Quarter Peal Compositions of Plain Bob Cinques

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1,320 Plain Bob Cinques

John M Goldthorpe
234567890E   5  6 10
423567E098   -  -  -
342567E980   -     -
423567E809   -     2
342567E098   -     -
234567890E   -  -  -

1,320 Plain Bob Cinques

Donald F Morrison (arr)
234567890E  5  10
2345678E90  3*  3
234567890E  -    
3* = s - s.

1,276 Plain Bob Cinques

Donald F Morrison (arr)
23456  W  M  H
54326  a  -      (8 leads)
23456  s     5
a = 7ths,V,F,6ths,8ths.
5 = - - s - -.

2,024 Plain Bob Cinques

Donald F Morrison
23456  W   B   M   H
42635  -       -
64523  -       -
35426      2x
23456  -           6
2x = x x;
6 = s - - s - -.
x = 18E.

2,024 Plain Bob Cinques

Donald F Morrison
23456  W   B   I   H
45632      2x  x
43256  s   x   2x  3
2x = x x;
x = 18E.