1,280 New York Littleport Little Surprise Caters
Donald F Morrison23456 M W H 42356 1 52346 s 32546 2* Repeat. 2* = s -.
Contains 15 each 56s and 46s, and 62 9680s.
1,250 New York Littleport Little Surprise Caters
Donald F Morrison23456 M W H 34256 2 36452 2 1 53624 2 2 2 (42536) 2 3* 3* = - - s.
Contains all 24 56s.
1,250 New York Littleport Little Surprise Caters
Donald F Morrison23456 M W H 64352 1 1 54362 s 64325 s s (42536) 1 2
Contains 10 56s, and 25 each little bell rollups at the back and little bell rollups at the front.
1,280 New York Littleport Little Surprise Caters
Donald F Morrison23456 M W H 53426 s 24365 s s s Repeat.
Contains 8 each 56s and 65s, 25 9680s, 21 little bell rollups at the back including 8 65432s, and 28 little bell rollups at the front including 5 23456s.
1,346 New York Littleport Little Surprise Caters
Donald F Morrison23456 W H 54326 2 2 34256 2 1 32546 1 2 (42536) s
Contains 15 56s, 84 9680s, 21 each little bell rollups at the back and little bell rollups at the front, including 7 65432s at the back.
1,260 Bastow Little Bob Caters
Donald F Morrison (no. 2329)3456789 1 4 5 6345978 - - s 3465 2 4 5346 ss - s 3456 2 3546798 s s ss 3456 3* two part 4 = - s - s 3* = - s - calls made as in Stedman: - = 7ths instead of 9ths as the treble hunts from 1 to 2 s = 789 instead of 9ths as the treble hunts from 1 to 2
contains all eight near misses and tittums
1,260 Double Norwich Court Bob Caters
Donald F Morrison (no. 2330)23456789 3 5 43256 s 3 32456 2 two part
Rung with the conventional Double Norwich Caters calls: bob is 3rds made instead of lead as the treble hunts from 4 to 5, and single is 123 made at that same point. Note that the calls take effect near the beginning of the indicated leads.
1,259 Double Norwich Court Bob Caters
Donald F Morrison (no. 2331)23456789 1 3 45362879 (a) 34562 ss - 24365 - 3 24563 - s (34265) - 3 (a) = 1.s2.4.s6.s8 (9 leads)
Rung with the conventional Double Norwich Caters calls: bob is 3rds made instead of lead as the treble hunts from 4 to 5, and single is 123 made at that same point. Note that the calls take effect near the beginning of the indicated leads.
1,313 Double Norwich Court Bob Caters
Donald F Morrison (no. 2332)23456789 1 2 3 4 5 35264978 - - - - 23564 - 24365 - 4 54263 - 34265879 - - - - (5 leads) (34265) 3 4 = s - - s
Rung with the conventional Double Norwich Caters calls: bob is 3rds made instead of lead as the treble hunts from 4 to 5, and single is 123 made at that same point. Note that the calls take effect near the beginning of the indicated leads.
1,279 Little Grandsire Caters
David Floyd23456789 1 2 3 4 5 8 23456978 - - - 56432 s - 34265 - - 24563 - ⎠54362 - â 43562 - â 35462 - â 45263 - âA 25364 - â 53264 - â 32564 - ⯠45623 s - - (5 leads) 56423 - (4) 43265 - - - (5) 43265879 s - 34265 A round at the handstroke of the treble's lead four leads later
All eight courses of the A block are 4 leads long. Unless otherwise marked, all other courses are 8 leads long.
1,280 Octopod Little Bob Caters
Stephen J Bedford23456789 2 6 23658749 - 6 23854769 - 6 23456789 - 4 b=127, s=12789. 6=bbsbbs, 4=bsbs.
Method: 345., 2 (Provisional name)
1,260 St Clements College Bob Caters
Richard I Allton23456 M V W H 43562 s s 3* 42365 2 2 32465 3* 2 2 part. 3*=bsb
1,440 St Clements College Bob Caters
Daniel J Vernon (arr)23456 W H 54326 2 1 32546 1 2 4 part, calling single halfway and end.
1,277 Union Caters
Samuel M Austin23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 23654 - - s - 32547689 - - 2 23457 - 2 32457698 - s - s 34527 2 2 32547 - s
1,296 Carter Caters
Edward W Martin123456789 4 5 6 13 34512 - - - 51234 - - - 23451 - - - 43215 - s - s 45213 s 21345 - - - two part start with rounds the last row of a four
1,259 Little Grandsire Caters
Mark B Davies23456789 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 34256 - 24356 s 43256 - 32456 - 42356987 s - s 32654 - 62354879 - - s 34256 s s s 23456 s s 24356 s - 34256978 s - s 23456 s s 42356 s s 52346 s 34265 s - - s 23465 s s 24365 s - 43265879 s - - 32465 - 42365 s 23465 - 34265 - round at the treble's handstroke lead four leads later
1,912 Titanic Caters
Richard I Allton123456789 1 6 8 13 15 16 241356978 - - s - 4321 - s - ⎠3142 - s - â 1234 - s - â 241397568 a â 4321 s - ⎠â 3142 s - âA â 1234 s - ⯠â 241365789 b â 1234 A âB 241356987 c â 1234 A â 241365978 d â 1234 A â 241365879 e â 2314 s â 4321 s s - â 3142 s - â 1234 s - ⯠132456978 f 214365879 B 135792468 g 987654321 h 123456789 j a = (22) b = 1.6.s8.9.10.s12.16 c = 2.6.7.s9.15 d = 6.7.s9.15.18 e = 2.6s.9s.15 f = 4.s8. (14) g = 1.2.s4.s12.20 (20) h = 1.3s.4.6.8s.10 (10) j = 2.5s.9.14s.15 (22) Start from rounds as the last row of a quick six
Contains Queens, Whittingtons and Backrounds.
1,293 Titanic Caters
Donald F Morrison (no. 2335)123456789 3 5 6 8 15 16 314652978 (a) 135792468 (b) 132497568 s - 3412 s - ⎠4321 s s - â 3142 s - â 1234 s - â A 2134 s â 1243 s s - â 2143 s ⯠132465789 (c) 2143 A 132465978 (d) 2143 A 315264 (e) 215364879 (f) 132465 - - - 2143 A round next handstroke (a) = 1.5.s7.8.15.s18 (b) = 3.6.7.s8.s15.17.18 (c) = 1.s2.5.s6.s8.s10.s14.16.s17 (d) = 2.4.s6.s8.10.11.12.s13.16 (16 twos) (e) = s5.s8.s13.s15 (f) = 2.8.9.s13.s15
contains all eight near misses, Queens, Whittingtons, Tittums
1,259 Spliced Caters (2 methods)
Daniel Brady(231456789) (421365978) a Stedman 154263978 1.2.s3 (5) Grandsire 135462978 1.2.s3 (5)âŽA Grandsire (531462978) s6 (18)⯠Stedman (521364978) A 145263978 1.2.s3 (5) Grandsire (431265879) b (18) Stedman (421563879) 2A 134265879 1.2.s3 (5) Grandsire a = s1.2.s7.8.9.s13 (18) b = 1.7.18 (18)
Contains 648 Stedman, 611 Grandsire, with 11 changes of method. Course ends shown in parentheses are Stedman Six ends
Changes to and from Stedman are as the treble leads at the 4th change of a quick six.