Peal Compositions of Spliced Triples and Major

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In the second half of 2020 The Ringing World is planning to publish a series of articles by Mark Eccleston on Spliced Triples and Major peal compositions. The thirty-seven peal compositions that will be cited in those articles are gathered here for convenient reference. They also all appear in their natural places in the main body of this collection of peal compositions.

5,012 Spliced Triples and Major (2 methods)

Anthony J Cox
 23456   V   M   W   F   T   H
1372456          -       s      Yorkshire Surprise Major
1372564                      -  Birmingham Carter Triples
 53246   s       -              Yorkshire Surprise Major
 62345       s               s
 42365           s           3
 63245           s           s
 34256       s   2
 62534   s           s
 43526       -   -           -
 374526          -       s
 36452   s   3
 24536   s           s
 54326           2           -
 35426           3           -
 23456           -            

Contains 4,928 Yorkshire Surprise Major and 84 Birmingham Carter Triples, with 2 changes of method.

Run at Barrow Gurney on 13 September 1995, conducted by Anthony J Cox.

5,016 Spliced Triples and Major (2 methods)

Patrick W J Deakin
       Bristol Surprise Major   Stedman Triples
1234567      B   F   V                                               
 35264       -
1637425                          s1.s3.5.s7.9.12                         (12 sixes)
1437625                          s3.s5.7.8.s12                           (14)
1437265                          s1.                         (10)
1364527                          1.4.s6                                  (12)
 374526              s
 245367          s
1632754                          1.s3.s5.                    (14)
1236745                          1.s3.s7.10.11.12                        (12)
1647523                                 (14)
1346257                    (20)
 42356       -                                                       
Repeat twice.
Stedman starts are with a full slow six.

Contains 3,072 Bristol Surprise Major and 1,944 Stedman Triples, with 12 changes of method, queens, tittums, Whittington, back rounds (twice), four near misses, 53 468s including 9 2468s, all 24 each 5678s and 8765s at both the back and off the front, 57 little bell runs at the back and 34 little bell runs at the front.

5,028 Variable Cover Spliced Triples and Major (2 methods)

Mark R Eccleston
2345678   Stedman Triples   Bristol Surprise Major                        .
2745368          a
8234567                     V,sV,V,V,sV,sW,I,sW,sH,H,H,sH,H
8634257          a
7823456                     V,sV,V,V,sV,sW,I,sW,sH,H,H,sH,H
7523846          a
6782345                     V,sV,V,V,sV,sW,I,sW,sH,H,H,sH,H
6482735          a
5678234                     V,sV,V,V,sV,sW,I,sW,sH,H,H,sH,H
5378624          a
4567823                     sV,V,sV,sW,I,sW,sH,H,sH
4267583          a
3456782                     sV,V,sV,sW,I,sW,sH,H,sH
3856472          a
2345678                     sV,V,sV,sW,I,sW,sH,H,H,sH,H    
a = (10 sixes)
All Stedman starts are full slow sixes.
Calling positions in the Bristol refer to the 8ths place bell at the end of the part.

Contains 4,608 Bristol Surprise Major and 420 Stedman Triples, with 13 changes of method, all 24 each 8765s, 6543s and 5432s, and 21 each 2345s, 3456s, 4567s and 5678s.

Rung at Edgbaston on 9 September 2009, conducted by Mark R Eccleston.

5,006 Spliced Triples and Major (2 methods)

Mark R Eccleston
         Bristol Surprise Major      Stedman Triples
1234567      M   F/In   W       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
1372645                               s  s  -  -        s      ╮
1573426                            s  -  -  -  -        s      │ A
4572613                            s        -  -  s  -  -      ╯
2675143                            s          A
5176423                            s          A
6471253                            s          A
6374512                            s  s  s  -  -        s
6273145                            s  -  -  -  -        s
6253471                            -  s  -  -  -  -  s     s
1263547                         -           -  -  -  -     -
 34526       2     2    3*
 65324       s     a    s
1623475                            -  s  –  s  -  -  s     -
1674253                         -     s     s  -     -  s  s
1634257                         -  -  s  -  -  -  -  -     -
1674235                         -  s  s  -  -  -  -  s     s
3674251                         -  -     -  s  s  s  -  -  s
5374216                         -  -     -  -  -  s     s  s
5371246                         s  -  -  -  -  s     -  -  s
5476213                         -  -  -  -  -  s        -  -
5473216                         -  -  -  -  -  -  -  s  –
5173246                         -  -  -  -     -  -  -  -  s
5174263                         -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -  -
6173245                         -  -  -  -  -        s  -  -
6174523                         -  s  -     -  -  -  -  -
6124537                         -  -  -  -  -  s  –  s     -
6124573                         -     -  -     s  -        -
3174562                         -        -  s  s  s  s  s  -
2176534                         -  s     -  -  -     -  -  -
3176542                         -  -  -  -  -     -  -  -  -
3274516                         s  s  -  -  -  s  -     -
3574162                            s  s  s  -  -  -     -  -
3576142                         -  -  -  s  –  s     -  s  -
3176425                            s  -  -     -  s  s  -  -
1645327                         s    :                        (2 sixes)
 24653        2*   b    1
1246357                            -  s  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
1253746                         -  -  s     s  s  s  s       
Round with two further changes of Stedman.
3* = - - s;
2* = - s.
a = F,In,F,In,F,In,F,F,In,F,F,sT;
b = F,In,F,In,F,In,F,In,F,F,In,F,In,F,B.
Stedman starts with a full slow six.
Unless otherwise indicated Stedman courses are 10 sixes long.

Contains 2,592 Bristol Surprise Major and 2,414 Stedman Triples, with 4 changes of method, queens, kings, Whittingtons and back rounds (twice).

Rung at Edgbaston on 17 May 2019, conducted by Mark R Eccleston.

10,304 Variable Cover Spliced Triples and Major (2 methods)

Mark R Eccleston
             Stedman Triples       Bristol Surprise Major
12345678   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10                          
57346128     s   - - - -   -  -
52346178   s -   -         -
15346728   - -   -   - -   s  -
17346258   - - - - - - -   -  -
15326478   - - - - - -     -  -
15326748   - - - - - - - s -  -
14376258   - - - - - -     -  -
14376528   - - - - - - - s -  -
54376218   - -   s - - - - s  -
25316478   - s - s -       s  -
25316748   - - - - - - - - s  -
24376158   - - - - - -     s  s
12745368       s - - - - -:                                 (8 sixes)
 2468537                           2,s3,4,5,s6,8
 8234567                           4,s8,10,s11,12,13,s14 
Repeat six times.
Stedman starts with a full slow six.
Unless otherwise noted Stedman courses are 10 sixes long.

Contains 5,376 Stedman Triples and 4,928 Bristol Surprise Major, with 13 changes of method.

5,048 Variable Cover Spliced Triples and Major (2 methods)

David G Hull
12345678    Stedman    Bristol              .
15736248       a
13456782               M,F,In,M,M,B,sF,sB,B,H
16847352       a
14567823               M,F,In,M,M,B,sF,sB,B,H
17258463       a
15678234               M,F,In,M,M,B,sF,sB,B,H
18362574       a
16782345               M,F,In,M,M,B,sF,sB,B,H
12473685       a
17823456               M,F,In,M,M,H
13584726       a
18234567               M,W,W,sW,H,H,sH,H
14625837       a
12345678               M,W,sH,H,H,sH        .
a = s2.s3.s5.s10.11 (12 sixes).
All Stedman starts are full slow sixes.
Calling positions in the Bristol refer to the 8ths place bell at the end of the part.

Contains 4,544 Bristol Surprise Major and 504 Stedman Triples, with 13 changes of method.

Rung at York (St Lawrence) on 20 November 2002, conducted by David G Hull.

5,146 Spliced Triples and Major (2 methods)

Stephen J A Ollerton
12345678     Stedman     Bristol
14235678                 -
1735246         a
15678234                 -p-pp-ppp-ps--sppp[-sps-]
Repeat six times, calling p
for [-sps-] in any three parts.
a = 2 (4 sixes).
Stedman starts at the fourth row of a quick six, and ends at the second row of a quick six.

Contains 4,992 Bristol Surprise Major and 154 Stedman Triples, with 14 changes of method.

Rung at Swillington on 10 January 2009, conducted by Stephen J A Ollerton.

5,095 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Albert J Pitman
23456   W   M   H  Plain Bob Major
45236   -       -
24536   3       -
52436   3       - ╮
42356   2       - │ A
25346   2         ╯
43256   -       s
42536   -       2
45326       A    .
32456   -       -
46235   -   s     *

* Produced by ringing the last four changes Single Oxford Bob Triples as follows:

63124758  Single Oxford Bob Triples

 254736  4
 362754  1
 543762  1
 745362  5
 237456  3  ╮
 432756  5  │
 564732  1  │ B
 325764  1  │
 723564  5  ╯
 647523  1
 236547  1
 752364  3
 437526  3  ╮
 372465  2  │
 523746  3  │ C
 465723  1  │
 234765  1  │
 732465  5  ╯
 742563  C
 732564  B
 725463  C
 734562  B
 754263  C
 724365  C
 753462  B
 743265  C
 527436  3
 425736  5
 364725  1
 253764  1
 532647  2
(325476) 2
Round at hand.

Contains 2,572 Plain Bob Major and 2,523 Single Oxford Bob Triples, with on change of method.

Rung at Bridgend on 6 October 1926.

5,055 Spliced Triples and Major (2 methods)

Albert J Pitman
23456   W   B   M   H
43526   2           -  ╮
53246   2           -  │
32456   2           s  │ A
34526   -           2  │
35246   -           2  ╯
43256   -
35426       A
52364   -   -       2
24365           -   2
23465               s

Ring another course to row 21346578 then change to Stedman Triples, starting with a full slow six:

213465   1  3  4  7  10  12  13
316425      s  -  s      -   -
416532   s  -  -  s  s   -   - 
216543   s  -  -  s      -   -  ╮   ╮
316524   s  -  -  s      -   -  │B  │
516234      -  -  s  s   -   -  ╯   │C
216354      -  -  s  s   -   -      │
416253           2B                 ╯
316245   s  -  -  s      -   -
216534   s  -  -  s  s   -   -
214356            C*           
Round at handstroke with a single at 1.

C* = C omitting final bob at 13.

Contains 3,038 Plain Bob Major and 2,017 Stedman Triples, with one change of method.

Rung at Northfleet on 7 December 1927, conducted by John H Cheesman.

5,011 Spliced Triples and Major (2 methods)

Richard B Pullin (no. 5)
Start Plain Bob Major:
23456   W   V   B   M   H
34562           1   3*  -
45362               3   2
32564               -   s
35264               ss  3+
427365          F
523746  s   s  sT   -   3
324756              -   4
425736              -
357462         sF
327465      s
243567  s       In      s
3* = s - s;
3+ = - s -;
4 = - s - s.

Then change to Grandsire Triples:
s  572643  1
s  635472  1
   246735  1
   572346  1
   465237  2
   724365  1
   657432  2
   246357  1
   572634  2
   465372  1
p  436257  1
a  574623  2  ╮
   365274  1  │
   653274  4  │
   746325  2  │
b  537246  1  │
   375246  4  │
   463527  2  │ A, replacing a and d with s--s
c  754263  1  │
   637425  2  │
   546237  1  │
d  375624  2  │
   463275  1  │
p  426537  1  ╯
   456237  A, replacing a with s--s and b with a single
   426357  A
   436527  A, replacing a with s-s--ss and c with s--s
   456327  A, replacing b with a single and d with s--s
   274635  2
   562374  1
   625374  4
   576243  3
  (325476) 1

Contains 2,688 Plain Bob Major and 2,323 Grandsire Triples, with one change of method, queens, tittums, kings, Whittingtons and back rounds.

Rung at Great Hampton on 16 November 2019, conducted by Richard B Pullin.

5,028 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 930)
234567  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
746352  -                       Triples   (3 leads)
436257        -  -              Major     (5)
574623     -           -  -     Major     (7)
374526  -                       Major     (5)
245637  -        -  -           Triples   (6)
45263               -           Major     (5)
42653               -       (-) Triples   (8)
62354         -                 Triples   (4)
46253   -  -                    Major     (5)
34256   -  -     -  -           Triples   (8)
Repeat five times, calling s for (-) in parts 3 and 6.

Contains 2,592 Grandsire Major and 2,436 Grandsire Triples with 36 changes of method, 126 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, all 24 8765s, 7568s and 5678s off the front, Queens, Whittingtons and Tittums, with no backstroke 87s.

Published in A Collection of Grandsire Compositions (2004).
Rung at Ashill, Norfolk on 27 December 2009, conducted by Christian M Peckham.

5,044 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

William T Perrins
   234567  Grandsire Triples
s* 572634  1
s  645372  1
   726534  2
   457326  1
   264735  2
   572364  1
   265743  3
   372465  1
   653247  2
   726453  1
   537642  2
   265437  1
s  732546  2
   657432  1
s  426357  1
s  374526  1
   653274  1
   746325  2
   257634  2
   462357  1
   574236  2
s  265374  1
s  342765  1

3-part, calling bob for s* in parts 2 and 3. Change to Grandsire Major at the end of the 25th lead in part 3.

s 2564837  4
  3427586  1
  8736452  1
  5682743  1
s 2453678  1

24536   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
52436   -  -  s  -  -  -  -
43256   -  -  s  s  -  -  -
25346   -  -  s  s  -  -  -
32546   -  -  s  -  -  -  -
53246   -  -  s  -  -  -  -
24356   -  -  s  s  -  -  -
35426   -  -  s  s  -  -  -
43526   -  -  s  -  -  -  -
54326   -  -  s  -  -  -  -
32456   -  -  s  s  -  -  -

Repeat the whole.

Contains 2,596 Grandsire Major and 2,548 Grandsire Triples, with 3 changes of method.

Run at Aldermaston on 8 June 1984, conducted by William Butler.

5,184 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Joseph J Parker (Qualis on 8)
  752634   1
  237546   3
s 562437   1
  375246   2
  753246   4
  627453   1
  276453   4
  762453   4
  537246   2
  625437   1
  376542   2
  423657   2
Repeat five times.

Each “lead” comprises six changes of Grandsire Triples, followed by twenty changes of Plain Bob Major, followed by six more changes of Grandsire:

Calls are made as in Grandsire.

Contains 3,240 Plain Bob Major and 1,944 Grandsire Triples, with 324 changes of method.

5,096 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Albert J Pitman (no. 1)
23456   W   M   H  Plain Bob Major
45236   -       -
24536   3       -
54326   2       -
43526   3       2
52436   -       -
43256   s       -
54236   -       3
52346   -       2
45326   -       3
35246   2       -
32654   -   -   - *

* Produced by ringing the last four changes Grandsire Triples as follows:

  23156748  Grandsire Triples
- 12356748

then, continuing Grandsire Triples

643275  3
756324  2   ╮
437256  1   │
234675  5   │ A
632547  5   │
756432  1   │
637524  3   ╯
246753  2
742365  5
657234  2   ╮
426357  1   │
324765  5   │ B
723546  5   │
657423  1   │
726534  3   ╯
457326  1
724563  3
746352  B
527634  2
625473  5
657342  A
236457  1
Repeat calling as from 3265478, finishing the peal by calling singles instead of last two bobs.

Contains 2,524 Grandsire Triples and 2,572 Plain Bob Major, with 1 change of method.

Rung at Bridgend on 1 September 1926.

5,107 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Albert J Pitman (no. 2)
23456   W   H  Plain Bob Major
34256       2
32546   -   2
43526   -   3
35246   2   s
25436   2   -
54236       2
52346   -   2
45326   -   3
53246   2   s
32456   2   -
Then call Single Wrong, producing 16485723 5 leads after the above course head, from which ring 10 changes of Plain Bob Major and continue with Grandsire Triples as follows:

52431768  Grandsire Triples

then continuing Grandsire Triples:

736425  3
257643  2
432765  2
264357  3
642357  4
736542  1
427653  2
364527  1
563742  5
275463  1
562734  3
475362  1
374256  5
453762  3
624375  2
756432  2
637524  3
726345  3
647253  3
326547  1
473652  2
264573  1
562347  5
365724  5
473265  1
274536  5
652374  1
746235  2
637452  3
246537  1
372654  2
463572  1
374625  3
563274  1
745326  2
637245  1
746352  3*
657423  3
Repeat from 647532 calling a single at * followed by a bob.

Contains 2,554 Plain Bob Major and 2,553 Grandsire Triples, with 1 change of method.

Rung at Nottingham (St Peter) on 14 October 1926, conducted by Ernest Morris.

5,152 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Albert J Pitman (no. 3)
23456   W   M   H
52436   -
43256   s       -
53246   s
34256   2
54236   s       3
52346   -       2
53426   -       2
54326           s
43526   3       2
45326   3       s
35246   2       -
32654   -   -   - *

* Produced by ringing the last four changes Grandsire Triples as follows:

  23156748  Grandsire Triples
- 21365478

then continuing Grandsire Triples:

473652  2  ╮
264573  1  │ A
472635  3  ╯
564372  1
726453  A
537642  2
265437  1  ╮ B
462753  5  ╯
573246  B
275634  5
462375  1
756243  A
647532  3
736425  3
257643  2  ╮
432765  2  │ C
264357  3  ╯
362745  5
573462  1
365724  3
274536  B
652374  1
746235  2
527346  1
275346  4
627435  C
736254  3
657342  3
236457  1
Repeat calling as from 3265478, finishing the peal by calling singles instead of last two bobs.

Contains 2,580 Grandsire Triples and 2,572 Plain Bob Major, with 1 change of method.

Rung at Barwell on 27 November 1926, conducted by Ernest Morris.

5,050 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Peter J Sanderson
23456       B   M   H            .
43652           -      PPPPPP.P
34256   x              G.G.G.
24653           -      PPPPPP.P
42356   x              G.G.G.
32654           -      PPPPPP.P
62453           -      PPPPPP.P
26354   x              G.G.G.
36452           -      PPPPPP.P
63254   x              G.G.G.
35642       -          PPPP.PPPP
53246   x              G.G.G.
62345           s   s  PPPPPP.P.
x = 1,s2,s3.

Contains 4,000 Plain Bob Major and 1,050 Grandsire Triples, with 50 changes of method.

Rung at Maidstone (St Michael and All Angels) on 20 August 1991, conducted by Roland Beniston.

5,020 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Maurice J Thurmott
234567   Grandsire Triples
752634 1
237546 3
742365 3
657234 2
346725 2
743562 5
547236 5
735462 3
247635 1
732456 3
647532 1
476532 4
254376 1
542376 4
635742 1
546327 3
345762 5
273645 1
452367 2
734652 1
457326 3
634257 1
576423 2
345276 1
573462 3
245673 1
732564 2
537426 5
645237 1
376524 2
453276 1
254637 5
372465 2
543672 1
375426 3
643275 1
756324 2
437256 1
374256 4
743256 4
357462 3
243657 1
572364 2
435672 1
354672 4
473526 3
574632 5
435726 3
674235 1
436752 3
274536 1
742536 4
657342 1
746523 3
547362 5
475362 4
234675 1
752463 2
347652 1
473652 4
354726 3
753642 5
347526 3
653247 1
536247 4
645372 3
236745 1
642357 3
736542 1
537264 5
524367 x
x = 14567 as the treble leads full (Holt's Plain Single)

524367   W  V  F  B  I  M  H  Plain Bob Major
674325   -     -           s
763524   s           -
372654   -              -
472635            s     s
352647      s           s
56342             -
237456   s     -           ss
237465            s
423567   2           -
637452         -
346257               -
34562             2     -  -
64325    s        -        -
35462    s              s  -
32546    s        2
45362    s        -     s  -
54623    s        -
36452       s  -
53426    s        -     -
23456    s                  .

Contains 2,528 Plain Bob Major and 2,492 Grandsire Triples, with one change of method.
Comprises the first 178 leads of Holt’s one part (“Original”), ending with a Plain Single, followed by Plain Bob Major.

Run at London (St Sepulchre) on 20 April 1992, conducted by D Paul Smith.

5,096 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Frank T Blagrove
23456   M   W   H
64352   -       -   St Simon's Bob Triples
24653   2   3
36425   -       -
36524   2   2   -
25364       -   s
36254       -   -   St Clement's College Bob Major
65234       2  [3]
62354       -   2
23564       2   s
Repeat twice, omitting [2]
from any two parts.
Start Simon's Bob Triples, and change methods at every single.

Contains 2,576 St Clement's College Bob Major and 2,520 St Simon's Bob Triples, with 5 changes of method.

Rung at Windsor (St John) on 10 September 1995, conducted by Frank T Blagrove.

5,050 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Roger Bailey
23456  W  B  M  H
35264     -     3╮
52634  s        2╯M
62435        -  3╮
56234     -     2╯T
Repeat four times.

Contains 2,880 Plain Bob Major (M) and 2,170 Plain Bob Triples (T) with 9 changes of method.

Published in The Ringing World (2002, page 518).
Rung at Kingsbury, Middlesex on 4 May 2002, conducted by Roger Bailey.

5,096 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Frank T Blagrove (arr)
23456   W   M   H
42635   -  [-]  3   M.MMMMM.M. TTTTTT. TTTTTT.
32645   s       *   M.MMMMMM
12-part, calling s for [-] in parts 6 and 12.
Add 3 Homes at * in parts 3 and 12, ringing
the extra two courses as TTTTTT. MMMMMMM.

Contains 2,912 Plain Bob Major_(M) and 2,184 Plain Bob Triples_(T), with 28 changes of methods

Run at Windsor (St John) on 3 April 1988, conducted by Frank T Blagrove.

5,040 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Frank T Blagrove
23456   W   I   B   M   H
24536   -               2   Plain Bob Triples
64532               s   3   Plain Bob Major
36425           -       2
62345       -           3   Plain Bob Triples
Repeat four times.

Contains 2,800 Plain Bob Major and 2,170 Plain Bob Triples, with 10 changes of method.

Rung at Windsor (St John) on 2 June 2002, conducted by Frank T Blagrove.

5,096 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Murray A Coleman
23456   W   M   H
43625   S   -   3
24635   -       3
32645   -       3
Repeat five times, omitting
one block of three homes.
Ring courses alternative Plain Bob
Major and Plain Bob Triples.

Contains 2,912 Plain Bob Major and 2,184 Plain Bob Triples, with 51 changes of method.

Rung at Woodbridge on 20 March 1994, conducted by David G Salter.

5,050 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Adrian M Moreton
23456   W   B   M   H
45326   s           -     Major
52436       In            Triples
24356   s           2     Major
52364       -   -   2
43265           s   s
42365               s
35264           s   -
Repeat four times.

Contains 4560 Plain Bob Major and 490 Plain Bob Triples, with 10 changes of method, queens and tittums.

Rung at Barnsley on 24 January 2014, conducted by Brian A Sanders.

5,064 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8520)
234567  W       M  H
745263      F   -     Major    (5 leads)
235764      F   -  -  Major    (5 leads)
453627      In  -  -  Triples  (6 leads)
65234   -   In  -     Triples  (7 leads)
42365      V,F        Major    (5 leads)
Repeat eleven times, adding a single
Home half-way and end.

The tenor is the observation bell in major and the seven is the observation bell in triples. However, note that the first course of triples in each part starts when the seven is fifths place bell.

Contains 2,880 Plain Bob Major and 2,184 Plain Bob Triples, with 24 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 18 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 8 each 7468s and 7458s, 6 each 7568s and 7658s, kings,queens, Whittingtons, tittums and back rounds.

5,012 Variable Cover Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8521)
2345678  Plain Bob Triples
3527468  Plain Bob Major
5736284  Plain Bob Major
7658342  Plain Bob Major
6874523  Plain Bob Major
8462735  Plain Bob Major
4283657  Plain Bob Triples
2345867  Plain Bob Triples
3526487  Plain Bob Major
5638274  Plain Bob Major
6857342  Plain Bob Triples
8764532  Plain Bob Triples
7483652  Plain Bob Triples
4375862  Plain Bob Triples
3546782  Plain Bob Major
5638427  Plain Bob Major
6852374  Plain Bob Triples
8267534  Plain Bob Triples
2783654  Plain Bob Triples
7325864  Plain Bob Major
3576248  Plain Bob Triples
5634728  Plain Bob Triples
6452378  Plain Bob Major
4267583  Plain Bob Major
2748635  Plain Bob Triples
7823465  Plain Bob Triples
8376245  Plain Bob Major
3684752  Plain Bob Major
6435827  Plain Bob Triples
4562387  Plain Bob Triples
5248637  Plain Bob Major
2853476  Plain Bob Major
8327564  Plain Bob Triples
3786254  Plain Bob Major
7635842  Plain Bob Major
6574328  Plain Bob Major
5462783  Plain Bob Triples
4258673  Plain Bob Triples
2847563  Plain Bob Major
8726435  Plain Bob Triples
7683245  Plain Bob Triples
6374825  Plain Bob Triples
3462785  Plain Bob Triples
4238675  Plain Bob Major
2847356  Plain Bob Triples
8725436  Plain Bob Triples
7583246  Plain Bob Major
5374862  Plain Bob Triples
Repeat six times.

Contains 2,548 Plain Bob Triples and 2,464 Plain Bob Major, with 154 changes of method and all the work of both methods for every bell.

15,036 Variable Cover Spliced Bob Triples and Major (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 8522)
2345678  Plain Bob Triples
3527468  Plain Bob Major
5736284  Plain Bob Triples
7658324  Plain Bob Triples
6872534  Plain Bob Major
8263745  Plain Bob Triples
2384675  Plain Bob Triples
3427865  Plain Bob Major
4736258  Plain Bob Major
7645382  Plain Bob Triples
6578432  Plain Bob Major
5863724  Plain Bob Major
8352647  Plain Bob Triples
3284567  Plain Bob Triples
2436857  Plain Bob Major
4625378  Plain Bob Triples
6547238  Plain Bob Triples
5763428  Plain Bob Triples
7352648  Plain Bob Triples
3274568  Plain Bob Major
2436785  Plain Bob Major
4628357  Plain Bob Triples
6845237  Plain Bob Major
8563472  Plain Bob Major
5387624  Plain Bob Triples
3752864  Plain Bob Triples
7236584  Plain Bob Triples
2678354  Plain Bob Major
6825743  Plain Bob Major
8564237  Plain Bob Major
5483672  Plain Bob Triples
4357862  Plain Bob Triples
3746582  Plain Bob Major
7638425  Plain Bob Major
6872354  Plain Bob Major
8265743  Plain Bob Triples
2584673  Plain Bob Triples
5427863  Plain Bob Major
4756238  Plain Bob Major
7643582  Plain Bob Major
6378425  Plain Bob Major
3862754  Plain Bob Triples
8235674  Plain Bob Triples
2587364  Plain Bob Major
5726843  Plain Bob Triples
7654283  Plain Bob Triples
6478523  Plain Bob Triples
4862753  Plain Bob Triples
8245673  Plain Bob Major
2587436  Plain Bob Major
5723864  Plain Bob Triples
7356284  Plain Bob Triples
3678524  Plain Bob Major
6832745  Plain Bob Major
8264357  Plain Bob Major
2485673  Plain Bob Triples
4527863  Plain Bob Major
5746238  Plain Bob Triples
7653428  Plain Bob Major
6372584  Plain Bob Major
3268745  Plain Bob Major
2834657  Plain Bob Major
8425376  Plain Bob Major
4587263  Plain Bob Triples
5746823  Plain Bob Major
7652438  Plain Bob Triples
6273548  Plain Bob Major
2364785  Plain Bob Major
3428657  Plain Bob Major
4835276  Plain Bob Major
8547362  Plain Bob Major
5786423  Plain Bob Major
7652834  Plain Bob Triples
6273584  Plain Bob Major
2368745  Plain Bob Major
3824657  Plain Bob Triples
8435267  Plain Bob Major
4586372  Plain Bob Major
5647823  Plain Bob Major
6752438  Plain Bob Triples
7263548  Plain Bob Major
2374685  Plain Bob Major
3428756  Plain Bob Major
4835267  Plain Bob Major
8546372  Plain Bob Major
5687423  Plain Bob Triples
6752843  Plain Bob Triples
7264583  Plain Bob Major
2478635  Plain Bob Triples
4823765  Plain Bob Triples
8346275  Plain Bob Triples
3687425  Plain Bob Triples
6732845  Plain Bob Major
7264358  Plain Bob Major
2475683  Plain Bob Triples
4528763  Plain Bob Major
5846237  Plain Bob Major
8653472  Plain Bob Major
6387524  Plain Bob Major
3762845  Plain Bob Triples
7234685  Plain Bob Major
2478356  Plain Bob Major
4825763  Plain Bob Major
8546237  Plain Bob Major
5683472  Plain Bob Triples
6357842  Plain Bob Triples
3764582  Plain Bob Major
7438625  Plain Bob Major
4872356  Plain Bob Triples
8245736  Plain Bob Major
2583467  Plain Bob Major
5326874  Plain Bob Major
3657248  Plain Bob Major
6734582  Plain Bob Triples
7468352  Plain Bob Triples
4875632  Plain Bob Major
8543726  Plain Bob Triples
5382476  Plain Bob Triples
3257846  Plain Bob Major
2734568  Plain Bob Major
7426385  Plain Bob Triples
4678235  Plain Bob Triples
6843725  Plain Bob Major
8362457  Plain Bob Major
3285674  Plain Bob Major
2537846  Plain Bob Major
5724368  Plain Bob Triples
7456238  Plain Bob Major
4673582  Plain Bob Major
6348725  Plain Bob Major
3862457  Plain Bob Triples
8235647  Plain Bob Triples
2584367  Plain Bob Major
5426873  Plain Bob Triples
4657283  Plain Bob Major
6748532  Plain Bob Triples
7863452  Plain Bob Triples
8375642  Plain Bob Major
3584726  Plain Bob Triples
5432876  Plain Bob Triples
4257386  Plain Bob Triples
2748536  Plain Bob Triples
Repeat six times.

Contains 8,960 Plain Bob Major and 6,076 Plain Bob Triples, with 462 changes of method and all the work of both methods for every bell.

5,032 Spliced Place Triples and Major (2 methods)

Stephen D Pettman
Start with Major:
2345678   1   2/4   5   6   7
34256                   s   s
52346     s             s   s
23546                   s   s
36245               s   s   s     ╮
42365     s             s   s     │ A
23465                   s   s     ╯
23654           A
36254                   s   s
52364     s             s   s
23564                   s   s
23645           A
35246               s   s   s
4237856   s   ss        s   s
2347856                 s   s
3427856                 s   s
4235678       ss        s   s
53426     s             s   s
Change to Triples:
53426     6   7
34526     s   s
54326     s
43526     s   s
35426     s   s
45326     s    
Change to Major:
45326     1   6
32456     s   s
Repeat the whole.

Contains 4,312 Little Little Little Little Penultimus Little Place Major and 720 Little Little Little Little Little Penultimus Little Place Triples, with 4 changes of method.

Rung at Hollesley on 19 September 2004, conducted by Stephen D Pettman.

5,040 Variable Cover Spliced Triples and Major (3 methods)

Mark R Eccleston
12345678     Major       Stedman Triples   
13264857     B(s)B
18264357          (10 sixes)
12345687                 1.3.s6.8.9            (10)
17864523     DB(s)
16784523     DDDDD-
17658342     B-B(s)B-B
15863742                 1.s2.     (12)
16758234     BB-B(s)B-
15678234     DDDDD-                        
Repeat six times.
Stedman starts are with a full slow six.

Contains 2,464 Bristol Surprise Major, 1,344 Stedman Triples and 1,232 Double Norwich Court Bob Major, with 62 changes of method, all 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s and 5432s, queens, kings, Whittingtons and back rounds.

Rung at Edgbaston on 19 May 2019, conducted by Mark R Eccleston.

5,040 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (3 methods)

Frank T Blagrove
Start Little Bob Major:
23456   W   M   H
26435   -   -   2
32465   -       3
34625   -       2
23645   -       3
Repeat twice, calling single for final bob Home to bring up 32456.
Change to Plain Bob Triples:
32456   W   M   H
42653       -   3
46523   -       2
56324       -   3
36425       -   3
54623       -   -
25643   -       3
62354   -   -   3
24356       -   2
Change to Plain Bob Major:
24356   W   B   M   H
23546   -           2
42536   -           3
52346   2           -
25364   2   -   -   3
45263           2
23456      F,In     s

Contains 1,680 each Little Bob Major, Plain Bob Triples and Plain Bob Major, with 2 changes of method.

Rung at Windsor (St John) on 22 March 1998, conducted by Frank T Blagrove.

5,040 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (3 methods)

Frank T Blagrove
Start with St Clement's College Bob Major:
23456   M   B   W   H
35264       -       3
24536   3  4/I  -   2
32546           -   3
52436           2   -
42356           2   -
Then St Simon's Triples:
42356   M   W   H
36524   -   -   2
56423   -       3
46325   -       3
53624   -       -
25634       -   3
32654       -   3
62453   -       3
32456   -       2*
Then Plain Bob Major:
32456   W   M   H
43625   -   -
53426   3   2
42536   -       -
23546   2       3
25436   -       2
23456   -       3*
2* = - s;
3* = - - s.

Contains 1,600 each St Clement's Collect Bob Major, St Simon's Bob Triples andPlain Bob Major, with 2 changes of method.

Rung at Windsor (St John) on 10 May 1998, conducted by Frank T Blagrove.

5,040 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (3 methods)

Frank T Blagrove
Start St Clement's College Bob Major:
23456   M   W   H
52436       -
42635   -   3
43526   2   -   -
32546       2   3
35426       -   2
32456       -   3*
Then Plain Bob Major:
32456   W   M   H
42653       -   3
46523   -       2
56324       -   3
36425       -   3
54623       -   -
25643   -       3
62354   -   -   3
24356       -   2
Then Plain Bob Triples:
24356   W   B   M   H
23546   -           2
25436   -           2
25364       -       -
53264           3   2
42536      F,In     -
52346       2       -
23456       2       s
3* = - - s.

Contains 1,060 each St Clement's Collect Bob Major, Plain Bob Major and Plain Bob Triples.

Rung at Windsor (St John) on 25 March 2001, conducted by Frank T Blagrove.

5,012 Spliced Bob Triples and Major (4 methods)

Frank T Blagrove
The basic courses:

23456   O   I
36254   -       PPP.SS

23456   O   I
35246       -   SS.PPP

The composition:

23456           H
65324   a b     3
23465   a b a   3
65342   b a     3
54236   b a     -
54326   b       -
62453   a b     3
35264   a b     3
62435   a b a   3
35246   b a     3
43526   b       2
36425   a       3
25643   b a     3
36452   b a b   3
25634   a b     3
42536   a       2
23456   b       3
For the extra courses added by blocks of 2 or 3 Homes, add whole courses of St Clement's College Bob Major
when the blocks immediately follow an `a' course, and of Plain Bob Major when they immediately follow
a `b' course.

Contains 1,456 each Plain Bob Major and St Clement's College Bob Major, 1,260 Plain Bob Triples (P) and 840 St Simon's Bob Triples} (S), with 58 changes of method.

Run at Windsor (St John) on 26 November 1995, conducted by Frank T Blagrove.

5,006 Spliced Triples and Major (7 methods)

Maurice J Thurmott
234567   ½  V  B  F  I  M  W  H
65423          -        -  s     YH.BSS.C.L
24563                      s  s  CHSC.L.
56243          ss          -  -  CS.B.HY.L.
46235                   s  s     YHS.Y.L
342765      s  -  s  -     -     Y.S.B.B.SC.L
43256       -  ss          -     Y.S.B.HC.L
56324                   -  s  s  YHH.Y.L.
357246      s  ss             -  C.S.B.HCL.
237546   -     ss                YH.B.SCL
632754   -     -  s  -  -  s  -  YS.B.B.S.C.L.
732465         s        s  s     YH.H.C.L

Then change to Grandsire Triples:

  267354  3
s 342567  1
  753642  4
  347526  3
  653247  1
  536247  4
  645372  3
  236745  1
  642357  3
  736542  1
  537264  5
  375264  4
  273456  5
  642573  1
  736254  2
  547623  2
  235764  2
  472635  1
  354267  2
  673425  2
  546273  1
  735624  2
  247563  2
  352647  1
  473265  2
  734265  4
  657423  2
  346257  1
  573624  2
  245367  2
  672534  2
  456372  1
  674523  3
  356274  1
  743625  2
  437625  4
  634572  5
  256734  1
  632547  3
  756432  1
  457263  5
  634725  2
  256473  2
  342756  1
  253467  3
  672345  2
  246753  3
  372546  1
  243765  3
  572643  1
  675324  5
  436275  1
  754623  2
  237465  2
  652743  2
  376452  1
  653724  3
  476253  1
  534627  2
  345627  4
  643752  5
  276543  1
  432657  2
  574263  2
  635427  2
  746235  1
  637452  3
  246537  1
  372654  2
  253746  3
  532746  4
  675432  1
  536724  3
  475236  1
  274653  5
  532467  2
  675243  2
  276354  5
  432576  1
  274365  3
  532674  1
  275346  3
  542763  3
  745326  5
  637245  1
  236574  5
  452736  1
s 324567  3
  753624  1
  467253  1
s 234567  1

Contains 2,926 Grandsire Triples, 384 Superlative Surprise Major 352 each Cambridge Surprise Major, Huddersfield Surprise Major, London Surprise Major and Yorkshire Surprise Major, and 288 Bristol Surprise Major, with 60 changes of method.
The peal concludes with the final 205 leads of Holt’s one part (“Original”).

Rung at Staveley on 30 October 1994, conducted by D Paul Smith.

5,002 Spliced Triples and Major (7 methods)

Maurice J Thurmott
Start Stedman Triples:
2314567   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4
6125347   s  -  -  -  -  -     -  -     -  -  -  -
5672134   -  -     -  -     -  -     -     -  -
2743615   -  -     -  -     -  -  -  -     -  -
3421756      -  -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -
1237456   -  -     -  -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -
7354261   -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -        -
3672145   -     -  -     -     -  -     -  -  -  -
2741653   -  -        -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -
1536742   -           -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -
6342517   -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -
2461375      -  -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -
1623475   -  -     -  -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -
3274651   -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -        -
2536714   -     -  -     -  -     -     -  -  -  -
6341572   -  -     -  -     -  -  -  -     -  -
1467325      -  -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -
5673421   -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -     -  -     -
3471265      -  -        -  -        -  -        -
1736524   -  -  -  -     -  -     -  -     -  -
1265473   -     -  -           -  -     -  -     -
5614273   -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -     -  -
4752316   -  -  -  -     -  -        -  -     -  -
2541637   -  -  -  -     -  -     -  -     -  -
1426537   -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -     -  -
6215437   -  -     -  -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -
5467312      -  -        -  -        -  -     -  -
7653241   -  -  -  -     -  -     -  -  -  -  -  -
3571462      -  -        -  -     -  -  -  -  -  -
1732546      -     -  -     -  -  -  -  -  -
2314765      -  -     -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -   
Then change to surprise major:
234765   V  B  F  I  M  W  H
234756      s                  YS.SCL
534627   -  ss       -  -  -   Y.H.B.H.C.L.
453627      ss             -   CH.B.HCL.
652347               -  s      YSS.C.L
326547      ss          -  s   CS.B.HY.L.
536724   s  s           -      Y.S.HC.L
324657   -           -  s  s   Y.HS.C.L.
642357      -  -  -     s  s   YS.B.B.HC.L.
532467      -  -  -  -  -  -   YH.B.B.S.C.L.
564237      -        s  s  -   YS.BSH.Y.L.
245637                  -  s   YHSC.L.
275463   -  s                  Y.S.HCL
Then back to Stedman Triples, starting with a bob and a full slow six:
1275463  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2
2547163  -        -        -        -  -   :
5374261  -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -        -:
6417532  -  -  -  -  -  -  -     -  -     -:
2314567  -  -  -  -           -  -  -:     

Contains 2,794 Stedman Triples, 416 Superlative Surprise Major, 384 each Cambridge Surprise Major, Huddersfield Surprise Major, London Surprise Major and Yorkshire Surprise Major, and 256 Bristol Surprise Major, with 67 changes of method.

Rung at Trumpington on 18 December 2005, conducted by David C Brown.

5,010 Spliced Triples and Major (8 methods)

Mark R Eccleston
              Major                  Stedman Triples
12345678                             1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
1372546                              s     -  -  -  -        s
1673425                                 -  s  -  -  -        s
4672513                                 s        -  -  -  -  s    
4376125                                 s  -  -  -  -        s     ╮
4573261                                 s  -  -  -  -        s     │ A
2576143                                 s        -  -  -  -  s     ╯
5471263                                          2A
5374612                                 s  -  -  -  -        s
5273146                                 s  -  -  -  -        s
1253647                                 s        -  -  -  -     - 
14536278      DY(s)P
145326        PPSS-CC-LP-PPY(s)CLD-
132456        YDC-L-
134256        SD(s)
153246        YDY-L
124356        P(s)PD-                                             
5276413                                          -  -  -  -  s
1675243                                          4A
1376452                                 s  -  -  -  -        s
1264537                                 s  -  -  -  -           - 
16452378      CDDB(s)BB(s)S(s)P
134526        CSPP(s)P
124653        P(s)YD-DBB-BS-BD-
163452        CCS-L(s)B(s)Y(s)
142365        CL(s)CLDB(s)CL-
152364        YYPP(s)YL                                           
6574213                                          -  -  -  -  s
5172643                                          2A
5371426                                   s  -  -  -  -        s
5673214                                   s  -  -  -  -        s
2671453                                   s        -  -  s  s  s
2673541                                   s  -  -  -  -  -  -  s
1465327                                         s  -  -:           (6 sixes)
15463278      YD-
165432        PPD-
124635        DB-BSS-C-L.
163425        P-B.PPD-PD-
12537486      SS-PS-B.Y                                           
Round with two changes of Yorkshire.
Stedman starts are with a full slow six.
Unless otherwise indicated Stedman courses are 10 sixes long.

Contains 2,496 Stedman Triples, 416 Bristol Surprise Major, 386 Yorkshire Surprise Major, 384 each Cambridge Surprise Major and Superlative Surprise Major, 352 Plain Bob Major 320 London Surprise Major and 272 Double Norwich Court Bob Major, with 75 changes of method, queens, tittums and back rounds (twice).

Run at Birmingham (St Paul) on 4 October 2019, conducted by Mark R Eccleston.

5,028 Variable Cover Spliced Triples and Major (9 methods)

Graham M Bradshaw
2345678   Stedman Triples   Major              
6745238   2.9 (10 sixes)
3824567                     [BLR-]
2384567                     LRY-
8263547                     NY{-B-C
8234567                     S(s)B(s)PNR-}CYNSP-
Repeat six times, with the following

In the second part replace [BLR-] by
6354827  B-CRL-
6253847  S-RR
2783456  S-C-LR(s)B(s)C-R-

and in the sixth part omit the leads and calls in { curly braces }.

The Stedman Triples courses all start and end with the fourth row of a quick six.

Contains 768 Rutland Surprise Major, 672 Yorkshire Surprise Major 640 each Bristol Surprise Major and Lincolnshire Surprise Major (N), 512 Cambridge Surprise Major, 480 each London Surprise Major and Superlative Surprise Major 420 Stedman Triples, and 416 Pudsey Surprise Major, with 149 changes of method.

Rung at Darlington (St Cuthbert) on 6 July 2009, conducted by Andrew J Graham.

5,012 Variable Cover Spliced Triples and Major (9 methods)

Graham M Bradshaw
2345678   Stedman Triples   Major      
6745238          a
3824567                     BLR-
2384567                     LRY-
8263547                     NY-B-C
8234567                     SPNR-CYNSP-
Repeat six times.
a = (18 sixes)
The Stedman Triples courses all start and end with the fourth row of a quick six.

Contains 756 Stedman Triples, 672 each Lincolnshire Surprise Major (N), Rutland Surprise Major and Yorkshire Surprise Major, 448 each Bristol Surprise Major, Cambridge Surprise Major, London Surprise Major, Pudsey Surprise Major, and Superlative Surprise Major, with 139 changes of method.

Rung at Edgbaston on 12 August 2009, conducted by Mark R Eccleston.

5,044 Variable Cover Spliced Triples and Major (9 methods)

Graham M Bradshaw
2345678   Stedman Triples  Major         
6745238          a
3824567                    BLR-
2384567                    LRY-
8263547                    NY-B-C
8234567                    S.B.PNR-CYNSP-
Repeat six times.
In parts 1 and 2: a = (18 sixes);
in part 3: a = (18);
in parts 4, 5, 6 and 7: a = 2.9 (10).
The Stedman Triples courses all start and end with the fourth row of a quick six.

Contains 672 each Bristol Surprise Major, Lincolnshire Surprise Major (N), Rutland Surprise Major and Yorkshire Surprise Major, 564 Stedman Triples, and 448 each Cambridge Surprise Major, London Surprise Major, Pudsey Surprise Major and Superlative Surprise Major, with 146 changes of method.

Run at Kilburn, Greater London (St Augustine) on 16 August 2009, conducted by Andrew J Graham.

5,140 Spliced Triples and Major (9 methods)

Graham M Bradshaw
2345678   Stedman Triples   Major        
6745238          a
3824567                     BLR-
2384567                     LRY-
8263547                     NY-B-C
8234567                     S[(s)B(s)]PNR-CYNSP-
Repeat six times, omitting [bracketed] calls and lead
of Bristol from parts 5, 6 and 7.
a = (18 sixes)
The Stedman Triples courses all start and end with the fourth row of a quick six.

Contains 756 Stedman Triples, 672 each Lincolnshire Surprise Major (N), Rutland Surprise Major and Yorkshire Surprise Major, 576 Bristol Surprise Major, and 448 each Cambridge Surprise Major, London Surprise Major, Pudsey Surprise Major and Superlative Surprise Major, with 143 changes of method.

Rung at Greenwich on 19 September 2009, conducted by Andrew J Graham.

5,028 Variable Cover Spliced Triples and Major (9 methods)

Graham M Bradshaw
2345678  Stedman Triples   Major               
6745238   2.9 (10 sixes)
3824567                    BLR-
2384567                   [LRY-]
8263547                    NY-B-C
8234567                    S(s)B(s)PNR-C[Y]NSP-
Repeat six times, in the last part
replacing [LRY-] with Y(s)B(s)CL(s)B(s)PY-
and {Y} with N.
The Stedman Triples courses all start and end with the
 fourth row of a quick six.

Contains 736 Bristol Surprise Major, 704 Lincolnshire Surprise Major (N), 672 Yorkshire Surprise Major, 640 Rutland Surprise Major, 480 each Cambridge Surprise Major and Pudsey Surprise Major, 448 each London Surprise Major and Superlative Surprise Major and 420 Stedman Triples, with 149 changes of method.

Rung at Kineton on 2 July 2017, conducted by Mark R Eccleston.

5,124 Variable Cover Spliced Triples and Major (22 methods)

John M Goldthorpe
  2345678 Stedman (p-pppppp-p)
  6745238 Bristol
  4627853 Ipswich
  3852746 London
  5378624 Tavistock
  2486375 Uxbridge
- 3824567 Ashtead
  7562438 Cray
  4687352 Whalley
  8436275 Wembley
- 2384567 Cornwall
- 5823746 Double Dublin
- 2583746 Lincolnshire
  3456278 Cambridge
  6748325 Lindum
  4637582 Preston
  7862453 Superlative
- 8253746 Cassiobury
  4637258 Yorkshire
  7568423 Rutland
  6745382 Pudsey
  5872634 Glasgow
- 8234567
Repeat six times.
Stedman starts and ends at the fourth row of a quick six.

Contains 420 Stedman Triples and 224 each Bristol Surprise Major, Ipswich Surprise Major, London Surprise Major, Tavistock Surprise Major, Uxbridge Surprise Major, Ashtead Surprise Major, Cray Surprise Major, Whalley Surprise Major, Wembley Surprise Major, Cornwall Surprise Major, Double Dublin Surprise Major, Lincolnshire Surprise Major, Cambridge Surprise Major, Lindum Surprise Major, Preston Surprise Major, Superlative Surprise Major, Cassiobury Surprise Major, Yorkshire Surprise Major, Rutland Surprise Major, Pudsey Surprise Major and Glasgow Surprise Major, with 153 changes of method.

Rung at Pimlico on 13 February 2009, conducted by Andrew J Graham.

5,124 Variable Cover Spliced Triples and Major (22 methods)

John M Goldthorpe
 12345678  Stedman Triples, 10 sixes called 2.9
 16745238  London Surprise Major
  4627853  Northampton Surprise Major
  2486375  Malpas Surprise Major
- 3824567  Newlyn Surprise Major
  6745823  Chesterfield Surprise Major
  8436275  Moulton Surprise Major
  5273684  Whalley Surprise Major
- 6752438  Buckfastleigh Surprise Major
  8435267  Yeading Surprise Major
  3824756  Belfast Surprise Major
  2378645  Bristol Surprise Major
  7263584  Richmond Surprise Major
- 5672438  Sonning Surprise Major
  2368547  Claybrooke Surprise Major
  6253784  Sussex Surprise Major
  4785362  Willesden Surprise Major
  3824675  Newcastle Surprise Major
  8437256  Huddersfield Surprise Major
  7546823  Colnbrook Surprise Major
- 7562438  Essex Surprise Major
- 2384567  Chertsey Surprise Major
- 8234567
Repeat six times.
Stedman starts and finishes are in the middle of a quick six.

Contains 420 Stedman Triples, 224 each Belfast Surprise Major, Bristol Surprise Major, Buckfastleigh Surprise Major, Chertsey Surprise Major, Chesterfield Surprise Major, Claybrooke Surprise Major, Colnbrook Surprise Major, Essex Surprise Major, Huddersfield Surprise Major, London Surprise Major, Malpas Surprise Major, Moulton Surprise Major, Newcastle Surprise Major, Newlyn Surprise Major, Northampton Surprise Major, Richmond Surprise Major, Sonning Surprise Major, Sussex Surprise Major, Whalley Surprise Major, Willesden Surprise Major and Yeading Surprise Major, with 153 changes of method.

Rung at Shoreditch on 26 March 2010, conducted by Andrew J Graham.