Index of Quarter Peals by Composer

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Here are listed all the composers to whom items in this collection are attributed, linked to pages of all the compositions attributed to that composer.

Compositions by Chris Adams (4)
Compositions by Richard I Allton (172)
Compositions by Richard J Angrave (8)
Compositions by Janet E Archibald (1)
Compositions by Toby Arkless (6)
Compositions by E Maurice Atkins (1)
Compositions by Samuel M Austin (39)

Compositions by Roger Bailey (20)
Compositions by Roger Baldwin (7)
Compositions by A J Barnfield (3)
Compositions by Timothy M Bayton (3)
Compositions by David W Beard (9)
Compositions by Stephen J Bedford (13)
Compositions by Vernon Bedford (1)
Compositions by J Bines (1)
Compositions by Michael Birkbeck (1)
Compositions by Simon A Bond (9)
Compositions by Charles M S Botting (22)
Compositions by Adam A Brady (1)
Compositions by Daniel Brady (45)
Compositions by J Eric Brosius (4)
Compositions by Nicholas D Brown (1)
Compositions by Robert D S Brown (29)
Compositions by Valdeane W Brown (1)
Compositions by Neil Buswell (1)

Compositions by Andrew J Cairns (1)
Compositions by Samuel C Cave (2)
Compositions by Stephen D Chandler (2)
Compositions by Dennis Chapman (1)
Compositions by Hayden Charles (1)
Compositions by Jim Clatworthy (1)
Compositions by Mike Clay (1)
Compositions by Ian Cole (1)
Compositions by Murray A Coleman (5)
Compositions by Steve Coleman (1)
Compositions by Benjamin D Constant (17)
Compositions by John Cornock (1)
Compositions by Anthony P Cotton (1)
Compositions by Andrew G Craddock (2)

Compositions by Mark B Davies (101)
Compositions by William J Dawson (1)
Compositions by Patrick W J Deakin (3)
Compositions by Jonathan Deane (1)
Compositions by Noel J Diserens (1)
Compositions by Matthew Durham (9)

Compositions by Philip J Earis (1)
Compositions by David B Ellery (2)
Compositions by Alan F Ellis (1)
Compositions by Peter Ellis (1)
Compositions by Peter G C Ellis (3)
Compositions by Paul Evans (1)

Compositions by Simon F Feather (3)
Compositions by Ian R Fielding (1)
Compositions by Paul J Flavell (85)
Compositions by David Floyd (1)
Compositions by Ashley C Fortey (1)

Compositions by Phillip S George (4)
Compositions by John H Gilbert (1)
Compositions by John M Goldthorpe (9)

Compositions by Robin Hall (1)
Compositions by Brian Harris (1)
Compositions by Thomas J Hinks (6)
Compositions by Tom Hinton (1)
Compositions by James W Holdsworth (1)
Compositions by David A Holmes (1)
Compositions by Alexander E Holroyd (17)
Compositions by Roderick R Horton (3)
Compositions by David E House (54)
Compositions by Julian O Howes (8)
Compositions by David G Hull (8)
Compositions by C James Hustler (1)
Compositions by John Hyden (153)

Compositions by Andrew D Ingham (1)
Compositions by Stephen J Ivin (1)

Compositions by H Law James (1)
Compositions by Steve Jarvis (4)
Compositions by Andrew J Jobson (2)
Compositions by Graham A C John (5)
Compositions by Andrew Johnson (6)
Compositions by Henry Johnson (2)
Compositions by J Robert Johnson (1)
Compositions by Daniel Jones (12)
Compositions by Derek J Jones (1)

Compositions by Robert T Kakuk (25)
Compositions by Robert M Kilby (74)
Compositions by Kristopher King (1)
Compositions by Robert C Kippin (1)

Compositions by Thomas F Lawrence (1)
Compositions by Donald G Lawson (2)
Compositions by K G Lee (1)
Compositions by Robert W Lee (1)
Compositions by Roy LeMarechal (3)
Compositions by C Kenneth Lewis (2)
Compositions by Gabriel Lindoff (5)
Compositions by Mark Lynch (1)

Compositions by Paul Marshall (1)
Compositions by Edward W Martin (23)
Compositions by John R Martin (2)
Compositions by C Montague Meyer (1)
Compositions by Julian Morgan (13)
Compositions by Leslie W G Morris (1)
Compositions by Donald F Morrison (690)
Compositions by Brian V Mountjoy (1)
Compositions by Christopher Munday (13)

Compositions by Nigel J Newton (2)
Compositions by Mark Norris (1)
Compositions by Owen T Northwood (1)

Compositions by Robert Oakeshott (1)
Compositions by Richard C Offen (47)

Compositions by Joseph J Parker (3)
Compositions by Anthony G Parry (1)
Compositions by Heather L E Peachey (1)
Compositions by Robert Peers (1)
Compositions by Stephen W Penney (1)
Compositions by J F Penning (1)
Compositions by Simon A Percy (9)
Compositions by Thomas Perrins (1)
Compositions by Mike Pheysey (1)
Compositions by Albert J Pitman (1)
Compositions by Jeremy R Pratt (1)
Compositions by Brian D Price (7)
Compositions by Richard B Pullin (32)

Compositions by James P Ramsbottom (13)
Compositions by Andrew J Rawlinson (70)
Compositions by Simon Read (10)
Compositions by A Relfe (1)
Compositions by Christopher H Rogers (1)
Compositions by Gwen Rogers (13)

Compositions by Philip A B Saddleton (24)
Compositions by Lynn Scales (1)
Compositions by Michael F Schulte (16)
Compositions by John Segar (1)
Compositions by Adam P Shepherd (1)
Compositions by SMC32 (13)
Compositions by Anthony P Smith (3)
Compositions by Daniel Smith (1)
Compositions by James Smith (5)
Compositions by Peter Soar (1)
Compositions by Matthew Sorell (7)
Compositions by Maurice W Southworth (1)
Compositions by David Sullivan (1)
Compositions by Adrian P Sweeting (2)

Compositions by Alex W Tatlow (12)
Compositions by Bernard Taylor (2)
Compositions by Glenn A A Taylor (61)
Compositions by Stephen C Theobald (5)
Compositions by Thomas Thurstans (1)
Compositions by James Topp (2)
Compositions by Donald Trumpler (1)
Compositions by Andrew N Tyler (8)

Compositions by Daniel J Vernon (4)

Compositions by John S Warboys (8)
Compositions by James White (2)
Compositions by Brian E Whiting (15)
Compositions by R William Willans (7)
Compositions by Benjamin J Willetts (1)
Compositions by Roy K Williams (1)
Compositions by Alan T Winter (1)
Compositions by Lucinda J Woodward (135)
Compositions by Robin E H Woolley (23)