5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Richard J Angrave234567890 M W H 34256 2 53246 1 45362 2 2 2 453627089 B 56423 2 2 243657890 1 F/I 1 2 part.
For handbells, with plenty of coursing for 3-4.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Richard J Angrave (5040 No 2)23456 M W H 36452 1 2 65324 2 2 54326 1 2 42563 2 2 24365 2 2 2 part.
Contains 18 56s, 18 65s, 72 little bell.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Richard J Angrave (5120 No 3)23456 M W H 36452 1 2 32654 2 1 35426 2 1 1 24536 2 2 24365 2 2 1 2 part.
Contains 18 56s, 18 65s, 48 little bell.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Samuel M Austin23456 M I V W H 42356 1 ╮A 65324 2 - 1 2 1 │ 32654 1 - 1 2 1 ╯ 63254 1 ╮B 23564 2 1 ╯ 32465 A 23645 B 62345 1 54326 1 1 1 32546 1 - 1 2 1 23456 B
Contains 18 56s, 22 65s. Also true to Oxford Treble Bob Royal, Asgarby Surprise Royal, Bedford Surprise Royal, Clifton Surprise Royal, Clyde Surprise Royal, Lockington Surprise Royal, Norwich Surprise Royal, Nova Delight Royal.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Samuel M Austin (No. 1)23456 M W H 42356 1 43526 1 2 24536 1 65432 1 1 36452 1 52643 1 2 2 53246 2 1 34625 1 2 56423 1 1 25463 1 64352 1 1 23456 1 1
Contains 20 56s, 38 four bell runs.
Contains 61½ coursing for 3-4
Contains 76½ coursing for 5-6
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Samuel M Austin (No. 2)23456 M W H 34256 2 62453 1 1 56423 1 34625 1 1 23645 1 56342 1 1 45362 1 42563 2 1 53624 1 1 2 26354 2 2 43652 1 1 23456 2
Contains 18 56s, 48 four bell runs.
Contains 64½ coursing for 3-4
Contains 54½ coursing for 5-6
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Robert D S Brown23456 M I V W H 34256 2 53462 2 2 2 65324 2 2 2 52364 2 24365 1 2 23645 1 2 25346 - 1 1 1 35426 2 1 62453 1 1 1 63254 2 1 23456 1
Contains 24 56s, 22 65s, 36 little bell.
5,120 (5,040) Kent Treble Bob Royal
James Clatworthy23456 M W H 54326 2 2╮ 42563 2 2 │ 24365 2 2│A 23645 1 2│ 32546 2 2╯ 23456 M W H 54326 2 2╮ 42563 2 2 │ 24365 2 2│B 63542 1 1 │ 32546 1 2╯ 23456 M I/V W H 54326 2 2╮ 42563 2 2 │ 24365 2 2│C 23645 1 2│ 32546 x 1 2╯ For 5,120 ring any of AA, AC, CC, CA. For 5,040 ring any of AB, BA, BC, CB (BB is true but short).
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob.
5,120 (5,040) Kent Treble Bob Royal
James Clatworthy23456 M I/V W H 25634 x 2 1 26354 1 x 2 2 23564 1 x 2 2 Repeat twice.
The first course can be called 2M, W, H in any parts. For 5,040 call the second or third course of any one part as W, 2H.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob.
5,280 (5,160, 5,040) Kent Treble Bob Royal
James Clatworthy23456 M I/V W H 52364 2 2 2 34625 2 x 2 2 42356 2 2 Repeat twice.
For 5,160 (5,040) call the second course of one (two) parts M, W, 2H. All lengths contain 24 56's and 12 65's.
Also true to Oxford with reduced 56's and 65's.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
James ClatworthyJ Clatworthy 23456 M W H 43526 2 1 53246 2 1 45362 2 2 2 42563 2 1 24365 2 2 Two part.
5,280 (5,160, 5,040) Kent Treble Bob Royal
James Clatworthy23456 M I/V W H 52364 2 2 2 34625 2 x 2 2 42356 2 2 Repeat twice.
Contains 84 combination rollups including 24 56's.
Omit M, I, V, W once for 5,160 or twice for 5,040.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
David R Finch (arr) (No 1)23456 M B W H 62534 x 2 2 35264 2 2 63542 x 2 36245 2 2 32465 1 x 2 2 2 part. x=16.
Contains 16 56s, 16 65s, 52 little bell.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
David R Finch (arr) (No 2)23456 M B W H 24536 1 2 62345 x 2 2 43265 2 2 64352 x 2 32546 2 x 2 2 2 part. x=16.
Contains 22 56s, 18 65s, 38 little bell.
5,080 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Thomas J Hinks23456 M W H 42356 1 54326 1 26543 2 1 43652 1 2 2 65432 1 1 53462 2 24365 1 1 62345 1 43526 1 1 63254 1 2 1 45236 1 1 1 23456 1 1
Contains 22 56s, 16 65s, 108 little bell.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Thomas J Hinks234567890 M B W H 54326 2 2 56423 2 1 346257089 1 - 1 25463 1 2 2 53462 1 2 65432 1 345627890 F/I 2 2 63425 2 2 2 25634 2 1 23456 2 1 1 Calls at M,W and H affect 2-6 in the usual way, with B,F and I rotating 8-9-0.
Contains 14 56s, 118 little bell.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Paul B Hunter23456 M W H 42356 1 24653 2 2 53246 2 1 46325 1 2 2 25463 2 1 34562 1 1 54632 2 1 32465 1 2 2 53624 2 1 2 35426 2 2 23456 1 Contains 16 56s, 16 65s.
For handbells, 3-4 course between M and W.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Paul B Hunter23456 M W H 42356 1 35426 1 1 35264 2 2 1 34562 2 1 54632 2 1 24365 1 2 1 2 part.
Contains 18 56s, 18 65s.
For handbells, 3-4 course between M & W.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Paul B Hunter23456 M W H 42356 1 64523 2 1 2 23645 2 1 45362 1 2 2 42563 2 1 32465 2 2 part.
Contains 14 56s, 14 65s.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Paul B Hunter23456 M W H 42356 1 35426 1 1 35264 2 2 1 63542 2 2 2 53462 2 1 24365 1 1 2 part.
Contains 20 56s, 20 65s.
For handbells, 3-4 course between M and W, as do 5-6 except for the home position at the start and end of each part.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Paul B Hunter2345678 M I B V W H 42356 1 53246 2 2 46325 2 - 1 2 25463 2 1 53462 1 - 3* 24365 1 1 2 part. x=18. 3*=xbb.
Contains 20 56s, 20 65s. For handbells, 3-4 course between M and W, as do 5-6 except for the home position at the start and end of each part.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Paul B Hunter2345678 M E I B V H 42356 1 25463 - 1 6257483 - 2 2347685 2 2 2 5463278 1 2 x 24365 2 - 1 1 2 part. E=6ths. x=18.
Contains 16 56s, 16 65s. For handbells, 3-4 always course between M and W, 5-6 always course between M and W except the first and last 7 leads of the course in each part and 7-8 course over half of the peal.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Graham A C John23456 M W H 45236 1 1 64352 2 1 2 64523 2 2 1 42563 2 24365 2 2 Repeat.
Contains 22 each 56s and 65s, and 80 little bell rollups including 48 3456s (including 20 23456s) and 20 65432s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Graham A C John23456 M W H 42356 1 43526 1 2 53246 2 1 45362 2 2 2 56423 2 2 24365 1 1 2 part.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob.
Handbell friendly for 3-4 (86½ coursing, 14½ 3-4 position) and 5-6 (55½ coursing).
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 366)23456 M W H 42356 1 53246 2 2 46325 1 2 2 25463 2 1 53462 1 2 24365 1 1 Repeat.
For handbells. Between Middle and Wrong 3-4 always coursing, and 5-6 always either coursing or home.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 367)234567890 M B W H 245367089 - 1 2 32465 2 2 2 432658790 F,In,sB 1 2643578 s 1 1 24365 1 2 Repeat. s = 1450.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1033)23456 M W H 35426 2 24653 1 1 25346 2 1 1 42563 2 2 2 24365 2 2 Repeat.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1034)23456 M W H 54326 2 2 26543 2 1 36452 1 2 1 42563 1 1 2 24365 2 2 Repeat.
Contains 20 each 56s and 65s, and 92 little bell rollups including 48 3456s (including 20 23456s) and 20 65432s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1035)23456 M W H 54326 2 2 54263 2 2 1 36245 1 1 1 64352 2 2 45236 1 2 53462 2 2 32465 1 2 63425 1 32654 2 2 23456 2 2
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 84 little bell rollups including 48 3456s (including 20 23456s) and 20 65432s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1036)23456 M I/V W H 42356 1 53246 2 2 34256 1 x 56342 2 1 54263 x 2 1 24365 2 x 1 Repeat.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 98 little bell rollups including 32 each 3456s and 6543s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1037)23456 M I/V W H 25634 x 2 1 43652 1 1 1 54326 x 2 42563 2 2 24365 x 1 2 36245 1 1 34562 2 1 1 63425 x 2 32654 2 2 23456 2 2
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, and 120 little bell rollups including 48 3456s including 20 23456s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1038)23456 M I/V W H 64352 1 1 64523 x 1 26543 1 45362 1 1 56423 x 24365 1 1 Repeat.
Contains 116 little bell rollups including 48 each 3456s and 6543s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1323)2345678 M B W H 34256 2 5247683 1 - 2 2654378 1 F,I 1 5647382 1 - 1 3456278 1 F,I 24365 2 Repeat.
Note that all calling positions are given with respect to the position of the tenor.
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s and 132 little bell rollups including 64 3456s and 40 6543s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1324)2345678 M 6ths B W H 54326 2 2 6427583 2 - 1 5634278 1 F,I 42563 I,V 2 24365 I,V 1 2 Repeat.
Note that all calling positions are given with respect to the position of the tenor.
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s and 130 little bell rollups including 100 3456s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1325)2345678 M 6ths B W H 4357682 1 - 1 6543278 1 F,I 26354 I,V 2 2 4657283 2 - 1 2436578 1 F,I Repeat.
Note that all calling positions are given with respect to the position of the tenor.
Contains 158 little bell rollups including 72 3456s and 32 6543s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1328)23456 M W H 54326 2 2 26543 2 1 35642 1 1 42563 1 2 2 24365 2 2 Repeat.
Contains 20 each 56s and 65s and 78 little bell rollups including 48 3456s.
Especially suitable for handbells: between Middle and Wrong 5-6 are always either coursing or home.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1352)23456 M B W H 62453 1 x 2 3* 34625 2 x 1 x 26543 1 1 53462 1 1 2 24365 1 1 Repeat. - = 14, x = 16. 3* = - x -.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 96 little bell rollups including 48 3456s and 32 6543s.
Also true with reduced music to Oxford.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1353)23456 M B W H 65432 1 1 1 62453 1 6 34625 2 x 1 x 56423 1 1 24365 1 1 Repeat. - = 14, x = 16. 6 = x x - - x -.
Contains 20 each 56s and 65s, and 108 little bell rollups including 48 each 3456s and 6543s.
Also true with reduced music to Oxford.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1466)23456 M W H 45236 a 1 1 53462 2 a 2 24365 1 1 34625 a 2 1 65243 1 a 1 2 23456 1 1 2 a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 18 56s, 16 65s, 48 0987s, and 150 little bell rollups including 72 3456s including 64 23456s and 64 65432s, with no backstroke 09s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1555)23456 M W H 54326 2 2 26543 2 1 64352 1 2 42563 1 2 s 24365 2 2 Repeat. s = 123456.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 82 little bell rollups including 48 3456s and 20 65432s.
Especially suitable for handbells: between Middle and Wrong 5-6 are always either coursing or home.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1556)23456 M B W H 42356 1 54326 1 54263 2 2 1 45236 2 x 2 1 53462 2 2 24365 1 1 Repeat. x = 167890.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 94 little bell rollups including 48 3456s and 32 6543s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,200 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1557)23456 M B W H 65432 1 1 1 64523 x 64352 x 1 2 32465 1 s 46325 1 1 24365 1 Repeat. s = 123456; x = 167890.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 104 little bell rollups including 48 each 3456s and 6543s.
Also true, with reduced music, to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2550)23456 M W H 34256 2 43652 2 2 56342 2 2 34562 1 1 43265 2 2 65432 2 1 32546 1 2 2 54326 1 1 25463 2 2 2 63254 2 1 23456 1
Contains 20 56s, 18 65s and 126 little bell rollups.
Every course contains little bell rollups.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise and Rochester Surprise. While the total number of rollups is reduced when rung to these methods, every course still contains little bell rollups.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2551)23456 M I/V W H 45236 1 x 2 1 32546 2 2 43265 x 2 45362 2 1 52364 1 2 54263 2 1 56342 2 1 1 56423 x 1 34625 1 1 23456 2 2 2
Contains 20 each 56s and 65s, and 134 little bell rollups.
Every course contains little bell rollups.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise and Rochester Surprise. While the total number of rollups is reduced when rung to these methods, every course still contains little bell rollups.
5,041 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2879)32546 M W H 45236 2 2 43652 2 1 1 56342 2 2 34562 1 1 63425 2 2 2 65324 2 1 54326 1 2 25463 2 2 2 63254 2 1 23456 1 Start at backstroke with a 167890 single.
Contains 126 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, 10 76543s, and 48 3456s. Every course contains little bell rollups.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise and Rochester Surprise. While the total number of rollups is reduced when rung to these methods, every course still contains little bell rollups.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3960)23456 M W H 23564 a 1 62534 1 45236 1 1 34256 1 Repeat twice. a = In,V.
Contains all 24 56s and 78 little bell rollups.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6091)23456 M B W H 42356 1 63254 1 x 2 2x 43526 1 2 1 65432 1 x 53462 2 24365 2 x 1 1 Repeat. x = 16. 2x = x x.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 92 little bell rollups at the back, including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, and 48 3456s.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob and Norwich Surprise.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6718)23456 M W H 42356 1 53246 2 2 64235 1 1 1 35426 1 2 2 36524 2 1 46253 1 2 1 45362 2 (1 1 63542 2 2 54632 1 1 64352 2 1) 23456 1 1
If preferred the parenthesized calls my be replaced by 2W,2H,W,H,2W,2H,W.
For handbells. In either arrangement, between Middle and Wrong: 3-4 always coursing; and 5-6 home for the first and last courses, and otherwise coursing.
Either arrangement also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6719)23456 M B W H 23564 x 1 34562 1 2 56342 1 1 64523 x 32546 1 1 1 24365 x Repeat. x = 16.
Contains 136 little bell rollups at the back, and is tenors together throughout.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6720)23456 M W H 34256 2 53624 2 5 25634 1 43652 1 1 1 54263 1 3* 24365 1 Repeat. x = 16. 5 = x - - x -; 3* = - - x.
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s; 128 little bell rollups at the back, including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, and 10 76543s; and is tenors together throughout.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,080 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7140)23456 M W H 42356 1 35426 1 1 36524 2 1 64523 1 2 63425 2 1 53246 1 2 1 45362 2 2 2 46253 2 1 1 54632 2 2 2 64352 2 1 23456 1 1
For handbells. Between Middle and Wrong: 3-4 always coursing, and 5-6 home for the first and last courses, and otherwise coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,080 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7141)23456 M W H 42356 1 53246 2 2 64235 1 1 1 35426 1 2 2 35264 2 2 1 36452 2 1 1 53462 1 32465 1 2 46325 1 1 24653 2 2 2 23456 2 1
Contains 20 each 56s and 65s.
For handbells. Between Middle and Wrong: 3-4 always coursing, and 5-6 either coursing or in their plain course relationship.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,080 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7142)23456 M W H 42356 1 35426 1 1 24536 2 2 32465 2 2 2 46325 1 1 23645 2 2 45362 1 2 2 42563 2 1 63254 1 2 2 64352 2 1 23456 1 1
Contains all 24 56s and 20 65s.
For handbells: between Middle and Wrong 3-4 always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,080 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7143)23456 M W H 36452 1 2 65324 2 2 54326 1 2 46325 1 2 23645 2 2 24536 2 1 1 24365 2 2 1 45362 1 2 24653 2 1 2 23456 2 1
Contains 14 each 56s and 65s, and 58 little bell rollups at the back.
For handbells: between Middle and Wrong 3-4 always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7144)23456 M W H 42356 1 35426 1 1 36524 2 1 64523 1 2 63425 2 1 53246 1 2 1 53462 2 2 1 32465 1 2 64235 2 2 64352 2 2 1 23456 1 1
Contains 20 each 56s and 65s.
For handbells. Between Middle and Wrong: 3-4 always coursing, and 5-6 always either coursing or in their plain course relationship.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7145)23456 M W H 36452 1 2 45362 1 1 54263 2 2 54632 2 2 1 32465 1 2 2 32654 2 2 1 34256 2 1 24536 2 1 35426 2 2 23456 1
Contains all 24 56s, 18 65s, and 44 little bell rollups at the back.
For handbells: between Middle and Wrong 3-4 always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7146)23456 M W H 36452 1 2 65324 2 2 54326 1 2 46325 1 2 23645 2 2 54632 1 1 1 24365 1 2 1 45362 1 2 24653 2 1 2 23456 2 1
Contains 14 each 56s and 65s, and 58 little bell rollups at the back.
For handbells: between Middle and Wrong 3-4 always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7147)23456 M W H 42356 1 53246 2 2 46325 1 2 2 24365 1 45362 1 2 45623 2 2 1 63254 1 1 2 64352 2 1 24536 1 2 1 35426 2 2 23456 1
Contains 20 each 56s and 46s, and 58 little bell rollups at the back.
For handbells: between Middle and Wrong 3-4 always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7175)23456 M B W H 62453 1 3* 63425 2 x 1 2* 65432 2 x 53462 2 24365 2 x 1 1 Repeat. x = 16. 3* = - x -; 2* = x -.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s; and 92 little bell rollups at the back including 48 3456s including 20 23456s, and 20 65432s.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprises Treble Bob, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7176)23456 M W H 35426 2 43526 a 1 4 65432 1 x 53462 2 24365 1 1 Repeat. x = 16. a = xV,x6ths,xF,xIn. 4 = x x x x.
Contains 20 each 56s and 65s; and 136 little bell rollups at the back, including 56 6543s including 10 76543s, 48 3456s including 20 23456s, and 20 65432s.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprises Treble Bob, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7177)23456 M B W H 34625 2* 56342 1 x 34256 1 x 46325 2 x 1 2* 34562 a 24365 2 Repeat. x = 16. a = xV,x6ths,xF,xIn. 2* = - x.
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s; and 148 little bell rollups at the back, including 56 6543s including 10 76543s, 48 3456s including 20 23456s, and 20 65432s.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprises Treble Bob, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7178)23456 M W H 34625 2* 23645 1 25463 1 1 2+ 46325 1 x 36452 2 3* 24365 2 2x Repeat. x = 16. 2* = - x; 2+ = x -; 3* = - x -; 2x = x x.
For handbells: between Middle and Wrong both 3-4 and 5-6 are always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprises Treble Bob, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7179)23456 M W H 46325 4 53624 2 2 5 53246 2 2 1 26354 2 4* 24365 1 2* Repeat. x = 16. 4 = - x - -; 5 = - - x x -; 4* = - - x -; 2* = x -.
For handbells: between Middle and Wrong both 3-4 and 5-6 are always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprises Treble Bob, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,000 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7180)23456 M W H 34256 2 24536 2 1 53246 1 1 63425 1 2 1 35426 1 2 36524 2 1 25463 1 1 63542 1 2 2 54632 1 1 36452 2 2 23456 2 1 2* x = 16. 2* = - x.
For handbells: 3-4 are always coursing between Middle and Wrong, and after the first course 5-6 are always coursing between Middle and Wrong.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprises Treble Bob, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7181)23456 M W H 63425 3* 35426 1 2 36524 2 1 64523 1 2 64235 2 2 1 53246 1 1 1 54632 2 1 1 36452 2 2 45362 1 1 46253 2 1 1 23456 1 1 2* x = 16. 3* = - x -; 2* = - x.
For handbells: between Middle and Wrong both 3-4 and 5-6 are always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprises Treble Bob, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise and Rochester Surprise.
5,070 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7726)(513426) M W H 154632 t 36452 (2 2 53462 1) 32465 1 2 64235 2 2 53246 1 1 1 46325 1 2 2 45623 2 1 35264 1 2 1 24653 1 1 2 23456 2 1 Start with rounds the 11th row of a lead with the 5 the hunt bell, ringing the t at Home at the third lead end putting the treble into the hunt. t = 36.
Especially suitable for a seventieth birthday or similar anniversary.
If preferred the parenthesized calls may be replaced by W,H,2W,H.
Especially suitable for hand bells: either arrangement has, after the first thirty rows, the 3-4 always coursing between Middle and Wrong, and the 5-6 always either coursing or home between Middle and Wrong.
5,070 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7727)(513426) M W H 165432 2* 53462 2 24365 1 1 62345 1 53246 1 1 26435 1 1 2 32465 1 64523 1 1 42356 1 2 63254 1 1 64352 2 1 23456 1 1 Start with rounds the 11th row of a lead with the 5 the hunt bell, ringing the t at Home at the third lead end putting the treble into the hunt. t = 36. 2* = t -.
Especially suitable for a seventieth birthday or similar anniversary.
Contains all 24 65s, 19 56s, and 84 little bell rollups at the back, including 10 each 23456s, 65432s and 76543s.
5,070 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7728)(513426) M W H 165432 2* 53462 2 32465 1 2 25463 1 2 63254 2 1 64352 2 1 34562 2 1 34625 2 2 1 52643 1 1 1 45236 2 2 2 23456 1 1 Start with rounds the 11th row of a lead with the 5 the hunt bell, ringing the t at Home at the third lead end putting the treble into the hunt. t = 36. 2* = t -.
Especially suitable for a seventieth birthday or similar anniversary.
Contains 22 65s, 9 56s, and 116 little bell rollups at the back, including 20 23456s and 10 each 65432s and 76543s.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7999)23456 I V 63254 - 43265 s s 26543 - 2 24365 2* 2+ Repeat. Eighth place calls. 2* = - s; 2+ = s -.
Contains 16 each 56s and 65s, and 110 little bell rollups at the back, including 48 3456s, 20 each 23456s and 65432s, and 10 76543s.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8000)23456 M O V W H 42356 1 63254 x x 54326 1 2x 1 26543 2 1 34562 1 1 1 24365 x Repeat. - = 14; x = 18. 2x = x x.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 102 little bell rollups at the back, including 48 3456s, 20 each 23456s and 65432s, and 10 76543s.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8358)23456 M I B H 43526 x 1 24365 2 x [x] Repeat five times, omitting [x] from alternate parts. x = 18.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 64 little bell rollups at the back.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8533)23456 M W H 25463 6 63542 1 2 2 23645 2 4 46325 2 2 24365 2 2 2* Repeat. x = 16. 6 = x - - x - -; 4 = - - x x; 2* = - x.
For handbells: between Middle and Wrong both 3-4 and 5-6 are always coursing.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8534)23456 M W H 46325 4 46253 2 2 1 64235 2 2 9 24365 2 2 10 Repeat. x = 16. 4 = - x - -; 9 = - - x x - - x - -; 10 = - x - - x - - x x -.
For handbells: between Middle and Wrong both 3-4 and 5-6 are always coursing.
5,090 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8675)(63254) M W H 26354 1 64352 1 2 24536 1 2 1 53246 1 1 53462 2 2 1 32465 1 2 63425 1 35426 1 2 36524 2 1 62453 1 2 23456 1 2 Start from rounds the 31st row of a lead, with the 6 the hunt bell, replacing the place notation 12 four blows after the start by place notation 34, swapping the treble and 6, and the 2 and 4, thus: 1234567890 2143658709 2416385079 4261830597 t 2461385079 4216830597 4128603957 1428069375 4182603957 1482069375 1840296735 (plain lead)
Especially suitable for a 90th birthday or similar anniversary.
Especially suitable for handbells: after the first course between Middle and Wrong the 3-4 are always coursing and the 5-6 always either coursing or home.
5,090 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8675a)23456 M W H 26354 sX 1 64352 1 2 24536 1 2 1 53246 1 1 53462 2 2 1 32465 1 2 63425 1 35426 1 2 36524 2 1 62453 1 2 23456 1 2 The s at X is called in the first lead, and is place notation 34 instead of X as the fifth change of the lead, the treble making thirds and returning to the front, cutting thirty changes out of the interior of the lead, thus: 1234567890 2134658709 1243567890 2143658709 2416385079 s 4216830597 4128603957 1428069375 4182603957 1482069375 1840296735 (plain lead)
Especially suitable for handbells: after the first course, between Middle and Wrong the 3-4 are always coursing and the 5-6 always coursing or home.
Especially suitable for a 90th birthday or similar anniversary.
5,090 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8676)(613452) M W H 146325 2* 24653 2 2 2 24536 2 2 1 35426 2 2 23564 2 2 2 23645 2 2 1 54632 1 1 1 43652 2 32654 1 2 23456 2 2 2* = t -. t = 56. Start from rounds the 31st row of a lead with the 6 the hunt bell, and call the t at Home eight and a quarter leads later, putting the treble into the hunt.
Especially suitable for a 90th birthday or similar anniversary.
Especially suitable for handbells.
5,090 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8677)(613452) M W H 164235 t 53246 1 1 1 54632 2 1 1 43652 2 23564 1 2 1 32465 2 2 63425 1 35426 1 2 36524 2 1 62453 1 2 23456 1 2 t = 36. Start from rounds the 31st row of a lead with the 6 the hunt bell, and call the t at Home eight and a quarter leads later, putting the treble into the hunt.
Especially suitable for a 90th birthday or similar anniversary.
Especially suitable for handbells.
5,120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8722)23456 M W H 65432 1 1 1 34562 a 2 2 34625 2 a 2 1 52643 1 a 1 1 54326 2 1 1 23456 2 2 a = B,F,B,F,6ths,6ths,In,B.
Contains 184 little bell rollups at the back, including 88 23456s and 44 65432s.
Also contains 12 backstroke 09s.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Lockington Surprise and Rochester Surprise. When rung to Antrim or Lockington contains more rollups and no backstroke 09s.
6,560 (5,200) Kent Treble Bob Royal
Philip A B Saddleton23456 M I/V W H 34256 2 64523 2 x 1 26543 a 1 34562 1 a 1 1 24365 x 1 Repeat. a = B,F,B,F,6ths,6ths,In,B.
Contains 192 3456s including 88 23456s.
Reduce to 5,200 by omitting the second a from the first part and the first a from the second part. Contains 120 3456s including 88 23456s.
5,040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Alan F Scholfield23456 M W H 42356 1 43526 1 2 24536 1 36452 1 2 2 23564 2 1 2 24365 2 1 Repeat.
For handbells. Between Middle and Wrong 3-4 always coursing, and 5-6 always either coursing or home.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Antrim Surprise, Clifton Surprise, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise, Norwich Surprise, and Rochester Surprise.
5,080 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Edgar Wightman23456 M W H 24536 1 2 43526 2 56234 1 1 2 42635 1 1 23564 1 2 23645 2 2 1 32546 2 2 32465 2 2 1 32654 2 2 1 23456 2 2
Rung at Bermondsey (St James) on 17th December 1904.
5,040 Oxford Treble Bob Royal
Graham A C John23456 M W H 42356 1 64523 2 1 2 54263 2 1 43265 1 2 34562 2 2 65432 2 2 43652 1 1 54326 2 2 2 32546 1 1 45236 2 2 23456 1 1
20 56s & 16 65s
16 3456s including 12 23456s
24 5432s including 12 65432s
Also true to Kent Treble Bob.
5,200 Oxford Treble Bob Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8357)23456 M B W H 34256 2 43652 2 2 52364 2 x 2 64235 1 2 2 62345 1 2 24365 2 Repeat. x = 16.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 42 little bell rollups at the back.
Especially suitable for a 200th anniversary or similar occasion.
Also true to Kent Treble Bob with 22 each 56s and 65s, and 52 little bell rollups at the back.
5,040 Spliced Treble Bob Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2212)23456 M W H 26354 1 2 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.K.K 54632 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K 32465 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K 62534 1 1 2 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.KK.K. 34256 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.
Contains 3,840
For handbells.
5,040 Spliced Treble Bob Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2213)23456 M W H 23564 1 2 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK.K. 36524 2 1 KK.K.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK. 23645 1 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K 43526 1 1 2 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.KK.K. 32654 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK. 53246 1 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K 24365 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.K Repeat.
Contains 3,920
For handbells.
5,040 Spliced Treble Bob Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2214)23456 M W H 35264 1 1 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK. 54632 1 1 1 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.KK. 43265 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK. 32654 1 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.KK. 62534 2 2 KK.K.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK.K. 53246 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.K 24365 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.K Repeat.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.
Contains 3,920 Kent and 1,120 Oxford, with 56 changes of method, all at the half-lead.
For handbells.
5,040 Spliced Treble Bob Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2215)23456 M 6ths 7ths W H 65324 1 2 2 1 KK.KK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK.K 54326 2 2 2 1 KKK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK.K.KK. 25463 1 2 2 KK.KK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK 63542 2 2 KKK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK 24365 1 2 2 1 KK.KK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK.K Repeat.
Contains 4,640 Kent and 400 Oxford, with 20 changes of method, all at the half-lead.
For handbells.
5,120 Spliced Treble Bob Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2216)23456 M 6ths 7ths W H 63542 2 2 2 KKK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KKK.K. 42356 2 2 KKK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK 34256 2 2 2 2 KK.K.KK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK.K.K 53462 1 2 2 KK.KK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK 24365 2 2 2 KKK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK.K.K Repeat.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.
Contains 4,720 Kent and 400 Oxford, with 20 changes of method, all at the half-lead.