5,008 Spliced Major (24 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3679)12345678 Ansford Little Bob 16482735 August Alliance 17856342 Greater London Alliance 15738264 Ightenhill Alliance s 21436578 Umbrage Alliance 26748153 Bristol Alliance 23154867 Kingsbury Little Surprise 24617385 Shepperton Surprise - 28531746 Champion Surprise - 23851746 Double Coslany Court Bob - 25381746 Bradman Alliance 28573614 Perivale Alliance - 25314867 Romulan Alliance 21583746 Belfast Little Alliance 28175634 Zanussi Alliance 26748315 Eskimo Blue Day Alliance 24637581 Drill Bit Alliance 23456178 Coventry Centenary Alliance - 27815634 Spelthorne Surprise 25384761 Spitalfields Festival Treble Place 23456817 Aust Little Bob 24631578 Xtraordinary Alliance 21768453 Spitalfields Festival Alliance - 21785634 Glazgow Little Surprise 23456781 Repeat seven times. s = 3456.
Believed to be the first truly each lead different peal of spliced produced: contains all the work, including the hunt works, of all the methods for every bell, including the treble, with each lead different, including the hunt works.
Contains 512 Champion Surprise, 384 Spelthorne Surprise, 288 Greater London Alliance, 256 each Shepperton Surprise and Spitalfields Festival Treble Place, 240 Spitalfields Festival Alliance, 224 each August Alliance, Ightenhill Alliance and Romulan Alliance, 192 each Bristol Alliance, Glazgow Little Surprise, Perivale Alliance, Umbrage Alliance, Xtraordinary Alliance and Zanussi Alliance, 176 Bradman Alliance, 160 each Belfast Little Alliance, Coventry Centenary Alliance, Drill Bit Alliance and Eskimo Blue Day Alliance, 128 each Double Coslany Court Bob and Kingsbury Little Surprise, 96 Aust Little Bob and 80 Ansford Little Bob, with 191 changes of method.
5,120 (6,400, 5,632) Spliced Surprise Major (6–25 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2880)6 methods (5,120) 7 methods (5,120) 8 methods (5,120) 12345678 Cornwall 12345678 Cornwall 12345678 Cornwall 16482735 Pudsey 16482735 Pudsey 16482735 Pudsey s 21436578 Superlative s 21436578 Yorkshire s 21436578 Yorkshire 26748153 Lessness 26748153 Lessness 26748153 Lessness 24617385 Cornwall 24617385 Cornwall 24617385 Cornwall 23154867 Lessness 23154867 Lessness 23154867 Rutland 25381746 Rutland 25381746 Rutland 25381746 Rutland 28573614 Cambridge 28573614 Cambridge 28573614 Cambridge - 25314867 Pudsey - 25314867 Superlative - 25314867 Cambridge 24637581 Superlative 24637581 Superlative 24637581 Yorkshire 27861453 Superlative 27861453 Lessness 27861453 Superlative 21583746 Lessness 26748315 Cambridge 21583746 Lessness - 27815634 Pudsey - 27815634 Cambridge - 27815634 Lincolnshire 25384761 Pudsey 25384761 Pudsey 25384761 Superlative 24631578 Superlative 24631578 Superlative 24631578 Pudsey 21768453 Cambridge 21768453 Yorkshire 21768453 Rutland 28573146 Cornwall 28573146 Rutland 26147385 Lincolnshire - 21785634 Rutland - 21785634 Rutland - 21785634 Lessness 28167453 Lessness 28167453 Lessness 28167453 Lessness 26841375 Cornwall 26841375 Cornwall 26841375 Cornwall 23456781 23456781 23456781 Repeat seven times. Repeat seven times. Repeat seven times. s = 3456. s = 3456. s = 3456. 9 methods (5,120) 10 methods (5,120) 12 methods (5,120) 12345678 Cornwall 12345678 Cornwall 12345678 Lessness 16482735 Lincolnshire 16482735 Dereham 14263857 Lindum s 21436578 Yorkshire s 21436578 Yorkshire 16482735 Dereham 26748153 Lindum 26748153 Lindum s 21436578 Pudsey 24617385 Cornwall 24617385 Pudsey 26748153 Lincolnshire 23154867 Rutland 27865431 Dereham 28573614 Dereham 25381746 Lindum 25381746 Rutland - 25314867 Superlative 28573614 Cambridge 28573614 Pudsey 24637581 Yorkshire - 25314867 Pudsey - 25314867 Superlative 27861453 Superlative 24637581 Yorkshire 24637581 Yorkshire 21583746 Superlative 27861453 Superlative 27861453 Rutland 23456178 Pudsey 21583746 Lessness 26748315 Cambridge 26748315 Cambridge - 27815634 Lincolnshire - 27815634 Lindum - 27815634 Cornwall 25384761 Superlative 21768453 Cambridge 26147385 Cornwall 24631578 Pudsey 28573146 Lincolnshire 23456817 Bristol 21768453 Rutland 23456817 Superlative 25384761 Bristol 26147385 Cambridge 26147385 Lincolnshire 28573146 London - 21785634 Rutland - 21785634 Lessness - 21785634 Rutland 28167453 Lessness 28167453 Lessness 28167453 Lessness 26841375 Cornwall 26841375 Cornwall 26841375 Cornwall 23456781 23456781 23456781 Repeat seven times. Repeat seven times. Repeat seven times. s = 3456. s = 3456. s = 3456. 14 methods (5,120) 16 methods (5,120) 18 methods (5,120) 12345678 Belfast 12345678 Rutland 12345678 Rutland s 21436578 Pudsey 14263857 Lindum 14263857 Lindum 26748153 London 16482735 Superlative 16482735 Superlative 24617385 Yorkshire s 21436578 Pudsey s 21436578 Cambridge 27865431 Dereham 26748153 Cambridge 26748153 Lessness 25381746 Rutland 28573614 Essex 24617385 Ipswich 28573614 Pudsey 23154867 Belfast 25381746 London - 25314867 Bristol - 25314867 Glasgow 28573614 Essex 21583746 Bristol 23456178 Cornwall 23154867 Belfast 28175634 Cornwall 21583746 Bristol - 25314867 Glasgow 26748315 Cambridge 28175634 Cray 23456178 Cornwall - 27815634 Superlative 26748315 Dereham 21583746 Bristol 25384761 Cambridge - 27815634 Lincolnshire 28175634 Cray 24631578 Glasgow 25384761 Superlative 26748315 Pudsey 26147385 Superlative 24631578 Dereham - 27815634 Lincolnshire - 21785634 Lincolnshire 21768453 Yorkshire 25384761 Pudsey 25374168 Lindum 28573146 London 24631578 Dereham 27513846 Cornwall - 21785634 Rutland 21768453 Yorkshire 28167453 Lessness 28167453 Lessness 28573146 Rutland 26841375 Cornwall 26841375 Cornwall - 21785634 Tavistock 23456781 23456781 23456781 Repeat seven times. Repeat seven times. Repeat seven times. s = 3456. s = 3456. s = 3456. 20 methods (5,120) 22 methods (5,632) 25 methods (6,400) 12345678 Lincolnshire 12345678 Lincolnshire 12345678 Lincolnshire 15738264 Ipswich 15738264 Ipswich 15738264 Ipswich 14263857 Lindum 14263857 Lindum 14263857 Lindum 16482735 Superlative 16482735 Superlative 16482735 Superlative s 21436578 Cray s 21436578 Cray s 21436578 Cray 25381746 Lessness - 28531746 Dereham - 28531746 Dereham 28573614 Essex 21456873 Jersey 21456873 Jersey 23154867 Belfast 26743185 Yorkshire 26743185 Watford - 25314867 Glasgow 23875614 Preston 24617538 Yorkshire 23456178 Cornwall 25184367 London 27368451 Pudsey 21583746 Bristol - 23851746 Bristol - 23851746 Ashtead 28175634 London - 25381746 Watford 26745138 Cassiobury 27861453 Watford 28573614 Essex - 25381746 Ealing 26748315 Pudsey 23154867 Belfast 28573614 Essex - 27815634 Cambridge - 25314867 Glasgow 23154867 Belfast 25384761 Jersey 23456178 Cornwall - 25314867 Glasgow 24631578 Dereham 21583746 Ashtead 23456178 Cornwall 21768453 Yorkshire 26748315 Pudsey 21583746 Bristol 28573146 Rutland - 27815634 Cambridge 28175634 London - 21785634 Tavistock 25384761 Lessness 27861453 Wembley 23456781 28573146 Rutland 26748315 Cambridge Repeat seven times. - 21785634 Tavistock - 27815634 Preston s = 3456. 23456781 25384761 Lessness Repeat seven times. 28573146 Rutland s = 3456. - 21785634 Tavistock 23456781 Repeat seven times. s = 3456.
All arrangements contain all the work of every method for every bell, including the treble.
The six method arrangement contains 1,024 each Cornwall, Lessness, Pudsey and Superlative and 512 each Cambridge and Rutland, with 136 changes of method.
The seven method arrangement contains 1,024 Lessness, 768 each Cambridge, Cornwall, Rutland and Superlative and 512 each Pudsey and Yorkshire, with 128 changes of method.
The eight method arrangement contains 1,024 Lessness, 768 each Cornwall and Rutland and 512 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 128 changes of method.
The nine method arrangement contains 768 each Cornwall and Rutland and 512 each Cambridge, Lessness, Lincolnshire, Lindum, Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 152 changes of method.
The ten method arrangement contains 512 each Cambridge, Cornwall, Dereham, Lessness, Lincolnshire, Lindum, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 144 changes of method.
The twelve method arrangement contains 768 each Cornwall and Superlative, 512 each Bristol, Dereham, Lessness and Pudsey and 256 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Lindum, London, Rutland and Yorkshire, with 135 changes of method.
The fourteen method arrangement contains 768 Cornwall, 512 each Bristol, Cambridge, Pudsey and Superlative and 256 each Belfast, Dereham, Glasgow, Lessness, Lincolnshire, Lindum, London, Rutland and Yorkshire, with 151 changes of method.
The sixteen method arrangement contains 512 each Cornwall, Dereham, Rutland and Superlative and 256 each Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Cray, Essex, Glasgow, Lessness, Lincolnshire, Lindum, London, Pudsey and Yorkshire, with 159 changes of method.
The eighteen method arrangement contains 512 each Pudsey and Rutland and 256 each Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall, Cray, Dereham, Essex, Glasgow, Ipswich, Lessness, Lincolnshire, Lindum, London, Superlative, Tavistock and Yorkshire, with 159 changes of method.
The twenty method arrangement contains 256 each Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall, Cray, Dereham, Essex, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, Lessness, Lincolnshire, Lindum, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Tavistock, Watford and Yorkshire, with 159 changes of method.
The twenty-two method arrangement contains 256 each Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall, Cray, Dereham, Essex, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, Lessness, Lincolnshire, Lindum, London, Preston, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Tavistock, Watford and Yorkshire, with 175 changes of method.
The twenty-five method arrangemment contains 256 each Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Cray, Dereham, Ealing, Essex, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, Lessness, Lincolnshire, Lindum, London, Preston, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Tavistock, Watford, Wembley and Yorkshire, with 199 changes of method.
Health warning to those with aural allergies: all arrangements contain some backstroke 87s.
Conductors or bands that prefer fewer change of method may want to look at 5,120 Spliced Surprise Major (6-12 methods)
5,068 (5,166) Spliced Major (8–25 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 3680)8 methods (5,166) 2345678 Spitalfields Festival Bob 3527486 Spitalfields Festival Alliance 5738264 Spitalfields Festival Treble Place 7856342 Spitalfields Festival Treble Bob 8674523 Spitalfields Festival Delight - 4235678 Spitalfields Festival Treble Bob 2547386 Spitalfields Festival Bob 5728463 Spitalfields Festival Alliance 7856234 Spitalfields Festival Bob 8673542 Spitalfields Festival Treble Place 6384725 Spitalfields Festival Treble Bob 3462857 Spitalfields Festival Treble Place - 3425678 Spitalfields Festival Surprise 7856423 Spitalfields Festival Delight 2364857 Spitalfields Festival Little Surprise - 7862534 Spitalfields Festival Little Surprise - 4567382 Spitalfields Festival Treble Bob 5748623 Spitalfields Festival Surprise 2386745 Spitalfields Festival Little Delight 8273564 Spitalfields Festival Little Delight 7852436 Spitalfields Festival Surprise 3624857 Spitalfields Festival Treble Place 6435278 Spitalfields Festival Treble Place - 6457382 Spitalfields Festival Alliance 4768523 Spitalfields Festival Delight 2385764 Spitalfields Festival Little Delight - 7823456 Repeat six times. 17 methods (5,166) 25 methods (5,068) 2345678 Pride of Spitalfields Surprise 2345678 Brushfield Surprise 5738264 Brick Lane Surprise 7856342 Spitalfields Festival Treble Bob 6482735 Spitalfields Festival Bob 8674523 Spitalfields Delight 4263857 Spitalfields Festival Bob 6482735 Spitalfields Surprise - 4235678 Spitalfields Festival Little Delight 3527486 Single Cumberland Place 3462857 Christ Church Primary School 300 Delight - 4235678 Christ Church Primary School 300 Delight 2547386 Spitalfields Surprise 5728463 Spitalfields Festival Bob 8673542 Spitalfields Festival Alliance 7856234 Spitalfields Alliance 6384725 Hawksmoor Delight 6384725 Spitalfields Festival Surprise 5728463 Spitalfields Festival Alliance 2547386 Brick Lane Surprise 7856234 Hawksmoor Delight 8673542 Pride of Spitalfields Surprise - 3425678 Spitalfields Surprise - 3425678 Spitalfields Festival Treble Place 7856423 Christ Church Primary School 300 Delight 4537286 Cumberland Bob 6283745 Brushfield Surprise 7856423 Cumberland Exercise Treble Bob 4537286 Spitalfields Alliance - 7862534 Fournier Surprise - 7862534 Fournier Surprise - 5678423 Spitalfields Festival Alliance - 5678423 Spitalfields Surprise 6852734 New Cumberland Delight 2384675 Spitalfields Delight 2384675 Cumberland Alliance 3427856 Spitalfields Festival Treble Bob 7546382 SRCY Delight 4735268 Spitalfields Festival Surprise 8263547 Spitalfields Festival Delight 6852734 Spitalfields Festival Treble Place 4735268 Cumberland Surprise 8263547 Spitalfields Festival Little Surprise - 7568423 Cumberland Delight - 7568423 Christ Church Primary School 300 Delight 8253746 Spitalfields Festival Little Delight 8253746 Spitalfields Festival Delight 5872634 Hawksmoor Delight 4637258 Spitalfields Festival Little Surprise 4637258 Spitalfields Festival Little Surprise - 8234567 - 8234567 Repeat six times. Repeat six times.
The 8 method arrangement contains 1,120 Spitalfields Festival Treble Place, 896 Spitalfields Festival Treble Bob, 672 each Spitalfields Festival Delight and Spitalfields Festival Surprise, 630 Spitalfields Festival Alliance, 504 Spitalfields Festival Little Delight and 336 each Spitalfields Festival Bob and Spitalfields Festival Little Surprise, with 160 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
The 17 method arrangement contains 672 each Christ Church Primary School 300 Delight and Spitalfields Surprise, 448 Hawksmoor Delight, 420 Spitalfields Festival Alliance, 336 Spitalfields Festival Little Surprise, 224 each Brick Lane Surprise, Brushfield Surprise, Fournier Surprise, Pride of Spitalfields Surprise, Spitalfields Delight, Spitalfields Festival Delight, Spitalfields Festival Surprise, Spitalfields Festival Bob, Spitalfields Festival Treble Bob and Spitalfields Festival Treble Place, 210 Spitalfields Alliance and 168 Spitalfields Festival Little Delight, with 167 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
The 25 method arrangment contains 224 each Brick Lane Surprise, Brushfield Surprise, Christ Church Primary School 300 Delight, Cumberland Delight, Cumberland Surprise, Cumberland Exercise Treble Bob, Fournier Surprise, Hawksmoor Delight, New Cumberland Delight, Pride of Spitalfields Surprise, SRCY Delight, Spitalfields Delight, Spitalfields Surprise, Spitalfields Festival Delight, Spitalfields Festival Surprise, Spitalfields Festival Treble Bob and Spitalfields Festival Treble Place, 210 each Spitalfields Alliance and Spitalfields Festival Alliance, 168 each Cumberland Alliance, Spitalfields Festival Little Delight and Spitalfields Festival Little Surprise and 112 each Cumberland Bob, Single Cumberland Place and Spitalfields Festival Bob, with 174 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,824 Spliced Surprise Major (26 methods)
Richard I Allton (No 2056)2345678 Adelaide - 5786342 Bristol - 8576342 Clerkenwell - 5642837 Double Dublin - 4562837 Ealing 6485723 Fotheringhay - 6452837 Glendon - 8564723 Heene - 5423876 Ipswich 6872354 Jupitium 7638425 Krokodilopolis - 6825743 Lothbury - 2685743 Mablethorpe 3748526 Niton - 8265743 Ospringe - 2543876 Primrose 5327468 Quadring 7638542 Ruby 8462753 Sonning - 4253876 Tavistock 7638254 Ullswater - 6854723 Victoria 8462537 Wembley - 5684723 Xebec 4263578 Yorkshire 3728456 Zenith - 7856342 7 part.
Contains 224 Adelaide, Bristol, Clerkenwell, Double Dublin, Ealing, Fotheringhay, Glendon, Heene, Ipswich, Jupitium, Krokodilopolis, Lothbury, Mablethorpe, Niton, Ospringe, Primrose, Quadring, Ruby, Sonning, Tavistock, Ullswater, Victoria, Wembley, Xebec, Yorkshire, Zenith, with 181 changes of method, all the work.
5,824 Spliced Surprise Major (26 methods)
Richard I Allton (No 2056)2345678 Adelaide - 5786342 Bristol - 8576342 Clerkenwell - 5642837 Double Dublin - 4562837 Ealing 6485723 Fotheringhay - 6452837 Glendon - 8564723 Heene - 5423876 Ipswich 6872354 Jupitium 7638425 Krokodilopolis - 6825743 Lothbury - 2685743 Mablethorpe 3748526 Niton - 8265743 Ospringe - 2543876 Primrose 5327468 Quadring 7638542 Ruby 8462753 Sonning - 4253876 Tavistock 7638254 Ullswater - 6854723 Victoria 8462537 Wembley - 5684723 Xebec 4263578 Yorkshire 3728456 Zenith - 7856342 7 part. 224 Adelaide, Bristol, Clerkenwell, Double Dublin, Ealing, Fotheringhay, Glendon, Heene, Ipswich, Jupitium, Krokodilopolis, Lothbury, Mablethorpe, Niton, Ospringe, Primrose, Quadring, Ruby, Sonning, Tavistock, Ullswater, Victoria, Wembley, Xebec, Yorkshire, Zenith. 181 com, all the work.
Contains 224 Adelaide, Bristol, Clerkenwell, Double Dublin, Ealing, Fotheringhay, Glendon, Heene, Ipswich, Jupitium, Krokodilopolis, Lothbury, Mablethorpe, Niton, Ospringe, Primrose, Quadring, Ruby, Sonning, Tavistock, Ullswater, Victoria, Wembley, Xebec, Yorkshire, Zenith, with 181 changes of method, all the work.
5,824 Spliced Surprise Major (26 methods)
Robert D S Brown (The Alphabet)2345678 Axminster - 3578264 Branksome 4267835 Cardiff 6482573 Datchet 8654327 Egleton - 3586742 Foxhall 6452378 Groombridge 2748635 Halloween 8375264 Iveshead 5634827 Jago 4267583 Kniveton 7823456 Lincolnshire - 8356742 Mashbury 5873264 Nemesis 7528436 Opal 2745683 Perth 4267358 Quaking House 6432875 Rutland 3684527 Stockport - 5836742 Tyrone - 7358264 Ullesthorpe 8634725 Vaguely 5723486 Woodfield 4265873 Xenolite 3876542 Yeovilton 2547638 Zenith - 5738264 7 part.
Contains 224 Axminster, Branksome, Cardiff, Datchet, Egleton, Foxhall, Groombridge, Halloween, Iveshead, Jago, Kniveton, Lincolnshire, Mashbury, Nemesis, Opal, Perth, Quaking House, Rutland, Stockport, Tyrone, Ullesthorpe, Vaguely, Woodfield, Xenolite, Yeovilton, Zenith, with 181 changes of method, all the work.
5,184 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (5–27 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8912)23456 M B H 5 methods 35264 - YY.EW 56234 - - W.EW.CS (63542) - CS. 25346 - - EYS.WWEW. 32546 - CYCES. 32465 - [-] CY.YS. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B H 6 methods 35264 - YC.EW 56423 2 - BEW.BC.ECSES. 63425 - 2 BB.CYYS.B. 43265 - - [-] E.WWC.YS. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M H 7 methods 35264 - YY.EW 64523 2 BBW.CW.SC 35426 - - W.BBLEEL. 43526 - CLYCS. 43265 - [-] CS.YS. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M H 8 methods 35264 - D.BBDD 56342 - WW.CY 35426 - - - CY.CES.BLWEL. 43526 - CDS. 43265 - [-] YS.BEL. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M H 9 methods 56342 2 ECDB.EYtYLYt.Yt 35426 - - - WE.CEWD.DWB. 43526 - YSYSL. 43265 - [-] CS.Yt. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M H 10 methods 11 methods 12 methods 64523 3 ECDB.EYtYA.YDA.WB ECF.EYtYA.WBYt.WB ECF.EYtYA.YDA.WB 35426 - - YtWD.LASD. YtWD.LASD. YtWD.EAL. 43526 - CSYtL. FSYSL. DBFJCL. 43265 - [-] CS.Yt. CS.Yt. CS.Yt. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M H 13 methods 14 methods 56342 2 ECF.EYtYA.Yt ECF.EYtYA.Yt 64523 - CoA.WB CoA.WB 35426 - - YtWD.LASD. YtWD.JL. 43526 - FSYJL. FSJEDL. 43265 - [-] CS.Yt. CS.BSp. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M H 15 methods 35264 - EYA.EAC 56342 - LSp.Yt 64523 - CoA.WB 35426 - - YtWD.JL. 43526 - FSJoL. 43265 - [-] CJoJA.Yt. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M H 16 methods 56342 2 EYA.SHYCoC.Yt 64523 - SpDA.WB 35426 - - YtWD.JL. 43526 - FSJoL. 43265 - [-] YDE.Yt. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M H 17 methods 18 methods 19 methods 64523 3 EYA.SHYCoC.GWBA.Yt EYA.SHTCoC.CDWSp.YC EYA.SHTCoC.GWJoCA.Yt 35426 - - SFG.JL. FBAG.JL. SFG.JL. 43526 - CESpJoYt. EJoYt. FBSpYk. 43265 - [-] YDE.Yt. YDE.Yt. YDE.Yt. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M H 20 methods 21 methods 22 methods 56342 2 EYA.SHCCoC.EyJoEyT EYA.SHTCoC.EyJoWO EaYA.SHTCoC.EyJoWO 35426 - - - CoA.WDG.JL. CoA.WDG.JL. CoA.WDG.JL. 43526 - FBSpYk. FBSpYk. FBSpYk. 43265 - [-] YDE.Yt. YDE.Yt. YDE.Yt. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M W H 23 methods 24 methods 25 methods 26 methods 27 methods 35264 - EFDWT.SHG EFDWT.SHG EFDWT.SHG EFDWT.SHG UFDWT.SHG 56342 - PC.EyJoWO PC.EyJoWO PC.EyJoWO PC.EyJoKO PC.EyJoKO 64523 - CoA.BBL CoA.BDdL CoA.BDdL CoA.BDdL CoA.BDdL 32546 - - - Ea.J.SpYk. Ea.J.SpYk. Ea.J.SpYk. Ea.J.SpYk. Ea.J.SpYk. 32465 - [-] YDE.Yt. YDE.Yt. YVE.Yt. YVE.Yt. YVE.Yt. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Most of the methods in this series are from Simon Linford's book The Core Seven and Beyond: A Guide to Treble Dodging Major (the Project Pickled Egg book). The first seventeen methods are the Core Seven, added in the order presented in the book, followed by the seven Herb Garden methods, again added in the order presented in the book, followed by the first three Spices, again in order. The remaining ten methods are mostly Try Also methods from the book (including all those in the Core Seven and Herb Garden sections of the book, except Falmouth which is just 2nds place Cornwall and so doesn't seem of sufficient interest to include in a peal of spliced already including Cornwall), plus one method not appearing in the book, Cassiobury; these final ten methods are added in an arbitrary order.
These callings are especially suitable for handbells.
The 5 method arrangement contains 1,152 each Cornwall Surprise (W) and Yorkshire Surprise and 960 each Cambridge Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E) and Superlative Surprise, with 137 changes of method.
The 6 method arrangement contains 960 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise and Lessness Surprise and 768 each Cornwall Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 143 changes of method.
The 7 method arrangement contains 960 Cambridge Surprise, 768 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 576 each Lessness Surprise and London Surprise, with 137 changes of method.
The 8 method arrangement contains 768 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise and Deva Surprise and 576 each Cornwall Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 143 changes of method.
The 9 methods arrangement contains 768 each Lessness Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), 576 each Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 384 each Bristol Surprise and London Surprise, with 149 changes of method.
The 10 method arrangement contains 768 each Deva Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, 576 each Adelaide Surprise, Cambridge Surprise and Superlative Surprise and 384 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 11 method arrangement contains 768 each Superlative Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, 576 Cornwall Surprise and 384 each Adelaide Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Deva Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 12 method arrangement contains 576 each Adelaide Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Deva Surprise, Lessnessy and Ytterbium Surprise, 384 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, London Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 192 each Jorvik Surprise and Superlative Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 13 method arrangement contains 768 Ytterbium Surprise, 576 each Adelaide Surprise and Superlative Surprise, 384 each Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (Co) and Jorvik Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 14 method arrangement contains 576 each Lessness Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, 384 each Adelaide Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, London Surprise and Superlative Surprise and 192 each Cooktown Orchid Delight, Speedball Surprise (Sp) and Yorkshire Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 15 method arrangement contains 768 Adelaide Surprise, 576 each London Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, 384 each Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise (Jo) and Lessness Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Deva Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 16 method arrangement contains 576 each Deva Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, 384 each Adelaide Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise and Superlative Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Frodsham Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H) and Speedball Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 17 method arrangement contains 576 each Lessness Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, 384 each Adelaide Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Glasgow Surprise and Superlative Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, London Surprise and Speedball Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 18 method arrangement contains 576 each Cambridge Surprise, Lessness Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 384 each Adelaide Surprise, Deva Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, London Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Turramurra Surprise, with 155 changes of method.
The 19 method arrangement contains 384 each Adelaide Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Lessness Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, London Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Turramurra Surprise and York Surprise (Yk), with 161 changes of method.
The 20 methods arrangement contains 384 each Adelaide Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Deva Surprise, Ely Surprise (Ey), Lessness Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, London Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, York Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 21 method arrangement contains 384 each Adelaide Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Lessness Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cassiobury Surprise (O), Ely Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, London Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, York Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 22 method arrangement contains 384 each Adelaide Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cassiobury Surprise, Ealing Surprise (Ea), Ely Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, York Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 23 method arrangement contains 384 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise and Lessness Surprise and 192 each Adelaide Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cassiobury Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Ealing Surprise, Ely Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, London Surprise, Painswick Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, York Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, with 155 changes of method.
The 24 method arrangement contains 384 each Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise and Lessness Surprise and 192 each Adelaide Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cassiobury Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Double Dublin Surprise (Dd), Ealing Surprise, Ely Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, London Surprise, Painswick Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, York Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 25 method arrangement contains 384 each Cornwall Surprise and Lessness Surprise and 192 each Adelaide Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cassiobury Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise, Ealing Surprise, Ely Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, London Surprise, Painswick Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Venusium Surprise, York Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 26 method arrangement contains 384 Lessness Surprise and 192 each Adelaide Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cassiobury Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise, Ealing Surprise, Ely Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, London Surprise, Painswick Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Venusium Surprise, York Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The 27 method arrangement contains 192 each Adelaide Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cassiobury Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise, Ealing Surprise, Ely Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Painswick Surprise, Speedball Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Uxbridge Surprise, Venusium Surprise, York Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (8–27 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 108b)23456 M B W H 8m 9m 10m 11m 12m 13m 52436 - RS.L US.CSN US.CYN US.CYRO US.CYN UP.L 42635 - NYS.CL PSY.CL PSY.ROL V.NL PSY.ROL OYASG.BOR 23564 2 - YN.LP.BBBRRP. YN.NL.BBBRUP. YN.UOL.BBU. YN.UOL.BBBRUP. YN.UOL.BBAP. YN.LOL.BBAP. 36245 - CP.PC CP.SC CP.SC CP.SC CP.SC CP.SC 24365 - [-] NSSY.R. UY.R. ROU.R. NV.R. NV.R. CV.R. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 14m 15m 16m 17m 18m 23564 - - ULiL.BBAP. RLiL.BLiAP. RLiL.BLiAP. RLiL.BDAP. RLiL.BDAP. 23645 - - CP.SC. CP.SC. CP.SC. CP.SC. CJ.SC. 62345 - NRL. NK. NK. NK. NK. 36245 - - - - OYASG.BLi.UV.L. OYASG.BBB.UV.R. OYASG.BBB.UWh.R. OYASG.DBB.UWh.R. OYASG.DBB.UWh.U. 24365 - [-] CV.R. CV.U. CV.U. CV.U. CV.U. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 19m 20m 21m 22m 23m 23564 - - RLiL.BDAP. RLiL.BDAP. KL.BDAP. KL.BDAP. KL.BDAP. 23645 - - CJ.SC. CJ.SC. CJ.SC. CJ.SC. CJ.SC. 62345 - NK. NK. NWhPrT. NWhPrT. NWhPrT. 36245 - - - - OYASG.NTB.UWh.U. OYASG.NTB.UWh.W. OYASG.DR.ULi.W. OYASG.DR.ULi.W. OYISG.DR.ULi.W. 24365 - [-] CV.U. CV.U. CV.W. CV.Wm. CV.Wm. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 24m 25m 26m 27m 23564 - - KL.BDAP. KL.BDAP. KL.BDAP. KL.BPwAP. 23645 - - HJ.SC. HJ.SC. HJ.SC. HJ.SC. 62345 - NWhPrT. NWhPrT. NWhPrT. NWhPrT. 36245 - - - - OYISG.DR.ULi.W. OYISG.DR.ULi.W. OYIAlG.DR.ULi.W. OYIAlG.DR.ULi.W. 24365 - [-] CV.Wm. GrV.Wm. GrV.Wm. GrV.Wm. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
Parts from the different arrangements must not be mixed.
The 8-23 method versions use only methods selected from Norman Smith’s popular composition of 23 spliced. The additional methods used in the 24-27 method versions are all simple variations of methods from the so-called “standard” eight.
The eight method version contains 768 each Pudsey, Rutland and Superlative and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London and Yorkshire, with 126 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, queens and back rounds.
The nine method version contains 768 each Cambridge and Superlative, 576 each Bristol, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Uxbridge and Yorkshire and 384 each London and Rutland, with 143 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, queens and back rounds.
The ten method version contains 768 Uxbridge, 576 each Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire and 384 each Bristol, Lincolnshire (N), London and Pudsey, with 155 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, queens and back rounds.
The eleven method version contains 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Rutland and Uxbridge and 384 each Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), London, Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 149 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, queens and back rounds.
The twelve method version contains 576 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire, 384 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), London, Rutland and Uxbridge and 192 each Ashtead and Cornwall (V), with 155 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, queens and back rounds.
The thirteen method version contains 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), London and Pudsey, 384 each Ashtead, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire and 192 each Cornwall (V), Glasgow, Lincolnshire (N) and Uxbridge, with 149 changes of method, all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, and all 7 near misses.
The fourteen method version contains 576 each Bristol, Cambridge and London, 384 each Ashtead, Cornwall (V), Lindum (Li), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Uxbridge and 192 each Cassiobury (O), Glasgow, Lincolnshire (N) and Yorkshire, with 155 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 21 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front.
The fifteen method version contains 768 Bristol, 576 Cambridge, 384 each Ashtead, Cornwall (V), Lindum (Li), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Uxbridge and 192 each Cassiobury (O), Cray (K), Glasgow, Lincolnshire (N), London and Yorkshire, with 149 changes of method, and 21 each 56s and 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front,
The sixteen method version contains 768 Bristol, 576 Cambridge, 384 each Ashtead, Lindum (Li), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Uxbridge and 192 each Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Glasgow, Lincolnshire (N), London, Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 149 changes of method, and 21 each 56s and 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front,
The seventeen method version contains 576 each Bristol and Cambridge, 384 each Ashtead, Double Dublin, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Uxbridge and 192 each Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Glasgow, Lincolnshire (N), Lindum (Li), London, Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 155 changes of method, all 24 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 21 each 56s and 65s.
The eighteen method version contains 576 each Bristol, Cambridge and Uxbridge, 384 each Ashtead, Double Dublin and Superlative and 192 each Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Glasgow, Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Lindum (Li), London, Pudsey, Rutland, Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 155 changes of method, all 24 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 21 each 56s and 65s.
The nineteen method version contains 576 each Cambridge and Uxbridge, 384 each Ashtead, Bristol, Lincolnshire (N) and Superlative and 192 each Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Glasgow, Jersey, Lindum (Li), London, Pudsey, Rutland, Tavistock, Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 161 changes of method, all 24 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, and 21 each 56s and 65s.
The twenty method version contains 576 Cambridge, 384 each Ashtead, Bristol, Lincolnshire (N), Superlative and Uxbridge and 192 each Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Glasgow, Jersey, Lindum (Li), London, Pudsey, Rutland, Tavistock, Watford, Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 161 changes of method, all 24 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 21 each 56s and 65s, and all 7 near misses.
The twenty-one method version contains 576 Cambridge, 384 each Ashtead, Double Dublin, Superlative and Watford and 192 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Glasgow, Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Lindum (Li), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Rutland, Tavistock, Uxbridge, Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, queens, and all 7 near misses.
The twenty-two method version contains 576 Cambridge, 384 each Ashtead, Double Dublin and Superlative and 192 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Glasgow, Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Lindum (Li), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Rutland, Tavistock, Uxbridge, Watford, Wembley (Wm), Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, queens, and all 7 near misses.
The twenty-three method version contains 576 Cambridge, 384 each Double Dublin and Superlative and 192 each Ashtead, Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Lindum (Li), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Rutland, Tavistock, Uxbridge, Watford, Wembley (Wm), Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, queens, and all 7 near misses.
The twenty-four method version contains 384 each Cambridge, Double Dublin and Superlative and 192 each Ashtead, Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Glasgow, Havant, Ipswich, Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Lindum (Li), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Rutland, Tavistock, Uxbridge, Watford, Wembley (Wm), Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, queens, and all 7 near misses.
The twenty-five method version contains 384 each Double Dublin and Superlative and 192 each Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Glasgow, Groombridge (Gr), Havant, Ipswich, Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Lindum (Li), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Rutland, Tavistock, Uxbridge, Watford, Wembley (Wm), Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, queens, and all 7 near misses.
The twenty-six method version contains 384 Double Dublin and 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Glasgow, Groombridge (Gr), Havant, Ipswich, Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Lindum (Li), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Tavistock, Uxbridge, Watford, Wembley (Wm), Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, queens, and all 7 near misses.
The twenty-seven method version contains 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Glasgow, Groombridge (Gr), Havant, Ipswich, Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Lindum (Li), London, Peterstone Wentloog (Pw), Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Tavistock, Uxbridge, Watford, Wembley (Wm), Whalley (Wh) and Yorkshire, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, queens, and all 7 near misses.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (12–27 methods)
Richard I Allton23456 M B W H 12 Methods 16 Methods 20 Methods 24 Methods 27 Methods 42356 - B. B. B. B. B. 62534 2 - - R.B.SPYZ.WG. R.B.SPXZ.WG. R.B.HPXU.WG. R.B.HPXU.WG. R.J.HPXU.TG. 45236 (-) - L.NPYS. L.NPYS. L.NPYS. L.QIMS. L.QIMS. 65432 2 L.B.ER D.Pw.ER D.V.ER D.V.FR D.V.FO 32546 - 2 2 L.W.YNZCE.R.B. K.W.YNZCE.R.Pw. K.W.YNZCE.A.Pw. K.W.YNZCE.A.Pw. K.W.YNZCE.A.Pw. Repeat five times, omitting (-) from alternate parts.
12 methods: 768 Bristol; 576 London, Rutland, Yorkshire; 384 Eastwood, Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, Superlative, Winchester, Zeus; 192 Cambridge, Glasgow. 156 com, 144 cru's.
16 methods: 576 Rutland; 384 Bristol, Eastwood, Lincolnshire (N), Peterstone Wentloog (p), Pudsey, Superlative, Winchester, Yorkshire, Zeus; 192 Cambridge, Glasgow, Leckhampton (K), London, Lyme (X), Richmond (D). 161 com, 144 cru's.
20 methods: 384 Bristol, Eastwood, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Rutland, Winchester, Yorkshire; 192 Cambridge, Glasgow, Holbeach, Leckhampton (K), London, Lyme (X), Nice (V), Peterstone Wentloog (p), Ramsey (A), Richmond (D), Superlative, Uxbridge, Zeus. 161 com, 144 cru's.
24 methods: 384 Bristol, Rutland, Winchester; 192 Bottesford (F), Cambridge, Eastwood, Glasgow, Holbeach, Leckhampton (K), Lincoln (I), Lincolnshire (N), London, Lyme (X), Minsmere, Nice (V), Peterstone Wentloog (p), Pudsey, Quasimodo, Ramsey (A), Richmond (D), Superlative, Uxbridge, Yorkshire, Zeus. 161 com, 144 cru's.
27 methods: 192 Bottesford (F), Bristol, Cambridge, Eastwood, Glasgow, Holbeach, Leckhampton (K), Lincoln (I), Lincolnshire (N), London, Lyme (X), Minsmere, Nice (V), Osmaston, Peterstone Wentloog (p), Pudsey, Quasimodo, Ramsey (A), Richmond (D), Ruddington (J), Rutland, Superlative, Trafalgar, Uxbridge, Winchester, Yorkshire, Zeus. 161 com, 144 cru's.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (6–27 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8690)23456 M B W H 6 methods 35264 - EWB.BBL 62453 - - E.C.CEW 62534 - - BLW.BFW. 64235 2 - L.F.FC. 26435 - CLE. 43265 - [-] CW.E. Repeat twice, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M W H 7 methods 36452 - 2 E.EP.F. 43652 - LWFBBW. (52436) 2 - L.WP.WBBW. 26435 - 2 CPEC.CL.F. 43265 - [-] PE.E. Repeat twice, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 8 methods (35264) - EWWC. 42563 - - WGCG.EP. 54632 - 3 - L.BFB.EG.BC.WF.L 26435 - - L.FP. 43265 - [-] PL.E. Repeat twice, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 10 methods 23564 - - EWF.FDEx. (52643) - 3 - W.BFB.WGG.BC.WF. 24536 - Ex.DP 26435 2 - L.B.EP. 43265 - [-] CL.E. Repeat twice, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M W B H 12 methods 15 methods (35426) 3 2 AG.WWA.B.C.DEW. AG.WC.B.EO.OA. 45623 - Cd.FP Cd.FP 24536 2 - ExGCd.F.Ex.DP ExGCd.F.Ex.DC 26435 2 - L.B.EP. L.B.AdOP. 43265 - [-] CL.E. CWh.E. Repeat twice, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 18 methods (54326) 2 2 AG.WG.TBEx.WhD. 23645 - - Ad.P.L 25346 2 - L.B.WiO. (54632) - 2 CWhCd.FO.F. 43265 2 [-] Ad.DE.MpE. Repeat twice, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 23 methods 63254 - - A.OAdE.Ch (54632) - 2 WhTD.Wi.Ch. 35426 - 2 Ex.YdBRi.F. 43526 - - - - PSoC.YdW.Cd.L. 43265 - [-] BkGW.MpE. Repeat twice, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B W H 27 methods 35264 - Sx.OAdCd 63254 - ADv.Nh (54632) - 2 WhTD.Wi.Ch. 35426 - 2 Ex.YdBRi.F. 43526 - PSoCSL. 43265 - [-] BkGW.MpE. Repeat twice, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
See also 5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (6–23m).
The six method version contains 960 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (W) and Lessness (E), 768 London and 576 Belfast (F), with 126 changes of method.
The seven method version contains 960 each Cornwall and Lessness, 768 each Bristol and Pudsey and 576 each Belfast, Cambridge and London, with 126 changes of method.
The eight method version contains 768 each Cornwall, Lessness and London and 576 each Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Glasgow and Pudsey, with 138 changes of method.
The ten method version contains 768 each Belfast, Bristol and Cornwall, 576 Lessness and 384 each Cambridge, Dereham, Essex (Ex), Glasgow, London and Pudsey, with 144 changes of method.
The twelve method version contains 576 each Cornwall, Lessness and Pudsey and 384 each Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Chesterfield (Cd), Dereham, Essex, Glasgow and London, with 155 changes of method.
The fifteen method version contains 576 each Cambridge and Cassiobury (O), 384 each Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Chesterfield, Essex, Glasgow, Lessness and Pudsey and 192 each Adelaide (Ad), Cornwall, Dereham, London and Whalley (Wh), with 155 changes of method.
The eighteen method version contains 384 each Adelaide, Belfast, Bristol, Cassiobury, Dereham, Glasgow, Lessness, London and Whalley and 192 each Ashtead, Cambridge, Chesterfield, Cornwall, Essex, Malpas (Mp), Pudsey, Tavistock and Willesden (Wi), with 155 changes of method.
The twenty-three method version contains 384 each Chertsey (Ch), Cornwall, Lessness and Yeading (Yd) and 192 each Adelaide, Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Cambridge, Cassiobury, Chesterfield, Dereham, Essex, Glasgow, London, Malpas, Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So), Tavistock, Whalley and Willesden Surprise, with 161 changes of method.
The twenty-seven method version contains 192 each Adelaide, Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Buckfastleigh, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Chertsey, Chesterfield, Cornwall, Dereham, Deva (Dv), Essex, Glasgow, Lessness, London, Malpas, Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond, Sonning, Superlative, Sussex (Sx), Tavistock, Whalley, Willesden and Yeading, with 161 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (6–27 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8415)23456 M B W H 6 methods (54632) - - Ri.P. 52436 - [-] - CdCd.LL.Ri. 45236 - CdP. 46532 3 - - - Ri.B.CdG.Cd.Cd.GCd. 45362 - 2 GB.L.B. 34562 - CdP. 24365 2 L.CdP.G Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 7 methods 23456 M B W H 8 methods 23456 M B W H 9 methods 54632 - - L.P.Ri (54632) - - Wh.P. (54632) - - Wh.P. 54326 - - RiCd.LLRi. 36245 - - GGEs.WhEs.B 54326 - - PWhEsF.FLWh. 35426 - RiEsL. 36452 3 - - Ri.B.CdG.Cd.CdWh. 35426 - RiEsL. 36524 3 - - - Ri.B.CdG.Cd.Cd.GCd. 36524 - - EsG.CdWh. 36524 3 - - - Ri.B.CdG.Cd.Cd.Wh. 52364 - - GB.PEsP. 52364 - - GB.PEsP. 52364 - - GB.PEsP. 43265 - [-] Ri.EsL. 43265 - [-] Ri.EsL. 43265 - [-] Ri.EsL. Repeat five times, omitting [-] Repeat five times, omitting [-] Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. from alternate parts. from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 10 methods 23456 M B W H 11 methods (54632) - - Wh.P. (54632) - - Wh.P. 54326 - - PWhEsF.LLWh. 54326 - - CdMpB.LLWh. 35426 - RiEsL. 35426 - MpCdMpRi. 36524 - - - RiCd.Cd.CdBkWhCd. 36524 2 - Ri.F.BkWhCd. 52364 - - GB.PEsP. 52364 - - GB.PEsP. 43265 - [-] Ri.EsL. 43265 - [-] Ri.MpLCdL. Repeat five times, omitting [-] Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 12 methods 13 methods 14 methods 15 methods 16 methods 17 methods (54632) - - Wh.P. Wh.P. Wh.P. Wh.P. Wh.P. Wh.P. 35426 - 2 CdMpB.NwCdMpBRi.F. CdMpB.NwCdMpBRi.F. CdMpB.NwCdMpBL.F. Nw.NwCdMpBL.F. CdCd.NwMpMpBL.F. BkNh.NwCdMpBL.F. 36524 2 - EsFBk.F.NwCd. EsFBk.F.NwCd. EsFBk.F.NwCd. EsFBk.F.NwCd. EsFBk.F.NwSoEs. EsFBk.F.NwSoEs. 52364 - - GB.PEsP. GB.SoEsP. GB.SoEsP. GB.SoEsWhEs. GB.SoEsP. GB.SoEsP. 43265 - [-] Ri.MpLCdL. PSoG.EsL. Ri.NwNcCdL. Ri.MpLCdNcWi. Ri.SxCdNcWi. Ri.SxCdNcWi. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 18 methods 19 methods 20 methods 54632 - - Wh.P.Ct Wh.P.Ct Wh.P.Ct 35426 - 2 NhCd.NcMpBL.F. NhCd.NcMpBL.F. NhCd.NcMpCbL.F. 36524 2 - EsFBk.F.NwSoEs. EsFBk.F.NwSoEs. EsFBk.F.NwSoEs. 52364 - - GB.SoEsP. GB.SoEsP. GB.SoEsP. 43265 - [-] Ri.SxCdNcWi. Ri.SxCdCoWi. Ri.SxCdCoWi. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 21 methods 54632 - - Wh.P.Ct 54326 - - NhCd.NcMpCbL. (25346) - FMoBk. 26543 2 - Bk.F.NwSoEs. 54263 - - GB.SoEsP. 32465 - [-] Ri.SxCdCoWi. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 M B W H 22 methods 23 methods 24 methods 25 methods 26 methods 27 methods 54632 - - Wh.BkFCb.Ct Wh.BkChCb.Ct Wh.BkChCb.Ct Wh.BkChCb.Ct Wh.BkChCb.Ct Wh.UnChCb.Ct 35426 - 2 NhCd.NcMpBL.Yd. NhCd.NcMpBL.Yd. NhCd.NcMpBL.Yd. NhCd.NcMpDdL.Yd. NhNm.NcMpDdL.Yd. NhNm.NcMpDdL.Yd. 36524 2 - PMo.F.NwSoEs. PMo.F.NwSoEs. PMo.F.NwSoEs. PMo.F.NwSoEs. PMo.F.NwSoEs. PMo.F.NwSoEs. 52364 - - GB.BkP. GB.BkP. GB.BkS. GB.BkS. GB.BkS. GB.BkS. 43265 - [-] Ri.SxCdCoWi. Ri.SxCdCoWi. Ri.SxCdCoWi. Ri.SxCdCoWi. Ri.SxCdCoWi. Ri.SxCdCoWi. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
This series may be of particular interest to bands working up to Chandler's 23. For the 6–22 method versions it adds methods in the same order as 5,152 Spliced Surprise Major (6-22m).
The six method arrangement contains 1,728 Chesterfield (Cd), 768 each Glasgow, London and Pudsey and 576 each Bristol and Richmond (Ri), with 143 changes of method.
The seven method arrangement contains 1,152 Richmond (Ri), 960 each Chesterfield (Cd) and London, 576 each Essex (Es), Glasgow and Pudsey and 384 Bristol, with 132 changes of method.
The eight method arrangement contains 960 each Essex (Es) and Glasgow, 768 each Chesterfield (Cd) and Whalley (Wh), 576 each Bristol and Pudsey, 384 Richmond (Ri) and 192 London, with 149 changes of method.
The nine method arrangement contains 768 each Essex (Es), Pudsey and Whalley (Wh), 576 each Chesterfield (Cd), London and Richmond (Ri) and 384 each Belfast (F), Bristol and Glasgow, with 143 changes of method.
The ten method arrangement contains 768 each Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es), London, Pudsey and Whalley (Wh), 576 Richmond (Ri) and 192 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk) and Glasgow, with 137 changes of method.
The eleven method arrangement contains 768 each Chesterfield (Cd), London and Malpas (Mp), 576 each Pudsey, Richmond (Ri) and Whalley (Wh), 384 Bristol and 192 each Belfast (F), Buckfastleigh (Bk), Essex (Es) and Glasgow, with 149 changes of method.
The twelve method arrangement contains 768 Chesterfield (Cd), 576 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Malpas (Mp) and Pudsey, 384 each Essex (Es), London, Newlyn (Nw) and Richmond (Ri) and 192 each Buckfastleigh (Bk), Glasgow and Whalley (Wh), with 161 changes of method.
The thirteen method arrangement contains 576 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es) and Pudsey, 384 each Glasgow, Malpas (Mp), Newlyn (Nw) and Sonning (So) and 192 each Buckfastleigh (Bk), London, Richmond (Ri) and Whalley (Wh), with 155 changes of method.
The fourteen method arrangement contains 768 Chesterfield (Cd), 576 each Belfast (F), Bristol and Newlyn (Nw), 384 each Essex (Es), London, Malpas (Mp) and Pudsey and 192 each Buckfastleigh (Bk), Glasgow, Newcastle (Nc), Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So) and Whalley (Wh), with 161 changes of method.
The fifteen method arrangement contains 576 each Belfast (F), Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es) and Newlyn (Nw), 384 each Bristol, London, Malpas (Mp) and Whalley (Wh) and 192 each Buckfastleigh (Bk), Glasgow, Newcastle (Nc), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So) and Willesden (Wi), with 155 changes of method.
The sixteen method arrangement contains 576 each Belfast (F), Chesterfield (Cd) and Essex (Es), 384 each Bristol, Malpas (Mp), Newlyn (Nw), Pudsey and Sonning (So) and 192 each Buckfastleigh (Bk), Glasgow, London, Newcastle (Nc), Richmond (Ri), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh) and Willesden (Wi), with 149 changes of method.
The seventeen method arrangement contains 576 each Belfast (F) and Essex (Es), 384 each Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd), Newlyn (Nw), Pudsey and Sonning (So) and 192 each Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Newcastle (Nc), Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh) and Willesden (Wi), with 161 changes of method.
The eighteen method arrangement contains 576 each Belfast (F) and Essex (Es), 384 each Bristol, Chesterfield (Cd), Newcastle (Nc), Pudsey and Sonning (So) and 192 each Buckfastleigh (Bk), Caterham (Ct), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh) and Willesden (Wi), with 161 changes of method.
The nineteen method arrangement contains 576 each Belfast (F) and Essex (Es), 384 each Bristol, Chesterfield (Cd), Pudsey and Sonning (So) and 192 each Buckfastleigh (Bk), Caterham (Ct), Colnbrook (Co), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh) and Willesden (Wi), with 161 changes of method.
The twenty method arrangement contains 576 each Belfast (F) and Essex (Es), 384 each Chesterfield (Cd), Pudsey and Sonning (So) and 192 each Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Caterham (Ct), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh) and Willesden (Wi), with 161 changes of method.
The twenty-one method arrangement contains 384 each Belfast (F), Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es), Pudsey and Sonning (So) and 192 each Bristol, Caterham (Ct), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh) and Willesden (Wi), with 155 changes of method.
The twenty-two method arrangement contains 384 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd) and Pudsey and 192 each Caterham (Ct), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 161 changes of method.
The twenty-three method arrangement contains 384 each Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd) and Pudsey and 192 each Belfast (F), Caterham (Ct), Chertsey (Ch), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 161 changes of method.
The twenty-four method arrangement contains 384 each Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk) and Chesterfield (Cd) and 192 each Belfast (F), Caterham (Ct), Chertsey (Ch), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So), Superlative, Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 161 changes of method.
The twenty-five method arrangement contains 384 each Buckfastleigh (Bk) and Chesterfield (Cd) and 192 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Caterham (Ct), Chertsey (Ch), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Double Dublin (Dd), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So), Superlative, Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 161 changes of method.
The twenty-six method arrangement contains 384 Buckfastleigh (Bk) and 192 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Caterham (Ct), Chertsey (Ch), Chesterfield (Cd), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Double Dublin (Dd), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Newmarket (Nm), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So), Superlative, Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 161 changes of method.
The twenty-seven method arrangement contains 192 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Caterham (Ct), Chertsey (Ch), Chesterfield (Cd), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Double Dublin (Dd), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Newmarket (Nm), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So), Superlative, Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi), Yeading (Yd) and the as yet unnamed surprise major method 34x3.4x5x36x4x25.36x56.1,8 [k] (Un), with 161 changes of method.
5,184 Spliced Surprise Major (6–27 methods)
Robert D S Brown23456 M W H 27 26 25 24 23 22 43652 - MAT.KDZGR MAT.KDZGR MAT.KDZGR MAT.KDZGR MAT.KDZGR MAT.KDZGR 52634 - - s B.C.JyU. B.C.JyU. B.C.JyU. B.C.JyU. B.C.JyU. B.C.JyU. 36425 - - FPO.L.S FPO.L.S FPO.L.S FPO.L.S FPO.L.S FPU.L.S 42365 - - HXWNIQ.EYV. HXWNIQ.MYV. BXWNIQ.MYV. BXWNIX.MYV. BXRNIX.MYV. BXRNIX.MYV. 23456 M W H 21 20 19 18 17 16 43652 - MAT.KDZGR MAT.KDZGR MAT.KDZGR MAT.KDZGR MMT.KDZGR MMT.KDZXG 52634 - - s B.V.JyU. B.V.JyU. B.V.JyU. B.V.JyU. B.V.JyU. B.V.JyU. 36425 - - FPU.L.S FPU.L.N FyU.L.N FyU.L.N FyU.L.N FyU.L.N 42365 - - BXRNIX.MYV. BXRNIX.MYV. BXRNIX.MYV. BXRNIX.MVV. BXRNIX.MVV. BXINIX.MVV. 23456 M W H 15 12 11 7 6 43652 - MMT.KDZIN MML.KNIIN VLL.KNIIN VLL.KIBIB VVL.KIBIB 52634 - - s B.V.JyU. B.V.JyU. B.V.JyU. B.L.LLA. B.L.LLA. 36425 - - FyU.L.B FyU.L.B FyU.L.B VLL.L.B VLL.L.B 42365 - - BXINIX.MVV. BXINIX.VVV. BXINIX.VVV. BIINIB.VVV. BIIIIB.VVV. All arrangements are 6 parts.
27m: 192 Ashburton, Bideford(N), Black Dog(G), Bovey Tracey, Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Chittlehampton, Exeter, Exton, Huntsham, Ilfracombe, Ivybridge(Q), Kingsteignton, Lifton, Musbury, Pinhoe, Revelstoke, Sidbury, St Brannocks(O), Tamerton, Thorverton(V), Ugborough, Withycombe Raleigh, Yarcombe, Yealmpton(Z), Yelverton(y). 161 com, 50 cru's.
26m: 384 Musbury; 192 Ashburton, Bideford(N), Black Dog(G), Bovey Tracey, Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Chittlehampton, Exeter, Huntsham, Ilfracombe, Ivybridge(Q), Kingsteignton, Lifton, Pinhoe, Revelstoke, Sidbury, St Brannocks(O), Tamerton, Thorverton(V), Ugborough, Withycombe Raleigh, Yarcombe, Yealmpton(Z), Yelverton(y). 161 com, 56 cru's.
25m: 384 Bovey Tracey, Musbury; 192 Ashburton, Bideford(N), Black Dog(G), Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Chittlehampton, Exeter, Ilfracombe, Ivybridge(Q), Kingsteignton, Lifton, Pinhoe, Revelstoke, Sidbury, St Brannocks(O), Tamerton, Thorverton(V), Ugborough, Withycombe Raleigh, Yarcombe, Yealmpton(Z), Yelverton(Y). 161 com, 56 cru's.
24m: 384 Bovey Tracey, Exeter, Musbury; 192 Ashburton, Bideford(N), Black Dog(G), Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Chittlehampton, Ilfracombe, Kingsteignton, Lifton, Pinhoe, Revelstoke, Sidbury, St Brannocks(O), Tamerton, Thorverton(V), Ugborough, Withycombe Raleigh, Yarcombe, Yealmpton(Z), Yelverton(y). 161 com, 58 cru's.
23m: 384 Bovey Tracey, Exeter, Musbury, Revelstoke; 192 Ashburton, Bideford(N), Black Dog(G), Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Chittlehampton, Ilfracombe, Kingsteignton, Lifton, Pinhoe, Sidbury, St Brannocks(O), Tamerton, Thorverton(V), Ugborough, Yarcombe, Yealmpton(Z), Yelverton(y). 161 com, 58 cru's.
22m: 384 Bovey Tracey, Exeter, Musbury, Revelstoke, Ugborough; 192 Ashburton, Bideford(N), Black Dog(G), Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Chittlehampton, Ilfracombe, Kingsteignton, Lifton, Pinhoe, Sidbury, Tamerton, Thorverton(V), Yarcombe, Yealmpton(Z), Yelverton(y). 161 com, 58 cru's.
21m: 384 Bovey Tracey, Exeter, Musbury, Revelstoke, Thorverton(V), Ugborough; 192 Ashburton, Bideford(N), Black Dog(G), Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Ilfracombe, Kingsteignton, Lifton, Pinhoe, Sidbury, Tamerton, Yarcombe, Yealmpton(Z), Yelverton(y). 161 com, 54 cru's.
20m: 384 Bideford(N), Bovey Tracey, Exeter, Musbury, Revelstoke, Thorverton(V), Ugborough; 192 Ashburton, Black Dog(G), Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Ilfracombe, Kingsteignton, Lifton, Pinhoe, Tamerton, Yarcombe, Yealmpton(Z), Yelverton(y). 161 com, 50 cru's.
19m: 384 Bideford(N), Bovey Tracey, Exeter, Musbury, Revelstoke, Thorverton(V), Ugborough, Yelverton(y); 192 Ashburton, Black Dog(G), Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Ilfracombe, Kingsteignton, Lifton, Tamerton, Yarcombe, Yealmpton(Z). 161 com, 44 cru's.
18m: 576 Thorverton(V); 384 Bideford(N), Bovey Tracey, Exeter, Musbury, Revelstoke, Ugborough, Yelverton(y); 192 Ashburton, Black Dog(G), Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Ilfracombe, Kingsteignton, Lifton, Tamerton, Yealmpton(Z). 155 com, 46 cru's.
17m: 576 Musbury, Thorverton(V); 384 Bideford(N), Bovey Tracey, Exeter, Revelstoke, Ugborough, Yelverton(y); 192 Black Dog (G), Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Ilfracombe, Kingsteignton, Lifton, Tamerton, Yealmpton(Z). 149 com, 48 cru's.
16m: 576 Exeter, Musbury, Thorverton(V); 384 Bideford(N), Bovey Tracey, Ilfracombe, Ugborough, Yelverton(y); 192 Black Dog (G), Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Kingsteignton, Lifton, Tamerton, Yealmpton(Z). 149 com, 58 cru's.
15m: 576 Bovey Tracey, Ilfracombe, Musbury, Thorverton(V); 384 Bideford(N), Exeter, Ugborough, Yelverton(y); 192 Broadclyst(D), Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Kingsteignton, Lifton, Tamerton, Yealmpton(Z). 143 com, 56 cru's.
12m: 768 Ilfracombe, Thorverton(V); 576 Bideford(N), Bovey Tracey; 384 Exeter, Lifton, Musbury, Ugborough, Yelverton(y); 192 Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Kingsteignton. 131 com, 56 cru's.
11m: 960 Thorverton(V); 768 Ilfracombe; 576 Bideford(N), Bovey Tracey, Lifton; 384 Exeter, Ugborough, Yelverton(y); 192 Buckfastleigh(F), Bull Point(J), Kingsteignton. 126 com, 54 cru's.
7m: 1536 Lifton; 1152 Bovey Tracey; 960 Ilfracombe, Thorverton(V); 192 Ashburton, Bideford(N), Kingsteignton. 96 com, 58 cru's.
6m: 1344 Lifton; 1152 Bovey Tracey, Ilfracombe, Thorverton(V); 192 Ashburton, Kingsteignton. 84 com, 60 cru's
6,272 Spliced Major (28 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8302)2345678 Ytterbium Surprise 8674523 Turramurra Surprise - 6423857 Lancashire Surprise 4365278 Kenninghall Surprise - 2643857 Falmouth Surprise 4286735 Rook and Gaskill Surprise 8472563 Cornwall Surprise 5738642 Deva Surprise - 4263857 Superlative Surprise 3527486 Cambridge Surprise 7856342 Venusium Surprise - 4235678 Yorkshire Surprise 5728463 Cooktown Orchid Delight 7856234 York Surprise 8673542 Frodsham Surprise - 3425678 Lessness Surprise - 6234857 Bristol Surprise - 3624857 Uxbridge Surprise 2386745 Bolonium Surprise 4567382 Dublin Surprise - 6457382 Ely Surprise - 3564278 Double Dublin Surprise - 6354278 Jovium Surprise 8275463 Ealing Surprise 7842356 London Surprise 4738625 Mareham Delight - 5634278 Painswick Surprise 4768523 Glasgow Surprise - 7823456 Repeat six times.
These are the twenty-eight Project Pickled Egg methods, combining the sixteen canonical methods with the twelve “try also” methods.
Contains 224 each Bolonium Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight, Cornwall Surprise, Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise, Dublin Surprise, Ealing Surprise, Ely Surprise, Falmouth Surprise, Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Lessness Surprise, London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Uxbridge Surprise, Venusium Surprise, York Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, with 195 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.
5,184 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (8–28 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8321)23456 W B M H 27 methods 24 methods 20 methods 19 methods (23564) - - LEyWDuR.BoUYk. LEWDuR.BoEaYk. LEWBR.BoWY. LWKR.BoRH. (56423) 2 - VC.Dd.DFB. VC.Dd.DFB. DC.B.DFB. DC.B.DFB. 25463 - T.Ea C.Ea C.Ea C.Ea (46325) 2 - YHM.JYtK.SOG. YHM.JYtK.SOG. YHM.JYtK.SOG. YHM.JEaWK.SOG. 32465 - [-] P.E. P.E. P.E. P.E. Repeat five time, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 W B M H 17 methods 16 methods 15 methods 14 methods (23564) - - SJC.BoRH. SJC.BoRH. SJC.OY. SJC.OY. (56423) 2 - DC.B.DDBB. DY.GR.DDBB. DY.GR.GD. DY.GYSC.BE. 25463 - C.L C.L C.L C.L (46325) 2 - YHM.JEaWK.SOG. YHM.BoWK.SOG. YHM.LRWBRK.SOG. YHM.WKWK.SOG. 32465 - [-] S.E. S.E. S.E. S.E. Repeat five time, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 W B M H 13 methods 12 methods 11 methods 10 methods (23564) - - SJC.OY. SJC.OHH. YJS.OHH.SS SJC.OY. (56423) 2 - DY.GE.BK. DY.KC.BK. CE.KC.BK. OWE.KC.BK. 25463 - C.L C.L C.L EYO.L (46325) 2 - YHGD.LEKWK.SOG. YHOD.WKWE.SOY. YL.WKWE.COY. CL.WKWE.SOY. 32465 - [-] S.E. S.E. S.E. S.E. Repeat five time, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 W B M H 9 methods 52436 - ES.B (23564) - SS. 36524 2 WB.KKWE.B (56423) - K. 56423 3 C.LO.WKWE.L (46325) - YOOY. 32465 - [-] C.E. Repeat five time, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 W B M H 8 methods 52436 - ES.B (23564) - SOO. 36524 2 WB.LO.B 56423 - L.ES (46325) 3 - YE.LO.WWWE.COY. 32465 - [-] C.E. Repeat five time, omitting [-] from alternate parts.
The twenty-eight method version contains all the Project Pickled Egg methods, combining the sixteen canonical methods with the twelve “try also” methods. The seventeen through twenty-seven method versions contain all sixteen canonical methods, augmented by “try also” methods. The eight through sixteen methods consist of canonical methods, including all of the “Core Seven” methods.
For twenty-eight methods ring as for twenty-seven methods, calling Falmouth for Uxbridge in alternate parts. Contains 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise (Dd), Dublin Surprise (Du), Ealing Surprise (Ea), Ely Surprise (Ey), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Venusium Surprise, York Surprise (Yk), Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), 96 each Falmouth Surprise (Fa) and Uxbridge Surprise, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 135 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (69) or at the front (66).
The twenty-seven method version contains 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise (Dd), Dublin Surprise (Du), Ealing Surprise (Ea), Ely Surprise (Ey), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Uxbridge Surprise, Venusium Surprise, York Surprise (Yk), Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 135 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (69) or at the front (66).
For twenty-six methods ring as for twenty-seven methods, calling Lessness for Uxbridge. Contains 384 Lessness Surprise (E) and 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise (Dd), Dublin Surprise (Du), Ealing Surprise (Ea), Ely Surprise (Ey), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Venusium Surprise, York Surprise (Yk), Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 135 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (69) or at the front (66).
For twenty-five methods ring as for twenty-six methods, calling Cambridge for Turramurra. Contains 384 each Cambridge Surprise and Lessness Surprise (E) and 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise (Dd), Dublin Surprise (Du), Ealing Surprise (Ea), Ely Surprise (Ey), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Venusium Surprise, York Surprise (Yk), Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 135 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (69) or at the front (66).
The twenty-four method version contains 384 each Cambridge Surprise, Ealing Surprise (Ea) and Lessness Surprise (E) and 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise (Dd), Dublin Surprise (Du), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Venusium Surprise, York Surprise (Yk), Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 134 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (68) or at the front (66).
For twenty-three methods ring as for twenty-four methods, calling Deva for Venusium. Contains 384 each Cambridge Surprise, Ealing Surprise (Ea) and Lessness Surprise (E) and 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise (Dd), Dublin Surprise (Du), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Venusium Surprise, York Surprise (Yk), Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 134 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (68) or at the front (66).
For twenty-two methods ring as for twenty-three methods, calling Bristol for Dublin. Contains 384 each Cambridge Surprise, Deva Surprise, Ealing Surprise (Ea) and Lessness Surprise (E) and 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Double Dublin Surprise (Dd), Dublin Surprise (Du), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise, York Surprise (Yk), Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 134 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (68) or at the front (66).
For twenty-one methods ring as for twenty-two methods, calling Bristol for Double Dublin. Contains 576 Bristol Surprise, 384 each Cambridge Surprise, Deva Surprise, Ealing Surprise (Ea) and Lessness Surprise (E) and 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise, York Surprise (Yk), Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 134 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (68) or at the front (66).
The twenty method version contains 576 Bristol Surprise, 384 each Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E) and Yorkshire Surprise and 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Ealing Surprise (Ea), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 131 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (68) or at the front (63).
The nineteen method version contains 384 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Ealing Surprise (Ea), Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H) and Rook and Gaskill Surprise and 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Painswick Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, 140 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (71) or at the front (69), and back rounds.
For eighteen methods ring as for nineteen methods, calling Superlative for Painswick. Contains 384 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Ealing Surprise (Ea), Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), Rook and Gaskill Surprise and Superlative Surprise and 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Frodsham Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Mareham Delight and Yorkshire Surprise, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, 140 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (71) or at the front (69), and back rounds.
The seventeen method version contains 576 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Deva Surprise and Superlative Surprise, 384 each Jovium Surprise and Lancashire Surprise (H) and 192 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Ealing Surprise (Ea), Glasgow Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Mareham Delight, Rook and Gaskill Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 149 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 126 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (64) or at the front (62).
The sixteen method version contains 576 each Deva Surprise and Superlative Surprise, 384 each Bolonium Surprise (Bo), Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), Rook and Gaskill Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 192 each Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise and Mareham Delight, with 149 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 128 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (66) or at the front (62).
The fifteen method version contains 576 each Glasgow Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 384 each Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Deva Surprise and London Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Jovium Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), Lessness Surprise (E) and Mareham Delight, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 131 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (69) or at the front (62).
The fourteen method version contains 768 each Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 576 Cambridge Surprise, 384 each Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Glasgow Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise and Lessness Surprise (E) and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Deva Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise and Mareham Delight, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 131 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (62) or at the front (69).
The thirteen method version contains 576 each Glasgow Surprise, Kenninghall Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 384 each Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Deva Surprise and London Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Jovium Surprise and Lancashire Surprise (H), with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 6 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 116 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (59) or at the front (57).
The twelve method version contains 576 each Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Kenninghall Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 384 each Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise and Lessness Surprise (E) and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Jovium Surprise and London Surprise, with 155 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 6 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 111 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (60) or at the front (51).
The eleven method version contains 768 each Cambridge Surprise and Superlative Surprise, 576 each Kenninghall Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E) and Yorkshire Surprise, 384 each Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Lancashire Surprise (H) and London Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise and Jovium Surprise, with 149 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 6 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 3 each 8765s and 8756s, and 106 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (56) or at the front (50).
The ten method version contains 768 each Cooktown Orchid Delight (O) and Lessness Surprise (E), 576 each Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Kenninghall Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, 384 London Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise and Jovium Surprise, with 161 changes of method, 21 each 56s and 65s, 3 each 8765s, 8756s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and 99 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (58) or at the front (41).
The nine method version contains 768 each Cornwall Surprise (W), Kenninghall Surprise and Lessness Surprise (E), 576 each Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O) and Superlative Surprise and 384 each Cambridge Surprise, London Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 138 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 96 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (48) or at the front (48), queens and back rounds.
The eight method version contains 960 each Cooktown Orchid Delight (O) and Lessness Surprise (E), 768 Cornwall Surprise (W), 576 each Bristol Surprise, London Surprise and Superlative Surprise and 384 each Cambridge Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 138 changes of method, all 24 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 97 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (49) or at the front (48), queens and back rounds.
5,012 Spliced Major (29 methods)
Robert D S Brown2345678 Umbrage Alliance - 3578264 Lyddington Delight 7325486 Heywood Little Alliance 4267835 Champion Surprise 6482573 Bastow Little Bob 8654327 St Clements College Bob - 3586742 Whalley Surprise 8375264 Colsterworth Alliance 7823456 Adelaide Surprise 5634827 Glasgow Surprise 6452378 Quinton Alliance - 4278635 Dewsbury Alliance - 7428635 Whetstone Alliance 8345762 Jackbury Little Bob 3586427 Joey Little Surprise 5632874 Norwich Little Bob 6257348 Banwell Alliance - 2748635 Lyneham Little Bob - 8356742 London Surprise 5873264 Ormskirk Alliance 3684527 Rushmoor Surprise - 5836742 Uxbridge Alliance - 7358264 Exton Little Bob 8634725 Aileens Little Bob - 6425873 Belfast Little Alliance - 2645873 Broadclyst Surprise - 4265873 Kingsbury Little Surprise 5723486 Morland Alliance 3876542 Kenilworth Alliance - 5738264 7 part.
Contains 448 Champion Surprise, 280 Dewsbury Alliance, 252 Whetstone Alliance, 224 Adelaide Surprise, Broadclyst Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, London Surprise, Lyddington Delight, Rushmoor Surprise, Whalley Surprise, 196 Colsterworth Alliance, Morland Alliance, Uxbridge Alliance, 168 Joey Little Surprise, Kenilworth Alliance, Ormskirk Alliance, Quinton Alliance, Umbrage Alliance, 154 Heywood Little Alliance, 140 Banwell Alliance, Belfast Little Alliance, 112 Kingsbury Little Surprise, St Clements College Bob, 98 Aileens Little Bob, 84 Lyneham Little Bob, 70 Norwich Little Bob, 56 Exton Little Bob, 42 Jackbury Little Bob, 28 Bastow Little Bob with 202 changes of method, all the work.
10,000 Spliced Major (39 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8325)12345678 Cambridge Surprise 15738264 Newlyn Surprise 16482735 Lancashire Surprise - 16423857 Belfast Surprise - 12643857 Rook and Gaskill Surprise 14286735 Lessness Surprise 18472563 Pudsey Surprise - 14263857 Chesterfield Surprise s 81765423 Caterham Surprise 86147352 Willesden Surprise 83426517 Sussex Surprise 87512634 York Surprise 85273146 Colnbrook Surprise 82354761 Essex Surprise - 84617352 Cornwall Surprise 83124567 Lindum Surprise 82351746 Jovium Surprise 86745123 Deva Surprise - 82314567 Malpas Surprise - 85123746 Bristol Surprise 82571634 Ytterbium Surprise 84637125 Advent Surprise 87265413 Moulton Surprise - 81346572 Ely Surprise - 85413267 Double Dublin Surprise - 81543267 Cassiobury Surprise 86732541 Watford Surprise 83657124 Turramurra Surprise - 86724315 Leatherhead Surprise 82637541 London Surprise - 85326174 Wembley Surprise 82513467 Ipswich Surprise - 86741325 Rutland Surprise 84637512 Aston Martin Alliance 87162453 Dereham Surprise - 81253746 Adelaide Surprise 84637251 Superlative Surprise 87561423 Ashtead Surprise 83426175 Northampton Surprise - 81234567 Repeat seven times. s = 3456.
Contains 272 Aston Martin Alliance and 256 each Adelaide Surprise, Advent Surprise, Ashtead Surprise, Belfast Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cassiobury Surprise, Caterham Surprise, Chesterfield Surprise, Colnbrook Surprise, Cornwall Surprise, Dereham Surprise, Deva Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise, Ely Surprise, Essex Surprise, Ipswich Surprise, Jovium Surprise, Lancashire Surprise, Leatherhead Surprise, Lessness Surprise, Lindum Surprise, London Surprise, Malpas Surprise, Moulton Surprise, Newlyn Surprise, Northampton Surprise, Pudsey Surprise, Rook and Gaskill Surprise, Rutland Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Sussex Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Watford Surprise, Wembley Surprise, Willesden Surprise, York Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise, with 311 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell (including the treble).
10,240 Spliced Surprise Major (40 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 8325a)12345678 Cambridge 15738264 Newlyn 16482735 Lancashire - 16423857 Belfast - 12643857 Rook and Gaskill 14286735 Lessness 18472563 Pudsey - 14263857 Chesterfield s 81765423 Caterham 86147352 Willesden 83426517 Sussex 87512634 York 85273146 Colnbrook 82354761 Essex - 84617352 Cornwall 83124567 Lindum 82351746 Jovium 86745123 Deva - 82314567 Malpas - 85123746 Bristol 82571634 Ytterbium 84637125 Advent 87265413 Moulton - 81346572 Ely - 85413267 Double Dublin - 81543267 Cassiobury 86732541 Watford 83657124 Turramurra - 86724315 Leatherhead 82637541 London - 85326174 Wembley s 28154367 Fowlmere s 82513467 Ipswich - 86741325 Rutland 84637512 Yorkshire 87162453 Dereham - 81253746 Adelaide 84637251 Superlative 87561423 Ashtead 83426175 Northampton - 81234567 Repeat seven times. s = 3456.
Contains 256 each Adelaide, Advent, Ashtead, Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Caterham, Chesterfield, Colnbrook, Cornwall, Dereham, Deva, Double Dublin, Ely, Essex, Fowlmere, Ipswich, Jovium, Lancashire, Leatherhead, Lessness, Lindum, London, Malpas, Moulton, Newlyn, Northampton, Pudsey, Rook and Gaskill, Rutland, Superlative, Sussex, Turramurra, Watford, Wembley, Willesden, York, Yorkshire and Ytterbium, with 319 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell (including the treble).
10,752 Spliced Surprise Major (48 methods)
Robert D S Brown2345678 Ullesthorpe - 3578264 Whalley - 2735486 Melbourne 8654732 Barmouth - 7586243 Jamaica 4362587 Eastcote 6453728 Uxbridge 5674832 Tavistock 3248675 Sto Helit 2837456 Nailstone - 8756243 Bristol - 5876243 Exeter 7528364 Whitley 6483527 Glasgow 4362875 Cambridge - 3275486 Moretonhampstead - 2586347 Dulwich 7348625 Biddulph 8235764 Jersey 5624873 Watford - 8256347 Peterhouse - 5826347 Brockley 6487532 Nasty 7342658 Yorkshire 2538764 Londonderry 8654273 Alloa 4763825 Superlative - 7325486 Malpas 4267835 Xanadu 6482573 Flint Cross 8654327 London - 3586742 Essex 6452378 Chertsey 5634827 Xylem 7823456 Hereford 2748635 Belfast 4267583 Sussex - 8356742 Walford 3684527 Lincolnshire 4267358 Ashtead - 5836742 Lindum - 7358264 Perivale 3876542 Willesden 5723486 Bourne 4265873 Northampton 6482357 Rutland 8634725 Newlyn 2547638 Pudsey - 5738264 7 part.
Contains 224 Alloa, Ashtead, Barmouth, Belfast, Biddulph, Bourne, Bristol, Brockley, Cambridge, Chertsey, Dulwich, Eastcote, Essex, Exeter, Flint Cross, Glasgow, Hereford, Jamaica, Jersey, Lincolnshire, Lindum, London, Londonderry, Malpas, Melbourne, Moretonhampstead, Nailstone, Nasty, Newlyn, Northampton, Perivale, Peterhouse, Pudsey, Rutland, Sto Helit, Superlative, Sussex, Tavistock, Ullesthorpe, Uxbridge, Walford, Watford, Whalley, Whitley, Willesden, Xanadu, Xylem, Yorkshire, with 335 changes of method, all the work.
5,184 (5,088) Spliced Surprise Major (8–53 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 108)23456 B M W H 8m (5,184) 9m (5,184) 10m (5,184) 11m (5,184) 52436 - RS.L US.CSN US.CYN US.CYRO 42635 - NYS.CL PSY.CL PSY.ROL V.NL 23564 2 - YN.LP.BBBRRP. YN.NL.BBBRUP. YN.UOL.BBU. YN.UOL.BBBRUP. 36245 - CP.PC CP.SC CP.SC CP.SC 24365 - [-] NSSY.R. UY.R. ROU.R. NV.R. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M W H 12m (5,184) 13m (5,184) 14m (5,184) 15m (5,184) 52436 - US.CYN US.CYJ US.CYJ US.IN 42635 - PSY.ROL PSJ.ROL JI.ROL JGO.UOL 23564 2 - YN.UOL.BBAP. YN.UOL.BBAP. YN.UOL.BBAP. YN.PIJ.BBAP. 36245 - CP.SC CP.SC CP.SC CP.SC 24365 - [-] NV.R. NV.R. IVU.R. IVR.R. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M W H 27m (5,184) (52436) - UAl. 42635 - IGAdSWh.ZL 23564 2 - YN.WOLe.BDAP. 36245 - GuJ.PaC 24365 - [-] StKVE.R. Repeat five times, omitting [-] from alternate parts. 23456 B M W H 28m (5,088) 29m (5,088) (52436) - UAl. UAl. 42635 - PrLeSPr.ZL PrUlLePr.ZL 23564 2 - YN.WOLe.BDAP. YN.WOLe.BDAP. 36245 - GuJ.PaC GuJ.PaC 24365 - - StKVE.R. StKVE.R. (62345) - UAl. UAl. 32546 - IGAdSWh.ZL IGAdSWh.ZL 24653 2 - YN.WOLe.BDAP. YN.WOLe.BDAP. 45236 - GuJ.PaC GuJ.PaC 34256 - StKVE.R StKVE.R Repeat twice. 23456 B M W H 30m (5,184) 53m (5,088) 52436 - UAl.PrUlPr UGz.PrDo 42635 - TuPrPr.ZL TuDeKn.BlLk 23564 2 - YN.WUl.BDAP. QRg.ZvUl.DnRvALn. 36245 - GuJ.PaC PtBi.PaHv 24365 - - StKVE.R. RdKEaH.Rm. (62345) - UAl. UrAl. 32546 - IGAdSWh.ZL IGAdSWh.ZL 24653 2 - YN.WOLe.BDAP. YN.WOLe.BDYtP. 45236 - GuJ.PaC GuJ.HeC 34256 - StKVE.R StCrVE.R Repeat twice.
Parts from the different arrangements must not be mixed. All arrangments contain all 24 each 56s, 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, queens and back rounds.
8 methods: contains 768 each Pudsey, Rutland and Superlative and 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London and Yorkshire, with 126 changes of method.
9 methods: contains 768 each Cambridge and Superlative, 576 each Bristol, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Uxbridge and Yorkshire and 384 each London and Rutland, with 143 changes of method.
10 methods: contains 768 Uxbridge, 576 each Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire and 384 each Bristol, Lincolnshire (N), London and Pudsey, with 155 changes of method.
11 methods: contains 576 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Rutland and Uxbridge and 384 each Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), London, Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire, with 149 changes of method.
12 methods: contains 576 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), Pudsey, Superlative and Yorkshire, 384 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), London, Rutland and Uxbridge and 192 each Ashtead and Cornwall (V), with 155 changes of method.
13 methods: contains 576 each Cambridge, Pudsey and Superlative, 384 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), London, Rutland, Uxbridge and Yorkshire and 192 each Ashtead and Cornwall (V), with 155 changes of method.
14 methods: contains 576 each Cambridge and Uxbridge, 384 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Ipswich, Jersey, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire and 192 each Ashtead, Cornwall (V) and Lincolnshire (N), with 149 changes of method.
15 methods: contains 576 each Ipswich and Pudsey, 384 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Rutland, Superlative and Uxbridge and 192 each Ashtead, Cornwall (V), Glasgow, London and Yorkshire, with 149 changes of method.
16 methods: call as for 17 methods, ringing Uxbridge for Ealing; contains 576 each Rutland, Superlative and Uxbridge, 384 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Lincolnshire (N) and Yorkshire and 192 each Ashtead, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, London and Pudsey, with 155 changes of method.
17 methods: call as for 18 methods, ringing Uxbridge for Watford; contains 576 each Rutland and Superlative, 384 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Lincolnshire (N), Uxbridge and Yorkshire and 192 each Ashtead, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Ealing, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, London and Pudsey, with 155 changes of method.
18 methods: call as for 19 methods, ringing Rutland for Stockport; contains 576 each Rutland and Superlative, 384 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Lincolnshire (N) and Yorkshire and 192 each Ashtead, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Ealing, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, London, Pudsey, Uxbridge and Watford, with 155 changes of method.
19 methods: call as for 20 methods, ringing Superlative for Painswick; contains 576 Superlative, 384 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Lincolnshire (N), Rutland and Yorkshire and 192 each Ashtead, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Ealing, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, London, Pudsey, Stockport (St), Uxbridge and Watford, with 155 changes of method.
20 methods: call as for 21 methods, ringing Bristol for Double Dublin; contains 384 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Lincolnshire (N), Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire and 192 each Ashtead, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Ealing, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Stockport (St), Uxbridge and Watford, with 155 changes of method.
21 methods: call as for 22 methods, ringing Superlative for Alderney; contains 384 each Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Lincolnshire (N), Rutland, Superlative and Yorkshire and 192 each Ashtead, Bristol, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Stockport (St), Uxbridge and Watford, with 161 changes of method.
22 methods: call as for 23 methods, ringing Cambridge for Guiseley; contains 384 each Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Lincolnshire (N), Rutland and Yorkshire and 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Glasgow, Ipswich, Jersey, London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Stockport (St), Superlative, Uxbridge and Watford, with 161 changes of method.
23 methods: call as for 24 methods, ringing Cassiobury for Adelaide; contains 384 each Cassiobury (O), Lincolnshire (N), Rutland and Yorkshire and 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Glasgow, Guiseley (Gu), Ipswich, Jersey, London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Stockport (St), Superlative, Uxbridge and Watford, with 161 changes of method.
24 methods: call as for 25 methods, ringing Lincolnshire for Zelah; contains 384 each Lincolnshire (N), Rutland and Yorkshire and 192 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Glasgow, Guiseley (Gu), Ipswich, Jersey, London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Stockport (St), Superlative, Uxbridge and Watford, with 161 changes of method.
25 methods: call as for 26 methods, ringing Yorkshire for Whitwick; contains 384 each Rutland and Yorkshire and 192 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Glasgow, Guiseley (Gu), Ipswich, Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Stockport (St), Superlative, Uxbridge, Watford and Zelah, with 161 changes of method.
26 methods: call as for 27 methods, ringing Rutland for Lessness; contains 384 Rutland and 192 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Glasgow, Guiseley (Gu), Ipswich, Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Stockport (St), Superlative, Uxbridge, Watford, Whitwick (Wh), Yorkshire and Zelah, with 161 changes of method.
27 methods: contains 192 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Glasgow, Guiseley (Gu), Ipswich, Jersey, Lessness (Le), Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Uxbridge, Watford, Whitwick (Wh), Yorkshire and Zelah, with 161 changes of method.
28 methods: contains 288 Lessness (Le), 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Glasgow, Ipswich and Whitwick (Wh), with 158 changes of method.
29 methods: contains 288 Lessness (Le), 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Glasgow, Ipswich, Superlative, Ullesthorpe (Ul) and Whitwick (Wh), with 158 changes of method.
30 methods: contains 384 Preston (Pr), 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Cassiobury (O), Glasgow, Ipswich, Lessness (Le), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu) and Whitwick (Wh), with 158 changes of method.
31 methods: call as for 32 methods, ringing Preston for Kensington; contains 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Cassiobury (O), Dorking (Do), Glasgow, Ipswich, Lessness (Le), Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul) and Whitwick (Wh), with 158 changes of method.
32 methods: call as for 33 methods, ringing Superlative for Dereham; contains 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Cassiobury (O), Dorking (Do), Glasgow, Ipswich, Kensington (Kn), Lessness (Le), Preston (Pr), Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul) and Whitwick (Wh), with 158 changes of method.
33 methods: call as for 34 methods, ringing London for Leckhampton; contains 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Cassiobury (O), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Glasgow, Ipswich, Kensington (Kn), Lessness (Le), Preston (Pr), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul) and Whitwick (Wh), with 158 changes of method.
34 methods: call as for 35 methods, ringing Cornwall for Easthampstead; contains 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Cassiobury (O), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Glasgow, Ipswich, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), London, Preston (Pr), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul) and Whitwick (Wh), with 158 changes of method.
35 methods: call as for 36 methods, ringing Alderney for Glazebury; contains 192 each Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Ipswich, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), London, Preston (Pr), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul) and Whitwick (Wh), with 158 changes of method.
36 methods: call as for 37 methods, ringing Ashtead for Ytterbium; contains 192 each Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Ipswich, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), London, Preston (Pr), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul) and Whitwick (Wh), with 158 changes of method.
37 methods: call as for 38 methods, ringing Ealing for Hollywood; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cray (K), Double Dublin, Ealing, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Ipswich, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), London, Preston (Pr), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Whitwick (Wh) and Ytterbium (Yt), with 158 changes of method.
38 methods: call as for 39 methods, ringing Stockport for Ruardean; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cray (K), Double Dublin, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Stockport (St), Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Hollywood, Ipswich, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), London, Preston (Pr), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Whitwick (Wh) and Ytterbium (Yt), with 158 changes of method.
39 methods: call as for 40 methods, ringing Jersey for Bicester; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cray (K), Double Dublin, Guiseley (Gu), Jersey, Lincolnshire (N), Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Hollywood, Ipswich, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), London, Preston (Pr), Ruardean (Rd), Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Whitwick (Wh) and Ytterbium (Yt), with 158 changes of method.
40 methods: call as for 41 methods, ringing Uxbridge for Urchfont; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cray (K), Double Dublin, Guiseley (Gu), Lincolnshire (N), Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Uxbridge, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), London, Preston (Pr), Ruardean (Rd), Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Whitwick (Wh) and Ytterbium (Yt), with 158 changes of method.
41 methods: call as for 42 methods, ringing Guiseley for Putney; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cray (K), Double Dublin, Guiseley (Gu), Lincolnshire (N), Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), London, Preston (Pr), Ruardean (Rd), Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Whitwick (Wh) and Ytterbium (Yt), with 158 changes of method.
42 methods: call as for 43 methods, ringing Pudsey for Lincoln; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cray (K), Double Dublin, Lincolnshire (N), Painswick (Pa), Pudsey, Rutland, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), London, Preston (Pr), Putney (Pt), Ruardean (Rd), Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Whitwick (Wh) and Ytterbium (Yt), with 158 changes of method.
43 methods: call as for 44 methods, ringing Lincolnshire for Rugby; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cray (K), Double Dublin, Lincolnshire (N), Painswick (Pa), Rutland, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Ruardean (Rd), Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Whitwick (Wh) and Ytterbium (Yt), with 158 changes of method.
44 methods: call as for 45 methods, ringing Cray for Crowan; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cray (K), Double Dublin, Painswick (Pa), Rutland, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), Lincolnshire (N), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Ruardean (Rd), Rugby (Rg), Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Whitwick (Wh) and Ytterbium (Yt), with 158 changes of method.
45 methods: call as for 46 methods, ringing Rutland for Ramsey; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Double Dublin, Painswick (Pa), Rutland, Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Crowan (Cr), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), Lincolnshire (N), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Ruardean (Rd), Rugby (Rg), Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Whitwick (Wh) and Ytterbium (Yt), with 158 changes of method.
46 methods: call as for 47 methods, ringing Zelah for Bloxham; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Double Dublin, Painswick (Pa), Watford, Yorkshire and Zelah and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Crowan (Cr), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), Lincolnshire (N), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Ramsey (Rm), Ruardean (Rd), Rugby (Rg), Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Whitwick (Wh) and Ytterbium (Yt), with 158 changes of method.
47 methods: call as for 48 methods, ringing Bristol for Dublin; contains 192 each Bristol, Cambridge, Double Dublin, Painswick (Pa), Watford and Yorkshire and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Bloxham (Bl), Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Crowan (Cr), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), Lincolnshire (N), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Ramsey (Rm), Ruardean (Rd), Rugby (Rg), Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Whitwick (Wh), Ytterbium (Yt) and Zelah, with 158 changes of method.
48 methods: call as for 49 methods, ringing Double Dublin for Reverse Dublin; contains 192 each Cambridge, Double Dublin, Painswick (Pa), Watford and Yorkshire and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Bloxham (Bl), Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Crowan (Cr), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Dublin (Dn), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), Lincolnshire (N), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Ramsey (Rm), Ruardean (Rd), Rugby (Rg), Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Whitwick (Wh), Ytterbium (Yt) and Zelah, with 158 changes of method.
49 methods: call as for 50 methods, ringing Watford for Zverinogolovskoye; contains 192 each Cambridge, Painswick (Pa), Watford and Yorkshire and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Bloxham (Bl), Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Crowan (Cr), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Double Dublin, Dublin (Dn), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), Lincolnshire (N), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Ramsey (Rm), Reverse Dublin (Rv), Ruardean (Rd), Rugby (Rg), Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Whitwick (Wh), Ytterbium (Yt) and Zelah, with 158 changes of method.
50 methods: call as for 51 methods, ringing Yorkshire for Quedgeley; contains 192 each Cambridge, Painswick (Pa) and Yorkshire and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Bloxham (Bl), Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Crowan (Cr), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Double Dublin, Dublin (Dn), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), Lincolnshire (N), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Ramsey (Rm), Reverse Dublin (Rv), Ruardean (Rd), Rugby (Rg), Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Watford, Whitwick (Wh), Ytterbium (Yt), Zelah and Zverinogolovskoye (Zv), with 158 changes of method.
51 methods: call as for 52 methods, ringing Painswick for Heighington; contains 192 each Cambridge and Painswick (Pa) and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Bloxham (Bl), Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Crowan (Cr), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Double Dublin, Dublin (Dn), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), Lincolnshire (N), London, Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Quedgeley, Ramsey (Rm), Reverse Dublin (Rv), Ruardean (Rd), Rugby (Rg), Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Watford, Whitwick (Wh), Yorkshire, Ytterbium (Yt), Zelah and Zverinogolovskoye (Zv), with 158 changes of method.
52 methods: call as for 53 methods, ringing Cambridge for Havant; contains 192 Cambridge and 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Bloxham (Bl), Bristol, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Crowan (Cr), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Double Dublin, Dublin (Dn), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Heighington (He), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Quedgeley, Ramsey (Rm), Reverse Dublin (Rv), Ruardean (Rd), Rugby (Rg), Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Watford, Whitwick (Wh), Yorkshire, Ytterbium (Yt), Zelah and Zverinogolovskoye (Zv), with 158 changes of method.
53 methods: contains 96 each Adelaide (Ad), Alderney (Al), Ashtead, Bicester (Bi), Bloxham (Bl), Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury (O), Cornwall (V), Cray (K), Crowan (Cr), Dereham (De), Dorking (Do), Double Dublin, Dublin (Dn), Ealing, Easthampstead (Ea), Glasgow, Glazebury (Gz), Guiseley (Gu), Havant (Hv), Heighington (He), Hollywood, Ipswich, Jersey, Kensington (Kn), Leckhampton (Lk), Lessness (Le), Lincoln (Ln), Lincolnshire (N), London, Painswick (Pa), Preston (Pr), Pudsey, Putney (Pt), Quedgeley, Ramsey (Rm), Reverse Dublin (Rv), Ruardean (Rd), Rugby (Rg), Rutland, Stockport (St), Superlative, Turramurra (Tu), Ullesthorpe (Ul), Urchfont (Ur), Uxbridge, Watford, Whitwick (Wh), Yorkshire, Ytterbium (Yt), Zelah and Zverinogolovskoye (Zv), with 158 changes of method.