Quarter Peal Compositions of Other Individual Major Methods

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1,344 Burghill Valley Alliance Major

Donald F Morrison
23456  M         W  H
32456       a    x  x
43256  s  sT,sV  s
24356  s  sT,sV  s   
x = 1256.
a = xT,x6ths,xF,xB,xT,xM,xF,xB,xT,x6ths,B,sV.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and back rounds, with no 82s, 83s or backstroke 87s.

1,326 Halloween Alliance Major

Mark B Davies
23456   B  M  W  H
42356            -
42563   -        -
35264      -     -
62453      -  -
23456      -     2

1,260 Julie McDonnell Alliance Major

23456  W  H
45236  -  -
34256  -   
Repeat twice.

Contains all 24 56s.

1,260 Julie McDonnell Alliance Major

Donald F Morrison
23456  B  M  W  H
35264  -
56342     2  2
64523  -
35426     -     -
23456        -   

Contains 67 little bell rollups at the back or at the front.

1,260 Julie McDonnell Alliance Major

Donald F Morrison
234567  V  I  M  W  F  I  H
647253              -
735462  -     -
234567  2  -     -     -  2

Contains 22 each 56s and 8765s, 10 each 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, 2 each 7568s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and 31 little bell rollups at the back or at the front.

2,024 New Year's Eve Little Alliance Major

Donald F Morrison
23456  M  B  W  H
42356  -  -  -  -
65324  -     -  -
64523     -  -  -
63425     -  -  -
24365        2  2

Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, with no 82s.
Also true to Bradman Alliance.

2,024 New Year's Eve Little Alliance Major

Donald F Morrison
234567  M      B     W   H
42356   -      -     -   -
35264        sT,sV   -
274635  -     sV
425637  ss  sB,F,B
24365          -     -   2

Contain all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 16 each 8765s and 8756s.

1,260 Septuaginta Alliance Major

23456  W   H
42356  ss  -
Repeat twice.

True to all lead head b alliance major methods with this treble path and summary falseness from BCEFGHILMNOPRSabcefXYZ.

1,260 Septuaginta Alliance Major

Donald F Morrison
 234567   V  B  I  M  W  F  H
 34256                      2
 753624   s  -
 573624   -  -  -  -  -  -  s
(632457)  s        -  -
 352764         -  -  s  -
 234567   -                 -

Contains 18 56s, 12 5678s off the front, and queens.

1,440 Duffield Major

12345   3  4  5
43215   -  -
52143   -     -
31245      -  -
52431   -     -
51234      -  2
five part

1,296 Duffield Major

Daniel Brady (arr)
123456   3  4  5
432156   -  -  3
243156      -  3
324156      -  3
3 part.

1,296 Duffield Major

Richard C Offen
123456  1  3  4  6
432165      (a)   
213465     s  -    ╮
431265     -  -    │
123465     s  -    │
342165     s  -    │ A
214365     s  -    │
341265     -  -    │
124365     s  -    ╯
152364        s  s
321564       A
263145  -
132645       A
341256  -
124356     s  -
432156     s  -
123456     -  -   
(a) = s3.    (14 sixes)

1,284 Duffield Major

Richard C Offen
123456  1  3  4
241365    (a)  
134265     s  - ╮
243165     -  - │
314265     s  - │ A
421365     s  - │
132465     s  - ╯
361254  -
123654     A
632154     -  -
213654     s  -
152346  -
231546     A
342165  -
214365     s  -
341256    (b)
123456     A   
(a) =       (13 sixes)
(b) = s3.      (14)

1,280 Original Major

12345678   1  4  5  8
12345786      6     -
41235867      s  -  -
41237856   2  6
41235678   -  6     -
four part
6th place calls
6 = s - - s - -

1,404 (1,284) Original Major

Simon F Feather
321465   A
231654   B
321546   B
231465   C
321654   B*
231546   B+
six part
4th place calls
A = O/W/M/M/H/H/H
B = M/M/L/F/I/F/I/H/H/H
C = M/L/O/H/H
(L is as tenor leads)

144 cru
reduce to 1284 by calling C for B* throughout (138 cru)
reduce to 1264 by calling C for B* throughout, and for B+ in one part only (137 cru)