Don Morrison’s Peal Compositions of Other Cinques

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5,148 Double Norwich Court Bob Cinques

Donald F Morrison (no. 4792)
234567890E  1   9
2345678E90  -   6
23456789E0  3*  6
234567809E  -   6
234567890E  s   6
6 = s - - s - -;
3* = - s -.
Bob is place notation 9 intead of E as the treble hunts 1 to 2;
single is 90E instead of E as the treble hunts 1 to 2.

Note that the 2 remains undisturbed as the hunt bell throughout.

5,148 Double Norwich Court Bob Cinques

Donald F Morrison (no. 4792a)
234567890E  1   9
2354678E90  -   3*
23546789E0  s   3
235467809E  -   3
235467890E  s   3
2345678E90  -   3*
23456789E0  3*  3
234567809E  -   3
234567890E  s   3
3* = - s -.
Bob is place notation 9 intead of E as the treble hunts 1 to 2;
single is 90E instead of E as the treble hunts 1 to 2.

Note that the 2 remains undisturbed as the hunt bell throughout.

5,037 Double Norwich Court Bob Cinques

Donald F Morrison (no. 4793)
234567890E  1  2  3  4  5
3426587          (a)     
234            s     s   ╮
423            s     s   │
324                  s   │A
432            s     s   │
243            s     s   ╯
2436587E90  -     s     s
342               A
34265879E0  -           s
243               A
243658709E  -     s     s
342               A      
Round at handstroke two leads later.
(a) = 2.5.s7.s10.s12.s14.s17.s18  (20 leads)
Bob is place notation 3 instead of 5 as the treble hunts 2 to 1;
single is 345 instead of 5 as the treble hunts 2 to 1.

5,147 Double Norwich Court Bob Cinques

Donald F Morrison (no. 4794)
234567890E  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
53462       s  s     -
23465       s
2436587     s1.4.s5.s6.s7.s8.9.s10   (10 leads)
342                              5
2436587E90  s  -  -  -  -  s  -  s    (8)
342                              5
24365879E0  s  -  -  -  -  s  -  -    (8)
342                              5
243658709E  s  -  -  -  -  s  -  s    (8)
342                              5
Round at handstroke two leads later.
5 = - - s - -.
Calls are those conventional for Double Norwich at odd stages:
bob is place notation 3 instead of 1 as the treble hunts 4 to 5;
single is 123 instead of 1 as the treble hunts 4 to 5.

5,081 Double Norwich Court Bob Cinques

Donald F Morrison (no. 4794a)
234567890E    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
2436587                (a)
342                                5
2436587E90    s  -  -  -  -  s  -  s    (8 leads)
54362         s
34265         s                    5
24365879E0    s  -  -  -  -  s  -  -    (8)
342                                5
243658709E    s  -  -  -  -  s  -  s    (8)
342                                5
Round at handstroke two leads later.
(a) = 1.2.3.s5. (16 leads)
5 = - - s - -.
Calls are those conventional for Double Norwich at odd stages:
bob is place notation 3 instead of 1 as the treble hunts 4 to 5;
single is 123 instead of 1 as the treble hunts 4 to 5.

5,015 Double Norwich Court Bob Cinques

Donald F Morrison (no. 4795)
234567890E  6   8
2435678E90   (a) 
432             2 ╮
342         s   3 ╯A
243568709E   (b)
342           A
2436587E90   (c)
342           A
243658709E   (d)
342           A  
Round at handstroke two leads later.
(a) =              (8 leads)
(b) = 1.4.s5.s6.s7.s8.s9.10          (10)
(c) = 6.8.s9.             (18)
(d) = 1.s2.s3.s4.s5.s6.s7.s8.s9.10   (10)
Calls are those conventional for Double Norwich at odd stages:
bob is place notation 3 instead of 1 as the treble hunts 4 to 5;
single is 123 instead of 1 as the treble hunts 4 to 5.
Rung at London (St Magnus) on 21 January 2012, conducted by Simon S Meyer.

5,016 Erin Cinques

Donald F Morrison (no. 3366)
1234567890E  1  5  6  7  8 
56341278E90  -  s        s  ╮
123456          s        s  │
532416789E0  s  -  -        │
42351              -  -     │A
53124           -     -     │
21435           -     -*    ╯
54132           -  -        ╮
31452              -  -     │
54213           -     -     │B
14325           -     s     ╯
32145             2B
2341567890E        A
34125              B
412356789E0        A*
12345              B       
A* = A, calling s for -*.

5,009 Spliced Cinques (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 465)
2314567890E  1  2  6  7  13  15  18
24135678E90  -                    s   Stedman
3241               s  -               Erin    ╮
1324               s  -               Erin    │
4132               s  -               Erin    │
4231                              s   Stedman │A
1423               s  -               Erin    │
3142               s  -               Erin    │
2314               s  -               Erin    ╯
3142567809E          (a)              Stedman
3241                  A            
31425687E90     -         s   s   s   Stedman ╮
3241                  A                       │
3142568709E     -             s   s   Stedman │B
3241                  A                       ╯
12436578E90          (b)              Stedman
1342                  A
1243657809E     -             s   s   Stedman
3124               s  -               Erin
3421                              s   Stedman
1342               s  -               Erin
1342658709E           B            
Round three blows later.
(a) =   (20 sixes)
(b) = 2.s3.

Contains 2,907 Erin and 2,102 Stedman, with 31 changes of principle and all the work of both principles for every bell.

Rung, rotated to start and end two blows later, at Kidderminster on 12 January 2008, conducted by Bernard H Taylor.

5,087 Spliced Cinques (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison and Bernard H Taylor (no. 465a)
1234567890E  1  2  6  7  13  15  18
41235678E90  -     s  -                Erin
3412               s  -                Erin
3214                              s    Stedman
4321               s  -                Erin
1432               s  -                Erin
2143               s  -                Erin
2341567809E     -             s   s    Stedman       |
1234               s  -                Erin     ╮    ╮
4123               s  -                Erin     │    │
3412               s  -                Erin     │    │
3214                              s    Stedman  │A   │
4321               s  -                Erin     │    │B
1432               s  -                Erin     │    │
2143               s  -                Erin     ╯    ╯
23415687E90     -         s   s   s    Stedman       ╮
2143                  A                              │
2341568709E     -             s   s    Stedman       │
2143                  A                              ╯
31426578E90          (a)               Stedman
3241                  A
3241658709E           B            
Round five blows later.
(a) = 2.s3.

Contains 3,107 Erin and 1,980 Stedman, with 30 changes of principle and all the work of both principles for every bell.

5,015 Spliced Cinques (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 466)
1234567890E  1  6  7
43215678E90  -  -  -   Erin
1432            s  -   Erin ╮
2143            s  -   Erin │
3214            s  -   Erin │
4123            -  -   Erin │A
3412            s  -   Erin │
2341            s  -   Erin │
1234            s  -   Erin ╯
1423567809E    (a)     Stedman
3241            A
14235687E90    (b)     Stedman
3241            A
123456E9780    (c)     Stedman
1423568709E    (d)     Stedman
3241            A
43216578E90    (e)     Stedman
1234            A
35179E24680    (f)     Stedman
4321657809E    (g)     Stedman
1234            A
43216587E90    (b)     Stedman
1234            A
1423658709E    (h)     Stedman
3241            A   
Round five blows later
(a) = 1.s13.18.22
(b) =                 (20 sixes)
(c) = s5.s8.   (26)
(d) = 1.2.3.s8.s12.18.21
(e) =     (28)
(f) = 4.5.9.s12.s17.             (26)
(g) = 1.3.4.s6.9.s11.s13.15.s17.18.s22            (24)
(h) =                      (20)

Contains 3,767 Erin and 1,248 Stedman, with 14 changes of principle and all the work of both principles for every bell.

5,280 (5,060) Spliced Bob Cinques (5 methods)

Donald F Morrison and Barry F Peachey (arr)
23456   M  H  Methods          
52436   -     Pn.NsShHcCpPcChHsSnNp
34526   -  s  Pn.NsShHcCpPcChHsSnNp.
35426      s  PnNsShHcCpPcChHsSnNp.
42356   -  -  Pn.NsShHcCpPcChHsSnNp.
6 part, calling single halfway and end.

Contains 1056 Canterbury Pleasure Bob, Crazy Horse Bob(S/s), Hunslet Bob, Nempnett Bob, Plain Bob, with 229 changes of method. Changes of method are at the half-lead. Uppercase letters indicate the first half-lead, lowercase the second half-lead.