Peal Compositions of Treble Bob Maximus

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5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Oliver M Austin
23456   M  W  H
54632   1  1
23645   1  1  1
46325      2  2
24365      1   
2 part.

For handbells: 3-4 are always either coursing or in the 3-4 position.

5,280 (5,016) Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Samuel M Austin
23456   M  W  H
43526      2  1
53246      2  1
34625   1  2
56423   1     1
25463      1
36452   1  1  1
32654   2     1
23456   2     2

Contains 20 56s, 32 four bell runs at the back, and 7 four bell runs at the front.
For 5016, ring a lead of Bastow Little Bob for each lead of Kent between the double bobs (4992 Kent, 24 Bastow).

5,088 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

David R Finch (No 1)
23456   M  W  H
42356         1
23564      2  s
24365   2     1
62345      1
32546   1       
2 part. s=123456.

Contains 104 combination rollups.

5,088 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

David R Finch (No 2)
23456   M  W  H
34256         2
25346      1  1
36524   1     s
52364      1  1
32465   1      
2 part. s=123456.

88 combination rollups.

5,088 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

David R Finch (No 3)
23456   M  W  H
42356         1
65432   1  1  x
24365      1  2*
62345      1
32546   1      
2 part. x=16. 2*=xb.

Contains 76 Combination rollups, 14 56s, 12 65s, 96 little bell.

5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

David R Finch
23456   M  H
32654   2  8*
23645   2  2*
3 part. X=16. 8*=xbbxbbxb, 2*=bx.

Contains 108 Combination rollups, 18 56s, 18 65s.

5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Thomas J Hinks
23456   M  B  W  H
34256            2
43652   2        2
65432         1  1
65324      x     1
54326   1        2
26543   2     1
45362   1     1
63254   1     1
23456   1         

Contains 18 56s, 132 four bell runs at the back, and 9 four bell runs at the front.

5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Paul B Hunter
23456   M  W  H
34625         2*
64235      2  1
46253   2     2*
24365   2  1  9*
2 part. x=16. 2*=bx, 9*=xxxxbbxxb.

Contains 12 56s, 12 65s. For handbells, 3-4 and 5-6 always course between M and W.

5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Graham A C John
23456  M  W  H
43526     2  1
25634  1  1
53462  1  2
24365  1     1

For handbells. Between Middle and Wrong 5-6 are always either coursing or home.
Contains 64 3456s.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Orion Surprise.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Richard Malthouse
23456   M  W  H
46532   1  1  2
24365   2  1  2
45362   1     2
52364   1     2
45623   2  1  2
54326   2     2
23456      2  2

Contains 16 56s, 18 65s, 96 four bell runs.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1249)
23456  M   H
42356      4
32465   A  5
64352   B
23456  1   1
s = 1478.
4 = s - - s; 5 = s - - s -.

     42356  M  W  H        42356  M  W  H
     35426     1  1        53246     2  2
A =  23564  2  2  2   or   53462  2  2  1
     43265  2              43265  1      

     32465  M  W  H        32465  M  W  H
     63425     1           46325     1  1
B =  24536  1  1      or   25463  2  1
     64352  1  2  1        64352  1  1   

Any combination of A and B can be used.
For handbells.
Between Middle and Wrong all four arrangements have 3-4 coursing and 5-6 either coursing or home.

Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Orion Surprise.

Rung on handbells at Cambridge, Massachusetts (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) on 29 March 1991, conducted by Donald F Morrison.

5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1616)
23456  M  W  H
42356        1
35426     1  1
26354  2  1
53462  1  1
24365  1     1

For handbells. Between Middle and Wrong 3-4 are always coursing and 5-6 are always either coursing or home.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Orion Surprise.

Rung on handbells at Londonthorpe on 18 April 2006, conducted by William S Croft.
Rung, rearranged by David G Maynard, to Granta (spliced Kent and Bastow) Fourteen in hand at Aldenham (Aldenham School) on 12 July 2015, conducted by David G Maynard.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1617)
23456  M  W  H
42356        1
53246     2  2
45362  2  2  2
64523  2  2  2
63425  2     1
24536  1  1
64352  1  2  1
23456  1     1

For handbells. Between Middle and Wrong 3-4 are always coursing and 5-6 are always either coursing or home.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Orion Surprise.

Rung to Oxford on handbells at Londonthorpe on 6 June 2006, conducted by William S Croft.
Rung on handbells at Wilmslow, Cheshire (9 Hawthorn Lane) on 8 January 2013, conducted by Peter C Randall.
Rung to Avon Delight in hand at Reading, Berkshire (26 Redlands Road) on 5 January 2023, conducted by Jack E Page.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1618)
23456  M  W  H
24536     1  2
35426     2  2
23564  2  2  2
32465  2     2
46325     1  1
24653  2  2  2
23456  2     1

For handbells. Between Middle and Wrong 5-6 are always either coursing or home.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Orion Surprise.

Rung in hand at Haslemerre (Ashlyns, High Lane) on 30 July 2010, conducted by William S Croft.

5,088 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 1927)
23456  M  W  H
52436     1
64235  1     1
23645     1  1
32546  2     2

Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Avon Delight and Orion Surprise

Rung in hand at Reading on 29 January 2020, conducted by Bernard F L Groves.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 6923)
23456  M  W  H
65432  1  1  1
36452     1
54263  1  1
32465  1     1
64523  1  1
35426  1     1
45236     2  1
23456     1  1

Contains 114 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 each 23456s, 65432s and 76543s; 14 each 56s and 65s; and 19 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob.

Rung in hand at Aston Rowant (The White House) on 2 October 2019, conducted by E John Wells.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 6923 reversed)
23456  M  W  H
52436     1
34625  1  1
56423  1     1
32465  1  1  1
54263  1     1
53462  2     1
65432     1
23456  1  1  1

Contains 114 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 each 23456s and 65432s; 14 each 56s and 65s; and 18 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 6924)
23456  M  W  H
34256        2
34562  2  2  1
43265  2     2
65432  2  1
32546  1  2  2
54326     1  1
45623  2     2
23456  2  1   

Contains 116 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 each 23456s and 65432s; 18 each 56s and 65s; and 17 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 6925)
23456  M  B  W  H
45236  1  x  2  1
65432     x  1
53624     x
32546     x
32465     x     1
54263  1        1
34625  2  x     1
23456  2     2  2
x = 18.

Contains 146 little bell rollups at the back, 18 56s, 14 65s; and 18 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 6926)
23456  M  B  W  H
35264     x
56342     x
52643     x  1  1
24365  2  x
65432  1     2  2
43652        1  1
54326     x     2
23456        2  2
x = 18.

Contains 142 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 23456s, 16 65432s, and 10 76543s; 16 56s; 8 65s; and 18 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 6927)
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
54326        1
56423  2        1
62345  2  x
43265  1  x     2
43652     x     1
65432        1  1
63254     x  2  1
23456  1         
x = 18.

Contains 98 little bell rollups at the back, including 22 each 23456s and 65432s, and 14 76543s; 16 each 56s and 65s; and 16 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7182)
23456  M   W   H
64235          2*
35426  1   2   2
36524  2       1
64523  1       2
23645  2   1
45362  1   2   2
36452      1   1
23456  2   1   2+
x = 16.
2* = x -;
2+ = - x.

For handbells: between Middle and Wrong 3-4 and 5-6 are always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob and Norwich Surprise.

5,088 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7183)
23456  M   W   H
46325          4
64523  2       2
25463  2   2   5
24365      1   2*
x = 16.
4 = - x - -;
5 = - - x - -;
2* = - x.

For handbells: between Middle and Wrong 3-4 and 5-6 are always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob and Norwich Surprise.

5,088 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7658)
23456  M   B   W   H
64523      3x
34256  1       2   1
52643  2   x   2
43265  2   x       2
43652  2       2   1
23456      x   1    
x = 18.
3x = x x x.

Contains 20 56s, 16 65s, 140 little bell rollups at the back, and 18 little bell rollups at the front.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob and Norwich Surprise.

5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7677)
23456  M  W  H
54326     2  2
56423  2     1
24365  1  1
56342  1  1  1
45362     1
23564  1     1
65432  1  1
23456  1  1  1

Some bands may prefer this rotation:
23456  M  W  H
65432  1  1  1
34562     2  2
32465  2     1
64523  1  1
32546  1  1  1
43526     1
65324  1     1
23456  1  1   

Contains 14 56s, 8 65s, and 130 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 each 23456s and 65432s.
The alternate rotation contains 8 56s, 14 65s, and 130 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 each 23456s, 65432s and 76543s.
Both arrangements contain little bell rollups in every course.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Orion Surprise and Avon Delight.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7678)
23456  M  B  W  H
45236        1  1
32546        2  2
24365     x
53462  1        1
65432        1
65324     x     1
54326  1        2
23456        2  2
x = 18.

Contains 20 56s, 8 65s, and 136 little bell rollups at the back, with little bell rollups in every course.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Orion Surprise and Avon Delight.

5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7679)
23456  M   B   W   H
34562      2x  1   1
34625      x       1
54263  2   x       1
62345  1       1
45236  1       2   2
43652      x   2   1
23456      x   1    
x = 18.
2x = x x.

Contains 8 56s, 4 65s, and 150 little bell rollups at the back, with little bell rollups in every course.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Orion Surprise and Avon Delight.

5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 7680)
23456  M   B   W   H
64523      3x
32546  1       1   1
24365      x
53462  1           1
65432          1
65324      x       1
23456  1       1    
x = 18.
3x = x x x.

Some bands may prefer this rotation:
23456  M   B   W   H
23564      x       1
65432  1       1
24365      3x
56342  1       1   1
64523      x
35426  1           1
23456          1    

Either arrangement contains 8 each 56s and 65s, and 156 little bell rollups at the back, including 16 each 23456s and 65432s, with little bell rollups in every course.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Orion Surprise and Avon Delight.

5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 8536)
23456  M   W   H
46325          4
64523  2       2
64235  2   2   1
24365  2   2   4*
x = 16.
4 = - x - -;
4* = - - x -.

For handbells: between Middle and Wrong both 3-4 and 5-6 are always coursing.

5,088 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 8537)
23456  M   W   H
46325          4
63542  2       5
45362      2   2
24365  2   1   2*
x = 16.
4 = - x - -;
5 = - - x - -;
2* = - x.

For handbells: between Middle and Wrong both 3-4 and 5-6 are always coursing.

5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Graham A C John
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,088 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
5,184 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison