5,088 (5,008) Spliced Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8578)23456 M B W H 35264 - LD.(BBB) 42563 [-] - L.LC. 42635 - - CDEL.SC. 64235 - DDW. 26435 - - - - YSY.D.EW.CYS. 43265 - - EY.W. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Cambridge Surprise, London Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 576 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Lessness Surprise (E) and Superlative Surprise and 480 Double Norwich Court Bob, 143 changes of method, 21 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 6 each 7568s and 7658s, and 3 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front.
If preferred Kenninghall Surprise may be rung for Cornwall throughout.
Reduce to 5,008 by replacing (BBB) by one lead of Double Norwich in one of the odd numbered parts. Contains 768 each Cambridge, London and Yorkshire, 576 each Cornwall, Lessness and Superlative, 496 Double Norwich and 480 Bristol, with 142 changes of method.
5,088 (5,008) Spliced Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8579)23456 B M W H 35264 - WE.WE (25463) [-] DS. 56234 - D.D 24536 - - - - BWB.SDYS.(BBLD).YLYCLC. 43265 - CEDW.D Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Bristol Surprise and Cornwall Surprise (W), 672 Double Norwich Court Bob and 576 each Cambridge Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 161 changes of method, all 24 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 21 56s and 65s, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 172 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (86) or at the front (86), and tittums.
If preferred Kenninghall Surprise may be rung for Cornwall throughout.
Reduce to 5,008 by replacing (BBLD) with one lead of Superlative in one part. Contains 768 Cornwall, 704 Bristol, 656 Double Norwich, 608 Superlative, 576 each Cambridge, Lessness and Yorkshire and 544 London, with 158 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8142)23456 M W H (56342) a D.E. (46352) b LYL.E.WWD. (53264) - - CS.S. 42365 - - D.DBD. Repeat eleven times, calling single for bob half-way and end. a = sT,sV; b = sV,sW,sV.
The methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods plus Double Norwich.
Contains 960 Double Norwich Court Bob, 768 each Cornwall Surprise (W), Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise and Superlative Surprise and 384 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 144 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, tittums and back rounds.
5,184 Spliced Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8305)23456 M B H 43652 - DC.LY 34526 - s CS.BWWC. 42365 - SS.EW Repeat eleven times, calling - for s in two parts half a peal apart.
The methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods plus Double Norwich.
Contains 1,152 each Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W) and Superlative Surprise, 384 each Bristol Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 192 Double Norwich Court Bob, with 143 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, and 139 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (87) or at the front (52).
5,184 Spliced Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8306)23456 M sT/sV W H (54632) - - DC.S. 62435 - s D.YW. (56234) - x s L.E.DBWD.E. 34265 [s] - D.C.B Repeat eleven times, calling - for [s] in two parts half a peal apart.
The methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods plus Double Norwich.
Contains 960 Double Norwich Court Bob, 768 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W) and Lessness Surprise (E) and 384 each London Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 191 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 132 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (64) or at the front (70).
5,040 Spliced Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8679)2345678 Cambridge Surprise 5738264 Superlative Surprise - 7864523 Yorkshire Surprise 4283756 Double Norwich Court Bob 6758342 Bristol Surprise - 5678342 London Surprise 7536284 Cambridge Surprise 6854723 Yorkshire Surprise 4283675 Yorkshire Surprise 3725468 Lessness Surprise - 4237856 Yorkshire Surprise 7526483 Superlative Surprise 6853742 Cornwall Surprise - 7568234 Lessness Surprise 6725483 Double Norwich Court Bob 3482567 Bristol Surprise 8354726 Double Norwich Court Bob - 6758234 London Surprise 5627483 Double Norwich Court Bob - 3425867 Superlative Surprise - 4567382 Cambridge Surprise 7852436 Lessness Surprise 5748623 Cornwall Surprise - 6457382 Double Norwich Court Bob 2385764 Cornwall Surprise - 7823456 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 Yorkshire Surprise, 672 each Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Lessness Surprise and Superlative Surprise, 560 Double Norwich Court Bob and 448 each Bristol Surprise and London Surprise, with 167 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, all 7 leads of the course of Superlative with coursing order 8765432, 238 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (123) or at the front (115), queens and back rounds.
5,184 (5,040) Spliced Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8748)23456 M B H 35264 - DB.D 52634 [-] - s W.D.CY. 34265 2 SDSDE.CL.(EW) Repeat eleven times, calling single for [-] in parts 6 and 12.
For handbells: 5-6 always coursing or home.
Contains 960 Double Norwich Court Bob, 768 each Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Lessness Surprise (E) and Superlative Surprise and 384 each Bristol Surprise, London Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 191 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,040 by replacing the parenthesized leads by one lead of Double Norwich in any three parts; contains 1,008 Double Norwich Court Bob, 768 each Cambridge Surprise and Superlative Surprise, 672 each Cornwall Surprise and Lessness Surprise and 384 each Bristol Surprise, London Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 186 changes of method.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8416)2345678 Deva - 7864523 Deva 2345867 Cornwall 8472635 Deva 3526478 Superlative - 5678342 London 7536284 Yorkshire 6854723 Cambridge 4283675 Yorkshire 3725468 Cornwall - 4237856 London 3482675 Lessness 8364527 Lessness 6853742 Cornwall - 7568234 Bristol 6725483 Bristol 2647358 London - 3426875 Bristol 2384567 Superlative 4637258 Yorkshire 7568423 Lessness 6745382 Cambridge 5872634 Superlative - 8234567 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Cornwall, Deva, Lessness, London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 448 Cambridge, with 139 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and 182 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (101) or at the front (81), with no backstroke 87s.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8417)2345678 Cambridge 5738264 London 3527486 Lessness - 4235678 Bristol - 3425678 Cornwall s 2634857 Lessness - 8326745 Deva 4567328 Bristol - 6457328 Lessness 5634872 Deva - 7283456 Bristol 8742635 Bristol s 8472635 Cornwall s 7684523 Yorkshire 4263758 Superlative 3528476 Cambridge 8756342 London 5837264 Yorkshire - 8764523 Lessness 6857342 Superlative s 7842635 Superlative 2385764 Cambridge 5634278 Deva - 7823456 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Bristol and Lessness, 672 each Cambridge, Deva and Superlative and 448 each Cornwall, London and Yorkshire, with 146 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and 269 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (161) or at the front (108).
Also contains 37 backstroke 87s.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8418)2345678 Deva 7856342 Cornwall 3527486 Cornwall - 4235678 Bristol 3462857 Cambridge 2547386 Superlative 7856234 Cambridge 6384725 London - 7863542 Bristol 6758234 Yorkshire 8374625 Deva 2546378 Lessness 4235867 London 3482756 Deva s 6578234 Superlative 8354627 Cambridge 4237865 Lessness 3482576 Yorkshire 2746358 Yorkshire - 7658234 Deva 3482657 Cornwall 6873542 Cornwall - 5768234 Bristol s 5678234 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Cornwall and Deva, 672 each Bristol, Cambridge and Yorkshire and 448 each Lessness, London and Superlative, with 139 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and 196 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (108) or at the front (88).
Also contains 21 backstroke 87s.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7–8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8818)23456 M B H 8 methods 7 methods (35264) - WK. WE. (42635) a W.YS.B.SC. W.YS.B.SC. (63542) b 2* WC.K.C.BY. WC.W.C.BY. 53462 - - - YLS.EL.EEL. YLS.EL.EEL. 24365 - - E.WKBK. E.WWBW. Repeat five times, replacing 2* by two fourth place bobs in alternate parts. x = 16. 2* = - x. a = sV,sM,sM,sF; b = sT,sV.
The eight method arrangement contains 768 each Cornwall (W), Kenninghall and Lessness (E) and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 149 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 18 each 8765s and 8756s, 195 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (105) or at the front (90), and back rounds.
The seven method arrangement contains 1,344 Cornwall (W), 960 Lessness (E) and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 138 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 18 each 8765s and 8756s, 196 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (106) or at the front (90), and back rounds.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8252)23456 M B W H 52364 - 2 WE.CS.B. 52643 - - OEC.WL. (64325) - 2* L.Y.B. 23546 s - s OS.S.E. 42536 - YW.L Repeat seven times, adding a single Home at the end of two parts half a peal apart. 2* = s -.
Contains 768 each Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London and Superlative and 512 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O) and Yorkshire, with 143 changes of method, 20 65s, 18 8765s off the front, 12 each 56s, 5678s off the front and 8756s off the front, 6 each 7568s and 6578s off the front, 132 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (64) or at the front (68), queens and back rounds.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8602)23456 M W B H 42356 - WWA. 54263 - 2 CC.SY.B. 46253 2 LY.B.L 54632 - - - LS.SYE.WAS. 23645 - - - AC.BBEEL.AC. 62345 - EYW. Repeat four times.
Contains 640 each Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method, and all the work of every method for bells 2‒6.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8603)23456 B M W H 45236 3 - - E.CASL.WY.S.W. 62534 - - L.BBAW. 56342 - - - SY.BEAES.CW. 24365 - - - L.C.AY. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Ashtead, Cornwall (W) andSuperlative and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lessness (E), London and Yorkshire, with 155 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, 15 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 9 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, queens and back rounds.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8604)2345678 Lessness - 6423857 Cornwall 8276543 Bristol 7852364 Ashtead 4365278 London - 2643857 London 4286735 Ashtead 5738642 Superlative 8472563 Ashtead 3567284 Lessness - 2635478 Yorkshire 5768243 Superlative 8473526 Yorkshire 3246857 Cambridge 6527384 Cambridge 7854632 Yorkshire 4382765 Superlative - 3265478 Cornwall 4683725 Cornwall 7854263 Bristol 5728346 Bristol 2537684 London - 6325478 Lessness - 4263857 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Ashtead, Bristol, Cornwall, Lessness, London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 448 Cambridge, with 126 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8605)2345678 Yorkshire 5738264 Superlative 8674523 Cambridge - 6423857 Bristol 2684735 Cornwall 7852364 London 5738426 Lessness 3547682 London - 6435278 Ashtead 8273564 Yorkshire - 2364857 Cambridge 4537286 Lessness 3425678 Cornwall 6283745 Ashtead 5748362 Superlative 8672534 London 7856423 Superlative - 8623745 Cornwall 7258463 Bristol 5742386 Lessness 4537628 Cornwall 6384257 Bristol - 8634257 Cambridge 4567823 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 Cornwall, 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lessness, London and Superlative and 448 each Ashtead and Yorkshire, with 160 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,184 Spliced Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8642)2345678 Little Bob s 6842735 Superlative Surprise - 8235674 Bristol Surprise - 3825674 Cambridge Surprise - 8574362 Yorkshire Surprise - 5462837 Lessness Surprise 6584723 Double Norwich Court Bob 3728465 Cornwall Surprise - 4237586 Repeat twenty-three times, calling single for bob half-way and end.
Contains 768 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Lessness Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 384 Double Norwich Court Bob and 192 Little Bob, with 191 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 8765s, 12 each 65s, 8756s, 7568s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and 116 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (58) or at the front (58), with no backstroke 87s.
5,184 Spliced Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8643)2345678 Cornwall Surprise 6482735 Double Norwich Court Bob - 5786342 Bristol Surprise - 8576342 Lessness Surprise s 7385264 London Surprise s 8273456 Cambridge Surprise 3526847 Superlative Surprise s 6547382 Little Bob 3426857 Repeat twenty-three times, adding a single at the end of the part half-way and end.
Contains 768 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise and Superlative Surprise, 384 Double Norwich Court Bob and 192 Little Bob, with 191 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 8765s, 12 each 65s, 8756s, 7568s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 146 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (81) or at the front (65), Whittingtons and back rounds. Also contains 6 backstroke 87s.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8766)23456 M B W H 45236 - - ET.CYS. 24536 - WS. 54326 - - - TSY.OC.YC. 42563 - EOT.BW 43265 - - [-] WBB.WOWE.E. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 960 Cornwall (W), 768 Lessness (E) and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Superlative, Turramurra and Yorkshire, with 138 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 9 each 8765s and 8756s, and 136 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (78) or at the front (58).
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8768)23456 B M W H 42356 - CTETS. 45623 - 2 - TS.BW.B.YCY. 43526 2 - W.B.SE. 52436 - - YOO.E. 63425 - - - E.T.E. 42635 - - OWWBO.CSY. Repeat four times.
Contains 800 Lessness (E), 640 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (W), Superlative, Turramurra and Yorkshire and 480 Cambridge, with 144 changes of method, and all the work of every method for bells 2–6.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8768a)23456 M W B H 42356 - CTETS. 54263 - - - BY.WOC.BBE. 26543 - - SOO.W. 34562 - - - YYC.T.TYS. 56342 - - WWBE.CSEO. Repeat four times.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), Superlative, Turramurra and Yorkshire, with 134 changes of method, and all the work of every method for bells 2–6.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8765)2345678 Superlative 5738264 Turramurra - 7864523 Lessness 6758342 Superlative 8472635 Yorkshire 2345867 Cambridge 5637284 Yorkshire - 6784523 Bristol - 8674523 Cambridge 4263857 Turramurra - 2357486 Cornwall 4562837 Cassiobury - 2378564 Superlative 8634257 Turramurra - 6457823 Lessness 5684372 Cassiobury 7243685 Cambridge 3825764 Cassiobury - 5647823 Cornwall 8435267 Bristol 3824756 Bristol 2378645 Cornwall 6752438 Lessness - 4567823 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Lessness, Superlative and Turramurra and 448 Yorkshire, with 153 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and 210 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (132) or at the front (78).
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8317)2345678 Cornwall - 6423857 Cambridge 3547682 Turramurra 7852364 Superlative 2684735 Cambridge - 6435278 Cornwall 2386745 London 8273564 Cornwall 5748623 Bristol 4567382 Leatherhead - 3645278 Leatherhead 4326857 Superlative 6537482 Leatherhead - 4365278 Turramurra 5738426 Superlative 8276543 Yorkshire - 2643857 Yorkshire 3567284 Superlative 7854326 Turramurra 4286735 Cambridge 6325478 Yorkshire 5738642 Cambridge 8472563 Turramurra - 4263857 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Cambridge, Superlative and Turramurra, 672 each Cornwall, Leatherhead and Yorkshire and 224 each Bristol and London, with 146 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 137 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (79) or at the front (58), and queens, with no backstroke 87s.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8318)2345678 Yorkshire 5738264 Turramurra 8674523 Superlative 4263857 Superlative 3527486 Superlative 7856342 Cambridge 6482735 Superlative - 4235678 Leatherhead 3462857 Turramurra 2547386 Superlative 7856234 Cambridge 6384725 Cornwall - 7863542 Bristol 6758234 Bristol s 6578234 Bristol - 7658234 Cornwall 2547368 London 4235876 Cornwall 8364725 Bristol 6873542 Cornwall - 5768234 Leatherhead 6527483 Yorkshire 7853642 London s 5678234 Repeat six times.
Contains 1,120 Superlative, 896 each Bristol and Cornwall and 448 each Cambridge, Leatherhead, London, Turramurra and Yorkshire, with 132 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 153 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (87) or at the front (66), kings, queens and back rounds.
Also contains 17 backstroke 87s.
5,010 Spliced Triples and Major (8 methods)
Mark R EcclestonMajor Stedman Triples 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1372546 s - - - - s 1673425 - s - - - s 4672513 s - - - - s 4376125 s - - - - s ╮ 4573261 s - - - - s │ A 2576143 s - - - - s ╯ 5471263 2A 5374612 s - - - - s 5273146 s - - - - s 1253647 s - - - - - 14536278 DY(s)P 145326 PPSS-CC-LP-PPY(s)CLD- 132456 YDC-L- 134256 SD(s) 153246 YDY-L 124356 P(s)PD- 5276413 - - - - s 1675243 4A 1376452 s - - - - s 1264537 s - - - - - 16452378 CDDB(s)BB(s)S(s)P 134526 CSPP(s)P 124653 P(s)YD-DBB-BS-BD- 163452 CCS-L(s)B(s)Y(s) 142365 CL(s)CLDB(s)CL- 152364 YYPP(s)YL 6574213 - - - - s 5172643 2A 5371426 s - - - - s 5673214 s - - - - s 2671453 s - - s s s 2673541 s - - - - - - s 1465327 s - -: (6 sixes) 15463278 YD- 165432 PPD- 124635 DB-BSS-C-L. 163425 P-B.PPD-PD- 12537486 SS-PS-B.Y Round with two changes of Yorkshire. Stedman starts are with a full slow six. Unless otherwise indicated Stedman courses are 10 sixes long.
Contains 2,496 Stedman Triples, 416 Bristol Surprise Major, 386 Yorkshire Surprise Major, 384 each Cambridge Surprise Major and Superlative Surprise Major, 352 Plain Bob Major 320 London Surprise Major and 272 Double Norwich Court Bob Major, with 75 changes of method, queens, tittums and back rounds (twice).
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (4–8 methods)
Noel J Diserens23456 M B W H 4 Methods 8 Methods 45236 - - LS.CSC. LC.CSP. 34256 [3] - LS.CSC L.B.B.S.R 52643 - - L.C.L L.Y. 46325 - - SSC.C.SSS PRNC.N.YYS 62345 2 LS.B.L YNPY.B.L 43526 - - L.C.CSC L.S.R 32654 2 - L.B.BBB.CS R.B.BBB.CS 25346 - SS.SC YS.SC 54263 2 2 L.B.LLLLL.B.L L.B.RLLLR.B.L 46532 - CS.SS CS.SY 32465 - 2 SC.BBB.B.L SC.BBB.B.R 64523 - - CSC.C.L R.S.L 34625 2 L.B.SL L.B.YPNY 26543 - - SSS.C.CSS SYY.C. 45362 - - L.C.L CNRP.Y.L 23564 - [3] - CSC.SL. R.S.B.B.L. 53462 - CSC.SL PSC.CL 43265 - CSC.SL NCN.NL 52364 - - CSC.CL. YYS.PR. 65324 - 3 CSCS.SSC.B.B. RC.PPP.B.PPRCN. 35264 2 - SL.B.L. SL.B.R. 25634 - - - CSC.CLCS.BBBB. CNN.YPRY.NS. 24536 - - - BBBB.SCLC.CSC. SN.YRPY.NNC. 26435 2 - L.B.LS. R.B.LS. 64235 2 B.B. NCRPP.B. 52436 - - CSS.SCSC. PPP.CR. 35426 - LC.CSC RP.SYY 23456 - LS.CSC LN.NCN Omit both blocks of [3] in 4 method peal which is a perfect palindrome.
The 4 method arrangement contains contains 1600 Superlative, 1536 Cambridge, 1056 London, and 832 Bristol, 111 com, all the work, and 39 cru's. The 8 method arrangement contains 640 each Bristol, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, 608 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N) and London, 120 com, all the work, and 59 cru's.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard I Allton12345678 Rutland 14263857 Cambridge 13527486 Rutland s 21436578 Yorkshire 26748153 Pudsey 28573614 Pudsey 23154867 Superlative 24617385 Cambridge - 26785431 Yorkshire - 27531648 Lincolnshire 21458763 London - 27514386 Rutland 21735648 Superlative - 27548163 Lincolnshire - 25863714 Rutland - 27658431 Superlative 28361745 London - 27683514 Bristol - 28763514 Pudsey - 27314856 Pudsey - 23456781 Repeat seven times. s = 3456.
Contains 1,024 each Pudsey and Rutland; 768 Superlative; 512 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London and Yorkshire; and 256 Bristol; with 143 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble.
5,376 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard I Allton23456 V B M W I H Methods 43652 - R.YR 52436 2 - NPN.B.S.B 234756 - - L.L.CCR 372546 - PS.NS 532746 - 3 RS.R.B.B. 32465 - - - [-] Y.PC.Y.R 6 part. Omit [-] in alternate parts.
768 Bristol, Superlative, 576 Yorkshire, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, 384 London, 1152 Rutland,. 144 com, 60 cru's. 12 7468, 21 7568, 18 8765. Queens. For 5056 omit 3H and associated leads of Bristol in all but 1st part.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard I Allton23456 M B W H Methods 23564 2 2 - PNY.B.RRLLR.B.R. 52364 - RPCCP. 43265 - 3 - NSY.C.B.CPRNC.L. 64235 - LY.R 23645 - - RY.SNY. 36245 2 CYNSL.B. 32465 - 2 LY.R.B. 35264 2 - SPN.B.SNNC. 34562 - - - PC.BBB.L. 35642 - 2 BN.R.B. 26543 - - L.BY. 42635 - 2 L.BBB.SL.PP 35426 2 - SNN.SPSRP.LLRRL.SYY 45623 - PYC.SR 65324 - R.CSCN 42356 - - - YSY.S.R. 32654 - 3 YSN.LP.B.B. 62453 - R.SCNP 34256 - - L.NYCN. 24653 - R.PR 64352 - L.PYPY 25346 - - - SYC.Y.L. 32546 - LCL. 53246 - PNSCCNS. 24536 - - RC.L. 45236 2 CYPRP.B. 23456 - - LC.R.
704 Rutland; 672 London; 640 Cambridge, Yorkshire; 608 Pudsey, Superlative;
576 Bristol, Lincolnshire (N). 136 com, 94 combination rollups, all the work.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard I Allton234567 V B M In F W H Methods 42356 - B. 35426 - - PNSY.L. 52436 2 CR.B.PNS (254763) - - Y.L. (64523) 2 - CR.B.PNSY. 647253 2 - L.CR.B.P (23456) - 2 NSY.L.CR. 35264 - 3 B.PN.B.B. (56342) - SY. (23456) - - L.CR. 63254 2 - 3 B.PNSY.L.C.B.B. 64352 2 - R.B.PNSY. 25346 - - - L.C.L. 32546 - LYR. 53246 - SPSYPNP. 234756 - - - YCC.L.NCR. 423756 - CSPSR. 573246 - - - R.C.CPP. 357246 - RSL. 275346 S S NSYN.R. 253746 - 2 BC.R.B. 325746 - NSSRS. 342756 2 - R.B.SR. 372546 - - CY.RYP.SR 274536 - PNY.CR 36245 - - 2 L.NY.C.B. 42365 - S RY.NYS. 43265 S CPPSR. 62534 - - R.N.PPY 63542 - - NS.BPC.LY 45236 - - L.S.NPY 23456 - - NCPP.R.
736 Pudsey, Rutland; 704 Superlative; 640 Cambridge, Yorkshire; 608 Lincolnshire (N); 512 Bristol; 448 London.
144 com, 76 cru's, all the work.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Neil R Aspland23456 M B W H Methods 42356 - B. 62534 2 - - R.B.SPYR.CP. 45236 [-] - L.NPYS. 65432 (2 L(.B.NR 32546 -) 2 2 L.)C.YNRCS.R.B. 6 part. Omit [-] from alternate parts.
960 Rutland, 768 Bristol, 576 Cambridge, London, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire. 156 com, 144 cru's. Tittums.
Reduce to 5,056 by omitting parenthesized bobs and leads from one part.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Neil R Aspland23456 M B W H Methods 23564 2 2 - SPY.B.RRLRR.B.YPS. 24365 2 - NSC.B.CYNP. 32465 - RYL. 34625 - 2 LS.YCC.B. 65243 - - 2 L.LLRLL.L.B. 42356 - - CCY.S.R 54326 - LY.SPP 62345 - - - R.Y.NSP. 24653 - CY.PC 45236 - 3 YN.NC.B.B. 26354 - - 2 R.S.L.B. 53462 - - 3 L.S.R.B.B. 36524 - CN.NY 36245 - - CP.YC. 42563 - - PSN.Y.R 64523 - PPSS.R 32546 - - - R.S.L. 53246 - LYR. 34256 2 PNYC.B.CSN 25346 - - RP.NSP. 26543 2 - L.B.YL. 23645 - - - NN.BBB.PCP. 63425 - - - PCP.BBB.NN. 43265 2 - LY.B.L. 52364 - - PSN.PR. 35264 - RYL. 46253 - - - R.C.R. 32654 - - SNS.NL. 65324 - - LN.SNS. 23456 - - R.C.R
672 London, Rutland, 640 Superlative, Pudsey, Lincolnshire (N), 608 Bristol, 576 Cambridge, Yorkshire. 129 com, all the work, 78 cru's.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Oliver M Austin23456 M B W H Methods 43652 - (- -) R.S.R. 35426 - NP.BBL 64523 - - R.CR. 52643 - - RC.YYY. 10 part, calling (- -) in parts 5 and 10.
Contains 1600 Rutland, 960 Yorkshire, 640 Bristol, Cambridge, 320 Lincolnshire(N), London, Pudsey, Superlative, with 62 combination rollups, 119 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Roger Baldwin23456 M W H Methods 25634 2 - - R.B.Y.L. 26354 - 2 LC.R.B. 32654 - RSR. 62534 2 - LY.B.R. 36524 - 3 RS.R.B.B. 52364 - - LN.L. 35264 - LNL. 23564 - LCR. 56234 - - RP.L. 5 part.
800 Bristol, 320 Cambridge, 1440 London, 320 Lincolnshire (N), 160 Pudsey, 1440 Rutland, 320 Superlative, 320 Yorkshire. 129 com, 72 cru's.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Robert D S Brown2345678 London - 6423857 Cambridge - 4357682 Bristol - 5437682 Bristol - 3547682 Rutland - 6435278 Yorkshire 5748623 Cambridge 8273564 Superlative 3624857 Superlative 4567382 Yorkshire 7852436 Yorkshire 2386745 Lincolnshire - 3645278 Rutland 4326857 Lincolnshire 6537482 Yorkshire 7852643 Pudsey 2483765 Pudsey - 4365278 Rutland - 2643857 Lincolnshire 3567284 Lincolnshire 7854326 Cambridge 4286735 Rutland 8472563 Cambridge - 4263857 7 part.
Contains 896 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Rutland, Yorkshire, 448 Bristol, Pudsey, Superlative, 224 London, with 125 changes of method, all the work.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Robert D S Brown23456 M B W H Methods 52436 - NCYC.YCP 32645 2 s SC.LN.NC. 26453 s s 2 R.P.L.B. (56423) s BS. 42365 s - - YRSS.P.YNP. 6 part. Contains 960 Cambridge; 768 Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire; 384 Bristol, London, Rutland. 143 changes of method. 78 combination rollups inc 18 56s, 65s. Backrounds.
Contains 960 Cambridge, 768 Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire, 384 Bristol, London, Rutland, with 78 combination rollups, 8 changes of method.
5,280 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
W Eric Critchley23456 M W H Methods 43652 - L.CL 56234 - - R.S.R 23564 - - LY.R. 52364 - LCR. 36524 - - LP.R. 53624 - RNL. 25634 - LS.L 65324 2 - RN.B.R. 26354 - 3 LY.R.B.B. 35264 - - RC.L. 5 part.
480 Bristol, 480 Cambridge, 1600 London, 320 Lincolnshire (N), 160 Pudsey, 1600 Rutland, 320 Superlative, 320 Yorkshire. 145 com, 70 cru's.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
W Eric Critchley23456 M W H Methods 65432 - - - R.S.BB. 46532 - LYL. 53462 - - LY.L. 45362 - LSR. 36452 - - RN.L. 64352 2 LNR.B. 35642 - - RP.L. 63542 - RCL. 56342 - LPR. 34562 - - RC.R. 5 part.
480 Bristol, 320 Cambridge, 1600 London, 320 Lincolnshire (N), 320 Pudsey, 1440 Rutland, 320 Superlative, 320 Yorkshire. 120 com, 65 cru's.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
W Eric Critchley23456 M W H Methods 65432 - - - R.C.BB. 64352 - 2 LY.R.B. 35642 - - RP.L. 63542 - LNL. 56342 - LPR. 45362 - RN.L 36452 - - LS.R. 53462 - LC.R 46532 - - LS.R. 34562 - RY.L 5 part.
480 Bristol, 320 Cambridge, 1600 London, 320 Lincolnshire (N), 320 Pudsey, 1440 Rutland, 320 Superlative, 320 Yorkshire. 129 com, 66 cru's.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Philip G K Davies23456 B M W H Methods 23564 - - BBBB.PP. 56234 - - PPYN.PCC. 42635 - - CPC.CR. 45236 - - - RRL.BBB.R. 24536 - RPNNN. 65432 - - R.YCCY. 46532 - SCSSSSS. 34562 - YCSP.SNN 25463 - - NSN.RRRRRR. 42563 - LYL. 52364 - NYY.LRLLLL 43265 - - L.YR. 24365 - NNPCYYY. 2 part.
896 Rutland, 704 Lincolnshire (N), Yorkshire, 640 Cambridge, 576 London, Pudsey, Superlative, 448 Bristol. 87 com, all the work, 73 cru's.
5,056 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Philip G K Davies23456 B M W H Methods 42356 - NNYNNYS. 42563 - - BBBB.SY. 56423 - - LP.CPN. 34625 - - SSP.RC. 53246 - 2 2 RRL.BBB.SLR.L.B. 54632 2 - - PSS.B.N.R. 65324 - - - PP.LPY.NYCC. 36524 - CPLSP. (23564) - YCSC. 46532 - - - PNRN.Y.R. 34562 - RC.L 54263 - YYC.LRRRLL 32465 - - L.SR. 2 part.
768 Rutland, 704 London, 640 Pudsey, Superlative, 576 Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Yorkshire. 119 com, all the work, 60 cru's. Tittums.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Simon J Gay23456 M W H 64352 - - L.BC. 36452 - LNYPY. 53462 - BC.B 24365 - - L.PYSC. 32465 - LRY. 43265 - PSSNR. 52364 - - R.BC. 35264 - RNSPN. 5 part.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, London, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire, with 149 changes of method.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Graham A C John23456 M B W H Methods 42356 - RSCNP. (54326) - RN. (35642) F/I Y.B. 25463 2 2 RLP.LC.BYSLP.B. (274536) V P. 32465 F/I/V - - BN.RLS.BL.R.L. 43265 - RYR. 24365 - NPCYR. 62345 - PNCP.R 52643 - - NS.RL.PYS 52436 - - CN.BRL. 42635 - PCS.LP 62534 - YNC.BY 52364 2 - SL.B.SPS. 35264 - YSPNR. 62453 - - BRLC.Y.B (25634) - CN. 46532 - - BPN.BP. (63542) 2 CL.B. 23645 2 NSLC.B.CR 54632 - - - L.N.YSN. 35426 - 2 BPYRN.SC.B. 43526 - CNSPNCS. 63254 - 2 - L.Y.B.L. 32654 2 PLR.B. (53624) - YR. 34256 - 2 - - YRSC.BL.SR.YRYN.CSC. 45236 2 PSPY.B.L 23456 - - NSPY.CNY.
640 Bristol, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, 608 Cambridge, London, Yorkshire. 156 com, all the work, 92 cru's. Queens. Tittums.
5,056 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Graham A C John23456 M B W H Methods 64352 - - R.CSSP. 36452 - SSLNN. 43652 - CYCLC. 26354 - - R.NL. 35264 - - CNSY.R. 52364 2 PLL.B. 32654 2 - NR.PNLPP.YYY. 63254 - RNYNC. 42356 - - R.SR. (54326) - SR. 64523 2 NRYP.B.PCPC 32546 - - - L.N.R. (43526) - CNYC. 36524 - 2 YRNN.CL.B. 53624 - PPLNC. 26435 - - SPS.P.YYP 24365 - 2 LS.BB.B. 46532 - 2 BCSNRP.C.B.L 53462 - - YR.R. 45362 - RSL. 25463 2 BB.B.BN 63542 2 PP.LP.CS 42635 - 2 NC.BBB.B.B 64235 - CSRNP. 53246 - - - YLYSLY.BBBRR.CYC. 23645 - 3 L.RP.B.B. 25346 2 - R.B.SR. 34256 - - PSPS.YNS. 23456 - RPR.
736 Bristol, Rutland, 704 Pudsey, 608 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Superlative, 544 Yorkshire, 512 London. 130 com, all the work, 113 cru's. Queens. Tittums.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Robert W Lee-2345678 B -4235678 BCYNR -7863542 NS -4256378 BLRLRR -4267583 SSPNP -7835264 YYCC -7856342 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 Rutland; 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Superlative, and Yorkshire; and 448 each London and Pudsey; with 125 changes of method and 41 combination rollups, all the work of each method for every bell, and Queens.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Robert W Lee2345678 S -3578264 RRR -6427835 CC -3582764 BC -3526847 BY -3564278 YRL -6354278 LPPNN -5634278 P -6478523 YSSN -6482735 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 Rutland; 672 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Superlative, and Yorkshire; and 448 each Bristol and London; with 104 changes of method and 25 combination rollups, all the work of each method for every bell, and Queens.
5,376 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Robert W Lee23456 M I/O/F W H Methods 36452 - 2 R.YL.B. 43652 - LPPNN. 56234 - - R.N.B 42635 - x - L.L.B.B.Y. 64235 - CRSSC. 24365 2 (-) YSPC.B.R. Repeat five times, omitting (-) from alternate parts.
Reduce to 5,056 by omitting I/O/F and associated leads of Bristol from five parts.
Contains 768 London and Rutland, 640 Bristol, and 576 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 127 changes of method and 90 combination rollups, including 24 each 56s and 65s.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
John R Mayne23456 M W H Methods 65432 - - - BB.S.L. 46532 - LCR. 54632 - RNL. 63542 - - LC.L. 56342 - RYL. 35642 - LNR. 64352 - - LP.L. 36452 - RSR. 45362 - - RY.BB. 34562 - RPR. 5 part.
640 Bristol, 320 Cambridge, 1440 London, 320 Lincolnshire (N), 320 Pudsey, 1440 Rutland, 320 Superlative, 320 Yorkshire. 124 com, 65 cru's.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3)23456 B M W H Methods 52436 - RS.L 42635 - NYS.CL 35264 2 YN.LP.BBB 23564 - RRP. 36245 - CP.PC 24365 - [-] N(SSY).R. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Pudsey, Rutland and Superlative, and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London and Yorkshire, with 126 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,056 by calling R for (SSY) in two parts; contains 832 Rutland, 768 Pudsey, 640 Superlative, 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire and London, and 512 Yorkshire, with 122 changes of method.
Both arrangements contain all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front.
5,056 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 44)23456 B M W H 53462 s s R.C.L 53624 - - PS.SC. 62345 s [s] - (R).N.L. 42365 s BY.B Repeat eleven times, omitting [s] from parts six and twelve. Replace (R) by YNP in any one part.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cambridge, London and Superlative, 736 Rutland, and 416 each Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey and Yorkshire, with 145 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 72)23456 W B H 56342 2 PY.NR.NS 65423 - s SY.BBL. 23546 2 BLL.CR.CP 43265 s - [-] CSNP.SRN.CY. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N) and Superlative and 576 each Bristol, London, Pudsey, Rutland and Yorkshire, with 143 changes of method.
For handbells: 5-6 are always either home or coursing.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 73)23456 B M W H 35264 - NY.(NC 65423 [-] s P)SY.P.L 56234 - s SN.BLR. 63542 - BLR.CS (23546) s ss L.P. 32465 - s B.YCR.NY. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Lincolnshire (N), London and Yorkshire and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Pudsey, Rutland and Superlative, with 161 changes of method.
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 8765s and 8756s, and a change of method every lead.
Reduce to 5,056 by replacing parenthesized leads by one lead of of Rutland in any two parts; contains 768 each London and Yorkshire, 704 Lincolnshire (N), 640 Rutland, 576 each Bristol and Superlative and 512 each Cambridge and Pudsey, with 157 changes of method.
Especially suitable for handbells: 5-6 are always either home or coursing.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 136)23456 M B W H (52436) - LC. 42635 - NRYC.PR 23564 2 - SY.RY.NY. 35264 2 RCNCN.B. 56342 - CY.NY 24365 - - [-] R.C.R. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 1,152 each Cambridge, Rutland and Yorkshire, 960 Lincolnshire (N) and 192 each Bristol, London, Pudsey and Superlative, with 161 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 141)23456 B M W H 42356 - PCNSL. 34256 - LPL. 65243 - - - NPC.Y.BB. 32546 - - R.BN. 54326 - - BY.YLNSRS. 35264 - - - PC.RYS.CR. Repeat four times.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 144 changes of method, and is all the work for bells 2-6.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 156)234567 M B W H 54632 - - R.Y.B 432765 2 In L.B.CSP.CSR 374625 - YS.NY 524367 F - LPP.C. 23564 - NC.SN 24365 2 [-] L.B.SR. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 960 Superlative, 768 Cambridge and 576 each Bristol, Lincolnshire (N), London, Pudsey, Rutland and Yorkshire, with 150 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, 21 each 7568s and 7658s, 15 each 8765s and 8756s, 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, queens, Whittingtons and back rounds.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 408)2345678 I M B W F H Methods 42356 - CLR. 64352 - - - - BPNN.P.BL.YRR.P 56342 - SCSC.YNY 7823456 - SP. Repeat six times.
Contains 896 Pudsey, 672 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire)(N), Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, 448 each Bristol and London, with 146 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, 18 each 5678s, 4567s, 3456s and 2345s, and 10 each 8765s, 7654s, 6543s and 5432s, with no backstroke 87s.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 613)23456 M W B H Methods 35426 2 NPPS.NYRSC.L 56423 - 2 L.CL.B. 25463 - SL.B 24365 a - [-] S.PY.BRL.BB.PS. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. a = V,sM,sF.
Contains 960 each Bristol, London and Superlative, 768 Pudsey and 384 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Rutland and Yorkshire, with 143 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,056 by replacing the first three leads with a single lead of Rutland in any two parts. Contains 960 each Bristol, London and Superlative, 640 Pudsey, 448 Rutland, 384 each Cambridge and Yorkshire, and 320 Lincolnshire, with 141 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 872)2345678 B M W H Methods 34652 - 2* SNS.BY.B. 43526 - 3* YP.CLPNL.B.B. 23546 s RC.L 2347586 - RS. Repeat seven times, calling s for - half-way and end. 2* = s -; 3* = - s -.
Contains 1,024 Bristol, 768 each London and Superlative, and 512 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Rutland and Yorkshire, with 144 changes of method and no backstroke 87s.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 873)2345678 V W H 274365 - S.LYPN 245367 s s C.BL. 52436 - RCYPN. 3257486 2* RS.B. Repeat nine times. 2* = s -.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 159 changes of method and no backstroke 87s.
5,376 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 996)2345678 Rutland - 6423857 Pudsey s 3457682 Yorkshire s 7482365 Cambridge s 2465738 Lincolnshire s 5438276 London 3524687 Pudsey 4857362 Yorkshire 7682435 London - 4876523 Bristol - 7486523 Rutland s 8574362 Superlative s 4562837 Pudsey - 5237486 London s 3452678 Bristol s 3542678 Lincolnshire - 5278364 Rutland 7532486 Lincolnshire 2856743 Cambridge 6483275 Cambridge - 4375628 Superlative - 3528467 Bristol 2345786 Superlative 5836274 Yorkshire - 8674523 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 160 changes of method, and all the work of every method for every bell, including a plain, bobbed and singled lead of every method for every place bell for every bell.
5,376 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 997)2345678 Rutland 4263857 Superlative - 2357486 Lincolnshire 7836245 Rutland - 2378564 Pudsey s 8364257 London 6823745 Cambridge 3485672 Rutland s 8634257 Lincolnshire s 4657823 Bristol - 5467823 Bristol s 5647823 Yorkshire - 6723584 Bristol 2657438 Cambridge - 6738245 Lincolnshire - 7845623 Yorkshire s 5823764 London s 2758436 Cambridge s 8736245 Superlative s 6745823 Pudsey 5273684 London - 6752438 Yorkshire 2378645 Superlative 8435267 Pudsey - 4567823 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 160 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, including a plain, bobbed and singled lead of every method for every place bell for every bell, 16 each 5678s, 4567s, 3456s and 2345s, Queens, back rounds, and no backstroke 87s.
5,376 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 998)2345678 Rutland 4263857 Superlative - 2357486 Cambridge - 3786245 Bristol - 8376245 Superlative 6435827 Yorkshire - 4527683 Bristol 2465378 Lincolnshire - 4578236 Pudsey 8356427 Lincolnshire s 6327845 Cambridge 7435682 Yorkshire 5842763 London - 7458326 Rutland s 5374682 Lincolnshire 4832567 Pudsey - 8267453 Cambridge s 7253846 London 5782634 Rutland - 6857423 Superlative s 7823645 London s 2678534 Pudsey s 8634257 Yorkshire s 4657823 Bristol s 4567823 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 167 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, including a plain, bobbed and singled lead of every method for every place bell for every bell, 8 each 5678s, 4567s, 3456s and 2345s, Queens, back rounds, and no backstroke 87s, with a change of method every lead.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3879)2345678 Pudsey - 3578264 Rutland 7325486 Yorkshire - 3586742 London 8375264 Cambridge - 3564827 Bristol 6385742 Bristol 8673254 Bristol 7826435 Bristol 2748563 London - 5427386 Cambridge 7846532 Superlative 6382754 Pudsey 2534678 Lincolnshire 4758263 Yorkshire 8673425 Superlative 3265847 Pudsey - 2547386 Lincolnshire 7856234 Superlative - 8634725 Superlative 4265873 Cambridge 5723486 Lincolnshire 3876542 Rutland - 5738264 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Bristol and Superlative, 672 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire and Pudsey and 448 each London, Rutland and Yorkshire, with 132 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell. Also contains 10 backstroke 87s.
5,021 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4659)234567 B M W H 52436 - LY.CSN ╮ 36524 2 - L.NRR.Y.L │ 52364 - - LY.BB. │ 65324 - BS.B │A 46325 - - - CS.PRS.N.PPC │ 24365 - RC.R ╯ 42356 A* 43265 A 34256 A* 32465 A (264735) - In L.BB. (235476) - F P.CY.N Round at the treble's handstroke snap. A* = A, adding a bob Home at the end.
Contains 800 Rutland, 704 Bristol, 672 each Cambridge and London, 640 Superlative, 512 each Pudsey and Yorkshire and 509 Lincolnshire (N), with 130 changes of method.
Especially suitable for a twenty-first birthday, or similar anniversary.
5,184 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4660)23456 ½ W 1½ H 42635 s - s - (L.B).(C.R). 64235 - PN(YS)R(SY). 46532 - C(SY)N(SP).P(YS)N 63542 - - (S.Y)R.L (36245) - R(YP). 65243 s - (L.N).L (54263) 2 (YB)CP.B. 24365 s - [-] (L.N).L[.] Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Parenthesized method pairs indicate half-lead method changes. Contains 864 London, 768 Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, 672 Rutland, Yorkshire, 576 Superlative, 480 Cambridge, 384 Bristol, with 222 changes of method, 150 at the lead end and 72 at the half lead.
Reduce to 5,024 by replacing the 3rd and 4th courses of any one part by a one course (containing no bobs) called C(SY)N(SP)L Contains 864 London, 736 Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, 640 Rutland, Yorkshire, 544 Superlative, 480 Cambridge, 384 Bristol, with 216 changes of method, 146 at the lead end and 70 at the half lead.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4878)23456 B M H 64352 - - L.CYNP. 34256 - L.BY 34562 - - CP.NS. 32546 2 [x] R.B.SR. Repeat nine times, omitting [x] from the end of alternate parts. x = 16.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 159 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4879)23456 O I V H 62345 - 2 - NY.B.LY.BR. (54326) - - - CS.C.L. 53624 - - [-] N.P.PSR. Repeat nine times, omitting [-] from the end of alternate parts. Sixth place bobs.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 149 changes of method.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6087)2345678 Superlative 5738264 Cambridge - 7864523 Bristol 6758342 Bristol - 5678342 Pudsey 8462537 Pudsey - 4237856 Cambridge 7526483 Superlative 6853742 Cambridge 3482675 Cambridge 2745368 Lincolnshire - 7568234 London 6725483 Rutland 2647358 Yorkshire - 6758234 Yorkshire 8374625 Pudsey - 3425867 Superlative - 4567382 Rutland 6435278 Pudsey 5748623 London - 6457382 Lincolnshire 7842635 Rutland 4768523 Superlative - 7823456 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Cambridge, Pudsey and Superlative, 672 Rutland and 448 each Bristol, Lincolnshire, London and Yorkshire, with 126 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
Contains all 7 leads of the course of Superlative with coursing order 8765432, 193 runs of four or more consecutive bells, either at the back or at the front, including 16 56s, queens, Whittingtons and back rounds.
Also contains three backstroke 87s.
5,056 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6377)23456 M B H 35264 - PS.SC 24563 - s L.BC. 24635 - - CN.BBL. 62435 - RYPNP. 42536 - L.YR Repeat seven times, replacing the first course by sM,sW (L.P.B) in two parts half a peal apart.
Contains 832 each Bristol and London, 768 Pudsey, 704 Cambridge, 512 each Lincolnshire (N), Rutland and Yorkshire and 384 Superlative, with 135 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6378)2345678 Cambridge - 3578264 Superlative 8654327 Cambridge 4267835 London 6482573 Lincolnshire 2743658 Yorkshire - 7358264 London - 2573486 Pudsey 3856247 Pudsey 6487325 Yorkshire 7245638 Rutland 4762853 Lincolnshire - 7253486 Rutland 5742638 Superlative - 7238564 Bristol - 3728564 Bristol s 3278564 Repeat nine times.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 139 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6379)2345678 Rutland - 6423857 Bristol s 6243857 Cambridge 3527684 Superlative 7854362 London 5738246 Pudsey - 7846523 Lincolnshire 6283754 London 8672435 Yorkshire 2365847 Superlative - 3547286 Cambridge 7856324 Rutland 5738462 Lincolnshire 8672543 Yorkshire s 2643857 Bristol - 4263857 Pudsey s 3257486 Repeat nine times.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 159 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6380)12345678 Rutland 14263857 Yorkshire - 12357486 Rutland - 14523678 Cambridge 13758462 Lincolnshire 18672345 Superlative 12465837 Superlative - 14537286 Bristol - 13457286 Superlative 17846325 Yorkshire 16285734 Yorkshire - 12534678 Pudsey 14758263 Lincolnshire 18673425 London 17846532 Lincolnshire 16382754 Superlative - 13254678 Bristol 15362847 Pudsey - 13247586 London s 41536278 Cambridge - 45678123 Repeat seven times. s = 3456.
Contains 1,024 Superlative, 768 each Lincolnshire and Yorkshire and 512 each Bristol, Cambridge, London, Pudsey and Rutland, with 143 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6732)23456 V B M W F H (25436) - s - s s C.N.P.Y.C. 26435 B,V s - 2 L.L.R.S.P.B. 36425 - s s s P.S.L.Y. 42536 - s - 2* S.N.R.C.B. Repeat seven times, calling 2 for 2* in any two parts half a peal apart. 2* = s -.
Contains 768 each Cambridge, London, Pudsey and Superlative and 512 each Bristol, Lincolnshire (N), Rutland and Yorkshire, with 151 changes of method and a call every lead.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6733)23456 B M H 43652 - NNS.RY 35426 - YN.BBB 46523 - s R.LP. 62435 - SC.CC 42536 - L.RP Repeat seven times, adding a single Home half-way and end.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N) and Rutland and 512 each London, Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 111 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6734)23456 B M W H 46352 - s NSC.BY. 25634 - s - L.P.R. 62345 - s s PC.BNY.YR. 35246 - [s] L.SCNS. Repeat seven times, omitting [s] half-way and end.
Contains 768 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Superlative and Yorkshire and 512 each Bristol, London, Pudsey and Rutland, with 151 changes of method.
5,120 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6735)23456 V M W F B H (24563) ss s s s Y.B.SC.PC.R. 64532 s s ss Y.N.R.B. (65234) s s s s L.Y.N.L. 42536 s [s] S.NCPS. Repeat seven times, omitting [s] half-way and end.
Contains 768 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Superlative and Yorkshire and 512 each Bristol, London, Pudsey and Rutland, with 159 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,024 by omitting three ss and associated leads of Bristol; contains 768 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Superlative and Yorkshire, 512 each London, Pudsey and Rutland and 416 Bristol, with 156 changes of method.
5,152 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6777)2345678 Cambridge - 3578264 Lincolnshire 8654327 London 5836742 Superlative - 8642573 Bristol - 4862573 Bristol - 6482573 Superlative 2743658 Yorkshire - 7358264 London 5723486 Superlative - 7386542 Pudsey 6432758 London 3674825 Rutland - 8736542 Yorkshire 6472853 Lincolnshire 2543687 Rutland (- 6425738 Bristol - 2645738 Bristol -) 4265738 Yorkshire 5328476 Cambridge - 3876542 Pudsey 6482357 Cambridge 2547638 Pudsey - 5738264 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 Bristol, 672 each Cambridge, London, Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire and 448 each Lincolnshire and Rutland, with 146 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
Reduce to 5,024 by omitting the parenthesized bobs and leads of Bristol from any two parts. Contains 768 Bristol, 672 each Cambridge, London, Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire and 448 each Lincolnshire and Rutland, with 144 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,152 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6968)2345678 Yorkshire - 3578264 London 7325486 Lincolnshire - 3586742 Yorkshire 6452378 Superlative 2748635 Rutland 4267583 Yorkshire - 2783456 Bristol - 8273456 Pudsey 3526847 Rutland 2385764 Superlative 5634278 Lincolnshire 4768523 Cambridge s 8723456 Bristol - 2873456 Superlative (s 3856247 London 5328764 Cambridge 8634572 London s)3586247 Superlative 6457328 Rutland 5634872 Cambridge 4762583 Pudsey - 7283456 Bristol s 7823456 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 Superlative, 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, London, Rutland and Yorkshire and 448 each Lincolnshire and Pudsey, with 160 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
Reduce to 5,056 by omitting the parenthesized calls and leads from any one part; contains 896 Superlative, 672 each Bristol, Rutland and Yorkshire, 640 Cambridge, 608 London and 448 each Lincolnshire and Pudsey, with 156 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 6968a)2345678 Yorkshire - 3578264 Rutland 7325486 Lincolnshire - 3586742 Cambridge 6452378 Superlative 2748635 London 4267583 Yorkshire - 2783456 Bristol 8247635 Rutland - 6482573 London 8654327 Cambridge 4267835 London s 6842573 Pudsey 2783654 Rutland 8267435 Pudsey 7325846 Yorkshire - 3546782 Bristol - 4356782 Bristol s 4536782 Superlative 6852473 Pudsey 2783645 Superlative 3475268 Rutland 7324856 Lincolnshire - 3456782 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 Rutland, 672 each Bristol, London, Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire and 448 each Cambridge and Lincolnshire, with 153 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 7207)12345678 Rutland s 41628357 Bristol 42136785 Pudsey s 64182573 Rutland s 86543127 Superlative 83257614 London s 58634271 Bristol 53826147 Yorkshire s 65843712 Pudsey 63182574 Cambridge 62714358 Yorkshire s 46752831 Cambridge 42371685 Lincolnshire 41835267 Superlative 45687123 Lincolnshire 47263518 London s 64578231 London 67425183 Pudsey s 56487312 Superlative 57142638 Rutland s 45678123 Repeat seven times. s = 3456.
Contains 768 each London, Pudsey, Rutland and Superlative and 512 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, with 144 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 7358)2345678 Superlative - 3578264 Pudsey 8654327 Rutland 5836742 London - 7358264 London 5723486 Rutland 2547638 Pudsey s 7538264 Bristol - 3758264 Bristol - 5378264 Superlative 8634527 Cambridge s 4627853 Superlative 7563482 Lincolnshire 3852746 Pudsey 2486375 Lincolnshire 6745238 Superlative 5378624 Yorkshire 8234567 Yorkshire s 4267853 Superlative 7523486 Yorkshire 3856742 Superlative 6482375 Cambridge 2745638 Superlative s 5738264 Repeat six times.
Contains 1,568 Superlative, 672 each Pudsey and Yorkshire and 448 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London and Rutland, with 133 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,184 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8752)23456 B M W H 65234 - s PN.SRPP.L 56234 2* (ss) CR.CRR.L(.B.) 63542 - YN.YC 43526 s s NCS.S.B 43265 - [-] PS.NY. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 2* = - s.
For handbells: 5-6 always coursing or home.
Contains 768 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Rutland and Superlative, 576 Yorkshire and 384 each Bristol and London, with 143 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,024 by omitting parenthesized singles and lead of Bristol from five parts; contains 768 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Rutland and Superlative, 576 Yorkshire, 384 London and 224 Bristol,with 138 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8820)23456 W B H 45236 - - RS.L. 53462 - - 2 NL.YRN.CP.B. 46532 - - LY.R. 36254 2 [s] PC.BS.SP. Repeat seven times, omitting [s] half-way and end.
Contains 768 each London, Pudsey, Rutland and Superlative and 512 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N) and Yorkshire,with 151 changes of method.
5,184 (5, 24) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8910)23456 B M W H 65423 - [-] s PP.NRY.P.B 56234 - s NY.BLR. (23546) - s (ss) NC.CRS.S(.B.) 32465 - s SCR.LNPYL. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey and Rutland and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 143 changes of method, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and 9 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front.
Reduce to 5,024 by omitting parenthesized singles and lead ob Bristol from five parts; contains 768 each Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey and Rutland, 576 each Cambridge, London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 416 Bristol, with 133 changes of method.
Especially suitable for handbells, the 5-6 pair always either coursing or home.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8911)23456 B M W H 53642 2 s NY.SL.BBL. 54632 3 s s s BRR.LY.BP.CRS.S.L. 43526 - PC.NC 43265 - [-] PS.YN. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Bristol, London and Superlative and 576 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Rutland and Yorkshire, with 138 changes of method, 15 each 8765s and 8756s, and 12 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front.
Especially suitable for handbells, the 5-6 pair always either coursing or home.
5,376 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard J Parker12345678 Bristol - 14235678 Yorkshire 15728463 Yorkshire 18673542 Lincolnshire 13462857 Pudsey - 14257386 Cambridge 17826435 Yorkshire 16385742 Superlative - 13542678 London - 16435827 Bristol - 13645827 Cambridge 15267384 Cambridge 17824536 Pudsey 14386752 Superlative 16532478 Yorkshire 12758643 Lincolnshire 18473265 Lincolnshire - 14365827 Rutland 16483752 Rutland 18674235 Rutland 17826543 Rutland [-] 15278364[Bristol] [-] 17528364[Bristol] [-] 12758364 Rutland - 13527486 7 part.
For 5056 omit bracketed bobs and leads of Bristol in 5 parts. 1120 Rutland, 576 Bristol, Yorkshire, 672 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, 448 Pudsey, Superlative, 224 London. 108 com, all the work.
5,280 (5,088) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Thomas Perrins23456 B H Methods 42356 * - SY[L]PP. 42563 - - NY.YC. 54263 - RCL. 65432 - 2 SN.PS.B. 10 part, in alternate parts adding - at * and omitting [L].
Contains 960 Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire, 640 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), 480 London, 320 Bristol, Rutland, with 76 combination rollups, 144 changes of method. For 5088, omit 3H between parts when the substitution is not made.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Thomas Perrins2345678 Rutland - 6423857 (Cambridge 3547682 Lincolnshire 7852364 Yorkshire 2684735 Cambridge 4365278 London) - 2643857 Lincolnshire s 3657284 Cambridge 7864325 Yorkshire 4285736 London 8472653 Pudsey s 2453867 Rutland 5284736 Superlative s 4236578 Superlative 6728453 Pudsey - 7853642 Bristol 5768234 Bristol - 6578234 Pudsey 8354627 Superlative s 4327865 Superlative 7635482 Rutland s 3476258 Pudsey 6548327 London 4635782 Yorkshire 5862473 Cambridge s 2873546 Lincolnshire - 8346257 (London 4823765 Cambridge 3685472 Yorkshire 5762348 Lincolnshire 2478536 Cambridge) - 4836257 Rutland 3428765 Repeat five times, replacing each of the parenthesized blocks of leads by a bobbed lead of Bristol in four parts.
Contains 768 Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, 640 Bristol, Cambridge, 512 Lincolnshire (N), London, Yorkshire, with 136 changes of method, 62 combination rollups, 18 each 56s and 8765s at the back, and 12 each 56s and 8765s at the front.
5,280 (5,088) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard B Pullin23456 B F I W H Methods 35264 - YY.PN 43526 - - 2 - NYR.B.PC.B.R. 54326 - CSLSC. 42563 - YY.PN 34256 - - 2 - NYR.B.PC.B.R. 34562 - - CS.SC. 5 part.
Contains 960 Cambridge, Yorkshire, 640 Bristol, Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, 160 London, with 139 changes of method. For 5088, omit one block of BFI and associated leads.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Marcus C W Sherwood23456 M B W H Methods 65432 - - [-] CNY.S.R. 65324 - - PP.CN. 53624 3 2 L.B.B.CL.B. 53246 - - PN.YN. 25346 - RYR. 32546 - RSPYS. 6 part. Omit [-] in alternate parts.
768 Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Rutland, Yorkshire, 576 Superlative, Bristol, Cambridge, 384 London. 143 com, 102 cru's. Tittums.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Norman Smith23456 M B W H Methods 52436 - RS.L 42635 - R.CL 52364 - 2 - NNP.N.B.L. 23564 3 2 RY.B.B.L.B. 36245 - SP.YC 24365 - [-] YPSC.R. 6 part. Omit [-] in alternate parts.
768 Bristol, London, Rutland, 576 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire. 144 com, 86 cru's. Queens.
5,250 (5,090, 5,058) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Norman Smith and John H Fielden (arr)23456 B M W T F H Methods 54632 - (-) R.C(.)L 24365 - 2 - NNP.N.B.L. 43265 3 2 RY.B.B.L.B. 36452 - s s SP.Y.B.C 53462 -* YPSC.R 65432 - RS.L 6 part, calling (-) in alternate parts. Call s for -* in last part, with rounds 2 changes later.
Contains 960 Bristol, 736 London, 704 Rutland, 578 Cambridge, 576 Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, Yorkshire, 544 Superlative, with 58 combination rollups, 146 changes of method.
For 5090 call sT sF and associated lead of Bristol in one part only. For 5058, omit in all parts.
5,056 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Andrew N Tyler23456 V M B W H Methods 45236 - - RY.L. 52436 2 CSNRN.B. 42635 - 3 L.N.B.B.L 42356 2 2 - R.LRP.C.B.R. 63254 - - YNN.PL. 32654 2 PYSSPNY.B. 32546 - - SY.PS. 43265 - 2 NS.CP.B. 52364 - - R.PL. 35264 - - - - R.PCRC.BBB.R. 23564 - - - - L.BBB.NLSC.R. 532746 - - - P.L.YYS. 423756 - - CSC.NL. 234756 2 CYNYYPP.B. 372546 - NN.CS 274536 - YPN.RS 473526 3 - Y.CLR.B.SC.CSPN 325746 - - 2 R.Y.L.B. 573246 - - SCNN.YSC. 357246 - NPNYYSC. 735246 - CSYNNCP. 275346 - RP.L 24365 2 2 - P.YRL.PN.B.SL. 36245 - - SR.R. 62345 2 NLL.B. 25346 - 2 R.SL.B. 34256 - - SR.CYP. 23456 - RSR.
704 Superlative, Lincolnshire (N), 672 Rutland, 608 Cambridge, Pudsey, Yorkshire, 576 Bristol, London. 139 com, all the work, 85 cru's. Queens. Whittingtons. Tittums, 18 2468, 13 7468, 11 7568, 16 8765.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
John S Warboys23456 B M W H Methods 52436 - PYYS.R 35426 - NR.R 42356 - - YL.SSP. 62453 - - CN.BBB.L 34256 - - YNS.BP. 52643 - - R.C.L 64523 - - LC.NPC. 5 part.
640 each Bristol, Cambridge, London, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire. 129 com, 46 cru's. Queens . Tittums. All the work for 2 3 4 5 6.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
John S Warboys23456 M B W H Methods 42356 - LSYPY. 63254 - - R.NYNP. 26354 3 - SPCC.B.YRCNP.R. 32654 - RNR. 42563 - 2 - L.Y.B.SNS. 52364 - 3 L.CR.B.B. 43265 - - R.LP. 65432 2 - R.B.N.L 65324 - - CC.SY. 43526 - - NSY.PXPC. 35426 2 YYRSC.B. 45236 - - - L.BBB.SP. 34562 - 2 SN.SN.B. 53462 - PYPCL. 26435 - - - L.RLLLR.L. 64235 2 LCPYP.B. 64352 - - NS.NS. 46253 - - 2 PS.BBB.L.B. 24653 - CSRYY. 65243 - - CPXP.YSN. 54632 - YS.CC 24365 - 2 - L.N.B.R. 62345 - 3 PL.R.B.B. 34625 - - RC.L. 32546 2 - - SNS.B.Y.L. 53246 - RNR. 25346 3 - R.PNCRY.B.CCPS. 34256 - - PNYN.R. 23456 - YPYSL.
Contains 640 Bristol, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire; 608 London, 576 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), 64 X, with 96 combination rollups, 138 changes of method and all the work. X = C or N; for optimum method balance, call as one of each.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
David W Beard23456 M W H Methods 64352 - - R.NL. 45236 - 2 E.S.B.L 26354 - - 2 L.S.L.B. 43652 - - E.CR. 52436 2 - E.B.Y.E 35426 - RC.R 45623 - (-) R.YR. 32654 - - - R.N.R. 6 part. Omit (-) from alternate parts.
576 Bristol, 384 Cambridge, 768 Ealing, 768 London, 384 Lincolnshire (N), 1536 Rutland, 384 Superlative, 384 Yorkshire. 138 com, 120 cru's.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard I Allton234567 M V W H Methods 352764 3 I W.CSLOEG.B.W.CSL (23456) a OEG.B. 23564 B - W.CS. 673542 2 c OLSG.WS.W.B.OG 32465 F 2 SSW.EO.B. 63425 3 - E.OECO.WC.C.L 43265 2 - CW.SSO.W. 52364 - - L.CW. 65324 - 3 OEE.E.B.B. 35264 2 - ES.B.L. (372546) 3 - L.WC.WC.O. 472536 s CC.LS 372546 s W.ES (35264) 2 C.B. (427365) F EG. 647253 d B.W.C 427365 e - SLOEG.B.W.CSLOE. 274365 2 CEE.B. 52436 2 - G.B.W.CSLO 42356 2 - EG.B.W. 34256 - CSLOEG. 25346 - - CE.W. 56342 - 2 E.EC.B. (46352) ss s G.B.W. 26354 s OG.ES 35642 s s - L.S.OO. 53246 2 2 W.B.CW.B. 62345 - - W.ES. 23645 2 OLCO.B. 45236 2 - E.B.OW.L 23456 - - CL.CSC. a = B, F; c = I, B; d = I, F; e = I, B, V.
Contains 800 Cambridge; 736 each Cornwall (W) and Lessness (E); 640 each Cassiobury (O) and Superlative; 608 Bristol; 512 London; and 352 Glasgow; with 145 changes of method, all the work of each method for every bell and 77 combination rollups.
5,184 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard I Allton23456 M W H Methods 45236 - - WWLE.L. 24536 - OGO. 53246 - - BEWEW.W. 25346 - CSLSG. (46253) [2 (-) E[.B.S. 32654 -] - CGS.]CL. Repeat five times, omitting (-) from alternate parts.
Contains 960 Cornwall (W); 768 each Lessness (E), London and Superlative; 576 each Cambridge, and Glasgow; 384 each Bristol and Cassiobury (O); with 149 changes of method and 84 combination rollups. Reduce to 5,024 by omitting the [bracketed] calls and leads from one part without (-).
5,152 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard I Allton234567 W V M H Methods 647253 - - - [- EC.BG.SS.EC[. 476253 2] B.LSE.] (675243) - W.CSL 4567823 x - G.B.OSC.OW. Repeat six times. x = B, F, I.
Contains 1,120 Superlative; 896 Cambridge; 672 each Bristol and Lessness (E); and 448 each Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (W), Glasgow and London; with 153 changes of method and all the work of each method for every bell. Reduce to 5,024 by omitting the [bracketed] calls and leads in one part.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Graham A C John23456 M B W H Methods 42356 - SCGS. 35426 - - WBWL.CLOG. 54326 2 ECL.B. 62345 - - - L.S.SCC. 43265 2 2 LS.B.L.B. 24365 - EWBWW. 36245 - - LOL.E. 23645 - WS. 64235 - - EC.L. 26435 - OCS. 25634 2 - E.B.WO. 63254 - - BC.GCO. 26354 - ELC. 35264 - - SW.L. 56342 - WW.GO (45362) - SE. 56423 - GS.SS 62534 - CLO.BW 52364 - - - BB.EOGC.SS. 63425 - - E.S.GSO 42635 - - LS.W. (34625) - WO. 52643 - - - GOLC.S.L. 24653 2 CL.CLE.L 65243 - - EC.L. 26543 - GGCO. (64523) 2 CGGCG.WC. 32546 - - - SGG.C.L. 45236 2 2 OGSOE.B.L.B. 24536 - OOEG. 53246 - - WBBBE.L. 25346 - LWWBW. 34256 - - EWLEW.E. 23456 - LEEEWE.
Contains 800 London; 672 each Cambridge, Cornwall (W) and Lessness (E); 640 Superlative; 544 Glasgow; and 512 each Bristol and Cassiobury (O); with 137 changes of method, all the work of each method for every bell and 91 combination rollups.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 7344)23456 W M B H 35426 - - E.CO.EW 53624 2 2 L.B.B(G.B. 65324 - LSL.) (36452) - - CW.GCG. 24365 - - [-] EO.OC.SOWOS. Six part, omitting [-] from parts 2, 4 and 6.
Contains 960 Cassiobury (O), 768 Cambridge and 576 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Glasgow, Lessness (E), London and Superlative, with 149 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,056 by, in one part, replacing the parenthesized leads and calls by a plain lead of Cambridge; contains 960 Cassiobury, 800 Cambridge, 576 each Cornwall and Lessness, 544 each Bristol, Glasgow and Superlative and 512 London, with 144 changes of method.
Either length contains 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and, in the last course, queens and back rounds.
These methods constitute the "Nottingham Eight."
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 7345)23456 B M W H 63452 s L.WGC 56432 - CW.B (43526) - s CS.BCS. 32465 - BW.EOS 65423 s - L.S.B ╮ (42635) - s CS.BCG. │A 24356 - [s] BW.EOS. ╯ 43256 4A 34265 A* 23456 5A A* = A, omitting [s]
Contains 1,152 each Bristol and Superlative, 832 Cambridge, 448 Cornwall (W) and 384 each Cassiobury (O), Glasgow, Lessness (E) and London, with 158 changes of method, 12 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the fornt, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front.
These methods constitute the "Nottingham Eight."
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8219)23456 M W B 54632 - - W.EO.B (43526) - LOC. 24536 - BW.L 24365 - [-] CE.GG.SS Repeat nine times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (W), Glasgow, Lessness (E), London and Superlative, with 139 changes of method.
These methods constitute the “Nottingham Eight.”
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8251)23456 M W H 36452 - 2 W.SL.B. 45362 - - BWGO.GCO. 63254 - - E.C.L 54236 - - s E.S.E. 35246 - CW.L Repeat seven times, adding a single Home at the end of two parts half a peal apart.
Contains 768 each Cambridge, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E) and London and 512 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Glasgow and Superlative, with 151 changes of method.
These methods constitute the “Nottingham Eight.”
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8681)2345678 London 4263857 Superlative 3527486 Cornwall - 4235678 Lessness 3462857 Cambridge 2547386 Cambridge 7856234 Cambridge 6384725 Lessness - 7863542 Bristol 6758234 Lessness 5627483 Cassiobury 8374625 Glasgow - 3425867 Superlative - 4567382 Cambridge 7852436 Glasgow - 8236745 Bristol - 3826745 Lessness 2378564 London 7253486 Glasgow - 2386745 Superlative 6435278 Superlative 5748623 Cornwall - 6457382 Cassiobury - 7823456 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Cambridge, Lessness and Superlative, 672 Glasgow and 448 each Bristol, Cassiobury, Cornwall and London, with 139 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, all 7 leads of the course of Superlative with coursing order 8765432, 230 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (133) or at the front (97), queens, kings and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.
These methods constitute the “Nottingham Eight”.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8221)23456 M B W H 42356 - WOCLSO. 54326 - CCSEO.L 25346 - EG.E 32654 4 WE.GB.GB.BBO.SS 53624 - CW.L 42635 - - - W.G.L. Repeat four times.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (W), Glasgow, Lessness (E), London and Superlative, with 139 changes of method, and is all the work for 2 through 6.
These methods constitute the “Nottingham Eight.”
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8220)23456 M W B H (32465) - - 2 E.C.SLG. 54263 - - BC.SEG.OWB. 32546 - [x] L.WO. Repeat nine times, omitting [x] from alternate parts. x = 16.
Contains 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (W), Glasgow, Lessness (E), London and Superlative, with 159 changes of method, and is all the work for 2 through 6.
These methods constitute the “Nottingham Eight.”
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8222)2345678 Cassiobury - 5786342 Cambridge 6472538 Cornwall - 5764823 London 6587342 Cornwall 3826457 Bristol 2348765 Cornwall 7452638 Glasgow 4273586 Lessness - 5742638 Cambridge - 7238564 Bristol - 3728564 Lessness - 5237486 Cassiobury 8674235 Lessness 7826543 Superlative 6483752 Glasgow 4365827 Cassiobury - 5278364 Superlative 8624537 Cambridge 4367852 Glasgow 3745628 Superlative - 7528364 Bristol - 2758364 London - 3527486 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Glasgow, Lessness and Superlative and 448 London, with 160 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and no backstroke 87s.
These methods constitute the “Nottingham Eight.”
5,152 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 679)(2345678 Bristol s 2435678 Glasgow 4527386 Lessness -) 3245678 Bristol - 4325678 Superlative s 5378462 Cornwall 4725638 Glasgow 7543286 Superlative 3856724 Cambridge 6284375 Cornwall - 3862547 Cornwall 5673482 Cassiobury 8234675 Cambridge 4725863 Lessness 2487356 Cassiobury - 7563482 Lessness 6745238 London 4627853 Cambridge - 6753482 Cassiobury 8234756 London 3872645 London - 6738524 Glasgow 7862345 Bristol - 6782345 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Glasgow, Lessness and London and 448 Superlative, with 140 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and no backstroke 87s.
For 5,056 call s for - at the end of the second part, and omit the parenthesized leads and calls from the third part. Contains 672 each Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall and London, 640 each Bristol, Glasgow and Lessness, and 448 Superlative, with 137 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and no backstroke 87s.
Either length contains 19 each 5678s, 4567s, 3456s and 2345s, 9 each 8765s, 7654s, 6543s and 5432s, and 8 each 5678s off the front, 4567s off the front, 3456s off the front and 2345s off the front.
These methods constitute the "Nottingham Eight."
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8223)2345678 Cassiobury 7856342 London 5738264 Cambridge - 7864523 Glasgow 8472635 Glasgow 4283756 Cassiobury 5637284 Glasgow 6758342 Bristol - 5678342 Bristol 7536284 Cornwall 2347856 Bristol - 4237856 Cambridge 7526483 Superlative 6853742 Cornwall - 7568234 Cassiobury 3482567 Superlative 2647358 Lessness - 3426875 Superlative 6745382 Lessness 4637258 Cornwall 2384567 Lessness 8253746 London 5872634 Cambridge - 8234567 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Glasgow, Lessness and Superlative and 448 London, with 146 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 158 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back (99) or at the front (59), queens, back rounds, and no backstroke 87s.
These methods constitute the “Nottingham Eight.”
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8223a)2345678 Superlative 5738264 Cambridge - 7864523 Cassiobury 2345867 Glasgow 3526478 Superlative - 5678342 Cambridge 8462537 Lessness 6854723 Cornwall 7536284 Lessness 3725468 Cornwall - 4237856 London 3482675 Cassiobury 7526483 Lessness 2745368 Cassiobury 6853742 London - 7568234 Bristol 6725483 Cornwall 4236875 Bristol - 3426875 Cambridge 6745382 Glasgow 7568423 Superlative 8253746 Glasgow 2384567 Bristol - 8234567 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Glasgow, Lessness and Superlative and 448 London, with 160 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and 156 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back (92) or at the front (53). Also contains 6 backstroke 87s.
These methods constitute the “Nottingham Eight.”
5,056 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Thomas Perrins23456 M V F W H Methods 64523 - - G.ES.C 52463 s - LC.E. 42365 - OO.WBBW 12 part, calling single for final bob in parts 6 and 12. Call SOWO for OO in part 1 only.
Contains 800 Cornwall(W), 768 Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury(O), Lessness(E), 416 Superlative, 384 Glasgow, London, with 134 changes of method. Contains 24 each 8765 and 8756 off the front. The Nottingham 8. Uxbridge may be rung for Lessness
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 133)23456 M B W H 64352 - - MM.BME. (56342) - MOB. 23645 - - CGG.FC. 32465 2 2 - [-] FLEC.ECL.OF.GB.LO.L. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Cambridge, London and Medway and 576 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Cornwall (O), Glasgow and Lessness (E), with 149 changes of method, 15 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 56s and 65s, and 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 134)2345678 Cambridge - 3578264 Lessness 7325486 Medway 8654327 Cornwall - 3586742 London 8375264 Cambridge 5634827 Glasgow 6452378 Glasgow 4267583 Glasgow 2748635 Medway - 8356742 Bristol - 5836742 London - 7358264 Cornwall 2547638 Belfast 4265873 Bristol 6482357 Belfast 8634725 Cornwall - 7386542 London 8753264 Lessness 5827436 Medway 3674825 Cornwall - 8736542 Bristol - 3876542 Lessness - 5738264 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 Cornwall, 672 each Bristol, Glasgow, Lessness, London and Medway and 448 each Belfast and Cambridge, with 146 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, and no backstroke 87s.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 135)2345678 Cornwall 6482735 Cambridge - 4235678 Cornwall 6384725 Medway 2547386 Cambridge 7856234 Glasgow - 8634725 Belfast 3876542 Bristol 7358264 Belfast 5723486 London 2547638 Lessness - 6425873 Bristol 2684357 Lessness - 3826745 Bristol - 2386745 London 8273564 Medway 6435278 Glasgow 4567382 Glasgow 5748623 Cornwall - 6457382 Cambridge 7842635 Lessness 4768523 Medway 2385764 London - 7823456 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall, Glasgow, Lessness, London and Medway and 448 Belfast, with 153 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, and no backstroke 87s.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 129)23456 M W B H (52436) - GGE. 56234 2 - GCC.ESL.EC. 63542 - PP.BFF 53462 - - - L.S.PES.BFB 24365 - [-] L.BS. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Lessness (E) and Superlative and 576 each Belfast (F), Cambridge, Glasgow, London and Pudsey, with 137 changes of method.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 130)2345678 Bristol - 4235678 Cambridge 5728463 Pudsey 8673542 Glasgow 6384725 Bristol - 8634725 Bristol 3876542 Belfast - 7386542 Superlative 6432758 Lessness 3674825 Pudsey 4265387 Superlative 5827436 Lessness 2548673 Cambridge - 5873264 Bristol 7528436 Belfast 2745683 Belfast 4267358 London 6432875 London 3684527 Lessness - 5836742 London - 7358264 London 5723486 Lessness 2547638 Glasgow - 5738264 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Bristol, Lessness and London, 672 Belfast and 448 each Cambridge, Glasgow, Pudsey and Superlative, with 132 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
Government mandated health warning for those with allergies: this composition made with 8 backstroke 87s.
5,056 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard G Crosland23456 5 M W I 4 B H Methods 23564 3 - - L.CCA.B.AC.BAC. 275346 - C.BR 45623 - N.P 65324 - R.RP 35426 - L.SL (23564) - 2 R.AS.RC. 56234 - - BR.L. 25634 - SLR. 62534 - NBAA. (276435) - - - RC.NP.B. (36524) - RLC. 52364 - - N.L. 357246 - - S.AP. (52364) - BCNBA. 43265 - - RN.NL. 24365 - ANBN. 34265 3* PRNPC.B.B. 32465 s LCL. (64523) - - L.P. 54326 - SN.SL (42563) 3 - S.RALR.B.AL. (672453) - - - BPS.L.RLC. 35264 - - NBL.P. 532746 - - P.SCS.B (763524) - - - R.R.CSA. 423756 - - B.C. 342756 - ASS. 243756 3* PCLCAL.B.B. 234756 s CNA. 372546 - NBN.PS 42356 - - - A.L.PAL. 34256 - ASRN. 45236 2 SR.B.L (627354) - - RP.P. 24356 - - 3* AAPL.B.CP.B.B. 23456 s NSPRS.
640 Adelaide, 736 Bristol, 608 Cambridge, 736 London, 544 Brighton (N), 576 Pudsey, 640 Rutland, 576 Superlative. 143 com, all the work, 49 cru's. 3*=SBB. 6 course ends each of 5678, 6578.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard G Crosland23456 M B W H Methods (52436) - RS. 62345 - 2 - CLSP.C.B.L. 36245 3 - RC.ACP.B.R. 52643 - - R.NSSP. 65243 - LNR. 26543 - NAP. 35642 - - L.PSPLA. 63542 - NBR. 56342 - LPR. 23645 - - R.RC. 64235 - - CNSC.SPLA. 26435 - NBL. 43265 - - SR.CNBN. 53462 - - CP.BR.L 24365 - - AN.SR. 32465 - ARAS. 63425 - CL.R 42635 - - PNBAP.SSP. 56234 - - R.ACRPC. 23564 - - LC.SLPA. 35264 2 NBL.B. 25634 2 - RLA.CSA.R. 62534 - LSNPC. 43526 - - - R.C.L. 54326 - LAPN. 56423 2 - R.B.RRA. 45623 - NBL. 64523 - CSLNP. 35426 - - L.NPCC. 34256 - 2 ASA.SPLA.B. 53246 - RC.R 23456 2 - RASRPN.ASP.R.
608 Adelaide, 384 Bristol, 640 Cambridge, 672 London, 544 Brighton (N), 672 Pudsey, 864 Rutland, 640 Superlative. 146 com, all the work, 66 cru's.
5,280 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Albert J Pitman23456 M B W H Methods 23564 2 2 - L.B.N.B.L. 52364 - PWW. 65324 - NNDD.W 35264 2 - WP.B.L. 63254 - 3 LP.NNN.B.B. 45236 - - - NNN.P.L. 24536 3 - LD.SLL.B.CSP. 32546 - LD.L 24365 2 2 L.B.C.B.L 53462 - - L.DL. 45362 3 - PSC.B.LLS.DL. 64352 - 3 LC.W.B.B. 34562 2 - LS.B.W. 65243 - - SPP.D.W 25463 2 - WC.B.L. 42563 - PDCCL. 32465 - - SD.BBB.W 56423 - - - CNC.C.W. 45623 - DCLSS. 64523 - SSLCD. 25346 - - W.C.CNC 54326 - - W.BBB.DS 54263 2 2 - L.B.WWWWW.B.L. 62345 - - 3 W.C.W.B.B. 43526 - - W.C.W 63425 2 L.B.CW 52436 - - - W.D.PPS. 62534 2 3 W.B.SL.B.B. 35426 - - W.C.CDP 42356 - - LC.L. 62453 2 L.B.PW 34256 - - W.DDNN. 23456 - WWP.
960 London, 928 Watford, 896 Bristol, 672 Cambridge, 512 Dorchester, 448 Pudsey, Superlative, 416 Lincoln (N). 121 com, all the work, 70 cru's. Tittums.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4952)2345678 Glasgow - 3578264 Medway 6482573 Superlative 2743658 Lancashire 7325486 Superlative - 3586742 London 8375264 Medway - 5642378 Cornwall - 3456827 Lancashire 4632578 Cornwall 5384762 Bristol 8573246 Cornwall - 2785634 Glasgow 7523846 Glasgow - 5346782 Buckfastleigh 2784653 Bristol 8267345 Bristol 6832574 Buckfastleigh - 4536782 London 3475268 Buckfastleigh 8267534 Superlative 7324856 Medway 5648327 London - 3456782 Repeat six times.
Contains 672 each Bristol, Buckfastleigh, Cornwall, Glasgow, London, Medway and Superlative and 448 Lancashire, with 146 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4953)2345678 Glasgow 3527486 Glasgow 5738264 Buckfastleigh 4263857 Cornwall 8674523 Bristol - 7856423 Superlative 6283745 Medway 4537286 London 3425678 Superlative 5748362 Glasgow - 7856234 London 5728463 Cornwall 4235678 Buckfastleigh 8673542 Bristol - 7856342 Buckfastleigh - 2345786 Lancashire 3528467 Lancashire 5836274 Medway 7462835 Cornwall - 8657423 Medway 2374658 Medway 5846372 Cornwall 3425786 Buckfastleigh - 6782345 Repeat six times. Sixth place bobs.
Contains 896 each Buckfastleigh, Cornwall and Medway, 672 Glasgow and 448 each Bristol, Lancashire, London and Superlative, with 139 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Robert D S Brown2345678 Newlyn - 5786342 Whalley 8537264 Richmond 3825476 Richmond 2348657 Northampton 4263785 Whalley - 7642538 Claybrooke 4756823 Huddersfield 6273485 London - 4762538 Claybrooke 6457823 Whalley 5684372 Northampton 8536247 London 3825764 Richmond 2378456 Claybrooke 7243685 Claybrooke - 6472538 Northampton 7654823 Whalley - 8576342 London 7835264 London 3728456 Chesterfield 4263578 Chesterfield 5684723 Northampton - 7856342 7 part.
Contains 896 Claybrooke, London, Northampton, Whalley, 672 Richmond, 448 Chesterfield, 224 Huddersfield, Newlyn, with 132 changes of method, all the work.
From Chandler's 23 methods.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard G Crosland234567 M W B F I H Methods 23564 - - I.UES. 36245 - BU.SB 26435 2 - EO.RRO.BEOIC. 42635 - UCOE. 34625 - ROEUE.SEUCR 56423 - - O.BEOI. 45623 - UCU. 64523 - SURS. (425763) - - CS.ICSB. 54326 - - EC.SCIR.E 23645 - - O.E.UUR 64235 - - S.O. 752346 - - - S.IC.SU. 275346 - IUSU. 527346 - RCBSS. 52364 - - ICB.RO. (476325) - 2 R.CIRU.RU. 734526 - IRCU.CC 357246 - BCIO.I 35264 - - C.CUEUU. 56234 2 U.URE.RE (23456) - - - RERC.E.ORI. 52436 - CSBE.SBE 42356 2 - OIC.EOICSB.O. 254763 - BE.B 572643 - I.BU 34256 - - SIOO.OICS. 23456 - URCBS.
768 Chesterfield; 736 Uppingham; 640 Eccleston, Springfield; 608 Runnymede; 576 Irthlingborough, Okeford; 480 Brentwood, 146 changes of method, 50 combination rollups, all the work.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 119)2345678 Woodstock 3527486 Countesthorpe 5738264 Countesthorpe - 7856423 Harleston 8672534 Primrose 6283745 Cheltenham 2364857 Woodstock 3425678 Primrose 4537286 Woodstock 5748362 Cheltenham - 7856234 Water 2547386 Water 3462857 Woodstock 4235678 Doncaster 6384725 Doncaster - 7856342 Harleston 8674523 Primrose 6482735 Cheltenham 4263857 Harleston - 2345786 Premier 3528467 Premier 5836274 Primrose - 8657423 Countesthorpe - 6782345 Repeat six times. Sixth place bobs.
Contains 896 each Primrose and Woodstock, 672 each Cheltenham, Countesthorpe and Harleston and 448 each Doncaster, Premier and Water, with 132 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 120)2345678 Premier 3527486 Harleston 5738264 Woodstock - 7864523 Primrose 8472635 Countesthorpe 4283756 Harleston 2345867 Cheltenham 3526478 Primrose - 5678342 Water 3725468 Woodstock 7536284 Doncaster 2347856 Water 8462537 Primrose - 4237856 Countesthorpe 2745368 Countesthorpe - 7568234 Premier 5873642 Harleston 8354726 Woodstock 3482567 Cheltenham 4236875 Primrose 2647358 Cheltenham - 6758234 Premier 7863542 Doncaster - 5678234 Repeat six times. Fourth place bobs.
Contains 896 Primrose, 672 each Cheltenham, Countesthorpe, Harleston, Premier and Woodstock and 448 each Doncaster and Water, with 153 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard G Crosland23456 I 4 W B 5 M H Methods 42356 - S. 63254 - - P.TOQP. (372546) 2 - O.QPT.R. 253746 - - U.P. 532746 2 RP.N. 237546 2 - QUP.S.P. 723546 - PR. 372546 - OU. (62534) - - TUU.R. 36524 - TRTUP.P 25634 2 2 R.N.P.S. 62534 - UR. (52436) - P. 54326 - 3 2 PQ.RRQ.QUT.N.O.N. 64523 2 U.N.PUQ 35426 - - QTT.O. 42635 2 - R.S.T.O 427365 3 - - - QUU.N.S.Q.SS.T. 52364 - - 2 SNPO.S.RQ.N. 32465 - TR.O (52364) 2 U.QOQ. 35264 3 - Q.OP.N.UP. (675432)- - UU.OU. 43652 - - 2 S.Q.T.S.SQU (23456) 2 - QRO.R.NN. (34256) - - S.PU. 36245 - - 2 NN.T.R.S. (372654) - QOT. 632754 - NN.S (64235) - QP. 23645 - - P.P. 234756 - - QOR.TT. 472356 - - O.OT. (473526) - - R.Q. 25346 - 2 - PO.O.S.R. 25463 - - O.OQTO.TU (347265) - Q. 23456 - 2 N.Q.N.
544 Norton, 672 Overton, 704 Penzance, 768 Quarrington, 576 Ripplesmere, 512 Springvale, 608 Taunton, 640 Urchfont. 134 com, all the work, 63 cru's.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Richard G Crosland234567 M B F I W V H Methods (563742) - - I.RG. (63254) - - - TM.S.U. (26354) 2x G.SM. 46253 2 U.S.RM 23564 - x 2 - R.T.MG.TM.R. 43265 - - I.RML.LTL 64235 - 3 MR.LI.S.LU.T (36245) - RM. (643752) - I. 52364 - 2 - - S.RISR.T.S.RI. 35264 - LU. 427365 - G.M 45236 - - - GSL.TR.R. 52436 2 UI.S. 64523 - - - MLI.S.U. (426735) - MG. 45623 - - 2 GT.S.RMLI.S. (623745) - 2 UG.G.UL. 327645 x - G.U. 732645 - IL. 273645 - GSGURM. 623745 2x ISG.TU.U 36524 - - IR.T. 53624 - UUMR. 65324 - RMLM. 24653 2 - TTG.TRMLI.UUG.R (45623) 2 MR.GISU. 42356 - 2 - U.T.S.ML. 54326 - LI.R 637524 - MLI.RU (35642) - T. 34256 - 2 - RGR.T.GSISGM.TRM. 23456 - TIGI. x=6ths place bob.
Contains 800 Redruth, 704 Montgomery, 640 Geelong, 608 Ilkley, Ullenhall, 576 Southall, Thetford, 512 Lithium, with 44 combination rollups, 145 changes of method, all the work.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3426)23456 B M W H 63254 2 3 G.F.JUA.(LAMLL).Y.G 52436 - - A.JAJMJ.Y 24365 2 - [-] U.FLM.FYF.G. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each April, February, January and July (L), 576 each August (G), March and May (Y) and 384 June (U), with 150 changes of method,
Reduce to 5,056 by replacing parenthsized leads by one lead of May in one part. Contains 768 each February and January, 736 April, 672 July (L), 608 May (Y), 576 August (G), 544 March and 384 June (U), with 146 changes of method.
Either length contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and tittums, with no backstroke 87s.
5,152 Spliced Delight Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 529)2345678 Mars 4263857 Janvier 3527486 Avril 7856342 Aout 8674523 Mai - 3578264 Juillet 7325486 Janvier 5836742 Fevrier 6482573 Avril - 4273658 Fevrier - 2358467 Mars 5243786 Janvier 3826574 Janvier 6784352 Aout - 6745823 Juillet 4687352 Avril 7562438 Juin - 2384567 Mai 5872634 Juin 3426875 Avril 6745382 Aout 7568423 Fevrier 8253746 Aout - 8234567 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Aout, Avril and Janvier, 672 Fevrier, and 448 each Juillet, Juin, Mai and Mars, with 153 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and no backstroke 87s.