480 Double Grandsire Doubles
Donald F Morrison (no. 3407)2345 2453 5423 s 5234 3254 s 2534 - 3524 s 3245 4235 s Repeat five times, calling - for s half-way and end. Ordinary Grandsire calls.
Contains every row twice each at hand and back.
480 Double Grandsire Doubles
Donald F Morrison (no. 3408)2345 2453 5423 s 5234 2354 - 3524 - 2534 s 2345 3425 - Repeat five times, calling s for - half-way and end. Ordinary Grandsire calls.
Contains every row twice each at hand and back.
720 Grandsire Doubles
Donald F Morrison (no. 2157)2345 s 3524 3 s 5432 3 - 2453 3 - 3425 3 Six part, calling s for - halfway and end.
Contains every row three times each at handstroke and at backstroke.
Published in A Collection of Grandsire Compositions (2004).
Rung at Great Barton on 28 July 2013, conducted by Alex W Tatlow.
360 (189) Plain Bob Doubles
Donald F Morrison (no. 2290)2345 - 3542 2 - 4352 4 - 5432 4 - 4235 2 three part
Reduce to 189 by stopping at the treble's next handstroke lead after the second bob in the second part.
For a very regular quarter of 1269 call three 360s followed by 189.
720 Variable Cover Plain Bob Doubles
Donald F Morrison (no. 3754)123456 x 315264 1 x 536142 1 x 654321 1 x 462513 1 x 241635 1 - 241365 1 - 234165 4 - 213465 4 x 421653 2 - 421563 1 - 452163 4 - 415263 4 x 642531 2 - 623541 2 - 652341 4 - 635241 4 x 564312 1 - 564132 1 - 516432 4 - 541632 4 x 356124 2 - 362154 2 - 316254 4 - 321654 4 x 135246 1 - 142356 3 - 134256 4 - 123456 4 x = place notation 'x' instead of 1256 across the lead end.
720 Variable Cover Plain Bob Doubles
Donald F Morrison (no. 3755)123456 135246 154326 x 412563 426153 465213 - 465123 452613 - 452163 426513 461253 - 461523 x 142635 - 142365 x 216453 x 625134 653214 631524 612354 x 265143 254613 x 421536 x 143265 - 143625 x 312456 Repeat twice. x = place notation 'x' instead of 1256 across the lead end.
720 Variable Cover Plain Bob Doubles
Donald F Morrison (no. 3756)123456 x 315264 x 536142 564312 541632 513462 - 513642 534162 546312 561432 x 153624 x 312546 x 234165 - 234615 x 421356 x 145263 156423 x 612534 - 612354 x 265143 254613 x 421536 x 143265 - 143625 x 312456 Repeat twice. x = place notation 'x' instead of 1256 across the lead end.
720 Variable Cover Plain Bob Doubles
Donald F Morrison (no. 3757)123456 s 135264 - 135624 152364 126534 s 163245 134625 142365 126435 s 163254 - 163524 132654 125364 156234 - 156324 162534 123654 s 135246 x 654321 642531 623451 635241 x 154326 142536 - 142356 Repeat twice. s = place notation 12 instead of 1256 across the lead end; x = place notation 'x' instead of 56 accross the half-lead.
720 Erin Doubles
Donald F Morrison (no. 2289)12345 24153 s 45213 (s)51423 s 12543 24135 43251 35412 s 51342 14523 42135 23451 s 35241 54312 41523 12435 23154 s 35214 s 51324 s 12534 23145 six part omit (s) from parts 3 and 6
Singles made as in Stedman Doubles.
Each of the 120 rows appears once in each of the six possible locations within a six.
Rung in hand at Fairwarp (Christ Church) on 24 October 2020, conducted by Stephen J Beckingham.
1,440 (1,260) Stedman Doubles
Donald F Morrison (no. 2291)23145 2 6 8 4321 s* (s 2431 s s 2341 s 1234 s s) s six part omit s* from parts 1 and 4
Contains every row once in each of the twelve possible positions in a division.
Reduce to a quarter peal of 1260 by omitting parenthesized calls and courses from one part.
240 Spliced Doubles (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2734)12345 12354 s10 Stedman (10 sixes) 3254 2.4.s6 Grandsire (6 leads) Repeat.
Changes of method into and out of Stedman are made in the middle of a quick six.
360 Spliced Bob Doubles (2 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 2789)2345 Plain Bob 3524 Plain Bob 5432 Plain Bob 4253 Grandsire 4325 Grandsire - 2543 Plain Bob - 2534 Grandsire 2453 Grandsire 2345 Grandsire - 4523 Plain Bob - 4532 Grandsire 4253 Plain Bob - 4235 Repeat twice.