5,040 Aloxe-Corton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1955)23456 V O I 45236 - - 34256 2* - s 52436 s s 53246 2 - 32546 - Repeat. Eighth place calls. 2* = - s.
Contains 24 67890s off the front, 21 56s, and 88 little bell rollups.
5,040 Aloxe-Corton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1956)23456 V O I 35426 - 25346 - 2 43526 s s 52436 - - 45236 s 2* 24536 s 2* 53246 - - 24365 s s - 64352 s s 54326 s s 23456 s s Eighth place calls. 2* = s -. rollups.
Contains 25 67890s off the front, 21 56s, 4 65s, and 84 little bell rollups.
5,040 Aloxe-Corton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1957)23456 M W H 42356 - 65324 - - - 54326 - 2 32546 - - Repeat. Fourth place calls. rollups.
Contains 24 67890s off the front, 15 56s, 3 65s, and 75 little bell
5,000 Aloxe-Corton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1958)23456 M W H 42356 - 32546 2 - 23465 2 s 2 (65432) s - 43526 s s - 45236 - 2 23456 - - Fourth place calls.
Contains 25 67890s off the front, 17 56s, 8 65s, and 79 little bell rollups.
5,000 Aloxe-Corton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1959)23456 M W H 42356 - (53624) - - (23465) - s 64532 s - s 52436 s - 54326 - 2 53246 - 2 23456 2 - Fourth place calls.
Contains 25 67890s off the front, 15 56s, and 88 little bell rollups including 23 3456s.
5,002 Aloxe-Corton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1960)23456 M W H 42356 - 43526 - 2 45236 - 2 (53624) - 2 (23465) - s (65432) s - 32546 - 2 2 (42536) s Fourth place calls.
Contains 25 67890s off the front, 18 56s, and 87 little bell rollups including 22 3456s.
5,040 Aloxe-Corton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1961)23456 M W H 64352 - - (54362) s (64523) 2 s 52436 s s - 54326 - 2 53246 - 2 23456 2 - Fourth place calls.
Contains 24 67890s off the front, 11 56s, 2 65s, and 101 little bell rollups.
5,040 Bailey Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4297)23456 M W H 42356 - 56324 - - s 34625 s - 26543 - - 34562 - - - 56342 - - 24365 - - - Repeat.
Contains 14 each 56s and 65s, 42 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, 28 8790s off the front, 14 0978s off the front, 120 little bell rollups at the back including 40 each 3456s and 6543s, 16 65432s and 14 23456s, back rounds, and 425 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front or at the back.
5,040 Bailey Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4298)23456 M W H 45236 - - 25346 3 2 - 42356 - 56324 - - s 36245 s 2 - 43265 - 56234 - - - 32465 - - 65423 - - s 23456 s -
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, 42 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, 28 8790s off the front, 14 0978s off the front, 76 little bell rollups at the back, back rounds, and 353 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front or at the back.
5,040 Bailey Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4299)23456 M W H 45236 - - 32546 s s 43526 - 23465 2 s ss 43652 s 2 - 56342 s s 45362 - 32564 - s 65423 - - ss 23456 s -
Contains 11 56s, 4 65s, 42 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, 28 8790s off the front, 14 0978s off the front, 129 little bell rollups at the back including 16 each 23456s and 65432s and 43 3456s, back rounds, and 437 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front or at the back.
5,040 Bailey Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4300)23456 M W B V F B H 42356 - 56324 - - s (24365) s - a 34625 2 - (64523) - a 43526 - 2 25634 - - (65432) - a 23456 - - - a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 12 56s, 5 65s, 30 0987s, 42 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, 25 8790s off the front, 17 0978s off the front, 130 little bell rollups at the back including 54 3456s, 32 23456s, 24 65432s and 21 6543s, back rounds, and 429 runs of four or more consecutive bells at the front or at the back.
5,040 Barming Heath Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1428)23456 M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 26435 s - s 43265 - - 26354 s s - 56342 s s 24365 - - - Repeat.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 70 7890s off the front, and 88 little bell rollups including 48 3456s.
5,125 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3123)(312567498) M W H 125634789 2* 64352 - - 2 45362 2 3 63254 - - 24536 - - 2 35426 2 2 23456 - 2* = t -. t = 567890. Start with rounds the 36th row of the lead, with the 3 the hunt bell, and call the t at Wrong five blows later, putting the treble into the hunt.
Contains 10 56s, 112 7890s off the front and 137 little bell rollups.
5,125 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3124)(312567498) M W H 153624789 t 46325 - - 24365 - 53462 - - 26435 - - - 32465 - 54263 - - 62345 - - 53246 - - 25346 3 - 35426 2 - 23456 - t = 567890. Start with rounds the 36th row of the lead, with the 3 the hunt bell, and call the t at Wrong five blows later, putting the treble into the hunt.
Contains 13 56s, 12 65s, 112 7890s off the front and 84 little bell rollups.
5,040 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6129)23456 M W H 64352 - - 54362 s 36245 s - - 43265 - 52364 - - 46325 - - - 24365 - Repeat.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 112 7890s off the front, 93 little bell rollups at the back, and 78 little bell rollups at the front.
5,040 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6130)23456 M W H 64352 - - 53462 2 2 23465 s ss 65432 s - Repeat.
Contains 112 7890s off the front; 127 little bell rollups at the back, including 10 each 23456s and 65432s; and 104 little bell rollups at the front.
5,040 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6131)23456 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 54263 2 - - 53462 2 - 26435 - - - 32465 - 64523 - - 35426 - - 42356 - - 63254 - - 45236 - - - 23456 - -
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 112 7890s off the front, 103 little bell rollups at the back, and 78 little bell rollups at the front.
5,040 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6132)23456 M W H 42356 3 - 53624 - - 46325 - - 34625 3 - 43526 2 2 25634 - - 23456 2 - -
Contains 112 7890s off the front; 114 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 each 23456s and 65432s, and 10 76543s; and 85 little bell rollups at the front.
5,040 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6133)23456 M W H 64352 - - 45362 2 54263 2 2 53462 2 - 65432 - 24536 - - 35426 2 2 23456 -
Contains 112 7890s off the front, 136 little bell rollups at the back, and 105 little bell rollups at the front.
5,040 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6134)23456 M W H 64352 - - 45362 2 3 56423 2 s 2* 64325 - 2+ 35426 s - 25436 s 23456 2* - - 2* = s -; 2+ = - s.
Contains 112 7890s off the front; 137 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 23456s; and 109 little bell rollups at the front.
5,000 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6135)23456 M B W H 34625 2* 56342 - x (64523) x 54263 - x - 32546 - x (24365) x 53462 - - (36452) 2 (65324) x 64352 - 2+ (45362) - x 23456 - x x = 16. 2* = - x; 2+ = x -.
Contains 120 7890s off the front; 141 little bell rollups at the back, including 13 each 23456s and 65432s, and 9 76543s; and 119 little bell rollups at the front.
5,120 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6136)23456 V O I 35264 - - 64352 - 2 43652 - 35426 - - 32546 2 - 24365 - - Repeat. Eighth place bobs.
Contains 140 7890s off the front, 118 little bell rollups at the back, and 95 little bell rollups at the front.
5,120 Bedfordshire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 6137)23456 V O I 35264 - - 34562 - 2 26345 - 2* 64352 s - 65432 2 - Repeat. Eighth place calls. 2* = - s.
Contains 142 7890s off the front, 115 little bell rollups at the back, and 104 little bell rollups at the front.
5,000 Biscay Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3841)23456 M W H (65432) s 2* 24536 - - (43526) 2 34265 2 s 3* 62453 s s s 23456 - 2 Fourth place calls. 2* = s -; 3* = s - s.
Contains 18 56s, 12 65s, 64 7890s off the front, 16 0987s off the front, 110 little bell rollups, and back rounds.
Also true to Bristol Delight.
5,040 Biscay Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3842)23456 M W H 42356 - (53624) - - (23645) s s (43652) s s (53264) - s 32465 s 2 (64523) - - (32546) s 2* (46523) s - (23564) s - (65432) - - 23456 s - 2* Fourth place calls. 2* = s -.
Contains 18 56s; 13 65s; 68 7890s off the front; 17 0987s off the front; 98 little bell rollups including 16 each 23456s and 65432s, and 7 76543s; and back rounds.
5,040 Biscay Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3843)23456 M W H 42356 - (54326) - (24365) s s (64532) - s (32546) s - (64523) s 2* (25346) - - 64352 - - - (56342) - (46325) s s (26354) s s (65432) - 2 23456 - - - Fourth place calls. 2* = s -.
Contains 14 56s; 68 7890s off the front; 17 0987s off the front; 152 little bell rollups including 16 each 23456s and 65432s, and 8 76543s; and back rounds.
5,040 Biscay Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3844)23456 M W H 45236 - - (35264) s s (56342) 2 2 (24365) s 2* (64523) 2+ s (25346) - - (43652) - - (53624) s s (23465) - s (65432) s - 23456 - - - Fourth place calls. 2* = s -; 2+ = - s.
Contains 68 7890s off the front; 17 0987s off the front; 151 little bell rollups including 18 23456s, 16 65432s and 10 76543s; and back rounds.
5,040 Biscay Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3845)23456 M W H (53624) 2* s (23465) - s 46532 s - - (35264) - - (64352) 2 - (54326) s s (24365) s s (64523) 2* s a 23456 - s s Fourth place calls. 2* = - s. a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 57 7890s off the front; 18 0987s off the front; 12 0987s; 147 little bell rollups including 58 3456s, 31 23456s, 16 65432s, and 9 76543s; and back rounds.
5,050 Black Cat Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2190)(432156) M W H 134256 2* - 25346 - - 65432 - 2 - 52436 - 2 64352 a 56342 - 43265 - - 3 62534 - - (32456) - s 2* = t -; a = 7ths,V,F,6ths. t = 34. Start with rounds the 33rd row of a lead with the 4 the hunt bell, calling the t at M eight blows later.
Contains 81 little bell rollups.
5,040 Clun Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1547)23456 O V I 45236 - - 53624 2 - 43526 - 3 42563 2 - - 32465 - 26354 3 - - 23456 - 2 Eighth place bobs.
Contains 13 56s, 12 65s, 56 7890s off the front and 102 little bell rollups.
5,040 Clun Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1548)23456 O V I 54362 s s s (64523) - s 24563 a s 34265 - 24365 2* Repeat. Eighth place calls. a = W,W,7ths,8ths. 2* = s -.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 44 7890s off the front, 14 0987s and 84 little bell rollups including 44 3456s.
5,000 Clun Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1549)23456 M W H 52436 - 64235 - - 24365 s 3* 53462 - - 43652 2 - 65432 - - 24536 - - 25346 - 2 23456 - 2 3* = s - -. Fourth place calls.
Contains 18 56s, 19 65s, 60 7890s off the front and 85 little bell rollups.
5,000 Clun Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1550)23456 M W I/V H 45236 - - (53462) x 65324 - x - 43526 - - 32465 2 x 4 64523 - - 23456 - 2 2 4 = s - - s. Fourth place calls.
Contains 20 each 56s and 65s, 48 7890s off the front and 117 little bell rollups.
5,000 Clun Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1551)23456 I/V M W H 65432 - - - 65324 x - (35426) - 23465 x - 3* 34562 s 2 56342 - - 23456 x - s 3+ Fourth place calls. 3* = - - s; 3+ = - s -.
Contains 16 each 56s and 65s, 52 7890s off the front and 106 little bell rollups including 51 3456s.
5,040 Clun Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1552)23456 M W H 65432 3* 2* 53624 2 2 24365 - 3* 5 Repeat. Fourth place calls. 2* = s -; 3* = - s -; 5 = - - s - -.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 44 7890s off the front and 73 little bell rollups including 38 3456s.
5,040 Clun Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1553)23456 M W H 53624 2* 2 2+ 52634 - 3* 24365 - 2 5 Repeat. Fourth place calls. 2* = - s; 2+ = s -; 3* = - - s; 5 = - - s - -.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s and 64 7890s off the front.
5,040 Coxheath Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2101)23456 M W H 42356 - 35426 - - 24653 - - 56342 - - 24365 s 2* 53462 - - 52364 2 - 64523 2 - 25346 - - 64352 - - - 23456 - - 2* = s -.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 100 little bell rollups, and 84 7890s off the front.
5,040 Coxheath Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2102)23456 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 24365 - - - 53462 - - 65432 - 24536 - - 43526 2 46325 2 - 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 -
Contains 134 little bell rollups including 48 3456s, and 84 7890s off the front.
5,040 Coxheath Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2103)23456 M W H 24356 s 56342 s - 32465 s 2* - 64523 - - 43526 - 2 24365 2 s s 26453 2 s - 65432 s 2 23456 - - - 2* = s -.
Contains 140 little bell rollups including 48 3456s, and 84 7890s off the front.
5,040 Coxheath Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2104)23456 M W H 53624 2* s 24365 - s s 56342 s 2+ 46325 s s 26534 - s 34562 s - 64523 s s 23465 2* s s 65432 s - 23456 s 2+ 2* = - s; 2+ = s -.
Contains 144 little bell rollups including 48 each 3456s and 6543s, and 84 7890s off the front.
5,040 Cromarty Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3235)23456 I V O 34256 - 65432 - - 64235 3* s - 24365 - 2 Repeat. Eighth place calls. 3* = - - s.
Contains 12 each 56s, 65s and 9680s, 70 0987s off the front, 56 7890s off the front, and 63 little bell rollups.
True to all (in course) C and (out of course) CEFK2N1Ta1e.
5,040 Cromarty Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3236)23456 I V O 24536 2 - 34625 - - - 43526 - - 64235 2 - 43265 - 3 56342 - - 43652 - - 23456 - 3 Eighth place bobs.
Contains 15 56s, 13 65s, 9 each 568790s and 658790s, 21 9680s, 6 4680s, 70 0987s off the front, 56 7890s off the front, and 59 little bell rollups.
5,040 Cromarty Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3237)23456 I V O 42356 2 65243 - - 53462 - - 2 24365 2 2 64523 - - - 54326 2 3 23456 - - Eighth place bobs.
Contains 18 9680s, 13 56s, 9 65s, 70 0987s off the front, 56 7890s off the front, and 72 little bell rollups.
True to all (in course) CL1 and (out of course) BCDEFHK1K2N1N2OTa1a2bcdef.
5,040 Cromarty Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3238)23456 I V O 42356 2 63542 - s s 24365 - - 3 53624 - s s 43526 - 42635 2 - - 24536 - - 34625 - - - 54326 - 23456 - - Eighth place calls.
Contains 15 56s, 14 65s, 9 each 568790s and 658790s, 21 9680s, 4 4680s, 70 0987s off the front, 56 7890s off the front, and 60 little bell rollups.
5,120 Cromarty Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3239)23456 M W H 24356 s 53462 s s s 42365 s ss - 34265 ss ss - 24365 ss ss 3* Repeat. Fourth place calls. 3* = s - -.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 21 9680s, 66 0987s off the front, 24 7890s off the front, and 6 near misses.
True to all (in course) CDFL1L2ORU2 and (out of course) HN2Tbc.
5,040 Cromarty Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3240)23456 M W H 24356 s 63452 s s 52436 - - s 43256 s - 56234 - - 3* 24365 s - 3+ Repeat. Fourth place calls. 3* = - s -; 3+ = s - -.
Contains 20 each 56s and 65s, 13 9680s, 58 0987s off the front, 56 7890s off the front, and 5 near misses.
5,000 Cromarty Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3241)23456 M W H 54326 s s 32456 s - 25463 s s 2* 64253 - s 54362 2+ s ss 43265 s 2 63245 s ss 43256 s s ss 62534 s - 3* 23456 - s 2* Fourth place calls. 2* = s -; 2+ = - s; 3* = s - s.
Contains all 24 56s, 18 9680s, 12 65s, 59 0987s off the front, 52 7890s off the front, and 5 near misses.
5,040 Derwent Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3460)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - 23645 - - 46532 s 2* 2 32465 2 - 3 64523 - - 23456 - 2 2 2* = s -.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s; 56 each 0987s off the front and 0978s off the front, including 12 each 098765s off the front and 097856s off the front, and 10 each 098756s off the front and 097865s off the front; 82 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, and 12 76543s; and back rounds.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
5,040 Derwent Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3461)23456 M W H 36452 - 2 43652 3 - 56234 - - 32465 - - 3 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - 3
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s; 56 each 0987s off the front and 0978s off the front, including 10 each 098765s off the front, 097856s off the front, 098756s off the front and 097865s off the front; and 104 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, and 12 76543s.
Also true to Yorkshire Surprise, Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.
5,040 Derwent Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3462)234567890 3 4 5 6 9 42356 - 53624 - - 26435 s - s 32465 - 3 64523 - - 35426 - - 62453 - - - 34256 - - 342907856 s s 3 234567890 s s -
Contains all 24 65s, 18 each 56s and 098765s, 10 each 567890s off the front, 657890s off the front, 098765s off the front, 098756s off the front, 097865s off the front and 097856s off the front, 74 little bell rollups, and back rounds.
Also true to Nordfeld Delight.
5,040 Despina Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4977)23456 M W H 24356 s 53462 s 2 2 46325 s s - 53624 - - 24365 - s s Repeat. Some conductors may prefer its reverse 23456 M W H 24356 s 35642 s - - 64352 - - 43526 s s 2 24365 2 s s Repeat.
Either arrangement contains 10 each 56s and 65s, 50 0987s off the front, 42 7890s off the front, 121 little bell rollups at the back including 18 65432s and 14 23456s, 105 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.
True to all (in course) CGIL1 and (out of course) BCEFTa2bc.
5,040 Despina Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4978)23456 M W H 53426 s 23465 s s 54362 s s 32465 s - 65423 s - ss 42356 s - - 24356 2* 53462 s s s 24365 - - 64532 - s ss 23456 - s - 2* = - s. Some conductors may prefer its reverse 23456 M W H 54326 s s 24356 s 54362 s s 32465 s - 65423 s - ss 42356 s - - 53426 - s 23465 s s 24365 2* - 64532 - s ss 23456 - s - 2* = s -.
Either arrangement contains 15 each 56s and 65s, 50 0987s off the front, 42 7890s off the front, 94 little bell rollups at the back including 18 each 65432s and 23456s, 94 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.
True to all (in course) CDL1U2 and (out of course) FTbc.
5,040 Despina Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4979)23456 M W H 54326 s s 24356 s 53462 s s s 35462 2* ss 65423 s s ss 42356 s - - 53426 - s 23465 s s ss 64235 - s 23456 s s - 2* = - s.
Contains 15 56s, 11 65s, 70 0987s off the front, 42 7890s off the front, 99 little bell rollups at the back including 18 each 23456s and 65432s, 95 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.
True to all (in course) CDL1 and (out of course) Hbc.
5,040 Despina Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4980)23456 M W H 42356 - 43526 - 2 46325 2 - 24365 - 46532 - s 2* 45362 - 2 42563 2 - 64523 - 23456 - s s 2* = s -.
Contains 10 56s, 7 65s, 70 0987s off the front, 42 7890s off the front, 132 little bell rollups at the back including 18 each 23456s and 65432s, 107 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds.
5,040 Despina Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4981)23456 V I 36452 s 2* 65324 - - 25364 3 s 56342 s - 64523 - - 24536 s s 34562 s s 24365 - Repeat. Eighth place calls. 2* = s -.
Contains 5 each 56s and 65s, 74 0987s off the front, 66 7890s off the front, 96 little bell rollups at the back including 16 65432s and 14 23456s, 57 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds in the last course; and is all the work.
5,120 Despina Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4982)23456 V I 35264 - - 65243 s s 45236 s s 53462 - - 36524 - - 26354 2* s 56342 s s 64523 - - 24536 s s 34562 s s 24365 - Repeat. Eighth place calls. 2* = - s.
Contains 5 each 56s and 65s, 76 0987s off the front, 72 7890s off the front, 94 little bell rollups at the back including 16 65432s and 14 23456s, 57 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds in the last course.
Warning: not all the work.
5,000 Despina Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4983)23456 V I 35264 - - 56342 - - 42563 - 2 62534 s s 23645 - - 45236 - 2 53462 - - 63524 - s 32546 s - 62345 - 3 42356 s s 25463 - - 65432 s s 35624 - s 52643 s - 24536 - - 43265 - - 63452 - s 23456 s Eighth place calls.
Contains 15 56s, 10 65s, 74 0987s off the front, 69 7890s off the front, 95 little bell rollups at the back including 18 65432s and 16 23456s, 60 little bell rollups at the front, and back rounds in the last course; and is all the work.
5,040 Dogger Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3493)23456 I V O 34256 - 54632 - - - 36452 - - 25634 - - 35426 - - - 64523 s s 24365 - - - Repeat. Eigth place calls.
Contains 8 each 56s and 65s, 84 7890s off the front, and 140 little bell rollups, including 16 23456s and 14 65432s.
5,040 Dogger Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3494)23456 I V O 53624 - - - 43256 - - s 62345 s s s 52463 - - s 34256 s s s 64352 - 24365 s s Repeat. Eighth place calls.
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, 84 7890s off the front, and 80 little bell rollups.
5,040 Dogger Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3495)23456 I V O 34256 - 65432 - - 63254 2 - - 42563 - s s 43265 - 2 25346 s s 2 64352 2* s 54263 - - - 23456 s s 2 Eighth place calls. 2* = - s.
Contains 18 56s, 14 65s, 84 7890s off the front, and 106 little bell rollups.
5,000 Dogger Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3496)23456 M W H 45236 a - - 46532 2 a - 53462 - - 24365 - - 34625 a 2 - 64523 - a 23456 - 2 2 Fourth place bobs. a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 13 56s, 11 65s, 48 0987s, 36 7890s off the front, 24 each 8790s off the front, 0987s off the front and 0978s off the front, and 160 little bell rollups.
5,120 Dover Little Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3672)23456 M I/V W H 63254 x 1 35642 x 54263 1 2 46325 2 x 25463 2 1 56234 x 65432 2 2 Repeat.
Contains 12 56s, 10 65s, and 82 little bell rollups.
5,184 Dover Little Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3673)23456 M W H 42356 1 25463 2 2 56234 2 2 63542 2 2 34625 2 2 42563 1 2 63425 2 1 25634 2 1 34256 2 1 35642 2 1 1 54263 1 2 46325 1 2 62534 1 2 23456 1 2
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, and 72 little bell rollups including 9 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,056 Dover Little Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3674)23456 M B W H 54326 2 2 54263 2 a 2 1 46532 3* a 2 26534 1 2* 24365 2* 1 2 Repeat. 3* = s - s; 2* = - s. a = sB,B,F,B,F,sT.
Contains 12 each 56s, 65s and 7890s off the front, and 168 little bell rollups, including 72 each 3456s and 6543s, 36 23456s and 14 65432s, with no backstroke 09s.
5,040 East Riding Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3570)23456 M W H 24356 3* 54632 - s 36425 s s s 23465 - ss 56432 - - - 34265 - - 25463 - s 64523 s s 23456 - s 3* 3* = - s -.
Contains 12 each 56s, 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 10 65s and 56 7890s off the front.
5,000 East Riding Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3571)23456 M W H 24356 3* 53642 s - s 46325 s s s 24365 - 35462 - s 64523 s s s 53426 - s 64352 a 23456 s 3* 3* = - s -. a = s7ths,V,F,6ths.
Contains 12 each 56s, 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 50 7890s off the front, and 52 little bell rollups.
5,040 Fair Isle Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4301)23456 M W H 34256 2 54263 s s 56342 2 - - 26435 - 2 - 32465 - 64523 - - 32546 - - - 43526 - 25634 - - 23456 2 - -
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 98 0987s off the front, 14 7890s off the front, 100 little bell rollups at the back, including 16 685432s and 15 23456s, and 425 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front.
5,040 Fair Isle Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4302)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - (64523) 2 a 32546 - - - 64253 - s - 54263 s (24365) - a 53462 - - (65432) - a 23456 - - - a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 12 56s, 10 65s, 74 0987s off the front, 26 7890s off the front, 132 little bell rollups at the back, including 23 23456s and 20 65432s, and 473 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front.
5,040 Fair Isle Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4621)23456 M W H 34256 2 52643 s - s 34625 - - - 43526 2 2 56324 - s 24365 s - 3 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - -
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 14 7890s off the front, and 109 little bell rollups.
5,040 Fair Isle Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4622)23456 M W H 42356 - (53624) - - a 56234 - 2 24365 - - 2 Repeat. a = B,V,F,B.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 20 0987s, 22 7890s off the front, and 109 little bell rollups, including 48 3456s.
5,040 Fair Isle Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4623)23456 M W H 65432 - - - 34256 - - 62453 - - (53624) 2 - a 32465 - 2 3 (64523) - - a 35426 - - 23456 - a = B,V,F,B.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 20 0987s, 22 7890s off the front, and 97 little bell rollups, including 20 23456s and 11 65432s.
5,040 Fair Isle Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4624)23456 M W H 42356 - 52364 s s (64523) 2 - a 43526 - 2 56324 - s (24365) s - a 53462 - - (65432) - a 23456 - - - a = B,V,F,B.
Contains all 16 56s, 14 65s, 30 0987s, 26 7890s off the front, and 131 little bell rollups, including 26 23456s, 17 65432s and 48 3456s.
5,120 Fastnet Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4102)23456 M W H 64352 - - 63542 - 2 63425 2 2 - 24365 2 2 Repeat. Fourth place bobs.
Contains 21 each 56s and 65s, 96 0987s off the front, 60 0978s off the front, and 99 little bell rollups.
5,040 Fastnet Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4103)23456 O V I 35264 3 - - 56342 - - 34562 - - 46253 2 - 65432 - - 53624 - - 32546 - - 54326 - - 42635 2 - 23456 - - Eigth place bobs.
Contains 18 56s, 8 65s, 112 0987s off the front, 56 0978s off the front, and 117 little bell rollups including 18 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,000 Fastnet Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4104)23456 M W H 24536 - 2 54326 2 - 56423 2 - 24365 - - 56342 - - - 45362 - 23564 - - 65432 - - 23456 - - - Fourth place bobs.
Contains 16 56s, 7 65s, 102 0987s off the front, 65 0978s off the front, 121 little bell rollups including 18 65432s and 16 23456s, and back rounds.
5,080 Fastnet Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4105)23456 M W H 64352 - - 45362 2 42563 2 - 24365 2 2 53462 - - 65432 - 24536 - - 54326 2 - 23456 2 2 Fourth place bobs.
Contains 21 56s, 18 65s, 100 0987s off the front, 64 0978s off the front and 125 little bell rollups.
5,080 Fastnet Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4106)23456 M W H 24536 - 2 43526 2 25634 - - 46532 - - 35264 - - 54263 - 2 32465 - - 64523 - - 23456 - 2 2 Fourth place bobs.
Contains 21 56s, 12 65s, 102 0987s off the front, 65 0978s off the front, 104 little bell rollups including 18 65432s and 16 23456s, and back rounds.
5,040 Fisher Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3497)23456 I V O 34256 - 25634 - 2 54326 - - 2 64523 - 24365 - - - Repeat. Eighth place bobs.
Contains 70 0987s, 154 0987s off the front, 9 098765s off the front, 80 little bell rollups, and back rounds.
5,040 Fisher Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3498)23456 M W H 65432 - - - 36452 - 3 52463 - - s 34625 s - 2 56423 - - 24365 - - Repeat. Fourth place calls.
Contains 100 0987s, 126 0987s off the front, 8 098765s off the front, and 89 little bell rollups.
5,040 Fisher Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3499)23456 I V O 34256 - 24536 - 2 64235 3 - 53462 - - 43652 - 3 2 53246 - - - 23456 - 2 Eighth place bobs.
Contains 70 0987s, 9 56s, 154 0987s off the front, all 24 098765s off the front, and back rounds.
5,040 Fisher Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3500)23456 I V O 34256 - 36452 - 2 35264 2 - - 45362 - 63542 - - 24365 - - 64523 - - - 35426 2 2 53624 - - 23456 - - - Eighth place bobs.
Contains 70 0987s, 154 0987s off the front, 12 098765s off the front, 90 little bell rollups, and back rounds.
5,000 Fisher Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3501)23456 M W H 65432 - - - 64352 a - 2 34562 2 - 34625 2 a 2 - 64523 - a 35426 - - 23456 - a Fourth place bobs. a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 68 0987s, 79 0987s off the front, 44 7890s off the front, 4 098765s off the front, and 128 little bell rollups.
5,040 Fitzroy Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3922)23456 W M H 65324 2 2 45362 s s 36245 2 - 24365 - - Repeat.
Contains 56 little bell rollups.
5,040 Fitzroy Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3923)23456 W M H 32456 2* 54326 - s 34625 - 3 65432 s s - Repeat. 2* = s -.
Contains 66 little bell rollups and back rounds.
5,040 Fitzroy Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3924)23456 W M H 24356 s 36452 ss s - 42635 s s - 56234 - - 24563 - - 3* 43526 s s 2* 35642 s - 2* 64352 - - 23456 s s 3* = - s -; 2* = s -.
Contains 86 little bell rollups and back rounds.
5,000 Fitzroy Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3925)23456 W A M H 42356 - 35426 - - 45623 - 26543 x - 35264 - - - 42563 - - 56423 - - 42635 - 2 - - 62534 - 35642 2 - 2 64352 - - 23456 - - A = 7ths,V,F,6ths.
Contains 80 little bell rollups and back rounds.
5,040 Fitzroy Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3926)234567890 1 5 6 7 8 9 902345678 - - - - (8 leads) 789023456 - - - - (8) 567890234 - - - - (8) 345678902 - - - - (8) 023456789 - - - - (8) 890234567 - - - - (8) 678902345 - - - - (8) 456789023 - - - - (8) 243567890 - - s (8) 35426 s - 65423 s 42563 s - 35264 - - 45263 s 23456 - s -
5,040 Forth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3330)23456 W M I/V H (23564) - x 26345 - x s (62453) s x 42356 3 - Repeat twice, omitting 3 from one part.
5,040 Forth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3331)23456 W M H 42635 - - 64523 - - 26543 - 3 3 Repeat.
True to all (in course) BC and (out of course) BCDEFHK1K2N1N2OTa1a2bcdef.
5,040 Forth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3332)23456 W M H 52436 - 3 46523 - - s 36524 s 53462 - - 65432 - Repeat.
Contains 71 little bell rollups.
True to all (in course) BD and (out of course) BEK2N1a1a2cf.
5,040 Forth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3333)23456 W M H 42356 - 34625 - - 56423 3 - - 45362 - - 3 25463 3 2 23456 - - 2
Contains 9 each 56s and 65s, and 72 little bell rollups.
True to all (in course) CDK and (out of course) BCDEFHK1K2N1N2OTa1a2bcdef.
5,040 Forth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3334)23456 W M H 35426 2 3 43652 - - 3 23645 s s 62534 - - 42563 s s 56342 2 - 35264 - - 23456 - -
Contains 87 little bell rollups.
True to all (in course) D and (out of course) BCFK2N2a1a2cef.
5,040 Forties Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3169)23456 M W H 45236 - - 34256 - 62453 s s 56324 2 - s 23465 - - 3 56342 - s - 43652 s s 62534 - - 2 23456 - 2
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 72 little bell rollups.
Also true to Haystacks Delight.
5,040 Forties Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3170)23456 M W H 42356 - 56234 - s s 32564 - s 42365 2 3 56324 - - - 34625 - s (64523) - a 23456 - 2 2 a = B,V,F,B.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 10 0987s, 7 7890s off the front, and 52 little bell rollups, including 16 23456s and 9 65432s.
5,040 German Bight Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3477)23456 I V O 42356 2 23645 s s - 26435 2 - 24365 2 - Repeat. Eighth place calls.
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, 70 7890s off the front, and 66 little bell rollups.
5,120 German Bight Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3478)23456 M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 42635 - - - 63425 - - 25346 - s s 56432 - 2 s 34265 s - s 24365 2* Repeat. Fourth place calls. 2* = s -.
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, 68 7890s off the front, and 63 little bell rollups.
5,040 German Bight Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3479)23456 I V O 64325 s s s 34625 2* 2+ s 54632 s s 36452 - - 24563 2+ s s 32465 2* - 52436 s s 23456 - 3 Eighth place calls. 2* = s -; 2+ = - s.
Contains 13 56s, 9 65s, 70 7890s off the front, and 69 little bell rollups including 18 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,000 German Bight Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3480)23456 M W H 43526 s 3* 52436 - - 34625 - - 56423 - - 54263 - 2 32465 - - 64235 s s 65432 2 - 64352 - 2 23456 - - Fourth place calls. 3* = s - -.
Contains 14 56s, 12 65s, 62 7890s off the front, and 79 little bell rollups including 18 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,000 German Bight Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3481)23456 M W H 34526 a 2 s 56423 s a - 54263 - 2 32465 - a - 63425 - 25436 - - s 65432 s a 23456 - - - Fourth place calls. a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 9 56s, 8 65s, 42 7890s off the front, 32 0987s, 20 0987s off the front, 129 little bell rollups including 46 65432s and 42 23456s, and back rounds.
5,040 Gevrey-Chambertin Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2021)23456 M W H 34256 2 42563 s s 2 64523 - 62345 2 - - 24365 2 3 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - - Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 102 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, 42 7890s off the front, and 28 0987s off the front.
5,040 Gevrey-Chambertin Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2022)23456 M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 26435 s - s 43265 - - 26354 s s - 56342 s s 24365 - - - Repeat.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 90 little bell rollups including 48 3456s and 20 each 23456s and 65432s, 42 7890s off the front, and 28 0987s off the front.
5,040 Gevrey-Chambertin Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2023)23456 M W H 56342 - s s 43265 - - 65432 2 - 34256 - - 54263 s s 65342 2 - s 42356 s - 52364 s s 64523 2 - 35426 - - 23456 -
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 74 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, 42 7890s off the front, and 28 0987s off the front.
5,040 Gevrey-Chambertin Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2024)23456 M W H 65432 - - - 46532 a - 32465 2 - 3 65423 - - a s 23456 s - 3 a = B,F,I.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 96 little bell rollups including 66 3456s and 56 23456s, 32 7890s off the front, and 22 0987s off the front.
5,040 Haystacks Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2976)23456 M W H 42356 - 63254 s s 25634 - - 64352 - - 2 54362 s ss 34265 - 3 64523 - s 23456 - 2 2
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 98 0987s off the front, 14 7890s off the front, and 66 little bell rollups
5,040 Haystacks Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2977)23456 M W H 34256 2 56423 - s s 34625 - - 25463 - s s 45362 - 3 3 23564 - - 62534 - 45236 - - 23456 - -
Contains 18 56s, 98 0987s off the front, 14 7890s off the front, and 101 little bell rollups.
Also true to Forties Delight.
True to all (in course) BCDK and (out of course) K2a1bc.
5,040 Haystacks Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2978)23456 M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 23465 - s 3 64325 s s 34256 s 2 - 62453 s s 43526 - - 2 25634 - - 23456 2 - -
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 98 0987s off the front, 14 7890s off the front, and 80 little bell rollups.
True to all (in course) BEL1L2 and (out of course) Ba2c.
5,040 Haystacks Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2979)23456 M W H 42356 - 65324 - - - 24653 2 - 54362 - s ss 34265 - 3 (64523) - s a 23456 - 2 2 a = B,V,F,B.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 10 0987s, 90 0987s off the front, 18 7890s off the front, and 78 little bell rollups including 15 23456s.
5,040 Haystacks Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2980)23456 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 42365 s - 53264 - - (23465) - a 56432 - - - 34265 - - (64523) - s b 35426 - - 23456 - 3 a = B,sM,V,F,sW,B; b = B,V,F,B.
Contains all 24 56s, 22 65s, 20 0987s, 82 0987s off the front, 22 7890s off the front, and 79 little bell rollups including 15 23456s and 14 65432s.
Note that in the calling of (a) all calls are with respect to the position of the tenor; the sM and sW affect the little bells that one might otherwise expect to be notated as sH.
Also true to Forties Delight.
5,040 Haystacks Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2981)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - 36425 - s (23465) - a 64352 s s s 45362 2 32564 - s (64523) s - b 23456 - 2 2 a = B,sM,V,F,sW,B; b = B,V,F,B.
Contains 20 each 56s and 0987s, 10 65s, 82 0987s off the front, 22 7890s off the front, and 104 little bell rollups including 18 65432s and 16 23456s.
Note that in the calling of (a) all calls are with respect to the position of the tenor; the sM and sW affect the little bells that one might otherwise expect to be notated as sH.
5,040 Hebrides Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4292)23456 I V O 64523 - s s 35426 s s 62534 - - 35264 - 3 - 45362 - 36452 2 2 24653 s s 34256 - 52436 - - 23456 - Eighth place calls.
Contains 10 56s, 7 65s, 70 0987s off the front, 42 7890s off the front, and 103 little bell rollups including 9 each 23456s and 65432s.
True to all (in course) BDK and (out of course) BK2a1c.
5,000 Hebrides Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4293)23456 W M H 42356 - 35426 - - 64523 - - (26543) - 3 35264 - - - (23456) - - (42635) - - (53642) 2 s 64352 s - 23456 - - Fourth place calls.
Contains 15 56s, 69 0987s off the front, 57 7890s off the front, and 76 little bell rollups, including 9 each 23456s and 65432s.
True to all (in course) BDK and (out of course) BCK2a1a2c.
5,082 Hebrides Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4294)23456 W M H 45236 - - 36452 - 2 - (26453) s 64523 s 2 (26345) - 2* (56423) s 2 23564 - 2 - (52436) - - (32456) s Fourth place calls. 2* = - s.
Contains 15 56s, 68 0987s off the front, 57 7890s off the front, and 73 little bell rollups, including 9 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,000 Hebrides Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4295)23456 W M H 64352 - - (24356) s 35426 s - 64523 - - (32564) a 2 s 56234 s - 23456 2 - a Fourth place calls. a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 55 0987s off the front, 49 7890s off the front, and 117 little bell rollups including 34 23456s, 30 65432s, 40 3456s and 45 5432s.
5,082 Hebrides Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4296)23456 W M H 64352 - - 35642 - - (25643) s 64523 s - 35264 a 2 - - (23456) - - (32456) a 2* Fourth place calls. a = B,V,F,B. 2* = - s.
Contains 57 0987s off the front, 49 7890s off the front, and 120 little bell rollups including 34 23456s, 30 65432s, 46 3456s and 47 5432s.
5,000 Hillsborough Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1873)23456 M W H 42356 - 64523 2 - 2 64235 2 2 - 43526 - 2 24365 2 2 2 46253 2 2 65432 2 2 23456 - - - Fourth place bobs.
Contains all 24 56s, 21 65s, and 60 little bell rollups including 22 3456s.
5,120 Hillsborough Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1874)23456 M W H 53426 s 25634 3* - 53462 - 2 24365 s 5 Repeat. Fourth place calls. 3* = s - -; 5 = - - s - -.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, and 75 little bell rollups including 28 3456s.
5,120 Hillsborough Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1875)23456 M W H 64352 - - 63542 - 2 43526 s s 24365 2 2 3* Repeat. Fourth place calls. 3* = s - s.
Contains 22 each 56s and 65s, and 95 little bell rollups including 24 3456s.
5,120 Hillsborough Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1876)23456 M W H 42356 - 43526 - 2 32546 2 64523 - - - 56423 a - 46253 2 - 65432 2 2 23456 a - - - a = B,V,F,B. Fourth place bobs.
Contains all 24 56s, and 110 little bell rollups including 68 3456s including 52 23456s.
5,040 Hillsborough Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1877)23456 B M W H 43256 2* 25634 s - - 65432 - 46532 a - 53462 - - 32465 - 2 64523 - - 23456 a - s 3* 2* = - s; 3* = - s -; a = B,V,F,B. Fourth place calls.
Contains all 24 56s, 12 65s, and 116 little bell rollups including 75 3456s including 56 23456s.
5,040 Hillsborough Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1878)23456 O V I 54263 - s s 46532 - - 65432 - a 43526 - - - 32465 - - 24365 - a 36452 - - - 56423 s s 64523 - a 23456 - - 2 Eighth place calls. a = H,8ths,6ths,H.
Contains 12 0987s, 15 7890s off the front, 63 0987s off the front, 16 0978s off the front, and 90 little bell rollups including 44 3456s including 28 23456s and 18 65432s.
5,040 Hillsborough Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1879)234567890 1 2 3 8 9 423569078 2 - - 423567890 3 - - 53462 - s s 24365 - - Repeat. Eighth place calls.
Contains 52 0987s, 31 680s, 34 7890s off the front, 8 8790s off the front, 46 0987s off the front, 12 0978s off the front, and 77 little bell rollups.
5,040 Hillsborough Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1880)234567890 1 2 3 8 9 45362 s s - 23465 - s 26354 3* - - 43256 - s 423569078 s - - 423567890 6 - - 23456 - Eighth place calls. 3* = s - -; 6 = s - - s - -.
Contains 59 0987s, 67 680s, 35 7890s off the front, 10 8790s off the front, 47 0987s off the front, 14 0978s off the front, and 62 little bell rollups.
5,040 Hillsborough Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1881)2345678 B V M F W I H 4263857 - - 6 - 5346278 - 3* s 4253867 - 5 - 2436578 - 5 Repeat. Fourth place calls. 6 = - - s - - s; 3* = - s -; 5 = - - s - -.
Contains 22 each 56s and 65s, 58 7890s off the front, 64 0987s off the front, 48 0987s, 18 680s, and 81 little bell rollups.
5,184 Humber Little Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3566)23456 M W H 45362 s s - 63524 s s s 52346 s s - 43265 s s s 65234 - - s 34256 - - s Repeat twice.
Contains 21 56s, 18 65s, 36 7890s off the front, 18 0987s off the front, and 51 little bell rollups.
5,184 Humber Little Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3567)23456 M W H 54326 s s 26345 - - s 46352 s s 23654 s s 56432 s - s 34265 s - s 62543 s - s 52436 s 2 - 63425 - - - 24365 s s 65342 - - s 43256 s - s 25634 s - - 35462 - s 42563 s - 64523 - 23456 - s s
Contains 15 each 56s and 65s, 36 7890s off the front, 18 0987s off the front, and 77 little bell rollups.
5,184 Humber Little Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3568)23456 M W H 52436 - 36524 2 - 24653 - s s 53462 - s s 46352 s - 52364 s - 34265 - s 25463 s - 43562 - s 56324 s s - 43625 s s 65324 s - 34526 - s 52643 s - - 45236 2 s s 23456 - -
Contains 8 each 56s and 65s, 36 7890s off the front, 18 0987s off the front, and 91 little bell rollups.
5,088 Humber Little Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3569)23456 M W H 56432 s - 32465 s a s 32654 s b s 34256 s In,V - s Repeat twice. a = sB,sF,V,s7ths,s6ths,sT; b = B,V,M,s6ths,F,B.
Contains 15 each 56s, 65s and 650987s, 48 0987s, and 18 7890s off the front.
5,040 Irish Sea Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4107)23456 V O I 35426 ss - 52436 3 - 35264 - s s 52364 - 32465 2 ss 64523 s - s 24536 s s 42635 - - 23456 - - Eighth place calls.
Contains 14 56s, 12 each 65s and 67890s of the front, 42 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, 7 97680s off the front, and 67 little bell rollups.
5,160 Irish Sea Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4108)23456 M W (53462) s s (63245) - s (45236) s - (35264) s s (62453) - - 42356 - Repeat twice. Fourth place calls.
Contains 54 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, 12 67890s off the front, 6 97680s off the front, and 64 little bell rollups.
Warning: not all the work.
5,000 Irish Sea Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4109)23456 M W H 24536 - 2 (34526) s 65423 s s (26453) ss - 53462 - - s 34265 s 2 (64235) s 23456 s s - Fourth place calls.
Contains 12 each 56s, 65s and 67890s off the front, 48 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, 7 97680s off the front, and 68 little bell rollups.
5,040 Irish Sea Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4110)23456 M V O I H (45362) s s - 35264 x 62354 - s (54326) s 2 34625 x 34256 - - x Repeat twice. - = 18; s = 1890; x = 14.
Contains 12 each 56s, 65s and 67890s off the front, 45 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, 9 97680s off the front, and 60 little bell rollups.
5,040 January Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2028)23456 W M H 42356 - 32654 - 65324 - - 64352 - - 2 36245 - - 24365 - - Repeat.
Contains 22 each 56s and 65s, and 106 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s and 48 3456s.
5,040 January Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2029)23456 W M H 42356 - 32654 - 65324 - - 32465 2 - 3 42563 - 34526 - s 46532 s - 2 25463 - - - 23456 - - 2
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s and 84 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s and 36 3456s.
5,040 January Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2030)23456 W M H 34256 a 2 62345 - - - 32465 2 a - 42563 - 56423 - a - 35462 - s 45236 s a - 23456 - - a = F, 6ths, In, In.
Contains all 24 56s, 14 65s, 48 0987s, 36 7890s off the front, 22 098765s off the front, and 121 little bell rollups including 40 each 23456s and 65432s and 48 3456s.
5,040 January Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2031)2345678 W B M H 24536 - 2 65432 - - 674523 7ths 432657 - 7ths - 3 52364 - - 35426 - - 8674523 - 4 5738264 V,F 2345678 V,F 3
5,040 Lundy Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4097)23456 M W H 42356 - 32546 2 - 54263 s s - 24365 - 3 45362 - 2 35642 2 - 23456 2 - 2
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 56 7890s off the front, 28 0987s off the front, and 96 little bell rollups.
Also true to Yorkshire Surprise, Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise, Pudsey Surprise and New Cambridge Surprise.
5,040 Lundy Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4098)23456 M W H 42356 - 52364 s s 32465 - 3 64523 - - 35426 - - 62453 - - - 34256 - - 25346 - - 43652 - - 25634 - - - 23456 2 - -
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 56 7890s off the front, 28 0987s off the front, and 74 little bell rollups, including 14 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise, Pudsey Surprise and New Cambridge Surprise.
5,040 Lundy Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4099)23456 M W H 42356 - 32546 2 - 56423 - - 2 24365 - - 25463 2 - 36452 - - - 64352 3 2 23456 - -
Contains 14 56s, 10 65s, 56 7890s off the front, 28 0987s off the front, and 121 little bell rollups including 17 65432s and 14 23456s.
Also true to Yorkshire Surprise, Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise, Pudsey Surprise and New Cambridge Surprise.
5,040 Lundy Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4100)23456 7ths M W 6ths H 45362 s s - 63452 - ss s 42356 ss s - 35426 - - 56423 - 2 24365 - - 3 62345 - 23456 s s 2
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 48 7890s off the front, 24 0987s off the front, and 92 little bell rollups.
Also true to Swindon Surprise, Superlative No.2 Surprise and New Cambridge Surprise.
5,040 Lundy Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4101)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - (24365) s s a 53462 - - (65432) - a 32564 2* s s (64523) s - a 23456 - 2 2 2* = - s. a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 15 56s, 9 65s, 21 0987s, 50 7890s off the front, 34 0987s off the front, 131 little bell rollups including 28 23456s and 24 65432s, and back rounds.
5,050 Maidstone Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8037)(615243) M W H 162534 t 43526 - - - 23465 2 s 3 65432 s - 52436 - 2 64352 a 3 35426 s s - 23456 - Start from rounds the 31st row of a lead, with the 6 the hunt bell, calling the t at Home at the second lead end, putting the treble into the hunt. t = 3456. a = 7ths,V,F,6ths.
Contains 18 65s, 27 each 7890s off the front and 8790s off the front, and 86 little bell rollups at the back.
Especially suitable for a fiftieth anniversary or similar occassion.
5,050 Maidstone Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8038)(615243) M W H 162534 t 56234 - 63254 2 52436 - - 64352 a 3 56342 - 64523 2 2 35426 - - 23456 - Start from rounds the 31st row of a lead, with the 6 the hunt bell, calling the t at Home at the second lead end, putting the treble into the hunt. t = 3456. a = 7ths,V,F,6ths.
Contains 27 each 7890s off the front and 8790s off the front, and 98 little bell rollups at the back.
Especially suitable for a fiftieth anniversary or similar occassion.
5,050 Maidstone Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 8039)(615243) M W B H 162543 t 56234 - (63542) x (46325) - 2x (36245) - - x 64523 - 2 (45362) 2 - 2x 56342 3 2 23645 - - 23456 - x 2* = t -; Start from rounds the 31st row of a lead, with the 6 the hunt bell, calling the t at Home at the second lead end, putting the treble into the hunt. t = 3456; x = 16. 2x = x x.
Contains 21 each 7890s off the front and 8790s off the front, and 80 little bell rollups at the back, and is tenors together throughout.
Especially suitable for a fiftieth anniversary or similar occassion.
5,040 Malin Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4287)23456 M W H 34256 2 56342 2 - 32465 - - 2 26543 - 2 53462 - - 2 64352 2 2 23456 - -
Contains all 24 56s, 16 65s, 42 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, and 115 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, and 10 76543s.
5,040 Malin Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4288)23456 M W H 42356 - 52364 s s 32465 - 3 26543 - 2 53462 - - 2 43652 2 - 65342 s - 23456 s - 2
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 42 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, and 101 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, and 8 76543s.
5,040 Malin Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4289)23456 M W H 42356 - 56324 - - s (24365) s - a 34625 2 - (64523) - a 43526 - 2 25634 - - (65432) - a 23456 - - - a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 16 56s, 6 65s, 42 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, 30 0987s, and 138 little bell rollups, including 40 23456s and 30 65432s.
5,200 Malin Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4290)234567890 1 2 5 7 8 9 204365879 - - 902345678 - - (7 leads) 982043657 - - 789023456 - - (7) 907823456 - - 564237890 - (8) 24365 - - 53462 - - 65432 - 34256 - - 54263 s s 62345 - - 54326 - - - 35426 - 23456 -
Contains 13 56s, 8 65s, 33 each 7890s off the front and 0987s off the front, 12 0987s, and 163 little bell rollups, including 30 23456s and 17 65432s.
5,040 Mercia Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4090)23456 M W H 34256 2 26453 - s 64352 s 2 56342 - 32465 - - 2 64523 - - 52436 s s - 43265 s s - 25364 - s 65432 - s 23456 - - -
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, and 54 little bell rollups, including 12 each 23456s and 65432s and 6 76543s.
5,040 Monkwearmouth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3072)23456 M W H 42356 - 54326 - 26543 2 - 53462 - - 2 24365 - - Repeat.
Contains 14 each 56s and 65s, 12 9680s, 56 7890s off the front, and 84 little bell rollups including 14 each 23456s and 65432s, and 7 76543s.
5,040 Monkwearmouth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3073)23456 M W H 34256 2 32546 - 2 56423 - - 2 24365 - - 3 62345 - 43526 - - 25634 - - 23456 2 - -
Contains 15 each 56s and 65s, 18 9680s, 56 7890s off the front, and 80 little bell rollups including 14 each 23456s and 65432s, and 7 76543s.
5,000 Monkwearmouth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3074)23456 M W H 34256 2 64523 2 In,V - 54263 2 - 24365 - 3 53462 - - 64352 2 2 23456 - -
Contains 15 each 56s and 65s, 9 9680s, 52 7890s off the front, and 80 little bell rollups including 14 each 23456s and 65432s, and 7 76543s.
If prefered the In,V may be replaced by a 6th place big bob Before; contains 15 each 56s and 65s, 9 9680s 56 7890s off the front, and 78 little bell rollups including 14 each 23456s and 65432s, and 7 76543s.
5,120 Monkwearmouth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3075)23456 B W H 23564 x - 43265 x - 43652 x - 43526 x - 32654 2x - 32546 x - 24365 x Repeat. x = 16. 2x = x x.
Contains 64 7890s off the front, 15 9680s, 13 each 56s and 65s, and 56 little bell rollups.
Note: not all the work.
5,200 Monkwearmouth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3076)23456 M B H 23564 x - 43652 2 x - 43526 x - 32654 2x - 32546 x - 24365 x Repeat. x = 16. 2x = x x.
Contains 64 7890s off the front, 12 each 56s, 65s and 9680s, and 72 little bell rollups, and is all the work.
5,100 Monkwearmouth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3077)(0354268179) M I,V W H 1523647890 t3,s4 24365 - 2 34625 - x - 54263 2 x - 32465 - - 63254 - 2 45236 - - - 43652 x 2 - 23456 x - 3 t = x instead of 12, s = 1256. Start with rounds the 21st row of a lead (that is, the backstrok half-lead), with the tenor the hunt bell; call the t two and a half leads later, putting the treble into the hunt, and the s at the next lead end.
Contains 16 56s, 15 65s, 10 9680s, 35 7890s off the front, and 82 little bell rollups including 14 each 23456s and 65432s.
If preferred, the I,Vs may be replaced by 6ths place big bobs Before; contains 16 56s, 15 65s, 10 9680s, 59 7890s off the front, and 84 little bell rollups including 14 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,040 North Utsire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2993)23456 W M H 42356 - 34256 3 - 62345 - - - 24365 2 3 32546 - - 45236 2 2 23456 - -
Contains 9 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 42 7890s off the front, 45 9680s, and 9 six in sixths course heads.
5,040 North Utsire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2994)23456 W M H 42356 - 53246 2 2 24536 - - 65432 - - 46253 - - 24365 - - 3 34562 - 25346 - - - 23456 - 2
Contains 9 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 42 7890s off the front, 40 9680s, and 41 little bell rollups.
5,120 North Utsire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2995)23456 W B M H 36245 2 - 34256 1 - 52436 3 - 43526 - - 32465 1 24365 - 3 - Repeat. Bobs Before are 16, other bobs are 14.
Contains 9 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, 96 7890s off the front, and 30 9680s.
5,040 North Utsire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2996)2345678 W M H 42356 - 3462587 - - s 56423 - - 2546378 - 3 s 46253 - - 24365 - - 3 25346 - - 2 23456 - 2 s = 1278.
Contains 13 56s, 7 567890s off the front, 8 657890s off the front, 30 7890s off the front, 25 9680s, and 37 little bell rollups.
5,040 Northallerton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 286)234567890 1 4 5 8 9 56432 - - s 32465 s - 3 645230987 - s s - 654237890 s s s 42356 s - - 63254 - - 25634 - - 654320987 - s s 345627890 s s s s 65243 - - 23456 - - 2
5,040 Plymouth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3837)23456 W M H 34256 2 23645 - - 64523 2 - 53462 s s - 24365 - - Repeat.
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, and 77 little bell rollups.
5,040 Plymouth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3838)23456 W M H 34256 2 24536 2 - 65432 3 - - 36452 - 3 23465 - s ss 45362 s - 23456 - - -
Contains all 24 56s, and 67 little bell rollups.
5,040 Plymouth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3839)23456 W M H 42356 - 34625 - - 24635 s ss 64523 s - 53462 s s - 23465 s ss 53624 s 2 65432 - - 25463 s s 23456 - - 2
Contains 15 each 56s and 65s, and 80 little bell rollups, including 16 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,040 Plymouth Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3840)23456 W M H 24356 a s 35426 s - 64523 - - 56423 a - 53462 - - 2 24365 s s 23465 a s 54326 s - - 23456 s ss s a = B,V,F,B.
Contains 15 7890s off the front, 101 little bell rollups, and back rounds.
5,040 Portland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3828)23456 M W H 42356 - 56234 - s s 26354 2 - 52364 - 24365 - 2 Repeat.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 14 each 567890s off the front and 657890s off the front, and 57 little bell rollups, including 20 65432s.
5,040 Portland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3829)23456 M W H 34256 2 25346 - - 36452 - - 2 52364 2 - 32465 - 3 64523 - - 32546 - - - 45236 s s 23456 - -
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 15 567890s off the front, 12 657890s off the front, and 91 little bell rollups, including 20 65432s.
5,040 Portland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3830)23456 M W H 52436 - 32465 s s 3 45263 - s 26354 s - - 64532 - 2 s 35426 s 2 2 23456 - 3
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 15 567890s off the front, 9 657890s off the front, and 98 little bell rollups, including 20 65432s.
5,040 Portland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3831)23456 M W H 34256 2 53246 - 43265 s s 3 56324 - s - 34625 s - 43526 2 2 25634 - - 23456 2 - -
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 12 567890s off the front, 8 657890s off the front, and 101 little bell rollups including 20 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,040 Portland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3832)23456 M W H 34256 2 56342 2 - 32465 - - 2 26543 - 2 53462 - - 2 64352 2 2 23456 - -
Contains all 24 56s, 16 65s, 12 567890s off the front, 4 657890s off the front, and 115 little bell rollups, including 20 each 23456s and 65432s and 10 76543s.
5,040 Portland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3833)23456 M W H 36452 - 2 54362 3 - s 62345 s - 53246 - 3 - 43265 s s 63254 s s 23456 - 3
Contains all 24 56s, 8 65s, 18 567890s off the front, 4 657890s off the front, and 66 little bell rollups.
5,040 Portland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3834)23456 T M W B H 46253 s 3 34562 s - s 32465 s - 3 24653 - s 42356 s - - 24536 s 23456 3 s 2 s = 127890.
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 18 567890s off the front, 12 657890s off the front, and 71 little bell rollups, including 20 65432s.
True to all (in course) CK and (out of course) BCDEFHK1K2N1N2OTa1a2bcdef.
5,040 Robin Hood's Bay Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 549)23456 M W H 25634 2 - - 34256 2 - 54623 - s 24365 - s 3 65342 s - 42356 s - 62534 - 2 - 23456 - 2
Contains 15 each 56s and 65s, 42 7890s off the front, 64 little bell rollups including 24 each 3456s and 6543s, and back rounds.
5,040 Robin Hood's Bay Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 550)23456 M W H 56342 - s s 43652 s s 34526 2 2 s 65423 s s 34256 s - 2 52463 s s s 42365 - 3 65234 - s s 23456 s - -
Contains 15 each 56s and 65s, 42 7890s off the front, and 78 little bell rollups including 24 each 3456s and 6543s.
5,000 Robin Hood's Bay Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 551)23456 M W H 42356 - 56234 - s s 24365 - - 2 65432 - s s 34562 s s 26543 - - - 52643 - I,V - - 32465 - 2 - 64523 - - 23456 - 2 2
Contains 15 each 56 and 65s, 39 7890s off the front, 88 little bell rollups including 24 each 3456s, 2345s and 6543s, and back rounds.
5,040 Rockall Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4149)23456 M W H 26354 2 - 53462 - - 46325 s s - 24365 - 64352 s s 25346 - - - 34256 - - 62453 - - 35426 - - - 42356 - - 63254 - - 45236 - - - 23456 - -
Contains all 24 56s, 6 65s, 42 7890s off the front, 28 8790s off the front, 70 0987s off the front, and 84 little bell rollups including 16 65432s and 10 76543s.
5,040 Rockall Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4150)23456 M W H 42356 - 35426 - - 62453 - - - 56423 - 23564 2 - 46532 - - - 53462 - - 32465 - 2 64523 - - 25346 - - 64352 - - - 23456 - -
Contains 18 56s, 13 65s, 42 7890s off the front, 28 8790s off the front, 70 0987s off the front, and 94 little bell rollups including 16 65432s, 12 23456s and 6 76543s.
5,040 Rockall Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4151)23456 M W H 45236 - - 46532 2 - 53462 - - 24365 - - 36245 - - 64523 - 2 25346 - - 64352 - - - 62453 2 - 35426 - - - 23456 -
Contains 21 56s, 12 65s, 42 7890s off the front, 28 8790s off the front, 70 0987s off the front, and 90 little bell rollups including 12 each 23456s and 65432s, and 6 76543s.
5,040 Rockall Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4152)23456 M W H 26354 2 - 45362 - - - 42563 2 - 64523 - 35426 - - 42356 - - 53624 - - 46325 - - 24365 - 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - -
Contains 7 56s, 6 65s, 42 7890s off the front, 28 8790s off the front, 70 0987s off the front, and 128 little bell rollups including 16 each 23456s and 65432s, and 10 76543s.
5,000 Rockall Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4153)23456 M W H 64352 - a 25346 - - - 46532 - 2 2 53462 - - 24365 - - 36245 - - 64523 - 2 35426 - - 23456 - a = 7ths,V,F,6ths.
Contains 13 56s, 12 65s, 36 7890s off the front, 24 8790s off the front, 60 0987s off the front, and 115 little bell rollups including 16 each 23456s and 87654s, 12 65432s and 10 76543s.
5,040 Rockall Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4154)23456 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - (24365) s 2* a 53462 - - (65432) - a 32564 2+ s s (64523) s - a 35426 - - 23456 - a = B,V,F,B. 2* = s -; 2+ = - s.
Contains 9 56s, 5 65s, 15 0987s, 48 7890s off the front, 22 8790s off the front, 64 0987s off the front, 6 0978s off the front, and 159 little bell rollups including 32 23456s, 24 65432s, and 6 76543s.
5,040 Shannon Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4143)23456 I V O 43526 - 2 62345 - - 24365 - 3 64523 - - - 34625 - 52436 - - 3 23456 - 3 Eighth place bobs.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 568790s and 658790s, 27 9680s, 4 4680s, 42 0987s off the front, and 28 each 7890s off the front and 0978s off the front.
Also true to Faeroes Delight.
5,000 Shannon Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4144)23456 M W H 42356 - 26354 - 2* s 45362 - - - 64523 2 s s 54263 2 - 43265 - 2 26435 - - 65432 - 2* s 43652 - - 54326 2 s s 23456 2 2 2* = - s. Fourth place calls.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 568790s and 658790s, 18 9680s, 7 each 23456s and 65432s, 25 0987s off the front, and 16 each 7890s off the front and 0978s off the front.
Also true to Faeroes Delight.
5,160 Shannon Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4145)23456 M W H 56432 - - s 34265 s - s 62543 s - s 54326 s - - 42356 2 Repeat twice. Fourth place calls.
Contains 12 56s and 65s, 9 each 568790s and 658790s, 39 9680s, 9 0987s off the front, and 6 each 7890s off the front and 0978s off the front.
Also true to Faeroes Delight.
5,040 Shannon Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4146)23456 M W H 53462 s s ss 62435 - - s 25436 - 2 34256 - s Repeat twice. Fourth place calls.
Contains 9 each 567890s and 658790s, 3 each 657890s and 568790s, 30 9680s, 4 4680s, 36 0987s off the front, and 24 each 7890s off the front and 0978s off the front.
Also true to Faeroes Delight.
5,040 Shannon Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4147)23456 M W H 52436 - 3 64325 - - 2* 32546 s - - 52463 s s 2* 24365 s 2 Repeat. Fourth place calls. 2* = - s.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 568790s and 658790s, 22 9680s, 4 4680s, 42 0987s off the front, and 28 each 7890s off the front and 0978s off the front.
Also true to Faeroes Delight.
5,000 Shannon Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4148)23456 M W H 34256 2 52436 2 2 54326 - 2 46325 - 2 24365 - 3 45362 - 2 52364 - 2 63254 s s 23456 - Fourth place calls.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 568790s and 658790s, 26 9680s, 4 4680s, 48 0987s off the front, and 32 each 7890s off the front and 0978s off the front.
Also true to Faeroes Delight.
5,040 Sole Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4092)23456 I V O 34256 - 25634 - 2 43526 - - 62345 - - 24365 - 3 45623 - - 2 53246 - - 2 23456 - 2 Eighth place bobs.
5,040 Sole Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4093)23456 I V O 34256 - 54632 - - - 36452 - - 25634 - - 43526 - - 25346 - - 64523 - - 43265 - - 2 26543 - 2 54326 - 2 23456 - - Eighth place bobs.
5,000 Sole Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4094)23456 W M H 24536 - 2 (53624) 2 - (65432) - - (46253) - - 32465 - - - 34625 - 2 56423 - - (45362) - - 23456 - - - Fourth place bobs.
5,160 Sole Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4095)23456 W M H 43526 2 - 65432 - - - (46253) - - 32465 - - - 34625 - 2 56423 - - (45362) - - 23456 - - - Fourth place bobs.
5,120 Sole Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4096)23456 W M H 42356 - (34625) - - (64523) 3 - (56342) - - 53462 - 2 32465 - 2 (43526) - - (53624) 3 - (45236) - 2 23456 - - Fourth place bobs.
5,040 South East Iceland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4582)23456 M W H 42356 - 65324 - - - 43526 - - 24536 - 3 54326 2 - 34256 2 - 54263 s s 64352 2* s 23456 - - 2* = - s.
Contains 70 0987s off the front including 12 098765s, 42 7890s off the front, 30 9680s, 278 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front, and back rounds.
5,040 South East Iceland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4583)23456 M W H 56234 2 - 24365 - - 5 Repeat. s = 145678. 5 = s - - s -.
Contains 11 each 567890s and 657890s, 40 0987s off the front, 30 0978s off the front, 24 7890s off the front, 18 8790s off the front, and 194 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front.
5,040 South East Iceland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4584)2345678 M W H 5643287 - - s 3246578 - - s 54263 - - 24365 - 4 Repeat. s = 123478. 4 = s - s -.
Contains 11 each 567890s and 657890s, 40 0987s off the front, 30 0978s off the front, 24 7890s off the front, 18 8790s off the front, and 202 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front.
5,040 South East Iceland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4585)23456 M W H 42356 - 32546 2 - 43526 - 46325 2 - 24365 - 63542 - - 25346 - - 23456 - 5 s = 145678. 5 = s - - s -.
Contains 12 567890s, 21 9680s, 55 0987s off the front including 10 098765s, 33 7890s off the front, 15 0978s off the front, 9 8790s off the front, 206 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front, and back rounds.
5,040 South East Iceland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison and Peter C Randall (arr) (no. 4585a)23456 M W H 42356 - 32546 2 - 43526 - 46325 2 - 24365 - 4 63542 - - 25346 - - 23456 - 2 s = 123478. 4 = s - s -.
Contains 9 567890s, 21 9680s, 60 0987s off the front including 10 098765s, 36 7890s off the front, 10 0978s off the front, 6 8790s off the front, 191 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front, and back rounds.
5,040 South East Iceland Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4586)23456 M W H 24536 - 2 43526 2 3 24365 2 s s 65342 s - 23456 s - 5 x = 145678. 5 = x - - x -.
Contains 11 567890s, 24 9680s, 55 0987s off the front including 10 098765s off the front, 33 7890s off the front, 15 0978s off the front, 9 8790s off the front, 222 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front, and back rounds.
5,040 South Utsire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3097)23456 I V O 34256 - 54632 - - - 24536 - 64235 3 - 53462 - - 43652 - 3 2 53246 - - - 23456 - 2 Eighth place bobs.
Contains 12 each 56s, 567890s off the front and 098765s off the front, 5 65s, 84 0987s off the front, 21 9680s, and 51 little bell rollups.
5,040 South Utsire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3098)23456 I V O 34256 - 52436 - - 24653 s s - 34526 - - s 64235 s - 24365 - 2 Repeat. Eighth place calls.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 567890s off the front, 657890s off the front, 098765s off the front and 098756s off the front, 84 0987s off the front, 18 9680s, and 44 little bell rollups.
5,080 South Utsire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3099)23456 M W H 24536 - 2 54326 2 - (25346) - 36452 - - 2 45362 3 - - (62453) 2 - 23456 - 2 Fourth place bobs.
Contains 14 56s, 12 each 567890s off the front and 098765s off the front, 6 65s, 86 0987s off the front, 29 9680s, and 56 little bell rollups.
5,040 South Utsire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3100)23456 M W H (54632) - - 32465 - s s (42563) - 3 (65324) - - (24356) s - (56342) s - 24365 - - - Repeat. Fourth place calls.
Contains 10 each 567890s off the front, 657890s off the front 098765s off the front and 098756s off the front, 8 each 56s and 65s, 68 0987s off the front, 12 9680s, and 52 little bell rollups.
5,040 South Utsire Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3101)23456 I M V O W H 46352 - s 34265 s s - - (65243) s - 34256 - - - 24653 - 63425 s s - 24365 s s Repeat. - = 14; s = 1890.
Contains 14 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 567890s off the front, 657890s off the front, 098765s off the front and 098756s off the front, 84 0987s off the front, 17 9680s, and 55 little bell rollups.
5,040 Thames Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3669)23456 M W H 42356 - 35426 - - 42563 s s - 64523 - 23546 - - s 65432 s - 2 Repeat.
Contains 12 56s, 10 65s, and 73 little bell rollups.
5,040 Thames Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3670)23456 M W H 42356 - 56324 - - s 34625 s - 65423 - s 32546 - s - 64253 - s - 52463 s s 24365 s 2 56342 - - - 45362 - 23564 - - 65432 - - 23456 - - -
Contains 12 56s, 11 65s and 100 little bell rollups.
5,120 Thames Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3671)234567890 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 42356 - 63254 - - 032547698 - - - (7 leads) 902345678 - - 809325476 - - (7) 789023456 - - 687093254 - - (7) 567890234 - - 354267890 s s - - (8) 56423 - 2 24365 - - ss 65432 - s s 23456 - - -
5,040 Thorverton Ford Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3051)23456 W M H 42356 - 32654 - 46325 - - - 24365 - 3 32546 - - 65324 - - - 36452 - - 3 45236 2 - 23456 - -
Contains 18 each 56s and 65s, and 84 little bell rollups.
5,040 Thorverton Ford Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3052)23456 W M H 45236 - - 62453 - - - 46325 - - 25463 - 2 - 35426 s s 43652 - - 26435 - - - 42563 - - 54326 - - 64352 s s 35264 2 - 23456 - -
Contains 14 56s, 10 65s, and 112 little bell rollups.
5,040 Thorverton Ford Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3053)23456 W M H 43652 - 65432 - - 45236 - 62453 - - - 34625 - - - 64523 - 54326 a - 36452 s s - 43265 - - 25346 s s - 63254 - - - 23456 - a = B,F,In.
Contains 19 56s, and 90 little bell rollups, including 24 23456s (21 at backstroke).
5,040 Thorverton Ford Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3054)234567 W M 7ths H 42635 - - 64523 - - 35426 a - - 674523 s s - 643527 a s s 45362 2 3 23456 - - - a = B,F,In.
Contains 118 little bell rollups, including 25 23456s (21 at backstroke) and 21 34567s (all at backstroke).
5,040 Trafalgar Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3846)23456 W M H 42356 - 35426 - - 56423 - 2 46325 - 24365 - 3 53246 - - - 24536 - - 65243 - - - 25346 - 23456 - 2
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 84 7890s off the front, and 91 little bell rollups, including 20 65432s.
5,040 Trafalgar Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3847)23456 W M H 42356 - 54326 - 3 35642 - - 46532 2 2 34562 - 3 25346 - s s 23456 - 2
Contains all 24 56s, 8 65s, 84 7890s off the front, and 92 little bell rollups, including 20 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,120 Trafalgar Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3848)23456 W M H 34256 2 62453 - - 34625 - - - 54326 2 24365 - In,V - 3 53462 - - 64352 2 2 23456 - -
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 78 7890s off the front, and 89 little bell rollups,including 20 each 23456s and 65432s.
5,040 Trafalgar Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3849)2345678 W B 7ths M H 43652 - 46532 - 2 53462 - - 32465 - 2 35264 2 - 42356 - - - 6384725 V,F 3 2345678 2 2
Contains 21 56s, 16 65s, 66 7890s off the front, 3 567890s off the front, 6 658790s off the front, and 121 little bell rollups, including 32 5678s (including 10 45678s), 20 65432s and 10 23456s.
5,040 Triton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2545)23456 M W H 45236 - - 32546 s s 43526 - 25634 - - 64352 - - 2 45362 2 3 32564 - s 54263 s - 64325 - s 23456 s s s
Contains 8 56s; 6 65s; 172 little bell rollups at the back, including 16 65432s, and 8 each 23456s and 76543s; and 108 little bell rollups at the front, inlcuding 9 23456s, 6 34567s, 4 65432s and 2 76543s.
Every course contains little bell rollups.
Also true to London No.3 Surprise, London No.1 Surprise and Metropolitan Surprise.
5,040 Triton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2546)23456 M W H 65432 - - - 32546 - s s 43526 - 3 56324 - s 32465 s - - 26543 - 2 45362 - - 3 63254 - - 23456 -
Contains 11 56s; 8 65s; 171 little bell rollups at the back, including 10 76543s, and 8 each 23456s and 65432s; and 108 little bell rollups at the front, including 9 each 23456s and 65432s, and 4 34567s.
Every course contains little bell rollups.
Also true to London No.3 Surprise, London No.1 Surprise and Metropolitan Surprise.
5,050 Triton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3181)(632451) M W H 634251 s 125346 t6ths - - 34256 - - 56342 2 - 32465 - - 2 56423 - - - 34625 - - 26543 - - 53462 - - 2 65432 - 65324 In,V - 23456 - - t = x instead of 12 across the lead-end. Start with rounds the 31st row of a lead, with the 6 the hunt bell.
Contains 11 56s, 14 65s, and 121 little bell rollups.
5,040 Triton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7723)23456 M W H 64352 - - 45362 2 42563 2 - 56423 - - 62345 - 2 43526 - - 3 25634 - - 23456 2 - -
Contains 9 56s; 8 65s; 162 little bell rollups at the back, including 10 76543s, and 8 each 23456s and 65432s; and 104 little bell rollups at the front, including 8 each 23456s and 65432s, 6 34567s and 1 76543.
Also true London No.1 Surprise, London No.2 Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, London No.4 Surprise and Metropolitan Surprise.
5,040 Triton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7723a)23456 M W H 64352 - - 45362 2 3 42563 2 - 56423 - - 62345 - 2 43526 - - 25634 - - 23456 2 - -
Contains 6 56s; 10 65s; 162 little bell rollups at the back, including 8 each 8 each 23456s, 65432s and 76543s; and 104 little bell rollups at the front, including 8 each 23456s and 65432s, 6 34567s and 1 76543.
Also true London No.1 Surprise, London No.2 Surprise, London No.3 Surprise, London No.4 Surprise and Metropolitan Surprise.
5,040 Triton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7724)23456 M W H 64352 - - 45362 2 32564 - s 54263 s - 23465 - s 65432 s - 32546 - s s 43526 - 56324 - s 34625 s - 35426 2 - 23456 -
Contains 9 56s; 8 65s; 171 little bell rollups at the back, including 10 76543s, and 8 each 23456s and 65432s; and 113 little bell rollups at the front, including 9 each 23456s and 65432s, 5 34567s and 2 76543s.
Also true London No.1 Surprise, London No.3 Surprise and Metropolitan Surprise.
5,040 Triton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7724a)23456 M W H 64352 - - 45362 2 32564 - s 54263 s - 53462 2 - 65432 - 32546 - s s 43526 - 56324 - s 34625 s - 65423 - s 23456 s -
Contains 9 56s; 10 65s; 171 little bell rollups at the back, including 10 76543s, and 8 each 23456s and 65432s; and 111 little bell rollups at the front, including 9 each 23456s and 65432s, 5 34567s and 2 76543s.
Also true London No.1 Surprise, London No.3 Surprise and Metropolitan Surprise.
5,082 Triton Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 7725)23456 M W H 45236 - - 32546 s s 43526 - 3 56324 - s 34625 s - 26543 - - 45362 - - 32564 - s 54263 s - 23465 - s 63452 s s ss (43256) -
Contains 9 56s; 8 65s; 172 little bell rollups at the back, including 16 65432s, 8 23456s and 2 76543s; and 109 little bell rollups at the front, including 10 23456s, 4 65432s, and 2 each 34567s and 76543s.
Also true London No.1 Surprise, London No.3 Surprise and Metropolitan Surprise.
5,040 Tyne Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3485)23456 V O I 35426 3 - 24536 s s 42635 - - 43526 - - - 24365 - s s Repeat. Eighth place calls.
Contains 21 each 56s and 65s, 10 67890s off the front, 70 7890s off the front, 14 8790s off the front, and 68 little bell rollups.
5,040 Tyne Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3486)23456 V O I 43652 s 2* 35426 - 3 - 54326 - 24365 s s Repeat. Eighth place calls. 2* = s -.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 10 67890s off the front, 70 7890s off the front, 14 8790s off the front, and 99 little bell rollups.
True to all (in course) CGIKL1OP2R and (out of course) EFHN2OTa2bcf.
5,040 Tyne Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3487)23456 M W H 42356 - 43526 - 2 (23564) s s 24365 2 - Repeat. Fourth place calls.
Contains 14 each 56s and 65s, 11 67890s off the front, 80 7890s off the front, 16 8790s off the front, and 87 little bell rollups.
True to all (in course) CGR and (out of course) CEK2Ta1a2be.
5,040 Tyne Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3488)23456 V O I 52436 2 34256 s s 42356 - 65234 s s 2* 32546 s s s Repeat. Eighth place calls. 2* = - s.
Contains 21 56s, 5 65s, 12 67890s off the front, 70 7890s off the front, 14 8790s off the front, and 72 little bell rollups.
5,040 Tyne Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3489)23456 M W H 24536 - 2 (63542) s 2* 32546 - 2 Repeat. Fourth place calls. 2* = s -.
Contains 19 56s, 1 65, 14 67890s off the front, 80 7890s off the front, 16 8790s off the front, and 74 little bell rollups.
5,040 Tyne Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3490)23456 V O I 35426 3 - 24536 s s 45236 - 53462 - - 34562 - 24365 - 3 62543 - - s 34625 2* - - 23456 - s s Eighth place calls. 2* = s -.
Contains 18 56s, 15 65s, 12 67890s off the front, 70 7890s off the front, 14 8790s off the front, and 92 little bell rollups.
5,000 Tyne Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3491)23456 M W H 42356 - 43526 - 2 (32546) 2 (42563) s s 24365 2 2 (64352) s s 23456 - 3 - Fourth place calls.
Contains 18 56s, 10 65s, 15 67890s off the front, 80 7890s off the front, 16 8790s off the front, and 99 little bell rollups.
5,002 Tyne Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3492)23456 M W H 42356 - 43526 - 2 (24536) - 53462 s s - (65432) - (34256) - - (54263) s s 43265 - 2 (64235) - (42536) - 2* Snap finish. Fourth place calls. 2* = - s.
Contains 17 56s, 12 65s, 14 67890s off the front, 80 7890s off the front, 16 8790s off the front, and 101 little bell rollups.
5,040 Viking Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison and Mark B Davies23456 M W H 52436 - 32465 s s (64523) - - a 35426 - - 34256 - 2 54263 s s (24365) - a 53462 - - (65432) - a 23456 - - - a = B,V,F,B.
Contains all 24 56s, 14 65s, 30 0987s, 33 7890s off the front, 9 0987s off the front, 133 little bell rollups at the back, including 30 each 23456s and 65432s, 50 little bell rollups at the front, and 381 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front.
Also true to Anglia Surprise, Dorking Surprise, Jacob's Wells Surprise, Jet Surprise and Riggwelter Surprise.
5,040 Viking Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 1653)23456 M W H 64352 - - 53462 2 2 46532 - - 32465 2 - 3 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - 3
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 42 7890s off the front, and 104 little bell rollups.
Also true to Black Sheep Surprise and White Ram Surprise.
5,040 Viking Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4227)23456 M W H 34256 2 26453 s - 43652 s 3 - 56234 - - 32465 - - 3 64523 - - 32546 - - - 45236 s s 23456 - -
Contains all 24 each 56s and 65s, 42 7890s off the front, 106 little bell rollups at the back, including 20 65432s and 15 23456s, 41 little bell rollups at the front, and 357 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front.
Also true to Jacob's Wells Surprise and Jet Surprise.
5,040 Viking Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4228)23456 M W H 42356 - 56324 - - s 34625 s 3 - 43526 2 2 25634 - - 64352 - - 2 53462 s s 65432 - 23456 - - -
Contains 16 56s; 8 65s; 42 7890s off the front; 130 little bell rollups at the back, including 20 each 23456s and 65432s, and 34 each 3456s and 6543s; 43 little bell rollups at the front; and 383 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front.
Also true to Anglia Surprise and Jacob's Wells Surprise.
5,040 Viking Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4229)23456 M W H 42356 - 52364 s s (64523) 2 - a 34256 - 2 - 54263 s s (24365) - a 53462 - - (65432) - a 23456 - - - a = B,V,F,B.
Contains all 24 56s, 14 65s, 30 0987s, 33 7890s off the front, 9 0987s off the front, 124 little bell rollups at the back, including 30 each 23456s and 65432s, 50 little bell rollups at the front, and 372 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front.
Also true to Anglia Surprise, Dorking Surprise, Jacob's Wells Surprise, Jet Surprise and Riggwelter Surprise.
5,000 Viking Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 4230)23456 M W B H 24365 s 64352 - 3* 64523 In,H,V 45236 - x s (53462) x 32546 - x 3+ 23456 In,V s - = 14; x = 16; s = 123456. 3* = s x -; 3+ = s x s.
Contains 8 each 56s and 65s, 41 7890s off the front, 174 little bell rollups at the back, 53 little bell rollups at the front, and 426 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front.
Every course contains little bell rollups.
Also true to Anglia Surprise, Black Sheep Surprise, Dorking Surprise, Jacob's Wells Surprise, Jet Surprise, Riggwelter Surprise and White Ram Surprise.
5,040 Wight Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3675)23456 O V I 54326 s s 32465 s s - 26345 2* - 64352 s - 35426 s s - 24365 s - s Repeat. Eight place calls. 2* = s -.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 9 each 567890s off the front, 657890s off the front, 098765s off the front and 098756s off the front, and 52 little bell rollups.
5,040 Wight Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3676)23456 O V I 52346 2 s 34265 s s - 63452 2 s s 24356 s s 35264 - s - 62354 - s 35246 - - - 62543 - - 45263 s s 32465 s - 64352 - s s 23456 - - Eighth place calls.
Contains 12 each 56s and 65s, 10 each 567890s off the front and 098765s off the front, 6 each 657890s off the front and 098756s off the front, and 47 little bell rollups.
5,120 Wight Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 3677)23456 O V I M W (63254) - - x 43256 s (42635) - s x 32654 s s (32645) - s x (64352) s - x (25346) s s x (64253) - s x (34256) s - x 54362 - s 24365 s Repeat. - = 18, s = 1890, x = 14.
Contains 12 each 567890s off the front, 657890s off the front, 098765s off the front and 098756s off the front, 8 each 56s and 65s, and 61 little bell rollups.
5,040 Wrotham Heath Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2276)23456 M W H 42356 - 35426 - - 26453 - - s 54362 s - s 26435 - s - 53462 - - - 24365 - - Repeat.
Contains 13 each 56s and 65s, 84 little bell rollups, and 56 7890s off the front.
5,040 Wrotham Heath Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2277)23456 M W H 65324 2* s - 24356 - - s 56342 s - 46325 s s 53624 - - 24365 - s s Repeat. 2* = - s.
Contains 122 little bell rollups including 14 each 23456s and 65432s and 48 each 3456s and 6543s, and 56 7890s off the front.
5,040 Wrotham Heath Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2278)23456 M W H 53624 2* s 24365 - s s 64523 2* s 34256 - 2 - 56342 2 - 23465 s 2+ s 65432 s - 23456 s 2+ 2* = - s; 2+ = s -.
Contains 124 little bell rollups including 14 each 23456s and 65432s and 48 each 3456s and 6543s, and 56 7890s off the front.
5,000 Wrotham Heath Delight Royal
Donald F Morrison (no. 2279)23456 M W H 53624 2* s 24365 - s s 64523 2* s 53426 - s 64352 a 56342 - 23465 s 2+ s 65432 s - 23456 s 2+ a = s7ths,V,F,6ths; 2* = - s; 2+ = s -.
Contains 154 little bell rollups including 14 each 23456s and 65432s, 48 each 3456s and 6543s and 28 7654s, and 48 7890s off the front.