What’s New?DoublesMinorTriplesMajorCatersRoyalCinquesMaximusSextuplesFourteenSeptuplesSixteenLong Lengths
Project Pickled Egg
Spliced Triples and MajorHandbellsComposer IndexLength Index
This is a collection of
14,328 peal compositions,
spanning a wide variety of stages, methods, composers, and styles. The
collection is organized primarily by stage, in most cases further
subdivided by method, kind of method, or number of methods used in
spliced. When there are variations on a composition of spliced using
different numbers of methods, the composition appears in the section
corresponding to the greatest number of methods used. So, for example,
Norman Smith’s popular composition of 13 to 23 Spliced Surprise Major
appears in the section for 23 methods.
There is a list of recent additions to the collection, as well as two indices, one listing all the compositions alphabetically by composer and the other listing them by length.