5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2 methods)
Robert D S Brown (arr)2345678 M 4½ W H Methods 4235687 s - CCCCCCCCC. 3425687 - CCCCCCCCC. 2345687 - CCCCCCCCC. 42356 s - CCCCCYYYY. 52346 s YYYYY.YYYY 34265 s s - YYYY.Y.YYYY. 23465 - YYYYYYYYY. 2 part.
Contains 2560 Cambridge, 2480 Yorkshire, with 3 changes of method, all the work. Contains 18 56s and 65s.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2 methods)
John R Ketteringham (no 161)23456 M W H 53426 s YYCYC.YCCC 42356 s - CYYCY.YYCC. 34256 - YYYCCCYYC. 52346 - s CCCYC.CYYY. 63245 s s YYYC.CCYCC. 46235 - YCYCY.CCCY 23465 - - CCCYY.YCYY. Repeat.
Contains 2,560 Cambridge and 2,480 Yorkshire, with 60 changes of method and all the work of both methods for every bell.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (arr) (no. 7247)23456 M W H 42356 - CCCCCCCCC. 32654 - CCCC.CCCCC 52463 - s CCCC.C.CCCC 64325 - - CCCC.X.YYYY 26345 - YYYYY.YYYY 34265 - - YYYYY.YYYY. 23465 - YYYYYYYYY. Repeat. X = C or Y.
If X is called as C in one part and Y in the other contains 2,520 each Cambridge and Yorkshire, with 3 changes of method and all the work of both methods for every bell.
5,490 (5,016) Spliced Caters and Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8582)123456789 5 16 Stedman Caters 213456978 (a) 314256 - 2 ╮ 412356 - 2 │ 413256 s 2 │A 312456 - 2 │ 214356 - 2 ╯ 143652789 (b) M W H Cambridge Surprise Royal 153264 - s 123465 - 3 Repeat, replacing (a) by (c). (a) = 2.4.s6.s8.10.13.s15.17.21 (21 sixes) (b) = s5.6.7.8.s12.15.18 (18) (c) = s2. (18) Start with a full quick six. The changes of method from Stedman to Cambridge are at the end of a quick six, and the change of method from Cambridge back to Stedman is at the beginning of a full slow six. For 5,016 start with a full slow six, call (a) = (14 sixes), and replace the first A block by 213456978 5 16 314256 - 2 312456 s 2 214356 - 2
The 5,490 contains 2,880 Cambridge Surprise Royal and 2,610 Stedman Caters with 3 chanages of method.
The 5,016 contains 2,880 Cambridge and 2,136 Stedman with 3 changes of methods.
In either length if preferred Yorkshire Surprise Royal, Lincolnshire Surprise Royal or Swindon Surprise Royal may be rung instead of Cambridge throughout.
5,060 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6013)23456 M W H 34256 2 25346 - - 43652 - - 34526 In,V s 65423 s s 42536 s s - 56324 s 2* - 23465 - - 3 65432 - - s 23456 - - - 2* = s -. Ring the first lead as Plain Bob Royal, and the remainder as Cambridge Surprise Royal.
Contains 5040 Cambridge Surprise and 20 Plain Bob, with 1 change of method.
Warning: the unreduced version, without the substitution of one lead of Plain Bob, is false.
5,060 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6014)23456 M W H 52436 - 24365 s s 2 35642 s 2* - 43652 - 43526 In,V - 35264 s s 2 26543 s s - 64523 2 35426 - - 23456 - 2* = s -. Ring the first lead as Plain Bob Royal, and the remainder as Cambridge.
Contains 5040 Cambridge Surprise and 20 Plain Bob, with 1 change of method, and 92 little bell rollups at the back.
Warning: the unreduced version, without the substitution of one lead of Plain Bob, is false to Cambridge.
If preferred, Lincolnshire Surprise,
5,100 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4387)23456 M W H 34256 2 52643 - - 46325 - - 56324 s ss 24365 s - ss 64352 s s 45236 - 2 26534 - s 53462 s - - 65432 - 23456 - - - Start with one lead of Pyghtle Little Alliance, then change to Cambridge Surprise for the remainder of the peal.
Contains 14 56s, 12 65s, and 81 little bell rollups including 21 3456s.
Contains 5,080 Cambridge Surprise and 20 Pyghtle Little Alliance, with one change of method.
Cambridge may be replaced throughout by Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Swindon or Superlative No.2.
5,100 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4388)23456 M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 46325 - - 24365 - ss 53462 - - 65432 - 42536 - s 53246 s - 64325 - s - 35426 s - 42563 s s - 62543 s 23456 - s 2 Start with one lead of Pyghtle Little Alliance, then change to Cambridge Surprise for the remainder of the peal.
Contains 15 56s, 13 65s, and 86 little bell rollups including 25 2345s and 20 3456s.
Contains 5,080 Cambridge Surprise and 20 Pyghtle Little Alliance, with one change of method.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2 methods)
David R Finch234567890 Yorkshire - 357920486 Yorkshire 905836742 Yorkshire - 086492573 Rutland 609854327 Rutland 965038742 Rutland - 359670284 Rutland - 793526408 Yorkshire 569078342 Rutland - 795630284 Yorkshire 609874523 Yorkshire - 084263957 Rutland - 640892735 Yorkshire 824365079 Rutland - 648203957 9 part.
Contains 2520 Rutland, Yorkshire, with 71 changes of method, all the work. Vermuyden may be rung for Rutland.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2 methods)
David R Finch234567890 Vermuyden - 642385079 Vermuyden 268403957 Yorkshire 436527890 Vermuyden - 264385079 Yorkshire 356729408 Yorkshire - 579038642 Vermuyden 953760284 Yorkshire - 570894326 Yorkshire 847256039 Yorkshire - 426389705 Yorkshire 392045678 Yorkshire - 905738264 Yorkshire 780694523 Vermuyden - 907856342 9 part.
Contains 3240 Yorkshire, 1800 Vermuyden, with 54 changes of method, all the work. Rutland may be rung for Vermuyden.
5,060 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Jonathan H Potter23456789 I V M W H 42356 - 54326 - 24365 s s ss 53462 - - 64352 2 2 56342 - 64573982 - 53246 - - - 2 23456 2 -
Contains 5040 Yorkshire Surprise, 20 Plain Bob, with 2 changes of method. Ring Yorkshire, except call YPY between the 5ths and Middle. (Note this composition is false if not reduced in this way)
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2 methods)
David R Finch (arr)234567890 Bristol - 357920486 Bristol 593078264 London No.3 - 735920486 London No.3 - 257349608 Bristol 532970486 London No.3 - 725349608 Bristol - 239078564 London No.3 - 792350486 London No.3 275943608 Bristol - 793028564 London No.3 - 237950486 London No.3 - 572349608 London No.3 254763890 Bristol - 573920486 9 part.
Contains 2880 London No.3, 2160 Bristol, with 72 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 473)23456 M W H (56234) 2 - L.LLB.B. 42635 - - BBBBBB.LLLLLLLL. 64235 - LLB. 26435 - LLB. 34562 - - L.B.L 25463 - - L.LB. (62453) - BBL. 34256 - - BBBBBB.LB. Repeat twice.
Contains 2,520 each
5,050 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 182)23456 M W H 42356 - (53624) - - (24536) 2 - 65432 - - (36452) - (54263) - - 32465 s 5 (64523) - - 32546 - - - (42536) s 5 = --s--; round two changes after sW; ring Maypole Alliance with any two leads as Bristol Surprise.
Contains 4,970 Maypole Alliance and 80 Bristol Surprise with from one to four changes of method.
5,050 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 183)23456 M W H 34256 2 (45362) 2 2 23564 - - (53462) - 3 32465 - 2 (64523) - - 32546 - - - (42536) s Round two changes after sW; ring Maypole Alliance, with any 65 full leads as Bristol Surprise.
Contains 2,600 Bristol Surprise and 2,450 Maypole Alliance, with from 1 to 130 changes of method; all the work of both methods for every bell may be had for any number of changes of method.
5,090 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1154)23456 M W H 42356 - 43526 - 2 (26435) 2 - 53462 - - - 23465 - 4 (63425) s (42536) - 3* Snap finish. Fourth place calls. 4 = - - s -; 3* = - - s. Ring any 66 leads as Bristol Surprise and the remaining 68 leads as Maypole Alliance. One specific possible arrangement is: 23456 M W H Methods 42356 - BMBMBMBB. (54326) - MBMBMBMBM. 35426 - MBMBMBM. 43526 - MBMBMBMB. 53624 - BMBMBMB.M (26435) - - MBMBMBM.B. (34562) - - MBMBMB.M. 53462 - BMBMBMB. 43265 - BMBMBMB.M 24365 - MBMBMBMB. 32465 - BMBMBMBM. 34265 s MBMBMBMB. 23465 - BMBMBMBM. (63425) s MBMBMBMBM. (24536) - - MBMBMB.M. (32546) - BMBMBMBM. (42536) s MBMBMBMB.(B)
Assuming the last two blows are rung as Maypole, contians 2,640 Bristol Surprise and 2,450 Maypole Alliance, with 17 56s and 20 65s; the exact number of little bell rollups depends upon the specific arrangement of methods used. Arrangements are possible with from 1 to 133 changes of method, and all the work arrangements are possible for any number of changes of method.
The specific arrangement given has 120 changes of method, is all the work, and contains 97 little bell rollups.
For a 90th birthday.
5,010 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1272)23456 M W H 34256 2 25463 s s - (65432) s s 43526 s s - (24536) - 53462 s s - 34265 s 3* (64235) s (42536) - 2* Snap finish. 3* = s - s; 2* = - s. Ring any 64 leads as Bristol Surprise and the remaining 68 leads as Maypole Alliance. One specific possible arrangement: 23456 M W H Methods 42356 - BBBBBBBB. 34256 - MMMMMMMM. (54263) s s MMMMMMM.M. 25463 - BBBBBBB. (65432) s s MMMMMMM.M. (35426) s s BBBBBB.B. 43526 - MMBBBMM. (24536) - MMMMMMMMM. (34562) s s BBBBBB.B. 53462 - MMBBBMM. 23465 s BBBBBBB.B 24365 s MMMMMMMM. 32465 - BBBBBBBB. 34265 s MMMMMMMM. (64235) s BBBBBBBBB. (32546) - - MMMMMM.M. (42536) s BBBBMMMM.(M)
Assuming the final two blows are rung as Maypole, contains 2,560 Bristol Surprise and 2,450 Maypole Alliance.
Contains 19 56s and 17 65s, up to 94 little bell rollups, and from 1 to 129 changes of method, with all the work possible for any number of changes of method. The exact number of little rollups and the number of changes of method depend upon the arrangement of methods chosen.
The given specific possible arrangement contains 94 little bell rollups, 19 changes of method, and is all the work.
Especially suitable length for a tenth anniversary.
5,100 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Peter W J Sheppard234567890 7 M W H Methods 43652 - MMMMMMM.M 64352 - MMMMMMMM. 56342 - BBBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBB 273654 - s B.MMMMM.M 345627 s - M.MMMMM.B (64523) s s BBBBBBB.M. (43526) s 3* MMMMMM.M.BBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBB. (23564) s s MMMMMM.M. (65432) - - MMMMMM.M. 37596248 s3rds MMMM.MMMMM 65432789 s4ths MMM.MMM 674523089 - Out M.MM.MMMM 674523908 4ths MMMM.MMMM 674523789 In MMMM.MMMM 23456 s s M.MMMMM.M 3*=sbb.
Contains 3240 Maypole, 1680 Bristol, with 6 changes of method, all the work.
5,010 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1271)23456 M W H 65432 - - - 42356 - - 3* (54326) - 43265 s s 2 42365 2* 2 (62534) - s (42536) s ss Snap finish. 3* = s - s; 2* = - s. Start with two leads of Bastow Little Bob, the second of which is bobbed; then ring the remainder Bristol Surprise.
Contains 5,002 Bristol Surprise and 8 Bastow Little Bob with 1 change of method, 20 56s and 18 65s.
Especially suitable length for a tenth anniversary.
5,129 Spliced Caters and Royal (2 methods)
Richard J Angrave23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bristol 43652 M 64352 H (56342) W 36245 M Grandsire 63245978 - - s 34265 - - - 23465 - - - * 42365 - - - * 52346 s s 24356 - - - 43256 - 35792468 - s 53247968 s - s s 34256978 - s - 23497568 s - s 42356978 s - s 34256879 - - s 23456 - - - Bristol (53462) sM.sW (65432) W 45236 M 24536 H Grandsire 52436978 - - s 65234 - - s 53264 - - - 25364 - - - 32564 - - - 43265 - - s 24365 - - - 32465 - - - 43265879 - - s 24365 - - - 32465 - - - 53264 - - s 25364 - - - 42563 - - s (34265) - - s
Contains 2609 Grandsire Caters, 2520 Bristol Surprise Royal, with 3 changes of method. For 5057, call one course as a bob at 6 for courses marked *.
5,021 Spliced Caters and Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8208)Stedman Bristol 231456789 15 V B F H 124365798 a 134265798 5 153624789 b 1325768490 - ╮ 1325967480 - │A 1465382790 - - ╯ 134279658 c 145362789 d 1234586790 A 124358967 e 134258967 5 165432789 f 1246583790 A 124365879 g 134265879 5 Round at hand three blows later. Ordinary Stedman start, but changes into Stedman from Bristol are at the beginning of a slow six. Bristol is rung with fourth place bobs. 5 = - - s - -. a = s2.4.s7.s10.11.12.16 (16 sixes) b = 4.7.s8. (20 sixes) c = s2.s5.8.12.14.s16.s18.20 (20 sixes) d = (20 sixes) e = (14 sixes) f = s2.3.6.7.s9. (18 sixes) g = (18 sixes)
Contains 2,381 Stedman Caters and 2,640 Bristol Surprise Royal, with 6 changes of method.
Especially suitable for ringing half muffied at backstroke.
5,090 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1157)23456 M W H Methods 52436 - LM.L ╮ 25634 2 2 L.ML.MMMMMMMMM.ML. │ 53462 - 2 L.M.ML.L │ 24365 - - L.LM. │A (65243) 2 - L.LLM.M. │ 42356 - - MMMMMM.LLLLLLL.L ╯ 34256 A 25346 - - LM.L. 46352 s - L.M.L (56342) s LM. 45263 2 - s MMMMMM.LLM.M.MMMMMMM. 63524 - s s L.M.L. 53246 s 2 - L.M.ML.L. 62435 s 2* s L.M.ML.L. (42536) - MMMMMMM.MM(M) Snap finish. 2* = s -.
Contains 2,810 Maypole Alliance and 2,280 London No.3 Surprise, with 39 changes of method and all the work of both methods for every bell.
For a 90th birthday.
5,090 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1155)23456 M W H 42356 - 43526 - 2 25634 - - 34256 2 - 56423 - s s 34625 - - 26543 - - 32465 2 - 2 45263 - s 63254 s - (43256) s Snap finish.
Ring first two leads as Londinium Alliance, the remainder as London No.3 Surprise.
Contains 15 56s, 12 65s, and 134 little bell rollups including 48 3456s.
For a 90th birthday.
5,090 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1156)23456 M W H 45236 a - - 34256 - 65423 - s - 34526 s s 26543 s a - 54263 - - 24365 - a 65432 - s s 43652 a - - (43256) 2* Snap finish. a = sB,sF,s6ths,sT. 2* = - s.
Ring first two leads as Londinium Alliance, the remainder as London No.3 Surprise.
Contains 48 0987s and 133 little bell rollups including 32 each 23456s and 65432s.
For a 90th birthday.
5,000 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Samuel M Austin (No. 2)23456 M B W H Methods 54632 - - KK.KKBBBBKK.K 43526 x KKKBB.BBKK 43265 x - KKKBB.BBKKK. 45362 x - - KKKBB.BBKK.KK. 56423 x KKKBB.BBKK 62534 x KKKBB.BBKK 23645 x KKKBB.BBKK 34256 x KKKBB.BBKK 65243 - - - KK.KKBBBBKK.KK. 25463 2 - KKKBBBBKK.K.KK. 56234 x KKKBB.BBKK 63542 x KKKBB.BBKK 34625 x KKKBB.BBKK 42356 x KKKBB.BBKK 65324 - - - KK.KKBBBBKK.KK. 35264 2 - KKKBBBBKK.K.KK. 56342 x KKKBB.BBKK 64523 x KKKBB.BBKK 42635 x KKKBB.BBKK 23456 x KKKBB.BBKK x=16
Contains 4680 Kent Treble Bob, 320 Bastow Little Bob, with 40 changes of method.
62 combination rollups inc 24 56s. The Granta Variation.
5,000 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Samuel M Austin (No. 1)23456 M B W Methods 56234 2 - KK.K.KKKKKKKK.K ╮ 63425 2 x KK.K.KKBB.BBKK │A 32654 x KKKBB.BBKK ╯ 54326 2 - KK.K.KKBBBBKK.K 42635 2 x KK.K.KKBB.BBKK 23645 - x KK.KKBB.BBKK 32546 A 46325 2 - KK.K.KKBBBBKK.K ╮B 23564 2 x 2 KK.K.KKBB.BBKK.K.K ╯ 32465 A 23456 B x=16.
Contains 4760 Kent Treble Bob, 240 Bastow Little Bob, with 72 combination rollups, 30 changes of method.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 349)23456 M W H Methods 64352 - - AA.AAU. 53246 - - UAU.AAAAA.UAU 62345 - - UAU.AAU. 32546 - UUA.AUUU 65243 - - UUA.UAUU. 42356 - - AUU.U.AA Repeat twice.
Contains 2,520 each Anglia and Undine, with 60 changes of method and all the work of both methods for every bell, 21 each 56s and 567890s off the front, and 81 7890s off the front.
5,040 Spliced Treble Bob Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2212)23456 M W H 26354 1 2 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.K.K 54632 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K 32465 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K 62534 1 1 2 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.KK.K. 34256 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.
Contains 3,840
For handbells.
5,040 Spliced Treble Bob Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2213)23456 M W H 23564 1 2 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK.K. 36524 2 1 KK.K.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK. 23645 1 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K 43526 1 1 2 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.KK.K. 32654 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK. 53246 1 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K 24365 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.K Repeat.
Contains 3,920
For handbells.
5,040 Spliced Treble Bob Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2214)23456 M W H 35264 1 1 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK. 54632 1 1 1 KK.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.KK. 43265 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK. 32654 1 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.KK. 62534 2 2 KK.K.K(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)KK.K. 53246 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.K 24365 1 KK(KO)(OK)(KO)(OK)K.K Repeat.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.
Contains 3,920 Kent and 1,120 Oxford, with 56 changes of method, all at the half-lead.
For handbells.
5,040 Spliced Treble Bob Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2215)23456 M 6ths 7ths W H 65324 1 2 2 1 KK.KK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK.K 54326 2 2 2 1 KKK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK.K.KK. 25463 1 2 2 KK.KK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK 63542 2 2 KKK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK 24365 1 2 2 1 KK.KK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK.K Repeat.
Contains 4,640 Kent and 400 Oxford, with 20 changes of method, all at the half-lead.
For handbells.
5,120 Spliced Treble Bob Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2216)23456 M 6ths 7ths W H 63542 2 2 2 KKK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KKK.K. 42356 2 2 KKK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK 34256 2 2 2 2 KK.K.KK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK.K.K 53462 1 2 2 KK.KK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK 24365 2 2 2 KKK.K.K(KO)(OK)K.K.KK.K.K Repeat.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s.
Contains 4,720 Kent and 400 Oxford, with 20 changes of method, all at the half-lead.
5,017 Spliced Bob Caters and Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 946)234567890 1 2 3 4 5 7 42356978 - - Caters 34256 - - - Caters 23456 - - - Caters 42356879 - - s Caters 34256 - - - Caters ╮ 23456 - - - Caters │ 32456978 - - - Caters │A 43256 - - - Caters │ 24356 - - - Caters ╯ 32456879 - - s Caters 43256 - - - Caters 24356 - - - Caters 65284937 - - s Caters ╮ 352649078 s - Royal │ 43562 - - - Royal │ 34265 - - - s Royal │ 42365 - Royal │B 23465 - Royal │ 43265 s Royal │ 32465 - Royal │ 264937580 - Royal ╯ 46325789 s - - Caters 64325978 - - s Caters 42365 - - - Caters 24365879 A 254937680 B 65423978 - s Caters 52463 - - - Caters 35264 - - s Caters 53462 - - s s Caters 43265 - Caters (34265879) A
Contains 2,897 Grandsire Caters and 2,120 Grandsire Royal.
5,136 Spliced Bob Royal (2 methods)
Phillip S George23456789 W 7 V F B 6 H Methods 3527486 - PLLLP.PPPPP 23594768 - - PPP.PPPPPP. 4572836 - s PPPP.P.PP 234576 - - - - P.P.PPP.PPPPP. 3526487 - PLLLP.PPPPP 23594678 - - PPP.LLP. 4562837 - s PPPP.P.PP 23546 s - - - P.P.PPP.PPPPP. 4 part, calling single halfway and end.
Contains 4880 Plain Bob, 256 Little Bob, with 24 changes of method.
5,008 Spliced Bob Royal (2 methods)
Christopher T Osenton234567890 B V W M H Methods 423567089 - - PPPPP.PPPP. 34625 - - LLLL.L.LLLL╮ 23645 - LLLL.LP │ 64235 - - P.LLLLL. │ 26435 - LLLLLLLLL. │A 43265 - -* LLLL.LLLLL.│ 24365 - PPPPPPPPP. ╯ 32465 - LLLLLLLLL. 23456 A 426385079 - - - PPP.L.L.P 423567890 - P. 24365 A 32465 - LLLLLLLLL. 24356 A* Repeat. A* = A calling s for -*.
Contains 2,320 Plain Bob and 2,688 Little Bob; with 36 changes of method and all the work of each method for every bell.
5,040 Spliced Bob Royal (2 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 W M H Methods 64325 s - - LLPLLPL.L.P. 36425 - PLP. 43625 - PLP. 62345 s - LLLL.LP. 34265 s - P.LLPLLPLL. 32465 s PLP. 43265 - LPLLPLLPL. 26345 s - P.LP. 34625 s - LLPLLPL.LP. 63425 - PLP. 46325 - PLP. 32645 s - LLLL.LP. 6 part.
Contains 3120 Plain Bob, 1920 Little Bob, with 144 combination rollups, 251 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 (5,004) Spliced Bob Caters and Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3607)234567890 1 4 7 8 9 423567890 - Royal 62345897 s - s Caters 42365978 s - 3 Caters 62345789 s - Caters 234657890 s 2 Royal Repeat three times, calling s for - half-way and end.
Contains 2,880 Plain Bob Caters and 2,160 Plain Bob Royal, with 8 changes of method.
May be reduced to 5,004 by replacing one course of Plain Bob Royal by a course of Plain Bob Caters (in which case the call at 9 is now at 8; if there is a single at 1 it is retained); contains 3,024 Plain Bob Caters and 1,980 Plain Bob Royal, with from 8 to 10 changes of method, depending upon which course is altered.
5,004 Spliced Bob Caters and Royal (2 methods)
Barry F Peachey23456 W M H 42356 6 - 34256 6 - 26453 6 s - 42653 6 - 64253 6 - 23456 s - 6=bbsbbs.
Contains 2700 Plain Bob Royal, 2304 Plain Bob Caters, with 30 changes of method. Start Caters and change the method every course. Alternatively ring 16 courses of Caters and 15 courses of Royal in any combination
5,024 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8524)23456 M W H 45236 1 1 KKKBBBBKK.KK. 53462 2 2 KK.K.KKBBBBKK.K.K 64235 1 1 KK.KKBBBBKK.K 54326 1 2 1 KK.KKBBBBKK.K.KK. 25463 2 2 2 KK.K.KKBBBBKK.K.KK.K. 52364 2 2 KK.K.KKBBBBKKK.K. 24365 1 2 KK.KKBBBBKKK.K. Repeat.
Contains 4,800 Kent Treble Bob and 224 Bastow Little Bob, with 28 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 374 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (342) or at the front (32).
Especially suitable for handbells: between Middle and Wrong the 5-6 are always either coursing or home.
The 7, 8, 9 and 10 are never slow bells in Kent.
If preferred Kent Little Bob may be rung for Bastow throughout.
5,024 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8525)23456 M W H 24536 1 2 KKKBBBBKK.KK.K. 35426 2 2 KKKBBBBKK.K.KK.K. 32654 2 1 1 KK.K.KKBBBBKK.KK. 46253 1 1 KK.KKBBBBKKK. 34562 2 1 2 KK.K.KKBBBBKK.KK.K. 54632 2 1 KKKBBBBKK.K.KK. 24365 1 2 1 KK.KKBBBBKK.K.KK. Repeat.
Contains 4,800 Kent Treble Bob and 224 Bastow Little Bob, with 28 changes of method, and 363 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (328) or at the front (35).
Especially suitable for handbells: between Middle and Wrong the 3-4 are always either coursing or home.
The 7, 8, 9 and 10 are never slow bells in Kent.
If preferred Kent Little Bob may be rung for Bastow throughout.
5,024 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8526)23456 M W H 34256 2 K.K. 43652 2 2 KK.K.KKBBBBKKK.K. 65432 1 1 KKKBBBBKK.KK. 52436 1 2 KK.KKBBBBKKK.K. 65324 2 1 2 KK.K.KKBBBBKK.KK.K. 54326 1 2 KK.KKBBBBKKK.K. 54263 2 2 1 KK.K.KKBBBBKK.K.KK. 24365 1 KK.KKBBBBKK Repeat.
Contains 4,800 Kent Treble Bob and 224 Bastow Little Bob, with 28 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, and 395 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (370) or at the front (25).
The 7, 8, 9 and 10 are never slow bells in Kent.
If preferred Kent Little Bob may be rung for Bastow throughout.
5,000 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8527)23456 M W H 42356 1 K. 54326 1 KKKBBBBKK.K 45623 2 2 KK.K.KKBBBBKKK.K. 43526 2 1 KK.K.KKBBBBKKK. 25634 1 1 KK.KKBBBBKK.K 54632 1 2 KK.KKBBBBKKK.K. 62345 1 1 2 KK.KKBBBBKK.KK.K. 45236 1 2 2 KK.KKBBBBKK.K.KK.K. 34256 1 KKKBBBBKK.K 43652 2 2 KK.K.KKBBBBKKK.K. 56342 2 2 KKKBBBBKK.K.KK.K. 34562 1 1 KKKBBBBKK.KK. 32465 2 1 KK.K.KKBBBBKKK. 25463 1 2 KK.KKBBBBKKK.K. 63254 2 1 KK.K.KKBBBBKK.K 23456 1 KK.KKBBBBKK
Contains 4,760 Kent Treble Bob and 240 Bastow Little Bob, with 30 changes of method, all 24 56s, 14 65s, and 393 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (368) or at the front (25).
The 7, 8, 9 and 10 are never slow bells in Kent.
If preferred Kent Little Bob may be rung for Bastow throughout.
5,008 Spliced Royal (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8535)23456 M W H 42356 1 K. 53246 2 2 KKKKKKKKK.K.KK.K. 46325 1 2 2 KK.KKBBBBKK.K.KK.K. 25463 2 1 KK.K.KKBBBBKK.K 63542 1 2 2 KK.KKBBBBKK.K.KK.K. 53462 2 1 KKKBBBBKK.K.KK. 24365 1 1 KK.KKKKKKKKK. Repeat.
Especially suitable for handbells: between Middle and Wrong the 3-4 are always coursing and the 5-6 are always either coursing or home.
Contains 4,880 Kent Treble Bob and 128 Bastow Little Bob, with 16 changes of method.
If preferred Kent Little Bob may be rung for Bastow throughout.
5,760 (5,040) Spliced Surprise Royal (3 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 53426 s YCCYC.SYSS 62435 - - [- CSSY.S.YCYC[. 46235 - YCSCYCSCS. 24635 -] SYYSCYSCY.] Repeat three times.
Reduce to 5,040 by omitting the [bracketed] leads and calls from the second part only. Contains 1,920 (1,680) each Cambridge, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire; with 120 (105) changes of method and all the work of each method for every bell.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3 methods)
Brian D Price23456 M W Methods 43652 - L.LY 56234 - - L.LLLLLLL.L 35264 - YL.L (62453) - - CYCY.Y.YY (56423) - CLCC.YCL (46325) - CY.CCLC 23564 - - YY.Y.YCYC Repeat twice.
Contains 1,920 London No.3; 1,680 Yorkshire; and 1,440 Cambridge; with 71 changes of method and all the work of each method for every bell.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3 methods)
Roger Bailey23456 M W H 42356 - 52463 2 s 34265 - - 23465 3 - Repeat, changing the method at each course-end.
Methods: Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N) and Yorkshire. For 2,160 Cambridge call the courses CNCNYCY or CYCYNCN. For 2,160 Lincolnshire call courses NCNCYNY, NYNYCNC, CYNYNCN or CNCNYNY. For 2,160 Yorkshire call courses CNYNYCY or CYCYNYN. Contains 1,440 of the other two methods in each case, with 13 changes of method, all the work of each method for every bell and 18 each 56's and 65's.
The calling is also true to each of the methods individually.
Especially suitable for handbells: 3-4 ring the 3-4 and 9-10 courses only.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3 methods)
Robert D S Brown23456 M W H Methods 43652 - CCCC.CCCCC 63254 - NNNN.NNNNN 52436 - - CCCC.C.CCCC 36425 s - YYYY.Y.YYYY 42365 - - NNNNN.NNNN. 34265 - YYYYYYYYY. 23465 - NNNCCCYYY. 2 part.
Contains 1680 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire, with 17 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3 methods)
Robert D S Brown23456 M W H Methods 43652 - NNNN.NNNNN 53264 - s CCCC.C.CCCC 62435 - - NNNN.N.NNNN 36425 - CCCCC.CCCC 42365 - - YYYYY.YYYY. 34265 - YYYYYYYYY. 23465 - YYYYYYYYY. 2 part.
Contains 2160 Yorkshire, 1440 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), with 9 changes of method, all the work. Alternatively the sixth course in each part may be replaced by calling NNNCCCYYY.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3 methods)
Robert D S Brown23456 M W H Methods 56432 - - s NNNN.N.NNNN. 23465 - - - YYYY.Y.YYYY. 42365 - CCCCCCCCC. 62345 s YYYNN.NCCC 53246 - - YYYY.YYYYY. 25346 - NNNNNNNNN. 32546 - CCCCCCCCC. 2 part.
Contains 1680 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire, with 17 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3 methods)
Thomas J Hinks23456 M W H Methods 42356 - CYYNYNYYY. 35426 - - NNCNY.NYYN. 43526 - NYYCNNYNN. 24536 - YNCYC.CNNC 54632 - YNNN.CCCCC 36245 - - CCCC.Y.CYYC 24365 - - NNYYC.YCCN. 2 part. Contains 1680 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire. 75 changes of method, all the work. 41+56 LB4 inc 13+16 LB5. Backrounds.
Contains 1680 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire, with 75 changes of method, all the work.
For handbells: 3-4 always either coursing or home.
5,175 Spliced Caters and Royal (3 methods)
Jonathan H Potter234567890 M W H 1 2 3 4 5 54326 ss s s BBBBBBB.BBBBBBBB.B.YYYY. (24365) s s YYYY.Y. (64352) s s BBBBBB.B. 342567890 - BBBBBB.YYYYY 432579680 - - (6) Grandsire 243975 s - - 324579 s - - 234975 s - - s (4) 423579 s - - 342975 s - - 45397826 s - s s 35792468 - - s (4) 735 - - - 573 - - - 52634879 2.s6.s7 (9) 25634978 - - - 62534 - - - 56234 - - - 26453 s - 65423 - - - 65423897 - - - 654237890 - - - (25346) - s YYYY.Y. 34562 s s - BBBBBB.B.BBBBBBB. 534627890 - BBBBBBBB. 35264978 - s s Grandsire 45236 s s 53246 - - - 24356 - - s 32456 - - - 62435 s s 43265 - - - (34265879) - - - .
Contains 2375 Grandsire Caters, 2040 Bristol Surprise Royal, 760 Yorkshire Surprise Royal, with 7 changes of method, all the work. Contains Queens, Kings, Whittingtons, Backrounds (on 10).
5,040 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal (3 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 350)23456 M W H Methods 52436 - MTAAT.T 56234 2 - MA.AM.MTTMA. 43265 - - [-] T.MTMA.T. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 1,920 Triton Delight, 1,680 Meall nan Eun Surprise, 1,440 Anglia Surprise, with 95 changes of method, 21 each 56s, 65s, 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, and 60 7890s off the front.
London No.3 Surprise may be rung for Triton Delight throughout, reducing the number of 7890s off the front to 48.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2–4 methods)
2 methods: Contains 2520 Cambridge, Yorkshire, with 40 changes of method, all the work.
3 methods: Contains 1680 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire, with 50 changes of method, all the work.
4 methods: Contains 1280 Cambridge, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, 1200 Lincolnshire(N), with 61 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Brian D Price23456 M W H Methods 45236 - - YSCNY.CSNY. 24536 - CNSYCNSYC. 52436 - CYSNCYSNC. 42635 - YNSC.YNCSY 56234 - - CSNY.SNYCS. 25634 - NYCSNSCYN. 32654 - SCYNS.YNSC Repeat.
Contains 1,280 each Cambridge, Superlative No.2, and Yorkshire; and 1,200 Lincolnshire (N); with 123 changes of method and all the work of each method for every bell. Contains the minimum number of calls for a two-part composition.
5,760 (5,040) Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 53426 s YCCYN.SYSS 62435 - - [- NSSN.S.CCNC[. 46235 - CNNCYNNYN. 24635 -] SYYSCYSCY.] Repeat three times.
Reduce to 5,040 by omitting the [bracketed] leads and calls from the second part only. Contains 1,440 (1,320) Superlative No.2; 1,440 (1,280) Cambridge; 1,440 (1,240) Lincolnshire (N); and 1,440 (1,200) Yorkshire; with 108 (95) changes of method and all the work of each method for every bell.
5,760 (5,040) Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 56342 - s s CYCC.S.YSSY. 32645 s [- SSCS.YYCCY[. 63245 - SCSCCSYYS. 26345 -] YCYYSCSYC.] Repeat three times.
Reduce to 5,040 by omitting the [bracketed] leads and calls from the second part only. Contains 1,920 (1,680) each Cambridge, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire; with 108
(94) changes of method and all the work of each method for every bell. Variation:
Lincolnshire may be substituted for either Cambridge or Yorkshire throughout.
5,760 (5,040) Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 56342 - s s CYCC.S.YSSY. 32645 s [- SSNS.YNCCN[. 63245 - NCSNCSNNS. 26345 -] YNYYNCYYC.] Repeat three times.
Reduce to 5,040 by omitting the [bracketed] leads and calls from the second part only. Contains 1,440 (1,320) Superlative No.2; 1,440 (1,280) Cambridge; 1,440 (1,240) Yorkshire; and 1,440 (1,200) Lincolnshire (N); with 108 (95) changes of method and all the work of each method for every bell.
5,760 (5,040) Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 53426 s RC.YYSS 62435 - - [- YSCY.S.(SRYSRYC)[. 46235 - SRCSRYCRY. 24635 -] CCRCCRSYR.] Repeat three times.
Reduce to 5,040 by replacing the (parenthesised) leads by a single lead of Rutland, and calling the last two courses RCR in the second part only. Alternatively, omit the [bracketed] leads and calls from the second part only. The 5,760 contains 1,440 each Cambridge, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire; with 120 changes of method and all the work of each method for every bell.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3564a)23456 M W H 45236 - - BBBBBBBBB.L. 24536 - LCL. 52436 - LLLLLLLLL. 43526 - - YL.L. 53624 - L.YYYYY 26435 - - YYYY.C.CYCC 43265 - - CL.YCCC. 24365 3 - CBYBB.CBCCC.CCYBB.YL. Repeat.
Contains 1,360 London No.3, 1,280 Cambridge and 1,200 each Bristol and Yorkshire, with 45 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,160 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal (4 methods)
Mark A Boylan (No 11)23456 M W H Methods 64352 - - CYYC.YYCCC. 56342 - CBBBBBBC.T 24365 - - - YCCY.Y.T. 53462 - - CBBBBB.CBBBBBBC. 43652 2 - CBBBBCC.BBBBBBBB.T. 56234 - - YYCY.Y.T 42635 - - T.TY. 63425 - - TY.T. 52436 - - - T.Y.T. 45236 - YTT. 24536 - CCBYY. 32546 - TC.T 43526 - YT.T 53624 - T.B 46325 - - CBBCB.TC. 34625 - BBBBBBBC. 64523 - T.TTTTTTTT 35426 - - T.TTTTTTTT. 23456 - CBBBYBC.CYYY
Contains 1800 Bristol Surprise, 1440 Triton Delight, 1040 Cambridge Surprise, 880 Yorkshire Surprise, with 56 changes of method, all the work.
Includes 49+152 LB4 and 17+41 LB5.
5,120 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal (4 methods)
Mark A Boylan (No 12)23456 M W H Methods 43526 2 - BBBBBBBBB.BYYCY.BBBBBBC. 53624 - T.B 46325 - - CBBBBB.YT. (24365) - TTTTTTTT. 53462 - - BBBBBB.TTTTTTTT. 46532 - - BBBBBCBC.BBBBBBB. 35264 - - CCCY.Y.YCYY 42563 - - CYYY.TC. (64523) - TTTTTTTT. 54326 - BBBYC.CT 62345 - - - YYCC.Y.YCYY. 53246 - - CTCBYY.YT. 23456 2 - CT.CBBBBBC.YYYC. Contains 2000 Bristol Surprise; 1240 Triton Delight; 1000 Yorkshire Surprise; 880 Cambridge Surprise. 49 changes of method, all the work.
Contains 2000 Bristol Surprise, 1240 Triton Delight, 1000 Yorkshire Surprise, 880 Cambridge Surprise, with 49 changes of method, all the work.
Includes 61+138 LB4 and 16+28 LB5. Backrounds.
5,080 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal (4 methods)
Mark A Boylan (No 14)23456 M W H Methods 52436 - BBBBBBBBB.YYCY 43526 - - YCYYC.CBBYC. 53624 - T.CYYCC 46325 - - CYYY.CT. (24365) - TTTTTTTT. 53462 - - BBBBBC.TTTTTTTT. 46532 - - BBBBBCBC.BBBBCC. (35264) - - T.Y. 42563 - - BBBYB.YT. (64523) - TTTTTTTT. 54326 - BBBYB.TTTTTTTT (62345) - - - T.Y.CYCY. 53246 - - YTCBCY.CT. 23456 2 - TY.CBBBCB.YCCY.
Contains 1600 Triton Delight, 1560 Bristol Surprise, 960 Cambridge Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise, with 56 changes of method, all the work.
Includes 65+143 LB4. Backrounds.
5,080 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal (4 methods)
Mark A Boylan (No 15)23456 M W H Methods 26354 2 - YYYY.CBBBBBB.YYYYY. 53462 - - T.C.T (65432) - TTTTTTTT. 24536 - - CBBBY.YYYYY. 32546 - BBCCCY.T 65243 - - YYCY.YT. 26543 - TYCCCY. 54263 - - YT.T. 36245 - - - T.B.T. 23645 - CTT. 62345 - TTY. 46325 - CT.T (24365) - TTTTTTTT. 34562 - BBBBBB.TC 25463 - - YCYY.TC. 42563 - YTT. (64523) - TTTTTTTT. 35426 - - BBBBBB.CYYYC. 23456 - CBBBBBBC.CCYC
Contains 1720 Triton Delight, 1280 Yorkshire Surprise, 1200 Bristol Surprise, 880 Cambridge Surprise, with 46 changes of method, all the work.
Includes 57+127 LB4 and 14+36 LB5.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3–4 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6913)23456 M W H 3 methods 4 methods (54632) - - YCCY.Y. NYYN.Y. 24365 - 2 [-] BCBBC.B.BYBBCC.YYCY. BCBBC.Y.CBBBCN.YNCN. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts
The three method arrangement contains 1,680 each Bristol, Cambridge and Yorkshire, with 78 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, 108 0987s off the front, 62 little bell rollups at the back and 35 little bell rollups at the front.
The four method arrangement contains 1,440 Bristol and 1,200 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N) and Yorkshire, with 96 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, 12 7890s off the front, 120 0987s off the front, 71 little bell rollups at the back and 26 little bell rollups at the front.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3–4 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6912)23456 W M H 3 methods 4 methods 64235 - - - YCCYY.CYLCC.LC. NCYNY.CCLCY.LN. 36245 - YL.L NL.L 24365 - [-] YL.YCCY. NL.YCYN. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts
The three method arrangement contains 1,920 each Cambridge and Yorkshire and 1,200 London No.3, with 90 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, 6 each 098765s off the front, 098756s off the front and 7890s off the front, 72 0987s off the front, 46 little bell rollups at the back, 27 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.
The four method arrangement contains 1,440 Lincolnshire (N) and 1,200 each Cambridge, London No.3 and Yorkshire, with 102 changes of method, 18 each 56s
and 65s, 36 7890s off the fornt, 6 each 098765s off the front and 098756s off the front, 24 0987s off the front, 46 little bell rollups at the back, 29 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8216)23456 M W H 54632 - - YYYY.Y.YYYY 23645 - - - NNNC.Y.CCNY. 43625 s NNNNN.L 62345 s - LLLLLLLL.CCCC. 34256 s s - CCCY.C.CCCC. 54263 s s YYYY.Y.YCCC 24365 - NNNN.NNNNN Repeat.
Contains 1,440 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N) and Yorkshire and 720 London No.3, with 29 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, and 246 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (165) or at the front (81).
Especially suitable for handbells, both the 3-4 and 5-6 pairs coursing in both courses of London.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8216a)23456 M W H 54632 - - NYYN.Y.NYCN 23645 - - - CCNC.Y.NCNY. 43625 s YNCYN.L 62345 s - LLLLLLLL.CCYN. 34256 s s - YNCN.Y.CNCY. 54263 s s NCCN.C.YNCC 24365 - YCYN.YNYCY Repeat.
Contains 1,440 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N) and Yorkshire and 720 London No.3, with 97 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, and 278 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (180) or at the front (98), and, in the last course, back rounds.
Especially suitable for handbells, both the 3-4 and 5-6 pairs coursing in both courses of London.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Ashley C Fortey (No 4)23456 M W H Methods 65432 - - - WWWW.C.L. 46532 - LCCCCC. 35264 - - L.C.L 63254 - LW.WCCC 52436 - - YYYY.C.L 35426 - YYYYC.WYYW 42356 - - WWYYW.L. 3 part.
Contains 1440 Cambridge, Yorkshire, 1320 Swindon(W), 840 London No.3, with 59 changes of method.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 65432 - - - NYCN.C.YNYC. 46532 - YRNCRNCRY. 23564 - - - R.C.NRCYRYN. 52364 - RYCRYNRCN. 43265 - - CYCN.CYNYN. 24365 - YCRCNRYNR. 32465 - CNRYCRYNR. 2 part.
Contains 1280 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), 1200 Rutland, 1280 Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2–4 methods)
2 methods: Contains 2520 Cambridge, Yorkshire, with 29 changes of method, all the work. Call C for [Y] in one part.
3 methods: Contains 1680 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire, with 13 changes of method, all the work.
4 methods: Contains 1680 Yorkshire, 1240 Pudsey, 1080 Cambridge, 1040 Lincolnshire(N), with 39 changes of method, all the work. Call P for [C] in one part.
For handbells, 3-4 always coursing or home position.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Robert D S Brown234567890 M W H Methods 456789023 s1,s2,3 Y.R.C.YCYYYYY |A 423567890 8A - 52346 s SC.S 34265 s s - S.C.S. 23465 - SCS. 42365 - SSSSSSSSS. 63245 s s SC.S. 62345 s RRRRRRRRR. 34256 s s - S.C.S. 23456 - SCS.
Contains 2520 Yorkshire, 960 Cambridge, 840 Shepton Beauchamp, 720 Rutland, with 60 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Richard J Angrave (No 294)23456 M W H Methods 42356 - RYWRCCRCW. 35426 - - RY.CRCWRCY. 43526 - WRCWRCWRC. 53624 - WYCY.CWCYW 24365 - s s WCCY.Y.R. 23465 s WYWWYR. 65432 s - CWRCYRW.Y.R 43652 - - WYRCCRWC.R. 64352 - WRCYRCCRW. 56342 - WYRCYRYY.R 34562 - - WWRCYRYY.R. 64523 s s YWYW.W.YYWW 25346 - - WCCY.Y.R 34256 - - RY.CRYYRWC. 23456 - WRCYRCCRW.
Contains 1320 Rutland, 1240 Cambridge, Swindon(W), Yorkshire, with 105 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Richard J Angrave23456 M W H Methods 42356 - RYSRCCRCS. 35426 - - RY.CRCSRCY. 43526 - SRCSRCSRC. 53624 - SYCY.CSCYS 24365 - s s SCCY.Y.R. 23465 s SYSSYR. 65432 s - CSRCYRS.Y.R 43652 - - SYRCCRSC.R. 64352 - SRCYRCCRS. 56342 - SYRCYRYY.R 34562 - - SSRCYRYY.R. 64523 s s YSYS.S.YYSS 25346 - - SCCY.Y.R 34256 - - RY.CRYYRSC. 23456 - SRCYRCCRS.
Contains 1320 Rutland, 1240 Cambridge, Swindon, Yorkshire, with 105 changes of method, all the work.
5,080 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Mark A Boylan23456 M W H Methods 43652 - L.LC 56234 - - SCSC.S.L (35264) - CCSSS. 42563 - - CBBBS.CSCCS. 54263 - BBBBBBBC. 36245 - - - CLCCLCC.S.SCSS. 23645 - LSCSSC. 62345 - SSCCSCSSC. (24365) 2 SL.BBBBBBBB. 53462 - - BCCC.LLLLLLLL. (65432) - CCBCBC. 24536 - - CBBBC.LC. 32546 - BBCBBBBB.L 64523 - - - SCSS.C.L. 35426 - - CLCBBBB.SL. 23456 - LLLLLLLL.L
Contains 1480 Cambridge, 1400 Bristol, 1160 London No.3, 1040 Superlative No.2, with 65 changes of method, all the work.
Includes 42+110 LB4 and 7+31 LB5.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Mark A Boylan23456 M W H Methods 64352 - - L.CSSCC. (56342) - BBBBBBBBB. 36245 - BBBBBB.LS 24365 - - SL.CSSC. 53462 - - CBBBBC.CBBCCB. 43652 2 - CBCBBBB.BBBBBBBB.L. 56234 - - SCCC.S.L 42635 - - L.CL. 63425 - - LS.L. 52436 - - - L.C.L. 45236 - LCL. 24536 - CCBBBC. 43526 2 SCCSC.CLL.L 46325 2 - CCSS.CCLSSC.LS. 34625 - CBBBCC. 35426 2 - L.CBSSC.LLLLLLLL. 23456 - LS.SSSC
Contains 1680 Bristol, 1440 Cambridge, 1120 London No.3, 880 Superlative No.2, with 59 changes of method, all the work.
Includes 48+125 LB4 and 11+29 LB5.
5,000 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1387)23456 M W H Methods 64352 - - L.CSBBSC. 34562 2 - SL.CLSBBCB.L. 53462 - CSLSCS. (65432) - CBBSCC. 24536 - - CSLSB.SL. 52436 - LLB. 45236 - CSLSBSCL. 32654 - - SBCSLB.B.L 53624 - LS.L 46325 - - L.CL. 52364 - - - L.B.L. 43265 - - SBCSLB.SCLCSLSB. 24365 - LCSBBSB. 32465 - LCSLCBSB. (64523) - - L.S. 35426 - - CLCBBC.LB. 42356 - - CL.SLCBCB. 34256 - LCBCSLCS. 23456 - BBCCBS.
Contains 1,280 London No.3 and 1,240 each Bristol, Cambridge and Superlative No.2, with 109 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, and 96 little bell rollups.
5,160 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 46352 s ss - CBBCB.S.BL.SLCSLSC. 25364 - - - SSCS.C.SCLCCLB. ╮ 36254 - - SCLSSLSC.SBBCB. │ 26453 - L.B │A 24653 s BL. │ 65342 s - - L.B.CCBBS. ╯ 32546 s - L.CL. 24536 A 52436 - LCL. 23456 A
Contains 1440 Cambridge; 1360 Superlative No.2; 1240 Bristol; 1120 London No.3, with 103 changes of method, all the work.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott and Peter W J Sheppard (arr)23456 M W H Methods 65432 - - - CLSSLCS.S.SBBSB. 25436 s SCLCCLB.B 46532 s - L.CL. 23564 - - - BBCCB.S.SLCCLSS. 52364 - CBBSBC. 43265 - - CLCCLSC.LC. 24365 - SBSSC. 32465 - CSBBSCL. 2 part.
Contains 1600 Cambridge; 1440 Superlative No.2; 1120 Bristol; 960 London No.3, with 93 changes of method, all the work.
5,120 (5,040) Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods (23456) ss SL.BL. 65432 - - - CSLCB.S.L. 25436 s SCLSCLS.B 46532 s - L.CL. 23564 - - - BBCCB.C.SLCSLSC. 52364 - SBBSBB. 43265 - - CLCSLCB.LS. 24365 - SBCSC. 32465 ss - CSBBCB.BL.L. 2 part.
Contains 1360 Cambridge, 1280 Bristol, Superlative No.2, 1200 London No.3, with 109 changes of method, all the work. For 5040, call penultimate course LSL in one part.
5,000 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal (4 methods)
Mark A Boylan (No 10)23456 M W H Methods 64352 - - CSCC.CBBBBCC. 56342 - BBBBBBBBC.SCSC 24365 - - - CSCC.C.T. 53462 - - BBBBBBB.SCSSS. 43652 2 - CBBBBCC.CBBBBBB.T. 56234 - - T.S.T 42635 - - T.ST. 63425 - - TC.T. 52436 - - - T.C.T. 45236 - STT. 24536 - CBBBSC. 32546 - TC.T 43526 - TS.T 53624 - T.TTTTTTTT 46325 - - T.CT. 34625 - BBBBBBBB. 64523 - T.TTTTTTTT 35426 - - T.TC. 23456 - SCSSS.CSSC
Contains 1600 Bristol Surprise, 1520 Triton Delight, 1120 Cambridge Surprise, 760 Superlative No.2 Surprise, with 52 changes of method, all the work.
Includes 56+130 LB4 and 18+33 LB5.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Janet E Archibald234567890 Yorkshire 573920486 Elgin 352749608 Pudsey 795038264 Yorkshire 089674523 Elgin 907856342 Pudsey 860492735 Moray Firth 426385079 Moray Firth/Pudsey 352947680 Pudsey 975830264 Moray Firth 807694523 Elgin 789056342 Moray Firth 068472935 Yorkshire 426305897 Yorkshire/Elgin 789023456 9 part.
Contains 1260 Elgin, Moray Firth, Pudsey, Yorkshire, with 117 changes of method, all the work.
Contains 22 0987. 17 7890, 0987 off the front.
102+93 LB4 inc 14+36 LB5. Where two methods are shown divided by a / there is a change of method at the half-lead.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Janet E Archibald234567890 London No.3 426385079 Pudsey 352749608 Bristol 573920486 Bristol 795038264 Bristol 907856342 Pudsey/London No.3 452367890 Fermanagh 628405937 Fermanagh 089672345 Fermanagh 793058462 London No.3 375940286 London No.3 534729608 Fermanagh/Bristol 534028967 Pudsey 083657492 Pudsey 678902345 9 part.
Contains 1260 Bristol, Fermanagh, London No.3, Pudsey, with 90 changes of method, all the work.
Contains 63+99 LB4 inc 14+34 LB5. Backrounds. Where two methods are shown divided by a / there is a change of method at the half-lead.
5,000 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
John R Leary23456789 M 6 I B F V 7 W H Methods 43526 - - - - L.FDD.FFF.DLL. 53246 2 - BD.F.FD. 34256 2 BD.D.D 53462 - - 2 FDDF.DL.LLL.F. 24365 - - L.DB. (32549687) - - BBBB.F. 35967482 - - 2 - - DF.D.DFL.F.DD.L.D (64523) 2 - - LL.F.DD.F. 42356 2 - - BBB.F.LL.FL.FDF (53624) - - L.B. (46859372) - BB. 65324 - - - D.D.BBBB. 65243 - - - FDL.LL.BBBBB. 26543 - BL. (35269487) - - - L.DFL.F. (25937486) - - - - DD.F.LLL.FD. 46532 2 - - 2 BBBB.D.L.D.FDFD.F.D 42635 2 - L.F.FB. 23456 - - DFL.LL.FFL
Contains 1360 Clyde(D), 1280 Lockington(F), 1240 London No.3, 1120 Bristol, with 78 changes of method, all the work.
5,005 Spliced Caters and Royal (4 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott123456789 M W H Clyde Surprise 126354 2 1 152364 1 143265 1 1 1 6 8 15 16 Stedman 421365978 - - s - 2341 - s - 3214 s s - 2431 - s - 4123 - s - (541236789) (a) M W H London No3 134265 s s 162543 s - s 153246 s - 163245 - 6 8 15 16 Stedman 134265978 (b) 3124 s s - 1432 - s - 423561879 (c) 451263897 (d) (541263879) (e) M H Bristol 124365879 - 123465 s 142365 - 134265879 - 3 rows of Stedman a = 2,s6,7,9,12,13,15 b = 2,4,8,s10,s12,16 (16 sixes) c = 1,5,6,7,15,18 d = 1,s5,s8,s12 e = 1,s2,s6,s9,s12
Contains 1320 Clyde Surprise Royal, 1283 Stedman Caters, 1280 Bristol Surprise Royal, 1122 London No.3 Surprise Royal, with 6 changes of method. London ends at treble-snap after Middle. Stedman starts are with a full slow six and end at the 4th row of a Quick Six. Queens occurs at the 10th six of course d.
5,040 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal (4 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 351)23456 M W H Methods (52436) - MTAAT. 42635 - UM.AUA 56234 - - UUA.TU. 43265 - - [-] T.MTMA.T. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 1,440 each Anglia Surprise and Triton Delight, 1,200 Undine Surprise, and 960 Meall Nan Eun Surprise, with 113 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, and 66 7890s off the front.
London No.3 Surprise may be rung for Triton Delight throughout, reducing the number of 7890s off the front to 60.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4 methods)
Robert D S Brown23456 M W H Methods 42356 - aaaaaaaaa. 63254 - - d.dddddddd. 56234 - cccccccc.c 23564 - - bbbbbbbb.b. 53462 - a.aaaaaaaa 24365 - - b.bbbbbbbb. 32465 - ccccccccc. 43265 - ddddddddd. 52364 - - a.aaaaaaaa. 65324 - bbbbbbbb.b 32654 - - dddddddd.d. 62453 - a.aaaaaaaa 34256 - - c.cccccccc. 23456 - ccccccccc.
Contains 1440 London No.1(a), London No.3(c), 1080 London No.2(b), London No.4(d), with 12 changes of method, all the work.
5,200 (5,080) Spliced Surprise Royal (4–5 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3564)23456 M W H 45236 - - BBBBBBBBB.L. 24536 - LSL. 52436 - (LLLLLLLL)L. 43526 - - SL.L. 53624 - L.SSSSS 26435 - - SSSS.Y.CYCC 43265 - - CL.YCCC. 24365 3 - YYYY.CBCCC.CCSBB.YYYYY. Repeat.
Contains 1,280 London No.3, 1,040 Cambridge and 960 each Bristol, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 41 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
Reduce to 5,080 by in one part replacing the parenthesized leads by CSSYY; contains 1,080 Cambridge, 1,040 each Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire and 960 each Bristol and London No.3, with 45 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
For four methods ring as the five method 5,200, replacing all leads of Superlative by Yorkshire. Contains 1,920 Yorkshire, 1,280 London No.3, 1,040 Cambridge and 960 Bristol, with 39 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell. Do not make this same substitution in the reduction to 5,080, however, as it is false.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (5 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3563)23456 M W H (52436) - YL. 42635 - YBSC.B 56234 - - CYLCBS.LB. 43265 - - [-] L.C.YSCS. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 1,200 Cambridge and 960 each Bristol, London No.3, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, and 9 each 098765s off the front and 098756s off the front.
5,120 (5,080) Spliced Surprise Royal (5 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 65432 - - - CLSSLCY.S.YBBYB. 25436 s SCLYCLB.B 46532 s - L.YL. 23564 - - - BBCCB.Y.SLYYLSS. 52364 - CBBSBC. 43265 - - YLCCLSC.LY. 24365 - SBYYC. 32465 - CS[BB]SCL. 2 part.
1120 Bristol, Cambridge; 960 London No.3, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire. 103 com, 50 cru's, all the work.
For 5080, call Y for [BB] in one part.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Royal (5 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott (no 8)23456 M W H Methods 65432 - - - CLSSLCY.S.YBBYB. 25436 s SCLYCLB.B 46532 s - L.YL. 23564 - - - BBCCB.Y.SLYYLSS. 52364 - CBBSBC. 43265 - - YLCCLSC.LY. 24365 - SBYYC. 32465 - CSBBSCL. 2 part.
Contains 1120 Bristol, Cambridge; 960 London No.3, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, with 103 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (5 methods)
Michael Maughan23456 M W H Methods 54632 - - R.N.SSSS 23645 - - - SSSS.Y.CCCC. 62345 3 - RS.RRC.NCSNRC.R. 36245 - RRRRRRRRR. 24365 - - CCCCC.SYYS. 32465 - NNNNNNNNN. 43265 - YYYYYYYYY. 2 part.
Contains 1200 Rutland, 960 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, with 43 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3–5 methods)
Robert D S Brown3 methods 234567890 1 2 3 6 9 10 Methods 456789023 S S - Y.R.C.YYYR 678902345 S S - Y.R.C.YYYR 089234567 S S - - Y.R.C.YYYYYYY. 908234567 - RRRRRRRRR. 890234567 - CCCCCCCCC. 302456789 S S - - Y.R.C.YYYYYYY. 230456789 - CCCCCCCCC. 023456789 - RCYYYY. 345678902 S S - Y.R.C.YYYR 567890234 S S - Y.R.C.YYYR 789023456 S S - Y.R.C.YYYR 290345678 S S - - Y.R.C.YYYYYYY. 029345678 - YYYCYYYYY. 902345678 - RCR. 42356 S S - - Y.R.C.YYYYYYY. 34256 - RCR. 23456 - RCR. 4 methods 234567890 1 2 3 6 9 10 Methods 456789023 S S - S.R.C.YYSR 678902345 S S - S.R.C.YYSR 089234567 S S - - S.R.C.YYSYYYY. 908234567 - RRRRRRRRR. 890234567 - CCCCCCCCC. 302456789 S S - - S.R.C.YYSYYYY. 230456789 - CCCCCCCCC. 023456789 - RCYYYY. 345678902 S S - S.R.C.YYSR 567890234 S S - S.R.C.YYSR 789023456 S S - S.R.C.YYSR 290345678 S S - - S.R.C.YYSYYYY. 029345678 - YYYCYYYYY. 902345678 - RCR. 42356 S S - - S.R.C.YYSYYYY. 34256 - RCR. 23456 - RCR. 5 methods 234567890 1 2 3 6 9 10 Methods 456789023 S S - S.R.C.UYSR 678902345 S S - S.R.C.UYSR 089234567 S S - - S.R.C.UYSYYYY. 908234567 - RRRRRRRRR. 890234567 - CCCCCCCCC. 302456789 S S - - S.R.C.UYSYYYY. 230456789 - CCCCCCCCC. 023456789 - RCYYYY. 345678902 S S - S.R.C.UYSR 567890234 S S - S.R.C.UYSR 789023456 S S - S.R.C.UYSR 290345678 S S - - S.R.C.UYSYYYY. 029345678 - RCR. 902345678 - UUUUYUUUU. 42356 S S - - S.R.C.UYSYYYY. 34256 - RCR. 23456 - RCR.
3 methods: Contains 2560 Yorkshire, 1280 Cambridge, 1200 Rutland, with 55 changes of method, all the work.
4 methods: Contains 1840 Yorkshire, 1280 Cambridge, 1200 Rutland, 720 Superlative No.2, with 69 changes of method, all the work.
5 methods: Contains 1240 Cambridge, 1200 Rutland, Yorkshire, 720 Superlative No.2, 680 Ludgate(U), with 79 changes of method, all the work.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Royal (5 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3564b)23456 M W H 45236 - - BBBBBBBBB.L. 24536 - LYL. 52436 - LLLLLLLLL. 43526 - - YL.L. 53624 - L.NNNNN 26435 - - NNNN.C.CYCC 43265 - - CL.YCCC. 24365 3 - YYYY.CLL.CCLCCC.YYYYY. Repeat.
Contains 1,520
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (5 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6914)23456 W M H (42635) - - NL.CBYC. 63425 - - B.YCYN. 26435 - NL.L 43265 - [-] NL.YBBCN. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts
Contains 1,200 Lincolnshire (N) and 960 each Bristol, Cambridge, London No.3 and Yorkshire, with 102 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 098765s off the front and 098756s off the front, 30 7890s off the front, 72 0987s off the front, 57 little bell rollups at the back, 30 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (5 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 65432 - - - NLYCLCY.B.NNYB. 25436 s YNLNCLB.B 46532 s - L.YL. 23564 - - - BBCCN.C.NLYYLNY. 52364 - CBBYBN. 43265 - - YLCNLNC.LY. 24365 - CBYCC. 32465 - NCBBYNL. 2 part.
Contains 1040 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Yorkshire, 960 Bristol, London No.3, with 109 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3–5 methods)
3 methods: Contains 1680 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire, with 27 changes of method, all the work.
4 methods: Contains 1440 Cambridge, Rutland, Yorkshire, 720 Lincolnshire(N), with 11 changes of method, all the work.
5 methods: Contains 1440 Cambridge, Yorkshire, 720 Albanian, Lincolnshire(N), Rutland, with 11 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (6 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 65432 - - - CLCSLYY.S.YNYB. 25436 s SCLNCLB.B 46532 s - L.CL. 23564 - - - BBSCN.Y.SLYYLSS. 52364 - CBBSBN. 43265 - - YLNCLNC.LY. 24365 - SBYNC. 32465 - NNBBSNL. 2 part.
Contains 960 London No.3, 880 Bristol, 800 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, with 198 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (6 methods)
Michael Maughan23456 M W H Methods 54632 - - PYSP.C.SSSS 23645 - - - SSSS.S.CCCC. 62345 - PNPSPSPYP. 36245 - RRRRRRRRR. 24365 - - CCCCC.PSNP. 32465 - NNNNNNNNN. 43265 - YYYYYYYYY. 62534 - - PYSP.C.SPPS 43526 - - - SPSP.S.CCCC. 54326 - PNPSPSPYP. 35426 - RRRRRRRRR. 42356 - - CCCCC.PSNP. 34256 - NNNNNNNNN. 23456 - YYYYYYYYY.
Contains 880 Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, 800 Cambridge, 720 Rutland, with 54 combination rollups, 53 changes of method, all the work.
5,200 (5,080) Spliced Surprise Royal (2–6 methods)
2 methods: 3,040 Yorkshire; and 2,040 Rutland; with 34 changes of method and 61 combination rollups. 3 methods: 2,040 Rutland; and 1,520 each Cambridge and Yorkshire; with 59 changes of method and 61 combination rollups. 4 methods: 2,040 Rutland; 1,040 Lincolnshire (N); and 1,000 each Cambridge and Yorkshire; with 61 changes of method and 61 combination rollups. 5 methods: 1,200 Rutland; 1,080 London No.3; 960 Lincolnshire (N); and 920 each Cambridge and Yorkshire; with 74 changes of method and 48 combination rollups. 6 methods: 1,200 Rutland; 920 London No 3; 800 Yorkshire; and 760 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N) and Pudsey; with 89 changes of method and 44 combination rollups. All the arrangements contain all the work of each method for every bell.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (6 methods)
Anthony P Smith1234567890 Longmead 1648203957 Anglia 1573920486 Longmead - 1423567890 Longmead 1638402957 Anglia 1572940386 Longmead - 1342567890 Longmead - 1862304957 Rutland s 2180967534 Belfast Little - 2018967534 Cambridge 2971304856 Bristol 2739415068 Anglia 2685041397 Longmead - 2345678901 10 part. s=5670
Contains 2400 Longmead, 1200 Anglia, 400 Bristol, Cambridge, Rutland, 240 Belfast Little, with 100 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (7 methods)
Janet E Archibald234567890 Rutland 426385079 Austerlitz 643527890 Bristol 456739208 Cambridge 795048623 Cambridge 089273564 Bristol 820396745 Austerlitz 083624957 Rutland 302896745 Upwood 239078564 London No.3 927350486 Anglia 860435279 Anglia 795243608 London No.3 574962830 Upwood 456789023 9 part.
Contains 720 Anglia, Austerlitz, Bristol, Cambridge, London No.3, Rutland, Upwood, with 107 changes of method, all the work.
Contains 22 0987. 90+126 LB4 inc 32+36 LB5.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (7 methods)
Janet E Archibald234567890 Rutland 426385079 Austerlitz 643527890 Bristol 456739208 Dereham 795048623 Dereham 089273564 Bristol 820396745 Austerlitz 083624957 London No.3 302896745 Upwood 239078564 London No.3 927350486 Woolfox 860435279 Woolfox 795243608 Rutland 574962830 Upwood 456789023 9 part.
Contains 720 Austerlitz, Bristol, Dereham, London No.3, Rutland, Upwood, Woolfox, with 107 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (7 methods)
Janet E Archibald234567890 Flodden 362485079 Goldfinger 456739208 Dereham 795048623 Dereham 089273564 Goldfinger 238604957 Flodden 302896745 Upwood 239078564 Craven Cottage 648507392 Craven Arms 927350486 Woolfox 860435279 Woolfox 795243608 Craven Arms 083624957 Craven Cottage 574962830 Upwood 456789023 9 part.
Contains 720 Craven Arms, Craven Cottage, Dereham, Flodden, Goldfinger, Upwood, Woolfox, with 107 changes of method, all the work.
5,160 Spliced Surprise Royal (8 methods)
Mark A Boylan23456 M W H Methods 24365 s CCCCCCCCC. 62345 - PPPPP.SSSS 32465 2 - SSSPS.BBBBBBBB.PPPP. 43265 - RYR. 42356 s CPSYYNNNP. 35426 - - NNNNN.CYNY. 64523 - - SYCN.NL. 26543 - BBBBBBBBB.R 42563 - RC.YYYY 35264 - - YNYC.LRLRLRLL. 32546 s LLLLLLRLL. 53246 - RYL. 25346 - RLLLLLLRR. 34256 - - YSSSS.NNNN. 23456 - RRRRRRRRR. s=123456.
Contains 840 London No.3, Rutland, 680 Bristol, 640 Lincolnshire(N), 560 Cambridge, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, 480 Pudsey, with 51 changes of method, all the work.
Contains 57 combination rollups inc 18 56s. 45+71 LB4 inc 10+20 LB5.
5,160 Spliced Surprise Royal (8 methods)
Mark A Boylan (No 13)23456 M W H Methods 45236 - - SPYNS.PSPS. 24536 - PNBBBB. 32546 - BBCPPS.L 52643 - SYSP.LY 46325 - - SNCS.B.L 24365 - LLLLLLLL.L 25463 2 - YYNY.PNPRYP.CL. 36452 - - - R.N.R. 43652 - NYCYYL. 64352 - BBBBNBB. 56342 - RRRRRRRR.YCNN 45362 - NSYNN.SNSC 35264 - R.B 42563 - - CCNY.CCPCP. 64523 - PPSSP.L 35426 - - NPSC.CBBBCBB. 23456 - CYYNS.SYYC
Contains 760 Bristol, 680 Lincolnshire(N), Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, 640 Cambridge, Pudsey, 600 London No.3, 480 Rutland, with 85 changes of method, all the work.
Includes 53+102 LB4. Backrounds.
5,080 Spliced Surprise Royal (8 methods)
Roderick R Horton23456 M W H Methods 42356 - SCNPCNYCN. 35426 - - NYCNY.R. 64523 - - L.CL. 26543 - BBBBBBBBB.R 35642 - - R.NL. 63542 - PPPPPPPPP. 46532 - LB.SSSS 26534 s SSSS.PPNCP 35462 s - s NCYB.S.L. 34562 s YYYYYYSYY. 54263 - R.SL 32465 - - CPCB.NR. 52463 s R.LLLLLLLL 43265 s - L.RRRLRRRR. 64235 - LB.L 53246 - - - R.N.L. 25346 - RRRRRRRLR. 34256 - - LC.CNYC. 23456 - SNYCNSCNB.
880 Rutland, 840 London No.3, 560 Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire. 73 com, all the work.
5,082 Spliced Surprise Royal (8 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 54326 s s SWBYPN.SCPY. 53426 s LCNSCN. 63425 s PCYW.LY 42365 s - CL.YLNSLYB. 32564 - WBSPW.W 53264 - BWBCNB. 62345 s s s SPLCYLN.P.WBWBPC. 35246 - s SLPNLCY.NCNSW. 24356 - - NSLPCLSB.PYWBP. 53246 - s YPCPB.NSLYPLW. 42536 - s WBYSNC.L. 45236 s CNWBCSL. 32456 - s PPLYSLPN.SWBNS. (32456) YCNWBY(Y)
Contains 680 London No.3, Pudsey, 640 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Superlative No.2, 602 Yorkshire, 600 Bristol, Wootton Rivers, with 123 changes of method, all the work.
5,080 Spliced Surprise Royal (8 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 45362 s s - SCLYNLP.B.WBWBYC. 25364 s YLCSLNS.W 23564 s BWBCCP. 56324 s - CSWBNP.NYLSCLP. 42365 - - - PYNW.P.SLCPLPW. 64325 - CWBCNC.L 23645 - s NL.CPLYSLB. 43625 s WBSYCN.PYSN 62435 - - LN.NWBYS. 35246 - s s CLNPLSW.S.PNSP. 32546 s BNCWBY. 54236 s - YPSYP.YLCNLNS. 23456 s - YNPWBY.WBSYC.
Contains 680 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, 640 Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, 560 Bristol, Wootton Rivers, with 122 changes of method, all the work.
5,000 Spliced Surprise Royal (6–8 methods)
6 methods: 920 Yorkshire; 880 Cambridge, Superlative No 2; 840 Bristol, Kegworth; 640 London No 3; with 111 changes of method and 56 combination rollups. 7 methods: 840 Kegworth; 800 Bristol; 680 Cambridge, Hillingdon, Superlative No 2, Yorkshire; 640 London No 3; with 111 changes of method and 55 combination rollups. 8 methods: 840 Kegworth; 760 Bristol; 640 London No.3; 600 Hillingdon, Kingussie  N); 520 Cambridge, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire; with 113 changes of method and 53 combination rollups. All the peals contain all the work of each method for every bell.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (8 methods)
Robert D S Brown23456 M W H Methods 53426 s CCCCC.SSSS 42356 s - SSSSS.CCCC. 53264 s s s NNNN.W.WWWW. 52364 s RRRRRRRRR. 34265 s - WWWW.NNNNN. 54263 s YYYY.PPPPP 64235 s s PPPP.Y.L 23465 s - LLLLLLLL.YYYY. 63425 s CCCCC.SSSS 42365 s - SSSSS.CCCC. 63254 s s s NNNN.W.WWWW. 62354 s RRRRRRRRR. 34256 s - WWWW.NNNNN. 23456 - YYYYYYYYY.
Contains 720 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Swindon(W), Yorkshire, 360 London No.3, Pudsey, with 21 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (8–9 methods)
Daniel Brady234567890 Oakham 426385079 Superlative No.2 - 235749608 Rutland 524367890 Bristol - 237950486 London No.3 725349608 Cambridge A - 239078564 Yorkshire 083624957 Rutland s 320896745 Bristol 283604957 Rutland s 302896745 Pudsey 860435279 Lincolnshire 456789023 Oakham 648507392 Superlative No.2 - 457962830 Rutland 746589023 Bristol - 459273608 London No.3 947562830 Cambridge - 452390786 Yorkshire 305846279 Rutland B s 543028967 Bristol 405836279 Rutland s 534028967 Pudsey 083657492 Lincolnshire - 867902345 Bristol 698274053 Rutland - 786902345 Bristol 897264053 Rutland - 678902345 Oakham 860739524 Superlative No.2 - 679284053 Rutland 968702345 Bristol - 672495830 London No.3 269784053 Cambridge - 674523908 Yorkshire C 537068492 Rutland 756340289 Pudsey 305879624 Lincolnshire - 089234567 Bristol 820496375 Rutland - 908234567 Bristol 029486375 Rutland - 890234567 Oakham 234567890 CAABCB
9 methods: Contains 1440 Rutland, 1080 Bristol, 360 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Oakham, Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, all the work. For 8 methods, Rutland may be rung for all Oakham
5,000 Spliced Surprise Royal (9 methods)
Richard A Pearce23456 M W H Methods (53462) s s L.P. 63425 s s NPLCN.B.L 42365 ss s - YCA.LARSBPC.ANPRA.L. 62354 s s PNYB.C.PYNY 52364 s SANP.R 34265 s - ARSBS.YNAS. 23465 - BARNBC. 53462 s ALCNLP.RY 63452 s NL.BPBA 42356 s - L.SYLYSLCP. 52346 s SR.ASP 62345 s YPA.SYRSCLYN 34256 s s - R.N.SBSYRB. 64253 s ACY.B 23456 s ss - CBPSLB.RAL.CRNPRCBC.NYA.
Contains 600 Anglia; 560 Bristol, Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Pudsey,Superlative No.2, Yorkshire; 520 Cambridge, Rutland, with 124 changes of method, all the work.
5,082 Spliced Surprise Royal (9 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott23456 M W H Methods 54326 s s SWBYTC.SCPT. 53426 s LSTSCN. 63425 s PTSW.LY 42365 s - CL.YLNTLYB. 32564 - WBYPW.W 53264 - BWBCNB. 62345 s s s TPSY.P.WBWBPC. 35246 - s YLPYLTN.NCNSY. 24356 - - CSLPCLSB.PYWBP. 53246 - s YTCPB.NTLYPLW. 42536 - s WBSSNT.L. 62534 s CNWBC.LN 45236 s s CTNT.SL. 32456 - s PPYTN.SWBTS. (32456) NCNWBY(Y) New Method: -78.36.14-50-36.70-34.18-56-1250-56.34.10 lh 12b.
Contains 600 Bristol, 562 Yorkshire, 560 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, New Method (T), Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Wootton Rivers, with 121 changes of method, all the work.
5,080 Spliced Surprise Royal (10 methods)
Richard A Pearce23456 M W H Methods (53462) s s G.N. 63425 s s YNLYC.B.L 42365 ss s - CNA.GALSBCS.AYSLA.G. 52364 s NPRAGB.PR 62345 s s PSGSBP.S.YLPCGYN 34265 s - GP.L. 23465 - BARPSLC. 53462 s ALPNRY.LN 63452 s YG.BCBA 42356 s - R.YCLYNLCY. 52346 s CG.AGARP (42356) s SR. 62354 s SBPY.CPGARPS 34256 s - L.GN. 64253 s AYN.B 23456 s ss - CBNSRB.RAG.PRNSRCBC.NCA.
Contains 560 Anglia, Cambridge; 520 Kegworth (G), Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey; 480 Bristol, London No.3, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, with 126 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (10 methods)
Ashley C Fortey23456 M W H Methods 64352 - - NNNN.YYYSY. 35642 - - SSSSS.CCCC. 63542 - YYYYNNNNN. 56342 - CCCCCSSYS. 23645 - - O.OOOOOLOO. 64235 - - GGGPG.GGGG. 26435 - WWWWWWWWW. 42635 - LYO. 56234 - - EEEE.EYYEE. 23564 - - LC.L. 52364 - LLLLLLOLL. 35264 - LYO. 42563 - - PPPP.PL. 64523 - YPPPP.PPPP 35426 - - NNYE.WEEWW. 42356 - - OY.O. 34256 - OCO. 23456 - OGGGWG.
Contains 640 Oakham, Yorkshire, 560 London No.3, Pudsey, 520 Woodspring, 480 Argyll(G), 440 Cambridge, Swindon(N), 400 Ewyas Harold, 360 Superlative No.2, with 49 changes of method.
43 combination rollups inc 19 56s. 21 7890 off the front.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (10–11 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1760b)Arrangement A Arrangement B 234567890 Bristol Bristol 352749608 Superlative No.2 Superlative No.2 795038264 Cambridge Dereham - 908674523 King's Norton King's Norton - 906482735 Lincolnshire Lincolnshire 420395678 King's Norton King's Norton 234507986 Bristol Bristol 352748069 Yorkshire Yorkshire 785639204 Pudsey Pudsey 698074523 Wootton Rivers Wootton Rivers - 904263857 London No.3 London No.3 496082735 Anglia Anglia 352708964 London No.3 London No.3 230597486 Rutland Rutland - 902345678 Repeat eight times.
Arrangement A contains 720 each Bristol, King's Norton and London No.3 and 360 each Anglia, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Wootton Rivers and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, with 193 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back and 124 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front.
Arrangement B contains 720 each Bristol, King's Norton and London No.3 and 360 each Anglia, Dereham, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Wootton Rivers and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, with 193 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back and 136 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front.
Either arrangement may be reduced to 10 methods by ringing Superlative No.2 for Yorkshire throughout.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (11 methods)
Richard A Pearce23456 M W H Methods 53462 s s R.LDGLLGL.YSRYSRP 63452 s SR.L (53426) s s G.Y. 42365 s s - NYGSB.S.G. 52364 s AA.DC 62345 s s PDCNDCN.AALA.D 34265 s - CNDCNDCN.R. 23465 - BPBPBC. 63425 s LRGLDGLG.R 53426 s YSRYSRY.GY 42356 s - NG.SRYSRYS. 62354 s D.ALALA 34256 s ss - L.C.ANASAB.NDCNDCN. 64253 s R.B 23456 s ss - PBPBP.Y.BPBPBP.NGALCP.
Contains 520 London No.3; 480 Anglia, Lincolnshire (N), Rutland; 440 Bristol, Cambridge, Kegworth (G), Nideggen (D), Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, with 122 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (12 methods)
Richard A Pearce23456 M W H Methods 53462 s s R.LEGL.YSRYSRY 63452 s SR.EGLE 53426 s s G.Y.L 42365 s s - EGLE.S.G. 52364 s AA.DC 62345 s s NDCNDCN.AAGA.D 34265 s - CNDCNDCN.R. 23465 - BPBPBP. 63425 s LEGLEGLE.R 42356 s s - YSRYSRY.GLEG.SRYSRYS. 62354 s D.AYA 34256 s ss - PAN.C.ASACAB.NDCNDCN. 64253 s EDYC.B 23456 s ss - PBPBP.RAG.BPBPBP.L.
Contains 480 Anglia; 440 Cambridge, Kegworth (G), Rutland, Yorkshire; 400 Bristol, Eardleigh, Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Nideggen (D), Pudsey, Superlative No.2, with 123 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (6–12 methods)
Ashley C Fortey23456 M W H 6m 7m 8m 9m 10m 11m 12m 65432 - - - NCYY.P.O. NCYY.B.O. NCYY.B.O. NCYE.B.O. NCYE.B.O. NCYE.B.O. NCYE.B.O. 46532 - NCYNPL. NCYNPL. NCYWPL. NCYWPL. NPYWPL. NPYWTL. NPYWTL. 34562 - LN.O LB.O LB.O LB.O LB.O LB.O LB.O 54263 - L.CO L.CO L.CO L.CO L.CO L.CO L.GO 32465 - (-) L.YO(.) L.YO(.) L.YO(.) L.YO(.) L.SO(.) L.SO(.) L.SO(.) 6 part, calling (-) in alternate parts.
6 methods: Contains 960 London No.3, Oakham, Swindon(N), Yorkshire, 720 Cambridge, 480 Pudsey, with 107 changes of method. 54 cru inc 18 56s, 65s. Back rounds.
7 methods: Contains 960 London No.3, Oakham, Yorkshire, 720 Cambridge, Swindon(N), 480 Bristol, Pudsey, with 113 changes of method. 54 cru inc 18 56s, 65s. Back rounds.
8 methods: Contains 960 London No.3, Oakham, Yorkshire, 720 Cambridge, 480 Swindon(N), 240 Pudsey, Woodspring, Woodspring, with 113 changes of method. 54 cru inc 18 56s, 65s. Back rounds.
9 methods: Contains 960 London No.3, Oakham, 720 Cambridge, Yorkshire, 480 Bristol, Swindon(N), 240 Ewyas Harold, Pudsey, Woodspring, with 119 changes of method. 30 7890 off the front. Back rounds.
10 methods: Contains 960 London No.3, Oakham, 480 Bristol(T), Cambridge, Pudsey, Swindon(N), Yorkshire, 240 Ewyas Harold, Superlative No.2, Woodspring, with 119 changes of method. 30 7890 off the front. Back rounds.
11 methods: Contains 960 London No.3, Oakham, 480 Bristol, Cambridge, Swindon(N), Yorkshire, 240 Ewyas Harold, Prittlewell(T), Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Woodspring, with 119 changes of method. 30 7890 off the front. Back rounds.
12 methods: Contains 960 London No.3, Oakham, 480 Bristol, Swindon(N), Yorkshire, 240 Argyll(G), Cambridge, Ewyas Harold, Prittlewell(T), Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Woodspring, with 119 changes of method. 30 7890 off the front. Back rounds.
5,000 Spliced Royal (13 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8188)1234567890 Teazle 2463850719 Bristol Surprise 2684031597 Yorkshire Surprise 2018967453 Alphin Brook Surprise 2190785634 Lincolnshire Surprise 2759314068 London No.3 Surprise 2971503846 Cambridge Surprise 2537496180 Pudsey Surprise - 2346850719 Rutland Surprise - 2563478901 Anglia Surprise 2018947635 Meall nan Eun Surprise 2357694180 Superlative No.2 Surprise - 2564830719 Quakers Friars Surprise - 2345678901 Repeat nine times.
Contains 400 each Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Lincolnshire Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, Meall nan Eun Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Quakers Friars Surprise, Rutland Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 200 Teazle, with 129 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble, and 525 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back or at the front: 30 each 7890s, etc.; 15 0987s, etc.; 17 7890s, etc., off the front; and 13 0987s, etc., off the front.
If preferred Kenninghall Surprise may be rung instead of Quakers Friars.
5,000 Spliced Royal (13 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8188a)1234567890 Teazle 2463850719 Yorkshire Surprise 2806149375 Pudsey Surprise 2190785634 Alphin Brook Surprise 2971503846 Cambridge Surprise 2537496180 Rutland Surprise 2759314068 Anglia Surprise 2684031597 Lincolnshire Surprise 2018967453 Meall nan Eun Surprise - 2534678901 Bristol Surprise 2365840719 London No.3 Surprise - 2453678901 Quakers Friars Surprise 2739415068 Superlative No.2 Surprise - 2345678901 Repeat nine times.
Contains 400 each Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Lincolnshire Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, Meall nan Eun Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Quakers Friars Surprise, Rutland Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 200 Teazle, with 129 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble, and 476 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back or at the front: 25 each 7890s, etc.; 17 0987s, etc.; 15 7890s, etc., off the front; and 11 0987s, etc., off the front.
If preferred Kenninghall Surprise may be rung instead of Quakers Friars.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (13 methods)
Richard A Pearce23456 M W H Methods 53462 s s R.LEGL.YSRYSRY 63452 s SR.EGLE 53426 s s G.Y.L 42365 s s - EGLE.S.G. 62345 s AKKA.D (42365) s CNDCNDCN. 52364 s KKAK.DC 34265 s - NDCNDCN.K. 23465 - BPBPBP. 63425 s LEGLEGLE.R 42356 s s - YSRYSRY.GLEG.SRYSRYS. 62354 s D.AYA 52346 s s PAN.C.AKKAKKAK 34256 s - K.NDCNDCN. 64253 s R.B 23456 s ss - PBPBP.C.BPBPBP.L.
Contain 480 Kinross; 400 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Pudsey, Rutland, Yorkshire; 360 Anglia, Bristol, Eardleigh, Kegworth (G), Nideggen (D), Superlative No.2, with 120 changes of method, all the work.
5,000 Spliced Royal (13 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8188b)1234567890 Teazle 2463850719 Cambridge Surprise 2806149375 Anglia Surprise 2759314068 Rutland Surprise 2971503846 Quakers Friars Surprise 2018967453 Meall nan Eun Surprise s 2354768901 Yorkshire Surprise 2785031496 London No.3 Surprise 2573840619 Pudsey Surprise 2807159364 Bristol Surprise 2018976543 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2961403857 Lincolnshire Surprise 2436597180 Alphin Brook Surprise s 2345678901 Repeat nine times. s = 123456.
Contains 400 each Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Lincolnshire Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, Meall nan Eun Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Quakers Friars Surprise, Rutland Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 200 Teazle, with 129 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble, and 623 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back or at the front: 25 each 7890s, etc.; 27 0987s, etc.; 13 7890s, etc., off the front; and 24 0987s, etc., off the front.
If preferred Kenninghall Surprise may be rung instead of Quakers Friars.
5,000 Spliced Royal (3–13 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8187)3 methods 4 methods 5 methods 1234567890 Unnamed Little Hybrid 1234567890 Unnamed Little Hybrid 1234567890 Unnamed Little Hybrid 2534678901 Cambridge Surprise 2534678901 Cambridge Surprise 2534678901 Cambridge Surprise 2683051497 Bristol Surprise 2683051497 Cambridge Surprise 2683051497 Cambridge Surprise 2806139574 Bristol Surprise 2018967345 London No.3 Surprise 2018967345 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2018967345 Bristol Surprise 2806139574 Cambridge Surprise 2971405836 London No.3 Surprise 2190784653 Cambridge Surprise 2190784653 Cambridge Surprise 2190784653 Cambridge Surprise 2749513068 Bristol Surprise 2749513068 Bristol Surprise 2749513068 Bristol Surprise - 2453678901 Bristol Surprise - 2453678901 Cambridge Surprise - 2453678901 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2564830719 Cambridge Surprise 2685041397 Cambridge Surprise 2685041397 Cambridge Surprise 2806159473 Bristol Surprise 2018967534 London No.3 Surprise 2018967534 London No.3 Surprise 2018967534 Bristol Surprise 2806159473 Cambridge Surprise 2806159473 Cambridge Surprise 2190783645 Cambridge Surprise 2190783645 Cambridge Surprise 2190783645 Cambridge Surprise 2739415068 Cambridge Surprise 2739415068 Bristol Surprise 2739415068 Bristol Surprise - 2345678901 - 2345678901 - 2345678901 Repeat nine times. Repeat nine times. Repeat nine times. 6 methods 7 methods 8 methods 1234567890 Unnamed Little Hybrid 1234567890 Unnamed Little Hybrid 1234567890 Unnamed Little Hybrid 2534678901 Rutland Surprise 2534678901 Pudsey Surprise 2534678901 Anglia Surprise 2457396180 Rutland Surprise 2683051497 London No.3 Surprise 2018967345 Bristol Surprise 2749513068 Bristol Surprise 2365840719 Pudsey Surprise 2190784653 Cambridge Surprise - 2453678901 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2806139574 Pudsey Surprise 2749513068 Pudsey Surprise 2685041397 London No.3 Surprise 2190784653 Cambridge Surprise - 2453678901 London No.3 Surprise 2564830719 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2749513068 Bristol Surprise 2347596180 Rutland Surprise 2806159473 Cambridge Surprise - 2453678901 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2739415068 Anglia Surprise 2190783645 London No.3 Surprise 2685041397 Rutland Surprise 2685041397 London No.3 Surprise 2018967534 Cambridge Surprise 2564830719 Cambridge Surprise 2564830719 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2971304856 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2806159473 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2806159473 Bristol Surprise 2347596180 Rutland Surprise 2190783645 Cambridge Surprise 2018967534 Bristol Surprise 2739415068 Bristol Surprise 2739415068 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2190783645 Anglia Surprise - 2345678901 - 2345678901 - 2345678901 Repeat nine times. Repeat nine times. Repeat nine times. 9 methods 10 methods 11 methods 12 methods 1234567890 Unnamed Little Hybrid Unnamed Little Hybrid Unnamed Little Hybrid Unnamed Little Hybrid 2534678901 Pudsey Surprise Pudsey Surprise Pudsey Surprise Pudsey Surprise 2683051497 Cambridge Surprise Cambridge Surprise Cambridge Surprise Cambridge Surprise 2018967345 Alphin Brook Surprise Alphin Brook Surprise Alphin Brook Surprise Alphin Brook Surprise 2190784653 Bristol Surprise Bristol Surprise Bristol Surprise Bristol Surprise 2971405836 Cambridge Surprise Cambridge Surprise Cambridge Surprise Bad Homburg Surprise 2457396180 Superlative No.2 Surprise Superlative No.2 Surprise Superlative No.2 Surprise Superlative No.2 Surprise 2365840719 London No.3 Surprise London No.3 Surprise Tyndall's Park Surprise Tyndall's Park Surprise - 2453678901 London No.3 Surprise Zummerzet Surprise Zummerzet Surprise Zummerzet Surprise 2347596180 Rutland Surprise Rutland Surprise Rutland Surprise Rutland Surprise 2739415068 Anglia Surprise Anglia Surprise Anglia Surprise Anglia Surprise 2685041397 London No.3 Surprise London No.3 Surprise London No.3 Surprise London No.3 Surprise 2564830719 Rutland Surprise Rutland Surprise Rutland Surprise Rutland Surprise - 2345678901 Repeat nine times. 13 methods 1234567890 Unnamed Little Hybrid 2534678901 Pudsey Surprise 2683051497 Cambridge Surprise 2018967345 Alphin Brook Surprise 2190784653 Bristol Surprise 2971405836 Bad Homburg Surprise 2457396180 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2365840719 Tyndall's Park Surprise - 2453678901 Zummerzet Surprise 2347596180 Rutland Surprise 2739415068 Anglia Surprise 2685041397 London No.3 Surprise 2564830719 Friars Gate Surprise - 2345678901 Repeat nine times.
The three method arrangement contains 2,800 Bristol Surprise, 2,000 Cambridge Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid with 79 changes of method.
The four method arrangement contains 3,200 Cambridge Surprise, 800 each Bristol Surprise and London No.3 Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid, with 89 changes of method.
The five method arrangement contains 2,400 Cambridge Surprise, 800 each Bristol Surprise, London No.3 Surprise and Superlative No.2 Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid, with 109 changes of method.
The six method arrangement contains 1,200 each Rutland Surprise and Superlative No.2 Surprise, 800 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise and London No.3 Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid, with 119 changes of method.
The seven method arrangement contains 1,200 each Cambridge Surprise, Pudsey Surprise and Superlative No.2 Surprise, 400 each Bristol Surprise, London No.3 Surprise and Rutland Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid, with 119 changes of method.
The eight method arrangement contains 1,200 each Anglia Surprise and Bristol Surprise, 800 London No.3 Surprise, 400 each Cambridge Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Rutland Surprise and Superlative No.2 Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid, with 119 changes of method.
The nine method arrangement contains 1,200 London No.3 Surprise, 800 each Cambridge Surprise and Rutland Surprise, 400 each Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Pudsey Surprise and Superlative No.2 Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid, with 119 changes of method.
The ten method arrangement contains 800 each Cambridge Surprise, London No.3 Surprise and Rutland Surprise, 400 each Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise and Zummerzet Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid, with 129 changes of method.
The eleven method arrangement contains 800 each Cambridge Surprise and Rutland Surprise, 400 each Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Bristol Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise, Tyndall's Park Surprise and Zummerzet Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid, with 129 changes of method.
The twelve method arrangement contains 800 Rutland Surprise, 400 each Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Bad Homburg Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise, Tyndall's Park Surprise and Zummerzet Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid, with 129 changes of method.
The thirteen method arrangement contains 400 each Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Bad Homburg Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Friars Gate Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Rutland Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise, Tyndall's Park Surprise and Zummerzet Surprise and 200 Unnamed Little Hybrid, with 129 changes of method.
All eleven arrangements contain all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble.
The Unnamed Little Hybrid method is: x34x4x56x36x78x58x9x7x2x49 lh 2534678901.
5,000 Spliced Royal (13 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8188c)1234567890 Teazle 2463850719 Pudsey Surprise 2806149375 Anglia Surprise 2759314068 Unnamed #1 Delight 2971503846 Kenninghall Surprise 2018967453 Meall nan Eun Surprise s 2354768901 Yorkshire Surprise 2785031496 London No.3 Surprise 2573840619 Unnamed Surprise 2807159364 Bristol Surprise 2018976543 Superlative No.2 Surprise 2961403857 Unnamed #2 Delight 2436597180 Alphin Brook Surprise s 2345678901 Repeat nine times. s = 123456.
Contains 400 each Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, Meall nan Eun Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise, Unnamed #1 Delight, Unnamed #2 Delight and Unnamed Surprise, and 200 Teazle, with 129 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble, and is each lead different for the working place bells.
Contains 672 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back or at the front: 26 each 7890s, etc.; 31 0987s, etc.; 18 7890s, etc., off the front; and 21 0987s, etc., off the front.
If preferred Quakers Friars Surprise may be rung instead of Kenninghall.
Unnamed #1 Delight is: x3x45x2x36x34x1x236x1x34x1,2 [f] fch /BDa2.
Unnamed #2 Delight is: x3x1x256x6x34x5x6x1.78x58.9,2 [b] fch G/BFa2.
Unnamed Surprise is: x3x6x2x36x78x58x36x45x58x3,2 [b] fch /BDOa2.
5,000 Spliced Royal (13 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8188e)1234567890 Teazle 2463850719 Yorkshire Surprise 2806149375 Anglia Surprise 2759314068 London No.3 Surprise 2971503846 Unnamed #1 Surprise 2537496180 Sgurr A'Chaorachain Surprise 2018967453 Meall nan Eun Surprise s 2354768901 Alphin Brook Surprise 2573840619 Dereham Surprise 2807159364 Uppington Surprise 2018976543 Pudsey Surprise 2961403857 Damgate Surprise 2436597180 Unnamed #2 Surprise s 2345678901 Repeat nine times. s = 123456.
Contains 400 each Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Damgate Surprise, Dereham Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, Meall nan Eun Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Sgurr A'Chaorachain Surprise, Uppington Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise, Unnamed #1 Surprise and Unnamed #2 Surprise, and 200 Teazle, with 129 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble, and is each lead different for the working place bells.
Contains 798 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back or at the front: 36 each 7890s, etc.; 27 0987s, etc.; 24 7890s, etc., off the front; and 27 0987s, etc., off the front.
Unnamed #1 Surprise is: x3x6x2x36x78x58x36x45x58x3,2 [b] fch /BDOa2.
Unnamed #2 Surprise is: x34x4x56x36x78x5x56x7x78x7,2 [a] fch /BDa1a2.
5,000 Spliced Royal (13 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8188d)1234567890 Teazle 2463850719 Yorkshire Surprise 2806149375 Anglia Surprise 2759314068 Unnamed #1 Delight 2971503846 Unnamed #1 Surprise 2537496180 Alphin Brook Surprise s 2354768901 Meall nan Eun Surprise 2018976543 Uppington Surprise 2190684735 Sgurr A'Chaorachain Surprise 2573840619 Bad Homburg Surprise 2807159364 Adelie Penguin Surprise 2961403857 Unnamed #2 Delight 2436597180 Unnamed #2 Surprise s 2345678901 Repeat nine times. s = 123456.
Contains 400 each Adelie Penguin Surprise, Alphin Brook Surprise, Anglia Surprise, Bad Homburg Surprise, Meall nan Eun Surprise, Sgurr A'Chaorachain Surprise, Uppington Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise, Unnamed #1 Delight, Unnamed #2 Delight, Unnamed #1 Surprise and Unnamed #2 Surprise, and 200 Teazle, with 129 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble, and is each lead different for the working place bells.
Contains 847 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back or at the front: 32 each 7890s, etc.; 33 0987s, etc.; 27 7890s, etc., off the front; and 29 0987s, etc., off the front.
If preferred Dereham Surprise may be rung instead of Bad Homburg.
Unnamed #1 Delight is: x3x45x2x36x34x1x236x1x34x1,2 [f] fch /BDa2.
Unnamed #2 Delight is: x3x1x256x6x34x5x6x1.78x58.9,2 [b] fch G/BFa2.
Unnamed #1 Surprise is: x3x6x2x36x78x58x36x45x58x3,2 [b] fch /BDOa2.
Unnamed #2 Surprise is: x34x4x56x36x78x5x56x7x78x7,2 [a] fch /BDa1a2.
5,040 (5,760) Spliced Surprise Royal (3–14 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4068)3m (5,760) 4m (5,760) 5m (5,760) 6m (5,760) 234567890 Yorkshire Lincolnshire Yorkshire Yorkshire 573920486 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Lincolnshire 907856342 Yorkshire Yorkshire Superlative No.2 Superlative No.2 860492735 Cambridge Cambridge Lincolnshire Cambridge 426385079 Yorkshire Yorkshire Superlative No.2 Pudsey 352749608 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge 795038264 Yorkshire Lincolnshire Yorkshire Yorkshire - 908674523 Cambridge Yorkshire Lincolnshire Superlative No.2 640293857 Rutland Rutland Rutland Rutland - 906482735 Cambridge Lincolnshire Yorkshire Lincolnshire 420395678 (Yorkshire (Yorkshire (Superlative No.2 (Yorkshire 352748069 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge 785639204 Yorkshire Yorkshire Lincolnshire Yorkshire 698074523 Cambridge) Lincolnshire) Yorkshire) Lincolnshire) - 904263857 Yorkshire Yorkshire Superlative No.2 Pudsey 230597486 Rutland Rutland Rutland Rutland - 902345678 Repeat eight times. 7m (5,040) 8m (5,040) 9m (5,040) 234567890 Lincolnshire Cambridge 234567890 Bristol 573920486 Cambridge Lincolnshire 352749608 Cambridge 907856342 Bristol Bristol 795038264 Yorkshire 089674523 Yorkshire Yorkshire - 908674523 Superlative No.2 648203957 Bristol Bristol 640293857 London No.3 426385079 Pudsey Pudsey - 906482735 Lincolnshire 352749608 Cambridge Cambridge 420395678 Pudsey 795038264 Bristol Lincolnshire 352748069 Lincolnshire - 908674523 Superlative No.2 Superlative No.2 785639204 Superlative No.2 640293857 Rutland London No.3 698074523 Yorkshire - 906482735 Lincolnshire Yorkshire - 904263857 Rutland 420395678 Rutland London No.3 496082735 Anglia - 904263857 Pudsey Pudsey 352708964 London No.3 230597486 Rutland Rutland 230597486 Rutland - 902345678 - 902345678 Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times. 10m (5,040) 11m (5,040) 12m (5,040) 234567890 Bristol 234567890 Bristol Bristol 352749608 Cambridge 352749608 Cambridge Cambridge 795038264 Yorkshire 795038264 Yorkshire Yorkshire - 908674523 Superlative No.2 - 908674523 Lockington Lockington 640293857 London No.3 897056342 Pudsey Pudsey - 906482735 Lincolnshire - 906482735 Lincolnshire Lincolnshire 420395678 Pudsey 420395678 Superlative No.2 Superlative No.2 352748069 Cambridge 352748069 Pudsey Henleaze 785639204 Superlative No.2 785639204 Superlative No.2 Superlative No.2 698074523 Yorkshire 698074523 Yorkshire Yorkshire - 904263857 Clyde - 904263857 Clyde Clyde 496082735 Anglia 496082735 Anglia Anglia 352708964 London No.3 352708964 London No.3 London No.3 230597486 Rutland 230597486 Rutland Rutland - 902345678 - 902345678 Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times. 13m (5,040) 14m (5,040) 234567890 Bristol 234567890 Bristol 352749608 Cambridge 352749608 Meall nan Eun 795038264 Henleaze 089674523 Lockington 089674523 Lockington - 908674523 Yorkshire - 908674523 Yorkshire 640293857 Superlative No.2 640293857 Superlative No.2 234567089 Henleaze 234567089 Anglia 573829406 Cambridge 897056342 Pudsey 897056342 Pudsey - 906482735 Lincolnshire - 906482735 Lincolnshire 420395678 Quakers Friars 420395678 Quakers Friars - 904263857 Clyde - 904263857 Clyde 496082735 Anglia 496082735 Anglia 352708964 London No.3 352708964 London No.3 230597486 Rutland 230597486 Rutland - 902345678 - 902345678 Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times.
Reduce any of the 5,760s to 5,040 by replacing the four parenthesized leads by one lead of Rutland in six parts.
When reduced to 5,040 the 3 method arrangement contains 2,040 each Cambridge and Yorkshire, and 960 Rutland, with 125 changes of method.
When reduced to 5,040 the 4 method arrangement contains 1,680 Yorkshire, 1,200 each Cambridge and Lincolnshire, and 960 Rutland, with 125 changes of method.
When reduced to 5,040 the 5 method arrangement contains 1,200 each Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, 960 Rutland, and 840 each Cambridge and Lincolnshire, with 125 changes of method.
When reduced to 5,040 the 6 method arrangement contains 960 each Rutland and Yorkshire, 840 each Cambridge and Lincolnshire, and 720 each Pudsey and Superlative No.2, with 125 changes of method.
The 7 method arrangement contains 1,080 each Bristol and Rutland, 720 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire and Pudsey, and 360 each Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method.
The 8 method arrangement contains 720 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Pudsey and Yorkshire, and 360 each Rutland and Superlative No.2, with 125 changes of method.
The 9 method arrangement contains 720 each Lincolnshire, London No.3, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, and 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge and Pudsey, with 125 changes of method.
The 10 method arrangement contains 720 each Cambridge, London No.3, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, and 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Clyde, Lincolnshire, Pudsey and Rutland, with 125 changes of method.
The 11 method arrangement contains 720 each Pudsey, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, and 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde, Lincolnshire, Lockington, London No.3 and Rutland, with 125 changes of method.
The 12 method arrangement contains 720 each Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, and 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde, Henleaze, Lincolnshire, Lockington, London No.3, Pudsey and Rutland, with 125 changes of method.
The 13 method arrangement contains 720 Anglia and 360 each Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde, Henleaze, Lincolnshire, Lockington, London No.3, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method.
The 14 method arrangement contains 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde, Henleaze, Lincolnshire, Lockington, London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method.
All arrangements, of either length, contain all the work of every method for every bell.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (4–14 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1760)Arrangement A (4 methods) Arrangement B (5 methods) Arrangement C (5 methods) 234567890 Cambridge 234567890 Lincolnshire 234567890 Bristol 573920486 London No.3 573920486 London No.3 352749608 Yorkshire 352749608 Yorkshire 352749608 Cambridge 795038264 Bristol 795038264 Bristol 795038264 Bristol - 908674523 Superlative No.2 - 908674523 London No.3 - 908674523 Yorkshire 640293857 London No.3 897056342 Bristol 640293857 London No.3 - 906482735 Bristol - 906482735 London No.3 - 906482735 London No.3 049263857 Yorkshire 698074523 Cambridge 698074523 Lincolnshire 234507986 Cambridge - 904263857 Bristol - 904263857 Bristol 573826490 London No.3 029345678 Cambridge 029345678 Lincolnshire 352748069 Cambridge 352708964 Yorkshire 352708964 Cambridge 785639204 Superlative No.2 785634290 Bristol 785634290 Bristol 698074523 Cambridge 867459302 Cambridge 867459302 Cambridge - 904263857 London No.3 496082735 Yorkshire 496082735 Yorkshire 496082735 Superlative No.2 - 902345678 - 902345678 - 902345678 Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times. Arrangement D (6 methods) Arrangement E (7 methods) Arrangement F (8 methods) 234567890 Lincolnshire 234567890 Rutland 234567890 Bristol 573920486 London No.3 426385079 Superlative No.2 352749608 Lincolnshire 352749608 Cambridge 352749608 Cambridge 795038264 Yorkshire 795038264 Bristol 795038264 London No.3 - 908674523 Rutland - 908674523 Yorkshire 573920486 Lincolnshire 897056342 Pudsey 640293857 London No.3 907856342 Yorkshire - 906482735 Bristol - 906482735 London No.3 860492735 Rutland 049263857 Cambridge 698074523 Superlative No.2 - 908674523 Superlative No.2 234507986 Pudsey - 904263857 Bristol 640293857 London No.3 573826490 London No.3 029345678 Lincolnshire - 906482735 Bristol 352748069 Cambridge 352708964 Cambridge 049263857 Bristol 785639204 Superlative No.2 785634290 Bristol 420395678 Rutland 698074523 Yorkshire 867459302 Yorkshire - 904263857 London No.3 - 904263857 London No.3 496082735 Superlative No.2 496082735 Bristol 496082735 Superlative No.2 - 902345678 - 902345678 - 902345678 Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times. Arrangement G (9 methods) Arrangement H (10 methods) Arrangement J (11 methods) 234567890 Anglia 234567890 Bristol 234567890 King's Norton 907856342 Yorkshire 352749608 Superlative No.2 352749608 Superlative No.2 860492735 Pudsey 795038264 Cambridge 795038264 London No.3 426385079 London No.3 - 908674523 King's Norton 573920486 Henleaze 648203957 Anglia - 906482735 Lincolnshire - 908674523 Lincolnshire 573920486 London No.3 420395678 King's Norton 640293857 Rutland 352749608 Cambridge 234507986 Bristol - 906482735 Cambridge 795038264 Bristol 352748069 Yorkshire 420395678 Bristol - 908674523 Rutland 785639204 Superlative No.2 234507986 Anglia 897056342 Superlative No.2 698074523 Pudsey 867950342 Henleaze - 906482735 Lincolnshire - 904263857 London No.3 - 904263857 Pudsey 420395678 Rutland 496082735 Anglia 230597486 Anglia - 904263857 London No.3 352708964 London No.3 867459302 Yorkshire 496082735 Bristol 230597486 Rutland 496082735 Bristol - 902345678 - 902345678 - 902345678 Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times. Arrangement K (12 methods) Arrangement L (13 methods) Arrangement M (14 methods) 234567890 Lincolnshire 234567890 King's Norton 234567890 King's Norton 573920486 Superlative No.2 352749608 Quakers Friars 352749608 Quakers Friars 907856342 Anglia 426385079 Anglia 426385079 Meall nan Eun 426385079 Yorkshire 795038264 London No.3 795038264 Yorkshire 352749608 Cambridge 573920486 Henleaze - 908674523 Clyde 795038264 Henleaze - 908674523 Clyde 897056342 Superlative No.2 089674523 Clyde 897056342 Bristol - 906482735 Lincolnshire - 908674523 King's Norton - 906482735 Lincolnshire 420395678 Bristol - 906482735 London No.3 420395678 Pudsey 234507986 Anglia 698074523 Pudsey 352748069 Cambridge 867950342 London No.3 - 904263857 Bristol 785639204 Superlative No.2 785639204 Henleaze 029345678 Henleaze 698074523 Yorkshire 698074523 Cambridge 352708964 Clyde - 904263857 Henleaze - 904263857 Pudsey 230597486 Rutland 230597486 Rutland 230597486 Rutland - 902345678 - 902345678 - 902345678 Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times. Repeat eight times.
Arrangement A contains 1,440 each Bristol and Cambridge and 1,080 each London No.3 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 185 runs of four or more consecutive bells at at the back, and 74 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front
In arrangement A Superlative No.2 may be rung for Yorkshire throughout, in which case it contains 168 runs at the back and 68 runs at the front.
Arrangement B contains 1,080 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire and London No.3 and 720 Yorkshire, with 116 changes of method, 184 runs at the back and 121 runs at the front.
Arrangement C contains 1,080 each Bristol, Cambridge, London No.3 and Superlative No.2 and 720 Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 218 runs at the back and 97 runs at the front.
Arrangement D contains 1,080 each Bristol and London No.3 and 720 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 116 changes of method, 185 runs at the back and 115 runs at the front.
Arrangement E contains 1,080 each Bristol, London No.3 and Rutland, 720 Superlative No.2 and 360 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, with 116 changes of method, 242 runs at the back and 64 runs at the front.
Arrangement F contains 720 each Bristol, Cambridge, London No.3, Pudsey, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire and 360 each Lincolnshire and Rutland, with 125 changes of method, 201 runs at the back and 87 runs at the front.
Arrangement G contains 1,080 London No.3, 720 each Anglia, Bristol and Rutland and 360 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 213 runs at the back and 107 runs at the front.
Arrangement H contains 720 each Bristol, King's Norton, London No.3 and Superlative No.2 and 360 each Anglia, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Rutland and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 205 runs at the back and 130 runs at the front.
Arrangement J contains 720 each Anglia, Bristol and Henleaze and 360 each Cambridge, King's Norton, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 208 runs at the back and 85 runs at the front.
Arrangement K contains 720 each Clyde and Henleaze and 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, King's Norton, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 222 runs at the back and 61 runs at the front.
Arrangement L contains 720 Henleaze and 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde, King's Norton, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 275 runs at the back and 105 runs at the front.
Arrangement M contains 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde, Henleaze, King's Norton, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 244 runs at the back and 177 runs at the front.
All arrangements contain all the work of every method for every bell, and no backstroke 09s.
5,042 Spliced Surprise Royal (8–14 methods)
Robert D S Brown23456 M W H Methods 52436 - BBBBBBBBB.SSSS 36425 s - SSSS.C.OOOOOOOO 42365 - - O.IIII. 62354 s s YYYY.W.PPPP 52346 s s PPPP.E.UUUU 42356 s UUUUU.EEEE 52364 s s EEEE.P.WWWW 34265 s - WWWW.YYYYY. 23465 - NNNNNNNNN. 46235 - - IIIII.CCCC. 24635 - AAAAAAAAA. 54632 s R.LLLLLLLL 62435 s - L.RRRRRRRR. (32456) s s CCCC.S.(Y)
Contains 362 Yorkshire; 360 Bristol, Cambridge, Coalbrookdale (A), Lincolnhire (N), London No.3, Ludgate (U), Osgathorpe, Prittlewell (E), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Swindon (I), Woodspring, with 23 changes of method, all the work.
For 13 Methods ring 14 method peal calling all leads of Ludgate as Superlative No.2
For 12 Methods ring 13 method peal calling all leads of Coalbrookdale as Cambridge
For 11 Methods ring 12 method peal calling all leads of Swindon as Yorkshire
For 10 Methods ring 11 method peal calling all leads of Prittlewell as Pudsey
For 9 Methods ring 10 method peal calling all leads of Osgathorpe as Cambridge
For 8 Methods ring 9 method peal calling all leads of Woodspring as Yorkshire
5,160 Spliced Surprise Royal (14 methods)
Richard A Pearce23456 M W H Methods 53462 s s R.LEGL.YSRYSRY 63452 s SR.EGLE 53426 s s G.Y.L 42365 s s - EGLE.S.G. 52364 s AKIAKIAK.DC 62354 s ND.IAKIAKIA (52364) s K. 34265 s - CNDCN.I. 23465 - BPBPBP. 63425 s LEGLEGLE.R 42356 s s - YSRYSRY.GLEG.SRYSRYS. (52346) s DC. 62345 s AKIAKIA.ND 52346 s CNDCNDC.K 34256 s - I.NDCNDCN. 64253 s R.B 23456 s ss - PBPBP.C.BPBPBP.L.
Contains 400 Cambridge, London No.3, Rutland; 360 Anglia, Bristol, Eardleigh, Irvine, Kegworth (G), Kinross, Lincolnshire (N), Nideggen (D), Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire, with 128 changes of method, all the work.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (6–14 methods)
Ashley C Fortey6 methods 7 methods 8 methods 9 methods 234567890 Cambridge Swindon Swindon Swindon 573920486 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge 907856342 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire 860492735 Cambridge Swindon Woodspring Woodspring 426385079 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Yorkshire 352749608 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire 795038264 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge - 908674523 Black Sheep Black Sheep Black Sheep Black Sheep 234567089 Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol 352748690 Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor - 906482735 Oakham Oakham Oakham London No.3 698074523 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire - 904263857 Oakham Oakham Oakham Oakham 496082735 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire - 902345678 10 methods 11 methods 12 methods 13 methods 14 methods 234567890 Swindon Swindon Swindon Swindon Swindon 573920486 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge 907856342 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire 860492735 Woodspring Woodspring Woodspring Woodspring Woodspring 426385079 Yorkshire Prittlewell Prittlewell Prittlewell Prittlewell 352749608 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Ewyas Harold Ewyas Harold 795038264 Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey - 908674523 Black Sheep Black Sheep Black Sheep Black Sheep Black Sheep 234567089 Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol 352748690 Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor - 906482735 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 698074523 Yorkshire Yorkshire Argyll Argyll Argyll - 904263857 Oakham Oakham Oakham Oakham Oakham 496082735 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Superlative No.2 - 902345678 9 part.
6 methods: Contains 1800 Cambridge, 1440 Yorkshire, 720 Oakham, 360 Black Sheep, Bristol, Ilkley Moor, with 107 changes of method, all the work. 12 0987. 30+75 LB4 inc 10+28 LB5.
7 methods: Contains 1440 Yorkshire, 1080 Cambridge, 720 Oakham, Swindon, 360 Black Sheep, Bristol, Ilkley Moor, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 12 0987. 33+75 LB4 inc 10+28 LB5.
8 methods: Contains 1440 Yorkshire, 1080 Cambridge, 720 Oakham, 360 Black Sheep, Bristol, Ilkley Moor, Swindon, Woodspring, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 12 0987. 39+75 LB4 inc 12+28 LB5.
9 methods: Contains 1800 Yorkshire, 720 Cambridge, 360 Black Sheep, Bristol, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Oakham, Swindon, Woodspring, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 10 0987. 39+75 LB4 inc 14+28 LB5. Backrounds.
10 methods: Contains 1800 Yorkshire, 360 Black Sheep, Bristol, Cambridge, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Oakham, Pudsey, Swindon, Woodspring, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 10 0987. 39+75 LB4 inc 14+28 LB5. Backrounds.
11 methods: Contains 1440 Yorkshire, 360 Black Sheep, Bristol, Cambridge, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Oakham, Prittlewell, Pudsey, Swindon, Woodspring, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 10 0987. 33+75 LB4 inc 10+28 LB5.
12 methods: Contains 1080 Yorkshire, 360 Argyll, Black Sheep, Bristol, Cambridge, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Oakham, Prittlewell, Pudsey, Swindon, Woodspring, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 10 0987. 33+78 LB4 inc 12+28 LB5.
13 methods: Contains 720 Yorkshire, 360 Argyll, Black Sheep, Bristol, Cambridge, Ewyas Harold, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Oakham, Prittlewell, Pudsey, Swindon, Woodspring, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 42+72 LB4 inc 12+24 LB5.
14 methods: Contains 360 Argyll, Black Sheep, Bristol, Cambridge, Ewyas Harold, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Oakham, Prittlewell, Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Swindon, Woodspring, Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 39+75 LB4 inc 12+24 LB5.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (7–14 methods)
Ashley C Fortey7m 8m 9m 10m 234567890 Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol - 357920486 Oakham Oakham Oakham Oakham 732549608 Swindon Swindon Swindon Swindon - 359078264 Oakham Oakham Oakham Oakham 937520486 Swindon Swindon Ewyas Harold Ewyas Harold 503896742 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Woodspring 860452379 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire 426789035 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire 792345608 Swindon Swindon Swindon Swindon - 935078264 Redcliffe Redcliffe Redcliffe Redcliffe - 593078264 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 - 735920486 Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor 648205973 Yorkshire Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey 254763890 Swindon Swindon Swindon Swindon - 573920486 11m 12m 13m 14m 234567890 Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol - 357920486 Oakham Oakham Oakham London No.3 732549608 Swindon Swindon Albanian Albanian - 359078264 Oakham Oakham Oakham Oakham 937520486 Ewyas Harold Ewyas Harold Ewyas Harold Ewyas Harold 503896742 Woodspring Woodspring Woodspring Woodspring 860452379 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire 426789035 Argyll Argyll Argyll Argyll 792345608 Swindon Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge - 935078264 Redcliffe Redcliffe Redcliffe Redcliffe - 593078264 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 Rutland - 735920486 Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor 648205973 Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey Pudsey 254763890 Swindon Swindon Swindon Swindon - 573920486 9 part.
7 methods: Contains 1440 Swindon, Yorkshire, 720 Oakham, 360 Bristol, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Redcliffe, with 107 changes of method, all the work. 30+76 LB4 inc 8+31 LB5. back rounds.
8 methods: Contains 1440 Swindon, 1080 Yorkshire, 720 Oakham, 360 Bristol, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Pudsey, Redcliffe, with 107 changes of method, all the work. 30+72 LB4 inc 8+30 LB5. back rounds.
9 methods: Contains 1080 Swindon, Yorkshire, 720 Oakham, 360 Bristol, Ewyas Harold, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Pudsey, Redcliffe, with 107 changes of method, all the work. 34+70 LB4 inc 8+30 LB5. back rounds.
10 methods: Contains 1080 Swindon, 720 Oakham, Yorkshire, 360 Bristol, Ewyas Harold, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Pudsey, Redcliffe, Woodspring, with 116 changes of method, all the work. 34+71 LB4 inc 8+30 LB5. back rounds.
11 methods: Contains 1080 Swindon, 720 Oakham, 360 Argyll, Bristol, Ewyas Harold, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Pudsey, Redcliffe, Woodspring, Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 36+73 LB4 inc 8+31 LB5. back rounds.
12 methods: Contains 720 Oakham, Swindon, 360 Argyll, Bristol, Cambridge, Ewyas Harold, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Pudsey, Redcliffe, Woodspring, Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 35+73 LB4 inc 8+31 LB5. back rounds.
13 methods: Contains 720 Oakham, 360 Albanian, Argyll, Bristol, Cambridge, Ewyas Harold, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Pudsey, Redcliffe, Swindon, Swindon, Woodspring, Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 35+73 LB4 inc 8+31 LB5. back rounds.
14 methods: Contains 360 Albanian, Argyll, Bristol, Cambridge, Ewyas Harold, Ilkley Moor, London No.3, Oakham, Pudsey, Redcliffe, Rutland, Swindon, Woodspring, Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, all the work. 35+76 LB4 inc 8+36 LB5. back rounds.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (14 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8224a)234567890 Uppington 352749608 Meall nan Eun 089674523 Damgate - 860423957 Anglia 573942608 Sgurr A'Chaorachain - 860435279 Bristol s 465879023 Lincolnshire 896243507 London No.3 684952730 Dereham 928360475 Pudsey 302795846 Rutland 239087654 Yorkshire 073524968 Cambridge 547608392 Alphin Brook s 456789023 Repeat eight times. - = 16; s = 123456.
Contains 360 each Alphin Brook, Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Damgate, Dereham, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Pudsey, Rutland, Sgurr A'Chaorachain, Uppington and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
Contains 474 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back (283) or at the front (191), including 156 runs of five or more consecutive bells at the back (92) or at the front (64), including 62 runs of six or more consecutive bells at the back (28) or at the front (34).
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (14 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8225)234567890 London No.3 - 642385079 Pudsey 354769208 Kenninghall - 643527890 Damgate 574960382 Cambridge 907852436 Uppington - 082396745 Meall nan Eun 456739820 Anglia 209873564 Bristol - 083624957 Sgurr A'Chaorachain 795243608 Dereham 239078564 Alphin Brook 302896745 Yorkshire 860435279 Lincolnshire 456789023 Repeat eight times.
Contains 360 each Alphin Brook, Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Damgate, Dereham, Kenninghall, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Pudsey, Sgurr A'Chaorachain, Uppington and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
Contains 519 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back (291) or at the front (228), including 142 runs of five or more consecutive bells at the back (72) or at the front (70), including 58 runs of six or more consecutive bells at the back (32) or at the front (26).
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (7–14 methods)
Robert D S Brown23456 M W H Methods 42356 - NNNNNNNNN. 62354 s UUUU.OOOOO 34256 s - OOOO.UUUUU. 25346 - - SSSSS.WWWW. 32546 - HHHHHHHHH. 52643 - YYYY.MMMMM 46325 - - MMMM.B.CCCC 32465 - - CCCCC.QQQQ. 43265 - LLLLLLLLL. 24365 - AAAAAAAAA. 62345 - QQQQQ.BBBB 53246 - - BBBB.YYYYY. 45236 - WWWWW.XXXX 23456 - - XXXXX.SSSS.
14 methods: Contains 360 Albanian, Boston (O), Braunstone, Cambridge, Havant, Lincolnshire, Lubbesthorpe (U), Mudford, New Cambridge, Quedgeley, Swindon, Wye, XXV, Yorkshire, with 19 changes of method, all the work.
For 13 Methods call as for 14 but ring all leads of Boston as New Cambridge.
For 12 Methods call as for 13 but ring all leads of Mudford as Albanian.
For 11 Methods call as for 12 but ring all leads of Lubbesthorpe as Lincolnshire.
For 10 Methods call as for 11 but ring all leads of Quedgely as Yorkshire.
For 9 methods call as for 10 but ring all leads of Braunstone as Wye.
For 8 methods call as for 9 but ring all leads of Havant as Cambridge.
For 7 Methods call as for 8 but ring all leads of XXV as Swindon.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (14 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1761)234567890 King's Norton 352749608 Quakers Friars 426385079 Meall nan Eun 795038264 Bristol - 908674523 Lockington 897056342 Cambridge - 906482735 Superlative No.2 420395678 Portsmouth 867950342 Wimborne 234507986 Inveraray - 904263857 Clyde 496082735 Anglia 352708964 London No.3 230597486 Jacobs Creek - 902345678 Repeat eight times.
Contains 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde, Inveraray, Jacobs Creek, King's Norton, Lockington, London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Portsmouth, Quakers Friars, Superlative No.2 and Wimborne, with 125 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different.
Contains 312 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back, and 174 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front, with no backstroke 09s.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (14 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1760a)Arrangement A Arrangement B 234567890 King's Norton King's Norton 352749608 Quakers Friars Quakers Friars 426385079 Meall nan Eun Meall nan Eun 795038264 Yorkshire Dereham - 908674523 Clyde Clyde 897056342 Superlative No.2 Superlative No.2 - 906482735 Lincolnshire Lincolnshire 420395678 Bristol Bristol 234507986 Anglia Anglia 867950342 London No.3 London No.3 785639204 Henleaze Henleaze 698074523 Wootton Rivers Wootton Rivers - 904263857 Pudsey Pudsey 230597486 Rutland Rutland - 902345678 Repeat eight times.
Arrangement A contains 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Clyde, Henleaze, King's Norton, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Wootton Rivers and Yorkshire.
Arrangement B contains 360 each Anglia, Bristol, Clyde, Dereham, Henleaze, King's Norton, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Wootton Rivers.
Either arrangement contain 125 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 232 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back, 177 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front, and no backstroke 09s; arrangement B is each lead different.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (14 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8224)234567890 Alphin Brook 352749608 Meall nan Eun 089674523 Uppington - 860423957 Anglia 573942608 Sgurr A'Chaorachain - 860435279 Bristol s 465879023 Yorkshire 896243507 Damgate 239087654 Unnamed #2 Surprise 302795846 Dereham 750436289 London No.3 073524968 Unnamed #1 Surprise 547608392 Superlative No.2 684952730 Kenninghall s 456789023 Repeat eight times. - = 16; s = 123456.
Contains 360 each Alphin Brook, Anglia, Bristol, Damgate, Dereham, Kenninghall, London No.3 Surprises, Meall nan Eun, Sgurr A'Chaorachain, Superlative No.2, Unnamed #1 Surprise and Unnamed #2 Surprise, Uppington and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different.
Contains 529 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back (305) or at the front (234), including 227 runs of five or more consecutive bells at the back (136) or at the front (91), including 87 runs of six or more consecutive bells at the back (39) or at the front (48).
Especially suitable as a practice peal for 5,000 Spliced Royal (13m).
Unnamed #1 Surprise is: x3x6x2x36x78x58x36x45x58x3,2 [b] fch /BDOa2.
Unnamed #2 Surprise is: x34x4x56x36x78x5x56x7x78x7,2 [a] fch /BDa1a2.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (10–14 methods)
Ashley C Fortey14 methods 14 methods 14 methods 14 methods 14 methods 234567890 Orion Nebula Orion Nebula Oakham Oakham Oakham 426385079 Redcliffe Rutland Rutland Rutland Rutland 648203957 Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash 860492735 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 - 908674523 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria 234567089 Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol 352748690 Wrexham Wrexham Wrexham Wrexham Ilkley Moor - 906482735 Essex Essex Essex Yorkshire Yorkshire 420395678 Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle 867950342 Portabello Portabello Portabello Portabello Portabello 785639204 Highclere Highclere Highclere Highclere Highclere - 904263857 Clyde Clyde Clyde Clyde Clyde 496082735 Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex 352708964 Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning - 902345678 14 methods 13 methods 12 methods 11 methods 10 methods 234567890 Oakham Oakham Oakham Oakham Oakham 426385079 Rutland Rutland Rutland Rutland Rutland 648203957 Flash Flash Flash Flash London No.3 860492735 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 - 908674523 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria 234567089 Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol 352748690 Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor Ilkley Moor - 906482735 Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire 420395678 Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle 867950342 Portabello Portabello Portabello Oakham Oakham 785639204 Highclere Highclere Black Sheep Black Sheep Black Sheep - 904263857 Clyde London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 London No.3 496082735 Black Sheep Black Sheep Black Sheep Black Sheep Black Sheep 352708964 Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning - 902345678 9 part.
Methods: Black Sheep, Bristol, Carlisle, Clyde, Cumbria, Essex, Flash, Highclere, Ilkley Moor, Lightning, London No.3, Middlesex, Oakham, Orion Nebula, Portabello, Redcliffe, Rutland, Wrexham, Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, all the work.
Contains 360 changes of each occurrence. First 14 method option is each lead different.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (14 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 1762)234567890 King's Norton 352749608 Strangeways 426385079 Meall nan Eun 795038264 Bristol - 908674523 Lockington 897056342 St Cecilia - 906482735 Exelby 352748069 London No.3 234507986 Henleaze 573826490 Essex 867950342 Burnley 420395678 Jennie's Endeavour - 904263857 Wootton Rivers 029345678 Clyde - 902345678 Repeat eight times.
Contains 360 each Bristol, Burnley, Clyde, Essex, Exelby, Henleaze, Jennie's Endeavour, King's Norton, Lockington, London No.3, Meall nan Eun, St Cecilia, Strangeways and Wootton Rivers, with 125 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different.
Contains 282 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back, and 235 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front, with no backstroke 09s.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (15 methods)
Janet E Archibald234567890 Bristol 352749608 Lincolnshire 795038264 Yorkshire 089674523 Enniskillen 907856342 Pudsey 860492735 Dereham 426385079 Superlative No.2 / Elgin 907823456 Green Goblin 563482079 Horsleydown 426759308 Cambridge 792048635 London No.3 274960583 Woolfox 830596742 Rutland 089375264 Upwood / Elgin 789023456 9 part. Change into Elgin at the half-lead.
Contains 360 Bristol, Cambridge, Dereham, Elgin, Enniskillen, Green Goblin, Horsleydown, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Pudsey, Rutland, Woolfox, Yorkshire, 180 Superlative No.2, Upwood, with 143 changes of method.
5,040 Spliced Surprise Royal (2–21 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4127)23456 M W H 2 methods 3 methods 52436 [- YCYCY[.CYCY YCYCN[.CYNY 36425 s - CYCY.Y.CCYC CNCN.Y.NCYC 42365 -] - CYCYC.]YCCY. NYNYC.]YNCN. Repeat five times, omitting [bracketed] calls and leads from parts 2 and 3, and omitting the sM from parts 5 and 6. 23456 M W H 4 methods 5 methods 6 methods 7 methods 52436 - YNCNY.CYCN SNSNY.CYSN RS.R LS.YNSN 36425 s - R.C.NRYCRCN R.C.SRYCRCN YCLYSRS.C.L R.C.SNSN 42365 - - RY.R. RY.R. CL.NRCNLYN. LB.YRCYLCB. Repeat five times. 23456 W M H 8 methods 62435 - s RS.CSRPB.LC 36425 - NR.L 42365 - - NYNYP.SCYB. Repeat five times. 23456 M W H 9 methods 52436 - RS.R 36425 s - ANB.Y.BPBCN 42365 - - LC.YAAPSLA. Repeat five times. 23456 M W H 10 methods (52436) - RS. 36425 s - YCLA.P.NRHBPN 42365 - - LB.YCSAAH. Repeat five times. 23456 M W H 11 methods 12 methods 13 methods 14 methods 52436 - RS.PAN RS.PAN RS.R RS.R 36425 s - Q.B.CYLHBN Q.B.CYLHBN Q.LH.NHGHBN Q.LH.PMGQBA 42365 - - SQ.YCPAAH. SJ.YCPAAH. SQ.YAAPCJA. NJ.YPYASCH. Repeat five times. 23456 M W H 15 methods (52436) - RS. 42365 s 2 - CYJCB.LH.PMGIQ.NPSAYNH. Repeat five times. 23456 M W H 16 methods (52436) - RIBNAJ. 36425 s - CYJHS.P.L 42365 - - ABTMGIQ.R. Repeat five times. 23456 M W H 17 methods 18 methods 19 methods 52436 - RS.NPYC RS.NPYC RS.HPYN 42365 s 2 - J.TIQ.BMGLE.YPSAAH. J.TIQ.BMGLE.YPSAUH. J.TIQ.BMGLE.CUASKU. Repeat five times. 23456 M W H 20 methods 21 methods 52436 - RS.HPYN RS.HPYN 42365 s 2 - J.TIQ.BMGLE.CUADKU. J.TIQ.BMGLE.CXADKU. Repeat five times.
The 2 method version contains 2,560 Cambridge and 2,480 Yorkshire, with 100 changes of method, all the work of both methods for every bell, 18 each 56s and 65s, and 52 0987s off the front.
The 3 method version contains 1,680 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N) and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 18 each 56s and 65s, 10 7890s off the front, and 28 0987s off the front.
The 4 method version contains 1,440 Cambridge and 1,200 each Lincolnshire (N), Rutland and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s and 18 7890s off the front, and 36 0987s off the front.
The 5 method version contains 1,200 Rutland and 960 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 18 each 56s, 65s and 7890s off the front, 30 0987s off the front, and 9 each 098765s off the front and 098756s off the front.
The 6 method version contains 960 each Cambridge, London No.3 and Rutland and 720 each Lincolnshire (N), Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 18 each 56s, 65s and 7890s off the front, and 24 0987s off the front.
The 7 method version contains 960 each Lincolnshire (N) and Superlative No.2, 720 each Cambridge, London No.3 and Yorkshire and 480 each Bristol and Rutland, with 125 changes of method, 15 each 56s and 65s, 18 7890s off the front, and 12 0987s off the front.
The 8 method version contains 720 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire and 480 each Bristol, London No.3 and Pudsey, with 125 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, 12 7890s off the front and 24 0987s off the front.
The 9 method version contains 960 Anglia, 720 Bristol and 480 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 119 changes of method, 18 each 56s, 65s, 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 6 7890s off the front, and 48 0987s off the front.
The 10 method version contains 720 Anglia and 480 each Bristol, Cambridge, Henleaze, Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 119 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 567890s off the front, 657890s off the front and 7890s off the front, and 78 0987s off the front.
The 11 method version contains 720 Anglia, 480 each Bristol, Cambridge, Henleaze, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire and 240 each London No.3 and Rutland, with 119 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 567890s off the front, 657890s off the front and 7890s off the front, and 42 0987s off the front.
The 12 method version contains 720 Anglia, 480 each Bristol, Cambridge, Henleaze, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire and 240 each Jacobs Creek, London No.3, Quakers Friars and Rutland, with 119 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 567890s off the front, 657890s off the front and 7890s off the front, and 42 0987s off the front.
The 13 method version contains 720 each Anglia and Henleaze, 480 each Lincolnshire (N), Quakers Friars, Rutland and Superlative No.2 and 240 each Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde (G), Jacobs Creek, London No.3, Pudsey and Yorkshire, with 119 changes of method, 18 each 56s, 65s, 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 6 7890s off the front, and 30 0987s off the front.
The 14 method version contains 480 each Anglia, Henleaze, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Rutland, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire and 240 each Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde (G), Jacobs Creek, Lincolnshire (N), London No.3 and Meall nan Eun, with 125 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 6 7890s off the front, and 36 0987s off the front.
The 15 method verson contains 480 each Cambridge, Henleaze, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire and 240 each Anglia, Bristol, Carlisle (I), Clyde (G), Jacobs Creek, London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Quakers Friars and Rutland, with 125 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 24 7890s off the front, and 12 each 8790s off the front and 0987s off the front.
The 16 method version contains 480 each Anglia, Bristol, Carlisle (I), Jacobs Creek and Rutland and 240 each Cambridge, Clyde (G), Henleaze, Lightning (T), Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire, with 120 changes of method, 18 each 56s, 65s, 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 24 7890s off the front, 12 8790s off the front, and 78 0987s off the front.
The 17 method version contains 480 each Anglia, Pudsey, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire and 240 each Bristol, Cambridge, Carlisle (I), Clyde (G), Euler, Henleaze, Jacobs Creek, Lightning (T), Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Quakers Friars and Rutland, with 119 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 6 7890s off the front, and 24 0987s off the front.
The 18 method version contains 480 each Pudsey, Superlative No.2 and Yorkshire and 240 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Carlisle (I), Clyde (G), Euler, Henleaze, Jacobs Creek, Lightning (T), Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Quakers Friars, Rutland and Slough (U), with 125 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 6 7890s off the front, and 24 0987s off the front.
The 19 method version contains 480 each Slough (U) and Superlative No.2 and 240 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Carlisle (I), Clyde (G), Euler, Henleaze, Jacobs Creek, Lightning (T), Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Meall nan Eun, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Rutland, York (K) and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 12 7890s off the front, and 24 0987s off the front.
The 20 method version contains 480 Slough (U) and 240 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Carlisle (I), Clyde (G), Euler, Henleaze, Jacobs Creek, Lightning (T), Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Ludgate (D), Meall nan Eun, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Rutland, Superlative No.2, York (K) and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 12 7890s off the front, and 24 0987s off the front.
The 21 method version contains 240 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Carlisle (I), Clyde (G), Euler, Henleaze, Jacobs Creek, Lightning (T), Lincolnshire (N), London No.3, Ludgate (D), Meall nan Eun, Pudsey, Quakers Friars, Rutland, Slough (U), Superlative No.2, Xenolite, York (K) and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 12 7890s off the front, and 24 0987s off the front.