1,344 Kent Treble Bob Maximus
234567890ET B H 42356789T0E - 1 234567890ET a 2 a = call the tenor 4ths and In
2,016 Kent Treble Bob Maximus
23456 W H 24536 1 2 Repeat twice.
Also true to Orion Surprise, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Oxford Treble Bob.
2,016 Kent Treble Bob Maximus
Donald F Morrison23456 M W H 45236 1 1 64352 2 1 2 23456 1 1
Contains 16 56s, and 14 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Orion Surprise, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Oxford Treble Bob.
1,344 Kent Treble Bob Maximus
Donald F Morrison23456 I W H 42356 1 53246 2 2 23456 x 1 - = 14; x = 10.
Especially suitable for handbells: between Middle and Wrong 3-4 are always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Orion Surprise.
1,344 Kent Treble Bob Maximus
Donald F Morrison23456 M B H 34256 2 43652 2 x 23456 2 - = 14; x = 10.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Orion Surprise.
1,296 Kent Treble Bob Maximus
Donald F Morrison23456 B W H 25346 x 1 1 23456 1 2 x = 10. Some bands or conductors may prefer to rotate it to start with 2 Homes: 23456 B W H 34256 2 35426 x 1 1 23456 1 x = 10.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise, Norwich Surprise and Orion Surprise.
The rotation is especially suitable for handbells, 3-4 always coursing between Middle and Wrong.
1,296 Kent Treble Bob Maximus
Donald F Morrison (no. 2358)234567890ET x 426357890ET - 642357890ET x 265437890ET x 523647890ET - 352647890ET - 235647890ET x 524367890ET - 452367890ET - 245367890ET three part - = 14 x = 16
especially suitable for handbells, the back three pairs only ringing the first lead of the course
1,296 Kent Treble Bob Maximus
Richard C Offen23456 M I W H 64352 1 x 1 1 23456 1 1 x = 10
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob