5,234 Asaph Hall Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6047)23456 M W H 54326 s s 56423 2 - 62345 - 2 45236 - s s 32456 3 - s Round at the backstroke snap ten leads later.
Contains 11 56s, 8 65s, 10 7890ETs off the front, 40 TE0987s off the front, and 118 little bell rollups, including 28 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,190 Asaph Hall Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6048)(243156) M W H 125634 t - - 43652 - - - 54632 - 34625 s s 56423 - - 62345 - 2 45236 - s s 32456 - s t = 34. Start with rounds the 45th row of a lead, with the 2 as the hunt bell. The t at Middle comes four blows after the start, putting the treble into the hunt. Comes round at the backstroke snap ten leads after the final s Home.
Contains 9 56s, 8 65s, 10 7890ETs off the front, 40 TE0987s off the front, and 118 little bell rollups, including 28 23456s and 14 65432s.
5,138 Asaph Hall Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6049)23456 M I W H 45236 - - 34256 3 - 56423 - x 2 62345 - 2 52436 - x - (32456) s Round at the backstroke snap immediately following the sW. x = 10.
Contains 11 56s, 7 65s, 10 7890ETs off the front, 40 TE0987s off the front, and 102 little bell rollups, including 28 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,042 Asaph Hall Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6050)23456 M I W H 45236 - - 34256 3 - 64523 - x - 52643 - - 46325 - 2x 62534 - x (32456) - s Round at the backstroke snap immediately following the sW. 2x = x x. x = 10.
Contains 10 56s, 7 65s, 10 7890ETs off the front, 40 TE0987s off the front, and 100 little bell rollups, including 28 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,040 Asaph Hall Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6051)23456 I O V 34256 - 64352 - 24365 s s 26543 2* 2+ 32465 2 - 56234 - - 23456 - 2 Tenth place calls. 2* = - s; 2+ = s -.
Contains 14 each 56s and 65s, 10 7890ETs off the front, 40 TE0987s off the front, and 87 little bell rollups, including 14 23456s and 5 65432s.
5,088 Asaph Hall Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6052)23456 I V 42635 2 2 34625 2 3 52436 - - 23456 - 3 Tenths place bobs.
Contains 7 56s, 3 65s, 11 7890ETs off the front, 44 TE0987s off the front, and 70 little bell rollups, including 9 each 23456s and 65432s.
True to all (in course) BCDFGKN and (out of course) BCDEFHK1K2N1N2OTa1a2bcdef.
5,184 Asaph Hall Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6053)23456 I V 65423 - s 35462 s s 25634 s - 43526 - - 63542 s s 24365 - - Repeat. Tenths place calls.
Contains 8 each 56s and 65s, 12 7890ETs off the front, 48 TE0987s off the front, and 76 little bell rollups, including 18 23456s.
Not all the work.
5,040 Asaph Hall Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6054)23456 M sF/sB W H 65432 - - - 24365 x 3 63254 - x - - 64523 - x 23456 - 2 2 s = 12345678.
Contains 14 56s, 21 65s, 15 7890ETs off the front, 60 TE0987s off the front, and 118 little bell rollups, including 28 each 23456s and 65432s, with no backstroke TEs.
5,040 Asaph Hall Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 6055)23456 M sF/sB W H 56423 x - 64352 3 - 24365 3 - - 46325 - 2 65432 - 3 - 36245 x - - 23456 - x - s = 12345678.
Contains 7 each 56s and 65s, 35 7890ETs off the front, 140 TE0987s off the front, and 164 little bell rollups, including 28 each 23456s and 65432s, with no backstroke TEs.
5,280 Astbury Surprise Maximus
Simon Humphrey23456 O I V 45236 - - 64235 2 - 43265 - 53246 3 s s 34256 - 23456 2
5,136 (5,088) Barford Surprise Maximus
Samuel M Austin23456 B W H 45236 - - 34256 - 53462 x 2 65432 - 25634 x - 25346 x - 35426 2 - 23456 - x=6ths, Before, 7ths.
Contains 17 56s, 96 little bell at the back, and 39 little bell at the front. For 5088 add M, 6ths, Before, 7ths, W in 4th course.
5,040 Barford Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 42356 - x - - 65324 - - - 52364 - x 43265 - - 24365 - x - - 32465 - x - - 64523 - - 34256 - 2 - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Barford Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 259)23456 M 6ths/B/7ths W H 35264 x 43652 x s s 43526 x - 25634 - - 32546 2 s s 24365 x 34625 - x - 23456 2 s s
Every course contains little bell rollups, and includes the courses 65432 and 64523 in their entirety.
Also true to Londinium Surprise, Fenchurch Surprise, Lambeth Surprise, Eldon Surprise, Bowyer Surprise, and Queenscliffe (but not to Newgate) Surprise.
5,280 Barford Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 29)234567890ET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 382607T54E9 s s s s -* s - s - s s 11 part, calling sbbbbbbbbbs for -* in part one.
5,136 Barford Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 216)23456 M 6O7 W H 54326 s s 26543 x 2 34562 - - - 62345 x 2 53246 - - 53462 x - 65432 - 23456 - - -
Contains 144 little bell at the back, and 39 little bell at the front.
5,088 Clifton Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 24536 1 2 62345 2 1 2 56423 2 1 2 43265 1 1 2 65324 1 2 2 54326 1 2 23456 2 2
5,000 Clyde Little Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 34256 2 46253 1 2 63254 1 2 23564 2 1 32465 2 2 63425 1 54326 1 1 53246 1 2 52436 1 2 23456 2
5,040 Clyde Little Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 23564 2 2 1 62345 2 2 2 43526 1 1 24365 2 2 2 2-part.
5,040 Eldon Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 42356 - x - - 54326 - 46325 - 2 32465 - - 43265 - x - - 52364 - - 32654 - x - 34256 x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,088 Folgate Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 W M H 64352 - - 52364 a - 32465 - 3 42563 - 54326 - - 23456 a - 3 a = bobs at 2-7.
5,280 Glasgow Little Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 V O I 45236 - - 62534 s s 43526 s 3* 32465 - - 62345 3+ s 23645 - 3 34256 - - 23456 2 3* = s--; 3+ = --s.
5,040 Guildhall Surprise Maximus
Jeffrey Brannan2345678 W 5½ B M H 34256 2 43265 - x - - 4326587 s 3 3246578 s 2 23456 x - x = 1890ET, s = 12ET.
5,278 Huddersfield Little Surprise Maximus
Peter Border(24635) M W H 43625 2 56324 - - 23465 - - 3 62435 - 42536 - 3 62354 - 2 - 23456 - 3* 3* = --s.
5,136 Hughenden Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 W M H 42356 - 63425 - - - 43526 - 24365 a 2 53246 - - - 23456 b - a = W, 6ths, H, Out, H, 7ths, M. b = M, 6ths, Out, 7ths.
5,090 Hughenden Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 W M H 42635 - - 62345 2 - 32546 - 65243 3 - - 26354 - - 35264 - - (43256) - s
5,050 Jubilee Surprise Maximus
David W Beard123456 M W H 134256 2 162345 2a - 134625 - - 125346 2 - 3 (541326) t Round 10 changes after the last call. t = 34; a = t8th's, t6th's, t3rd's, t5th's, t7th's, t9th's.
5,050 Jubilee Surprise Maximus
David W Beard123456 M N W H 163452 s ss 142356 s - 134625 2a 125346 2 - 3 (541326) t Round 10 changes after the last call. t = 34; N = 9th's; a = s8th's, s6th's, s3rd's, s5th's, s7th's, s9th's.
5,050 Jubilee Surprise Maximus
David W Beard123456 M W H 134256 2 152346 - s 142365 s s 3 156324 - - - 135624 s a s 125346 - a s (541326) t Round 10 changes after the last call. t = 34; a = s8th's, s6th's, s3rd's, s5th's, s7th's, s9th's.
5,050 Jubilee Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 188)(642153) M W H 125634 t 2 34562 - s s 32465 x - - 43265 - x - - 24365 - x - - 63245 - s 24356 s s - 64523 s x - 23456 - s s Start with rounds the 39th row of a lead, with the 6 as the hunt bell. t = 34. x = 6ths, B, 7ths.
5,088 Jubilee Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4942)23456 M W H 34256 2 64352 - a s s 34526 a - s 56423 s - 23465 s - 3 65432 - - s 23456 - - - a = s8ths,s6ths,sT,sV,s7ths,s9ths.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 32 TE09s off the front, 16 90ETs off the fro!nt, 68 little bell rollups at the back including 14 each 23456s and 65432s, and 40 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true, with all 24 each 56s and 65s, to Shepton Beauchamp; and, with 18 each 56s and 65s, to Belvoir and Lyddington.
5,088 Jubilee Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4943)23456 M W H 54236 - s 23465 a - 3 64352 s s s 34526 a - s 65423 s s 23456 s - 3 a = s8ths,s6ths,sT,sV,s7ths,s9ths.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 32 TE09s off the front, 16 90ETs off the front, 84 little bell rollups at the back including 14 each 23456s and 65432s, and 40 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true, with all 24 each 56s and 65s, to Scothorne and Shepton Beauchamp; and, with 18 each 56s and 65s, to Belvoir and Lyddington.
5,088 Jubilee Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4944)23456 M V W H 42356 - 54326 - x - 34265 s 2 - 23465 - x - Repeat. x = 10.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 40 TE09s off the front, and 20 90ETs off the front.
The back six bells remain together throughout, and the central lead, with its rollups off the front, appears in every course.
Also true, with all 24 each 56s and 65s, to Scothorne and Shepton Beauchamp; and, with 18 each 56s and 65s, to Belvoir and Lyddington.
True to all (in course) BDEGHIL1L2MNOP2S and (out of course) BK1N2bcdf.
5,088 Jubilee Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4945)23456 M V W H 56432 - - s 53264 x - - 34265 - 2 23465 - x - Repeat. x = 10.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 40 TE09s off the front, 20 90ETs off the front, 50 little bell rollups at the back including 14 65432s and 12 23456s, and 34 little bell rollups at the front.
The back six bells remain together throughout, and the central lead, with its rollups off the front, appears in every course.
Also true, with all 24 each 56s and 65s, to Scothorne and Shepton Beauchamp; and, with 18 each 56s and 65s, to Belvoir and Lyddington.
5,040 Jubilee Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4946)23456 M I V W H 34256 2 25346 - - 32546 x - - 34265 x s - 23465 - x - 42365 - x - 25634 - x s 23456 2 - - x = 10.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 40 TE09s off the front, 20 90ETs off the front, 72 little bell rollups at the back including 14 each 23456s and 65432s, and 32 little bell rollups at the front.
The back six bells remain together throughout, and the central lead, with its rollups off the front, appears in every course.
Also true, with all 24 each 56s and 65s, to Scothorne and Shepton Beauchamp; and, with 18 each 56s and 65s, to Belvoir and Lyddington.
True to all (in course) BE and (out of course) Ba2c.
5,050 Jubilee Surprise Maximus
Brian E Whiting23456 M W H 34256 2 43652 - a 2 - 32546 - a - - 25346 3 2 (541326) t a = s8ths, s6ths, s3rds, s5ths, s7ths, s9ths; t = 34. Round 10 changes after t.
5,088 Jurassic Park Surprise Maximus
Roderick W Pipe234567890et 23456789t0e a 654327890et b 32546 c 24365 d 64352 e 23456 f a = x1 b = 5, 6, 8, 10, 16 c = 5, 6, 8, 9, x11 d = 5, 8 e = 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 f = 5, 6, x8 x = ss-ss-ss-ss at consecutive lead-ends starting with the lead indicated. 10th's place bobs; single = 1290.
Contains 24 each 567890et's and te098765's and 12 each 23456789's and 98765432's, all off the front. Also true to St James' Surprise with similar music and to Reach Fen Surprise with reduced music.
5,040 Lambeth Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 56234 x 2 43265 - - - 24365 - x - - 32465 - x - - 65324 2 - 42356 - - - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,136 Lessness Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 218)2345678 M E N W H 45236 - - 674523 x s s 453627 s s - 64523 - 2x 35426 - - 24356 - s 64352 s ss 23456 s s N=9ths. E=8ths. x=18 Bob Before or 6ths, Out, 7ths.
Contains 12 56s, 132 little bell at the back, and 60 little bell, 28 90ETs at the front.
5,136 Lessness Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 219)2345678 M E N W H 64352 - - 56342 ss - 64523 x 54263 - x - 53462 2 - 674523 s s 456327 s - - 23456 x s N=9ths. E=8ths. x=18 Bob Before or 6ths, Out, 7ths.
Contains 144 little bell at the back, and 62 little bell, 28 90ETs at the front.
5,088 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Roger Bailey23456 M W H 42356 - a - - 34256 - a - - 52643 - - 32465 - 2 - Repeat. a = 6th's, Out, 7th's.
Contains 18 each 56's and 65's. Also true to Newgate and Barford.
Rung (to Newgate) at Kingston upon Thames on 2nd April 1989.
5,038 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Peter Border(43256) M W H 25436 - - 43256 - - 62354 - - 56324 - 42365 - - - 34265 - x - - 23465 - x - - 54362 - - 34652 - x - 23456 x - s x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,184 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 45236 - - 56234 - 2 43265 - - - 24365 - x - - 2-part. x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 52436 - 56234 x - - 43265 - - - 24365 - x - - 32465 - x - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 42356 - - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 43526 2 - 43265 x - 24365 - x - - 32465 - x - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 42356 - - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,088 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 24536 - 2 24365 x - 32465 - x - - 43265 - x - - 62534 - - 42356 - 2 - 23456 - x - 2 x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 52436 - 56234 x - - 43265 - - - 24365 - x - - 32465 - x - - 65324 2 - 42356 - - - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 54632 - - 26435 - 3 - 34562 - - 32465 x - - 42635 - x - 42356 x - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 53462 - a - 24365 - - 32465 - x - - 43265 - x - - 35264 - 2 63254 - 42356 - - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - a = 8ths, In, 5ths, 9ths; x = 6ths, Out, 7ths.
5,040 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 M 6O7 W H 42356 - x - - 34256 - x - - 25346 - - 32546 - x - - 56243 - s 24365 s - - 32465 - x - - 43265 - x - - 65234 - - s 23456 s - -
Contains 18 56s, 18 65s, 48 little bell.
5,088 Londinium Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 312)23456 M 6ths B 7ths W H 32564 - - - s 64523 s - 35426 - - 42356 - - 32546 - - - - - Repeat.
Contains 116 little bell rollups, including 64 2345s.
Also true to Newgate Surprise, Barford Surprise, Fenchurch Surprise, Lambeth Surprise, Eldon Surprise, Bowyer Surprise, and Queenscliffe Surprise.
5,088 Lyddington Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 M W H 56342 2x 43265 - - 3 2 part. x=8ths place Bob Before or 6ths, Out, 7ths.
Also true to Falmouth Surprise, Lindum Surprise, Belvoir Surprise, Uxbridge Surprise, Iden Green Surprise, Cornhill Surprise, Londinium Surprise, Barford Surprise, Newgate Surprise, Wembley Surprise, Yahoo Surprise, Ickleton Surprise, Conisbrough Surprise.
5,040 Lyddington Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 H 35264 x 3 42635 3x ss 23456 x 3 x=8ths place Bob Before or 6ths, Out, 7ths.
Also true to Falmouth Surprise, Lindum Surprise, Belvoir Surprise, Uxbridge Surprise, Wembley Surprise.
5,088 Lyddington Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 M H 52364 - x ss 32465 - 3 2 part. x=s8ths, s6ths, s3rds, s5ths, s7ths, s9ths.
Contains 64 Combination rollups, 18 56s, 18 65s. Also true to Falmouth Surprise Maximus, Lindum Surprise Maximus, Belvoir Surprise Maximus, Uxbridge Surprise Maximus, Iden Green Surprise Maximus, Cornhill Surprise Maximus.
5,088 (5,040) Lyddington Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison and David E Rothera (no. 3594)23456 M B W H 42356 - 34256 - x - - 54263 s s 32465 - - 34625 - x s s 26543 - - 23465 x s - 25634 s x s s 23456 2 - - x = 18.
Contains 18 56s, 12 65s, and 94 little bell rollups, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Reduce to 5,040 by replacing the 2 at Middle by M,W,sH,sM,xB; contains 18 56s, 12 65s, and 84 little bell rollups, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
If preferred the eigth place bobs Before may be replaced by combination calls 6ths/B/7ths using fourth place bobs, reducing the total little bell rollup count to 84 for the 5,088 or 70 for the 5,040, though still containing 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Any of the four arrangements is also true to Conisbrough.
5,088 Lyddington Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 3595)23456 M B W H 34526 - x s 65423 s s 63254 s x s s 42356 - - 34256 - x - - 54263 s s 23465 - s 34652 s 2 s 23456 s x - - x = 18.
Contains 18 56s and 106 little bell rollups, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Conisbrough Surprise and Iden Green Surprise.
If preferred the eigth place bobs Before may be replaced by combination calls 6ths/B/7ths using fourth place bobs, reducing the total little bell rollup count to 98, though still containing 22 each 23456s and 65432s. This latter arrangement is also true to Belvoir, Conisbrough and Iden Green.
5,088 Lyddington Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 3596)23456 M B W H 23564 x - 45362 - - 43652 - x s s 25436 x s 34652 s - s 54263 - s 34625 2 x - 23456 2 s s x = 18.
Every course contains little bell rollups, with 134 total including 22 23456s and 16 65432s.
Also true to Conisbrough Surprise and Iden Green Surprise.
If preferred the eigth place bobs Before may be replaced by combination calls 6ths/B/7ths using fourth place bobs, reducing the total little bell rollup count to 126 with 22 23456s and 11 65432s, though still containing little bell rollups in every course. This latter arrangement is also true to Belvoir, Conisbrough and Iden Green.
5,040 Merseyside Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (NO 188)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - 42563 6,O,7 64523 - 53246 - - 2 23456 2 -
Contains 13 56s, 106 little bell at the back, and 66 little bell, 42 90ETs at the front. Also true to Yorkshire Surprise Maximus, Swindon Surprise Maximus, Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus.
5,042 Merseyside Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 186)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - 24365 s s 56342 - - - 45362 - 23564 - - 65432 - - 62534 2 - (32456) - s
Contains 82 little bell at the back, and 42 little bell, 58 90ETs at the front Also true to Yorkshire Surprise Maximus, Swindon Surprise Maximus.
5,042 Merseyside Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 187)23456 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 32465 - - 2 64523 - - 32546 - - - 54326 - - 63425 - - 52436 - - - (32456) s
Contains 12 65s, 76 little bell at the back, and 42 little bell, 58 90ETs at the front. Also true to Yorkshire Surprise Maximus, Swindon Surprise Maximus.
5,042 Merseyside Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 215)2345678 N M W E H 64352 - - 36452 ss - 65432 2 574263 - s s 423567 s s - 54326 - 62435 - s - (32456) s s N=9ths. E=8ths.
Contains 100 little bell at the back, and 58 little bell, 58 90ETs at the front.
5,040 National Trust Centenary Surprise Maximus
Roderick W Pipe23456 M W H 34256 2 45362 6O7 35264 - 54326 a 32546 - - 45236 2 2 23456 - - a=s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6. s=1256.
5,088 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Richard J Angrave234567 M 6O7 9 W H 45236 - - 674523 x s s 543627 s s s 32465 s - 26543 - 2 43652 - s s 42356 x - - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - -
Contains 20 56s and 128 little bell runs.
5,184 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Richard J Angrave (5184 No 3.)234567 M 6B7 N W H 45236 - - 674523 x s s 543627 s s s 62345 s - 43526 - - 56324 - s 34625 s - 26543 - - 43652 - s s 23456 x - N=9ths.
Contains 160 little bell at the back, and 16 90ETs at the front.
5,038 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Peter Border(43256) M W H 25436 - - 43256 - - 52634 - - 46235 - - 23465 - - 42365 - x - - 34265 - x - - 63245 - 34652 x 23456 x - s x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 52436 - 56234 x - - 24365 - - 2 32465 - x - - 63425 - 65324 x - - 42356 - - - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,136 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 34256 2 45236 2 32654 - - 25346 x 43652 - - 35426 x 24653 - - 23456 x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 45236 - - 56234 - 2 43265 - - - 24365 - x - - 34625 - x - 35426 x - - 42356 - - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 45236 - - 53462 x 24365 - - 32465 - x - - 43265 - x - - 62534 - - 42356 - 2 - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 52436 - 52364 x - 43265 - - 24365 - x - - 32465 - x - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 42356 - - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 42356 - 46253 2 - 54263 - 32465 - - 43265 - x - - 24365 - x - - 34625 - x - 34256 x - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Daniel Brady (arr)23456 6O7 H 52364 x 2 5 part.
Contains 6 56s, 5 65s, 48 little bell at the back, and 10 90ETs at the front.
5,040 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 6O7 W H 45236 5x - - 25346 2 - 35426 2 - 23456 -
Contains 18 56s, 64 little bell at the back, and 34 little bell, 10 90ETs at the front. Also true to Lyddington Surprise Maximus, Barford Surprise Maximus, Yahoo Surprise Maximus, Wembley Surprise Maximus, Uxbridge Surprise Maximus, Lindum Surprise Maximus, Ickleton Surprise Maximus, Conisbrough Surprise Maximus, Shepton Beauchamp Surprise Maximus, Falmouth Surprise Maximus, Belvoir Surprise Maximus, Londinium Surprise Maximus.
5,088 (5,040) Newgate Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 M 6O7 W H 34256 2 34562 x - 24365 x - 3 25463 x - - 46253 - - 65432 x 23456 - - -
Contains 11 56s, 13 65s, 48 little bell at the back, and 12 90ETs at the front. For 5040 add M,6,O,7,W in 2nd course. Also true to Lyddington Surprise Maximus, Barford Surprise Maximus, Yahoo Surprise Maximus, Wembley Surprise Maximus, Uxbridge Surprise Maximus, Lindum Surprise Maximus, Ickleton Surprise Maximus, Conisbrough Surprise Maximus, Cornhill Surprise Maximus, Falmouth Surprise Maximus, Belvoir Surprise Maximus, Londinium Surprise Maximus.
5,088 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 M 6O7 W H 42356 - x - - 34256 - x - - 53246 - 64235 - - - 24365 2 - 32465 - x - - 43265 - x - - 65234 - - s 23456 s - -
Contains 18 56s, 18 65s, 48 little bell at the back, and 12 90ETs at the front. Also true to Londinium Surprise Maximus, Barford Surprise Maximus.
5,040 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Roderick W Pipe23456 W H 52436 - 23564 6O7 24365 6O7 - - 45236 a 53462 6O7 32546 a 54326 - - 42563 6O7 23456 a 3 a=s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6. s=1256.
5,184 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 189)23456 M 6O7 W H 25634 2 - - 53462 2 x 24365 - - 2 part.
Contains 80 little bell at the back, and 43 little bell, 16 90ETs at the front. Also true to Barford Surprise Maximus, Lessness Surprise Maximus.
5,184 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 190)23456 M 6O7 W H 25634 2 - - 53462 2 x 32465 - 2 64523 - - 23456 2 x 2
Contains 96 little bell at the back, and 33 little bell, 16 90ETs at the front. Also true to Barford Surprise Maximus, Lessness Surprise Maximus.
5,040 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 191)23456 M 6O7 W H 45236 - - 64352 x 2 2 56342 - 64523 x 32546 - - - 24653 2x - 23456 x - -
Contains 10 56s, 128 little bell at the back, and 30 little bell, 10 90ETs at the front. Also true to Barford Surprise Maximus, Lessness Surprise Maximus.
5,184 Newgate Surprise Maximus
Peter W J Sheppard23456 M 6O7 W H 24536 - 2 32465 x 2 26543 - 2 35642 - - 23456 x 2 2
Contains 12 56s and 96 little bell runs.
5,040 (5,038) Newgate Surprise Maximus
Colin Woods23456 M B W H 23564 x - 52364 - [x - -] 43265 - - 24365 (- x -) - 32465 [- x -] - 64523 - - 35426 - - 42356 - - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 18.
For 5,040 omit bobs in (parentheses).
For 5,038 snap start, omit bobs in [brackets] and call s for the final bob H.
5,042 Quartzite Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4258)234567890ET 3 5 6 8 11 23456789E0T s ss 423567890ET s - 54326 - 24365 s s 53462 - - 65432 - 62534 2 - (32456) - s
Contains 55 90ETs off the front, 120 little bell rollups at the back, 15 TE09s, and back rounds.
Note: also contains 20 backstroke TEs.
Also true to Yorkshire Surprise, Lincolnshire Surprise and Swindon Surprise.
5,040 Quartzite Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 4259)234567890ET 3 5 6 8 11 23456789E0T s ss 423567890ET s - 54326 - 42563 x (6 leads) 56423 - - 24365 - - 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - - x = 18.
Contains 50 90ETs off the front, 120 little bell rollups at the back, 15 TE09s, and back rounds.
Note: also contains 20 backstroke TEs.
Also true to Yorkshire Surprise, Lincolnshire Surprise and Swindon Surprise.
5,040 Shepton Beauchamp Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 M A W H 42356 - 26543 s x s 34265 x s 3 43652 x s 35642 - x 23456 x 2 2 A = 6ths,Out,7ths.
Contains 24 56s, 24 65s at the back, and 15 90ETs at the front.
5,088 Shepton Beauchamp Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 M A N W H 53462 s ss s 42365 s - 34265 - x - - 23465 - x - - 63452 s s 42356 s b - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - A = 6ths,Out,7ths. N=9ths. b = Out,V,F,Out.
Contains 24 56s, 24 65s, 64 little bell at the back, and 40 little bell, 12 90ETs at the front.
5,136 Shepton Beauchamp Surprise Maximus
Robert D S Brown23456 M A W H 45236 - - 53462 x 36524 x 42365 x s 3 65324 s - 23456 - - 3 A = 6ths,Out,7ths.
Contains 24 56s, 24 65s, 48 little bell at the back, and 21 90ETs at the front
5,042 Southwell Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 496)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - 24365 s s 3 53462 - - 64532 - s 52436 - ss s (32456) s
Contains 70 little bell rollups, including 22 2345s and 28 5432s.
Also true to Cambridge Surprise.
5,080 Spirit Surprise Maximus
Roderick W Pipe234567890ET 23456789E0T S.sS.3a 907856342TE P.s.b.s 43658709TE2 c.d.c.sS E09876543T2 P.s.b.2s 4567890E2T3 B.S.d.c.sS ET907856423 P.3s ET907856342 sB.3e.2S.sB.B 4567890ET32 P.2s.b.s E098765432T B.c.d.c.d 43658709E2T 4s 90785634E2T B.c.d.c.sS.B 234567890TE P.s.2b.s 234567890ET S.sS.3a.B a=B,2S. B=2B,P. C=sB,B,S. D=sS,2B. E=2S,sB,2B,sB.
Notation is by lead and half-lead: P, B, S respectively denote a plain, bob and single lead, s, sB and sS respectively denote a half-lead single with a plain, bob and single lead-end. B = 10, S = 1290, s = 90ET.
5,088 St James' Surprise Maximus
Roderick W Pipe234567890et 23456789t0e a 654327890et b 342567890et c et907856342 d et907856432 e 4567890et32 f e0987654t32 g 43658709t2e h 90785634t2e g 234567890et i a = x1 b = 5, 6, 8, 10, 16 c = 5, 6, 9, 10 d = x6 e = s½, 1, x2 f = s½, s1½, s2½, s3½, s4½, s5½, 6 g = s1, s2, 3, s4, s5, 6 h = s1½, s2½, s3½, 5 i = 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12 x = ss-ss-ss-ss at consecutive lead-ends starting with the lead indicated. 10th's place bobs; single = 1290; half-lead single = 90et.
Contains 24 each 567890et's and te098765's; 12 each 23456789's and 98765432's; and 8 each 34567890's, 09876543's, 4567890e's and e0987654's, all off the front. Also true to Jurassic Park surprise with similar music and to Reach Fen Surprise with reduced music.
5,040 Strathclyde Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 42635 a 34625 b 24365 d 24536 c 32546 b 43526 b 23456 d a = 1, 4, 7 b = 1, 4, 7, 10 c = 1, 2, 4, 7 d = 1, 2, 4, 7, 10.
5,088 Strawberry Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 7196)23456 M W H 42356 - (25634) - 2 (53462) - 2 (36245) - 2 (64523) - 2 (25346) - - (43652) - - 23456 2 Fourth place bobs.
Contains 76 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 65432s, 12 23456s and 8 76543s, 51 little bell rollups at the front, and 2 7890ETs off the front.
5,184 Strawberry Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 7197)23456 M W H 54326 2 2 (26543) 2 - 53462 - - 2 (65432) - 23456 - - - Fourth place bobs.
Contains 104 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 65432s and 12 23456s, 76 little bell rollups at the front, and 8 7890ETs off the front.
5,184 Strawberry Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 7198)23456 M W H (52436) - (34625) - - 56423 - - (24365) - - 36452 s s - (65432) 2 23456 - - - Fourth place calls.
Contains 92 little bell rollups at the back, including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, 64 little bell rollups off the front, and 6 7890ETs off the front.
5,042 Strawberry Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 7199)23456 M W H 64352 - - 53462 s s 24365 - - 63425 s s 24635 - s Round at the backstroke snap two blows later. Fourth place calls.
Contains 82 little bell rollups at the back, including 28 65432s and 14 76543s, 64 little bell rollups at the fornt, and 6 7890ETs off the front.
5,040 Strawberry Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 7200)23456 M B W H 56423 3x - (24365) - - 65432 2 x 2 23456 - - - - = 14; x = 18. 3x = x x x.
Contains 106 little bell rollups at the back, including 25 23456s and 17 65432s, 80 little bell rollups at the front, and 9 7890ETs off the front.
5,040 Swindon Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 180)23456 B M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 24365 - - - 53462 - - 65432 - 45236 - 45362 x - 63254 - - ss 23456 - x=18.
Contains 96 little bell at the back, and 90 little bell, 90 90ETs at the front.
5,042 Swindon Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 195)2345678 N M W E H 53462 s s 3* 24365 s s 23465 3+ s 64352 s s [s 63452 ss s] 45236 ss s - - 32456 - s N=9ths. E=8ths. Call 3*, 3+ or [bracketted] calls.
No 195a: call 3*, giving 13 65s, 70 little bell at the back, and 40 little bell, 98 90ETs at the front.
No 195b: call 3+, giving 12 65s, 72 little bell at the back, and 40 little bell, 98 90ETs at the front.
No 195c: call [bracketted] calls, giving 12 65s, 84 little bell at the back, and 50 little bell, 98 90ETs at the front. Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus, Yorkshire Surprise Maximus, Cambridge Surprise Maximus.
5,042 Swindon Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 195)2345678 N M W E H 64352 - - 36452 ss - 53462 - 23465 s ss 65432 s - 574263 - s s 624357 s - - - (32456) s s N=9ths. E=8ths.
Contains 12 65s, 94 little bell at the back, and 60 little bell, 98 90ETs at the front. Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus, Yorkshire Surprise Maximus, Cambridge Surprise Maximus.
5,042 Swindon Surprise Maximus
Jonathan H Potter (No 212)234567890E N V B M W F H 352749608 - 32574E6980 - s 356482079E s - 543267890 - 24365 s s ss 53462 - - 65432 - 574263 - s s 624357 s - - - (32456) s s N=9ths.
Contains 12 65s, 96 little bell at the back, and 64 little bell, 68 90ETs at the front. Also true to Yorkshire Surprise Maximus, Merseyside Surprise Maximus, Cambridge Surprise Maximus.
5,040 Swindon Surprise Maximus
Simon Read (No 61)23456 B M W H 42356 - 54326 - 25346 3 - 54263 x 53462 2 - 65432 - 23456 - - - x=18.
Contains 12 56s, 87 little bell at the back, and 72 little bell, 90 90ETs at the front.
5,088 Umbriel Surprise Maximus
Roderick W Pipe23456 m M w W h H 34256 2 32546 1 2 45236 2 2 36452 - 1 - 63254 2 - 1 23456 O 8ths F I Lower case letters indicate half-lead equivalent calls (9t).
5,136 Uxbridge Surprise Maximus
Peter W J Sheppard2345678 W H 5738264 a 8674523 a 4263857 a 3527486 a 7856342 a 6482735 a 4235678 a 1 23456 3 2 a=s6ths, s3rds, s5ths, s7ths.
5,040 Wembley Surprise Maximus
Peter Border23456 M W H 52436 - 64235 - - 24365 - x - 32465 - x - - 43265 - x - - 62534 - - 42356 - 2 - 34256 - x - - 23456 - x - - x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
5,040 Worcester Surprise Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 3364)2345678 M 8ths W H 5836274 a 3856472 1 1 4826375 2 2 2846573 1 1 6523478 2 2 b s 23456 s 1 1 a = s6ths,In,Out,V,V,7ths,7ths,s9ths. b = Out,V,M,6ths,F,Out.
Contains 405 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back, and 190 such runs off the front.