5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Richard I Allton (No 1968)23456 B M W H 43652 - 43526 x - 24365 x 2 34562 - 46325 x 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - ss - 23456 - x=18.
Contains 13 56s, 16 65s, 96 little bell at the back, and 72 little bell at the front.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Richard J Angrave23456 B M W H 25634 2 - - 45236 2 53462 x 32465 - 2 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - x=18.
Contains 12 65s and 108 little bell runs.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Richard J Angrave (5042 No 1a)23456 M W H 24536 - 2 32546 - 56423 - - 2 24365 - - 53462 - - 64352 s s 32456 - s
Contains 11 56s, 84 little bell at the back, and 62 little bell at the front. Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus, Swindon Surprise Maximus.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Oliver M Austin23456 M W H 42356 - 53246 2 2 62345 - - 43265 2 2 62534 - - (32456) - s
Contains 10 56s, 12 65s, 45 Combination rollups, 62 little bell at the back, and 47 little bell at the front.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Oliver M Austin23456 B M W H 43652 - 35426 x 56423 - 2 24365 - - 34562 - 46325 x 53624 - - 53246 x - 23456 2 - x=18. Contains 100 little bell at the back, and 74 little bell at the front.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise.
6,336 (5,040) Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Oliver M Austin (arr)23456 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 56423 2 2 - 24365 - - 2 part.
Contains 128 little bell at the back, and 94 little bell at the front. For 5040 call 8ths place bob Before for 2M2W in one part. This contains 108 little bell at the back, and 79 little bell at the front.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Alan M Barber23456 M W H 42356 - 63254 - - 52364 s s 32465 - 3 62453 s s 34256 - - 52436 s s (32456) s
Contains 49 combination rollups.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise and Cambridge Surprise.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 w M h W m H 64352 3 - - 43265 - - - 3 52436 - - - 3 (32456) s Notation: w, m, h are half-lead equivalents of W, M, H. Half-lead calls: Bob = 9T; s = 90ET.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 42356 - 63254 - - 56234 - 24365 - - 2 53462 - - 65432 - 52436 - 2 (32456) s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 34256 2 52643 - - 36245 - - 43265 - 3 64235 - 52436 - - (32456) s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Daniel Brady (arr)23456 M W H 34256 3 2 53246 - 3 52436 - 2 (32456) s
Contains 17 56s, 50 little bell at the back, and 38 little bell at the front.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Daniel Brady23456 M W H 45236 - - 34256 - 26543 - - 2 52643 3 - 62453 2 - (32456) s
Contains 9 56s, 40 little bell at the back, and 34 little bell at the front.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Daniel Brady23456 M W H 34256 2 32546 - 2 52436 2 - 32465 s s ss 62435 s (32456) s s
Contains 17 56s, 12 65s.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown234567890ET 2½ 3 3½ 6 8 8½ 11 2345678TE09 - - 3 234567980ET s - - 3 342567890ET - - s - - 2 52436 s s (32456) s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown234567890ET 1 2½ 3 3½ 5 6 8 9 11 2345678TE09 - - 234567980ET s - - 243567890 - - s - - s 63452 s s 53462 ss s 32465 - 2 62435 s 32456 s s
Contains 9 56s, 12 65s, 11 90ET off the front, and 92 little bell runs.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 M W H 53462 - 2* 43265 - 3 52364 - - 65324 - 23456 - - 3 x=12345T. 2*=xb.
Contains 18 56s, 18 65s, 50 little bell at the back, and 40 little bell at the front.
5,044 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown(243156) M W H 153264 x s 123465 - ss 164532 - - ss 152436 - s 123456 2 3 Start with rounds as the 45th change of the lead. x=34.
Contains 16 56s, 12 65s, 54 little bell at the back, and 42 little bell at the front. Also true to Cambridge Surprise Maximus, Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus, Swindon Surprise Maximus, Albanian Surprise Maximus.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown234567 ½ 1 3 5 5½ 6 11 63452 3 s 674523 s 3 243567 s s s 24365 s s s 64532 - s (32456) - s s
Contains 106 little bell runs, including 30 234567s.
5,044 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown(24315678) M W H 153264 x s 13246587 - 3* 16342587 - 15342678 s ss z 123456 s 3 Start with rounds as the 44th change of the lead. x=34. z=1278. 3*=szb.
Contains 16 56s, 66 little bell at the back, and 52 little bell at the front.
5,000 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown(243156) B M W H 163254 z ss 154263 3x - 165243 - 132546 - - 124365 x ss 153246 4x - (341256) z Start with rounds as the 45th change of the lead. x=18. z=34.
Contains 42 little bell at the back, and 37 little bell at the front. If preferred, replace ssH with 3H, and omit ssW. Also true to Cambridge Surprise Maximus, Albanian Surprise Maximus, Swindon Surprise Maximus, Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus, Quedgeley Surprise Maximus.
5,138 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 B W H 34256 2 34562 x - 46325 x 43265 - 2 24365 ss - 24653 x - 52436 x 2 (32456) s x=18.
Contains 15 56s, 17 65s, 42 little bell at the back, and 36 little bell at the front. Also true to Swindon Surprise Maximus, Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus, Albanian Surprise Maximus.
5,280 (5,042) Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Neil Buswell (No. 1)2345678 N M W E H 5876234 s s s s s 2846537 s s 2346587 s 3 2 part. N=9ths. E=8ths.
Contains 18 5678s and 6587s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Cambridge Surprise.
For 5,042, replace the last 3H by one of the following:
sMsW sMW sMsW
Or, for a 5,042 not true to Cambridge, though still true to Yorkshire or Lincolnshire, replace the last 3H by one of the following:
5,280 (5,042) Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Neil Buswell (No. 2)2345678 N M W E H 5476238 s s s s 2836547 s s s s 2436587 s 3 2 part. N=9ths. E=8ths.
Contains 18 56s, 38 little bell at the back, and 30 little bell at the front.
For 5042, replace the last 3H by one of the following:
sMsW sMW sMsW
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
James Clatworthy23456 B M W H 42356 - 43526 - 2 32465 X 3 64523 - - 23456 - 2 2 X = 8th's place bob.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
James Clatworthy23456 N M W H 65432 - - - 674523 - 42356 s s - 52364 s s 32465 - 3 64523 - - 52436 s s - (32456) s N = 9th's.
Also true to Albanian Surprise, Aldenham Surprise, Christchurch Surprise, Lincolnshire Surprise, New Cambridge Surprise, Southwark Surprise and Superlative (add bob B in the last course) Surprise.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John Cornock2345678 1 5 6 11 53462 s s 3 32465 - 2 64523 - - 24356 - s 53426 s s 3547628 - - (3245678) -
Contains 11 56s, 13 65s and 86 little bell runs.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise and Swindon Surprise.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Mark B Davies23456 B M W H 45236 - - 54362 x s 23465 s s 43652 s 2 - 43526 x - 32465 x 64523 - - 35426 - ss - 23456 - x = 18.
Contains 82 runs of 5 and 162 of 4 little bells off the front and back.
5,280 (5,040) Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Patrick W J Deakin23456 V O I (45236) - - 43652 - - - 53462 - 2 56342 2 - (34562) - - (46325) - - 64523 - - 23456 s 3* s 3*=sbs.
Contains 6 56s, 4 65s, 128 four bell runs at the back, and 96 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds.
For 5040 call a 12ths place lead end for 6 plain leads.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John H Fielden23456 B M W H 42356 - 52364 s s 32465 - 3 64523 - - 34625 2 23456 x 2 x=18.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John H Fielden23456 B M W H 53462 s s 24365 - - 34562 - 46325 x 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - 3 x=18.
Alternately replace 3H by sH,sM,sM,sH.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John H Fielden23456 B M W H 42356 - 25463 x 65432 s s 24536 - - 32465 x 2 64523 - - 34625 2 23456 x 2 x=18.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John H Fielden23456 B M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 64523 x 53426 - 3 s 23465 s s ss 65432 s - 23456 - - - x=18.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John H Fielden23456 M W H 54326 s s 32465 s s - 24365 3 2 53462 - - 65432 - 32456 - - s Rounds after W in next course.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
David R Finch23456 B M W H 42356 3 - 54326 - 42563 x 56423 - - 24365 - - 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - -
Back rounds; 28 crus; 12 56; 6 65; 2 near misses; 100 little bell runs;
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
David R Finch23456 B M W H 25634 2 - - 65432 - 24365 3x 34625 2 - 35426 2 - 23456 - x=18.
Contains 100 little bell runs.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Thomas J Hinks23456 B M W H 42356 - 35426 - - 56423 - 2 43265 - - 2 36452 x 65432 2 23456 - - - x=18.
Contains 141 little bell runs with 12 56s and 8 65s.
5,090 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Thomas J Hinks23456 B M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 24365 2x ss 53462 - - 64352 2 2 52436 - s s (32456) s x=18.
Contains 11 56s, 10 65s, 94 little bell at the back, and 72 little bell at the front.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Roderick R Horton2345678 B M h W m H 42356 - 7864523 - a 2 5236478 - - a 32465 - - 2 23645 - 2 2 - 23456 x - x=18. Lower case letter are half lead equivalent calls, a = 6½, 10, 10½.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Paul B Hunter23456 B M W H 42635 z 46253 3 s 56423 x 2* 25463 - 45362 - ss 23456 - z s=123456. x=18. z=16. 2*=sb.
For handbells, 5-6 coursing except for the plain course.
5,280 (5,042) Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Paul B Hunter23456 M W H 26354 2 - 52364 - 24365 - 2 2 part.
Contains 12 56s, 12 65s, 43 little bell at the back, and 34 little bell at the front.
For 5042, call last line sM sW sW.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John R Ketteringham (no 15)23456 B M W H 35264 x 3 63254 - 45236 - - - 25346 2 - 35426 2 - 23456 - - = 14; x = 18.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John R Ketteringham (no 16)23456 B M W H 54632 - - 26435 - - 32465 - 3 42635 2 - 23456 x 3 - = 14; x = 18.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John R Ketteringham (no 20)23456 B M W H 23564 x - 43265 2 3 62534 - - 23456 - 2 3 - = 14; x = 18.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John R Ketteringham (no 47)23456 B M W H 52364 x 2 32465 - 3 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - 3 - = 14; x = 18.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John R Ketteringham (no 142)23456 M W H 34256 2 53246 - 43265 s s 3 63245 s 52436 s - 2 (32456) s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John R Ketteringham (no 143)23456 M W H 34256 2 53246 - 3 52436 - 2 (32456) 3 s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John R Ketteringham (143A)23456 W H 34256 B,F,I 2 53246 - 3 52436 - 2 (32456) s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John R Ketteringham (no 156)234567890 M 5½ W H 34256 2 25346 - - 423567809 s - 3 536247890 - s - 52436 2 - - (32456) s Half-lead s = 34ET.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Elizabeth A F Martin23456 B M W H 63254 2 3 24536 - - 2 43265 x ss 62534 - - 23456 2x - x=18.
Contains 12 65s, 48 little bell at the back, and 39 little bell at the front. Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus, Swindon Surprise Maximus.
5,044 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Paul M Mason (no. 87)123456 M W H 34256 2 52643 - - 24365 - 2 3 62345 - 53246 - - (341256) s s = 34.
Contains 16 56s and 18 65s.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 43a)23456 M W H 34256 2 56423 - 2 2 24365 - - 64532 - s ss 52436 s - (32456) s
Contains 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise and Swindon Surprise.
Also true to Superlative with the addition of a bob Before in the last
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 43b)23456 M W H 42356 - 32546 2 - 56423 - - 2 24365 - - 64532 - s ss 52436 (s -) (32456) s
Contains 82 little bell rollups, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to to Lincolnshire and Swindon, and, with the addition of a bob Before in the last course, to Superlative.
If preferred the parenthesized calls may be replaced by M,sH, adding two 1234s; however this variant calling is false to Lincolnshire and Swindon.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 297)23456 M W H 34256 2 25463 s s - 65432 s s 24536 - - 36542 - - s 64523 s 2 52436 s s - (32456) s
Contains 28 3456s including 22 23456s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise.
Also true to Superlative with the addition of a bob Before in the last course.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 301)23456 M W H 45236 - - 34562 a 2 64523 s s 35426 b - - 23456 - a = 6ths,B,7ths; b = B,F,I.
Contains 42 each 2345s and 3456s, including 33 23456s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Superlative Surprise, and Pudsey Surprise.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 637)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - 24365 s s 53462 - - 65432 - 45236 - 3 62534 - - (32456) - s
Contains 88 little bell rollups including 36 2345s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise.
Also true to Superlative with the addition of a bob Before in the last course.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 1642)23456 M W H 24356 s 46532 - s 2 32465 2 - 3 64523 - - 52436 s s - (32456) s
Contains 9 56s, 18 65s, and 60 little bell rollups including 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire and Swindon, and with the addition of a bob before in the last course to Superlative.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 1707)23456 M W H 53642 - s 64235 s - - 32456 s s s 56423 s - 36425 s ss 25463 s - 62453 ss - (32456) s
For handbells: 3-4 ring the 3-4 pattern for 10 leads, and course for the other 95 leads.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, New Cambridge Surprise and Pontefract Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 2990)23456 B M W H 56234 2 - 43265 - - - 23564 [- 36245 x 24365 -] - Repeat. Omit bracketed calls from one part. x = 18.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 2992)23456 B M W H 52436 [- 42635 - 34256 x] 2 65243 - - - 32546 - - Repeat. Omit bracketed calls from one part. x = 18.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 3143)23456 9ths M W 8ths H 24356 s 54326 s 24365 s s 63452 2 s 2* s 53462 ss s 62435 s - (32456) s s 2* = s -.
Contains 111 little bell rollups.
Also true to Cambridge, Lincolnshire and Swindon and, with the addition of a bob Before in the last course, to Superlative.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 3760)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - 24365 s s ss 64325 s 53246 s - 2 52436 - 2 (32456) s
Contains 74 little bell rollups.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise and Swindon Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 3761)23456 B M W H 24536 - 2 32546 - 24365 x ss 64325 s 35426 s - 23456 - 3 x = 18.
Contains 20 56s, 10 65s, and 76 little bell rollups.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
True to all (in course) CGIKL1OP2RS and (out of course) BFa2bcd.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 3889)23456 B W H 35642 7 45236 z 2* 23456 - - 7 = s x x x s x -; 2* = s x. - = 14; x = 16; z = 18; s = 123456.
Contains 128 little bell rollups, including 56 3456s, 42 5432s, 24 2345s, and 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 3889a)23456 B M H 35642 7 45362 z 2* 23456 - x 7 = s x x x s x -; 2* = s -. - = 14; x = 16; z = 18; s = 123456.
Contains 130 little bell rollups, including 56 3456s, 48 5432s, and 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Pudsey Surprise and all CGIL1/BCDEFHK1K2N1N2OTa1a2bcdef Surprise.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 3890)23456 W H 52436 9 (32456) s 9 = z x x x z x x - x. - = 14; s = 1234; x = 16; z = 123456.
Contains 120 little bell rollups including 56 each 3456s and 5432s, and 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire and Swindon, and, with the addition of a fourth place bob Before in the last course, to Superlative.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 3890a)23456 M W H 35264 7 64253 s - 52436 s s s (32456) s 7 = z x x x z x x. - = 14; s = 1234; x = 16; z = 123456.
Contains 126 little bell rollups including 56 3456s, 50 5432s, and 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire and Swindon, and, with the addition of a fourth place bob Before in the last course, to Superlative.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4686)23456 M W H 24356 s 46532 - s 2 23564 (- - - 32465 2) 2 64523 - - 52436 s s - (32456) s
Contains 82 little bell rollups, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
If preferred the parenthesized calls may be replaced by 2WH,MW; contains 80 little bell rollups, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to to Lincolnshire and Swindon, and, with the addition of a bob Before in the last course, to Superlative.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4686a)23456 M W H 24356 s 46532 - s 2 32465 2 - 3 64523 - - 52436 s s - (32456) s
Also true to to Lincolnshire and Swindon, and, with the addition of a bob Before in the last course, to Superlative.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4687)23456 ½ B M 5½ W T H 53246 z - 42563 - x 24536 s - 56342 - z - - - 64523 z s 65432 s 64352 z - - - 24365 - - s 35264 z 23456 z s s = 123456 at the lead end, and 7890ET at the half-lead; z = 1290ET; x = 1890ET.
Contains 140 little bell rollups, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s, and back rounds.
Also true to Superlative Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4757)23456 B M W T F H 65432 - z z ss 43652 z z ss 35426 x ss 45236 - z z ss 23456 z z ss x = 18; s = 123456; z = 12ET.
Contains 140 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s, and 10 76543s; and 94 little bell rollups at the front; every course contains little bell rollups.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Quartzite Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 5986)23456 M W In 7ths H 43652 - x - x (32546) s s x - 32546 x - x 56342 s 2* x 45236 s s 3* 23456 s s x x = 16. 2* = s -; 3* = x - x.
Contains 130 little bell rollups at the back and 80 little bell rollups at the front; every course contains little bell rollups.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Quartzite Surprise and Superlative Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6068b)23456 M W H 43652 - 35426 6ths,B,7ths 56423 - 2 24365 - - 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - -
Contains 116 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 23456s and 17 65432s, 86 little bell rollups at the front, and 6 each 56s and 65s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Quartzite Surprise.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6635)23456 M W H 42356 - 23564 s s 2 65432 - - 34256 - - 54263 s s 32465 - - 64523 - - 52436 s s - (32456) s
Contains 71 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 23456s and 17 65432s, 55 little bell rollups at the front, 15 56s and 7 65s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Quartzite Surprise, and Christmas Delight.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6636)23456 M W H 64352 - - 35642 - - 56423 s s 2 24365 - - 53462 - - 65432 - 62534 2 - (32456) - s
Contains 102 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 23456s and 17 65432s, and 78 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Quartzite Surprise, and Christmas Delight.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6768)23456 B M W H 46532 - - 2 53462 - - 32465 - 2 64523 - - 24356 - s 35642 s - - 35426 x - 23456 - x = 18.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 98 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s, and 79 little bell rollups at the front, including 16 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Quartzite Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6769)23456 B M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 53246 x - 53462 x - 24365 s s 64352 s s 56423 x 2 23465 - - s 65432 s - 23456 - - - x = 18.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 99 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s, and 81 little bell rollups at the front, including 16 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Quartzite Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6770)23456 B M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 32546 x 56423 - - 2 24365 - - ss 53462 - - 65432 * - 23456 - - - x = 18.
If preferred the ssH may be moved to ssM at the location marked *.
Either arrangement contains the same rows, including 13 56s, 12 65s, 100 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s, and 81 little bell rollups at the front, including 16 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Quartzite Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6771)23456 B M W H 46532 - - 2 35264 - - 56342 x 32465 - - 2 64523 - - 35426 - ss - 23456 - * x = 18.
If preferred the ssW may be moved to ssH at the end (marked with *).
Either arrangement contains the same rows, including 12 56s, 13 65s, 100 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s, and 81 little bell rollups at the front, including 16 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Quartzite Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 7468)23456 B M W H 43652 - ss 53462 x 2* 65432 - 42563 - s 64523 - 35426 - - 23456 - ss x = 18; s = 123456. 2* = s -. Some bands may prefer its reverse: 23456 B M W H 24365 s 53462 - - 65432 - 42563 - s 64523 - 34562 - 2* 46325 x ss 23456 - s x = 18; s = 123456. 2* = - s.
Either arrangement contains 144 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 each 23456s and 65432, and 106 little bell rollups at the front, every course containing little bell rollups.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Quartzite Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
True to all (in course) GIMOR and (out of course) BCDEFHK1K2N1N2OTa1a2bcdef.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 8727)23456 B M W H 64352 - - 56342 † - 24365 - - - 34562 - 46325 x 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - * - 23456 - ss
If preferred the ssH can instead be moved to ssW at *, or to ssM at †.
All three arrangements contain the same rows, including 12 each 56s and 65s and 433 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (248) or at the front (185).
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Quartzite Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Swindon Surprise.
True to all (in course) G and (out of course) BEFHK1K2N1N2a2bcf.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 8727a)23456 B M W H 64352 - - 35426 s s - 24356 - s 56342 s - 24365 - - - 34562 - 46325 x 32465 - - 64523 - - 23456 - s s
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s and 433 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (248) or at the front (185).
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Quartzite Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Swindon Surprise.
True to all (in course) G and (out of course) BEFHK1K2N1N2a2bcf.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Barry F Peachey (arr)23456 M W H 45236 3 - - 53246 2 3 52436 - 2 (32456) s
Contains 11 56s, 48 little bell at the back, and 35 little bell at the front. Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus.
5,090 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 97)23456 B M W H 42356 - 54326 - 25346 3 - 56342 - 2 45362 - 45623 x - 52436 x (32456) s x=18.
Contains 9 56s, 48 little bell at the back, and 37 little bell at the front.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 99)23456 B M W H 46532 - - 2 63425 x 54326 - - 35426 3 - 62453 - - - 23456 - 2 x=18.
Contains 12 56s, 56 little bell at the back, and 43 little bell at the front. Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 100)234567 N B M W H 63452 s 42356 ss s - 54326 - 25346 3 - 52463 x s 64253 s s 23456 s - N=9ths. x=18.
Contains 12 56s, 62 little bell at the back, and 46 little bell at the front. Also true to Albanian Surprise Maximus, Cambridge Surprise Maximus, Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus, Swindon Surprise Maximus.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 98)23456 B M W H 46532 - - 2 63425 x 54326 - - 35426 3 - 23456 - 3 x=18.
Contains 18 56s, 64 little bell at the back, and 48 little bell at the front. Also true to Cambridge Surprise Maximus.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 118)23456 B M W H 64523 3x 54263 3 2 - 53462 2 - 65432 - 23456 - - - x=18.
Contains 93 little bell at the back, and 70 little bell at the front.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 119)234567 N M W H 63452 s 54326 ss s s s 23546 3 - s 56342 s - 45362 - 62354 s - (32456) - N=9ths.
Contains 48 little bell at the back, and 34 little bell at the front.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 117)234567 N B M W H 56342 2x 34562 - - 54263 - 53462 ss 2 - 43652 2 - 35426 x 23456 - N=9ths. x=18.
Contains 108 little bell at the back, and 80 little bell at the front.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 114)23456 B M W H 45236 - - 65432 2 65324 x - 56423 2 2 24365 - - 64352 s s 23456 - - x=18.
Contains 81 little bell at the back, and 58 little bell at the front, with Backrounds. Also true to Swindon Surprise Maximus.
5,090 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 112)23456 B M W H 42356 - 54326 - 25346 3 - 56342 - 2 45362 - 62534 2x (32456) - s x=18.
Contains 48 little bell at the back, and 37 little bell at the front. Also true to Cambridge Surprise Maximus.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 113)23456 M W H 46532 - - 2 34562 - 35642 3 - 2 64523 s s - 32456 - s - Rounds at snap in 6 leads.
Contains 74 little bell at the back, and 54 little bell at the front.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 140)234567890ET 2 3 5 6 9 11 53462 s s 24365 s s 24365ET9078 s s 643527890ET s s s s 64523 x - (6 lead course) 64523ET9078 s s 564237890ET s s - 43625ET9078 s s s - 635247890ET s - s 23456 - s x=18.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 153)23456 B M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 64523 x 26543 - 34562 - - - 53462 3 - 65432 - 23456 - - - x=18.
Contains 96 little bell at the back, and 70 little bell at the front.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 154)23456 B M W H 65432 - - - 24536 - - 32546 - 24365 x 53462 - - 46532 - - 35264 - - 42563 - - 65423 - s 23456 s - x=18.
Contains 104 little bell at the back, and 76 little bell at the front.
5,280 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 151)234567890ET 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 23456E8T079 s s 23456E9T708 s s 6543207E8T9 - - - - - 65432T9E807 s s 35426T978E0 s s - 64523E908T7 - - - - 64523E9780T - 35426ET7089 - - - - 23456ET9078 - - 234567890ET s s
Contains 128 little bell runs. Also true to Cambridge Surprise Maximus, Swindon Surprise Maximus, Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 152)234567 N B M W H 65432 - - - 45236 2* s - - 53462 x 32465 ss - 2 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - N=9ths. x=18. 2*=bs.
Contains 12 65s, 88 little bell at the back, and 64 little bell at the front.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Richard B Pullin23456 M W H 64352 - - 35642 - - 52643 - 2 23645 - ss 2 42635 - (32456) 2 s
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Andrew J Rawlinson23456 B M W H 42356 - 42563 x - 64523 - 46325 2 2 43265 - 2 64235 - 23456 s s - x=18.
Contains 10 56s, 13 65s, 64 little bell at the back, and 48 little bell at the front.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Simon Read23456 M W H 24356 3 s 36452 s - 53462 - 32465 - 2 64523 - - 52436 s s - (32456) s
Contains 12 65s, 78 little bell at the back, and 54 little bell at the front.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Peter W J Sheppard23456 M W H 53462 s s 42365 s - 52364 s ss 34265 s - 64253 s s 32456 s s 52436 s (32456) ss s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Peter W J Sheppard23456 M W H 46532 - - 2 52364 - - 2 32465 - 3 64523 - - 32456 - s - Rounds in 6 leads.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Peter W J Sheppard23456 B M W H 46532 - - 2 23564 - - - 36245 x 32465 - 2 64523 - - 23456 - 2 2
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Peter W J Sheppard234567 1 5 6 9 11 53462 s s 674523 s s 3 432765 - - 245367 - - 52436 3 - (32456) s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Peter W J Sheppard234567890ET 2 5 6 9 11 65432 - - - 65432ET9078 s s 23456 - - - 423567890ET s s - 54326 - 54326ET9078 s s 325467890ET s - s - 52436 2 - 32456 s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Peter W J Sheppard23456 N M W H 54362 s s s 53462 ss s 63452 s 42356 ss s - 34256 ss - 52436 s s (32456) s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Peter W J Sheppard23456 N M W H 63452 s 52436 ss s - 43265 s s - 32465 ss 2 64523 - - 32456 - s - Rounds in 6 leads.
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Alex W Tatlow (No 55)23456 B M W H 36452 - 2 53462 - 32465 - 2 63254 x 2 23456 - 3 x=18.
Contains 19 56s, 10 65s, 64 little bell at the back.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Alex W Tatlow (No 68)23456 B M W H 46532 - - 2 63425 x 32465 2 3 32654 x - 25346 x 23456 - 2 x=18.
Contains 13 56s, 16 65s, 34 little bell at the back, and 30 little bell at the front.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Alex W Tatlow (No 78)23456 B M W H 23564 x - 53462 - 3 32465 - 2 42563 - 42635 x - 23456 x 3 x=18.
Contains 15 56s, 14 65s, 62 little bell at the back, and 48 little bell at the front.
5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Alex W Tatlow (No 70)23456 B M W H 42356 - 42563 x - 52643 2 - 36245 - - 32465 - 2 32654 x - 46253 - - 65432 x 23456 - - - x=18.
Contains 11 56s, 11 65s, 60 little bell at the back, and 46 little bell at the front.
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
John Warboys23456 9ths M W 8ths H 24356 s 63452 s ss s 53462 ss s 32465 - 2 64523 - - 52436 s s - (32456) s
5,042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Michael P A Wilby and Donald F Morrison (arr) (no. 291)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - 24365 s s 53462 - - 65432 - 52436 - 3 2 (32456) s
Contains 30 2345s and 28 5432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise and Quartzite Surprise.
Also true to Superlative Surprise with the addition of a bob Before in the last course.