5,184 Xennapod Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 2013b)23456 B M W 36524 a - - 25463 - - 34625 3 b 42356 - Repeat twice. a = F,In; b = In,B,F.
Contains 18 each 56s, 8765s and 7568s.
Also true to Yorkshire Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Papanui Surprise, Balderstone Surprise, Fylingdale Surprise, Hackington Surprise, Harpenden Surprise, Jonah Surprise, Jowkin Surprise, Mississippi Surprise, Monks Kirby Surprise, Ohio Surprise, Queenzieburn Surprise, Quornden Surprise, Rugby Surprise, Ansteyheights Delight, Clifford Delight, Daffern Delight, Daleacre Delight, Ecuador Delight, Estley Delight, Fishponds Delight, Fortaleza Delight, Foston Delight, Glyncorrwg Delight, Hwange Delight, Isle of Ely Delight, Longstanton Delight, Old Dutch Delight, Over Delight, Pednathise Delight, Pennclose Delight, St James Delight, Thurcaston Delight, Uckinghall Delight, Ulverscroft Delight, Uttlesford Delight, Valerian Delight, Vikingtun Delight, Xarro Delight, Xat Delight, Xoros Delight and Yass Surprise.
True to all BCDKacdfZ.
5,024 Xennapod Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 2208)23456 B M W H 42356 - 25463 - 45362 - 3 25634 2 2 53246 - 3 45236 - 62534 - - 36524 - 62345 - 3 46325 - 3 62453 - 3 23456 - 2
Contains 64 combination rollups including 18 each 56s, 46s and 45s.
5,024 Xennapod Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 2210)234567 B M W F I H 42356 - 54326 - 54263 - - 46325 2 - 56234 2 2 35264 - 25463 - 25634 - - 32654 - 56423 - - 34625 - - 342756 - - 3 473526 - 236457 3 - 25346 2 - 23456 - 2
Contains 51 combination rollups including 18 56s, and 18 each 8765s and 7568s.
Also true to Isle of Ely Delight, Xarro Delight, Xat Delight and Xoros Delight.
True to all BDcZ.
5,184 Xenobios Surprise Major
Robert D S Brown234567 W V F B I M H 64352 - - 32645 - - s 243756 - 472536 - 562437 - - - 42563 - s 54326 - - 42356 - - - - 3 part.
Contains 18 56s, 6 65s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 2 2468s at the back, and 3 56s, 3 65s, 3 8765s at the front.
5,024 Xenobios Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3897)234567 W V B M H 42356 - 637452 F 645237 3 In - 3 342756 B,In 2 563427 - 2 35264 - - 45362 3 2 23645 2 - - 234756 In - 426357 - - 23456 - 1 2
Contains 18 each 56s and 7568s.
True to all BDFKacdfZ.
5,088 Xenobios Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3898)23456 W V/F M H 64352 - - 43265 x 2 32546 x 2 34562 2 - 53246 - - 42356 x - Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, tittums, and all 7 near misses.
5,088 Xenobios Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3899)234567 sV/sF M H 54326 x - 54263 2 - 32654 x 637542 sV - 673524 sB s 235647 sF 3 Repeat twice.
Contains 120 combination rollups and tittums.
5,088 Xenobios Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3900)234567 W V B M H 64352 - - 457326 - In,In 762453 s - B,In s s 374526 - - 1 247365 - 3 573264 F - 423567 sF - - Repeat twice.
Contains 18 each 56s, 8765s, 7568s and 5678s off the front, 12 6578s off the front, 9 8765s off the front, queens and back rounds.
5,088 Xenocrates Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3573)23456 B W V M H 23564 - - 32645 - s 65243 s - 46253 - ss 46532 - - 25463 - - - 42356 F,In Repeat twice.
Contains 21 each 56s and 8765s, 18 7568s, 9 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, 6 each 65s, 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, tittums and back rounds.
Also true to Beachlands Surprise, Bull Point Surprise, Bulwell Surprise, Dorking Surprise, Ipswich Surprise and Worthing Surprise.
True to all BacZ.
5,024 Xenocrates Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3574)234567 B W M H 42356 - 257346 sT - 572346 ss 2 562347 sV 35264 - 3 35642 - - 42635 3 - 234756 3 In 3 372546 - 264357 3 F 2 63254 - 23456 - sV,sF 2
Contains 18 each 56s, 8765s and 7568s, 41 468s including 8 2468s, 6 each 65s, 8756s, 5678s off the front, 6578s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, queens, Whittingtons and back rounds.
Also true to Beachlands Surprise, Bull Point Surprise, Dorking Surprise and Worthing Surprise.
True to all Bac.
5,024 Xenolite Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3441)23456 B W M H 23564 - - 36245 - [3] 52364 - - - 35264 5 - 34256 4 2 25346 - - Repeat twice, omitting [3] from last part.
Contains 103 combination rollups, tittums and back rounds.
Also true to Catesby Surprise, Chiltern Surprise, Grahamston Surprise, Kilby Surprise, Loose End Surprise, Lutterworth Surprise, New Hunslet Surprise, Senouillac Surprise, Zanzibar Surprise and Zed Surprise.
5,088 Xenolite Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3442)23456 B W M H 35642 2 - 35426 - - 26435 3 - 43265 - - 43652 - - 26354 - - 65243 - 32546 - - 52436 2 - 23564 - Repeat twice.
Contains 111 combination rollups including 22 56s, tittums, and back rounds.
Also true to Catesby Surprise, Chiltern Surprise, Eardisland Manor Surprise, Grahamston Surprise, Kilby Surprise, Loose End Surprise, Lutterworth Surprise, New Hunslet Surprise, Senouillac Surprise, Zanzibar Surprise and Zed Surprise.
5,088 Xenolite Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3443)23456 B W V M H 64352 - - 32465 s - s 56324 - 2 s 65243 - s 46253 - ss 23645 s s - 34256 - Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 8765s, 21 8765s off the front, 18 5678s off the front, 15 65s and back rounds.
Also true to Chiltern Surprise, Lutterworth Surprise, Senouillac Surprise and Zanzibar Surprise.
5,088 Xenolite Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3444)234567 B W M H 23564 - - 36452 2 - 24536 sV,sF 374526 sT 745326 sV,F - 437256 - 432657 s - sF,V 43652 - - 35426 - 42356 - - Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 8765s, 18 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 15 each 65s and 7568s, and back rounds.
Also true to Chiltern Surprise, Lutterworth Surprise, Senouillac Surprise and Zanzibar Surprise.
5,088 Xenolite Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3445)234567 B W V M H 64352 - - 64523 - - 64235 - - 24536 - 374526 sT 364527 s (547263) - s F 736254 s - (327456) In (234657) s In (64352) - s s sF 34256 - Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 18 8756s off the front, 15 7658s, 12 6578s off the front, 9 each 8765s and 7568s, and back rounds.
Also true to Chiltern Surprise, Lutterworth Surprise, Senouillac Surprise and Zanzibar Surprise.
5,088 Xenon Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 1127)23456 B W M H 43652 - 43526 - - 24536 - 43265 - 3 23564 - 3 Repeat twice.
Contains 114 combination rollups.
5,056 Xenon Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 1128)23456 B W M H 34256 2 25346 - - 54263 - 32546 - - - 65243 3 - - 46253 - 3 32465 - - - Repeat.
Contains 86 combination rollups including all 24 each 56s and 65s.
5,088 Xenon Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 1129)23456 B W H 42356 - 25634 2 - 32654 - 3 35642 - a - 35426 - - 23564 - 2 Repeat twice. a = sV,sM,F.
Contains 117 combination rollups.
5,088 Xenon Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 1130)234567 B W I V M F H 24356 s 45263 - (32645) - - 23564 - - s - 32645 - s (472653) ss 2 437265 s sT (324567) - (235764) s - (652743) s s 423567 - s s Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 8765s, 21 65s, 18 8756s, and 12 each 7568s, 7658s, 5678s off the front, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, with no backstroke 87s.
5,056 Xepri Surprise Major
Paul M Mason (no. 61)234567 M I T B V W H 52436 - 63425 - - - 42365 s - 32564 [- ss 52463 - - - - 243756 -] - - 472536 - 753246 s s - 42356 - s - - 3 part, calling bracketted calls in part one only.
Contains 80 combination rollups, with 24 each 5678, 6578, 18 each 7568 and 8765s off back; 16 8765s and 10 5678s off front, and Queens.
5,184 Xeres Surprise Major
Robert D S Brown5184 Xeres Surprise Major 23456 F M V I W H (74526) 2 (54326) - 1 42356 - (62453) - (52346) - s - 1 32645 - 1 6 part. 6ths place calls
Contains 132 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 20 65s, 8 7568s, 8 8765s at the back, and 4 56s, 2 65s, 14 8765s at the front, with Tittums.
5,056 Xerxes Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 1166)23456 B M W H 53264 2 s 26435 s - - 54326 3 23645 - - 54632 - - - 43526 - 32546 2 3 Repeat.
Contains 78 combination rollups including 21 56s, and back rounds.
5,088 Xerxes Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 1167)23456 V B M W F H 42356 - 64352 s s s s - 65243 - - s - s 36245 s s s s - - 43265 - ss 23645 2 - Repeat twice.
Contains 84 combination rollups.
5,056 Xerxes Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 1168)234567 B M W H 42356 - 54326 - 23645 - - 3 234756 3 - In 3 372546 - 426357 3 F 56234 - - 35264 - 34562 2 - 34625 - - 23456 2 2 2
Contains 18 each 56s, 8765s and 7568s.
True to all BacdYZ.
5,088 Xerxes Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 1169)234567 B M W H 53462 s s 64532 ss - s 324756 - In 273546 - 643257 F - 42356 s 2 Repeat twice.
Contains 18 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 7568s.
5,184 Xingren Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 4915)23456 M B W H 63254 2 56342 - 2 45362 - 23645 V,F 34256 2 2 Repeat twice. Fourth place bobs.
Contains 15 each 56s, 8765s and 5678s off the front, and 9 each 65s, 8756s and 6578s off the front.
True to all BacdYZ.
5,088 Xingren Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 4916)23456 O H V F I 56234 a 3 - 52436 - 2 45623 - 34256 - 2 Repeat twice. Sixth place bobs. a = W,6ths.
Contains 15 each 56s, 8765s, 7568s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 9 each 65s, 8756s, 7658s, 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, and back rounds.
True to all BDKacdfZ.
5,024 Xingren Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 4917)234567 O H V F I 64352 - - 36245 - 24365 - - 54263 - 54326 - - 64523 - 35426 - - 43652 - 35642 - 35264 - - 357246 - W 642357 6ths - - 23645 - - 357624 - - W 346257 6ths - 34562 - - 473526 - 2 453627 3 - 24653 - 2 34256 - 23456 2 Sixth place bobs.
Contains 15 each 56s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 10 65s, 65 little bell rollups at the back, 61 little bell rollups at the front, queens and back rounds.
5,088 Xingren Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 4918)234567 M V I W H (54632) - - 437652 sT - 234657 - - (475326) - - (572346) - 473265 sF - (675324) F - (237465) - 2 - 342567 - Repeat twice. Fourth place calls
Contains 15 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 7568s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and back rounds.
5,088 Xingren Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 4919)234567 B F M V I W H (637452) - - (735462) - (634527) s - (54236) - - 435762 - 273654 - - - 276534 - - 234657 - - (43562) - 725463 - - (347265) - s 423567 - Repeat twice. Fourth place calls.
Contains 21 8765s off the front, 18 5678s off the front, 15 each 56s, 65s, 8765s and 7568s, 9 each 7658s and 8756s off the front, and back rounds.
5,088 Xiquena Castle Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 8479)23456 M B W H 26354 - - - 35264 - - 63542 - 2 63425 - - 54326 - - 42356 2 Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 56s, 18 each 65s, 8765s and 8756s, 6 each 7568s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 160 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (100) or at the front (60), and tittums.
Also true to Amersham Delight, Baydon Surprise, Bibroci Surprise, Bolton Surprise, Brecon Castle Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Butis Surprise, Caerffili Surprise, Camulosessa Surprise, Deane Surprise, Ditchling Surprise, Donhead Surprise, Double Dublin Surprise, Drogheda Surprise, Dublin Surprise, Dumbledore Surprise, East Molesey Surprise, Elaine Surprise, Evington Surprise, Friday Surprise, Furness Surprise, Georgia Surprise, Hardington Mandeville Surprise, Holywood Delight, Houston Surprise, Intercalary Surprise, JJLG Surprise, Jacksonville Surprise, Jaconet Surprise, Janet Surprise, Knutsford Surprise, May Week Delight, Melksham Delight, Nempnett Thrubwell Surprise, New Barge Surprise, Penhill Surprise, Peterborough Surprise, Peterstone Wentloog Surprise, Petworth Surprise, Puxley Surprise, Reverse Dublin Surprise, Rothamsted Surprise, Serebro Surprise, Tuesday Surprise, Velindre Surprise, Weedon Bec Surprise, and Yelling Surprise.
5,088 Xiquena Castle Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 8480)23456 B W H 45236 - - 65432 - - 32546 sT,sV 25463 2 - - 46253 - - 62534 sT,sV - - 62345 - - 34256 sT,sV - Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 8765s, 8756s and 5678s off the front, 9 6578s off the front, 6 each 7568s, 7658s and 8765s off the front, and 176 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (94) or at the front (82).
Also true to Amersham Delight, Baldock Delight, Banwell Surprise, Barnsbury Surprise, Baydon Surprise, Bitton Surprise, Bovey Tracey Delight, Brislington Surprise, Deane Surprise, Donhead Surprise, Dullingham Surprise, Evening Star Surprise, Evington Surprise, Falmouth Surprise, Fownhope-on-Sea Surprise, Hallaton Surprise, Hardington Mandeville Surprise, Hart Surprise, Hollowgate Surprise, Holywood Delight, Houston Surprise, JJLG Surprise, Jacksonville Surprise, Jaconet Surprise, Janet Surprise, January Surprise, Knutsford Surprise, Longcot Village Surprise, Marshland Surprise, Melksham Delight, Monkey Town Surprise, Nettleton Surprise, New Barge Surprise, Old Bell Surprise, Penhill Surprise, Queensbridge Delight, Quy Surprise, Sapcote Surprise, Serebro Surprise, Sproxton Surprise, Symposium Surprise, Tallinn Surprise, Velindre Surprise, Vigo Village Delight, Weedon Bec Surprise, West Germany Surprise and Zhemchug Surprise.
5,088 Xiquena Castle Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 8481)23456 W H 52436 - 24536 In,V 34562 sT,sV - 2 43265 In,F,B,V - 26354 sT,sV - 56234 In,V - 63425 sT,sV - 42356 sT,sV - Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 5678s off the front, 18 each 8765s and 8756s, 15 6578s off the front, 12 8765s off the front, 9 8756s off the front, 6 each 7568s and 7658s, 178 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (84) or at the front (94), all 7 near misses, and tittums, with no backstroke 87s.
Also true to Aintree Surprise, Ardleigh Surprise, Arklow Surprise, Baydon Surprise, Beckhampton Surprise, Blunsdon Abbey Surprise, Blyth Surprise, Brierfield Surprise, Creber Surprise, Derwent Surprise, Donhead Surprise, Downton Delight, Drayton Surprise, Dullingham Surprise, Etchilhampton Surprise, Green Tye Surprise, Hardington Mandeville Surprise, Henlow Surprise, Hillcrest Surprise, Idstone Surprise, Jacksonville Surprise, Jaconet Surprise, Janet Surprise, Knoyle Surprise, Liski Surprise, Manton Surprise, Monkey Town Surprise, Murca Surprise, National Trust Centenary Surprise, Netherstreet Surprise, Nomansland Surprise, Old Moore's Surprise, Over Surprise, Penhill Surprise, Purton Spa Surprise, Quabbs Surprise, Radwell Surprise, Rockley Surprise, Seaview Surprise, Serebro Surprise, Skive Surprise, Tallinn Surprise, Tidworth Surprise, Wau Surprise, Xorn Surprise, Zhemchug Surprise and Zwirgi Surprise.
5,184 Xiquena Castle Surprise Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 8481a)23456 M W H 52436 - 43526 - In,F,B,V 23564 sT,sV - 2 32465 In,F,B,V - 46253 sT,sV - 56423 In,V - 62345 sT,sV - 34256 sT,sV - Repeat twice.
Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s and 5678s off the front, 18 each 8765s and 8756s, 15 6578s off the front, 12 8765s off the front, 9 8756s off the front, 6 each 7568s and 7658s, 184 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back (90) or at the front (94), all 7 near misses, and tittums, with no backstroke 87s.
Also true to Aintree Surprise, Ardleigh Surprise, Arklow Surprise, Baldock Delight, Baydon Surprise, Blunsdon Abbey Surprise, Blyth Surprise, Brierfield Surprise, Bucklebury Surprise, Bushy Leaze Delight, Creber Surprise, Deane Surprise, Donhead Surprise, Downton Delight, Drayton Surprise, Dullingham Surprise, Duxford Surprise, Green Tye Surprise, Hardington Mandeville Surprise, Henlow Surprise, Holdcroft Surprise, Idstone Surprise, Iphigeneia Surprise, Jabberwocky Surprise, Janet Surprise, Monkey Town Surprise, National Trust Centenary Surprise, Netherstreet Surprise, Nomansland Surprise, Over Surprise, Penhill Surprise, Pringle Delight, Purton Spa Surprise, Quabbs Surprise, Quadrant Surprise, Radwell Surprise, Rockley Surprise, Seaview Surprise, Serebro Surprise, Somme Surprise, Tallinn Surprise, Teffont Surprise, Trimillennial Surprise, Upcott Surprise, Westrop Surprise, Zhemchug Surprise and Zwirgi Surprise.