5,056 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 2420)23456 B M W H 42356 - (34625) 3 a 56423 - - 25463 - 3 56234 - 3 42635 - - (63542) - a 63542 3 3 34625 - 3 23456 - 2 a = F,In.
True to lead head B and false course heads BDEKacdefYZ.
For methods starting x3x4x2x contains all 24 56s.
For methods starting x3x4x5x or x3x4x25x contains 18 56s and 4 65s.
5,088 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 2421)234567 V B W H 52436 - 375642 2 - 635742 - 235647 - 2 3 Repeat twice.
True to lead B and false course heads BCDEacdfYZ.
For methods starting x3x4x2x contains 72 combination rollups, including all 24 56s, and tittums.
For methods starting x3x4x5x contains 66 combination rollups, including 18 56s and 4 65s, and tittums.
5,088 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 2473)23456 B M W H 64523 V,F 42635 - 35264 - 2 2 25463 - 56342 2 - 23645 - - Repeat twice.
True to lead head B and false course heads BDbcdYZ.
5,120 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 3259)234567 W F H 647532 - - 426357 - 2 3 Repeat four times.
Contains queens.
True to lead B and false course heads BDKacZ.
5,056 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 4346)23456 B M W 56234 2 - 42356 3 56342 a - a 64523 - 23645 2 - 45362 2 (34256) F,3W,In (56234) a - a 63254 2 42635 - a 23456 - a = F,In.
True to lead head B and false course heads BCDKOacdfYZ.
For methods starting x3x4x2x contains all 24 each 56s, 7568s, 3456s and 5432s, and 72 or more little bell rollups.
For methods starting x3x4x5x contains 18 each 56s, 7568s, 3456s and 5432s, 5 65s, and 54 or more little bell rollups.
5,120 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 4956)23456 B W H 32564 - s 62534 s 3 35264 s s Repeat four times.
True to all lead head B and false course heads BFGacefXYZ, including Barbourne Surprise, Haselbech Surprise, Kenya Surprise, Vermont Surprise, Grafton Delight, and Misbourne Delight.
Contains 10 each 56s and 65s, and tittums, when rung to Vermont.
5,088 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 4957)23456 B M W 53426 s 24635 - - 36542 - - 56243 - 3 64532 - 34256 - s Repeat twice.
True to all lead head B and false course heads BCFGaceXYZ, including Barbourne Surprise, Haselbech Surprise, Kenya Surprise, Vermont Surprise, Grafton Delight, and Misbourne Delight.
Contains 12 5678s off the front, when rung to Vermont.
5,056 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 7522)234567 B M W H 35264 2 2 3 63254 - 52436 - - 34625 - - 26543 - - 64523 3 2 234756 - In 372546 - 426357 3 F 3 23456 2 2
True to all lead end B with false courses heads BDKNacdYZ.
True to Axminster Surprise.
5,120 (5,100) Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 7632)23456 W H 52436 - 64352 V,F 56342 - 3 Repeat four times.
True to all all BDKacdYZ.
Also true to September Delight, and, with length 5,100, to Julie McDonnell Alliance.
5,088 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 8005)234567 V B W H 42635 x 234756 In 372546 - 352647 2 - x 56423 - F 2* 42356 - x Repeat twice. - = 14; x = 16. 2* = x -.
True to lead head B and false course heads BCDKOacdefYZ.
For Cambridge above methods contains 18 each 56s, 8765s and 7568s; for Dereham above methods contains all 24 each 56s, 8765s and 7568s.
5,088 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 8006)234567 V M W F I H (357264) s 524736 - 3* s 463257 - - x (46325) x 34625 x x - (376452) - x 376452 x x (562347) x - 56234 x x 42356 - - Repeat twice. - = 14; x = 18; s = 1456. 3* = s s -.
True to lead head B and false course heads BDEKOcdYZ.
For Cambridge above methods contains 18 each 56s and 8765s; for Dereham above methods contains all 24 each 56s and 8765s.
5,120 Treble Dodging Major
Donald F Morrison (no. 8619)234567 F B H 647253 - 476253 x 563427 - 3 Repeat four times. x = 16.
True to lead head A and false course heads BDEKacdefYZ.