Ringing World Index

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Search the Index of Compositions Published in The Ringing World

Type into the text box one or a few words or numbers that are part of the index entry sought. Typically these will be parts of the method name, stage name, composer's name or length. Then press the button labelled "Search".

Note that the methods only refer to those under which particular compositions were published. No attempt is made to infer to what extent compositions might be true to other methods. So, for example, while Simon Humphrey's popular peal of Lincolnshire is true to Braybrooke Surprise, a search for peals of Braybrooke will come up empty, since no peals have been published under that name.

If you would like the entire composition index, it is available as a tab delimited text file. It is a little over a half a megabyte, and is in a particularly convenient format for importing into spreadsheets and databases, if you wish to do more involved manipulation.

This index contains citations of all compositions of any length published in The Ringing World from 1911 through 2024. The original, print version of this index was assembled by Tony Smith with help from Roger Bailey, Jim Belshaw, Barbara Clipsham, Graham Groves, Mike Henshaw, Roddy Horton, Chris Kippin, Malcolm Melville, Peter Sanderson, and Eric Speake.

The original formatting of this data for presentation on the web was made by Roger Bailey from the data supplied by Tony. Starting in the 1990s members of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Compositions Committee, with help from Mike Schulte, occasionally updated this electronic version. In 2020 and 2021 Tony Smith and Bill Perrins extended and updated it, and Tony has continued to update it since, typically at the end of each year.