Peal Compositions of Alliance Maximus

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5,044 Barford Alliance Maximus

Peter Border
23456   M     W  H
64352   -        -
56342         -
24365   -     -  -
32465   -  x  -  -
64523   -     -
35426   -        -
42356         -  -
23456   -  x  -  2
x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,096 (5,044) Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Samuel M Austin
23456   M     W  H
65432   -     -  -
34562         s  s
56342         -  -
56423      x     -
32465   -     -  -
54326   -        z
23456         2  2
z=16. x=6ths, Before, 7ths.

Contains 112 little bell at the back, and 32 little bell at the front. For 5044 add M, 6ths, Before, 7ths, W in last course.

5,044 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Peter Border
23456   M     W  H
42356   -  x  -  -
63254   -        -
35426   -     2
62453   -     -  -
34256   -     3  -
23456   -  x  -  -
x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,044 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Peter Border
23456   M     W  H
42356            -
32546   -  x     -
24365      x
53462   -        -
26435   -     -  -
43265         -  -
62534   -     -
45236   -        -
23456         -  -
x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,044 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Peter Border
23456   M     W  H
42356            -
54326         -  3
53246         -  2
25346   -  x  -  -
34256         -  -
23456   -  x  -  -
x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,042 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Peter Border
(43256)  M     W  H
 25436         -  -
 43256         -  -
 62354   -        -
 54236   -     2  2
 24356         2  -
 23456   -  x  -  s
x = 6ths, Out, 7ths
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,046 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Peter Border
 23456   M     W  H
 45236         -  -
 32654   -     -
 42356      x  -
 35426         -  -
 24653   -     -
 34256      x  -
 36452      x  -  -
 45362         -  -
 63254   -     -
(43256)  s         
x = 6ths, Out, 7ths.
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,044 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Thomas J Hinks
23456   M  B  W  H
24356            s
53462   s     s  s
43652         2  -
43526      x     -
56324   -        s
26345   s     s
64523   s  x
23456   -     s  s

Contains 9 56s, 3 65s, 144 four bell runs at the back, and 1 56s, 50 four bell runs at the front.

5,148 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 358)
23456  M  W  H
64352  -     -
25346  -  -  -
42356     -   
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 56s.

5,148 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 359)
23456  M  W  H
45236     -  -
32546     s  s
43526     -
56324  -     s
23465  s  -  s
45362  s     -
32564  -     s
64523  s  -
23456  -  s  s

Every course contains little bell rollups.
Contains 144 little bell rollups, including 64 2345s and 48 5432s.

Rung at London (St Mary le Bow) on 19 January 2003, conducted by Michael J Trimm.

5,044 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1057)
23456  M     W  H
43526  -  x     -
25634  -     -
32546  2     s  s
23465     x     s
45362  s        -
32564  -        s
64523  s     -
23456  -     s  s
x = 6ths,B,7ths.

Every course contains little bell rollups.
Contains 144 little bell rollups, including 64 2345s and 32 5432s.

5,044 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1058)
23456  M     W  H
32564     x     s
26543  s     2
34562  -     -  -
23465     x  -  s
65432  s     -
32546  -     s  s
54326        -  -
23456        s  s
x = 6ths,B,7ths.

Every course contains little bell rollups.
Contains 144 little bell rollups, including 64 2345s and 32 5432s.

5,044 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1059)
23456  M     W  H
42356           -
32546  -  x     -
43526        -
26354  -     s  s
43652  -        -
35426     x
62453  -     -  -
23456  -        2
x = 6ths,B,7ths.

Contains 19 56s and 64 little bell rollups.

5,044 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Michael P A Wilby
23456   M     W  H 
42356            -
43526         -  2
54326         3  -
25463   -  x
64352   -     -
23456   -        - 
x=s8th, s6ths, s3rds, s5ths, s7ths, s9ths.

5,148 Cantuar Alliance Maximus

Colin Woods
23456  H
34256  2
23645  X
3 part. X = 16.

5,014 Dokkumer Nieuwe Zijlen Alliance Maximus

Richard J Angrave
23456   M 6B7 W  H
45236         -  -
32546         s  s
43526         -
25634   -     -
43652   -     -  -
24356      x  -  s
54362   s     s  ss
64325   s     s
23456   s     s  s

Contains 12 56s, 160 little bell at the back, and 62 little bell at the front.

Rung at Birmingham (St Philip) on 11 October 2010, conducted by Michael P A Wilby.

5,060 Julie McDonnell Alliance Maximus

Frederick Dench
23456  M  W  H
42356        -
53624  -  -
24365  -  2  2

Method: x3x4x2x3.4x4.3.4x4.3.4x4.3.4xE,2 [b] fch /BDK1

5,060 Julie McDonnell Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7645)
23456  M  W  H
34256        2
56423  -  2  2
24365  -  -  3
65432  -  s  s
23456  -  -  -

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 85 little bell rollups at either the back or the front, including 28 65432s at the back and 20 23456s at the back.
Method: x3x4x2x3.4x4.3.4x4.3.4x4.3.4xE,2 [b] fch /BDK1

5,060 Julie McDonnell Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7646)
23456  M  W  H
42356        -
35426     -  -
56423  -     2
24365  -  -
53462  -     -
64352     2  2
23456  -     -

Contains 163 little bell rollups at either the back or the front, including 28 each 23456s at the back and 65432s at the back.
Method: x3x4x2x3.4x4.3.4x4.3.4x4.3.4xE,2 [b] fch /BDK1

5,060 Julie McDonnell Alliance Maximus

James Motts
23456  M  W  H
64352  -     -
56342     -   
Repeat four times.

Method: x3x4x2x3.4x4.3.4x4.3.4x4.3.4xE,2 [b] fch /BDK1

5,120 Kegworth Alliance Maximus

David W Beard
23456  M   W   H
42356          1
54326      1
23465  s   2   2
32465  3*      2
62435      s
35426  s   1
53246  2*  s   2
34256      2
43256  3*      2
23456  2*       
3* = - - s; 2* = s -.

Contains 79 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 21 46s, and 18 680Ts.

5,040 Lostrib Alliance Maximus

Roderick W Pipe
23456   M     W  H
34256            2
43256   s        2
54326      a     2
42563   2     2
24365   2        2
23465            3
65432   3     1
43652         s  2*
23456      b      
s=123T. 3=sbb, 2*=sb.
a=P,7s; b=P,2B,4P,9S,P,B,S,5P.
Rung at Birmingham (Cathedral) on 16 March 1995.

5,002 Maypole Alliance Maximus

Peter Border
 23456    I    V    O
 43256              3*
 63245    s    s
 43265    s         6
 32546    s    s    -
(42536)   s          
3* = --s; 6 = --s--s.
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,080 Maypole Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 2590)
23456  M   W   H
52436      -
34625  -   -
56423  -       -
24365  -   -
53462  -       -
65432      -
34256  -   -
23456  2*      s
Fourth place calls.
2* = s -.

Contains 91 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s.

5,000 Maypole Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 2591)
23456  M   W   H
54236      -   s
34265  s   s   ss
64523  -   s
54326  s   3*  -
24365  s   s
53462  -       -
65432      -
23456  -   -   -
Fourth place calls.
3* = s - -.

Contains 15 56s, 12 65s and 90 little bell rollups, including 21 65432s and 20 23456s.

See also:

5,088 Melbury Alliance Maximus

Roderick W Pipe
24356         5P.s.5P
65432         4P.s.sB.s.B.5P
24365         4P.S.B.S.5P
64523         4P.sB.2P.s.4P
34256         4P.s.S.5P
32456         5P.s.5P
43256         5P.sB.s.5P
T0E89674523   5P.2sS.2S.a.4S.s
E0987654T32   4s.a.3S.sS.a
90785634E2T   P.3s.a.3S.sS.a
234567890ET   P.4s.2B.3S,sS.a.4S.2B

Notation is by lead and half-lead: P, B, S respectively denote a plain, bob and single lead; s, sB and sS respectively denote a half-lead single with a plain, bob and single lead-end. B=10, S=1290, s=90ET. a = sB.2B.sB.B.

Rung at Birmingham (Cathedral) on 19 September 1995.

5,038 Palgrave Alliance Maximus

Peter Border
(42536)   V   I   O
 45236            s
 32546        -   -
 43526        2
 32465    -   -   3
 42635        -   2
 23456    -   -   3
Published in The Compositions of Peter Border (2001).

5,040 Priory Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1602)
23456  W  M  H
64352     -  -
24365  s  -  3*
Repeat. Fourth place calls.
3* = s - -.

Contains 14 each 56s and 65s, and 90 little bell rollups.

5,006 Priory Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1603)
 23456   M  W  H
 42356         -
(54326)     -
 56423   2     -
 23465   -  -  s
(65432)  s  -
 24536   -     -
(42536)     4   
Fourth place calls.
4 = - - s -.

Contains 20 56s, and 102 little bell rollups including 24 65432s and 22 23456s.

5,006 Priory Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1604)
 23456   9ths M  W  H
 34256              2
(54263)       s  s
 53462        2     -
 65432           -
 52436    2*  s  -
 42536    2*     -  -
Fourth place calls. 2* = - s.
5,184 Bellatrix Surprise Maximus by Donald F Morrison

5,900 Rotherham Minster Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7966)
23456  B   M   W   H
34256              2
25463      s   s   -
56234  x
32465      -   -   3
64523      -   -
64235  x           -
64352  x           -
45236  2x          -
23456          -   -
x = 18.
2x = x x.

Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, 88 90ETs off the front, 58 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 65432s and 8 23456s, and 62 little bell rollups at the front.
Especialy suitable for a 900th anniversary.

5,900 Rotherham Minster Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7967)
23456  B   M   W   H
34256              2
34562  x           -
34625  x           -
24536      2*  s
32465  x           2
46325          -   -
25634  2x
23456      2   -   -
x = 18.
2* = - s;
2x = x x.

Contains 17 56s, 12 65s, 88 90ETs off the front, 72 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s, and 64 little bell rollups at the front.
Especialy suitable for a 900th anniversary.

5,900 Rotherham Minster Alliance Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7968)
23456  B   M   W   H
64352      -       -
64523  x           -
54326      -
42563  x
56423          -   -
24365      -   -
53462      -       -
65432          -
24536      -       -
43652  2x          -
35426  x
23456          -    
x = 18.
2x = x x.

Contains 130 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s, and 132 little bell rollups at the front.
Especialy suitable for a 900th anniversary.