  2
34625   1        2
23645         1
32546      -  1  2
2 part.

Contains 128 combination rollups, in 18 courses with 42 calls, with 166 runs of 4 or more bells off the front and the back.

Rung at Astbury on 14 July 2008.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw (5056 No.1)
23456   M  B  W  H
45236         1  1
35264      2  1  2
26354         1  1
25634   2  2  1
35642      2  1  2
32546   2        1
2 part.

Contains 114 combination rollups in 18 courses with 44 calls, with 166 runs of 4 or more bells off the front and the back.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw (5120 No.5)
23456   M  B  W  H
43526         2  1  ╮
24365      -     2  │
36245         1  1  │A
23645   2  2  2     │
34562   2  -        ╯
46325      -
25634   2  -     2
32546      -     2
25463       A
35642   1     2  1
23456   2     1  2
131 cru's.

Contains 131 combination rollups, inc 24 56s and 65s, in 17 courses with 54 calls, with 166 runs of 4 or more bells off the front and the back.,

Rung at Chewton Mendip on 25 April 2009.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw (5120 No.4)
23456   M  B  W  H
43526         2  1
24365      -     2
36245         1  1
34625   2  2  1
25463      2
35642   1     2  1
32546   2        1
2 part.

Contains 118 combination rollups, in 18 courses with 44 calls, with 168 runs of 4 or more bells off the front and the back.,

Rung at St Bees on 25 September 2009.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw (5120 No.6)
23456   M  B F/I W  H
43526            2  1
63254   1        2  1
65432      -     2  1
46253         x
34562   2        1  2
43265   2           2
32546   2     x  2  2
2 part.

Contains 112 combination rollups, including 24 5678s, and 194 runs of four or more bells back and front.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw (5152 No 1)
23456   M  B F/I W  H
43526            2  1
65324   1           1
65432   1     x  1  1
46253         x
34562   2        1  2
43265   2           2
32546   2     x  2  2
52436            2  1
62345   1        2  1
64523      -     2  1
56342         x
25463   2        1  2
52364   2           2
23456   2     x  2  2

Contains 98 combination rollups including 24x 56 and 65 and 210 runs of 4 or more bells front and back.

Rung at London (St Andrew, Holborn) on 20 September 2008.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw (5152 No 2)
 23456   M  I  B     V  W  H
 42356                     1
 34256         s sF  2  3*
 35264   2  s        2+ 2  2
 36245   2  s        2+ 2  2
 34562   1  x    F/I    1  1
(54326)  1     x F/I
 25346         x        2  2
 24365   2  s        2+ 2  2
 46325           F/I x  1
 25634           F/I    1  2*
(45236)  1  x    F/I
 36452         x        1  3+
 65324   2  x  x F/I x  2  1
(43652)  1       F/I
 63254         x     x     2
 23456      x    F/I        
x=16. 3*=xbx, 3+=xbb, 2+=xs, 2*=xb.

Contains 143 combination rollups, with 24 each 8765s, 2345s, 5432s, 3456s and 6543s.

Rung at London (St Giles, Cripplegate) on 1 September 2008.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Graham M Bradshaw (5184 No.3)
23456   M  F/I W  H
43526          2  1
65324   1         1
65432   1   x  1  1
46253       x
34562   2      1  2
43265   2         2
32546   2   x  2  2 
2 part.

Contains 84 combination rollups, including 24 5678s, and 212 runs of four or more bells back and front..

Rung at Marietta on 4 April 2010.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Daniel Brady
234567   M  B  V  W  H
52436             1
574263         1
645237   1  s  s  2* 4*
5 part. 2*=bs, 4*=bbsb.

Contains 69 Combination rollups, 20 56s, 8 65s, 8 8765s at the back, and 2 56s, 8 65s, 4 8765s at the front, with Tittums.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Nicholas D Brown (No 2)
234567   M  I  T  V  W  H
24356                   5*
52346                1
735264            1     5+
257364      -     1  s
435627         s  1  1
23564    3*              
3 part. 5*=bbsbb, 5+=sbbsb, 3*=bsb.

Contains 96 combination rollups, 24 56s, 6 7568s, 18 2468s at the back, and 8 8765s at the front, with Queens, Tittums, Backrounds.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Nicholas D Brown
 234567   T  F  B  V  W  H
 24356                   5*
 52346                1
 735264            1     5+
 257364   s  -  -     2
(257346)        s
 236457      -  s  2  3*  
3 part. 5*=bbsbb, 5+=sbbsb, 3*=sbs.

Contains 123 combination rollups, 24 56s, 17 65s, 9 7568s, 18 2468s at the back, and 6 8765s at the front, with Queens, Tittums, Backrounds.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  T  B  V  W  H
26354         -     1  1 ╮
62534   2  s     s  1  1 │A
23645         -          ╯
23564         A
36245   1  s     s     1
63425   2  s     s  1  1
32654         -         
2 part.

Contains 144 combination rollups.

Published in The Ringing World (2004, page 200).

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
- 4235678
- 3425678
s 3245678
- 4325678
- 2435678
s 3624857
- 8236745
s 8326745
- 5728436
- 4257683
- 6542378
s 6452378
s 5364827
s 6853742
7 part.

Contains 24 of each cyclic combination at the back, and 8 off the front.

5,184 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(42536)  M  I  V  W  H
 54236               1
 45362   1  s  2  1  1
 23645   s    x   s   
6 part. x=4ths, s3rds, 4ths, sB.

Contains 24 each 5678, 6578, 8765 and 8756 front and back.
For 5,056 call x as s4ths,sBefore in two parts.

6,048 (5,152) Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   I  F  M  O  V  W  H
42635                      1
23475    ss    -     ss    1
647253            ss     2
34256       -  -  ss         
3 part. 6ths place calls.

Contains 24 each 5678, 7568, 8765, 21 7658, 18 6578s at the back, with 24 5678s and 8765s off the front.
For 5152, omit four ss.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  I  V  W  H
34256               2   ╮
53246            1      │A
42635   s        1  s   │
32645            s      ╯
32564        4A
25364               2
62354            1
23456   s  -  1      

Contains 135 combination rollups, 24 56s, 22 65s at the back, and 8 65s, 12 8765s at the front, with Tittums.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567   M  T  B  F  V  W  H
 726354         s  -  s  2*
(526374)  2  s     -
 423657      s           2+ s
6 part. 2*=sb, 2+=bs.

Contains 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s at the back, and 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s at the front.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567   M  T  B  F  V  W  H
(653724)        s  2*
 725364      s        s
(526374)  2* s     -
 423657      s           2+ s
6 part. 2*=sb, 2+=bs.

Contains 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 24 1234s at the back, and 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 52 little bell at the front.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  B  W  H
43526         2  1
36524   2  -  1  2
35264         1  2
5 part.

Contains 101 combination rollups, 21 56s, 22 65s, 11 8765s, 32 little bell at the back, and 38 little bell at the front, with Tittums.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  W  H
34256         2
32546      1  2
34625   2  1  1
42635      2   
5 part.

Contains 101 combination rollups, 21 56s, 22 65s, 11 8765s at the back, and 8 8765s, 34 little bell at the front.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  T  V  W  H
24356               s
34256   s  s  s  s  s
62453   s           s
42356      s  s  s  s
53246            s  s
43625      s  s     s
23645            s   
3 part.

Contains 144 Combination rollups.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   M  I  B  V  W  H
52436                1
243756   1  -           s
472536         -
352647   s        2
62453    s           1  s
34256    s              s
3 part.

Contains 24 56s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s at the back; and 44 combination rollups, 24 56s, 12 65s, 24 8765s, 30 little bell at the front; with Tittums, Backrounds.

14,400 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   M  B  F  V  W  H
52436                1
574362            s
643527         s
24536    2  -           1
32546                1
62453    2  -           1
62534       -           1
23564                2
275643            s
645237         s        1
5 part.

Contains 144 combination rollups, 12 8765s, 52 little bell at the back; and 72 combination rollups, 16 65s, 20 8765s, 76 little bell at the front; with Tittums.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  W  H
43526      s  2*
25346      3* 3*
63542   3*    s
56342   2+    s
23645   s     s
3 part. 2*=bs, 3*=bsb, 2+=sb.

Contains 144 combination rollups, 16 8765s at the back; and 12 8765s, 52 little bell at the front; with Tittums.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  B  W  H
35426         2
25463      2  1  2
23564   2        1
53624         2  1
26354         2  2
24653   2        1
32546   2     1  2
2 part.

Contains 144 combination rollups, 12 8765s at the back; and 32 combination rollups, 16 8765s, 34 little bell at the front.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   b  M  w  h  m  W  H
53624      1     s  s  s  s
52346   -                 2*
34265      1  s     2+ s  s
6 part. 2*=bs, 2+=sb

Contains 84 combination rollups, with 24 each 5678, 6578 front and back, and 24 8765s off the front.

5,376 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456    M  m  s  W  H
34256                2
64523    2  s  2  s
32564    s  2* s  2   
6 part. 2*=bs. Lower case letters are the half-lead equivalent calls.

Contains 144 combination rollups at the back, and 72 off the front.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   M  I  B  F  V  W  H
42356                      1
54326                   1
234756   1  -              2
372546         -
436257   2        -     2  2*
53426          -        1
35264          -     2+ 1  2
64352    2              1
32456    1                 s
2 part. 2*=sb, 2+=bs.

Contains 100 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 4 2468s at the back, and 12 56s, 10 65s, 20 8765s, 38 little bell at the front.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   B  W  H
62345   4  3* 1
5 part. 3*=sbs.

Contains 73 Combination rollups, 12 56s, 16 65s, 32 little bell at the back, and 7 65s, 6 8765s, 34 little bell at the front, with Tittums.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567   M  I  B  F  V  W  H
 372546         -     1
 346257   2        -     2
 234756      -              2
(426357)        -  -
 54236          -        1  s
 43256                2* s
 35462          -
 64253    1              4*
 32456    1                 1
2 part. 2*=bs, 4*=sbbs.

Contains 24 56s, 22 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 3 2468s at the back, and 12 56s, 22 65s, 20 8765s, 36 little bell at the front.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567   M  I  B  F  W  H
 42356                   1
 54326                1
 234756   1  -           2
 372546         -
 463257   2        -  2  3*
 62354    2*    -
 25364    1     -
 45362    1              2+
(237465)           -
 324567      -           s
2 part. 3*=sbs, 2*=sb, 2+=bs.

Contains 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 4 2468s at the back, and 12 56s, 18 65s, 20 8765s, 38 little bell at the front, with Tittums.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
 234567   M  T  B  F  I  V  W  H
 42356                         1
 54326                      1
 234756   1           -        2
 372546         -
 453627   2              2
 35264       s           s  2  2
(23456)            -  -
 36245             -  -     2  2
 64352          -
 32456    1                    s
2 part.

Contains 118 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 22 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 4 2468s at the back, and 16 56s, 8 65s, 24 8765s, 38 little bell at the front.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   I  F  V  W  H
34256                2
325764         2  2* 2
325647   -  -     2   
6 part. 2*=bs.

Contains 132 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 20 65s, 24 7568s, 12 2468s at the back, and 48 Combination rollups, 8 56s, 8 65s, 8 8765s at the front, with Queens.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   M  B  W  H
46532   3* -  3* 2
34265   3*    1  s
6 part. 3*=sbs.

Contains 100 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s at the back, and 36 little bell at the front.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   M  B  F  I  V  W  H
372546      -        1
234756   s     -  -        s
326457      -  -        s
25463    2  -              s
42356    s     -  -        s
3 part.

Contains 67 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 4 2468s, 36 little bell at the back, and 45 Combination rollups, 18 56s, 18 65s, 18 8765s at the front.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   M  B  F  I  V  W  H
372546      -        1
234756   s     -  -        s
263457      -  -        s  2
25463       -           s  1
42356    s     -  -        s
3 part.

Contains 73 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 4 2468s at the back, and 45 Combination rollups, 18 56s, 18 65s, 18 8765s at the front.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
234567   M  B  I  W  H
52436             1
342756   1     -     2
473526      -
247536   2           s
452637         -
53264    1           2
23645    2* -        1
34625             2
32456       -        2+
2 part. 2*=sb, 2+=bs.

Contains 98 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 22 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s at the back, and 42 Combination rollups, 16 56s, 16 65s, 12 8765s, 30 little bell at the front, with Tittums.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   B  H
64235   4  1
34526   2  s
43265   -  s
63524   2  s
54632   4  s
52643   4  2
52436   -  1
23645   2  1
23456   -  1

Contains 75 Combination rollups, 20 56s, 20 65s, 8 8765s, 32 little bell at the back, and 36 Combination rollups, 8 56s, 8 65s, 16 8765s, 32 little bell at the front. 31 calls.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   B  H
42356      1
42563   -  1
53426   4  s
23645   2  s
3 part.

Contains 81 Combination rollups, 20 56s, 7 65s, 4 8765s at the back, and 36 Combination rollups, 4 56s, 8 65s, 12 8765s, 30 little bell at the front, with Tittums. 33 calls

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
23456   B  F  I  H
24356            s
42563   -        s
53426      -  -  s
32564   -         
6 part.

Contains 72 combination rollups, 16 56s, 36 little bell at the back, and 8 8765s, 44 little bell at the front.

5,280 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(425367)  M  I  F  B  V  W  H
 24365             -        s
 46253             -
 362745   s           3*
 327465         s  s     s
 245367   s  -     -        1
 34526                   s   
3 part. Start from treble backstroke snap. 3*=bbs.

Contains 71 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 32 four bell runs at the back, and 38 combination rollups, 24 56s, 6 65s, 24 8765s, 36 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert D S Brown
(425367)  M  T  F  B  V  W  H
 32546                   s
 23465             -        s
 36254             -
 247365   s     -  s     s  2*
 346527      s        1     s
 34526             -        1
3 part. Start from treble backstroke snap. 2*=sb.

Contains 80 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s at the back, and 32 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 8765s, 34 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds.

5,025 Bristol Surprise Major

George H Campling
325467   F  I  O  V  6ths  W  H
46253       -  -  -           -
36452             -
374526   s        3
324657   s        -           -
357246         4  -        -
275346      s  s
435267   -  s     s
35426          -
347265      2  2           -
423567      4         -       -
23456          -               
4 = - s - s. Sixth place calls.
Start at backstroke with a single.

Contains: 17 x 6578, 14 x 5678, 13 x 4678, 55 x 678, 19 x 8765, 16 x 7568, 12 x 7658, 8 x 3468, 18 x 5432, queens, Whittingtons;
Off the front: 20 each 5678 & 8765, 17 x 8756, 18 x 2345, back rounds.

Rung at Stow, Lincolnshire on 19 November 2005, conducted by George H Campling.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Murray A Coleman
23456  M  B  V  W  H
42356              1
43526  sB,sF 2  5  1
25346           2  2
26543  2           1
23645  2  x        2
63425           2  1
24365           2  2
25463  2           1
52364  2           2
357246   F,sT   2* 1
423756    sT 2+    5*
53624     sT    4  1
26354           2  2
24653  2           1
23456  2           1
2* = s-; 2+ = xs; 4 = sx--; 5 = xxx--; 5* = s--s-. x = 16.

Contains 144 combination rollups, 24 8765's and 7568's, Queens and Whittingtons.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 518).
Rung at Clifton (Notts) on 15 February 2001.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Benjamin D Constant
234567   M  F  I  V  W  H
35426                2
64352       -  -        1
34625    1  -  -     2   
45362    1  -  -     1      ╮
274635   2        s         │A
523647   2        s     2   │
24365    1              2   ╯
46325                2
53462       -  -        1
24536       -  -        1
43526                2
23456          A         

Contains 75 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 68 little bell at the back, and 37 combination rollups, 11 56s, 11 65s, 17 8765s, 46 little bell at the front.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Benjamin D Constant
 23456   M  T  B  F  I  V  W  H
 26354         -           1  1
 52364                     1
 24365   1                    2
 63425   2  s           s
 54326   1                    1
 42356   1     -               
 62534         2              2 ╮
 62345         -              1 │
 46253   1  s           s       │A
(24365)           -  -          │
 53246            -  -        1 │
 34256   1     -               23456           A             

Contains 85 combination rollups, 24 56s, 20 65s, 12 8765s at the back, and 40 combination rollups, 20 56s, 12 65s, 24 8765s at the front, with Tittums.

5,184 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Benjamin D Constant
23456   M  B  F  I  V  W  H
35264      -
34356   2     -  -
42356            -  1      
42563      -              1   ╮A
64523                  1      ╯
34562         -  -     1  1
63425      -              2
32546   1              2
24365      -               
2 part.

Contains 82 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 12 8765s, 60 little bell at the back, and 33 combination rollups, 10 56s, 10 65s, 18 8765s, 42 little bell at the front.
For 5024, call B 2W 2H for A in part 2.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Anthony J Cox
23456    M  F  I  V  W  H 
43526                2  1
25346                2  2
26543    2              1
357246   2  -        4* 4*
23564          -        2
53624                2  1
26354                2  2
472536   2        s
64352    2        s     2
23645    2  -  -        2
63425                2  1
24365                2  2
45362    1     -  1
23456    2  -  -        2 

143 cru's. 4*=BSBB. 24 8765, 20 2468, 15 7468. Queens.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,216 Bristol Surprise Major

Anthony J Cox
23456   M  B  F  I  V  W  H
43526                  2  1
25346                  2  2
26543   2                 1
357246  2     -        1
23564            -        2
53624                  2  1
26354                  2  2
23645   2     -  -     1  2
34625                  2
234756           -        2
24365               1  1  2
25463   2                 1
725364  2  -  ss    2
347265           -     2
23456            -        2

138 cru's. 24 8765 7568. Queens.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Anthony J Cox
23456    M  B  F/I  W  H
34256                  2
26435    2      x   2  1
62534       -       1  2
35264               2  2
36245    2      2x     2
63425    2      3x  1  1
24365               2  2
43526    2      x   2  2
26354    1          2  2
25346    2      2x     2
52436    2      3x  1  1
23456               2   

144 cru's, 12 8765. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,216 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Anthony J Cox
23456   M  B  F  I  V  W  H
43526                  2  1
25346                  2  2
26543   2                 1
357246  2     -       [2* 2*]
23564            -        2
53624                  2  1
26354                  2  2
23645   2     -  -     1  2
46325                  2  2
24365            -  1  2  2
25463   2                 1
725364  2  -  ss    2
347265           -     5*
23456            -        2
2*=SB, 5*=BSBBS.

141 cru's. 24 7568 8765, 12 2468. Queens. For 5120 replace [2* 2*] with W, or replace 5* with 2W. For 5024 use both reductions.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,090 Bristol Surprise Major

Anthony J Cox
 234567  M   B   W  H
 43526           2  1
 24536           1
 36452       2
 63254   2          2
 62534      I,V  2  1
 35264           2  2
 34562   2          1
 32465   2          1
 42635           2  1
 36245           2  2
 357246      F   1
 265437     I,B
 64523   1   -
 34256   2   -      1
 32546           1  2
(42536)          s   

Contains 139 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s, 65s, 46s and 64s, 21 8765s off the front, 19 8756s off the front and queens.

Rung at Oswaldtwistle on 28 December 2004, conducted by George H Campling.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Anthony J Cox
23456   M  B  W  H
35426         2
23564      -     2
36524         2
23645      -     2
34625         2
25463      2
34562   2  -  1  1
32465   2        1
2 part.

Contains 138 combination rollups, in 18 courses with 44 calls, including the 6 full 56 and 65 courses.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

W Eric Critchley
23456    M  B  W  H
26354       -  1  1
53624    1  -     2
32546       -      
6 part. Call last course 2W in alternate parts.

120 cru's. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (138 cru's).

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

W Eric Critchley
23456    M  B    W  H
62534       -    2  2
63425       -    2  1
24365            2  2
25463    2          1
23564    2   I/5    2
3 part.

144 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

W Eric Critchley
23456    M  B  H
54326    1  -  2
34256    1  -  1
45236    1  -
32546    1  -  2
52436    1  -  1
23564       -   
3 part.

105 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

W Eric Critchley
23456    M  B  W  H
24536    1  -  2  2
32465       -     2
34625    1  -  2  2
36245    1  -  2  2
45362    2     1
24653    2     1  2
32546    2     1  2
2 part.

144 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

W Eric Critchley
23456    M  B  W  H
35264       -
56234    1  -
32654    1  -     2
62534          2  1
52364          2  1
53624    1  -  2  2
45236       -  2  2
32546          2  2
2 part.

130 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

W Eric Critchley
23456    M  B  W  H
62534       -  2  2
35264          2  2
64352    2     1
32546    2  -  2  2
35426    1  -  2  2
24536          2  2
32465    2     2  2
2 part.

138 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

W Eric Critchley
23456    M  B  W  H
35426    1  -
52436    1  -
26435    2  -  1  2
43265    1  -  2  1
62345          2  2
24365    1  -
63425    1  -     2
65324    2        1
23564          2  2
36524    1  -
56234    1  -     1
32654          2  2
53246       -     2
24536    1  -  2  1
54326          2  1
23456    1  -     2

113 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
54326        1
54263     -     1
32465  1  5     1
26354     -
43652  1        1
43526     -     1
24536        1
43265     -
45362  2        1
63254  1     1
52436  1     1
34625  1     1
26543  1     1
64352  1     2
23456  1        1

Contains all 24 each 56s and 8765s off the front, 20 65s, 12 each 8765s and 5678s off the front, 72 little bell rollups at the back and 64 little bell rollups at the front.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5024 No 1)
23456   M  B  W  H
42356            1
54326         1
23645   2  -  2
56342      2  2
56423      -     1
54263         1  2
32465   1  5     1
26354      -
43652   1        1
43526      -     1
24536         1
43265      -
45362   2        1
63254   1     1
23456   1         

Contains 76 combination rollups, 24 56s, 23 65s, 12 8765s, 44 little bell, 22 1234/4321s at the back, and 12 56s, 24 8765s, 46 little bell, 24 1234/4321s at the front.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5024 No 3)
23456   M  B  W  H
52364      -     2
26354   1  -
62453   2        2
34256   1        1
45236         2
65432      -  1
24365      3
63425   1  -     2
24536   1     1
43652      2     1
54326      -     2
25463      -     2
23456   2  4      

Contains 71 combination rollups, 24 56s, 14 65s, 12 8765s, 64 little bell, 20 1234/4321s at the back, and 12 56s, 24 8765s, 46 little bell, 20 1234/4321s at the front.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5024 No 4)
23456   M  B  W  H
42356            1
54326         1
54263      -     1
26543         1  1
45236   1  3  1  1
65432      -  1
46253      4
43652   2        1
43526      -     1
24536         1
32465      -     3*
63254      -     2
64352   1  2  2
23456   1        1

Contains 86 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 12 8765s, 60 little bell, 20 1234/4321s at the back, and 31 combination rollups, 12 56s, 24 8765s, 48 little bell, 22 1234/4321s at the front.

5,026 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5026 No 2)
 23456   M  B  W  H
 52436      5  1
 32465   s     s
 26354      -
 43652   1        1
 43526      -     1
 24536         1
 43265      -
 45362   2        1
 62453      -  2
 34256   1        1
 32546         1  2
(42536)     5  s   

Contains 82 combination rollups, 24 56s, 17 65s, 12 8765s, 44 little bell, 20 1234/4321s at the back, and 12 56s, 24 8765s, 40 little bell, 23 1234/4321s at the front.

5,026 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5026 No 3)
 23456   M  B  W  H
 52436      5  1
 32465   s     s
 26354      -
 43652   1        1
 43526      -     1
 24536         1
 34265      -     2*
 62345         1  s
 62453      -     1
 34256   1        1
 32546         1  2
(42536)     5  s   

Contains 98 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 12 8765s, 40 little bell, 22 1234/4321s at the back, and 35 combination rollups, 12 56s, 24 8765s, 36 little bell, 23 1234/4321s at the front.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5056 No 3)
23456   M  B  W  H
62345      4  2  1
62453   1  2     2
34256   1        1
45236         2
34562      -     2
54632         2  1
43652   2  2     1
43526      -     1
26354      2
52436   2  3  2  1
23456   1  -      

Contains 78 combination rollups, 24 56s, 22 65s, 12 8765s, 52 little bell, 20 1234/4321s at the back, and 31 combination rollups, 12 56s, 24 8765s, 44 little bell, 22 1234/4321s at the front.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5088 No 4)
23456   M  B  W  H
42356            1
54326         1
23645   2  -  2
56342      2  2
56423      -     1
54263   1  -  2  2
32465   1  5     1
26354      -
43652   1        1
43526      -     1
24536         1
43265      -
45362   2        1
63254   1     1
23456   1         

Contains 76 combination rollups, 24 56s, 23 65s, 12 8765s, 44 little bell, 22 1234/4321s at the back, and 12 56s, 24 8765s, 48 little bell, 24 1234/4321s at the front.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5088 No 7)
23456   M  B  W  H
42356            1
54326         1
54263      -     1
46253   1  -
43652   2        1
43526      -     1
24536         1
34265      -     2*
56342   2+    1  1
45236      3  1  1
65432      -  1
32465      3     1
63254      -     2
64352   1  2  2
23456   1        1
2*=sb, 2+=bs.

Contains 88 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 12 8765s, 60 little bell, 20 1234/4321s at the back, and 31 combination rollups, 12 56s, 24 8765s, 48 little bell, 22 1234/4321s at the front.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5120 No 2)
23456   M  B  W  H
42356            1
54326         1
54263      -     1
32465   1  5     1
26354      -
43652   1        1
43526      -     1
24536         1
43265      -
45362   2        1
63254   1     1
52436   1     1
34625   2  -  2
26543   1     1
64352   1     2
23456   1        1

Contains 77 combination rollups, 24 56s, 23 65s, 12 8765s, 52 little bell, 18 1234/4321s at the back, and 12 56s, 24 8765s, 42 little bell, 24 1234/4321s at the front.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5120 No 4)
23456   M  B  W  H
63425      4  1  1
54326   1        1
42563      -
32654   2  -     1
34256   2        1
45236         2
65432      -  1
43265      3     2
34265         2*
46253   2+ -
43652   2        1
54632         1
52436   2        1
23456   1  -      
2*=bs, 2+=sb.

Contains 74 combination rollups, 24 56s, 23 65s, 12 8765s, 52 little bell, 20 1234/4321s at the back, and 12 56s, 24 8765s, 46 little bell, 22 1234/4321s at the front.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5152 No 3)
23456   M  B  W  H
26354      -  1  1
65324         2
54326   1        2
42563      -
63425   2     1
24536   1     1
36452      2
62453   1  5     2
34256   1        1
45236         2
45362      -     1
23456   1  4      

Contains 67 combination rollups, 24 56s, 13 65s, 12 8765s, 52 little bell, 20 1234/4321s at the back, and 12 56s, 24 8765s, 46 little bell, 20 1234/4321s at the front.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies (5152 No 4)
23456   M  B  W  H
62345      4  2  1
24365   1  -
63425   1  -     2
43265   1  -     1
43652      -     1
54326      -     2
42563      -
26354   2  -
62453   2        2
34256   1        1
45236         2
65432      -  1
24536      2  2
42635      -  1  2
23456      -      

Contains 78 combination rollups, 24 56s, 22 65s, 12 8765s, 64 little bell, 20 1234/4321s at the back, and 12 56s, 24 8765s, 46 little bell, 22 1234/4321s at the front.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Frederick Dench
23456    M  B  W  H
24536    1  -  2  2
42635    2        2
46325    1  -  2  2
23564    2  -  2
24365    2        1
23645    1  -  2  2
32546    2        2
2 part.

130 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Noel J Diserens
23456    M  W  H
54326       s  s
63425    s     s
24365       s  s
53462    s     s
63452       s
42356    1     s
3 part.

100 cru's.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

John H Fielden
234567   M  I  T  V  W  H
26354    2              1
32654    2     s  s  2
523746      -           4*
352647            2*    1
23564    2     s  s  2   
3 part. 4*=bsbb, 2*=sb.

Contains 144 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 15 7568s, 12 8765s at the back, and 2 8765s at the front. For 5024 call BW for first 2M in 2 parts.

Rung at Debenham on 2 August 1984.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

John H Fielden
23456   M  B  W  H
52643      3 [1  1
64523         1  1]
35426   1        1
52364      -
54263   2        1
46253         2
43652      -  1  1
65432         1  1
2 part, omitting [bracketed] calls in part 1.

Contains 67 Combination rollups, 12 56s, 18 65s, 4 8765s, 60 little bell at the back, and 1 56s, 5 65s, 7 8765s, 68 little bell at the front.

5,120 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

John H Fielden
23456   M  B  W  H
64523      3
35426   1        1
42563      2  1
26354      2     1
43652   2  -  1  1
65432         1  1
2 part.

Contains 60 Combination rollups, 14 56s, 5 65s, 10 8765s, 48 little bell at the back, and 1 56s, 4 65s, 7 8765s, 64 little bell at the front. For 5056, omit MBW in one part.

5,090 Bristol Surprise Major

John H Fielden
 23456   M  B  W  H
 26354      -  1  1   ╮
 35264   1  -  2  1   │
 34562      -  1  1   │
 56342   1  -  2  1   │A
 64523      -         │
 43526   1        2   │
 52436         1  1   ╯
 64235   1        1
 24365         2  1
 62345      A
(42536)  1     s   

Contains 70 combination rollups, 16 56s, 20 65s, 12 8765s, 36 four bell runs at the back, and 18 combination rollups, 5 56s, 5 65s, 9 8765s, 46 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds.

5,090 Bristol Surprise Major

John H Fielden
 23456   M  B  W  H
 45236      5  1  1
 34256         1
 25463      2  1
 56234      -
 43265   1     1  1
 24536      4
 35642   1     1
 32546   2        1
(42536)     5  s   

Contains 67 combination rollups, 16 56s, 18 65s, 8 8765s, 36 four bell runs at the back, and 26 combination rollups, 7 56s, 7 65s, 11 8765s, 36 four bell runs at the front, with Tittums, Backrounds.

5,248 Bristol Surprise Major

Ian R Fielding
23456    M  B  3/5  W  H
62534       -       2  2 ╮A
34256       2            ╯
45362       -
54632    2      ss  1  1
32465       2           
24365         A         
2 Part.

64 cru's. 24 each 56's, 65's. 12 8765. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (64 cru's).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Paul J Flavell
234567  M  T  B  V  W  H
42356                  1
352746  1     I  2* 1  1
273546              1  1
432756  2     a        2
364527        -  s
24365   2     a        2
42635   2  s     s  1  1
36245               2  2
35642   2              1
62534   2     a     2  1
35264               2  2
24653   2  s  F  2*    1
43526   1  s     s  1  1
53246               2  1
23456   1     -        1
2* = -s; a = F, I.

Contains 124 combination rollups, 400 combinations of 5678 on the back and 232 on the front, 8 7468's, Queens and Whittingtons.

Published in The Ringing World (2000, page 424).
Rung at Eltham on 18 March 2000.

5,280 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Paul J Flavell
234567   M  T  V  W  H
63254        a    1
25346       s  s  1
32546    2  s  s  2
36245    2   b       1
23645    2  s  s  2   
Repeat twice. a = sB,B,F,sT; b = B,sF,sB,B.

Contains 144 combination rollups, with no 82s or 83s.
For 5,024 call b in one part only.

Rung at Ranmore on 30 January 1999.

5,376 Bristol Surprise Major

Paul J Flavell
2345678  1  2  3  4  5  6
5637284           -       ╮
2436857  -     -     - (-)╯A
2437586         2A
2364857          A*
4235867     s     s     -
Repeat twice. A* = A omitting (-). Contains 288 combinations of 5678 at the front and 576 at the back.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Paul J Flavell
234567   M  F  B  V  W  H
273645         -  s     2* ╮
42356    s  s  -     2* s  ╯A
472635         -  s     2*
53426    s  s  -     s
24365    s           s  s
32465            A       
2 part. 2* = - s.

Contains 74 combination rollups, 384 combinations of 5-6-7-8 on the front including 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s and 8756s, and 384 combinations of 5-6-7-8 on the back including 24 each 56s, 65s, 7856s and 7865s.

Rung at Staines (St Peter) on 2 November 2002.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Paul J Flavell
234567   M  F  B  V  W  H
273645         -  s     2* ╮
42356    s  s  -     2* s  ╯A
472635         -  s     2*
53426    s  s  -     s
24365    s           s  s
32465            A       
Repeat. 2* = - s.

Contains 74 combination rollups with 384 combinations of 5678 on the front including 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, and 8756, and 384 combinations of 5678 on the back including 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 7856s and 7865s.

Rung at Staines (St Peter) on 2 November 2002.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Paul J Flavell
234567   M  I  T  B  F  V
372645            -     s ╮
426357               s    │A
34256    1     s        s ╯
42356            A
273546   1  -           2*
435267               s
24365    1     s        s
2 part. 2*=bs.

336 combinations of 5678 on the front and 228 combinations of 5678 on the back including 21 5678, 6578, 8765, 8756 off the front and back.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Paul J Flavell
 23456   M  I  T  B  F  V  W  H
(26437)  2        -  s
 26354            2*          1
 32654   2     s        s  2
 35264      -           1  1  1
 23564   2        2        2   
3 part. 2*=sb.

Contains 144 Combination rollups, 12 8765s at the back, and 4 56s, 8 8765s at the front.

5,376 (5,152) Bristol Surprise Major

Paul J Flavell
23456   M  I  B  V  W  H
26354   2              1
32654   2     2     2
35264      -     1  1  1
23564   2    [2]    2   
3 part.

Contains 144 Combination rollups, 12 8765s at the back, and 1 56s, 3 8765s at the front, with only 57 calls. For 5152 call s3rds, s5ths for [2] in one part.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

John M Goldthorpe
23456   M    B    W  H
34256                2 ╮
43526   2  sT/sV  1  1 │
25346             2  2 │A
672435  2    sV        │
63542   2    sV      1 │
23645   2              ╯
36245                2
46325   2  sT/sV  1  2
24365             1
43265   2    2    2  1
23564   1              
23456        A         

Contains 144 combination rollups and 24 8765s.

Published in The Ringing World (2000, page 424).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001, page 20).
Rung at Stoke Poges on 29 December 1999.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

John M Goldthorpe
23456   M    B      W  H
34256                  2 ╮
43526   2   s3/sV   1  1 │
25346               2  2 │A
672435  2      sV        │
63542   2      sV      1 │
23645   2                ╯
36245                  2
46325   2   s3/sV   1  2
24365               1
43265   2    2      2  1
23564   1                
23456        A           

144 cru's. 24 8765.

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Charles H Hattersley
23456    M  B  W  H
32654    2        2
56234          2  2
45362       -  2  2
52364    2  -  1  2
53624    1  -  2  2
45236       -  2  2
32546          2  2
2 part.

114 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

James W Holdsworth
234567  M  B  W  H
52364      -     2
26354         2
273546    sV
435267    sF
34625   2        2
42356      -      
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 each 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, 44 each little bell rollups at the back and little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise.

Rung at Walkden on 5 December 2009, conducted by James W Holdsworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Ian M Holland
23456    M  B  W  H
54326          2  2
42635    1     2
35264    1     2  2
46253    2  -  2  1
63254    2  -  1  2
64352       -  1  1
32546    2  -  2  2
2 part.

144 cru's. 12 8765. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Ian M Holland
23456    M  B    W  H
25634       -    2  1
26354    1  -    2  2
36245    2   4/I 1  1
23645    2  2    2   
3 part.

144 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Ian M Holland
23456    M  B  W  H
43526          2  1
26354    1     2  2
24653    2        1
34562    2  -     1
43265    2        2
25634    2  -  2  2
32546    2     2  2
2 part.

144 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Ian M Holland
23456    M  B  W  H
54326          2  2
36245    2  -  2  2
56423    2  -     1
35264       -  2  2
54263    2  -  1  2
43265    2  -  1  2
26435          1  1
63425          2
45236    2  -  2  2
26354    2  -  2  2
24653    2        1
32546    2     1  2
65243    1        1
23456    2  -  2  2

144 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Ian M Holland
23456    M  B  W  H
54326          2  2
25463    2     2  2
52364    2        2
42635    1     2  1
36245          2  2
64352    2     2
32546    2  -  2  2
2 part.

144 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,600 (5,152) Bristol Surprise Major

Roderick R Horton
 - 4235678
 - 3425678
 - 4578362
 - 7458362
*- 3574286+
*- 7354286
*- 2573648+
*- 7253648
 - 2348765
 - 5742638
7 part.

For 5152, call one single for each pair of *- in all parts. Alternatively, call one lead of Rutland for the pairs of leads marked + in all parts. Contains 300 4 bell runs in the change.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Roderick R Horton
- 7864523
- 6784523
s 6874523
- 7684523
- 8764523
s 6587342
- 3865274
- 4263785
s 6742538
- 5467823
- 6547823
s 6457823
- 5647823
- 4567823
7 part.

Contains 24 each 2345, 3456, 4567, 5678, 8765, 7654, 6543, 5432 and 12 4321 at the back and 8 each 4321, 1234, 2345, 3456, 4567, 5678, 8765, 7654, 6543, 5432 off the front with no 87s at backstroke.

Rung at Beckenham on 5 October 2008.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Paul B Hunter
234567   M  I  T  B  V  W  H
64352    1                 1
45362                   2
352674   1        s
576234   1              2  s
745362            -  5*
243675      -     -        2
43265             s        2
574326   2           1
357246   2              2  2
527346   1        -
642375   1     s        2
36245             s     1
52643    1                 1
62453    1        -        1
62534             -        1
23456    1              5+  
5*=bbsbb, 5+=bsbbs.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Paul B Hunter
23456   M  B F/I W  H
54326            2  2
46532         x  2  2   |A
23645          2A
23564         x  2
26543   2    2x     2
45362          3A
24536         x  2  1
25346   1  -     2  2
23456            1  2

Contains 91 combination rollups, 21 56s at the back, and 9 8765s, 34 little bell at the front.

5,376 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

Paul B Hunter
234567   M  F  B  V  H
36452    1           2
374526            s
452367      s       [2
45362          -     1
473625            s
342567      s  -]     
3 part.

Contains 24 56s, 24 8765s at the back, and 24 56s, 24 65s, 18 8765s at the front.
For 5056, call MMWHB for [bracketed] calls in one part.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Paul B Hunter
234567   M  F  I  V  H
26354    2           1
472653   1  -  -  s
526437      s         
5 part.

Contains 34 combination rollups, 9 56s, 3 65s, 7 8765s, 32 four bell runs at the back, and 28 combination rollups, 3 56s, 7 65s, 7 8765s, 22 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Stephen J Ivin
23456    M  B  W  H
42356             1
35426          1  1
24536          2  2
25346    1  -  2  2
26543    2        1
23645    2        1
3 part.

144 cru's. 12 8765. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).
Rung at Felmersham on 29 September 1956, conducted by Mark S Lancefield.

5,184 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

Stephen J Ivin
23456    M   B   W  H
34256               2
42635    2  F,I  2  2
36245            2  2
25634    2  F,I  2  1
26354    1   -   2  2
63425    2  F,I  2  2
32465            2   
2 part.

Contains 144 crus, 12 8765s, tittums, and no 82s or 83s.
Also true to Double Dublin, also with 144 crus and no 82s or 83s, but without tittums and with only 3 8765s.
Reduce to 5,056 by omitting M,B,W from the fourth course of each part (138 crus to Bristol, 142 crus to Double Dublin).

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Stephen J Ivin
23456    M  B  W  H
62534       -  2  2
35264          2  2
24653    2  -  2  2
52436    2     2  2
54326    -  -  2  2
36245    2  -  2  2
32465    1  -  2  2
53624       -  2  2
26354          2  2
34562    2  -  2  2
63425    2     2  2
25346    1     2  2
23456    1  -  2  2

133 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,088 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Stephen J Ivin (reversed)
23456  M  B  W  H
43526        2  1
25346        2  2
56342  2  -  1  2
52643  2        1
23645  1        2
Repeat twice.

Some conductors may prefer this reversal of Stephen Ivin's popular composition. Like the usual arrangement it contains all 144 combination rollups, but unlike it this reversal starts with the whole plain course, and contains back rounds. It also contains 82s, which the usual arrangement avoids, and does not contain tittums.
Reduce to 5,024 by omitting M,B,W from one part (143 cru).

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Stephen J Ivin and Roger Baldwin
234567   M  B  V  W  H
42356                1 ╮
35426             1  1 │
24536             2  2 │A
25346    1  -     2  2 │
26543    2           1 │
23645    2           1 ╯
23564        A
25634             1  2
26354    1  -     2  2
472536   2     s
643527   2     s     2
23456    1           1

Contains 136 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s at the back, and 10 56s, 10 8765s at the front.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Stanley Jenner
23456    M  B    W  H 
43526            2  -
32546            2
24653    2  -
25346    2       1  1
23564    2  F/I  1  2 
3 part.

144 cru's. 12 8765. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Stanley Jenner
23456    M  B   V  W  H 
42356                 1
24365    1  F/I    2  2
25463    2            1
43526    2  F/I    2  1
52436              1  1
36245    1         2  2
64523    2  -
745263   1   I     1
537264          2  1  1
25346        I        2
23564    2  F/I    1  2
25634    1  -      2  2
26354    1  -      2  2
24653    2            1
23456    2            1 

144 cru's. 24 8765. Queens. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's, 15 8765).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Daniel Jones
234567   M  I  T  B  V  W  H
372546            -  4*
753426            -
465237   1     s
23465    2              1
342756      -        s
423567            s  1  1  s
3 part. 4*=sbbs. Replace 4* with one bob in one part.

Contains 24 56s, 12 65s, 12 7568s, 12 8765s, 6 2468s at the back, and 33 Combination rollups, 9 56s, 15 65s, 9 8765s at the front.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Daniel Jones
234567   M  B  F  I  V  W  H
24356                      s   ╮
472536      -        1         │A
326457   s     -  5     s      │
42356       -           2*     ╯
34256            A
32456                      s
25364    2              2
273546               1
436257   s     -        s
23456       -           2*  

Contains 61 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 19 65s, 8 7568s, 24 8765s at the back, and 34 Combination rollups, 12 56s, 15 65s, 10 8765s at the front, with Tittums.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

John R Ketteringham
23456    M    B  W  H 
62534         -  2  2
35264            2  2
24653    2    -  2  2
52436    2       2  2
54326    1    -  2  2
36245    2    -  2  2
32465    1    -  2  2
53624         -  2  2
26354            2  2
63425    2  F/I  2  2
64235    1    -  2  2
25346    2    -  2  2
23456    1    -  2  2 

139 cru's. 12 8765. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

John R Ketteringham (no 69)
23456  M   B   W  H
52364  2       2  2
43526  2  F,I     2
45236          1  2
26354  2   -   2  2
43265  2  F,I     2
56234  2   -   2  1
64235  2   -   1  2
62453  2  F,I  1  2
34625     F,I     1
36245          1  2
53624  1  F,I  1  2
25346      -      2
23456          1  2

5,120 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

John R Ketteringham (no 70)
23456  M   B   W  H
62534      -   2  2
35264          2  2
24653  2   -   2  2
52436  2       2  2
54326  1   -   2  2
36245  2   -   2  2
32465  1   -   2  2
53624      -   2  2
26354          2  2
63425  2  F,I  2  2
64235  1   -   2  2
25346  2   -   2  2
23456  1   -   2  2

Contains 139 combination rollups.
Reduce to 5056 by calling the third course MW2H; contains 138 combination rollups.

Published in The Ringing World (1965, page 340).
Published in Composition 500 (1979, page 21).
Rung at Washingborough on 20 April 1965.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

John R Ketteringham (no 72)
23456    B   W  H
62534    -   2  2 ╮
46325    -   2  2 │
24365   I,V  2  2 │A
62453    -      2 │
23645   F,I  2  2 ╯
52436    -   2  2
65324    -   2  2
26354   I,V  2  2
23564        1  2
23456    A       

Contains 129 combination rollups with no 82s.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

John R Ketteringham (no 74)
23456  M   B   W  H
54326          2  2 ╮
25463      -      2 │A
52364  2          2 ╯
64235  -       2  2
36245     I,V  2  2
64352  2       2    ╮
32546  2   -   2  2 ╯B
43265      A
25634  -       -  2
26354  -   -   2  2
23456      B       

Contains 141 combination rollups.

Published in The Ringing World (1980, page 592).
Published in Composition 501 (1984, page 26).

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Arthur Knights
23456    M  B  W  H
45236    1  -  2  1
32546          2  2
24536    1  -
35426    1  -     2
23564    2     2  2
3 part.

117 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Arthur Knights
23456    M  B  W  H
36452    1        2
23564    2     1  2
25634    1  -  2  2
32546       -     2
35426    1  -  2  2
24536          2  2
32465    2     2  2
2 part.

132 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Arthur Knights
23456    M  B  W  H
52364    2     2  2
53624    1  -  2  2
45236       -  2  2
32546          2  2
43265    2     2  2
25634    2  -  2  2
26354    1  -  2  2
65243       -
42563    1  -     2
34625       -  2  2
36245    1  -  2  2
42635          2  2
54326       -  2  2
23456          2  2

130 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Dennis Knox
23456    M  B  W  H
32654    2        2
56234          2  2
24365    2  -  2  2
46253    2     2
53624    2  -     2
45236       -  2  2
32546          2  2
2 part.

138 cru's. 12 8765. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Robert W Lee
 - 4235678
 - 3425678
 s 2634857
 - 8326745
 - 2836745
 s 3728564
 s 2537486
 - 4325678
 - 2435678
 s 3624857
 - 8236745
 - 3826745
7 part.

Contains 24 5678s and 8765s, and equivalent rotations.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Gabriel Lindoff
23456    M  W  H
24536       1  2
35426       2  2
24653    1  1
32546    2  1  2
23645    2     2
3 part.

126 cru's. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (141 cru's).

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Gabriel Lindoff
23456    M  W  H
24536       1  2
32465    2  2  2
25463    1     2
32654    2  1  2
36524       1  2
25634       2  2
32546    2  2  2
2 part.

120 cru's. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (140 cru's).

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Andrew C D Mayes
23456    M F/I W  H
43526          2  1
25346          2  2
52364    2  x  1
26543    2     2
23645    2        1
3 part. Call 4th course Before instead of 2M 2W in 2nd and 3rd parts.

144 cru's. 12 8765. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

John L Morris
23456    M  B  W  H
62534       -  2  2
35264          2  2
24653    2  -  2  2
52436       -     2
54326    1  -  2  2
36245    2  -  2  2
32465          1  2
53624       -  2  2
26354          2  2
54263    2     1
63425    1     2  2
64235    1  -  2  2
25346    2  -  2  2
23456          1  2

137 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4)
234567  M  B  W  H
26354      -  1  1
26543      -     1
32465      -  s  s
273546     -  sV
543267        sF 1
42356   1  -      
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front, and 8765s off the front.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 29).
Rung at Boston, Massassachusetts (Advent) on 18 April 2001, conducted by Roger Baldwin.
Rung to Peterstone Wentloog Surprise at Coalpit Heath on 3 August 2023, conducted by Frederick Shallcross.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4 reversed)
234567   M  B  W  H
26354       -  1  1
273546  sV
342657  sF  -     s
54632    s  -     1
54326       -     1
42356    1  -      
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front.

Rung at High Wycombe on 19 November 2011, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,088 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 11)
234567   M     B       W  H
745263       sB,sF
362457   s   sT,F,I    2  2
45362    2             1
34256    2    F,I         1
753264       sB,sF     1  2
725364        I,V      1  1
562347   s  sT,F,I,F,I    1
24365    2     -       2  2
46253    1   sT,sV        1
374526   2     sV
253467         sF      1  2
35426    2     2          2
23456    1     -       2   

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 45s, 46s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 8756s, 9 2468s, 8 7468s, queens, kings, Whittingtons, tittums, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.
Reduce to 5,024 by omitting MBW from last course (3 fewer 46s and one fewer near miss).
Also true, with reduced music, to Double Dublin.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 518).
Rung at Maidstone (St Michael and All Angels) on 23 January 2001, conducted by John B Keeler.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 21)
234567  M    B    W  H
23645       F,I   s  2*
432756  2  I,B,V     s
374526       -
254637  s   V,V
42356   s   F,I      s
Repeat twice. 2* = s -.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 7568s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and 12 6578s off the front.

Rung at Todmorden on 16 December 2006, conducted by Peter C Randall.

5,184 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 28)
234567  M   B   W  H
52436           1
35264       -     (2)
53246   2  F,I  1
423756  1   In     2
274536      -
362457  2   F   2 (2)
63452       -      s
32456   1          2

Contains 124 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s, 65s and 45s, and 22 46s; all 24 each 8765s, 8756s, 7568s and 8765s off the front; and 12 5678s off the front.
Reduce to 5,056 by calling s for all four occurances of (2); contains 108 combination rollups and 16 45s, with all other claimed music unchanged.

Rung at Tarporley on 18 January 2003, conducted by George H Campling.
Rung to East Molesey at Okehampton on 16 July 2012, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,152 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 31)
234567  M     B     W  H
745263      sB,sF
362457  s  sT,F,I   2  2
32654   2    F,I    1  2
735462  2   sB,sF
342567  s    sT        1
35264      F,I,F,I  2  2
36452   2           1  1
273546  2    sV
253467       sF     2  2
46532   2     -        2
24365         -     2  2
62534   2  (sF,sB   2  1
23456   1)          2   

Contains 142 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s, 65s, 45s, 46s and 64s, and all 24 each 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front.
Reduce to 5,024 by replacing the parenthesized calls by 2W,H,M,sT,sV. The reduction contains 135 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s, 65s, 45s and 46s, and all 24 each 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front.

The 135 cru version rung at Limehouse on 11 August 2003, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.
The 142 cru version rung at Great Berkhamstead on 30 August 2003, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 46)
234567  M     B     W  H
42356                  1
25463         -
62345   2  F,I,F,I  2  1
472536  1     sT
654327  2   V,sV,V  2
65324         -        1
64352   1    F,I       1
24365        F,I    1  1

Contains 254 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front or back, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 8756s, and 14 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front.

Rung at Hughenden on 21 July 2005, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 47)
234567  M      B      W  H
42356                    1
274635        B,sV
263547  2      sV     1  1
24536   2   F,I,F,I   2
65432      sT,V,sV,V  2
65324          -         1
64352   1     F,I        1
24365         F,I     1  1

Contains 260 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front or back, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 8756s, and 18 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front.

Rung at Wigton on 9 July 2005, conducted by John P Loveless.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 48)
234567  M  B  W  H
45236      5  1  1
53246         2
36245   1        2
42563   1     1
32465      -  1
26354      -
374526  1 sV
245367  2 sF  1
24365      -     1
34625      5  2  1
23456      -     2
Rung at Hook Norton on 24 September 2005, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 49)
234567  M    B    W   H
43256        5    2*  1
637452      F,sV
347265  1    In
274635     In,B,sV
243657  2*  F,B       2
Repeat. 2* = - s.
Rung at Heywood on 7 May 2008, conducted by Peter C Randall.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 51)
23456  M  B  W  H
43526        2  1
24365  2     2  2
53462  2  -  1  1
45236    F,In
26354  2  -  2  2
24653  2        1
32546  2     1  2

Contains all 144 combination rollups, all 7 near misses, and 174 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back or front.

Rung at Orford on 3 September 2006, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 53)
23456  M  B  W  H
26354     -  1  1
53624        2  2
24365     2
53246  1  F,In
34256  1  -      
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 8765s off the front, 18 8756s off the front, 12 each 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 54 little bell rollups.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise.

Rung at Frensham on 15 August 2006, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.
Rung in hand at Pensax, Worcestershire (The Old Stables) on 19 September 2020, conducted by Alex F Byrne.
Rung to Double Dublin at Warnham on 12 March 2012, conducted by Julian Morgan.
Rung in hand to Double Dublin Surprise at Bosham (Little Creed Cottage) on 16 February 2020, conducted by Benjamin J Carey.

5,025 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 54)
(325476)  M    B    W  H
 435276             1
 253467        a    2  2
 42356              1
 36524    1         1  2
 35264              1  2
 35642    2         2  1
 26543    1            1
 23645    2            1
 42635    1    -    2
 43526    2         1  1
 24365    2         2  2
 62345              1
 46253    1  sT,sV
 374526   2   sV
 632547   2   sV       2
 23456    1             
a = sT,F,In,F,In.
Start at backstroke, the initial bob Wrong
being immediately at the start:

Contains 130 combination rollups including all 24 each 65s, 45s and 46s, and 21 56s; all 24 8765s; 18 5678s off the front; and 12 each 8756s and 8765s off the front, including back rounds.

Rung at Warwick (St Nicholas) on 29 July 2006, conducted by Simon P Rogers.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 55)
23456  M  B  W  H
35642     2     1
32654  1  4     1
42356     -  1   
Repeat twice.

Contains 21 56s, 18 8765s off the front, 15 each 65s and 8756s off the front, 12 5678s off the front, 9 each 8756s and 6578s off the front, 50 little bell rollups at the back, 44 little bell rollups at the front, tittums and back rounds.

Rung at Pittsburgh on 1 October 2006, conducted by Donald F Morrison.
Rung in hand at Cambridge, Cambridgeshire (102 Mawson Road) on 11 August 2015, conducted by Michael G Purday.
Rung in hand to Double Dublin Surprise at Exeter (49 Widecombe Way) on 19 February 2020, conducted by Timothy M Bayton.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 55a)
23456  M  B  W  H
63254     -  1
35642     -
32654  1  4     1
42356     -  1   
Repeat twice.

Contains 21 56s, 18 8765s off the front, 15 each 8756s off the front, 12 each 65s and 5678s off the front, 9 6578s off the front, 54 little bell rollups at the back, 34 little bell rollups at the front, tittums and back rounds.

Rung at Dordrecht (‘t Klockhuys) on 2 October 2021, conducted by Martin J Bright.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 56)
23456  M  B  W  H
26354     -  1  1
52364        1
24365  1        2
63425  1  -     2
54326  1        1
42356  1  -      
46253     -  1  1 ╮
25463        1  1 │
62534     -     2 │
62345     -     1 │A
53246  1        1 │
34256  1  -      23456     A      

Contains all 24 56s and 8765s off the front, 20 65s, 16 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 8 8756s, back rounds, tittums, and 42 little bell rollups.

Rung at Englefield on 10 April 2007, conducted by Benjamin D Constant.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 58)
23456  M  B  W  H
34256           2
34562  1  2     2
56423     2  1
25634     -     2
65432  1  5      

Contains 16 56s, 12 65s, 9 8765s off the front, 7 5678s off the front, and 80 little bell rollups, including 16 each 2345s, 5432s, 3456s and 6543s, tittums and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin with 19 56s, 18 65s and 80 little bell rollups.

Rung at Oxford (St Mary Magdalen) on 25 September 2007, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 60)
23456   M  F/I  W  H
42356              1
24365   1   x   2  2
52436       x   2  1
53624   2       1  1
42563       2   1  2
35426       x      1
65432       x   1  1

Contains all 24 56s, 19 65s, 12 8765s, 7 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 6 each 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, 112 little bell rollups including all 24 each 2345s, 5432s, 3456s and 6543s, and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin with all 24 56s, 23 65s and 112 little bell rollups.

Rung on handbells at at Woking (8 Holbreck Place) on 24 July 2008, conducted by Richard A Pearce.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 61)
23456   M   F/I   W  H
42356                1
46253   1  sT,sV  2
35264   1         1  1
36452        4    2  1
32465        x       2
35426   1    x       1
65432        x    1  1

Contains all 24 56s, 22 65s, 12 8765s, 8 5678s off the front, 110 little bell rollups including all 24 each 2345s, 5432s, 3456s and 6543s, and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin with all 24 each 56s and 65s and 110 little bell rollups.

Rung at Brancepeth on 29 June 2010, conducted by Stphen A Croxall.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 62)
234567  M  V  W  H
54326         s  s
24635   1     s
374526   In,B
254637  s  2
63452   s     1
42356   1        s
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 21 8756s off the front, 15 6578s off the front, tittums, back rounds and 6 full 56 courses.

Rung at Greasley on 7 July 2007, conducted by Ian Butters.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 63)
234567          W
372546    B,V
324567     a    s
43625     F,In    ╮
273546   In,B     │A
243567   sB,sV   43256      A     
a = F,B,F,sB,sF,F.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 8765s, 12 65s, and 400 combinations of 5678 in 1234, including all 24 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 20 8756s off the front and 12 6578s off the front.
True to all Cc.

Rung at Westhaught on 7 March 2009, conducted by Simon J Poole.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 67)
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
54326        1
36245  2  -  2  2
56423  2  -     1
35264     -  2  2
63542  2     2  2
24536  1     1  1
25346  1  -  2  2
65432  2  -     1
26354     -  2  2
43652  2  -  1  1
43526  2     2  1
24365  2     2  2
24653  2     2  1
23456  2        1

Contains all 144 combination rollups, 96 678s, 12 each 8765s, 8756s and 8765s off the front, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.
Also true to Double Dublin, with 144 combination rollups, 12 8765s off the front, 9 each 7568s and 7468s, back rounds and all 7 near misses.

Rung in hand to Double Dublin at Islington (9G Highbury Crescent) on 8 April 2013, conducted by Richard A Pearce.
Rung at Ponteland on 18 November 2023, conducted by Kristopher King.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 68)
234567  M         W  H
35264        a    2*
42635   s    b    s
372546    sT,F,sT
423567  s  sB,sV     s
Repeat twice. 2* = s -.
a = In,sB,F,sT,sV,V,V;
b = sB,B,F,sB,sF,B,F,sT.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 21 6578s off the front, 15 8756s off the front, and 84 little bell rollups, with no backstroke 87s.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 69)
234567  M    sT/sV    W  H
34256                    2
25346                 1  1 ╮
32546   2      x      2    │
26543   1                2 │A
36245   1      x      2  2 ╯
35264          A
752346       V,V,sV   5  4
246537      F,In,V,V  1  2
43526   1      x      1  1
26354          x
63254   2      x      2  1
23456   1                 
5 = s - - s -; 4 = - s - -.

Contains all 144 combination rollups, 18 2468s, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 11 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, queens, kings, Whittingtons, back rounds in the last course, and all 7 near misses, with no 82s.

Rung at Stepney (St George in the East) on 4 July 2013, conducted by John B Keeler.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 164)
234567  M   B   W  H
26354       -   1  1╮
273546     sV       │
543267     sF      1│A
42356   1   -       ╯
34256       A
36452   2          1
374526     sV
524367     sF      1
36245   1       2  2
32465   1   -   2  2
35264   2  In,V    2
45623   2   -      1
23456   2       1   

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, and 5678s off the front.

Published in The Ringing World (2000, page 424).
Rung at Boston, Massachusetts (Advent) on 16 September 1990, conducted by Maurice W Southworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 167)
23456  M  W  H
24356        s
26453  2     1
65423    (2)  
Repeat seven times, calling s for (2) in parts 1 and 5.

Contains all 24 each 56's and 65's. True to all fch LRbcXYZ.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 29).

5,026 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 168)
 234567  M    B    W  H
 24356                s
 52346             1
 472635  1    sT
 423756  2  sF,In     5
 253647  1  In,sV
 63452   2    -    2
 725463  1  sB,sF
 324567  s    sT      3*
 745362     sB,sF
 534267  s    sT   1
 26345   1         2  2
 23465             1  2
 275346      B,sV  2  1
 357246            2  2
 372546            1  2
(425367)      sF       
5 = - - s - -; 3* = s - s.
Round at the treble's backstroke snap four leads after the last call.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 7568s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 22 2468s, 18 7658s, 12 each 8765s and 6578s off the front, 10 8756s off the front, queens, Whittingtons, tittums and back rounds.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 29).
Rung at Dunstable on 28 July 2001, conducted by Roger Baldwin.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 173)
23456    M  B  W  H
24356             s
63452    1        1
63524       -     1
32564          2   
6 part.

132 cru's.

Published in The Ringing World (1994, page 1083).
Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).
Rung at Broadclyst on 21 July 2009, conducted by Paul J Pascoe.

5,100 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 239)
(6214357)  M   B    W  H
 162435             3*
  36254        -       2
  53642        -       2
  35246        -    1  2
  64253    1        1  1
  45263    1   -
  725463   2   a
  324567   s   sT      2
  745362       b
  542367   s   sT   2  2
  64325    1        2  1
  23465             2  2
  275346       c    2  1
  357246            2  2
  372546            1  2
 (425367)      sF       
3* = t - -
a = F, I, sB, sF; b = sB, sF; c = B, sV
t = 34
Start with rounds the 23rd row of a lead, with the 6 the hunt bell,
calling a 't' ten blows later to put the treble in the hunt.
Comes round at the treble's backstroke snap four leads after the
last call.
Rung at Limehouse on 20 March 2001, conducted by Stephen A Wheeler.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 457)
23456  M   F/I   W  H
34256               2
62345       x       1
25463  1  sT/sV  1  1
34625       2
46253     sT/sV  1  1
43526  1    2
63254     sT/sV     2
32465       x    1   

Contains 102 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, all 24 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 22 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 12 each 8765s and 8756s.

Rung at Heywood on 28 February 2007, conducted by Andrew D Sibson.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 458)
23456  M   F/I   W  H
34256               2
24536  1    B       1
36452     sT/sV
53246       2    1  1
45362  1  sT/sV
42635  1    a
32654     sT/sV  1  2
32465       x    2   
Repeat. a = sF,I,sB,sF,I,sB.

Contains 110 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, all 24 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and 12 each 8765s and 8756s.

Rung at Sudbury (St Gregory) on 6 June 2003, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 459)
234567  M    B    W  H
42356                1
53624   1         1
273546  2    sT
462537  2    sV
63254   1            2
64235   1  sF,I,sB   1
36452   1  sT,sV
32546      sF,sB  1
32465        -       1

Contains 92 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, and all 24 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front.

Rung at Thorverton on 27 April 2007, conducted by Michael E C Mears.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 463)
23456  M    B    W  H
42356               1
25463       -
43526  2   F,I   2  1
23564     sT,sV  1  2
36524            2
36245       -       1
23645  2  sT,sV  2
34562     sT,sV     1
32465  2            1

Contains all 144 combination rollups, 17 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 15 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 12 each 8765s and 8756s.

Rung at Hollesley on 15 March 2003, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 464)
234567  M    B    W  H
36245       F,I   2  2
56423   2    -       1
35264        -    2  2
46253   1         1  1
472536     V,sV,V
243657  2   sF,B     1
32465   2  sT,sV  2   

Contains all 144 combination rollups, all 24 each 8765s and 8756s, and 15 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front.

Rung at Fulbourn on 22 June 2002, conducted by Alan M Barber.

5,152 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 500)
2345678  1  3  5  6  7  8
8326745  s  s  -  -  s  -   (8 leads)
6534827     -  -            (7 leads)
5678234  s  s  -  s  -  -   (8 leads)
Repeat six times.

Reduce to 5,024 by calling the last course of each of the fifth part s1,s3,s5,6 (6 leads), and the first course of the seventh part s1,s3,5,s6 (6 leads).
Both lengths contain all 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s and 5432s, Queens and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Selly Oak on 10 December 2005, conducted by Mark R Eccleston.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 630)
2345678  M  B  W  H
54326          s  s
23546          1  s
42365       -     5
26453       -
3246857  2*        
Repeat three times. 5 = s - - s -; 2* = - s.

Contains all 24 each 5678, 6578, 8765, 7568, 5678 off the front and 8765 off the front with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Liverpool (St Michael, Garston) on 28 February 2006, conducted by Martin J Bright.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 631)
2345678  M   B   W  H
42356               1
25463        -
63254    2       1
62345    1  F/I  2  1
3247586  1       1   
Repeat three times.

Contains all 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s and 7568s, 20 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 15 6578s off the front, and Whittingtons.
Warning: also contains 40 backstroke 87s, and half the 65s come at handstroke.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 632)
234567  M     W  H
627354     a     2*
423657  2  sT 2* s
Repeat five times.
a = sB,F,F,sT,sV; 2* = - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front.

Rung at Church Lawford (The Plantagenet Ring) on 17 April 2014, conducted by Christopher C P Woodcock.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 867)
23456  M          W  H
34256                2
46235  2   F,I    s
32564  s  I,F,sT  2   
Repeat five times.

Contains all 144 combination rollups with no 82s or 83s.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 868)
23456  M  sT,sV  W  H
35642  1         2
26354  1    2
24365       a    2* s
34256  1    a    2   
Repeat twice.
a = sF,sB,B. 2* = - s.

Contains 89 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, all 24 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and 12 8765s.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 869)
23456  M    B    W  H
42365  1   F,I   2  s
62543  s    -    2*
46253  s  sT,sV
25346     sF,sB     2
42356            1   
Repeat twice. 2* = - s.

Contains 93 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, all 24 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and 12 8765s.

Rung at Avebury on 19 December 2013, conducted by Bernard F L Groves.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 888)
234567  M    B    W  H
745263     sB,sF
654237  s    s       s
32465   s  sF,sB  s  s
62435             s
34256   s         s  s
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 5678s off the front, 18 8765s off the front, and 12 each 8765s and 8756s off the front, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Halesworth on 1 October 2006, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 889)
234567  M            W  H
745263      sB,sF
547263  s   sT,sV    s  s
324657  s  sB,sF,sV     s
62435                s
34256   s            s  s
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s the front and 8765s off the front, and 12 each 8765s and 8756s off the front, with no backstroke 87s.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 892)
234567  M    B    W  H
745263     sB,sF
254637  s    s    s  s
36425   s  sF,sB  s  s
32456      sF,sB  s  s
745362     sB,sF
542367  s    sT   s  s
32465   s         s  s

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 19 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front including back rounds and 8756s off the front, and 16 each 8765s and 8756s.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1014)
23456  M     B     W  H
35264        -
56234  2   sT,sV      1
34256     F,I,F,I     1
34625       F,I    2
53462  1    F,I    1  2
24365        a     2
43526     B,sV,sF  1
36452  1    F,I    1
43265  2  sV,sF,B     1
52436     B,sV,sF     1
23456  1     -         
a = sF,I,B,sF,I,F,I,F,I.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front, 8765s off the front, 3456s and 2345s, and 12 each 8756s, 1234s, 4321s and 5432s.

Rung at Bushey on 20 December 2004, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1227)
234567  M         H
372546       a
374625    sF,F,sF
324657  1  sB,sV  2
Repeat three times, calling single for bob halfway and end.
a = sT,F,I,F,sT,V.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front including back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1397)
234567  M  sT/sV  W  H
35426             2   
35264   1    x       2 ╮
53624   2    x    1  1 │
26354             2  2 │A
24653   2            1 │
32546   2         1  2 ╯
357246  2    a       s
273546       b    2
245367  2    sF   2
23456        A        
a = F,I,sV.
b = I,B,sF,B.

Contains all 144 combination rollups, all 24 8765s, Queens, Whittingtons and back rounds.
If preferred, b may be called as I,sF,I,B.

Rung at London (St Lawrence, Jewry) on 11 March 2006, conducted by Simon P Rogers.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1415)
234567  M     B    W  H
745263      sB,sF
362457  s  sT,F,I  2  2
56423   2     -       1
35264         -    2  2
36452   2          1  1
273546  2     sV
253467        sF   2  2
46532   2     -       2
24365         -    2  2
24653   2          2  1
45236   2          2
32654   1          1
735462  2   sB,sF
234567  s     sT      2

Contains 124 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s, 65s and 45s, and all 24 each 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front.

Rung at Mandurah on 16 November 2012, conducted by Michael J Trimm.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1416)
234567  M  B  F/I  W  H
745263     s  sF
362457  s  sT  x   2  2
36452   2          2  1
273546  2     sV
253467        sF   2  2
65432   2  -          1
53624   2          2
24365   1          2  2
25463   2             1
35264   1      3   2  2
32654              1  2
735462  2  s  sF
234567  s  sT         2

Contains 132 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s, 65s and 45s, and all 24 each 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front.

Rung at Maidstone on 18 December 2012, conducted by John B Keeler.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1558)
23456  M   B   W   H
52634  s   -   2
42365  2   -       1
52463      -   1
36524  s   -   s   2*
62543  3*  -
64253  s   2   2*
32456  2   -   2+  2*
2* = - s; 3* = - - s; 2+ = s -.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 22 5678s off the front, and 18 8765s off the front including back rounds.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1559)
23456  M   B   W  H
24356             s
63245  1  F,I
64235  1   -   s
52436  1          1
34265  2*  -      2
36452      -   2+ 1
53462          1
53264  s   -   1
32456     F,I  1   
2* = s -; 2+ = - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and 8 8765s.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1695)
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
35264     2  1
63542     -     2
25346     2  2
26543  2  5     1

For handbells.

Rung on handbells at Londonderry, New Hampshire on 16 August 1990.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1696)
23456  M  B  W  H
26354     -  1  1
25463     -  2  1
62534     -     2
62345     -     1
53246  1        1
34256  1  -      
Repeat twice.

For handbells.

Rung on handbells at Twickenham (19 Court Way) on 31 October 2007, conducted by David C Brown.
Rung, reversed, on handbells at Headingly (18 Wood Lane) on 17 August 2016, conducted by James W Holdsworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1697)
23456  M  B  W  H
54632  1     1
23645  1     1  1
46325        2  2
64523  2        2
42356  2  -
46253  2        1
53462  2     1
24365  1        1

For handbells: between Middle and Wrong 3-4 are always coursing.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.

Rugn on handbells at Hollybush (Bank Cottage) on 27 October 2010, conducted by Bernard H Taylor.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1698)
23456  M  B  W  H
52436        1
63425  1     1  1
36452  1  4  2  2
24365     4     1

For handbells.

Rung on handbells at Longthorpe on 13 April 2008, conducted by William S Croft.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1699)
23456  M  B  W  H
24356           s
43526  s  2  1  1
36452     4  2  2
24365     4     1

For handbells.

Rung on handbells at Godmanchester on 9 September 2012, conducted by Michael G Purday.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1700)
23456  M   B   W   H
56342  1       3*  2
42365  3*  -   3*  s
Repeat five times.
3* = s - s.

Contains 108 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, 52 little bell rollups at the front, tittums and all 7 near misses.

Rung at Wilby, Suffolk on 4 October 2014, conducted by Jeremy W Spiller.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1758)
234567  M    B    W  H
42356                1
235764  1  sB,B      5
435267       V    2
26354   1         2  2
46532   2    -       1
24365        -    2  2
65243   2         1
32546   2    -    1  1
Repeat. 5 = - - s - -.

Contains all 144 combination rollups, 18 each 7568s and 7468s, all 24 7658s, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, and all 7 near misses, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Heywood on 13 March 2004, conducted by George H Campling.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1759)
234567  M     B     W  H
52436   1     -     2
36245   1           2  2
35642   2              1
24365   2   sF,sB   2  2
432765  2  sF,B,sV     5
325467        V     2  2
Repeat. 5 = s - - s -.

Contains all 144 combination rollups, 18 each 7568s and 7468s, all 24 7658s, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 6 2468s, and all 7 near misses, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Great Milton on 24 November 2005, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1871)
23456  M  B  W  H
25346     x  1  1
32546  2  2  2   
Repeat five times, calling - for x in alternate parts.
x = 16.

Contains all 144 combination rollups.

Rung at Newport, Wales (St Woolos Cathedral) on 24 November 2018, conducted by Helen Phillips.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1872)
23456  M   B   V   H
34256              2
35426  2   -   x
43526  2   x  [x]
32465      -        
Repeat five times, omitting [x] from alternate parts.
x = 16.

Contains all 144 combination rollups with no 82s or 83s.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 1902)
234567   M     B     W  H
745263       sB,sF
463257   s  sT,F,In  1  2
25634    1           2  2
25346          -        1
46253    2           1
374526   2     sV
435267         sF    2
24365    2           2  2
45362    1    In,V
34256    2    F,In      1
753264       sB,sF   1  2
725364        In,V   1  1
362457   s  sT,F,In     2
23456        sF,sB   2   

Contains 102 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s, 65s and 45s and 18 46s, all 24 each 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 8756s, 9 2468s including queens and kings, Whittingtons, tittums, back rounds, and all 7 near misses, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Hanwell on 21 January 2004, conducted by Stephen A Wheeler.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2167)
234567  M  F/I   W  H
372645     B,sV
624537  1   sV   1
53462       2       1
374526  1  B,sV
435267      sF   2
36452   1   x    1
24365   2   x       2

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 3456s and 6543s, 20 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 14 each 1234s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front.

Rung at Maidstone (St Michael and All Angels) on 19 December 2006, conducted by John B Keeler.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2168)
 234567   M    B     W  H
 372645        a
 423567   1  sF,B
 46253         -     1  1
 374526   2    sV
 35426         sF    2  2
 24365      F,I,F,I  2  1
a = F,I,F,I,F,I,F,I,sV

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 3456s and 6543s, 20 each 5432s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 18 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and 14 each 1234s and 4321s.

Rung at Oxford (Lincoln College) on 16 December 2007, conducted by Benjamin D Constant.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2541)
23456  M  B  W  H
43526        2  1
25346        2  2
65432  2  -     1
26354     -  2  2
45362  1     1  1
64352        1
24536  2  -     1
32465     -     2

Contains all 144 combination rollups, 14 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 8 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and all 7 near misses.

Rung at Skipton on 16 September 2007, conducted by Peter C Randall.

5,088 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2683)
23456  M    B    W  H
34256               2
54326  2  sT,sV  1  2
25346 [1    -    2]
53246  2    a    2  1
23645  1             
Repeat twice. a = F,In,F,In,F,In.

Reduce to 5,024 by replacing the bracketted calls in one part by one bob Wrong.
Either length contains all 144 combination rollups, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, back rounds in the last course, and all 7 near misses, with no 82s or 83s.
Also true, with 144 combination rollups and no 82s or 83s, to Double Dublin.

Rung at Hollesley on 29 October 2006, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2868)
23456  M  B  W  H
26354     -  1  1
24536     a  1
26435     -  1  1
43265  1  -  2  1
36452     -
24365  1  4      
a = F,In,F,In.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 11 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, back rounds and 56 little bell rollups.

Rung at Amersham on 14 April 2007, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3004)
23456  M  B  W  H
26354     -  1  1
26543  2     2  1
45623  1  -     2
45236     -     1
34562     -     2
63425     -     2
53246  1     2  1
65432     -  2  2

Contains all 24 56s, 23 65s, 12 8765s, 10 8765s off the front, 9 8756s off the front, 8 5678s off the front, 7 6578s off the front, 80 little bell rollups including 16 each 2345s, 5432s, 3456s and 6543s, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.
Also true to Double Dublin with all 24 each 56s and 65s and 80 little bell rollups.

Rung at Southampton (Bitterne Park) on 19 April 2009, conducted by Linda D E Jasper.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3188)
234567  M        W   H
52436            1
32465      B,xV  2*  s
735462  1  xB,F  x
725463      sV
247365      In
423567      In       s
Repeat twice.
- = 14, s = 1234, x = 16.
2* = - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 7568s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 18 7658s, 54 876s, 48 678s off the front, and all 7 near misses.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3189)
 234567   M   W   H
 52436        1
 32456    1   s   4
 725364       3*
 745362      sV
 342567   a       x
Repeat twice.
- = 14, s = 1234, x = 16.
4 = s x s x; 3* = x s x.
a = In,x6ths,sM.

Contains 480 combinations of 5678 in 5678s, including all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s and 7568s, and 18 7658s, 83 combination rollups, all 24 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 each 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, and all 7 near misses.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise, Dublin Surprise and Reverse Dublin Surprise.
True to all acfZ.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3190)
 234567    B   V   W   H
 52436             1
 32465     -   x   2*  s
 725364    a   2+
 745362    In      2#
(647352)       x
 342567   x6ths        s
Repeat twice.
- = 14, s = 1234, x = 16.
2* = - s; 2+ = x s; 2# = s x.
a = F,sT,F.

Contains 432 combinations of 5678 in 5678s including all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 7568s, and 21 7658s, all 24 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 each 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, 60 little bell rollups and all 7 near misses.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3809)
23456  M   F/In  W  H
23564       4       1
43526  2    x    2
65324     sT,sV  2
64235  1    2
36452  1  sT,sV
24365  2    x       2

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 17 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, and 100 little bell rollups, including all 24 each 3456s and 6543s.

Rung at Hughenden on 4 January 2013, conducted by J Alan Ainswroth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3810)
23456  M   F/In  W  H
34256               2
53246            1
45362  1  sT,sV
42635  2    2    2
25634       3    2  1
34562       3
24365  2             

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 20 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 88 little bell rollups including all 24 each 3456s and 6543s, and the full plain course, ending with the last six leads of that course.

Rung at Burnham on 11 September 2009, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3810 reversed)
23456  M   F/In  W  H
35426            2
52643       3       1
46253  2    3
43526  2    2    2
52364     sT,sV  1
24365  1            2

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 20 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 88 little bell rollups including all 24 each 3456s and 6543s, all 7 near misses, and the whole plain course, with no 82s.

Rung at Huntington on 17 January 2009, conducted by Benjamin D Constant.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3965)
42536  M   B   W   H
34265      -   2*  s
46352      -
23654  s           s
35624          2
43526  2           s
23546          s    
Repeat twice.
2* = - s.
Start and end at the treble's
backstroke snap.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, back rounds, and all 7 near misses, and is tenors together throughout.

Rung at Kingstone on 7 October 2010, conducted by Frederick Shallcross.
The reverse, starting at handstroke, rung half-muffled at Tarporley on 12 November 2016, conducted by Patrick W J Deakin.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 3970)
234567  M            W   H
745263       sB,sF
362457  s   sT,F,In  2   2
35642   2                1
24365   2    sF,sB   2   2
46253   2            2
374526  2     sV
435267        sF     2
63254   1            2   1
53246        sT,sV   1   2
35264   1    F,In    2   2
725364  2  F,In,sB,sF
572364  s    sT,sV   3*
234567       sB,sF       2
3* = - s -.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 128 combination rollups, queens and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin.

Rung at Bungay on 11 July 2013, conducted by David C Brown.

5,120 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4061)
23456  M  B  W  H
32456           2*
65324     -  s
24653     -  5
45362  2  -
25643  s  -     1
Repeat three times.
2* = s -; 5 = s - - s -.

For handbells.
Reduce to 5,024 by replacing 5 by 2 bobs in any one part.
Either length contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4155)
234567  M   F/In   W   H
473526      sT     s
253647  s   V,V
23645        2     s
45362    In,B,V,V
42356        x     2*  s
Repeat twice.
2* = - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 4321s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 21 6578s off the front, 15 8756s off the front, tittums, back rounds, 120 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back, and 106 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise, and to all ac Surprise.
To Double Dublin contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front and 8765s off the front, 21 8756s off the front, 18 7658s, tittums, back rounds, 110 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back, and 103 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front.

Rung at Walkden on 25 January 2008, conducted by Peter C Randall.

5,088 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4375)
23456  M   B   W   H
53642  1       3*
42365  2   -   2*  s
52463      -   1
63524  s   -   s   2
34256  1       2   s
Repeat twice.
3* = - s -; 2* = - s.

Reduce to 5,024 by calling s for 3* in one part.
Either length contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 5678s off the front, 18 8756s off the front, 15 8765s off the front, and back rounds.

Rung at Chislehurst (Annunciation) on 16 July 2013, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,065 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4523)
(5436172)   M    B   V  W  H
 1645237    t           s
  56342         F,In
  32465     1           1  2
  35426     1    a         1
  52436     1    -
  23645     1           2
  25346          -      1  1
  34256                 1  1
  45362          -
  274536    2        1
  263547    3*       2  1  1
  273546             s
  435267        sF
  54632     1   F,In       2
  43652     1    -
  23456     2               
t = 5678.
a = sF,In,B,sF,In.
3* = s - s.
Start at backstroke, with rounds the 24th row
of a lead, and the 5 the hunt bell. The t at
Middle is at the first lead end, nine changes
latter, putting the treble into the hunt.

Contains all 24 each 65s and 8765s, 14 5678s off the front, 13 56s, 12 each 8756s and 8765s off the front, 9 each 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, 70 little bell rollups at the back, 59 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds in the last course.
Especially suitable for a 65th birthday or similar anniversary.

Rung at Northfield on 4 December 2010, conducted by Stephen A Wheeler.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4775)
234567  M     B     W   H
427365        V         1
654327      sF,sF   1
26354         -     2   2
54263   2           1
24365       sT,sV   2   2
25346   1  B,sF,sB      1
32546   2   sT,sV   2    

Contains all 144 combination rollups, 177 runs of four or more consecutive bells at either the front or the back, queens, kings, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.

Rung at Hurstbourne Priors on 12 August 2011, conducted by Benjamin D Constant.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4776)
 234567  M        W  H
 35426            2
 54263     sT,sV  1  1
 24365       a    2  2
 243756  1  B,sV  1
 263547     F,sB  2  2
 24653   2           1
 32546   2        1  2
a = sT,F,sT,V,V.

Contains all 144 combination rollups, all 24 5432s, 15 8765s off the front, 9 5678s off the front, 192 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front, kings, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.

Rung at Grundisburgh on 20 June 2012, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4777)
23456   M   F/In  W  H
45362      sT,sV  1
35264      sT,sV  2  2
42563   1            1
34256        x    2  1
43526   2  sT,sV  1  1
26354   1         2  2
32546   2    2        

Contains all 144 combination rollups, all 24 each 2345s and 5432s, 206 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the front or at the back, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.

Rung at Wimbledon on 18 July 2011, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 4778)
23456   M    F/In   W   H
34256                   2
34562       Before      1
32465   1   sT,sV   2
43526   1     x         2
35264       sT,sV   1   1
36245         2     2   2
35642   2               1
32546   1   sT,sV   2    

Contains all 144 combination rollups, all 24 each 2345s and 5432s, 208 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the front or at the back, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.

Rung at Basingstoke (All Saints) on 5 November 2011, conducted by Benjamin D Constant.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6094)
42536  M  B  W  H
54236           1
62435  1        1
56324  2     1  2
25364        1
45263     -  1
65234     2  1  2
64532     -  1  1
43625     -
32645  1  -      
Start and end at the treble's backstroke snap.

For handbells, 5-6 always coursing between Middle and Wrong.
Also true to Bibra Surprise, Bibroci Surprise, Butis Surprise, Caerffili Surprise, Caerini Surprise, Cambodunum Surprise, Camulosessa Surprise, Coccuveda Surprise, Ditchling Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Freedom Surprise, Friday Surprise, Furness Surprise, Lactodorum Surprise, Lewisham Surprise, Nempnett Thrubwell Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Petriana Surprise, Petworth Surprise, Reverse Dublin Surprise, Southall Surprise, Tryes Surprise, Tuesday Surprise, Yelling Surprise and Silver Delight.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6095)
42536  M   B   W   H
54236              1
62435  1           1
56324  2       1   2
25364          1
45263      -   1
56432  3*      2
65234      -   1   2
64532      -   1   1
32645      -   3*   
Start and end at the treble's backstroke snap.
3* = s - s.

For handbells, 5-6 always coursing between Middle and Wrong.
Contains 20 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 8756s, 16 each 3456s and 6543s, and tittums.
Also true to Bibroci Surprise, Butis Surprise, Caerffili Surprise, Cambodunum Surprise, Camulosessa Surprise, Coccuveda Surprise, Ditchling Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Friday Surprise, Furness Surprise, Nempnett Thrubwell Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Petriana Surprise, Petworth Surprise, Reverse Dublin Surprise, Tuesday Surprise and Yelling Surprise.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6096)
42536  M   B   W   H
45236              s
36254  s       1
54623  4       s   s
23645  s       4
45362  1       s   s
65342          s
45623      -   2*
52634  2+  -
42635  s            
Start and end at the treble's backstroke snap.
4  = s - - s;
2* = - s;
2+ = s -.

For handbells, 5-6 always coursing between Middle and Wrong.
Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 8756s, 13 3456s, 8 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.
Also true to Ditchling Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Tuesday Surprise and Yelling Surprise.

5,376 (5,152) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6097)
42536   I   O   V
63542  [-]      s
65342       s
23645   ss  s   - 
Repeat five times, omitting [-]
from alternate parts.
Sixth place calls.
Start and end at the treble's backstroke snap.

For handbells, 5-6 coursing throughout.
Reduce to 5,152 by omitting ss from any one part.
Also true to Bibra Surprise, Bibroci Surprise, Butis Surprise, Caerffili Surprise, Caerini Surprise, Cambodunum Surprise, Camulosessa Surprise, Coccuveda Surprise, Ditchling Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Freedom Surprise, Friday Surprise, Furness Surprise, Lactodorum Surprise, Lewisham Surprise, Nempnett Thrubwell Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Petriana Surprise, Petworth Surprise, Reverse Dublin Surprise, Southall Surprise, Tryes Surprise, Tuesday Surprise, Yelling Surprise and Silver Delight.

5,060 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6112)
(2361547)  M       B       W   H
 1374526   3*     sV
  324657         sF,B          2
  34256    1      F,In     2   1
  753264         sB,sF     1   2
  725364         In,V      1   1
  256347   s  sT,F,In,F,In     2
  63254                    1   1
  745263   1     sB,sF
  623457   s    sT,F,In    2   1
  35426    2       -       2   2
  35264    1       2           2
  43652    2               1   2
  23456            -       1    
Start with rounds the twenty-ninth row of a lead, with
the 2 the hunt bell, the t at Middle taking affect four
rows later, putting the treble into the hunt.
3* = t - -.
t = 34.

Contains all 24 65s, 8765s and 5678s off the front, 21 56s, 20 8765s off the front, 16 1234s off the front, 14 each 1234s, 4321s off the front and 2345s off the front, 12 each 8756s and 2345s, 9 2468s, 50 little bell rollups at the back, 58 little bell rollups at the front, kings, queens, Whittingtons, tittums and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.
Especially suitable for a sixtieth birthday or similar anniversary.

Rung at Felmingham on 27 October 2012, conducted by Richard I Allton.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6112a)
234567  M       B       W   H
34256                       2
753264        sB,sF     1   2
725364        In,V      1   1
256347  s  sT,F,In,F,In     2
63254                   1   1
745263  1     sB,sF
623457  s    sT,F,In    2   1
35426   2       -       2   2
35264   1       2           2
46253   2     sT,F      1   2*
374526  2      sV
324657     sF,sB,B,F,sT     2
23456   2      F,In     1    
2* = s -.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 5678s off the front, 22 8765s off the front, 12 8756s, all 7 near misses, 16 each 1234s off the front and 2345s off the front, 14 4321s off the front, queens, kings, Whittingtons, tittums and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6396)
23456  M  F/In  W  H
42356              1
32546  2   3       2
46253    sT,sV
53624  1        2  2
24536      4    2
36452    sT,sV
24365      x       1

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 3456s, 6543s and 5432s, 18 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 16 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 100 little bell rollups at the back, 46 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

Rung at Sheffield (St James, Norton) on 24 May 2013, conducted by Peter C Randall.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6538)
23456  M  B  W  H
26354     -  1  1
43526   sV,sF
36524  1        2
43265     -  2  2
45362  2        1
62534  2  -     2
34625     -  2
46253     2  1  1
53246   sV,sF   1
36452  1  2  1  1
52436   sV,sF   1
23456  1  -      

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 each 8756s, 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, 44 little bell rollups at the back, 50 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

Rung at Maidstone on 12 May 2014, conducted by John B Keeler.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6541)
234567  M        W   H
35264       a
473625  2  sV
426357     sF    1
372645     sT
435267  1   b
52364     sT,sV  1
24365   1   c        2
a = F,In,sF,B,F,sB;
b = sB,F,In,V;
c = B,sF,sB,B.
2* = s -.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 3456s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 78 litte bell rollups at the back, 46 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

5,080 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6645)
(534162)  M   B   W   H
 126543   t       2*
  35642   1           1
  32546   2           1
  36245       -   1   1
  64352       -
  53246   1       1
  63425   1       2   1
  42635   1   -   2   1
  23564   1       2
  32465       -   1   2
  26354       -
  54632   1       2   2
  54326   2       2   1
  25463   1   2
  63254   2       1
  23456   1            
t = 34.
2* = s -.
Start with rounds the ninth row of a lead, the 5
the hunt bell, and call the t at Middle at the
first lead end, putting the treble into the hunt.

Contains 104 combination rollups, including all 24 65 and 17 56s, 23 8765s off the front, 9 each 8765s and 5678s off the front, and back rounds in the last course.

Rung at Maidstone (St Michael and All Angels) on 28 January 2014, conducted by John B Keeler.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6647)
23456  M    B    W   H
26354       -    1   1
43526       a
53264     sT,sV  1   s
23465     sT,sV  s   s
34256  s   F,In  1    
Repeat twice.
a = sF,In,sB,F,In.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 18 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 6578s off the front, 76 little bell rollups at the back, 48 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Wokingham on 1 August 2017, conducted by W John Couperthwaite.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6649)
23456    B   W   H
53426        s
62534    -   s
34265  sT,F  s   s
Repeat five times.

Contains 94 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 28 little bell rollups at the back, 46 little bell rollups at the front, back rounds, and all 7 near misses, with no backstroke 87s.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6649 reversed)
23456  M   B   H
24356          s
65342  s  V,sV
54263  s   -
34265  s        
Repeat five times.

Contains 74 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 36 little bell rollups at the back, 58 little bell rollups at the front, tittums, and back rounds in the last course.

5,088 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6736)
23456  M  B  W  H
26354     -  1  1
35264        1  1
63542     -     2
63425     -     1
54326  1        1
42356       (2)  
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 56s, 18 8765s off the front, 12 each 65s, 8765s, 8756s and 5678s off the front, 9 6578s off the front, tittums and back rounds.
Reduce to 5,024 by replacing (2) with M,B in any two parts; contains all 24 56s, 22 8765s off the front, 12 each 65s, 8765s, 8756s and 5678s off the front, 11 6578s off the front, tittums and back rounds.

Rung in hand at Reading (18 Sandhills Way, Calcot) on 17 September 2014, conducted by Oliver D Cross.
Rung in tower at Oxford (St Thomas) on 21 September 2015, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.
Rung to Jaconet Surprise at Harrogate (St Peter) on 12 June 2022, conducted by C Barrie Dove.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6737)
23456  M  B  W  H
35642     2     1
52643  1        2
23645  2  -  1  2
34625        2
25463     2
53462  1        2
24365  1        1

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, tittums and back rounds.
Especially suitable for handbells: between M and W 5-6 always home or coursing.

Rung in hand at Leiden, Netherlands (Octavaialaan 37) on 16 October 2016, conducted by Michael J Trimm.

5,088 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6738)
23456  M  B  W  H
36452  1        2
54632        s  s
34265     2     s
35642     -  s  1
42356  2     1   
Repeat twice.

Reduce to 5,024 by calling the last course of any two parts B,2W.
Either length contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 5678s off the front, 15 8765s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s off the front, and tittums.

Rung at Uppingham, Rutland (St Peter and St Paul) on 7 October 2021, conducted by Luke G Groom.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6739)
23456   M  sT/sV  W  H
24356                s
54632        x       s ╮
54362   2    x    1  s │A
32465   1            s ╯
62543        x       s
43256   1         s  s
43265       3A
23456        A*      
A* = A, omitting final single Home.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 18 8756s off the front, 17 8765s off the front, 15 5678s off the front, 10 6578s off the front, tittums and back rounds in the last course.

5,184 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6740)
234567  M        W   H
53426            s
24365  (5)       s   s
274536      B,sV     2*
632457  s  sF,B  s
42356   s        s   s
Repeat twice.
5 = - - s - -;
2* = - s;
3* = - s -.

Reduce to 5,056 by omitting (5) from any one part; or by replacing (5) by 3* in any two parts.
Either length contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 8756s off the front, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6741)
234567  M     W  H
627354     a  1  1
423657  2  b  1  s
Repeat five times.
a = sB,F,sV;
b = sT,F,sT,V.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and back rounds.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6742)
234567  M      W   H
725364      a
423657  1  sT  2*  s
746253      b        ╮
342567  1  sT  2*  s ╯A
23456      4A       
2* = - s.
a = In,sB,sF,In,sB,F,In,sF,In,B,sF,B,sV;
b = sB,F,In,F,B,sV.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6751)
23456  M      W   H
26534  2*  a  2*  2
Repeat seven times, replacing the first
of the two bobs Home by a single in two
parts half a peal apart.
2* = - s.
a = In,B,sF,In,F,B,V.

5,100 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6783)
613245  M  B  W  H
132654           3*
 25634        2
 32546     -     2
 52436        2  1
 54326        1  2
 56423     -  1  1
 34625     2  2
 46253     2  1  1
 54263  1  -  2
 56342  2     1  1
 62345  2  -  1  2
 43265        2  2
 35264  2  -  1  2
 43652  2     1  2
 23456  2         
3* = t - -.
t = 56.
Start with rounds the 21st row of a lead, the 6
the hunt bell, calling the t at Home at the
second lead end putting the treble into the hunt.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6935)
23456  M   B   W
54632  1       1
43526      -
26354    sT,sV
32465   sF,sB,B
64523  1       1
42356  1       2
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 each 65s and 8765s, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.
Also true to Double Dublin, with all 24 56s, 21 65, 18 8765s off the front, 15 5678s off the front, 9 each 7568s and 6578s off the front, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Longwood on 7 December 2019, conducted by Oliver M Austin.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6935a)
23456  M   B   W   H
54632  1       1
43526      -
26354    sT,sV
34265   sF,sB,B    s
65243  s       1
42356  1       1    
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 8765s, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.
(Not true to Double Dublin.)

Rung at North Mymms on 4 January 2020, conducted by Daniel R B Gregory.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6966)
23456  M   B   W   H
56234      -   2
34265  1       1   s
54632  2*  2       2
54326      -       1
42356  1   -        
Repeat twice.
2* = s -.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 18 8756s off the front, 15 8765s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 6578s off the front, 9 5678s off the front, tittums and back rounds.

Rung at Sullivan's Island, South Carolina on 16 November 2023, conducted by Edward J Futcher.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6966 reversed)
23456  M   B   W   H
26354      -   1   1
52643      -       2
32465      2   2*  s
64523  1       1
42356  2   -        
Repeat twice.
2* = - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 8765s off the front, 18 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 6578s off the front, 3 5678s off the front, and back rounds.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6967)
23456  M  B  W  H
43526        2  1
26354     2
24653  2        1
34562  2  -     1
65243  1     1
32546  1        1
24536        2
24365     -     1

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, tittums, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise.

Rung at Burnham on 2 June 2016, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 6990)
23456  M     W  H
34256           2
36452  2        1
63254  2  a     2
63425     b  2
23564     c  2   
Repeat twice.
a = B,sF,sB,B;
b = B,sF,sB;
c = In,F,B,V.

Contains all 144 combination rollups, 13 8765s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 11 5678s off the front, 10 8756s off the front, 54 each little bell rollups at the back and little bell rollups at the front, all 7 near misses, and back rounds at handstroke, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Broadclyst on 12 June 2015, conducted by James Kirkcaldy.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7128)
23456  M   B   W   H
42356              1
54326          1
45623  2           2
43526  2           1
24536          1
43265      -
42365  3*      3+  3+
63254  2*  -       2
45236  1       1   1
65432      -   1
46253      4
43652  2           1
56342          2   2
64352          2
23456  1           1
3* = - - s; 3+ = s - -; 2* = s -.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8756s off the front, all 7 near misses, 66 little bell rollups at the back, 70 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7129)
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
25463     -
23564  2        1
65432  1     1
32465     3     1
54263  1        1
24653  1  -     1
56342  2  -  2
64523     -
43526  2  -  1  2
24536        1
36452     2
63254  2        2
52436  1     1
23645  1     2
23456     -     1

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s off the front, 20 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, all 7 near misses, 62 little bell rollups at the back, 70 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7129a)
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
25463     -
63254  2     1
24536  1     1  2
54326        2  1
42563     -
26354  2  -
24653  2        1
56342  2  -  2
56423     -     1
34625  1        1
32546     -  2  1
43265     -     2
65432     -  2
53624     -
42635  2  -  2  1
23645        2
23456     -     1

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s off the front, 20 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, all 7 near misses, 68 little bell rollups at the back, 66 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7130)
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
43526        1  2
24536        1
32465     -     2
26354     -
34625  2  4  2  1
42635        2
45236     -  1  1
53462     -
43652  1  -     1
35264  2  -
56342  2     2
64523     -
54263  1  -     1
24653  1  -     1
23456  2        1

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s off the front, 18 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s and 5678s off the front, 8 6578s off the front, all 7 near misses, 70 little bell rollups at the back, 76 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7131)
23456  M   B   W   H
42356              1
43526          1   2
24536          1
64352      2       2
53462  1   -   2*  s
62534  s   -   s   2
32465  s   -       3*
26354      -
26543  2       2   1
45623  1   -       2
45236  2       2   1
65432      -   1
24365      3
63542  1       1
23456  2   -       1
2* = - s; 3* = - - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s off the front, 16 each 5678s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 8765s, all 7 near misses, 72 each little bell rollups at the back and little bell rollups at the front, tittums and back rounds.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7133)
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
43526        1  2
24536        1
36245     -  2
64523  2  -
42563  1  -
26354  2  -
54263  2     1
34625  2  -     1
42635        2
45236     -  1  1
65432     -  1
43265     3     2
43652     -     1
35264  2  -
64352  2     1
23456  1        1

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s off the front, 16 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s and 5678s off the front, 8 6578s off the front, all 7 near misses, 78 little bell rollups at the back, 72 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

Rung at Hughenden on 14 July 2015, conducted by Roger Baldwin.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7134)
23456  M    B    W   H
65234       -    s
24536  s             1
32465       -        2
26453  2*   -
32546  1    a    1
54263     sT,sV  4
63425     sT,sV
32456  2*   -         
a = F,In,F,In,V,sV;
2* = s -;
4 = s - - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 16 8765s, 8 6578s off the front, all 7 near misses, 76 little bell rollups at the back, 62 little bell rollups at the front, tittums and back rounds.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7135)
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
32546        2  1
24536        2
24365     -     1
53462  1        1
43652  1  -     1
54326     -     2
25463     -     2
63254  2     1
45236  1     1  1
65432     -  1
53624     -
26354  2  2
24653  2        1
56342  2  -  2
23645     2  2
23456     -     1

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s off the front, 13 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, abd 5678s off the front, 7 6578s off the front, all 7 near misses, 76 each little bell rollups at the back and little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

Rung in hand at Aston Rowant (The White House) on 6 August 2015, conducted by Roger Baldwin.
Rung at Stoke Poges on 11 January 2016, conducted by Roger Baldwin.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7346)
23456  M  F/I  W  H
24356             s
45362  s       2
42635  2*  2   2  4
Five part.
2* = - s;
4 = - s - -.

Contains all 24 56s, 21 65s, 15 8756s, 8 8765s off the front, all 7 near misses, 70 little bell rollups at the back, and 68 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7347)
23456  M         W   H
43256                2*
46235  5   F,In
42635  s  sT,sV  5*  2+
Five part.
2* = - s;
5 = s - - s -;
5* = - - s - -;
2+ = s -.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8756s, all 7 near misses, 46 little bell rollups at the back, and 72 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7348)
234567  M        W   H
42356                1
53624   1        1
63245   s        2   1
473526  1  sT
245637  2  V,V       s
45263       a    3*
32456   2  F,In  2*  s
Two part.
a = sT,F,F,In,sB,F,F,F,sT.
3* = - - s;
2* = - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 68 little bell rollups at the back, 64 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7349)
234567  M    F/I    W   H
34256                   2
54236               3*
53462   3+    3     1
372546  s    B,sV
342657      sF,B        2
462735  1     In
642537      In,sV       s
32456      In,B,sV  s    
Two part.
3* = - s -;
3+ = - - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 88 little bell rollups at the back including all 24 7654s and 16 4567s, 62 little bell rollups at the front, all 7 near misses and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7350)
234567  M     B     W   H
36452       F,F,sV  s   1
472536  1   V,sV,V
325467       sF
23465   3*          s   2
64532   2*    -     2   s
25436   s               s
32456               1    
Two part.
3* = s - s;
2* = s -.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 60 little bell rollups at the back, 76 little bell rollups at the front, all 7 near misses, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7613)
23456  M     W  H
43526        2  1
32546        2
42635  1  a  1  2
Repeat four times.
a = In,B,V,V.

Contains all 24 56s, 14 65s, 12 8765s, 8 8765s off the front, 6 8756s, 4 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, 28 little bell rollups at the back, 62 little bell rollups at the front, all 7 near misses, tittums and back rounds.
Also true, with reduced music, to Double Dublin.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7614)
234567  M      B     W  H
42635         F,In
372645        sT
364527  2     sV     1  1
24536      F,In,F,In
43526   1      -
35264        sT,sV   1  1
26354                1  1
24365         F,In      2

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 8756s, 23 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 21 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 58 little bell rollups at the back, 52 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

Rung at Warwick (St Nicholas) on 2 March 2019, conducted by Simon P Rogers.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7615)
234567  M    B    W  H
34256                2
34625       F,In  2
25463      sT,sV
56342   2    a
42635   1         2  2
372645      sT
345627  2   sV       1
24365        -    1   
a = F,In,F,In,F,In,F,In.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 3456s and 5432s, 18 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 16 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 100 little bell rollups at the back, 58 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

Rung at Badsey on 11 June 2019, conducted by Simon P Rogers.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7616)
234567  M   B   W   H
42356               1
42635       a   2
372645     sT
345627  2  sV       1
34625       -       1
25463       b
56342   2   c
24365   1       1   1
3* = - s -.
a = B,sF,sB;
b = sT,V,sV,V;
c = F,In,F,In,F,In,F,In.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 3456s and 5432s, 20 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 18 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 100 little bell rollups at the back, 60 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Basingstoke on 1 January 2017, conducted by Benjamin D Constant.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7617)
234567  M    B    W  H
64523        a
25463   2  sT,sV
42635        b    2
372645      sT
364527  2   sV    1  1
54263   1         1
24365        c    2  2
a = F,In,F,In;
b = sF,In,sB,sF,In,sB;
c = In,B,V,V.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 22 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 74 little bell rollups at the back, 60 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Boughton under Blean on 18 December 2019, conducted by Phillip R J Barnes.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7618)
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
54263     -     2
46253  1  -
43652  2        1
43526     -     1
42635     -  2  1
45236     -  1  1
24536  2  2  2
24365     -     1

Some bands may prefer its reverse:
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
25463     -
54263  2  2  2  1
24653  1  -     1
34562  2  -     1
34625     -     1
42635        2
24536     -  1  2
24365     -     1

Either version contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 22 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 16 each 3456s, 6543s, 5432s and 2345s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 1234s, 4321s, 1234s off the front and 4321s off the front, all 6 each 23456s and 65432s, 72 little bell rollups at the back, 62 little bell rollups at the front, all 7 near misses, and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7619)
23456  M  B  W  H
64523     3
25463  2  2
34562  1        1
46325     -
62345  1  -
24536  1     2
24365     -     1

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 20 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 16 each 3456s, 6543s and 6543s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 66 little bell rollups at the back, 64 little bell rollups at the front, all 7 near misses, and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise.

Rung at Hughenden on 30 May 2017, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7620)
23456  M   B  W  H
35264      a
56423  1      2
45362  1  F,In   2
56342         2
64235  2   -
43526  1      2
24365      -     2
a = F,I,F,I,F,I,F,I.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 3456s and 6543s, 16 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 88 little bell rollups at the back, 60 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise.

Rung at Burnham on 21 July 2017, conducted by J Alan Ainsworth.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7621)
23456  M  B  F/In  W  H
42356                 1
54263     -           2
46253  1      4
64352  2              2
34625  1      x    2
35426     -        1  1
24365         2    2  1

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 3456s and 6543s, 20 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 94 little bell rollups at the back, 60 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise.

Rung at Grundisburgh on 18 November 2018, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7622)
23456  M  F/In  W  H
35264      4
46325  2   2    2  2
24536      2    1  1
34562      a    1  2
24365  1   a    2  2
a = In,B,V,V.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 3456s and 6543s, 14 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 104 little bell rollups at the back, 62 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

Rung at Burnham, Buckinghamshire on 16 November 2016, conducted by Roger Baldwin.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 7733)
234567   B  V  W  H
372645   -  2  s
473526  sT  2  s  s
342567  F,B        
Repeat five times, adding s
Home half-way and end.
s = 1238.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 18 each 1234s and 4321s, 12 each 1234s off the front and 4321s off the front, queens and back rounds.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8164)
23456  M     B     W  H
24356                 s
54236  s   sT,sV      s
32465  s           s  s
56324        -     s
62543        -
64253  s  sT,V,V   1
34256  s               
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 9 8756s off the front, 3 6578s off the front, 32 little bell rollups at the back, 48 little bell rollups at the front, all 7 near misses, tittums, and, in the last course, back rounds.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8166)
23456  M  B  W  H
63542  2  -     1
32465  s  -     s
62543     2     s
25346  s        2
42356  1  -  2   
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 8765s off the front, 15 5678s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s off the front, 32 little bell rollups at the back, 48 little bell rollups at the front, all 7 near misses, and back rounds.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8183)
23456  M  B  W  H
64235     4     1
52436  1        1
43526        1  1
26354     2
53462  1     1
24365  1        1

Contains 21 each 56s and 65s, 19 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 11 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 42 little bell rollups at the back, 62 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds, using only 30 bobs.

Rung at Frederick, Maryland on 15 June 2019, conducted by Cecily W Rock.
Rung to Double Dublin Surprise at Saddleworth on 7 January 2020, conducted by Jeffrey Brannan.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8184)
23456  M  B  W  H
63425     4  1  1
26354  1  2
64352  1        2
52643     -  2
24365     2     1

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 17 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 11 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 46 little bell rollups at the back, 62 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

Rung in hand at Lower Broadheath (Greencroft House) on 5 June 2021, conducted by Alex F Byrne.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8185)
23456   M     B      W  H
36245      B,sV,sF   2  2
45362         -      2
34256   2  sV,sF,B      1
53246     B,sV,sF,B  1
24365       sT,sV    1   

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 20 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 48 little bell rollups at the back, 54 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8583)
23456  M  B  W  H
52364  1  2
26354  1  -
64352  1        2
24536  1     2  1
53246        1  1
54632     -  2  1
24365     2     2

Especially suitable for handbells, the 3-4 always coursing between Middle and Wrong, and never in the 5-6 pattern. Contains 23 each 56s and 65s, and 16 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front.

Rung in hand at Edinburgh, Edinburgh (27 House o' Hill Crescent) on 8 January 2022, conducted by James W Holdsworth.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8584)
23456  M  B  W  H
34256           2
64352     -  1
45623     -
43526  2        1
53246        2  1
46532     -  2
63425     -      
Repeat twice.

Especially suitable for handbells, the 3-4 never in the 5-6 pattern. Contains all 24 56s and 21 65s.

Rung in hand at Foxborough, Massachusetts (22 Creighton Avenue) on 5 March 2022, conducted by Kira R Chase.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8608)
23456  M  I  O  V  W  H
53462  1     x     1
42365  1              s
64523        -     s  2
46253  s     -  x  s  1
24536     x  -  x
34256        x     1   
Repeat twice.
x = 16.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 8765s, 202 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (92) or at the front (110), tittums and back rounds, and is tenors together throughout.
Also true to Ditchling Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Friday Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Reverse Dublin Surprise, Tuesday Surprise and Yelling Surprise.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8629)
234567  M   I   B   V   H
753624      -   -       2*
256437  1   -   -   1  [2]
Repeat 7 times, calling 2* for [2]
in two parts half a peal apart.
2* = s -.

Contains all 24 56s, 65s, 3456s and 6543s.

5,275 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8651)
4125376  M  B  W  H
1543267        t
 42563      -
 32654   2  -     1
 46253   2  -  1  1
 25463         1  1
 25634   2     2  1
 53624   1  -
 24365   2  -     2
 34625         2  1
 64235         2  1
 36245   1  -  2
 56342      -  1
 52643      -  1  1
 25346   2        2
 34256         1  1
 53462      -     2
 43652   1  -     1
 23456   2         
Start at backstroke from rounds as
the sixth row of a lead with the 4
the hunt bell, calling the t at Wrong
at the second lead end, putting the
treble into the hunt.
t = 5678.

Especially suitable for a 275th anniversary.
Contains all 24 65s, 20 8765s off the front, 18 8756s off the front, 15 56s, 12 each 8756s and 5678s off the front, 10 6578s off the front, 4 8765s, 173 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (77) or at the front (96), tittums and back rounds.

5,275 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8651a)
4125376  M    B    W  H
1543267            t
 54263        -       1
 46253             2
 472536      sV
 324657  2  sF,B      2
 64235   1    -       2
 65432        -    1  1
 53624        -
 35264   2  sT,sV  1  1
 64523   2    -       2
 36245        -    2  2
 56342        -    1
 52643        -    1  1
 25346   2            2
 34256             1  1
 53462        -       2
 43652   1    -       1
 23456   2             
Start at backstroke from rounds as
the sixth row of a lead with the 4
the hunt bell, calling the t at Wrong
at the second lead end, putting the
treble into the hunt.
t = 5678.

Especially suitable for a 275th anniversary.
Contains all 24 65s, 17 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 16 8765s, 12 8756s, 191 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (81) or at the front (110), and back rounds.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8682)
23456  M  B  W  H
35264     -
62453  1     1
34256  1        1
34562     -     1
46325     -
23564  1     1
65432  1     1
24365     3      

Contains 192 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (98) or at the front (94), 17 each 56s and 65s, 16 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 10 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and back rounds, with only 30 bobs, none consecutive.

Rung in hand at Twickenham (19 Court Way) on 29 October 2023, conducted by Michael J Trimm.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8683)
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
25463     -
23564  2        1
65432  1     1
53624     -
42635  2  -  2  1
23645        2
34562     2     1
24365  2         

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 204 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (100) or at the front (104), and, in the last course, back rounds.

Rung in hand at Glasgow (1 Albany Quadrant) on 31 May 2023, conducted by Jack E Page.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8684)
 23456  M sV/sF B  W  H
(35264)         -
 45236      x   -  1  1
 45362          -     1
 46325      x      2  2
 46253          -     1
 24365  1   x   -     2

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 18 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 206 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (100) or at the front (106), all 7 near misses, and back rounds.

5,184 (5,056) Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8685)
 23456   M  F/I  B  W  H
 42356                 1
(25463)          -
 32546       a   -  2  1
 25463       b      1  1
 36245   2   2      2 (2
 53462           -  2  2)
(36452)  1       -
 24365       a   -     1
a = sV,sF;
b = sT,sV.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 20 each 8765s and 8756s, 220 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (112) or at the front (108), and back rounds.
Reduce to 5,056 by replacing the parenthesized calls by M,2W,H in both parts. Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 20 each 8765s and 8756s, 206 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (104) or at the front (102), and back rounds.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8753)
23456  M    B    W   H
43265       a    s   1
36452       -
24365  1   F,In
53462  s             s
24536      F,In      1
32546            1
56243     sT,sV  s
32456     sF,sB       
a = sT,F,F,In.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 16 8765s, 12 8756s off the front, 220 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (108) or at the front (112), all 7 near misses, and, in the last course, back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Helmingham on 16 July 2023, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8769)
 234567   M         W
 647253        F
 245763   1         s
(625437)     In,F
 43256       sT,sV   
 24635        F,In   ╮
 374526      In,B    │A
 324567      sB,sV   24356         A     

Contains all 24 each 56s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 each 65s and 8756s off the front, 180 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (92) or at the front (88), and back rounds.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8821)
23456  M  B  W  H
35264     -
53462  2        2
64352  1  -     2
56342        1
64523     -
42563  1  -
26354  2  -
54263  2     1
65432     -     2

Contains all 24 56s, 16 8765s off the front, 14 8756s off the front, 13 65s, 12 each 8765s and 5678s off the front, 218 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (112) or at the front (106), all 7 near misses, and back rounds.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8822)
23456  M   B   W   H
23645      -   1   2*
32465      -       s
35264      -   1   1
53462  2           2
65432          1
65324      -       1
43526  1           1
32546          2
24365      -        
s = 123456.
2* = - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 20 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 204 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (100) or at the front (104), and back rounds.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8823)
23456  M   B   W   H
35264      -
56342  2       2
64523      -
54263  2   2   2*  s
34562      -   1
62345      -   2
24536  1       2
24365      -       1
2* = - s.

Contain all 24 each 56s and 65s, 20 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 202 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (106) or at the front (96), all 7 near misses, and back rounds.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8857)
23456  M    B    W   H
43526  1    -        1
26354     sT,sV
24536       a    1
36452     sT,sV
32546  1    b
54263     sT,sV  1
24365       2    2   2
a = sF,In,sB,sF,In,sB.
b = F,In,F,In.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 208 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (116) or at the front (92), and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Rung at Boston, Massachusetts (Advent) on 22 February 2025, conducted by Austin J Paul.

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8857a)
23456  M    B    W  H
56342     sT,sV
64523       -
25463  2  sT,sV
23645       a    1
36452     sT,sV  1  1
32546  1  sF,sB
54263     sT,sV  1
24365     sT,sV  2  2
a = sF,In,sB,sF,In,sB.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 216 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (108) or at the front (108), and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8882)
23456  M  B  W  H
35264     -
63542  2     2  2
34625  2     2
42563     2     1
26354  2  -
26543  2     2  1
64523  1  -
43526  1        2
24365     -     2
62345        1
24536  1     2
42635     -  1  2
45236     -  1  1
53462     -
64352  1  -     2
23456  1        1

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, all 7 near misses, 200 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (96) or at the front (104), and back rounds.
Also true to Basford Surprise, Bibra Surprise, Bibroci Surprise, Brecon Castle Surprise, Butis Surprise, Caerffili Surprise, Caerini Surprise, Cambodunum Surprise, Camulosessa Surprise, Coccuveda Surprise, Ditchling Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise, Drogheda Surprise, Dublin Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Elaine Surprise, Fern Surprise, Fowlmere Surprise, Freedom Surprise, Friday Surprise, Furness Surprise, Hemsworth Surprise, Khi Surprise, Lactodorum Surprise, Lewisham Surprise, Machen Surprise, Manganese Surprise, May Week Delight, Meldreth Delight, Nempnett Thrubwell Surprise, Nicholas Matthew Surprise, Palgrave Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Petriana Surprise, Petvaria Surprise, Petworth Surprise, Puxley Surprise, Rabbit Surprise, Reverse Dublin Surprise, Septembre Delight, Shardeloes Surprise, Silver Delight, Southall Surprise, Tanatus Insula Surprise, Tryes Surprise, Tuesday Surprise, Upton Cheyne Surprise, Upton Scudamore Surprise, Wendy Surprise, Xoanon Surprise and Yelling Surprise

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8884)
23456  M  B  W  H
35264     -
53462  2        2
65432        1
53624     -
32546  2     2
43265     -     2
43652     -     1
54326     -     2
34256        2  1
56342  2     1
42563     -  2
26354  2  -
54263  2     1
34625  2  -     1
23645  1  -  2
52436     -  2  2
23456  1  -      

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 15 8765s off the front, 14 8756s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 11 5678s off the front, 8 6578s off the front, 230 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (120) or at the front (110), and back rounds.
Also true to Basford Surprise, Bibra Surprise, Bibroci Surprise, Brecon Castle Surprise, Butis Surprise, Caerffili Surprise, Caerini Surprise, Cambodunum Surprise, Camulosessa Surprise, Coccuveda Surprise, Ditchling Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise, Drogheda Surprise, Dublin Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Elaine Surprise, Fern Surprise, Fowlmere Surprise, Freedom Surprise, Friday Surprise, Furness Surprise, Hemsworth Surprise, Khi Surprise, Lactodorum Surprise, Lewisham Surprise, Machen Surprise, Manganese Surprise, May Week Delight, Meldreth Delight, Nempnett Thrubwell Surprise, Nicholas Matthew Surprise, Palgrave Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Petriana Surprise, Petvaria Surprise, Petworth Surprise, Puxley Surprise, Rabbit Surprise, Reverse Dublin Surprise, Septembre Delight, Shardeloes Surprise, Silver Delight, Southall Surprise, Tanatus Insula Surprise, Tryes Surprise, Tuesday Surprise, Upton Cheyne Surprise, Upton Scudamore Surprise, Wendy Surprise, Xoanon Surprise and Yelling Surprise

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8885)
23456  M  B  W  H
34256           2
56342  2     1
56423     -     1
34625  1        1
23645  1  -  2
45236     -  2
34562     -     2
65432        2  2
53624     -
32546  2     2
43265     -     2
43652     -     1
54326     -     2
42563     -
26354  2  -
25463  2     1  1
63254  2     1
23456  1         

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 15 8765s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 11 5678s off the front, 10 8756s off the front, 4 6578s off the front, 230 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (124) or at the front (106), and, in the last course, back rounds.
Also true to Basford Surprise, Bibra Surprise, Bibroci Surprise, Brecon Castle Surprise, Butis Surprise, Caerffili Surprise, Caerini Surprise, Cambodunum Surprise, Camulosessa Surprise, Coccuveda Surprise, Ditchling Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise, Drogheda Surprise, Dublin Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Elaine Surprise, Fern Surprise, Fowlmere Surprise, Freedom Surprise, Friday Surprise, Furness Surprise, Hemsworth Surprise, Khi Surprise, Lactodorum Surprise, Lewisham Surprise, Machen Surprise, Manganese Surprise, Maufont Surprise, May Week Delight, Meldreth Delight, Nempnett Thrubwell Surprise, Nicholas Matthew Surprise, Palgrave Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Petriana Surprise, Petvaria Surprise, Petworth Surprise, Puxley Surprise, Rabbit Surprise, Reverse Dublin Surprise, Septembre Delight, Shardeloes Surprise, Silver Delight, Southall Surprise, Tanatus Insula Surprise, Tryes Surprise, Tuesday Surprise, Upton Cheyne Surprise, Upton Scudamore Surprise, Wendy Surprise, Xoanon Surprise and Yelling Surprise.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8891)
234567  M   B   W   H
35264       -
34562   2           1
65432           2   2
32654       -   2
34256   2           1
45236           2
36452       -   2
273546  2  sV
532467     sF   2   1
34625   1       2
54263   2   -       1
472536  1  B,sV
432657    sF,B      2
374526     B,sV
426357    sF,B  1   2
23456       -        

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 16 8756s off the front, 12 8756s, 8 6578s off the front, 226 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (118) or at the front (108), and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise, Cambodunum Surprise, Coccuveda Surprise, Ditchling Surprise, Drogheda Surprise, Dublin Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Fern Surprise, Fowlmere Surprise, Friday Surprise, Manganese Surprise, May Week Delight, Meldreth Delight, Palgrave Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Petvaria Surprise, Rabbit Surprise, Reverse Dublin Surprise, Septembre Delight, Shardeloes Surprise, Silver Delight, Tuesday Surprise, Wendy Surprise, Xoanon Surprise and Yelling Surprise.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8892)
234567  M   B   W   H
32654       -   1   2
34256   2           1
36452       -   1   1
273546  2  sV
243657    sF,B      2
472536     B,sV
346257    sF,B  2   1
23645           1
45236       -   2
53462       -
374526  1  B,sV
543267    sF,B  2   1
25463       -       2
23456   2   4        

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 19 8756s off the front, 12 8756s, 9 6578s off the front, 226 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (114) or at the front (112), and back rounds.
Also true to Double Dublin Surprise, Cambodunum Surprise, Coccuveda Surprise, Ditchling Surprise, Drogheda Surprise, Dublin Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Fern Surprise, Fowlmere Surprise, Friday Surprise, Manganese Surprise, May Week Delight, Meldreth Delight, Palgrave Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Petvaria Surprise, Rabbit Surprise, Reverse Dublin Surprise, Septembre Delight, Shardeloes Surprise, Silver Delight, Tuesday Surprise, Wendy Surprise, Xoanon Surprise and Yelling Surprise.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

J Pigott
23456    M  B  W  H
32654    2        2
56234          2  2
23564          1  1
65324          2  2
52364          2
42563       -  1
64235       -     2
32465          2  2
46325          1  1
23645          2  2
34625          2
43526    2        2
25346          2  2
34256          1  1
52436          2  2
23456          2   

128 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard B Pullin
23456   M  B I/V H
64352   1        1
45623      -
64523        2x   
5 part.

Contains 54 combination rollups.
Also true to Kent Treble Bob and Oxford Treble Bob, and all BDKcdYZ Surprise.

5,376 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard B Pullin
234567   M  I  O  V  W  H
63425       -  2  -
32465       -  3
56234       -     -
25634          2
26354       2  -
45623       -     -
32546       -     -
35426       2  -
34256       2  -
427365      3  2  3  -
234567   -              -
6ths place calls.

Contains 78 combination rollups.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard B Pullin
234567   T  B  V  W  H
523746      -  1  1  s
235647         1  1  s
623754      -  1  1  s
362457         1  1  4*
45623    s     s         ╮
352746   s     2* 1  s   │
523647         1  1  s   │A
235746         1  1  s   │
352647         1  1  s   ╯
342567        A
423765         1  1  s
234567         1  1  s
4*=bbsb, 2*=sb.

Contains 83 combination rollups, 24 56s, 1 65s, 19 7568s, 6 2468s, 12 four bell runs at the back, and 19 combination rollups, 3 56s, 3 65s, 11 8765s, 24 four bell runs at the front, with Tittums, Backrounds.

5,152 Bristol Surprise Major

Richard B Pullin (no. 22)
23456  M   B   W  H
32654  2          2 ╮
56234          2  2 │
35264          1    │A
52364    In,V       │
23564    In,V       ╯
34562  1          2
56342          1  1
26543      -   1
64235      -
42635    In,V
24365    In,V  1  2
62345          1
23645    In,V
23456      A       

Contains 110 combination rollups and tittums.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Andrew J Rawlinson
23456   M  B  W  H
23564   1  2     2
32465   2        2
32654      -     1
53246      -     2
34625      2     1
36245         1  2
45362      -  2
65324      2  1  2
24536      2
65432   2  -  1  1
56234      -  1  2
56342      -     1
23456      3      

Contains 94 combination rollups, 22 65s, 32 little bell at the back, and 40 little bell at the front, with Tittums.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Simon Read
234567   M  T  B  F  V  W  H
45236                   1  1
65432          -        1
53624          -
34625    1                 2
42635                   2
372645      s
453627   2           s
46253    2              1  1
374526   2           s
325467   2        s     2
43265          -           2
36245    1     -
64523    2     -
35426    1                 1
52364    2              2
65243          -           2
23456    1              1  2

Contains 77 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 40 little bell at the back, and 37 combination rollups, 13 65s, 11 8765s, 36 little bell at the front, and all near misses.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Simon Read
234567   M  I  T  B  V  W  H
54326                   2  2
32546                   1  1
24536                   2
374526         s
263547   2           s
25463    2              1  1
23645    2        3     2
46325    2        2
24365       -        1  2  2
36245                   1  1
43652             -        2
65432                   1  1
53624             -
32654    1        -
23456    2                 2

Contains 104 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 44 little bell at the back, and 13 56s, 15 8765s, 52 little bell at the front, and all near misses.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Simon Read
234567   M  T  B  F  I  V  W  H
35426                      2
64352             -  -        1
56342                      1
64523    2                 2
62345          -           2  1
45236    1                 2  2
65432          -           1
46253             -  -
374526   2              s
735246   2                 s  2
523647   s  s              1
24365    1                    2
46325                      2
45362             -  -        2
62453    2                 1
23456    1                    2

Contains 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 8765s, 12 2468s, 52 little bell at the back, and 16 56s, 16 8765s, 48 little bell at the front, with Queens.

Rung at Campton on 3 February 2013.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Simon Read (No 1)
234567   M  F  I  V  W  H
36452    1              2
374526            s
452367      s           2
25463    1  -  -     2
42356       -  -         
3 part.

Contains 24 56s, 24 8765s at the back, and 24 56s, 24 8765s, 30 little bell at the front.

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Alan G Reading and Graham M Bradshaw (arr)
234567   M  B  F  V  W  H
25364       -           2*
26354    *           2+
273546            s
435267         s
23645    2*          s
34256       -            
3 part. 2*=bs, 2+=sb.
In 2nd or 3rd part, replace 2* at H with bbs at * in the next course.

Contains 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s at the back and 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, and 8756s off the front. The original 3 part has 21 6578s and 15 8756s at the back.

Rung at Castleton on 31 December 2007.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Charles W Roberts
23456    M  B  W  H
32654    2        2
54263    2  -     2
36245    2  -  2  1
42635    1  -     2
23645          2   
3 part.

114 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,184 (5,088) Bristol Surprise Major

Philip A B Saddleton
23456   M F/I W  H
42356            1
46325      x     2
53462      x     1
34256      x  1
36452   2        1
24365  [2  x     2]
43526      x  1
65432   1  x       
2 part.

For 5088, call FIH for bracketed calls in part 2.

Rung at Wandsworth (Holy Trinity) on 3 June 2007.

5,024 Bristol Surprise Major

Charles J Sedgley
23456    M  B  4/I  W  H
46325    2      x   2  1
23645               2  2
26435    1  -       2  2
32654    2          2  2
36524    1  -       2  2
25634               2  2
32546    2          2  2
23564    1      x   2  2
35426    2      x   2  2
24536               2  2
32465    2          2  2
23456    1      x   2  2

126 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Peter W J Sheppard
234567   M  B  F  V  W  H
36452    -              2 ╮
374526            s       │
245367         s          │A
43265    2           2    │
62534    -           -    │
34256       2             ╯
42356           A
26354    -              2
273546            s
354267         s        2
23456                1   

Contains 24 5678s and 8765s.

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Norman Smith
23456    M  B  4/I  W  H
34256                  2
26435    2      x   2  1
24365    1  -       2  2
54326    2      x   2
23645    2  -       2   
3 part.

144 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Sam Thomas
23456    M  B  W  H
24536    1  -  2  2
24365    2     2  1
63425    1  -     2
32465          2
23564       -  1  2
3 part.

132 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,184 Bristol Surprise Major

Andrew N Tyler
23456    M  B  F/I  W  H
34256                  2
64235    2      x   2
25346    2  -       2  2
53624    2      x   2  2
26354               2  2
63425    2      x   2  2
32465               2   
2 part.

144 cru's.12 8765. Tittums. True to Double Dublin (144 cru's).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,120 Bristol Surprise Major

Andrew N Tyler
 23456    M F/I W  H
 34256             2
 25346          1  1
(26354)   2  x
 24365       x     2
 46253    2     2
 2436857  Plain Lead
4 part.

60 cru's. 24 8765. 12 7568. True to Double Dublin (62 cru's, 21 7568, 24 8765).

Published in A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001).

5,050 Bristol Surprise Major

Brian E Whiting
(3142567)  M  I  B  V  W  H
 132456                   t
 142536                2  1
 136254    1           2  2
 132564                1  2
 126534                2
 132645          -        2
 162435                2  1
 134265                2  2
 1472356   1     -  3
 1752346   1              2
 1573246      -     1  1  2
 1625437   2        2  s
 123546    1              2
 1735264            1  2
 1257463            2     2
 1234567      -        2  2*
Start with rounds as the 6th row of a lead. t = 34. 3 = -s-; 2* = -s.

Contains 123 combination rollups, with 15 each 2468's and 8765's, Queens and Whittingtons.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 314).

5,080 Bristol Surprise Major

Brian E Whiting
234567   M  F  V  W  H
42365    t           2
63245             2  2
24635             1  1
36425             2  2
62435             2
62354    2        2  1
25364             2
25643    2        3* 1
43562    1        3* 2
26534    1        1  1
357246         s  2  2
275346            2  2
34526       s        1
35246             1  2
23456             1  2*
t = 38.
3* = s - s;
2* = - s.
Start with rounds as the 9th row of a lead
with the 5 the hunt bell, calling the treble
into the hunt with the t at Fourths

Contains 98 combination rollups, queens, kings, Whittingtons and tittums.

5,088 Bristol Surprise Major

Thomas B Worsley
23456    M  B  W  H
45236    1  -  2  1
32546          2  2
24536    1  -
35426    1  -     2
23564    2     2  2
3 part.

117 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).

5,056 Bristol Surprise Major

Thomas B Worsley
23456    M  B  W  H
32654    2        2
36524    1  -  2  2
54263    2  -  2  2
23645    2  -  2  2
26435    1  -  2  2
23564    2     1  1
25634    1  -  2  2
32546    2     2  2
35426    1  -  2  2
24536          2  2
32465    2     2  2
34625    1  -  2  2
23456    2     2  2

125 cru's.

Published in Collection of Compositions in the Popular Major Methods (1966).
See also:
5,088 Aries Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,056 Aries Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,184 Brandau Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,120 Brandau Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,056 Brandau Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Brandau Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Brandau Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,090 Bravo! Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,090 Bravo! Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Bravo! Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Bravo! Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,090 Bravo! Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Bravo! Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Ditchling Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Double Dublin Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,184 Double Dublin Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Double Dublin Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Double Dublin Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Double Dublin Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,024 Hertford Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Hertford Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Hertford Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,184 Nice Surprise Major by Robert D S Brown
5,088 Nice Surprise Major by Ian M Holland
5,056 Nice Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Nice Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Nice Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Plymouth Surprise Major by Robert D S Brown
5,056 Thorncombe Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,184 Thorncombe Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Thorncombe Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison
5,056 Longueville Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Longueville Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,056 Longueville Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Ohio Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,056 Ohio Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Ohio Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,120 St Stephen's Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 St Stephen's Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,184 St Stephen's Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 St Stephen's Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,152 St Stephen's Delight Major by Donald F Morrison
5,376 Kent Treble Bob Major by Neil R Aspland
5,184 Kent Treble Bob Major by Daniel Brady
5,184 Kent Treble Bob Major by Daniel Brady
5,184 Kent Treble Bob Major by Daniel Brady
5,184 Kent Treble Bob Major by Daniel Brady
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Major by Robert D S Brown
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Major by H Earle Bulwer
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Major by Andrew J Corrigan
5,024 Kent Treble Bob Major by Arthur Craven
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Major by William Hudson
5,024 Kent Treble Bob Major by Graham A C John
5,056 Kent Treble Bob Major by Arthur Knights
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Major by Arthur Knights
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Major by Arthur Knights
5,024 Kent Treble Bob Major by Arthur Knights
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Major by Arthur Knights
5,056 Kent Treble Bob Major by Arthur Knights
5,024 Kent Treble Bob Major by Arthur Knights
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Major by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Major by Joseph W Parker
5,152 Kent Treble Bob Major by Graham N Scott
5,184 Kent Treble Bob Major by Charles Severn
5,184 Kent Treble Bob Major by Edwin Timbrell
5,024 Kent Treble Bob Major by Amburn Wilson
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Major by Thomas B Worsley
5,088 Oxford Treble Bob Major by Graham A C John