3K Compositions

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Periodically discussions in the ringing community take up the idea of whether or not lengths intermediate between traditional quarter peal lengths and peal lengths would be interesting. Such a discussion arose again in May 2020, in response to a message from Simon Linford on the change ringers mailing list. A broad consensus seemed to develop there that touches of length 3,000 or a little longer might be interesting.

This page gathers together all the touches in this collection with lengths of at least 3,000 and less than 5,000. All these touches also appear in the appropriate places in the sections devoted to quarters at various stages. They are collected together here, too, for the convenience of bands that might be looking for such compositions.

3,600 Spliced Surprise Minor (18 methods)

Philip A B Saddleton and Murray A Coleman
  23456 Bm             ╮
- 64235 Bm Ne Bm       │
- 64352 Lf Lf          │A
- 23645 Wm Ws Ad Lf    ╯
  34256   A
  42356   A (add s at end)
s 24356 Co Li Lo Ke    ╮
- 24563 Lo             │
- 35246 Ke Cu Ke Lo    │B
- 35462 We             ╯
  43256   B
  32456   B (add s at end)
s 23456 Wk Wk          ╮
- 64235 No             │
- 26435 No Bc St Bc    │C
- 63542 Wk Wk Wk       ╯
  42356  2C
  23456 No No          ╮
- 64235 Wk             │
- 26435 Wk Wk Wk Wk    │D
- 63542 Bc Ro Bc       ╯
  42356  2D
  23456 Lf
- 35642 Lf Ro St Lf Lf
- 42635 Lf Ro St
- 64235 Ro St St Ro Ro
- 64352 Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab
- 64523 Lf
- 42356 Wm Lf Wm Lf Lf
- 34256 Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne
- 23456

Methods: Allendale (Ad), Annable's London (Ab), Bacup (Bc), Bamborough (Bm), Coldstream (Co), Cunecastre (Cu), Kelso (Ke), Lightfoot (Lf), Lincoln (Li), London (Lo), Netherseale (Ne), Norwich (No), Rossendale (Ro), Stamford (St), Warkworth (Wk), Wearmouth (Wm), Wells (We), Westminster (Ws).

Published in The Ringing World (2001, page 534).

3,072 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8498)
234567  M   B   V   W   H
24356                   s
735264      s  sF
246357  s   -   1   s
34256       -   2*  1    
Repeat twice.
2* = - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 18 65s, 12 8765s, 9 8756s off the front, 3 6578s off the front, 152 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (72) or at the front (80), and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

3,008 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8499)
234567  M         H
372645      B,sV
746352  5    a    3*
243657  3+  sT    5
a = F,sT,F,sB,B,sF,sV.
5 = - s - - s;
3* = s - -;
3+ = - s -.

3,008 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 8500)
2345678  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
3425678  s  -  -  s  -               (5 leads)
5687423           s     s  -  -  s   (9)
4238756           -  s  -  -  s      (8)
6587234           -  s               (6)
3246785  s  -  -           -  s      (8)
3247856        -  s     s     s      (11)

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 each 7568s and 7658s, 8 each 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, 202 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (96) or at the front (106), and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

3,052 Variable Cover Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison
2345678  Plain Bob Triples
3527468  Plain Bob Major
5736284  Plain Bob Major
7658342  Plain Bob Triples
6874532  Plain Bob Triples
8463752  Plain Bob Major
4385627  Plain Bob Major
3542876  Plain Bob Major
5237468  Plain Bob Triples
2756348  Plain Bob Triples
7624538  Plain Bob Major
6473285  Plain Bob Triples
4368725  Plain Bob Major
3842657  Plain Bob Major
8235476  Plain Bob Major
2587364  Plain Bob Triples
5726834  Plain Bob Major
7653248  Plain Bob Triples
6374528  Plain Bob Major
3462785  Plain Bob Triples
4238675  Plain Bob Triples
2847365  Plain Bob Triples
8726435  Plain Bob Major
7683254  Plain Bob Major
6375842  Plain Bob Major
3564728  Plain Bob Triples
5432678  Plain Bob Major
4257386  Plain Bob Triples
2748536  Plain Bob Triples
Repeat six times.

Contains 1,680 Plain Bob Major and 1,372 Plain Bob Triples, with 112 changes of method and all the work of both methods for every bell.

3,072 Spliced Surprise Major (4 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8512)
23456  M  W         H
54632  s  -  sF,sT  s  BB.Y.Y.B.YY.
34265          a    s  WW.HH.W.H.WWB.
Repeat five times.
a = sB,sM,sT,sB.

Contains 960 Cornwall (W), 768 each Bristol and Yorkshire and 576 Lancashire (H), with 54 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 160 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (79) or at the front (81), and back rounds, with not backstroke 87s.

3,072 Spliced Surprise Major (4 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8513)
 23456   W   M   H
(65423)  2   s       H.WY.WB.
 34265   2*  a   ss   Y.B.Y.BW.H.W.HHY.B.
Repeat five times.
a = sF,F,sM,sT.
2* = - s.

Contains 768 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Lancashire (H) and Yorkshire, with 89 changes of method, all 24 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 18 each 56s and 65s, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, 151 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (71) or at the front (80), and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

3,136 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8510)
  2345678  Cambridge
  5738264  Yorkshire
  8674523  Yorkshire
  4263857  Cambridge
  3527486  Cornwall
- 4235678  Bristol
  3462857  Bristol
  6384725  London
- 7863542  Superlative
  3482756  Lessness
  8374625  Cornwall
  6758234  London
  5627483  Lessness
  2546378  Superlative
- 5678234
Repeat six times.

Contains 448 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall, Lessness, London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 83 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and 94 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (73) or at the front (21), with no backstroke 87s.

The core seven Project Pickled Egg methods.

3,136 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8510a)
  2345678  Superlative
  5738264  Yorkshire
  8674523  Yorkshire
  4263857  Cambridge
  3527486  Cornwall
- 4235678  Bristol
  3462857  Bristol
  6384725  London
- 7863542  Superlative
  3482756  Lessness
  8374625  Cornwall
  6758234  Lessness
  5627483  London
  2546378  Cambridge
- 5678234
Repeat six times.

Contains 448 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall, Lessness, London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 83 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and 107 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (80) or at the front (27). Also contains 3 backstroke 87s.

The core seven Project Pickled Egg methods.

3,072 Spliced Surprise Major (7–8 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8511)
23456  W  B  M  H   7 methods     8 methods
43652        -      W.LY          W.LY
43526     -     -   CC.BWB.       CC.BKB.
24365 [-] -     -   YL.SSW.EEW.   YL.SSW.EEK.
Repeat five times, omitting [-]
from alternate parts.

The seven method arrangement contains 768 Cornwall (W) and 384 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 72 changes of method.

The eight method arrangement contains 384 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (W), Kenninghall, Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 77 changes of method.

Either arrangement contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and 135 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (67) or at the front (68).

All the methods are from Project Pickled Egg, and the seven methods are the core seven.

3,136 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (14 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8501)
  2345678  Cooktown Orchid Delight
- 2357486  Lancashire Surprise
- 2378564  Rook and Gaskill Surprise
  7253486  Jovium Surprise
  6485372  London Surprise
  8634257  Cornwall Surprise
- 2386745  Superlative Surprise
- 3645278  Bristol Surprise
- 4365278  Cambridge Surprise
  5738426  Deva Surprise
  2684735  Kenninghall Surprise
- 7826543  Yorkshire Surprise
  6483752  Mareham Delight
  2758364  Lessness Surprise
- 3527486
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 97 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 129 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (79) or at the front (50), queens and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s., queens and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

All these methods are from Project Pickled Egg, and include all of the Core Seven.

3,136 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (14 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8503)
  2345678  London Surprise
  4263857  Jovium Surprise
  7856342  Superlative Surprise
  6482735  Bolonium Surprise
  3527486  Kenninghall Surprise
- 4235678  Lessness Surprise
  3462857  Yorkshire Surprise
  2547386  Cooktown Orchid Delight
  5728463  Cambridge Surprise
- 7863542  Bristol Surprise
  6758234  Deva Surprise
  3482756  Glasgow Surprise
  4235867  Cornwall Surprise
  8374625  Mareham Delight
- 5678234
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bolonium Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 97 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell,

All these methods are from Project Pickled Egg, and include all of the Core Seven.

3,136 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (14 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8502)
  2345678  Lessness Surprise
- 6423857  Jovium Surprise
  7852364  Rook and Gaskill Surprise
  5738426  Cambridge Surprise
  8276543  Cooktown Orchid Delight
  2684735  Yorkshire Surprise
  4365278  Lancashire Surprise
  3547682  Mareham Delight
- 2643857  London Surprise
  4286735  Superlative Surprise
  6325478  Bolonium Surprise
  7854326  Cornwall Surprise
  3567284  Glasgow Surprise
  5738642  Deva Surprise
- 4263857
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bolonium Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 97 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and 117 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (58) or at the front (59), with no backstroke 87s.

All these methods are from Project Pickled Egg

3,136 Spliced Surprise Major (14 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Bristol
- 4235678  Richmond
  3462857  Whalley
  6384725  Buckfastleigh
  5728463  Northampton
- 4257386  Essex
  7826435  Caterham
  2748563  Belfast
- 4278563  London
  7452386  Pudsey
- 4286735  Glasgow
  2643857  Sussex
  7854326  Malpas
  3567284  Chesterfield
- 4263857
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Belfast, Bristol, Buckfastleigh, Caterham, Chesterfield, Essex, Glasgow, London, Malpas, Northampton, Pudsey, Richmond, Sussex and Whalley, with 97 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different, and no backstroke 87s.

3,136 Spliced Surprise Major (14 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Bristol
  4263857  Northampton
  6482735  Richmond
- 7864523  Caterham
  6758342  Buckfastleigh
  2345867  Whalley
  4283756  Essex
  3526478  Sussex
  8472635  Glasgow
- 4235867  Malpas
  8374625  Belfast
  7863542  Chesterfield
  5627483  London
  2546378  Pudsey
- 5678234
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Belfast, Bristol, Buckfastleigh, Caterham, Chesterfield, Essex, Glasgow, London, Malpas, Northampton, Pudsey, Richmond, Sussex and Whalley, with 97 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different, and no backstroke 87s.

3,136 Spliced Surprise Major (14 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Richmond
- 6423857  Newcastle
  4365278  Malpas
  2684735  Willesden
  7852364  Glasgow
  8276543  Buckfastleigh
  3547682  Essex
- 7826543  Caterham
  2758364  Belfast
  5237486  Whalley
  3542678  Sussex
  8674235  Sonning
  4365827  Northampton
  6483752  Newlyn
- 3527486
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Belfast, Buckfastleigh, Caterham, Essex, Glasgow, Malpas, Newcastle, Newlyn, Northampton, Richmond, Sonning, Sussex, Whalley and Willesden, with 97 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different, and no backstroke 87s.

3,136 Spliced Surprise Major (14 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Newcastle
  3527486  Malpas
  4263857  Whalley
  6482735  Buckfastleigh
  5738264  Glasgow
- 7864523  Caterham
  6758342  Newlyn
  4283756  Richmond
  8472635  Essex
  2345867  Belfast
- 4235867  Sussex
  7863542  Sonning
  3482756  Northampton
  8374625  Willesden
- 5678234
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Belfast, Buckfastleigh, Caterham, Essex, Glasgow, Malpas, Newcastle, Newlyn, Northampton, Richmond, Sonning, Sussex, Whalley and Willesden, with 97 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different, and no backstroke 87s.

3,136 Spliced Surprise Major (14 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Sonning
- 3578264  Moulton
  4267835  Newcastle
  2743658  Buckfastleigh
  8654327  Chertsey
  5836742  Caterham
- 3586742  Yeading
  8375264  Northampton
  7823456  Malpas
  4267583  Willesden
  5634827  Colnbrook
  6452378  Sussex
- 7835264  Essex
  5684723  Claybrooke
- 7856342
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Buckfastleigh, Caterham, Chertsey, Claybrooke, Colnbrook, Essex, Malpas, Moulton, Newcastle, Northampton, Sonning, Sussex, Willesden and Yeading, with 97 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different, with no backstroke 87s.

3,136 Spliced Surprise Major (14 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Sonning
  5738264  Claybrooke
  3527486  Malpas
  4263857  Chertsey
  6482735  Caterham
  8674523  Northampton
  7856342  Newcastle
- 7864523  Sussex
  3526478  Essex
  6758342  Yeading
  5637284  Buckfastleigh
- 4235867  Willesden
  8374625  Moulton
  5627483  Colnbrook
- 5678234
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Buckfastleigh, Caterham, Chertsey, Claybrooke, Colnbrook, Essex, Malpas, Moulton, Newcastle, Northampton, Sonning, Sussex, Willesden and Yeading, with 97 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different, with no backstroke 87s.

3,360 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (15 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8507)
  2345678  Bristol Surprise
s 2435678  London Surprise
  3264857  Cambridge Surprise
  4527386  Kenninghall Surprise
- 3245678  Mareham Delight
  8674532  Rook and Gaskill Surprise
  7856243  Jovium Surprise
- 4325678  Lancashire Surprise
  3547286  Cooktown Orchid Delight
  5738462  Yorkshire Surprise
  8672543  Lessness Surprise
  7856324  Deva Surprise
s 4235678  Superlative Surprise
  5728463  Glasgow Surprise
- 7863542  Cornwall Surprise
- 5678234
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise (or Bolonium Surprise), Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 104 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 163 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (90) or at the front (73), and back rounds. Also contains 20 backstroke 87s.

Consists of all the canonical Project Pickled Egg methods, save Bolonium, which is eighth place Jovium.

3,360 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (15 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8505)
  2345678  Cornwall Surprise
- 6423857  Lessness Surprise
  2684735  Glasgow Surprise
- 6435278  Rook and Gaskill Surprise
  3624857  Jovium Surprise
  7852436  Cambridge Surprise
  2386745  Superlative Surprise
- 3645278  Bristol Surprise
- 4365278  Lancashire Surprise
  3547682  Yorkshire Surprise
  7852364  Cooktown Orchid Delight
- 7826543  Kenninghall Surprise
  5237486  Mareham Delight
  6483752  London Surprise
  8674235  Deva Surprise
- 3527486
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 104 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and 126 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (68) or at the front (58), with no backstroke 87s.

Consists of all the canonical Project Pickled Egg methods, save Bolonium, which is eighth place Jovium.

3,360 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (15 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8504)
  2345678  Cornwall Surprise
- 6423857  Cambridge Surprise
  3547682  Cooktown Orchid Delight
  5738426  Superlative Surprise
  8276543  Lancashire Surprise
  2684735  Glasgow Surprise
- 6435278  Rook and Gaskill Surprise
  3624857  Bolonium Surprise
  5748623  Lessness Surprise
- 6457382  Kenninghall Surprise
  3526847  Deva Surprise
- 4782635  Bristol Surprise
- 8472635  London Surprise
- 6784523  Yorkshire Surprise
  4273658  Mareham Delight
- 8674523
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bolonium Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 104 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 135 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (71) or at the front (64), queens and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Consists of all the canonical Project Pickled Egg methods, save Jovium, which is seconds place Bolonium.

3,360 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (15 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8506)
  2345678  Cooktown Orchid Delight
- 2357486  Superlative Surprise
  7836245  London Surprise
- 2378564  Glasgow Surprise
  3826745  Cornwall Surprise
  7253486  Bristol Surprise
  5742638  Kenninghall Surprise
- 6457823  Bolonium Surprise
  2378456  Cambridge Surprise
  8536247  Lancashire Surprise
  5684372  Yorkshire Surprise
  4762538  Rook and Gaskill Surprise
- 5647823  Mareham Delight
  3824756  Lessness Surprise
  2378645  Deva Surprise
- 4567823
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bolonium Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 104 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and 145 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (63) or at the front (82), with no backstroke 87s.

Consists of all the canonical Project Pickled Egg methods, save Jovium, which is seconds place Bolonium.

3,584 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (16 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8508)
  2345678  Lessness Surprise
- 6423857  Cooktown Orchid Delight
- 6435278  Rook and Gaskill Surprise
  3624857  Bolonium Surprise
  5748623  London Surprise
- 6457382  Kenninghall Surprise
  3526847  Deva Surprise
- 4782635  Bristol Surprise
- 8472635  Lancashire Surprise
  4283756  Yorkshire Surprise
  3526478  Cambridge Surprise
  6758342  Jovium Surprise
  2345867  Glasgow Surprise
- 3567284  Superlative Surprise
  7854326  Mareham Delight
  6325478  Cornwall Surprise
- 4263857
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bolonium Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 111 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 139 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (76) or at the front (63), queens and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Consists of all the canonical Project Pickled Egg methods.

3,584 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (16 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8509)
  2345678  London Surprise
  4263857  Bolonium Surprise
  5738264  Kenninghall Surprise
- 2357486  Mareham Delight
  6485723  Superlative Surprise
- 4523678  Lancashire Surprise
  5347286  Cambridge Surprise
  7836524  Rook and Gaskill Surprise
  3758462  Jovium Surprise
  2465837  Cornwall Surprise
  8672345  Bristol Surprise
- 7862345  Lessness Surprise
  6738524  Yorkshire Surprise
  8274653  Cooktown Orchid Delight
  2485736  Glasgow Surprise
  4523867  Deva Surprise
- 6782345
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bolonium Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 111 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 149 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (94) or at the front (55), and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

Consists of all the canonical Project Pickled Egg methods.