Peal Compositions of Zanussi Surprise Maximus

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5,088 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Richard J Angrave
234567   M  N  W  H
43652          2  x
674523      2  1  1
243657      2  1  2*
34625          2  1
45362    1        2+
23456    1        x
N=9ths. x=16. 2*=xb, 2+=bx.

Contains 12 65s, 116 little bell at the back, and 64 little bell at the front.

Rung at Birmingham (St Martin) on 12 October 2010, conducted by Simon J L Linford.

5,184 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

David R Finch (No 2)
23456   M  W  H
26354   2     1
34562   1  1  2
43265   2     2
62345      2  2
25346   1     2
23456      1  2

5,184 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

David R Finch (No 1)
23456   M  W  H
45236      1  1
34562   2  2  2
36245   2  1  1
52643   1     1
25346   2     2
23456      1  2

Contains 17 56s, 78 little bell at the back, and 47 little bell at the front

5,184 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

David R Finch
23456   M  W  H
65432   1  1  1
36452      1
23564   2  1  2
53624      2  1
25346   2  2  2
23456      1  2

Contains 24 56s, 48 little bell at the back, and 26 little bell at the front.

5,136 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Thomas J Hinks
23456   B  M  W  H
45236         1  1
43652   x     2  1
65432         1  1
32465   3x       1
64523      1  1
23456      1  2  2

Contains 17 56s, 8 65s, 126 four bell runs at the back, and 69 four bell runs at the front.

in hand at London (St Sepulchre without Newgate) on 23 February 2015.

5,040 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 3108)
23456  M  W  H
65432  1  1  1
53462     2
24365  1     1
62345     1
43526  1  1
65324  1     1
23456  1  1   

Contains 9 56s, 10 65s, and 110 little bell rollups, including 23 65432s, 14 23456s and 11 76543s.

Rung at Towcester on 30 January 2016, conducted by Jonathan A Agg.

5,184 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 3109)
23456  M  W  H
42356        1
43526     1  2
53246     2  1
46325  1  2  2
43265     1  2
65432  2  1
23456  1  1  1

Contains 21 each 56s and 65s, and 76 little bell rollups.

Rung at City of London on 8 July 2012, conducted by Paul N Mounsey.

5,184 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 3110)
23456  M  W  H
45236     1  1
46532  2     1
24365  2  1  2
34625     2  1
65243  1  1  2
23456  1  1  2

Contains 15 each 56s and 65s, and 74 little bell rollups including 28 65432s and 26 23456s.

5,088 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 3111)
23456  M  W  H
65432  1  1  1
64352     1  2
34562     2  1
34625  2  2  1
45623  1     2
23456  2  1   

Contains 115 little bell rollups, including 28 23456s, 21 65432s and 14 76543s.

Rung at Worcester (All Saints) on 21 December 2017, conducted by Alex F Byrne.

5,138 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Jonathan H Potter
 23456   M  W  H
 54326      2  2
 56423   2     1
 24365   1  1
 53462   1     1
 65432      1
 24536   1     1
(42536)     2*  

Contains 125 little bell at the back, and 68 little bell at the front, with back rounds.

5,136 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Peter W J Sheppard
23456   M  W  H
65432   1  1  1
53462      2
24365   1     1
62345      1
53246   1     1
52436      1  2
23456      2   
Rung at Kingston upon Thames on 2 September 2007.

5,088 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Peter W J Sheppard
23456   M  W  H
54326      2  2
42563   2  2
24365   2     2
62345      1
45236   1  2  2
23456      1  1

5,088 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Peter W J Sheppard
23456   M  W  H
24536      -  2
43526      2
24365   2  2  2
23645      -  2
25346   2     -
23456      -  2
Contains 73 Combination rollups, 21 56s, 15 65s, 39 little bell.

5,090 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

Michael P A Wilby
 23456    M   W   H
 54326        2   2
 54263    2   2   1
 43265    1       2
 65432    2   1
 32546    1   2   2
(42536)       s    
Rung at Birmingham (Cathedral) on 5 July 2004.