Quarter Peal Compositions of Treble Bob Major

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1,344 Albion Little Treble Bob Major

Samuel M Austin
23456   W  M  H
62435   -  s
53426   2* s
42356   s     -
3 part. 2*=sb.

Contains 64 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s.

1,344 College Exercise Treble Bob Major

Donald F Morrison
23456  B  M  H
26543  s  s
42356  s  s  -
Repeat twice.

Contains 12 56s and Whittingtons.

1,272 God Save the Queen Little Treble Bob Major

Andrew J Rawlinson
234567   M  T  F  B  V  H
372645            -  s
243657   s     -  -
432756   1        -  2  s
462357               1
63542    s        -
42356       s        s   
3 part.

Contains 28 combination rollups, 12 56s, 12 65s, 12 7568s, 12 8765s, 20 four bell runs.

1,344 Jupiter Treble Bob Major

Samuel M Austin
23456   M  T  B  V  W  H
35264         -
56342   3     -
42635      s     s
42356         -        -
23456   s  s     s  s  -

Contains 23 combination rollups, 6 56s, 8 65s, 7 four bell runs at the back, and 6 combination rollups, 4 56s, 12 four bell runs at the front.

1,280 Kent Treble Bob Major

23456   W  H
43526   2  1
45236   1  2
two part

Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Bristol Surprise, and Belfast Surprise

1,312 Kent Treble Bob Major

23456  M  B  W  H
35264     -
34625  2  3  2
23456     -     2

for handbells also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Bristol Surprise, and Belfast Surprise

1,280 Kent Treble Bob Major

23456  M  B  W  H
52364     -     2
24365  1        2
65243  2     1
23456  1     1  2

Also true to Oxford Treble Bob and Bristol Surprise

1,312 Kent Treble Bob Major

Roger Bailey
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
25463     -
34562  1        1
63542        1
23645     -  1
23456     -     1

for handbells: 3-4 coursing throughout after the first lead also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Bristol Surprise, and Belfast Surprise

1,280 Kent Treble Bob Major

Stephen J Bedford
23456  M  B  W  H
34256           2
32465  2 F/I 1  2
63254  2     2  2
23456  2  -  1   

Also true to Oxford Treble Bob and Bristol Surprise.

1,312 Kent Treble Bob Major

Mark B Davies
23456   H  M  B  W
25463   1     -
56423      1  -
46325      1
23645   1        1
34256         -
23456   1         

for handbells

1,280 Kent Treble Bob Major

Simon F Feather
23456   M  A  W  H
52364   1  x
32465      x  2  2
32654   1  x     2
25346   1  x     1
23456         1  2
A is a pair of half lead singles in 1678
at the half-lead where the tenor is 4th
place bell and at the immediately
following half-lead

72 cru
This may also be rung as Kent and Oxford spliced, replacing the half-lead singles at A with Oxford rung around the intervening lead end.

1,312 Kent Treble Bob Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2312)
23456  M  B  W  H
23564     -     4
23645  2     2  4
23456  2     2  4
s = 1456
4 = s - - s

80 cru also true to Oxford, with 76 cru

1,250 Kent Treble Bob Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2313)
(23465)  B  W  H
 25364   -  1  1
 24356   4     2
round in two blows
start with 56 lying still:

especially suitable for handbells also true to Oxford Treble Bob and Norwich Surprise

1,312 Kent Treble Bob Major

Andrew J Rawlinson
23456   M  B  W
54632   1     1
65324   2  3
23456   1     1

For handbells, 3-4 course after first call.

1,280 Kent Treble Bob Major

Michael F Schulte
23456  M  W  H
42356        1
56423  2  1
34625  1     1
23645     1
23456  2  2  1

for handbells: 3-4 course for all but three leads also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, and Bristol Surprise

See also:
1,280 Bristol Surprise Major by Richard C Offen
2,016 Bristol Surprise Major by Andrew N Tyler
1,344 Bristol Surprise Major by Roy K Williams
1,344 Kent Surprise Major by Andrew J Rawlinson
1,280 Bristol Surprise Major by Richard C Offen
2,016 Bristol Surprise Major by Andrew N Tyler
1,344 Bristol Surprise Major by Roy K Williams
1,312 Kent Treble Bob Major by Roger Bailey
1,280 Kent Treble Bob Major by Stephen J Bedford
1,312 Kent Treble Bob Major by Donald F Morrison
1,250 Kent Treble Bob Major by Donald F Morrison
1,280 Kent Treble Bob Major by Michael F Schulte
1,280 Kent Treble Bob Major by Simon F Feather

1,280 Ultraviolet Treble Bob Major

Samuel M Austin
(43256)  B  W  M  H
 32456            -
 45263   -
 24356      -  -  -
 32645      -  -  -
 54236   2        -
 23465   -        ss
 63452   -        -
 45326   -
(43256)     -      
Start from treble backstroke snap.

Contains 28 combination rollups, 10 56s, 10 65s, 29 four bell runs at the back, and 19 four bell runs at the front.

1,344 Spliced Treble Bob Major (2 methods)

23456   O3  H
56423   4   1
two part

Kent and Oxford, Ilkeston variation especially suitable for handbells, 5-6 course for all except the first and last three leads.

1,344 Spliced Treble Bob Major (2 methods)

Roger Bailey
23456   O3  H
64235   2   1
26543   2    
two part

Kent and Oxford, Ilkeston variation

1,344 Spliced Treble Bob Major (2 methods)

Roger Bailey
23456   M   O3
26543   1   4 
two part

Kent and Oxford, Ilkeston variation

1,344 Spliced Treble Bob Major (2 methods)

Roger Bailey
23456   O3  W
26543   4   1
two part

Kent and Oxford, Ilkeston variation

1,344 Spliced Treble Bob Major (2 methods)

Charles M S Botting
4263857  KK
6482735  KK
8674523  KK
7856342  KK
8735264  KO
7823456  OK
7 part.

Contains 1120 Kent, 224 Oxford, with 14 changes of method, all the work. Worcester variation - only calls are half lead changes of method as indicated.
Contains 48 four-bell runs at the back, and backrounds.

1,344 Spliced Treble Bob Major (2 methods)

Charles M S Botting
4263857  KK
6482735  KK
8674523  KK
7856342  KK
8735264  KO
7823456  OK
7 part.

Contains 1120 Kent, 224 Oxford, with 14 changes of method, all the work. Worcester variation - only calls are half lead changes of method as indicated.
Contains 48 four-bell runs at the back, and backrounds.

1,280 Spliced Treble Bob Major (2 methods)

Glenn A A Taylor
23456   M   O3   W   H
42356                1
52364       X    1   2
43265       X    2
63254       X    1   2
32546       X    1   1
23456   2   X    1   1

Kent and Oxford, Ilkeston variation

1,344 Spliced Treble Bob Major (6 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Cambridge Blue
  8674523  Aldeburgh
- 7864523  Yclepted
  5637284  Carolina Reaper
- 4235867  Wonderful
  3482756  Handsworth
- 5678234
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Aldeburgh, Cambridge Blue, Carolina Reaper, Handsworth, Wonderful and Yclepted, with 41 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different.