Peal Compositions of Stedman Doubles

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1,440 Stedman Doubles

Peter G C Ellis
12345  2  4  5  6  8 10
23145  s     s  ss
31245        s  ss s
21345           ss s
13245  s     s  ss
32145        s  ss s
12354           ss s  s
23154  s  ss s
31254     ss s     s
21354     ss       s
13254  s  ss s
32154     ss s     s
12345     ss       s  s

The 5th is only affected by the singles at 10.

Published in The Ringing World (2001, page 534).

1,440 Stedman Doubles

Peter G C Ellis
12345  2  4  5  8 10
23145  s  ss s
31245     ss s  s
21345     ss    s (s)
Repeat three times, calling (s) in parts 2 and 4 only.

Contains rounds at all the rows of quick and slow sixes.

Published in The Ringing World (2001, page 534).

720 Stedman Doubles

Peter G C Ellis
12345  2  5  8 10
23145  s  s
31245     s  s
21345        s (s)
Repeat three times, calling (s) in parts 2 and 4 only.

Contains rounds at all the rows of a quick six.

Published in The Ringing World (2001, page 534).

720 Variable Cover Stedman Doubles

Edward W Martin
 1- 342615
 2- 413562
 2- 164253
 2- 651324
 2- 526431
 1p 524361
 1* 235641╮
 2- 342165│
10- 342561│A
 5p 653241╯
 5A 524316
A = as marked adding - at * in all but first occurrence.
Bob is place notation x at the first change of a slow six.
Published in The Ringing World (2001, page 534).

1,440 (1,260) Stedman Doubles

Donald F Morrison (no. 2291)
23145    2   6   8
4321     s* (s
2431     s       s
2341             s
1234     s   s)  s
six part
omit s* from parts 1 and 4

Contains every row once in each of the twelve possible positions in a division.
Reduce to a quarter peal of 1260 by omitting parenthesized calls and courses from one part.

1,440 Stedman Doubles

Robert Peers
 23145  2  7 12 15 19
 35142  s  s  s  s
 52143  s  s  s  s
 54132  s  s  s     s
 53124  s  s  s     s
 34125  s  s  s  s
 35124  s  s  s
 54123  s  s  s  s
 52134  s  s  s     s
 53142  s  s  s     s
 32145  s  s  s  s
 25143  s  s  s  s
 23145  s  s  s      

(The Bromborough Block)

240 Stedman Doubles

Philip A B Saddleton
  34251 ╮
  34512 │A
  41325 │
s 41235 ╯
  14325 2A
s 35214 ╮
  35142 │
  54321 │B
  54213 │
s 41523 │
s 41253 ╯
  14352 2B
s 45132
s 23514

240 Stedman Doubles

Philip A B Saddleton
s 41352 ╮A
  41523 ╯
  23541 2A
s 45231
s 53142
s 41325 ╮
  41253 │
  15432 │
s 15342 │B
  54123 │
s 54213 │
  41532 │
  41325 ╯
  23145 2B

720 Variable Cover Stedman Doubles

Thomas Thurstans
231456  1   9  11
341526  -  (-)  -   (12 sixes)
- = x
ten part
omit (-) from all but parts 1 and 6