Peal Compositions of Ariel Surprise Maximus

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5,090 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Robert D S Brown
 23456   M  W  H
 34256         2
 53246      1
 26435   1  1  2
 24365      1  2
 63425      2  2
(42536)  1  3*  

Contains 21 56s, 19 65s.

5,088 Ariel Surprise Maximus

David R Finch (arr)
23456   M  B  W  H
23564      x     1
65432   1     1
32546      2x     
2 part. x=18.

Contains 7 56s, 12 65s, 113 little bell at the back, and 2 56s, 3 65s, 51 little bell at the front.

5,184 Ariel Surprise Maximus

David R Finch (arr)
23456   M  B  W  H
42356            1
42563      x     1
56423         1  1
32465   1     1  1
2 part. x=18.

Contains 15 56s, 15 65s, 79 little bell at the back, and 3 56s, 3 65s, 47 little bell at the front.

5,184 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 3199)
23456  M  W  H
52436     -
26435  -     2
24365     -  2
Repeat. Fourth place bobs.

Contains 17 each 56s and 65s, 4 each 567890ETs off the front and 657890ETs off the front, and 57 little bell rollups.

5,088 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 3201)
23456  M  W  H
65432  -  -  -
36452     -
36524  2  2  -
64523  -     2
23456  -  2  2
Fourth place bobs.

Contains 18 56s, 6 567890ETs off the front, and 61 little bell rollups including 23 23456s.

5,088 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 3202)
23456  M  W  H
43526     2  -
32546     2
43265  2  2  2
65432  2  -
23456  -  -  -
Fourth place bobs.

Contains 16 56s, 15 65s, 5 567890ETs off the front, and 90 little bell rollups.

Rung at Westminster (St Martin in the Fields) on 17 March 2012, conducted by Bernard F L Groves.

5,184 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 3203)
23456  M  W  H
34256        2
36452  2     -
53462     -
32465  -     2
64523  -  -
35426  -     -
23456     -   
Fourth place bobs.

Contains 16 56s, 15 65s, 4 567890ETs off the front, and 104 little bell rollups.

5,040 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 3204)
23456  M  W  H
64352  -     -
34562     2  -
32465  2     -
64523  -  -
35426  -     -
23456     -   
Fourth place bobs.

Contains 130 little bell rollups.

Rung at Cheltenham on 26 July 2008, conducted by Matthew J Hilling.
Rung to Counter's Creek Delight at Maidenhead (78 Laburnham Road) on 15 February 2014, conducted by Richard A Pearce.

5,088 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 4527)
23456  M  W  H
24536     -  2
35426     2  2
26354  2  -
62453  2     2
23456  -     2
Fourth place bobs.

Contains all 24 56s and 9 567890ETs off the front.
True to all (in course) BE and (out of course) BCDEFHK1K2N1N2OTa1a2bcdef.

5,040 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Roderick W Pipe
 23456   M  I  V  W  H
 63254         x
(35264)     x
(56234)  3  x
(63425)  1  x
(32546)  1        2
 43265         x  2  2
(36452)  2  x
(65432)  3  x
(53246)  1  x
(34625)  1        2
 23456         x  2  2

Contains 24 56s, 24 65s, 38 little bell at the back, and 34 little bell at the front.

5,088 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Roderick W Pipe (no. 3200)
23456  M  W  H
34256        2
32546     -  2
45236     2  2
36452  2  -
63254  2     2
23456  -      
Fourth place bobs.
Rung at London (St Sepulchre) on 25 April 2001.

5,088 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Jonathan H Potter (No 61)
23456   I  W  V  H
42356            1
64523      1  x
54263   x        1
24365         2x  
2 part. x=10.

Contains 10 56s, 10 65s, 71 little bell at the back, and 37 little bell at the front.

5,280 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Richard B Pullin (1)
23456   I  B  V
45623   -     2
34625      2  -
52436   -     -
23456   -  3  3

Contains 15 56s and 45 little bell runs.

5,280 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Richard B Pullin (2)
23456   I  B  V
45623   -     2
34625      2  -
53246   2     -
23456   -  2  3

Contains 10 56s and 40 little bell runs.

5,184 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Peter W J Sheppard
23456   M  W  H
65432   -  -  -
53462      2
24365   -     -
62345      -
25346   -     2
23456      -  2

5,184 Ariel Surprise Maximus

Peter W J Sheppard
23456   M  W  H
64352   -     -
56342      -
24365   -  -  2
62345      -
45236   -  2  2
23456      -  -

5,090 Ariel Surprise Maximus

John S Warboys and Donald F Morrison
 23456   M   W   H
 34256           2
 36452   2       -
 52364   2   -
 64523   2   -
 63425   2       -
(42536)  -   3*   
3* = - - s.
Fourth place calls.

Contains all 24 56s, 9 567890ETs off the front and 63 little bell rollups at the back including 12 23456s.