5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8576)23456 M B W H 35264 - SY.WB 64523 2 EWB.BY.BW 64235 - - LEW.CS. 36245 - SL.CYC 54263 - - - L.Y.L. 32465 - [-] E.SE. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from parts 2, 4 and 6.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 Cambridge, 149 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and, in the penultimate lead, queens and back rounds.
If preferred, Kenninghall maybe rung instead of Cornwall throughout.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 7946)23456 M B W H 63254 - - YC.WWC.B 63542 - - LEL.BWB. 24536 - - - L.Y.W. 52436 - LSSYS. 24365 2 - [-] SC.YE.BE.E. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 Cambridge, with 137 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 15 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 140 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (67) or at the front (73).
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8143)23456 B M W H 43652 - W.YL (56342) 3 - YS.CE.LC.SES. 64523 - WB.BW 35246 s [-] 2 E.Y.L.B. Repeat seven times, calling s for [-] in two parts half a peal apart.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 512 Cambridge, with 151 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8153)23456 M B W H (52436) - SYYS. 63425 - - - CSEY.C.L. 43265 - [-] - E.LW.BWB. Repeat nine times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 960 each Superlative and Yorkshire and 640 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E) and London, with 149 changes of method, and all the work for bells 2 through 6.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8253)23456 B W H 63254 - - CY.EE.L 25364 s - YE.L. (62354) [-] BWWW. 42536 2 2 SSL.BS.CC.B. Repeat seven times, calling s for [-] in two parts half a peal apart.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London and Superlative and 512 Yorkshire, with 119 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8288)23456 M W B H 45236 - - YE.CSY. 26354 - - 2 L.Y.L.B. 32654 - LWBELE. 32546 - - CW.CSW.SS 32465 2 2 [-] W.B.C.B.E. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
The methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London and Superlative and 576 Yorkshire, with 155 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 15 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and 125 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (56) or at the front (69).
5,184 (5,088) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8323)234567 V B M F H 35264 - SY.YC 372645 s S.CLWB 532467 s - - W.WBB.S. 25346 - E(EWBL)E. 32546 - LEY. 32465 - [-] SY.CY. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 960 Yorkshire, 768 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E) and Superlative and 576 each Cambridge and London, with 137 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 8756s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 151 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (89) or at the front (62), and back rounds.
Reduce to 5,088 by replacing the parenthesized leads by one lead of Cambridge in one part; contains 960 Yorkshire, 768 Superlative, 736 each Bristol, Cornwall and Lessness, 608 Cambridge and 544 London, with 135 changes of method.
The reduction to 5,088 is by Richard I Allton.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8324)23456 B M W H 45236 - - EC.SSY. 24536 - LWWLW. (36452) sT,sV BE.W. (24536) sV ss sF YLW.CS.B.SC. 24365 - [-] W.YEWBE. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 1,344 Cornwall (W), 768 each Lessness (E) and Superlative and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, London and Yorkshire, with 144 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 18 each 8765s and 8756s, 197 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (105) or at the front (92), and back rounds.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8678)2345678 Superlative 5738264 Yorkshire - 7864523 Cornwall 5637284 London 3526478 Cornwall - 4235867 Bristol - 3425867 Superlative - 4567382 Cornwall 3624857 Lessness - 8236745 Cambridge 6425873 Yorkshire 5743682 Cambridge 3872564 Yorkshire 2684357 Cambridge 4567238 Cambridge 7358426 Superlative - 3826745 Yorkshire 6485372 Superlative 5742638 Lessness - 6457823 Bristol 5684372 Lessness 8536247 London - 2385764 Cornwall - 7823456 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Cambridge, Cornwall, Superlative and Yorkshire, 672 Lessness and 448 each Bristol and London, with 153 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, all 7 leads of the course of Superlative with coursing order 8765432, 224 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (136) or at the front (88), queens and back rounds.
5,184 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8691)23456 B M W H 56342 2 (ss) WBEES.ES.WL(.B.) 23645 - - L.BY. 45362 - s s CSC.S.CCY. 64352 - LY.E 42356 - 2* [s] W.Y.B.W. Repeat five times, calling - for [s] half-way and end. 2* = - s.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 London, with 144 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,024 by omitting the parenthesized singles and lead of Bristol from any five parts; contains 768 each Cambridge, Cornwall, Lessness, Superlative and Yorkshire, 608 Bristol and 576 London, with 134 changes of method.
Either length contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 8765s off the front, 18 each 5678s off the front and 8756 off the front, 12 each 8765s and 6578s off the front, tittums and back rounds.
The unreduced version contains 171 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (84) or at the front (87); the reductions are similar, though some contain a few fewer little bell rollups off the front.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8692)23456 B M W H 23564 - - WBWC.SS. 23645 - - LEE.BEW. 56342 s s CSC.YL. 53462 2* s BY.B.W. 63452 s LY.B 42356 - [s] W.SW. Repeat five times, calling - for [s] half-way and end. 2* = s -.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 1,152 Cornwall (W), 960 Bristol, 768 Superlative and 576 each Cambridge, Lessness (E), London and Yorkshire, with 144 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 8765s off the front, 12 5678s off the front, 166 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (83) or at the front (83), queens, tittums and back rounds.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8693)234567 B M W H (52634) - V,F s WE.E.LS.EC. 64352 - sT,V,V - YSCE.S.CYC.LWBBEL.W.B 42356 - 2* [s] W.Y.B.W. Repeat five times, calling - for [s] half-way and end. 2* = - s.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 960 each Cornwall (W) and Lessness (E), 768 each Bristol and Cambridge and 576 each London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 144 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756 off the front, 196 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (95) or at the front (101), tittums and back rounds.
5,088 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8723)234567 B M W H 46532 - - 2 L.S.W.B. 32465 2 - W.B.Y.E 54263 - - L.YW. 34625 - 2 - L.C.B.E. 423756 In LE.YES 274536 - YC.CS 362457 - F 2 W.SY.S.B. 52643 - - L.CW. 45623 - (3) LC.E(.B.B.) 43526 - - - YY.BW.E. 35426 2 WS.B. 62453 - - - W.S.CYC. 42356 - L.SE Repeat twice.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Superlative and Yorkshire and 672 each Cambridge, Lessness (E) and London, with 149 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 15 8765s, 12 7568s, 9 8765s off the front, 6 each 8756s and 5678s off the front, 4 7468s, tittums and, in the penultimate lead, queens and back rounds.
Reduce to 5,024 by omitting parenthesized calls and leads from the second part. Contains 768 each Cornwall, Superlative and Yorkshire, 704 Bristol and 672 each Cambridge, Lessness and London, with 148 changes of method.
5,088 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8724)234567 M B W H 65432 - - - E.WLEW.W. 52436 - V,F - BC.SL.YSCS.C. (234756) - In L.W. 372546 - (sT,sF) YSCEY.Y(.B.)S 426357 F CCYSS.Y 56234 - - E.BC. 32465 - - E.Y.E (46532) - F,In CW.Y.B. 62453 - a BBE.WL.B.B.L.W 42356 - E.SE Repeat twice. a = In,sB,B,sV.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 864 Lessness (E), 768 each Bristol, Cambridge, Superlative and Yorkshire, 672 Cornwall (W) and 480 London, with 135 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 8765s, 19 65s, 12 7568s, 9 8756s, 6 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, tittums and, in the penultimate lead, queens and back rounds.
Reduce to 5,024 by omitting the parenthesized calls and lead from any two parts. Contains 864 Lessness (E), 768 each Cambridge, Superlative and Yorkshire, 704 Bristol, 672 Cornwall (W) and 480 London, with 133 changes of method.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8725)234567 M B W H 45632 s - - W.Y.L. 64532 - (SYC)LS. 432756 B,In - YC.S.WBW. 374526 - WE.WB 342567 s F,B - W.WE.L.CEWBW. Repeat five times, calling single for bob half-way and end.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 1,728 Cornwall (W) and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 144 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 7568s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 5 2468s, 4 7568s, 195 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (96) or at the front (99), and back rounds.
Reduce to 5,056 by replacing the parenthesized leads by one lead of London in each of the last two parts; contains 1,728 Cornwall (W), 640 London, 576 each Bristol, Cambridge and Lessness (E), 512 Superlative and 448 Yorkshire, with 126 changes of method and the same claimed musical properties. The correct choice of parts that are so reduced is essential for maintaining truth.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8725a)234567 M B W H 45632 s - - W.Y.L. 64532 - (YYS)LS. 432756 B,In - CC.S.WBW. 374526 - WE.WB 342567 s F,B - W.WE.L.CEWBW. Repeat five times, calling single for bob half-way and end.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 1,728 Cornwall (W) and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 132 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 7568s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 5 2468s, 4 7568s, 199 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (96) or at the front (102), and back rounds.
Reduce to 5,056 by replacing the parenthesized leads by one lead of Lessness in each of the last two parts; contains 1,728 Cornwall, 640 Lessness, 576 each Bristol, Cambridge and London, 512 Superlative and 448 Yorkshire, with 130 changes of method and the same claimed musical properties. The correct choice of parts that are so reduced is essential for maintaining truth; note also that the cognate reduction in the original no. 8725 version is not true.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8744)23456 M B W H 35264 - WE.BW 65243 s s BEES.S.S(YY (54632) - Y)C. 24365 3* - [-] YLS.WC.LLC.WB.BEL. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 3* = s - s.
For handbells: 5-6 always coursing or home. These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods. Contains 768 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 Cambridge, with 119 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,056 by replacing the parenthesized leads by one lead of Lessness in any two parts; contains 832 Lessness, 768 each Bristol, Cornwall, London and Superlative and 576 each Cambridge and Yorkshire, with 119 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8793)2345678 Cornwall s 4623857 Cornwall s 2846735 Yorkshire 6385274 Cambridge - 3574628 Bristol - 7354628 Lessness 5763842 London - 8657234 Superlative 7364825 Cambridge * 4235786 Repeat seventeen times, adding a bob at * in parts 3, 6, 12 and 15, and a single at * in parts 9 and 18.
Contains 1,152 each Cambridge and Cornwall and 576 each Bristol, Lessness, London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 143 changes of method and no backstroke 87s..
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8819)23456 M B W H (35264) - EWWC. (42635) a W.YS.B.YC. 26543 b 2 - WS.W.S.YL.BL.E 34562 - - - L.Y.E. 32465 - - [-] SC.BL.E. Repeat five times omitting [-] from alternate parts. a = sV,sM,sM,sF; b = sT,sV.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 960 Cornwall (W), 768 each Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 each Bristol and Cambridge, with 150 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 18 each 8765s and 8756s, 218 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (114) or at the front (104), and back rounds.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8902)23456 M B W H 52436 - (3) LS.E(.WS.WY.) 56423 - 4 - CCY.WB.EY.BC.EEWWB.BEL. 32465 - - [-] W.S.E. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 1,152 each Cornwall (W) and Lessness (E), 768 Bristol,576 each Cambridge, Superlative and Yorkshire and 384 London,with 137 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,056 by omitting the parenthesized bobs and leads from any one part. Contains 1,152 Lessness (E), 1,088 Cornwall (W), 768 Bristol,576 Cambridge, 544 each Superlative and Yorkshire and 384 London,with 133 changes of method.
Especially suitable for handbells.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8903)23456 M W B H (35264) ss - W.B.WLEY. 56234 [-] 2 - - ESY.C.B.WWLES.BYSCL. 26435 - W.ES 32465 - CE.B Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 960 each Cornwall (W) and Lessness (E), 768 each Bristol and Superlative and 576 each Cambridge, London and Yorkshire,with 155 changes of method.
Especially suitable for handbells.
5,184 (5,088) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8907)23456 M W H 52436 - ES.YEW 42635 - L.LC 56234 - - YCS.BBWEW. 26435 - BCSCEY.(BY 43265 - [-] SW).L. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 800 Cambridge, 768 Lessness (E), 736 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 London,with 146 changes of method.
Reduce to 5088 by in one part replacing the parenthesized leads by one lead of Cambridge; contains 800 Cambridge, 768 Lessness, 736 each Bristol, Cornwall, Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 London, with 146 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8908)23456 M B H 35264 - EWWY.WB 56234 [-] - E.WWC.CS 63542 - SY.BEL 34625 - LEE.EW 43265 - s BEW.WE. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. s = 123456. Some conductors may prefer this slight rearrangement: 23456 M B 35264 - EWWY.WB 56234 - - E.WWC.CS 63542 - SY.BEL 34625 - LEE.EW 42356 - BEW.WE Repeat five times, adding a 123456 single Home half-way and end.
Either arrangement contains the same leads, 1,536 each Cornwall (W) and Lessness (E), 576 Bristol and 384 each Cambridge, London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 108 changes of method, all 24 56s and 65s, and 18 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front.
Especially suitable for handbells, the 5-6 pair always either coursing or home.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8909)23456 B H 35264 - LWWY.CS 53624 - s YS.BEL. 65324 - YEE. 24536 2 WBB.CW.BEE 24365 - [-] WBB.WE. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 1,152 each Bristol, Cornwall (W) and Lessness (E), 576 Yorkshire and 384 each Cambridge, London and Superlative, with 131 changes of method, 18 each 56s and 65s, 15 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 9 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and all 7 near misses.
Especially suitable for handbells, the 5-6 pair always either coursing or home.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 7947)234567 M W H (372645) B,sV YC.W. 532467 s F - BWB.WE.S. 45236 - SL.CYC 32654 - - L.Y.L 65324 - - SE.W. 52364 2 YL.B.B 43265 - [-] E.SE. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from parts 2, 4 and 6.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 Cambridge, with 149 changes of method, all 24 each 8765s and 8756s, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and, in the penultimate lead, queens and back rounds.
5,056 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8141)23456 B W H 63245 - a - YC.BB.EEL.LWB.Y. 43265 s SW.B 52436 4 - YC.BS.LC.CE.WW. â•® 32456 s SW.B â•ŻA 24356 4A Repeat. a = V,sM,F.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 1,088 Cornwall (W), 1,024 Cambridge, 896 Bristol, 704 Superlative and 448 each Lessness (E), London and Yorkshire, with 131 changes of method.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8154)23456 M W H 64352 - - CYC.EY. 36452 - WBWBW. (54632) 2 a YE.B.YS.BL. 63542 - - E.SSC. 56342 - LWLLLW. 35642 - SECSY. Repeat four times. a = In,V.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 800 each Cornwall (W), London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 640 each Bristol, Cambridge and Lessness (E), with 144 changes of method, and is all the work for 2 through 6.
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8544)2345678 M I F V H 42356 - (YCECS). 574263 3 2 - YYEC.SL.LS.SEWW.B.BW. 354627 s - - E.BLL.C. 3245867 2 W.B. Repeat five times.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London and Superlative and 576 Yorkshire, with 125 changes of method; 420 combinations of 5-6-7-8 in 5678, including 20 8765s, 18 each 56s, 65s and 7568s, and 14 each 8756s and 7658s; 324 combinations of 5-6-7-8 in 1234 including 18 5678s off the front, 14 8756s off the front, 12 6578s off the front, and 10 8765s off the front; 205 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (105, including all 24 each 1234s and 4321s) or at the front (100, including 21 1234s and 18 4321s); tittums and back rounds; with no backstroke 87s.
Reduce to 5,056 by, in one part, replacing the parenthesized leads by one lead of Bristol; contains 800 Bristol, 768 each Cornwall and London, 736 each Lessness and Superlative, 704 Cambridge and 544 Yorkshire, with 120 changes of method (121 if it is the first part that is shortened).
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8158)2345678 B W H 24536 - 2 EEWBW.YYC.B. 52436 - SEL. 35264 - 2 SY.CS.B. 2345867 L Repeat eight times, adding a bob at the end of every third part.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 864 each Bristol, Lessness (E), Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 each Cambridge, Cornwall (W) and London, with 143 changes of method, 16 7468s, 15 each 65s and 7568s, 12 each 56s and 8756s off the front, 9 8765s off the front, 3 6578s off the front, 41 each little bell rollups at the back and little bell rollups at the front, and kings, with no backstroke 87s.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8157)2345678 Superlative - 3578264 Cambridge 8654327 Yorkshire 4267835 Cambridge 7325486 Yorkshire - 3586742 London 8375264 Lessness 7823456 Cambridge - 8356742 Bristol - 5836742 Superlative 6482573 Cambridge 2743658 Yorkshire - 7358264 London 5723486 Cornwall 4265873 Bristol 6482357 Bristol 8634725 Cornwall - 7386542 London 8753264 Lessness 5827436 Superlative - 8736542 Cornwall 5328476 Superlative - 3876542 Lessness - 5738264 Repeat six times.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 896 each Cambridge and Superlative and 672 each Bristol, Cornwall, Lessness, London and Yorkshire, with 153 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, 129 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back or at the front, queens and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8159)2345678 Lessness 4263857 Yorkshire - 2357486 Bristol 5243678 Yorkshire - 2378564 Lessness - 5723486 Cornwall - 4257638 Bristol 5462873 Cambridge - 4273586 Cornwall 5764823 Yorkshire - 7423586 London - 5274638 London - 6752843 Lessness 5687324 Cornwall - 3856472 London - 4538267 Superlative 8657423 Cambridge 7263845 Superlative 3425786 Repeat eight times, adding a bob at the end of every third part.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 864 each Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), London and Yorkshire and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge and Superlative, with 152 changes of method, 18 each 56s, 7568s and 5678s off the front, 12 8765s off the front, 9 6578s off the front, 6 each 8765s, 8756s and 7658s, 3 65s, 49 little bell rollups at the back, 42 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8156)2345678 Cambridge 5738264 Yorkshire - 7864523 Superlative 4283756 Lessness 8472635 Cornwall 6758342 London 5637284 London 3526478 Cambridge - 5678342 Cambridge 8462537 London 6854723 Cornwall 7536284 Bristol 3725468 Bristol 2347856 Bristol - 4237856 Yorkshire 7526483 Superlative 6853742 Cornwall - 7568234 Yorkshire 8354726 Lessness 5873642 Cambridge 3482567 Superlative 2647358 Cornwall - 3426875 Lessness - 8234567 Repeat six times.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 896 each Cambridge and Cornwall and 672 each Bristol, Lessness, London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 132 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, 173 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the back or at the front, queens and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8761)2345678 Cornwall 6482735 London - 7864523 Cornwall - 5678342 Lessness 7536284 Cambridge 6854723 Cambridge 4283675 Yorkshire 3725468 London - 4237856 Cornwall 8364527 Lessness 6853742 Lessness - 7568234 Bristol 6725483 Bristol 2647358 Lessness - 3426875 Bristol 2384567 Yorkshire 4637258 Yorkshire - 6758423 Superlative - 7823645 Cornwall 6257483 Superlative - 2783645 London 8267534 Cambridge 7324856 Superlative - 3456782 Repeat six times.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 896 each Cornwall and Lessness and 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 132 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, all 7 leads of the course of Superlative with coursing order 8765432, and 197 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (110) or at the front (87).
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8160)2345678 Bristol 4263857 London 6482735 London - 7864523 Bristol - 6784523 Cornwall 5836274 Yorkshire s 6874523 Cambridge 4283657 Superlative 3527468 Cornwall - 4235876 Lessness 3482657 Yorkshire 2547368 Yorkshire - 5768234 Cornwall s 6257483 Cambridge - 2783645 Superlative s 3745268 Cornwall 2483675 Superlative - 4375268 Cambridge 5638427 Lessness - 4356782 Lessness 5473268 Cambridge 3648527 London s 4536782 Bristol - 3456782 Repeat six times.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 896 each Cambridge and Cornwall and 672 each Bristol, Lessness, London, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 133 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, 240 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front, and back rounds.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8311)23456 M B W H 45236 - - YL.E. 24536 - WC. 52436 - SEL. 35264 - 2 YC.SS.B. 23564 - LWBBLE. 56234 - - CW.W. 43265 - - [-] BWS.Y.E. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
These methods are the “Core Seven” Project Pickled Egg methods.
Contains 960 Cornwall (W), 768 each Bristol, Lessness (E), London
and Superlative and 576 each Cambridge and Yorkshire,
with 143 changes of method, 18 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 132 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (58) or at the front (74), and tittums.
5,088 Spliced Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8580)234567 B M W H 43652 - E.EY (35642) 2 SW.YD. 472536 - - sV D.C.SW.BB 532467 sF - EDB.WDB. 25346 - WC. 32465 - - [-] SY.YDCC.SE. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Lessness Surprise (E), Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 480 Double Norwich Court Bob, 138 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 18 each 8765s, 8756s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 180 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (106) or at the front (74), and, in the penultimate lead, queens and back rounds.
If preferred Kenninghall Surprise may be rung for Cornwall throughout.
5,088 (5,024) Spliced Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8581)23456 W V M F B H 52436 - ES.DY 52364 - - CC.SECYW. 65324 - DBD.C(YS 43265 - s ss s - [-] EY).SW.BD.B.DB.W.WE.
Contains 768 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Lessness Surprise (E), Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 480 Double Norwich Court Bob, 156 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 18 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 210 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (109) or at the front (101), queens and back rounds.
If preferred Kenninghall Surprise may be rung for Cornwall throughout.
Reduce to 5,024 by replacing the parnthesized leads with two leads of Lessness in one part. Contains 800 Lessness, 768 each Bristol, Cambridge and Cornwall, 736 Superlative, 704 Yorkshire and 480 Double Norwich, with 153 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8147)23456 M B W 35426 - - BB.D.CC (52634) s - ss YYS.D.D.B. 34265 2 DE.SW.D Repeat eleven times, calling 2* for ss in two parts half a peal apart. 2* = - s.
Contains 1,152 Bristol Surprise, 960 Double Norwich Court Bob, 768 each Cambridge Surprise, Superlative Surprise} and Yorkshire Surprise and 384 each Cornwall Surprise (W) and Lessness Surprise (E), with 143 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and kings.
5,184 Spliced Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8148)23456 M W 23546 a,b s - D.B.D.E.Y.S.DS (56342) c s D.DWBD.E. 42365 [s] - D.C.B Repeat eleven times, calling - for [s] in two parts half a peal apart. a = sT,sF; b = sF,sB; c = sT,sV.
Contains 1,344 Double Norwich Court Bob, 1,152 Bristol Surprise, 768 each Lessness Surprise (E) and Superlative Surprise and 384 each Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W) and Yorkshire Surprise, with 191 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, all 7 near misses, tittums and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.
5,184 Spliced Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8304)23456 M B W 35426 - - BB.D.CC (52634) s - [ss] YYS.D.D.B. 34265 2 DE.SW.D Repeat eleven times, calling 2* for [ss] in two parts half a peal apart. 2* = s -.
Contains 1,152 Bristol Surprise, 960 Double Norwich Court Bob, 768 each Cambridge Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 384 each Cornwall Surprise (W) and Lessness Surprise (E), with 143 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 163 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (75) or at the front (88), and kings.
5,184 Spliced Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8572)23456 M B W 56342 2 DB.CDC.EW 34265 2 - s DS.WY.D.BE.DS Repeat eleven times, adding a single Home half-way and end.
Contains 960 Double Norwich Court Bob, 768 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Lessness Surprise (E) and {Superlative Surprise and 384 Yorkshire Surprise, 191 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and back rounds.
5,184 (5,040) Spliced Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8749)23456 M B 35264 - YC.SS 56234 [-] - W.D.EW (63542) - BD. 34265 s - CDCS.D.D Repeat eleven times, calling single for [-] in parts 6 and 12.
For handbells: 5-6 always coursing or home.
Contains 1,152 each Cambridge Surprise and Superlative Surprise, 960 Double Norwich Court Bob, 768 Cornwall Surprise (W) and 384 each Bristol Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E) and Yorkshire Surprise, with 167 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,040 by replacing the parenthesized leads by one lead of Double Norwich in any three parts; contains 1,152 each Cambridge Surprise and Superlative Surprise, 1,008 Double Norwich Court Bob, 672 Cornwall Surprise, 384 each Bristol Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 288 Lessness Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8762)23456 B M W H 35642 2 - SY.OWB.WW. 32546 - - - WBB.BE.COEC. 53462 - - - YOE.O.ES. 24365 - [-] YCS.SE. Repeat twice, omitting [-] from parts 2, 4 and 6.
Contains 960 Lessness (E), 768 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (W) and Superlative and 576 each Cambridge and Yorkshire, 131 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 145 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (67) or at the front (78), and, in the penultimate lead, queens and back rounds.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8763)23456 M B W H 65432 - - - E.Y.W. (53462) 2 BC. (36245) - 2 YSO.YSEC.S. 52643 - - B.OC.WO. 32465 2 - [-] W.B.OS.YEWBE. Repeat twice, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (W), Lessness (E), Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 Cambridge, 156 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 169 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (82) or at the front (87), tittums, queens and back rounds.
5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8767)23456 M B W H 42356 - EWWEE. 32546 - - - YSY.SO.BOC. 43526 - BWBBE.E 32465 - SC.YS 42635 2 - CW.CYO.OWOS. Repeat four times.
Contains 800 each Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (W), Lessness (E) and Superlative and 640 each Bristol, Cambridge and Yorkshire, with 134 changes of method and all the work of every method for bells 2–6.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8764)2345678 Superlative 5738264 Cambridge - 7864523 Lessness - 5678342 Cassiobury 4283675 Cassiobury 7536284 Cornwall 2347856 Bristol - 4237856 Lessness 3482675 Cassiobury 7526483 Superlative 6853742 Cornwall - 7568234 Superlative 8354726 Cambridge 4236875 Cambridge 6725483 Yorkshire 5873642 Cambridge 3482567 Yorkshire 2647358 Yorkshire - 6758234 Cornwall 2546378 Bristol 4235867 Cornwall 8374625 Bristol 7863542 Lessness - 5678234 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Cambridge and Cornwall and 672 each Bristol, Cassiobury, Lessness, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 139 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, 207 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (116) or at the front (91), queens and back rounds.
5,184 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8577)23456 M B W H 23564 - (3) - YY.EL(.KY.B.)K. 62534 - (3) CK.L(.B.B.) 23645 - SY.CS 53462 - 2 - K.S.B.L. 26435 - - - E.S.E. 43265 - [-] LC.E. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Bristol, Kenninghall, LessnessDÂ (E), London, Superlative and Yorkshire and 576 Cambridge, 149 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 15 each each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, tittums, queens and back rounds.
Reduce to 5,024 by omitting both sets of parenthesized calls and leads from one part. Contains 768 each Lessness, London and Superlative, 736 each Kenninghall and Yorkshire, 672 Bristol and 576 Cambridge, with 145 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8312)23456 M B W H 35264 - YY.SC 56234 2 ES.B.L 63542 - CY.YC 23645 2 L.B.SE 53462 - 2 - CST.Y.B.TSS. 24365 - [-] L.TE. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 1,152 Superlative, 960 Yorkshire, 768 Cambridge and 576 each Bristol, Ealing, London and Turramurra, with 143 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 7568s and 7658s, and 153 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (66) or at the front (87).
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8314)2345678 London 4263857 Superlative 3527486 Ealing - 4235678 Cambridge 5728463 Yorkshire 8673542 Yorkshire 3462857 Turramurra - 4257386 Bristol 5432678 Bristol - 3542678 Ealing - 6435827 Ealing - 8364752 Cambridge 4532876 London 3485627 Yorkshire 5247368 Turramurra - 2768534 Bristol 6257483 London 5642378 Ealing 4536827 Superlative - 5627483 Cambridge 7863542 Turramurra 3482756 Yorkshire 2546378 Superlative - 5678234 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Ealing and Yorkshire and 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, London, Superlative and Turramurra, with 139 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, 174 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (76) or at the front (98), kings, queens, Whittingtons and back rounds.
Also contains 4 backstroke 87s.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8313)2345678 London - 6423857 Superlative 3547682 Ealing - 6435278 London 3624857 Turramurra - 6457382 Bristol 5634278 Bristol 3526847 Bristol 2385764 Bristol 8273456 Ealing - 4782635 Cambridge 2375468 Superlative 5638247 Superlative 8467523 Yorkshire 7243856 London - 8472635 Yorkshire 2345867 Cambridge 5637284 Yorkshire - 6784523 Turramurra 4273658 Superlative 3528467 Ealing 2345786 Cambridge 5836274 Turramurra - 8674523 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Bristol and Superlative and 672 each Cambridge, Ealing, London, Turramurra and Yorkshire, with 132 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, 131 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (80) or at the front (51), and queens.
Also contains 12 backstroke 87s.
If preferred Leatherhead may be rung in place of Ealing.
5,006 Spliced Triples and Major (7 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott and John Holt234567 w V B F I M W H Methods 65423 - - s YH.BSS.C.L 24563 s s CHSC.L. 56243 ss - - CS.B.HY.L. 46235 s s YHS.Y.L 342765 s - s - - Y.S.B.B.SC.L 43256 - ss - Y.S.B.HC.L 56324 - s s YHH.Y.L. 357246 s ss - C.S.B.HCL. 237546 - ss YH.B.SCL 632754 - - s - - s - YS.B.B.S.C.L. 732465 s s s YH.H.C.L w indicates a half-lead bob in the Yorkshire. 732465 Grandsire 267354 3 s 342567 1 753642 4 347526 3 653247 1 536247 4 645372 3 236745 1 642357 3 736542 1 537264 5 375264 4 273456 5 642573 1 736254 2 547623 2 235764 2 472635 1 354267 2 673425 2 546273 1 735624 2 247563 2 352647 1 473265 2 734265 4 657423 2 346257 1 573624 2 245367 2 672534 2 456372 1 674523 3 356274 1 743625 2 437625 4 634572 5 256734 1 632547 3 756432 1 457263 5 634725 2 256473 2 342756 1 253467 3 672345 2 246753 3 372546 1 243765 3 572643 1 675324 5 436275 1 754623 2 237465 2 652743 2 376452 1 653724 3 476253 1 534627 2 345627 4 643752 5 276543 1 432657 2 574263 2 635427 2 746235 1 637452 3 246537 1 372654 2 253746 3 532746 4 675432 1 536724 3 475236 1 274653 5 532467 2 675243 2 276354 5 432576 1 274365 3 532674 1 275346 3 542763 3 745326 5 637245 1 236574 5 452736 1 s 324567 3 753624 1 467253 1 s 234567 1 Call Bells Before: 64s 5 45 3 43 43 3 7 74 3 4 37 5 74 3 45 7 3 54 7 4 75 75 4 3 35 35 5 3 54 5 7 47 47 73 5 3 57 57 3 4 47 3 7 34 34 7 5 37 37 7 3 7 73 73 7 4 43 35 2s 563s
Contains 2926 Grandsire Triples, 384 Superlative Surprise Major, 352 Cambridge Surprise Major, Huddersfield Surprise Major, London Surprise Major, Yorkshire Surprise Major, 288 Bristol Surprise Major, with 60 changes of method. Comprises the last 205 leads from Holt's Original, plus 4 extra leads.
5,006 Spliced Triples and Major (7 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott234567 ½ V B F I M W H 65423 - - s YH.BSS.C.L 24563 s s CHSC.L. 56243 ss - - CS.B.HY.L. 46235 s s YHS.Y.L 342765 s - s - - Y.S.B.B.SC.L 43256 - ss - Y.S.B.HC.L 56324 - s s YHH.Y.L. 357246 s ss - C.S.B.HCL. 237546 - ss YH.B.SCL 632754 - - s - - s - YS.B.B.S.C.L. 732465 s s s YH.H.C.L Then change to Grandsire Triples: 732465 267354 3 s 342567 1 753642 4 347526 3 653247 1 536247 4 645372 3 236745 1 642357 3 736542 1 537264 5 375264 4 273456 5 642573 1 736254 2 547623 2 235764 2 472635 1 354267 2 673425 2 546273 1 735624 2 247563 2 352647 1 473265 2 734265 4 657423 2 346257 1 573624 2 245367 2 672534 2 456372 1 674523 3 356274 1 743625 2 437625 4 634572 5 256734 1 632547 3 756432 1 457263 5 634725 2 256473 2 342756 1 253467 3 672345 2 246753 3 372546 1 243765 3 572643 1 675324 5 436275 1 754623 2 237465 2 652743 2 376452 1 653724 3 476253 1 534627 2 345627 4 643752 5 276543 1 432657 2 574263 2 635427 2 746235 1 637452 3 246537 1 372654 2 253746 3 532746 4 675432 1 536724 3 475236 1 274653 5 532467 2 675243 2 276354 5 432576 1 274365 3 532674 1 275346 3 542763 3 745326 5 637245 1 236574 5 452736 1 s 324567 3 753624 1 467253 1 s 234567 1
Contains 2,926 Grandsire Triples, 384 Superlative Surprise Major 352 each Cambridge Surprise Major, Huddersfield Surprise Major, London Surprise Major and Yorkshire Surprise Major, and 288 Bristol Surprise Major, with 60 changes of method.
The peal concludes with the final 205 leads of Holt’s one part (“Original”).
5,002 Spliced Triples and Major (7 methods)
Maurice J Thurmott2314567 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6125347 s - - - - - - - - - - - 5672134 - - - - - - - - - 2743615 - - - - - - - - - - 3421756 - - - - - - - - - - 1237456 - - - - - - - - - - - 7354261 - - - - - - - - - - 3672145 - - - - - - - - - - 2741653 - - - - - - - - - - 1536742 - - - - - - - - - 6342517 - - - - - - - - - 2461375 - - - - - - - - - - 1623475 - - - - - - - - - - - 3274651 - - - - - - - - - - 2536714 - - - - - - - - - - 6341572 - - - - - - - - - - 1467325 - - - - - - - - - - 5673421 - - - - - - - - - - - 3471265 - - - - - - - 1736524 - - - - - - - - - - 1265473 - - - - - - - - 5614273 - - - - - - - - - - - 4752316 - - - - - - - - - - 2541637 - - - - - - - - - - 1426537 - - - - - - - - - - - 6215437 - - - - - - - - - - - 5467312 - - - - - - - - 7653241 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3571462 - - - - - - - - - - 1732546 - - - - - - - - - (2314765) - - - - - - - - - - Then call: 234765 V B F I M W H Methods 234756 s YS.SCL 534627 - ss - - - Y.H.B.H.C.L. 453627 ss - CH.B.HCL. 652347 - s YSS.C.L 326547 ss - s CS.B.HY.L. 536724 s s - Y.S.HC.L 324657 - - s s Y.HS.C.L. 642357 - - - s s YS.B.B.HC.L. 532467 - - - - - - YH.B.B.S.C.L. 564237 - s s - YS.BSH.Y.L. 245637 - s YHSC.L. 275463 - s Y.S.HCL Then ring Stedman starting with a bob and a full slow six: 2547163 1 4 7 10 11 (12) 5374261 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 12 (12) 6417532 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 12 (12) 2314567 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 (10)
Contains 2794 Stedman Triples, 416 Superlative Surprise Major; 384 Cambridge Surprise Major, Huddersfield Surprise Major, London Surprise Major, Yorkshire Surprise Major; 256 Bristol Surprise Major, with 67 changes of method.
5,002 Spliced Triples and Major (7 methods)
Maurice J ThurmottStart Stedman Triples: 2314567 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 6125347 s - - - - - - - - - - - 5672134 - - - - - - - - - 2743615 - - - - - - - - - - 3421756 - - - - - - - - - - 1237456 - - - - - - - - - - - 7354261 - - - - - - - - - - 3672145 - - - - - - - - - - 2741653 - - - - - - - - - - 1536742 - - - - - - - - - 6342517 - - - - - - - - - 2461375 - - - - - - - - - - 1623475 - - - - - - - - - - - 3274651 - - - - - - - - - - 2536714 - - - - - - - - - - 6341572 - - - - - - - - - - 1467325 - - - - - - - - - - 5673421 - - - - - - - - - - - 3471265 - - - - - - - 1736524 - - - - - - - - - - 1265473 - - - - - - - - 5614273 - - - - - - - - - - - 4752316 - - - - - - - - - - 2541637 - - - - - - - - - - 1426537 - - - - - - - - - - - 6215437 - - - - - - - - - - - 5467312 - - - - - - - - 7653241 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3571462 - - - - - - - - - - 1732546 - - - - - - - - - 2314765 - - - - - - - - - - Then change to surprise major: 234765 V B F I M W H 234756 s YS.SCL 534627 - ss - - - Y.H.B.H.C.L. 453627 ss - CH.B.HCL. 652347 - s YSS.C.L 326547 ss - s CS.B.HY.L. 536724 s s - Y.S.HC.L 324657 - - s s Y.HS.C.L. 642357 - - - s s YS.B.B.HC.L. 532467 - - - - - - YH.B.B.S.C.L. 564237 - s s - YS.BSH.Y.L. 245637 - s YHSC.L. 275463 - s Y.S.HCL Then back to Stedman Triples, starting with a bob and a full slow six: 1275463 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 2547163 - - - - - : 5374261 - - - - - - - - -: 6417532 - - - - - - - - - -: 2314567 - - - - - - -:
Contains 2,794 Stedman Triples, 416 Superlative Surprise Major, 384 each Cambridge Surprise Major, Huddersfield Surprise Major, London Surprise Major and Yorkshire Surprise Major, and 256 Bristol Surprise Major, with 67 changes of method.
5,088 Spliced Surprise Major (5–7 methods)
Philip G K Davies and Donald F Morrison (no. 76)23456 M W H 5 methods 6 methods 7 methods 52436 - CCCC.CYY CCCC.N(N)C CCCC.NPP 64235 - - CSY.RRRRRR. NNN.RRRRRR. NNN.RRRRRR. 26435 - SRYSS. SRR. SRR. 42635 - (Y)YYYYYY. (Y)YYCYYY. YYYYYYY. 56234 - - R.BBBBBBB. R.BBBBBBB. R.BBBBBBB. 25634 - YSSSSSS. NSSSSSS. NSPPSPP. 65432 - SSS.RS (SSS).NSNS SSS.NSNS 34256 - - R.C.CCC R.(C.CCC) R.C.CPC Repeat twice.
The 5 method arrangement contains 1,344 Superlative, 1,152 Yorkshire, 960 each Cambridge and Rutland and 672 Bristol, with 54 changes of method.
For all the work substitute S for (Y) in one part; contains 1,376 Superlative, 1,120 Yorkshire, 960 each Cambridge and Rutland and 672 Bristol, with 54 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
The 6 method arrangement contains 1,152 Superlative, 960 each Cambridge and Rutland, 768 Lincolnshire (N), 672 Bristol and 576 Yorkshire, with 57 changes of method.
For all the work make all of the the following substitutions in one part: ring Y for (N); S for (Y); NYC for (SSS); and Y.CCN for (C.CCC); contains 1,088 Superlative, 960 Rutland, 928 Cambridge, 800 Lincolnshire (N), 672 Bristol and 640 Yorkshire, with 64 or 65 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell; the exact number of changes of method depends upon in which part the substitutions are made.
The 7 method arrangement contains 960 Rutland, 768 Superlative and 672 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey and Yorkshire, with 69 changes of method.
Especially suitable for handbells.
Parts from the different arrangements should not be mixed.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 4504)23456 M W B H 35642 2 - SP.NR.NP. 46253 - - R.C.R 54632 - - - NR.YNR.SN. 43526 - YY.BBB 43265 - [-] BBBB.CY. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 1,344 Bristol, 960 each Lincolnshire (N) and Rutland, 768 Yorkshire and 384 each Cambridge, Pudsey and Superlative, with 119 changes of method.
For handbells.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Richard G Crosland23456 M B W H Methods 42356 - LNSCS. 53624 - - CSS.C.SCRA 63425 - R.AAC 43526 - L.CR 62534 - - - SNS.C.AN. 56234 - SARN. 25634 - SARRACL. 26354 - 2 NAN.AN.B. 35264 - - RC.L. 23564 - NCN. 275346 5ths NB.LNNC 24536 4ths - 2 N.BB.SS.B. 52436 - ALCSLAL. 724356 - In - SSC.R.LCN.R 234756 2 LLN.ANC.R 42635 5ths - C.CA. 35426 2 - R.B.S.B 36524 2 - R.B.ACA. 52364 - - BBN.R. 325746 5ths - - AR.ALLANB.R. 357246 - 2 CNRAS.R.B. (52364) In CRCNB. 32465 - 3 S.SL.B.B. 32654 - - ANR.BBL. 24653 - 2 R.ACN.B. 52643 - LC.B 62345 - 3 R.RN.SSN.B.L 62453 - - CC.CC. 34256 - - R.CL. 23456 - LSR.
672 Adelaide, 640 Bristol, 896 Cambridge, 608 London, 768 Brighton (N), 768 Rutland, 672 Superlative. 135 com, all the work, 54 cru's.
5,280 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Albert J Pitman23456 M B W H Methods 23564 2 2 - L.B.D.B.L. 52364 - PWW. 65324 - PSPD.W 35264 2 - WP.B.L. 63254 - 3 LP.DDD.B.B. 45236 - - - DDD.P.L. 24536 3 - LD.SLL.B.CSP. 32546 - LD.L 24365 2 2 L.B.C.B.L 53462 - - L.DL. 45362 3 - PSC.B.LLS.DL. 64352 - 3 LC.W.B.B. 34562 2 - LS.B.W. 65243 - - SPP.D.W 25463 2 - WC.B.L. 42563 - PDCCL. 32465 - - SD.BBB.W 56423 - - - CSC.C.W. 45623 - SCLSS. 64523 - SSLCS. 25346 - - W.C.CSC 54326 - - W.BBB.DS 54263 2 2 - L.B.WWWWW.B.L. 62345 - - 3 W.C.W.B.B. 43526 - - W.C.W 63425 2 L.B.CW 52436 - - - W.D.PPS. 62534 2 3 W.B.SL.B.B. 35426 - - W.C.CDP 42356 - - LC.L. 62453 2 L.B.PW 34256 - - W.DPSP. 23456 - WWP.
960 London, 928 Watford, 896 Bristol, 672 Cambridge, 640 Superlative, 608 Dorchester, 576 Pudsey. 125 com, all the work, 70 cru's. Tittums.
5,152 (5,024) Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Albert J Pitman and David W Beard (arr)23456 M B W H 6 Methods 7 Methods 23564 2 2 - L.B.WWWWW.B.L. L.B.WWWWW.B.L. 65432 - - W.C.PPC W.C.W 45236 [- CPP[.CL W[.CL 53462 2] 2 L.B.]S.B.L L.B.]C.B.L 24365 - - L.CL. L.DL. 32465 3 - PSC.B.LLS.PL. PSC.B.LLS.DL. 63425 - 3 LC.W.B.B. LC.W.B.B. 43265 2 - LS.B.W. LS.B.W. 62534 - - SPP.S.W SPP.D.W 52364 2 - WC.B.L. WC.B.L. 35264 - PSCCL. PDCCL. 45362 - - SP.BBB.W SD.BBB.W 26354 - - - CSC.C.W. CSC.C.W. 32654 - SCLSS. SCLSS. 63254 - SSLCS. SSLCS. 52436 - - W.C.CSC W.C.CSC 42356 - - - W.BBB.PS. W.BBB.DS. 35426 - - LC.L. LC.L. 65324 2 L.B.PW L.B.PW 43526 - - W.CPSP. W.DPSP. 54326 - WWP. WWP. 54263 2 2 - L.B.S.B.L. L.B.D.B.L. 25463 - PWW. PWW. 62453 - PSPC.W PSPD.W 42563 2 - WP.B.L. WP.B.L. 64523 - LP.W LP.DDD 32546 - - - W.P.L. DDD.P.L. 53246 3 - LP.SLL.B.CSP. LD.SLL.B.CSP. 25346 - LCPPS. LDPPS. 65243 2 3 W.B.SL.B.B. W.B.SL.B.B. 34256 - - - W.C.CSP. W.C.CDP. 64352 2 L.B.CW L.B.CW 23456 - - W.SW. W.DW.
The 6 method arrangement contains 960 London, 928 Watford, 832 each Cambridge, Pudsey and Superlative, 768 Bristol, and 123 com. The 7 method arrangment contains 960 London, 928 Watford, 768 Bristol, 672 Cambridge, 640 Superlative, 608 Dorchester, 576 Pudsey, and 121 com. For 5024 omit bracketed calls and leads. All arrangements are all the work and contain 66 cru's.
5,184 Spliced Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8151)23456 W M H (42635) - - DBD.D. (54623) - a S.SS.DWW.E. 42365 b - LYL.E.D. Repeat eleven times, calling single for bob half-way and end. a = sT,sB,sF; b = sT,sV.
Contains 1,152 Superlative Surprise, 960 Double Norwich Court Bob, 768 each Cornwall Surprise (W), Lessness Surprise (E) and London Surprise and 384 each Bristol Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 132 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and back rounds.
5,184 Spliced Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8567)2345678 Painswick Surprise - 3578264 Deva Surprise s 4627835 Yorkshire Surprise - 6735482 Cooktown Orchid Delight - 6758324 Kenninghall Surprise - 3567482 Cornwall Surprise - 4635278 Burghill Valley Alliance 3426857 Repeat twenty-three times, adding a single half-way and end.
Contains 768 each Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Painswick Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 576 Burghill Valley Alliance, 167 changes of method, 18 each 56s, 8765s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 12 each 65s, 8756s and 7568s, 152 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (83) or at the front (69), tittums and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8816)2345678 London - 6423857 Richmond 2684735 Pudsey - 6435278 Bristol 3624857 Chesterfield 8273564 Glasgow - 2364857 Belfast 6283745 Bristol 8672534 Chesterfield 5748362 Richmond - 3457286 Belfast - 5347286 London 4523678 Pudsey 3758462 Glasgow 7836524 Pudsey - 8624753 Bristol 2876345 Belfast 7238564 Richmond 3752486 London 5347628 Pudsey - 3728564 Glasgow 7836245 Chesterfield - 5237486 Bristol - 3527486 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Bristol and Pudsey and 672 each Belfast, Chesterfield, Glasgow, London and Richmond, with 160 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8817)2345678 Bristol - 4235678 Pudsey 5728463 Richmond 2547386 London - 3425678 Chesterfield - 8623745 Richmond 2876534 Glasgow - 8634257 Richmond - 2386745 Belfast 8273564 Belfast - 7823564 London 2758436 Pudsey 8376245 Glasgow 3684752 Bristol - 8364752 Bristol 6873245 Belfast 7628534 Bristol - 2768534 Pudsey 8374256 London - 2783645 Belfast 8267534 Chesterfield 5648327 Glasgow 6852473 Chesterfield - 3456782 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Belfast and Bristol and 672 each Chesterfield, Glasgow, London, Pudsey and Richmond, with 146 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell, and no backstroke 87s.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Richard G Crosland234567 W M V F B I H Methods 23564 - - I.OC. 36245 - R.SB 24365 - - EO.RE. 32465 - SCS. 43265 - OS. 26435 - - EO.BEOIC. 63254 - I.R 42635 - - - CSE.ROE.IR. 64523 - - IO.BEE.OI 54326 - CS.ICSBE 34625 - O.BSR (42635) - - O.BE. (276354) 2 - ESE.BI.IR. 627354 - BOB. 23645 - C.EIR 64235 - - S.O. 752346 - - - S.IC.RC. 275346 - IRO. 527346 - BSCROE. 362745 2 IICO.OE.RO 673425 - BS.I 52364 - - B.SEO. 26543 - I.SB (476325) 2 EBSR.RS. 473526 - - BR.B. 347526 - ICIEO. 734526 - ESR. 357246 - SB.R 35264 - - C.RSC. (23456) - - RER.CE. 52436 - CSBE.SBE (23456) 2 OIC.EOICSB. 42356 - O. 34256 - BEOICS. 23456 - SRCI.
800 Eccleston, Springfield; 736 Okeford; 704 Irthlingborough; 672 Brentwood,
Runnymede; 640 Chesterfield, 149 changes of method, 57 combination rollups, all the work.
5,184 Spliced Bob Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8564)2345678 St Clement's College Bob - 6423857 Highbury Bob - 5782364 Double Coslany Court Bob [-] 8572364 Chesterfield Bob s 4637285 Gainsborough Little Bob - 7852634 Plain Bob 8273546 Lavenham Court Bob * 3426857 Repeat forty-seven times, calling s for [-] in parts 12, 24, 36 and 48, and adding an x at * half-way and end. - = 14; s = 1234; x = 1238.
Contains 768 each Chesterfield Bob, Double Coslany Court Bob, Highbury Bob, Lavenham Court Bob, Plain Bob and St Clement's College Bob and 576 Gainsborough Little Bob, with 335 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 each 65s, 8756s and 7568s, and back rounds. Also contains 66 backstroke 87s.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Richard G Crosland234567 B V F I M W H Methods 26354 - 2x - I.RG.RM.LR. 32654 - MITI. 63254 - GSR. 23564 x - ISG.LR. (64235) - 3 2 L.R.MT.LLR.ML.S. 632754 2 LI.S.T 26435 - - IR.T. 64235 2 GSR.S. (36245) - RM. (643752) - I. 52364 - 2 - - S.S.T.S.RI. 35264 - TLT. 742365 - - G.M. 427365 2 RLI.S. 52436 - - T.TR.R 64523 - - - MLI.TM.G. (426735) - MG. 56423 - - - GLRM.RISR.RMLI. 45623 - TM. (64352) - - G.RTG. 65324 - - GSR.G.TI 65243 2 2 - GST.TRMLI.RG.MT.R. 26543 - GGSTR. 52643 - TLRR. (45623) - LI. 42356 - 2 - G.T.S.ML. 54326 - LI.R 35642 - - MLI.RTG.GGS (25346) - - I.T. 25346 x - G.TR. 53246 2 TM.S. 34256 2x - - TR.MR.SR.TRM. 23456 - TRMIT. x=6ths place bob.
Contains 1088 Redruth, 864 Thetford, 672 Geelong, 640 Montgomery, 608 Ilkley, 576 Lithium, Southall, with 56 combination rollups, 143 changes of method, all the work.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3425)23456 M B W H 35426 - - J.JM.FYF (65324) - - U.FA. 52436 2 - L.LLLM.U. 52364 - - U.FYYY. 43265 - [-] A.AMJMAJ. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each April, February, January, July (L), March and May (Y) and 576 June (U), with 108 changes of method all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 12 each 5678s poff the front and 6578s off the front, with no backstroke 87s.
5,184 Spliced Delight Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 526)23456 M B W H Methods 26354 2 - MM.IA.UJU. 46532 (-) 2 - AJJ.F.L.LUJF. (53624) 2 - AF.MF.I. 32465 - 2 I.LU.IA.M Repeat five times, omitting (-) from alternate parts.
Contains 768 each Avril, Fevrier, Janvier, Juin(U), Mai(I) and Mars, and 576 Juillet(L), with 132 changes of method, and all 24 each 56s and 65s.
5,184 Spliced Delight Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 527)23456 B M W H Methods 42356 - IJ. (53624) - - LJI.A. 42635 (-) - - I.A.MUFJ. (45362) 2 2 AF.MF.U.M. 32465 - - - - I.FUI.LII.LL. Repeat five times, omitting (-) from alternate parts.
Contains 1,344 Mai(I), 768 each Fevrier and Juillet(L), and 576 each Avril, Janvier, Juin(U) and Mars, with 149 changes of method, and all 144 combination rollups.
5,152 Spliced Delight Major (7 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 528)2345678 Avril - 3578264 Juillet - 7358264 Fevrier 8634725 Janvier - 6425873 Fevrier 5743682 Avril 3872564 Fevrier 2684357 Janvier 4567238 Avril - 5738426 Mai - 6435278 Mars 3624857 Avril 4567382 Juin 8273564 Mai 5748623 Juin - 8236745 Mars - 3826745 Juillet 2378564 Juillet 7253486 Mai - 6457823 Mars - 5647823 Juin 2378645 Janvier 8435267 Fevrier - 4567823 Repeat six times.
Contains 896 each Avril and Fevrier, 672 each Janvier, Juillet, Juin, Mai and Mars, with 153 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell, and no backstroke 87s.
5,024 Spliced Surprise Major (7 methods)
Richard G Crosland23456 I 4 B W M 5 H Methods 42356 - H. 63254 - - JJLJ.IJL. (35264) 2 KKJL.H. 56342 - IG.I (26543) 2 3 JM.H.L.GLM.H. (56342) - GM. (237546) - MG. 372546 - - H.M.KL 23645 - 2 3 JK.L.LJIG.MLJI.H.H. 45236 - 2 - ML.M.H.ML. 52436 2 KM.H. 64523 - - - J.IML.KG. 56423 - LMIGL. 45623 - MGL. (35426) 2 MII.H. 42635 2 - MI.H.M.J 427365 - - - I.HH.IMIG. 23564 - - - M.H.I. (275346) - LG. 234756 - 2 2 IMI.M.LI.KG.H. 423756 - KJI. 325746 - IJJ.J 275346 2 ML.H.G 52364 2 - LG.H.M. 357246 - - IGKJL.GKJL. 573246 2 IKJ.H. 35264 2 - MI.H.GG. (23456) - - GK.M. 62453 - - - - HH.K.L.GLGLGK. 34256 - - KJMLK.J. 23456 - IGKJKJM.
704 Greenford, 672 Hertfordshire, 736 Irthlingborough, 704 Jesmond, 576 Kirklington, 800 Lennoxville, 832 Midhurst. 142 com, all the work, 50 cru's.